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Ducking at Shadows

Phoenix Grove


a part of Ducking at Shadows, by TheSpaceInBetween.


TheSpaceInBetween holds sovereignty over Phoenix Grove, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Character Portrait: Christopher Campel
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Over the years Chris had learnt to stay still whenever he has visits from his father. Often he would just use his fists and feet to break Chris's body down, other times he would be more creative, using kitchen knives and scalding hot water. Ropes and wires that delivered sharp shocks to the body. Each object was used with such malice that Chris never knew how to react. But he had to stay still and silent, the slightest peep would have made the whole ordeal much worse.

He sat quietly in the corner of his "room" his hands tapping together softly, his right hand was bound with a thin rope that was tight around his skin, bleeding and sore from years of pulling and being thrown around like a rag doll. He did try to escape but only ended up biting his hand, at least that way he knew he was still there. Pain was a reminder of terror, and terror knew Chris very well.

He sat in pitch black, the only escape was when the door was opened, he would get a blast of fresh air as well as a beam of soft light. It was the only thing he looked forward too.

He scratched at his hair, nearly falling out and tangled from lack of food and hygiene, the scratching moved to the rest of his body knocking slowly healing wounds so they would bleed again.

His head tilted at the sounds coming from the door, his father sounded angry. That was never good. He whimpered softly pushing himself deeper in the corner in order to escape the loud noise. His breathing picked up and he shielded himself from the light as best he could with a bound hand and limited movement.

" Oh my gosh.." That was not his father's was another man entirely. Chris peeked from his elbow to see the man better, dressed in a strange coloured uniform, with shiny bits on it. The shiny bits could hurt Chris! He shook his head and turned his body away tugging his hair sharply, strands coming away with his fingers.

The man crouched down and began speaking to Chris obviously he didn't know what he was saying, he wasn't used to kind soft words. Anger and hate was all Chris recognised as well as pain he was terrified. He began to shiver as the fresh air from the door being open made him cold, he had next to nothing on in terms of clothes. A torn ragged shirt and a pair of over soiled underwear, plus he had not fat on his body at all he was just bones.

He was too busy whimpering and shivering like a nervous wreck that he didn't notice the rope holding him had been cut and a soft cloth had been draped over his body. It was very warm and soft so very soft, he ran his fingers over the cloth examining the texture with his fingers.

Then assuming all fears he was picked up by the soft speaking man, he struggled and whimpered not used to being held in such a way it made his body feel very uncomfortable and it hurt too. He pulled his hair again and being so scared and nervous he evacuated his bladder all over the strange dressed man. He screwed his eyes shut as he was taken out of the room he had spent most of his life in, everything was bright and so noisy!

He moaned softly burying his head into the soft cloth blanket, the gentle touch soothing him as he continued to shake. Chris peeked a glance outside and there was so many people, lights were flashing and sirens and shouting. Chris's breathing began to pick up and struggle desperately to get away that was until a sharp pain, different to what he felt before made him feel fuzzy and floppy, his head spun and he closed his eyes falling into a warm oblivion.

Chris coughed softly as he awoke and slowly opened his eyes, panic immeadeatlly began. Where was he? He looked around , this wasn't his room. His body was covered in white things and wires! He was wearing a strange dress that was a little rough on his skin, he went to pull his hair but found it gone. It was short now he couldn't pull it... His nails were cut and his body was clean what was going on? Something was on his hand, the sore infected one. It felt a little better, sure it still hurt but it was more numb now.

He pushed up on his arm as he legs pulled in pain after being sat so long every movement was painful. Wincing softly he ran fingers over the white things on his arms, they must have been covering something. He looked to the door as it opened his eyes wide in fear his body frozen in terror.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalel Perez Character Portrait: Christopher Campel
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The blonde was wandering around the hospital sighing softly to herself, she was so tired she could feel the weight of exhaustion plummeting down on her body more than ever before, she didn't normally work this late and she'd only returned from university in the very early hours of the morning. She hadn't eaten either and the longer she passed the white halls, the more she felt the life being sucked out of her and it was almost ironic she realised how she volunteered to be here but if she continued like this she'd be shut up here for treatment of her own. She didn't complain though, she never did not to anyone about anything she just sighed raggedly to herself from time to time and blew a stray hair that had escaped from the thick ponytail that trickled down her shoulder blades hanging at the centre of her spine.

