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Double Gender Jeopardy

Double Gender Jeopardy


(PLAYERS WANTED!) Viel High is taking in special students with a special condition as part of the 'Etat Tiers' Project, helping them to adjust to their bodies. Tell me: Do you 'Flicker?'

2,097 readers have visited Double Gender Jeopardy since JayZeroSnake created it.


(Be Sure To Read the Rules First!)



It was an affliction that had been around for decades. Stories of mythology and such had written stories of it. Something that affected the gender of a person on the highest scale. It'd come to be known as the 'Flickering' Condition. The Flickering Condition is considered by most, the attempt of the body to alter itself, or offspring to have increased health, physical and mental improvement as a human. Unfortunately, this 'superiority' is achieved by becoming the opposite gender to some degree, usually 'flickering' between genders, as how the commonly known 'Type A' original variation of Flickering does.

Flickering can happen anywhere at anytime, though in recent decades, Russia, France, and Japan have been noted to have more infected people than any other area. Various governments try not to shine too much light on these afflicted people, attempting to keep them being seen as members of normal society. High Schools have been working on projects to help the 'Flickers' live among others while managing themselves and their unpredictable bodies. They've given it the title of 'Etat Tiers,' Or 'Third State' Project. One of the notable places to take advantage of this is Viel Island, and its prestigious 'beachside' education, namely at Nouveau High School, which undertakes the task of helping these young people enjoy their lives, no matter what tries to get in their way, their status as 'Flickers' and the thoughts of some not very accepting people, finding true love, and graduating, learning about themselves as they undergo a cycle of transformation, nicknamed 'Maturing.' They'll make friends with other young people, both those with the same strain, and those without it.

Sure, they'll get a little confused about sexual orientation, whether they want to be their old base gender again, or stay in this new one, some feeling it was a correction by the gods above. And they also get a couple other genes re-written, maybe throw a psychic, or an animal-person into the fray. Would make for some interesting cat-fights, even though it's apart of the whole 'evolution of humans' thing. Still, Mutant powers like that are kinda cool, you've really got to admit.




Stuff to know about 'Flickering':

The alternate gender tends to also be greatly superior to the base gender somehow, whether it be more skill in certain areas the other could not previously do well in, etc., as per the original desire of the body, or parents' bodies to create superior offspring. The alternate gender is also heavily attractive as opposed to the original form.


Type A: -Random Flickering-

Type A Flickering is the original, and most basic form of the disease. People are generally born with it, and the only early symptom that may or may not appear is a feminine appearance on a male (Ex. Bishonen), with no other obvious signs (girls get none at all, for the rare ones with this disease) . Somewhere along the line, generally their time of maturing, they can change into the opposite gender in a transformation that takes a few moments, the Flicker experiencing and feeling the entire 'ride.' Transformations of Type A come at random.

Most tend not to reveal themselves at this point, but rather to attempt double lives. Males affected by Type A that wish to remain male or female after the end of the maturing process have various options, Otherwise, even after the maturing process, the transformation can last the rest of their lives if it can.

Lastly, in terms of Flicker Powers, they can only access it in their alternate gender rather than base. The strength of their ability ranks in the middle..


Type B: -Manipulated Flickering-

This Flickering type is triggered by certain events rather than occurring at random, the trigger being anything from certain foods, high or low temperatures, certain physical actions, etc. Despite being called 'Manipulated' Flickering, it really still can be as difficult to control as Type A. Flickers of Type B must be very conscious of their surroundings, always keeping an eye out for something that could potentially change them

Type B's have the weakest power strength, but to make up for it, the most control.


Type C: -Controlled Flickering-

Considered the worst type of flickering. The flicker can activate the alternate gender at will, although there still are times where there are random transformations. However, as a cost, the time in the alternate gender is significantly, extremely long, and must be waited out. This tends to bother flickers on multiple levels, most of all, psychologically…Flickers of this type are rare, and require the most work to keep their condition a secret from others.

Type C Flickers have the strongest power strength, but the least amount of control.


Flicker Powers: A Flicker can only have one of these at a time. Each comes with sub-abilities that are earned later as the characters progress.

1. Companion: The Alternate gender can summon a small creature, like a bird, fish, mouse, anything not too large. The companion will not trust the base gender unless it is an emergency. The companion is capable of performing amazing feats that only a larger creature could accomplish, oddly enough...