When she stepped into the ward, the atmosphere was flustered and busy- she could practically see the halls flushing with the intensity of the staff who were rushing around but there was so few patients in...what was all the commotion? Blinking, she turned her head around and ducked off to the changing rooms to go get into her overalls before she went ahead with any work on the ward. She didn't exactly do much but she gained a lot of knowledge and contacts through working here, they'd been her recommendation for university and the Doctors treated her almost like she was on permanent work experience- teaching and telling her things which she absorbed like a sponge.

As a person, Kalel was far from perfect but her intelligence and memory was out of the question, she'd out quiz her teachers back at school and sometimes she's more on it than the Doctors on the ward on her good days that was but today wasn't a good day.

Having changed, she passed a Nurse she worked very closely with and she asked about the weird energy fuelling all the staff this evening and the situation quickly became apparent;

"There's two teenagers just gone into theatre, a pregnant woman causing hysteria and there's a boy here Kit, he's in such a terrible state- such a sad story. In fact, thinking about him. He'll hopefully come around soon could you make sure there's water and everything in his room? You know the drill. Room 7," The nurse rambled away her instructions and Kalel just nodded along very calmly, cringing inwardly however when she was called 'Kit' but not feeling energized enough to argue with her. Her name was Kalel was that so hard to say? And 'You know the drill' the Nurse had said- Of course I know the fucking drill, I've been here longer you! . Kalel snapped at her the Nurse but didn't waste her breath vocalising her agitated thoughts and instead just waited until she was gone before Kalel scowled quietly to herself but bit her tongue as she always did.

Kalel walked into the kitchen and went to the filtered water and carefully filled a jug, accurately filling it to the measuring line without the need to check and without spilling or wasting a drop. She closed off the tap and stared at herself in the mirror above the sink for a second because shade under her large doe eyes caught her attention.

She looked worse than she felt and that alone was hard to comprehend. Though as Kalel always did when she came into the hospital, she threw a positive spin onto things she grinned at herself and chuckled as if she'd heard a joke- it was forced of course but one naturally smiles when they laugh so it was something she'd taught herself to do when in doubt of her own attitude and manner.

She walked down the empty hall, it was always a lot quieter in the night time especially know the majority of staff had all rushed off to cope with the sudden demand for attention brought up by multiple critical patients. She appreciated the quiet though and as she closed the door on her way into Room 6 she appreciated the silence in there even more. Entering a patient's room always felt incredibly strange to her like an invasion of privacy but she checked through the glass before she went in and the patient wasn't awake so she invited herself in side to replace the water and adjust the flowers the staff had kindly decorated the room with, Kalel figured it had probably been Sandra- she always did that for the serious patients, Kalel had always considered it slightly pointless but the yellow daffodils were the only colour in the room so even Kalel found herself appreciating them. She looked at the boy in the bed and seeing his state brought a sensation of nausea to her because it genuinely terrified her to think people were put in these situations and such pain was truly possible. She didn't realise she was holding her breath as she set the jug down the bedside table and picked up the old one that had since it's arrival gone warm, the flowers were starved for light on the side of the room they'd been left so Kalel found herself adjusting their angles and rearranging them before she placed them on the window sill but like she'd hit a switch in the boy's brain as she set them down he shot up with a loud cough that made her jolt slightly and turn around.

"Woah kid chill out- I haven't read your file but you don't look to me like you are in a position to be sitting up and that, just relax. I don't know what happened to you but your safe here- they'll fix up whatever's happened. I'm sorry I'm in here by the way- I was told to change your water. Do you want me to get your Doctor? I can find out who it is if you'd like," She explained awkwardly she was kind of in shock from how suddenly the silence had been cut but she gathered herself and presented her character well and walking to the end of the bed she picked up the file stored on a holder on the end of it and read the single page of notes that had been written so far.

She didn't recognise the Doctor assigned to his care- she figured it was one of the new ones, they'd been interviewing last week. She read the notes and though they didn't fully explain, it was enough to tell her that he was really suffering whatever he'd been put through had to be pretty terrible as she read about the extent of his injuries. She put the file back and looked at him calmly. "Do you even know where you are?" She asked noticing how he looked kind of confused, almost like he was having an out of body experience.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalel Perez Character Portrait: Christopher Campel
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Chris watched in fear as a woman entered the room, Chris focused on her face first even though he did look away ever so often. Worrying that holding eye contact would lead him to be hurt again, he was never allowed to look his father in the eyes if he did bad things happened. He shivered heavily for the briefest of moments, but snuck a glance to the stranger in the room.

Her hair was long, and looked soft. Chris's hand went to his own freshly cut hair, running his fingers through it. It felt soft and smooth, his gave it a tug a few times, shaking his head to himself. He moaned softly wondering why his hair wasn't like hers anymore. She spoke but Chris had no idea what she was saying, he looked at the jug of water in her hands his head tilting to the side.

He licked his own lips even though they were dry and sore. Chris's breathing picked up and he shuffled away as best he could with his sore joints fulling fuzzy and slow. His hand went to his mouth chewing on his hand, he gagged as the taste of the strange material on his hand that he usually chewed. He shook his head trying the get the taste out of his mouth. He pushed his body into the corner of the room so nothing would hurt him from behind, flinching as the wall was very cold on his arms. In fact he was cold shivering again he ran his hand through his hair again tugging it softly again.

He hummed softly rocking his body back and forth pulling his knees up wincing again at the movement, he looked up at the roof or the room. He liked to see light in the room, even though it hurt his eyes to look at it. The room was big, of course everything to Chris was big. He tapped his hands together looking at the table beside his bed, there wasn't anything on it, this was the first time Chris had seen anything in the real world in the world of light. He was both curious and terrified of it. He looked at Her again his eyes scanning over her clothes picking out the small colours and details, over the years he had learnt to rely on his hearing and sight even though he was in pitch black darkness some things made its way into his eyes. His taste, smell and touch were dampened now everything was a interesting world. He ran his fingers over the bandages and gauze pads of his body as well as feeling the soft bedsheets.

Rocking back and forth slowly he hummed, tapping his hands together he looked at the clear wire on his hand, his gaze lifted up to the bag at the top of the wire. It was then he saw the other wires that were connected to him, they were connected to a box. Not the box...not the box! He grabbed a hold of the wires in a panic and pulled at them as best he could. He didn't want to be shocked, the box always hurt with blinding sharp pain through the body. Whimpering he yanked one of the wires out and a loud beeping noise flew into his ears. Chris jumped out of his skin moving away into the corner, still trying to get the wires off.


Daniel Windsor made his way down the corridor a box in his arms, his stethoscope around his neck as always. He was heading to room 6 to check on his newest case. From what he heard the poor teen had been confined for an indescribable ammount of time. He had read about feral children and this boy certainly topped the list with how old he was. Hopefully he could make a connection and at least get a home for him. He couldn't stay in the hospital he needed a nurturing environment not one surrounded by wires and uniformed personnel.

He looked down at his pager as it began to beep, signalling something was wrong he rushed to the door being only a few feet away. Looking in through the window he was surprised to see the teen trying to pull of the ECG wires. He could hear hurried footsteps coming towards him.

"Stay back! Crowding him will only make him panic more!" He instructed, holding a hand up behind to stop the nurses from coming in to assist. Opening the door slowly he tried to keep from being hasty as she approached the teen, making soft soothing sounds. "Shhh, it's ok, it's ok...."

Picking up the discarded wire as well as the boys file he glanced over it quickly , the report mentioned signs of electrical burns and scarring. Of course, that must be why he was so especially panicked at the ECG probes. Holding up his hands in a defensive motion, Daniel tried to soothe the boy. The probes could easily come on or off- that wasn't a problem, so long as he didn't thrash around enough to dislodge his intravenous catheter. He wracked her brain for a way to show the poor boy it was safe.