-1A. Zoan: An ability in which the user becomes part animal, like a Neko Catgirl, and gains abilities related to that animal. Good for those who prefer physical based power. The transformation into one's Zoan form is like 'going super saiyan.'

2. ESP:

Psychic Powers. The basic Flicker ESP includes-


Mind Control (This is conducted similar to an RP fight: the player whose mind is to be read will determine whether or not you've successfully gotten into their mind.)

and lastly…MULTIPLE VISIONS! (Night Vision, Thermal Vision, X-Ray Vision, and…wait for it…HEAT VISION!…use that last one sparingly.)

-2A. Psi Energy: Psi energy can be activated for latent powers like Energy Constructs non-lethal Psi light blasts, and temporary shields.

3. Phantasma:

Classified as the ability to make one's self like that of a ghost through molecule manipulation. Includes the ability to phase through solid objects, and become invisible.

- Supernatural Offense: Allows for use of 'Ecto' Energy, which can be used for Multiple types of Ectoplasm, such as sticky, slippery, and Cold Flames


Of course, this is just a taste of the abilities. (you can suggest other powers. If they're okay, I'll accept them with your sheet.)



Non-Flicker Skills and abilities: For those without the disease, or those with it, that just happen to have the skill. These are optional!

1. Tricks: You're a Prankster at heart, so you have a wide arsenal for you to cause other people to suffer for your amusement.

-Traps (As this this RP didn't have enough of them): You've got new pranks. They're slightly deadlier though, using non-lethal attacks.

2. Gadgets: You know how to use technology well, and have a few cool things you made, like Stealth Radars, or maybe a working grappling hook.

- Special Weapons: You've made a couple cool tools, like a dart gun with a powerful, homemade tranquilizer, or maybe a freeze ray that lasts a couple hours.

3. Martial Arts: You have trained long and hard in mind and body. Your unarmed skills are mighty, allowing you to counter attacks, use sophisticated strikes, all with a mix of strength, speed, and skill.

- Chi: Can't shoot energy blasts, but it still lets your body perform great physical feats, from great agility to breaking stone with your bare hands. One's reserve of chi is limited to a certain amount,


Note: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PLAY A FLICKER! feel free to be normal!

Character Sheet Requirements:

Gender [Both Base Gender and the one you become, unless you're not a flicker.]
Flicker Type (A, B, C, Or Non-Flicker)
Age (preferably 16-18)
Appearance (For All forms, male, female, and if you have that power, Zoan form.)



Flicker Power (Put 'None' if you aren't a Flicker.)

Non-Flicker Ability (Optional)


Fun Facts
Theme Song
Crush(s): (can be altered at any time. Does not determine lover though.)


Toggle Rules

1. No Godmodding

2. Type at least 200 words per post, more words is okay, if you want to type more.

3. There will be no detailed scenes of sex or too explicitly described nudity.

4. Refrain from killing characters. At the most, serious injuries are okay.

5. Only one Flicker Power per Flicker. Everyone is allowed ONE Non-Flicker Skill.

6. You don't actually need to be a Flicker. Non-Flickers DO get abilities too.

That's all for right now.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors


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Rex found as he walked that Ashe had yet to acknowledge his presence. To get his attention he said, "You know... We're in a school setting, so I think you should come with me and go to the school building so we're not late. The teachers would be mad you know."

He really wondered why Ashe was wandering away from the school. Rex only had initially because he'd had a headache, still didn't exactly know where the school building or nurse's office was on their campus, and, like Tyler, did not know when classes started. Thus he'd come down to wandering around the school grounds blindly and without much guidance. He decided to leave Ashe and turned away from him and began to walk away. At this rate he might be late, no he was late and there was nothing he could do about it except say he'd not been able to find the building so easily or his living quarters. Actually, now he as he walked he wondered about them because not much had been said about them. He expected they'd be living on the campus as he came back to the area where he'd previously been.


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She finally gives in and follows Tyler in silence throught the school. Her breasts are bobbing everywhere in her tight skimpy white striped pink bikini When they walking through the halls they came upon a wet Zeke. "He is kind of hot all wet and muscular like that. I might want some of that later" She smiles at him and says, "My name is Kylie and yours? And would you be kind and help me and Tyler here with finding out when class starts. Because this missy over here wants to be on time" From the constant hugging of Tyler and her breasts being so big and her bikini so small it breaks snapping in half and falls on top of Tyler's head. Kylie looks down wide-eyed and screams covering herself. She looks side to side finding somewhere she can hide and take care of this.