He looked down at the probe in her hand and at last an idea came to him. Holding up a finger in a signal to 'wait', he gently tugged at the remaining probes connecting to his body. Making sure not to touch him directly, he managed to pull on the wires to get the sticky pads to dislodge. It wouldn't hurt, though knew it would feel odd and a slight tugging. Once Daniel had gotten all the probes off, he began attaching them to his own head and collarbone, finally silencing the beeping machine as it was reconnected and receiving a signal.

But still, he wouldn't understand why he was being connected to all these beeping, odd looking machines. Daniel pursed her lips as again he tried to think of a way to explain or show him without words why it was needed. It was only when his stethoscope (draped over his neck as always) bumped against his chest that she realized how to show him. Smiling again, he put on the stethoscope, taking the end and finding his own heartbeat before removing the prongs from his ears. Daniel kept the head on his chest where she heard the heart the loudest, and with his free hand held out the listening end of the stethoscope to the teen, hoping he'd mimic her. Hopefully, then he could match his own heart to the rhythm on the screen.

" It's heart... Your heart" he tapped his chest and pointed to Christopher's.


Chris kept his hands over his ears, shielding the high pitched whining from his sensitive hearing. His eyes darted everywhere, fearing that somehow the room would close in on him and he would be back in the dark. He didn't want that again, whimpering his hands remained of the wires. He locked on the doctor as he started to approached him, closing his eyes his hands trembled in fear, was he going to hurt him? Switch on the box?

Opening one eye as he felt a tugging on his chest he hummed to himself softly watching as the sticky pads slowly peeled of his chest. Did something go wrong? What was happening? His face became confused as the doctor started to put the wires and pads on himself, eyes flickering to the box watching as it stopped beeping loudly and just beeped slowly enough for him to notice it but not enough for it to be a bother anymore.

He was waiting for the buzzing or as least for him to start crying in pain, he tapped his hands together nervously still watching the strange box cautiously the beeping and slow flashing light making him very wary. He pointed to the box and then to herself, this made even less sense now. Chris's head tilted to the side his fingers tapping together again.

His attention shifted to her hands as he got a strange tube that had a shiny bit and two white bits on the other end. Putting the white bits in his ears then the shiny bit on his chest, what was he doing? Tilting his head to the other side he hummed as he offered the White bits to him, he flinched slightly but after a while he tentatively reached forward taking the strange object from the doctor.

He felt the tube with his fingers, it was smooth but hard. He looked at the clear tube feeling that for a comparison, they were sort of similar but the clear tube was shiny the other tube was dull. He sniffed the tube trying to link the smell to something he had smelt before, nothing came to mind. His tounge darted out and licked the tube, grimacing at the sour taste he ran his fingers along the white ear buds. They were very smooth but there was a small hole in the middle, having a good look at them Chris recalled what the doctor had done. He put the White bits in his ears and was surprised to find that he could hear a thumping, slow deep thumping. Taking them out of his ears he looked around incase the noise was somewhere else, shaking his head he put the ear buds back in having a good listen. Taking them out once more he looked to the machine that the doctor was linked too. It beeped the same speed as the tube thing did, he grumbled softly as he followed the wires from the box to the doctor.

The machine beeped the same as the that must mean that wires make the beeping louder so you don't need the tube? He scratched his head trying to puzzle through his thinking. He held out the ear buds to the doctor, pointing to the machine them the ear buds them patting his own chest. Yes that made sense but did it get through to the doctor.


Daniel watched as the boy puzzled through everything internally making notes about him, his development was severely delayed and he was extremely nervous around people, " Good boy Chris...your heart and my heart" he smiled softly.. He turned to the young girl in the corner holding a jug of water " to be honest I thought that would have been the hardest thing to do. He shows a keen and curious understanding though which is always good. I'm Daniel Windsor. Who are you if I may ask? Are you authorised to be in here?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalel Perez Character Portrait: Christopher Campel
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Kalel had fallen into the trap of watching him watching her for the long lingering moments that passed She studied how he scratched at his hair like something was missing and her hand came up to her mouth when she realised how damaged this boy really happened to be. Her mouth opened and then closed again because words failed her, she'd done everything English course you could name, achieved A* in all her subject from GCSE to A-Level but nothing she had ever come across or learnt gave her the courage or knowledge to speak appropriately now. All of sudden she noticed caution and then panic flood into his eyes and she felt terrible? Was it her presence? She froze stiff in her place, her thin fingers tightened around the jar of water until her knuckles turned pastel. The frenzy seemed to come from nowhere and she'd watched his gaze trace the path of his wires and tubes and at his sudden jolt into action her head spun but she still didn't dare move over to him or go closer.

"It's ok. Don't do that, don't no- you need those. They monitor you, so we can he-" As she started trying to say this the Doctor came in and honestly she was relieved because she hadn't ever even been advised on how to approach something like this- it wasn't even something she would cover in the future at University unless she chose to specialise in something more psychological after her degree. She watched the boy's behaviour feeling terrible because she couldn't even empathise for him, the worst pain she'd ever gone through in her entire life was mostly emotional and a couple of nasty hits from secondary school bullies but nothing like this- she'd never even heard of anything like this. It made her think of thriller movies and gothic novels and even with her intellect she could barely keep up with the events but analytically she watched the boy and his Doctor, the behaviour the Doctor used in order to calmly communicate and the reactions of the boy. Although Kalel was studying to be a Doctor and maybe later a surgeon, she showed an active interest in all aspects of medicine and health but this was almost hard to watch- it was one of the most impacting things she'd ever seen.

Watching the Doctor so patiently work with Chris- she remembered his name from his file when her senses finally came back to her after the intense shock of surprise. She found herself having a certain amount of admiration for the Doctor already, she'd never seen any of the nurses from the word show such interest and commitment- they always called for someone more qualified to come in.

She watched how he studied the wires and the stethoscope which was when it struck Kalel how damaged this boy really was- she couldn't even begin to imagine what he'd been put through to fall this far behind himself and she made a promise to herself there and then she'd looked out for this patient and help where she could, she looked out for everyone on the ward especially since she knew better than anyone the nurses could be very dismissive and unpleasant at times and though Kalel lacked the qualifications as it stood, she had the knowledge and charisma to get through to patients sometimes when the nurses couldn't be bothered to try. It angered her, she'd seen nurses brush things under the carpet so many times and it genuinely bothered Kalel they could disregard so much but that's why Kalel came in nearly every day she wasn't at University she came into the hospital- she didn't get paid a penny only with knowledge and occasionally free tea or biscuits. She worked her coffee job so little she could barely afford the bus fare there because she was always here- helping. She didn't have a social group or hobby, she painted but only in the night when she didn't dare sleep but everything else she did came back to her yearning for a medical career. She wasn't sure where the dream came from but she could remember since she was 6 years old telling all her teachers she would become a Doctor at the time they laughed at her because half the class said the same but once she reached her teenage years people finally started to recognise that she was a genuine candidate for such a challenging career. It pushed her on too, knowing that people who didn't even like her considered her capable- it was the closest thing to encouragement she got from anyone.

It was her instincts to try and help people, it'd been in her character since she was young, her mothered always liked to boast about Kalel's curiosity and kindness like it was her own personal accomplishment, not out of love or pride but personal value but Kalel didn't do it for her, she didn't do it for herself or anyone else. She did it for everyone because no human deserved to suffer. She believed that with all of her lonely heart.

Kalel hadn't moved since she Chris woke up, she was still frozen to her sport like she'd been anchored there and she only moved when she was suddenly addressed after the Chris seemed to mildly calm and as the Doctor introduced himself, she set down the jug at a perfect right angle on the table nearest to her and then turned her attention fully to Daniel Windsor.

"I apologise, I should have explained sooner but I was kind of taken a back by things. I'm Kalel...Perez," She added her surname quickly for it wasn't in her nature for formal introductions and she'd almost forgotten it.

She quickly wondered for a painfully embarrassing moment how she should explain herself, terms like 'work experience' would make her sound childish but introducing herself as a student would give herself a very specific personality in the eyes of an adult but what were the rest of her options? Running out of time to reply and still look casual, she panicked and spoke out in a rushed and quick but quiet voice.

"I'm a University student, I'm studying to become a Doctor but I do voluntary work here most days of the week, I was just changing his water jug but he woke and well, you know what occurred but I've got to admit, that was pretty amazing what you just did then. I know a student's opinion probably means nothing to you but I had to say it," She admitted anxiously running a hand over her head, grazing over the tightly locked tresses hanging from an emerald green band on the top of her head.