She turns and sees the door that Zeke just came out of and runs into their to get away from the embarassment. When she closes the door she is hit by the steam of the hot showers. Blind she walks around until she hits something that feels like skin. She looks up and sees a suprised boy naked showering. She screams louder than before and runs for the door back into the hallway.


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Character Portrait: Ashe Celeste Character Portrait: Rex Daniels
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Bryte Island had some nice scenery to it. This trail would be a nice place to lounge on the weekends; much more relaxing than the beach, if not only to Ashe.

Second set of footsteps following his own. Hit the nail on the head. But it didn't take long before the guy talked again. "You know... we're in a school setting." Rex didn't want to be late, and frankly, Ashe silently agreed and followed behind when Rex turned back to the school.

"So," Ashe asked as he caught up, "why's your name so pointless, Lavender? Or would you prefer to be called something else...?" His voice matched his effeminate body rather well; it was soft, and a mixed American-British accent gave it decent clarity. He added his own name after a moment of silence. "Ashe."

They were back in the lot now, and Ashe opened up one of the doors to go inside. He felt like popping a Fireball, letting his other half have some fun. Maybe let her go to class in his stead and just have her leave a note with their class schedule. A note... I'm an idiot, why'd I never think of that?

Memories may have been blurry, but Ashe could write a note and Celeste would see it, and vice versa. And classes; he needed to find wherever he was going to stay while he was here. And now he was drifting off in his thoughts again. He set the worries and ideas aside, opting for listening to anything the guy next to him had left to say.


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"Is the word Ashe supposed to be your name or something?" Rex asked as he looked towards Ashe with stern light green eyes. He watched him open the door and step inside the school building, "If it is then my name's Rex. That's why I pretty much have this nasty attitude towards everyone here. I'm related to the Tyrannosaurus Rex after all."

Rex followed him inside and said, "I'll have you know since you're throwing around my other name that I'm definitely a flicker. I don't like it one bit though. Lavender never remembers she's me when I transform into her, but I suppose that's thanks to the huge amount of energy she gains amount transformation, mentally and physically. I don't suppose you're a flicker too? It's almost like this school was made for them."

Rex smirked and said, "I'll be going now. I feel like coming to class as the gender I put on my application. I'll see you in class but probably won't remember you though." Rex placed his left hand on his belly and gently rubbed it quickly turning Lavender right in Ashe's presence.

Lavender blinked before realizing she was standing in front of Ashe. She looked down and saw she was wearing jeans and a t-shirt and inside the confines of a school building. She could have sworn she was at a beach, though or nearby one earlier. I must have left the beach, Kylie and Tyler and changed without realizing it. She thought to herself.

In front of her was an effeminate boy with grey white hair and a two different colored eyes, one violet and the other green. He looked somewhat pleasant so Lavender introduced herself quickly, "I'm Lavender Queen-Heart and you are?"


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Tyler now covering Kylie with one of Tom's shirts that was in her bag running through the halls. "Wow way to go Kylie running into the male showers come on your bag is in your car. You must have a shirt there" Nearing the front door Tyler sees Lavender she calls out "Lavender!! I need your towel Kylie broke her top and this shirt is too small!!" Taking the towel and wraping it around Kylie saying to Ashe "We'll be right back"

Once they reached the car Tyler said," Ok Kylie get changed so we can get to class on time. Ugh this would be so much easier if you didn't have such a small bikini on." As Kylie changed Tyler turned to Lavender aquardly she said "Hey it looked like you were flirting with that guy back there...... Well were you?"


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Ashe almost chuckled at Rex's joke. And the former was right: they can at least somewhat relate, concerning memories. "I don't suppose," Rex asked, "you're a Flicker, too? It's almost like this school was made for them."

"Not like I got a say in whether I was sent here or not anyways," Ashe answered, half-sarcastically despite the fact it was true.

"I'll be going now. I feel like coming to class as the gender I put on my application." He said that he wouldn't remember him, nor himself. Then he rubbed his belly, turning into a girl right in front of Ashe. Rex's short gray hair turned a golden blonde and grew out even longer than Ashe's. His eyes went from green to a bright and lively blue, and he-- she was immediately confused.

She seriously didn't remember a thing about being Rex; amazing. She stared at the young man in front of her and introduced herself as if they'd never met before. With how Rex described things, it was exactly that. "I'm Lavender Queen-Heart, and you are?"

He couldn't help but crack a soft smile. "Ashe." The introductions were shortly interrupted by the girl from before and... her... half-naked friend.... Either way, Ashe's new acquaintance was dragged off. Oh well, he thought. Perfect time to see if that note thing was a good idea after all. He needed a way to talk with his other half, even if the method was considerably primitive.

Then, as if it were something totally normal, Ashe casually walked into the nearest girls' bathroom and locked it behind him; he didn't seem to care who saw him going in. Then he reached into his bag, pulling out a mini-notepad and pen, along with a single-wrapped Atomic Fireball which he stuck in his mouth right away. He really used to each them so much that his saliva adapted, and they were halfway dissolved after ten seconds on a good day. As he was sucking on it, he wrote a rushed message to his other half and put it in one of his pockets.

"Make sure to figure out the living arrangements here. And remember the name 'Lavender Queen-Heart'. If you understand this, leave another note.

- Ashe"

Barely enough time to put the notepad away, and the spicy jawbreaker was already gone.


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Character Portrait: Kevin Van Ryan Character Portrait: Rex Daniels Character Portrait: Tyler Murphy
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"Hey, hey, hey!" Lavender cried as she was led away from by Tyler. She saw needed Kylie needed a towel so she took one from her bag and handed to it to Tyler who helped her with the matter. Calming down, Lavender said, "I wasn't flirting with that kid I just so we just met a second ago. I don't even know his name yet, so I was introducing myself to him. He doesn't look too bad though for a guy, but I'm not interested in him."

Lavender turned around and leaned against the car door. She figured that while Kylie was messing with clothes she'd have to keep an eye on things and make sure no one was watching them. It almost made them seem like a suspicious group or cliche she believed. Lavender certainly wasn't ready to extend their friendship that far yet though considering that this was only supposed to be the first day of school. There was a lot she did not know about Kylie or Tyler still, and she still did not know a lot about the school, teachers, or classes at the moment. It was rather a baffling place.


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A while passed and Ali soon found herself bored of the water. No, she was just bored in general. Swimming to shore, she began squeezing the salt water from her hair before making her way over to her bag.

She took no interest in the others around her, well... maybe she caught a glance at the males. Grabbing her cover-up, a simple black sun-dress that blended well to the bikini, she made her way back inside.


The girl froze as she walked in, smiling innocently up to an older gentleman.

"Yes, Mr. Office Man?" She asked, tilting her head. Oh crap... She thought. Busted.

"Your mother dropped a package off for you." The man sighed, reaching under the office's counter to produce a bag of randomly assorted "Jelly Belly" brand jelly beans. "As well as a note."

Smiling, Ali nodded. Thanks mom, I owe you. Grabbing the bag of jelly beans, she placed them in her bag and took off for the bathroom. Walking into the males shower room, she strode with pride. Ofcoarse, it was a quick stride. Locking herself in one of the few stalls, she quickly shed her bathing suit and got dressed in her 'normal' clothes. Picking up the bag of jelly beans, she blinked as she read the note.

Idiot - Mom.

Staring at it for a moment, she sighed as she ripped it up and took out five jelly beans. The little red beans stared up at her mockingly. Poping a bean into her mouth, she sighed as she swallowed them.


And she was now a he again. Quickly, he began to pull on his clothes; hidden behind the locked door.


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Character Portrait: Ashe Celeste
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Ashe's hair darkened from the scalp down, going almost entirely black save an inch or so at the end of each strand, which remained its normal grayish-white. He could see it happening in the mirror next to him. His eyes' colors alternated with one another, fading his left eye to green and his right to violet. Then he could feel his chest expanding and a separate notable body part being replaced by another, but the only thing he worried about was that it was almost entirely painless, like a growth spurt in a kid. All this happened in just a matter of seconds, and Ashe closed his eyes. His personality was the last to go, swapping itself out for another.


And Celeste had a bit of a headache. It was normal for them, and disappeared pretty quickly. Everything that happened in the past few days felt like a (long) dream, but when she opened her eyes her senses were instantly cleared up. Everything that happened really did, she knew it, but it was too blurry to remember thoroughly. Celeste did, however, remember the last thing that happened and went to checking her pockets. When she found the notepad, she opened it up and flipped through a few drawings before finding the message. It said to remember someone.

Lavender, Lavender.... She had to think about it for a bit; at least the recent interaction made it easier to memorize. That Flicker you met just a bit ago, right. Celeste flipped to the next page over and wrote a note back to her counterpart.