"Is there anything I can do or anything I can gather for you to help here? It's what I'm here for," She told him with a wary smile of nervousness.

Although in herself she was very confident, she also knew her place and position- which is why she'd be so blunt with the Nurses because she didn't want to sound vain but she at least matched their medical knowledge for the most part but she recognised this Doctor as someone higher than herself and considerably more knowledgeable and efficient, this is what brought on her more shy and awkward manner- she was incredibly caught off guard by the whole fiasco but if anything, it'd only made the desperation in her soul to become a Doctor even more relevant because it brought to light how important it was that there were more Doctors out there then there currently are now.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalel Perez Character Portrait: Christopher Campel
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Daniel smiled as Kalel introduced herself and explained why she was in the room. He rather enjoyed talking to students as well as giving them advice and helping them learn in general. He still smiled as she complimented him on his action with Chris previously, opinions mattered in this job otherwise everyone would be one sided.

" It's very nice to meet you Kalel. I'm doctor Windsor but you can call me Daniel I don't like the barrier of being called doctor. Just because I have all these qualification doesn't mean I'm still a person. I mean you may be just a student but your opinion means everything. Don't ever think different. We need opinions otherwise we would all be the same and never unique ." He explained as he began to take off the ECG wires from his head and collar bone.

He held out the wire to Chris and tapped his chest " My heart" he pointed to Chris's chest staying low the whole time, so he wouldn't be intimidating to the poor boy. He moved tentatively sticking the pads back onto Chris's body, all the while Chris was distracted by the Stethoscope running his fingers over the shiny surface.

Daniel lifted the head of the stethoscope from Chris fingers noting the change in his face when it was taken. He must have liked the look of it. He put the stethoscope to his chest again just below his heart this time and intentionally breathed heavily, so Chris could hear the breaths. Taking the ears buds out of his ears he put them back in his own and put the head on Chris's chest allowing him to hold it. He breathed heavily but slowly to coax Chris into doing it himself.

After a confused looked from Chris the teen finally began to breath, thankfully his lungs sounded fine they were incredibly weak and luckily there was no water on the lungs to make him even more sick. He smiled " Good boy Chris, Good."

Turning to Kalel he spoke " Actually you could help me out, would you go to the kitchen and get some very soft baby carrots and broccoli. Soft enough to be mushed into a paste as well as a small bowl of stock. Any flavour but more watered down than anything with barely any taste in it." He smiled as he hooked his Stethoscope around his neck again, he reached into his box and pulled out a mirror, big enough for Chris to hold but safe enough if he decided to explore it with his mouth or drop it.

He held it out to Chris and watched as his eyes went to the roof watching the reflection on the ceiling. " Chris?... Look it's you" he placed it on the bed allowing him to go at his own pace. He reached out to the mirror humming softly and taking his hands together. He picked up the shiny object and peered into it , touching the mirror holding it right up to his face.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalel Perez Character Portrait: Christopher Campel
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Kalel smiled at the Doctor and noticed how his aura seemed quite difference to the likes of other hospital staff she'd met and she appreciated that, a lot of them demanded respect and attention but this Doctor- Daniel, seemed incredibly more relaxed about it which being characterized the way she was, she found relieving.

"I suppose you're right about that," She admitted gently. She watched how he was with Chris and paid close attention to his techniques and mannerisms, that was what Kalel was here for at the end of the day, the personal gain for her was a sense of accomplishment, the ability to give back but also to observe and learn. She was gaining as much of an education here as she was at University.

"Of course, I'll be as quick as I can be," She told him, glad there was anyway she could help the poor boy- no, he wasn't really a boy was he? He was probably the same age as her more or less, his state just made him so much smaller and Kalel actually found that slightly saddening and disheartening when she thought about the things she and her friends got to go out and do and what he'd probably never done, he would have missed so much but at least he wouldn't miss anymore years of his life now he was finally being given the treatment he so desperately needed. She looked over at him sympathetically, offering a warm smile on her way out because she didn't want to alarm the boy anymore than the Doctor did, she tried to be as much of a friend a she could be to all of the patients because she wasn't bound by the same legalities of a Doctor. Sure there were confidentiality agreements but she wasn't yet bound by any medical responsibility so she could be more honest with them and understanding, she could confess the shortcomings and the over stretched details of the hospital to them and being as empathetic as it was, she naturally found it hard not to try and befriend them and bring a small sense of relief.