"It worked. But why did you want me to remember who Lavender was?" She'd probably have figured it out soon enough, so she crossed out the second sentence.

Then Celeste put the notepad back in her pocket for later, picking up her bags and leaving the bathroom. She didn't want to turn back to Ashe, yet. She looked around for a moment, and saw a girl rushing into the boys' room nearby.


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Kylie runs behind Tyler holding the small shirt over her bouncing breasts as she runs behind her. She can't believe that her top snap in half. Even though she may act sexual and so sure of herself, but deep down she is a little girl inside. When that happen her little girl side came out and she started to panic. Now she was starting to calm down a little at a time and stops the yelling and the tears. As they ran by Lavender and Tyler brought her along she took the blanket and was able to cover her entire breasts now.

When they get to Kevin's car she runs to the backseat door and opens it. Once it is open she slides into the seat and closes it abruptly. When that door closes she slaps her head and says, "You idiot you shouldn't have panic. Damn it" She frowns and grabs the shirt that Kevin threw into the car earlier that day. She puts it on because she forgot to put a bra in the car earlier today. After she puts on the shirt she pushes the down button and the window slides down. She sticks her head out and asks for Tyler to come in and help her.


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Outside the car Lavender hears Kylie scurrying around inside the car and also hears one of the car windows coming down. She turns around and pops around the side, looking at Kylie as she places her hands on the rim of the car widow. "I can't help but notice you need some help. Do you want me to help you Kylie? I can help you with whatever you need real quick." Lavender offered, "Just out of curiosity did this all happen by accident or did someone pull a prank on you today."

Lavender was very curious because although she'd probably not pound the culprit into the ground she'd at least give them a piece of her mind on what happened with Kylie. At the moment though, it was a little hard to tell what had happened to Kylie since Lavender had not been there to witness what happened. She leaned against the car and waited for Kylie's answer really hoping that everything that had happened to her had been a simple accident.


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Tyler surpised by Kylie's question says," O..ok I'll help you. Lavender its my fault this happened I was resting my head in her breasts and my adoring was too much for the little top to handle. ... they just feel so good hehe" Tyler then opens the door and gets inside, "Hey Kylie look here" as Kylie turns around naked Tyler snaps a pic of her with her phone. Giggling she says," Ha I found my new wallpaper for my phone!"

Then looking around the car Tyler says," You forgot to pack a bra didn't you jezz now you have Three choices, one go bra-less, two find someone with a extra bra for you to wear, or turn back into Kevin. But I don't realy care which one you pick because I have a new wallpaper to love and adore." Tyler then roles down the window and says to Lavender," Hey do you want to see Kylie's naked chest? And why did you ask if it was a prank did someone prank you today?"


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Character Portrait: Kevin Van Ryan Character Portrait: Rex Daniels Character Portrait: Tyler Murphy
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Lavender gawked at Tyler for a moment who surprised her slightly by rolling down the window and asking a strange question, but Lavender quickly answered after regaining her composure, "I wouldn't mind taking a look at Kylie's nice body, but only after we go to class, and only if Kylie tells me the secret to how she got it after she shows me it. I know there's got to be one since all the other girls I've seen running around have more..." She stepped back from the car and touched her chest with her hands to show what she meant pushing her breasts up slightly as she did. "Anyway, I only thought what happened to Kylie was a prank because I remember being on the beach one moment and then here pretty close to the school building the next. I don't know why, but I somehow came to be standing next to that guy you saw me with."

Lavender then turned away and said as she started walked off, "I'll see you in class, but you better hurry up. We're probably late as it is and I really think that's going to hurt our first impressions at the school."


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Kylie giggles when Tyler takes a picture of her naked body. It was kind of a turn on for her that both girls wanted to see the picture. Kylie sticks her head through the window and says to Lavender, "We will be behind you in a little. Make sure you don't get lost Lavender. I wouldn't want to rescue your cute little butt" When she sticks her head back into the window she presses the button that rolls down the window. When she looks down at Tyler she sees that she isn't paying attention.

Kylie puts her hand behind her searching for her phone. After a few seconds she grabs her I-phone. She turns the camera on the phone and then pokes Tyler's shoulder. When Tyler turns to see what Kylie wants she grabs the end of Tyler's top and pulls it up. Then with her other hand she takes a quick snap of her topless girlfriend. "Mhmm and now I got my background for my phone. I am sure to look at this before I got t bed tonite"


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When Kylie pulls up Tyler's top, Tyler is so shocked she freezes and is speechless. After Kylie says " Mhmm and now I got my background for my phone. I am sure to look at this before I got t bed tonite" Tyler blushes and covers herself then says. "I should smack you but to be honest sence it was you i just want to know if it was a good picture?"

Then Tyler says, "Come one get your top on we are going to be late for class." Tyler then kissed Kylie gently when she pulls away her face is bright red. She giggles happily."I'll be waiting outside ok?" Tyler gets out of the car and leans on it and thinks happily about what just happened. "Wow i cant believe this two days ago I would have never thought I would have a relationship with such a hottie " Tyler thought to her self then she giggles at the thought.


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Kylie enjoys that taste of her lips against hers. She plays with her phone a little as Tyler waits for her outside. When she gets Tyler's toplessbody as her background she places it next to her. She then puts on Kevin's shirt and rummages around in the back of the car. She finally finds a cute mini-skirt and slides it up her legs over her bikini bottom. She looks into the rearview mirror as she fixes her hair until she is happy. She puts on her sunglasses and grabs her makeup kit in the side poket.

She unflips the top of the kit and grabs her strawberry lip gloss on her lips. She puckers her lips and moves to her eyeliner and fixes it up a little. After a minue of fussing she puts the kit away and walks out the door. She holds Tyler's hand and asks again hoping for dfferent answer, "Do we have to go to class? We are already late as it is. Can't we go spend sometime together out on the beach somewhere we can be alone. Please"


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"Well we are very late now but that's your fault." Tyler says as she makes a annoyed look at Kylie. "But if that hadn't happened I wouldn't have such a amazing background" She takes out her phone and looks at the photo. She then huggs Kylie and snuggles her head in between Kylies breasts. "I guess we don't have to go to class, are we going to go on a date? And you smell like a man is this Kevin's shirt" Tyler says as she giggles.

She then grabs her bag and Kylie's hand and drags her down the trail to the beach. She then drops her bag in the sand and takes off her shoes and runs towards the water. "Hey Kylie come on..... lets go play in the water" Tyler yells as she runs down the beach.


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Kylie smiles enjoying her success in getting Tyler to skip class with her and go to the beach with her. She follows behind Tyler as she leads her down the Trail. "Yes this Kevin's shirt he only wore a few hours ago" She grabs the collar of the shirt and then brings it up to her nose and smells her guy's side scent. "Mmm he does smell good" As she follows Tyler she thinks about how Kevin looks. She laughs out aloud at it.

When she gets to the beach she watches Tyler run down into the water. She yells after her, "I don't have anything under the shirt"


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"I'm fine seeing your naked chest but if your not fine with it you can change into Kevin but I wouldn't have anything to put my face between" Tyler yells back as she giggles playfully in the water. "Come on its lonely over here" As she waits for Kylie she swims out farther. "The water is perfect you need to hurry up and join me!!" She yells inpaticently.


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Kylie shurgs and pulls Kevin's half wet shirt over his head. She then throws over onto the shore and moves onto her miniskirt. With a lot of shimmy and pulling she gets the soaking wet miniskirt off. She throws the mini skirt onto the shore and then swims off towards Tyler.

When she gets to Tyler she does a twirl and says, "Look at my new look" She shivers in anticipation at what Tyler will say. She then presses herself against Tyler and kisses her deeply with a little tongue play. "Mmm how does my lipgloss taste?"


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Character Portrait: Rex Daniels
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Lavender walked back into the school building and noticed no one was really in the hall ways save someone who she didn't recognize, a girl who was putting her note pad away. "I don't know what they're doing over there, but I wonder if I should bother them?" Lavender pondered as she looked down the hall way towards the person. She decided not to and looked around, wondering if there was a clock that could tell her the time. Lavender looked to the wall on either side of her as she walked down the hallway towards her class room.

As Lavender approached her classroom she thought, "You know, there's a lot of girls in this school, but not many boys. Perhaps, I should do something to make myself stand out a little more. I mean- I've never had a boyfriend, but at least I'd think people would want to remember who I am." Lavender pursed her lips and then hit her fist against the palm of her hand. "I've got it!" she cried a little bit too loudly.

As a flicker, Lavender could gather chi to perform amazing feats. Lavender decided to use it to control her muscle growth for a short period of time, twenty four hours to be exact, and give herself a better appearance. She clasped her hands together and focused her energy into the center of her body. It felt warm, friendly, pleasant to her. Slowly, moved this energy upwards into her chest, sweating slightly as did. Lavender felt her pectoral muscles swell uplifting her breasts as they did. After a few moments, Lavender was left with a chest that was one cup size larger. Sweat caked her face and as she looked down she noticed her front was slightly visible. Lavender remedied this by reaching into her bag and quickly snapping on her bra. It was a little tight, but to have a c cup chest for one day felt nice. Lavender wiped her brow and face with a a small towel in her jeans' pocket and walked into the classroom. If there were any guys, they were sure to at least look at her for a moment, unfortunately, she doubted she would ever be able to compete with someone like Kylie in that department.


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"I love your new look and it tastes yummy, but I like these better" Tyler drags Kylie to the towel by her bag and lays Kylie down and puts her head inbetween Kylie's brests giggleing. Then kisses Kylie passionatly as she takes off her shirt holding her own brests she says,"I wish mine were bigger ones as big as yours" she grabs and plays with Kylie's. "Do you want to have some fun Kylie?"

Hours later they were walking down the trail hand in hand "Well that was fun wasn't it Kylie?" Tyler asked smileing at her.


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Kylie smiles and walks down the trail hand in hand with Tyler. Kylie giggles and drop Tyler's hand and skips ahead of her. She turns her head behind her and says, "If you catch me I will tell you?" She turns around and skips a little faster away from her as she was beng chased behind by Tyler.


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Character Portrait: Ashe Celeste Character Portrait: Rex Daniels
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Lavender having walked but unfortunately saw no one there, not even a teacher. She knew it was a school day, or so she thought so maybe they were in a different room. She had second thoughts on whether or not it was a holiday though and left the room. Sauntering down the hallway she thought she saw a girl who looked an awful like Ashe Celeste, or the boy she'd seen earlier. She walked up to her and said, "Have you seen a boy with grayish white hair around here?"

Lavender didn't realize it fully, but as she stood there and asked the girl this question her breasts were sticking out much further than she had anticipated thanks to her initial desire to make them "grow" by shifting the muscle composition in her body for a short period of time. She looked down in time to see her cleavage was more visible than usable and silently thought, "Bet she can see them too... I hope she's not thinking lowly of me right now."


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Character Portrait: Ashe Celeste Character Portrait: Rex Daniels
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Celeste started walking toward the main office, the halls empty for some reason, and looked at Lavender as she came by. Something seemed off when she approached; her chest looked a little fuller than in Ashe's memory. But it's not like Mr. "I'm Not Attracted to Anyone" notices the size of a girl's bust. This girl, Lavender, was practically the essence of being cute; long golden hair, wide blue eyes, and a generally positive disposition. Then, to top it off, her clothes are doing absolutely nothing to argue with it.

"Have you seen a boy with grayish white hair around here?" She must have meant Ashe. And, well, he just turned into a girl.

"I'm sorry," Celeste answered, "I haven't." At least it was honest; she didn't specifically 'see' Ashe around here. Maybe Lavender'd know something to answer one of her own questions. Celeste still needed to get settled in, and drop her bags somewhere. "Hey, before you run off, do you know anything about the living arrangements here?" And what about the school's emptiness? Granted, neither of them would probably know a thing about it, but it couldn't hurt to ask. "Also, do you know why there's no one here? Does the school have an orientation or something?"

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ace Bloodsong
Character Portrait: Kevin Van Ryan
Character Portrait: Tyler Murphy
Character Portrait: Ashe Celeste


Character Portrait: Tyler Murphy
Tyler Murphy

I will find a way to cure my flickering, I hate turning into a man.

Character Portrait: Kevin Van Ryan
Kevin Van Ryan

Businessmen and Businesswomen pack different equipment for a similar workplace. Tell me: which one shall I need?

Character Portrait: Ace Bloodsong
Ace Bloodsong

"You sure?"


Character Portrait: Tyler Murphy
Tyler Murphy

I will find a way to cure my flickering, I hate turning into a man.

Character Portrait: Ace Bloodsong
Ace Bloodsong

"You sure?"

Character Portrait: Kevin Van Ryan
Kevin Van Ryan

Businessmen and Businesswomen pack different equipment for a similar workplace. Tell me: which one shall I need?

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Ace Bloodsong
Ace Bloodsong

"You sure?"

Character Portrait: Kevin Van Ryan
Kevin Van Ryan

Businessmen and Businesswomen pack different equipment for a similar workplace. Tell me: which one shall I need?

Character Portrait: Tyler Murphy
Tyler Murphy

I will find a way to cure my flickering, I hate turning into a man.

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Most recent OOC posts in Double Gender Jeopardy

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

Where is your character in the role play Torn Zero? I can see if I can find it and give you something to do with mine. The one thing I don't like about role plays I've found on this site alone is that people leave the character tags blank and do not tag their characters so that people can maybe look at their profiles and say, "Oh, your character was at Point B doing action X."

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

Okay, I really hope I'm not the only one getting at least lightly annoyed by this. It should be pretty obvious, just read what I believe makes up half of the posts (if not more) now. (I'm sure DragonWriter knows what I'm talking about.)

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

I've gotten a little note to me that says the RP is going pretty fast. Not as much the posting as the speed of the story itself, people rushing through things and trying to start relationships instantaneously.

PLEASE. Just take your time when writing your posts. Anything besides just going around flirting and talking about how great somebody's breasts are or not. You could feature some of their thoughts, bits of their past, and how being a Flicker affected them then, and how it does in the present day at the island high school. You could write transformation sequences more majorly: have more NPC's in the area maybe, or put obstacles in the characters way as they're in the middle of the changing process, trying dearly not to get caught, and creating some actual conflict with a couple of them them having the ability to change into another gender. This can apply to all Types, because their transformations are still in public, whether they be random, activated by a certain thing or event, or willed: You MUST find a place to wait it out.

To a careful degree, you can even describe the changes that occur when they change, rather than "Poof!, I'm a chick/dude! :D"

(Ex. As he ran through the hallway, his could feel his normally rough skin turning soft and smooth, the area between his legs, down by his thighs felt slightly emptier, a small, cold, yet soft feeling emerging. There was a growing feeling in his chest, at first a a burning sensation as if he'd exercised too much, before gaining a tight feeling, as something inside began to push outwards. His short hair was quickly driving down into locks of long, silky gold as he finally dashed into the girls' bathroom, frantically locking the door as he awaited the final changes into a 'she.')

Also, take the time to actually develop characters and their relationships with the others. Don't just try to start romance right away, or it's pretty much over, no cool story at all.

PLEASE. This is for the sake of the RP and its' plot.

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

When so the classes start

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

Ok she missed and Tyler was just ticked off about "picking fights about her bosom.." and she lost it and became violent

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

Yeah, I'm afraid Zeke doesn't get hit at all, Tyler just threw a punch and missed, dude.

And he was trying to be nice to her. Plus, when she first met him, she just jumped to conclusions and started getting hostile.

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

no Her trigger is the violence once the first punch is thrown she has30 sec before she changes but anything that reminds her of how small her chest is annoys her and makes her angry and occationally attacks the person talking about her small chest and she Puched Zeke just before he left

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

Sigh... Such a pity there's arguing, at least a little bit.

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

How does Zeke get punched when he left that spot?

Also, is any word relating to a girl's chest just Tyler's anger trigger?

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

No its fine I just didn't want to be looked at like someone who doesnt like being beaten. I honestly have been working on it all day.

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

I edited the sensing part, realizing I was wrong, sorry about that one.

All day? alright, fine.

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

I actually did have it there before I even posted that part you may have just not noticed it. I have been editing this character I have adopted all day long so you may think that, but you are wrong. Also I never mentioned that I could sense other "Flickers" I just said I saw the boy clothes in her bag and realized she was a Flicker.

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

So yeah, Lowman, I notice you never edited in the 'martial arts' secondary skill for Kevin.

You basically just gave him a skill on the fly, and allowed him to complete a feat with relative ease, even though you never edited that bit in about him taking the time to learn martial arts.

Just Saiyan, Bro.

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

Don't use that sub ability of Ecto power yet either. Sub Abilities of ALL main powers are to be learned later.

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

anything i need to know about the power Phantasma?

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

Hey guys, just a heads up:

For those of you that put the image for your Zoan forms, you don't get that power yet: you have to start out with the 'Companion ability.' you gain the extra form later.

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

I think I want more players, a couple more at least, but I think a couple early posts would be good.

I'll start off.

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

I will I hope we can get more people so we can start ;P

Re: [OOC] Double Gender Jeopardy

It seems okay…

Can you keep up the 200 words minimum for posts? and with some decent spelling?