She didn't want people to be scared of Doctors because some kids were, kids that were scared of needles or medicines- they made an opinion of Doctors which was so, ironic. She figured it was definitely ironic because kids made monsters out of Doctors but they were here to help, here to fix things and take away from a person's pain.

Her mind whirling away at one hundred miles per hour like it always did, she never take a break even when she got home she studied, she'd make herself a line of drinks so she wouldn't have to keep getting up and down, she'd grab a pre-made salad and sit at her desk through all the hours of the night. She knew it wasn't the healthiest of life styles but once she'd graduated and had her degree it'd be worth it and she could relax a bit more again, go back to hanging out with her friends and doing all the normal things but till then, she needed to keep up her work.

She slipped out of the room very carefully and quietly closing the door behind her, so delicately it didn't make a noise and then she brushed off her shirt in the hallway and looked around herself as she walked down to the kitchen.

"Oh Kalel are you on a tea run?" A nice chimed and Kalel politely shook her head.

"No, sorry. I'm just getting a meal for a critical patient. I'll flick the kettle on as I'm on my way out though if you want to grab one," She offered and the Nurse nodded and thanked her and Kalel continued rushing on her way into the kitchen. The staff in there were quite use to Kalel, she got on better with them so when she wasn't shadowing her supervisors she often liked to chat to them about their responsibilities and their experiences of the hospital.

She explained what she needed for the patient, highlighting all the key details and they mentioned they were really busy preparing the lunches but she was welcome to prepare it herself if she didn't mind and Kalel nodded and just got on with it. There were carrots that had already been boiled and prepared, broccoli was harder to come by but the chef's gave her what they had spare from the lunches they were making for that day, so she thanked them and put it together and then heated water to add the stock to, only using half a stock cube since it'd mentioned the food should be relatively bland but she could understand why. Once it was stirred, she poured the stock into a bowl and left the vegetables in another with cutlery and she picked up a cup for the jug of water because she'd never got round to it before when she came in to change the water.

She'd only maybe been ten minutes or a little more when she walked back into the room, using her elbows to navigate her way through closed doors and having to shape her body in all kind of ways to use her pass to get back into the main ward. It almost made her chuckle but she'd lost her sense of humour as of late. She finally returned to Room 6 and she let herself in carefully, figuring the sound of a knock was more lightly to be a disruption than if she slowly entered.

She spoke softly; "I've got the broccoli and carrots. I figured he'd need water as well at some point in case you wanted to try to get something into him other than by an IV or anything, so there's a glass as well," She felt like she needed to justify herself which wasn't unusual for her but it did make her ramble a little so she clamped her mouth shut and set down the tray on one of the tables.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kalel Perez Character Portrait: Christopher Campel
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Daniel smiled as Kalel left the room to collect some food for Chris of course he couldn't eat solid food just yet, but he had to get used to food even if it was mushed up for the time being. Since his stomach wasn't used to a lot of food and liquid he would need to have small and frequent meals. To get his strength up and appetite developed.

He watched carefully as Chris explored the mirror tapping it gently watching his reflection against the shiny surfac. He touched his reflection and tapped his nose, then his cheeks then his eyes. Touching the reflection to confirm that it was in fact him there. Humming softly he looked at the door as the lady from earlier came in carrying something.

Chris sniffed quickly taking in the new smells and trying to figure out what they were. Craning his neck to figure out what was on the table. Daniel smiled at least Chris had curiosity, the way he sniffed to take in new scents and experiences. " thanks a lot, I don't want to rush him with food but small amounts it okay since, he is getting electrolytes and nutrients but he doesn't have the feeling of his stomach being filled." He explained.

He moved his chair to the table pushing it over to Chris's bed allowing him to explore at his own pace, he picked up the fork and picked up a bit of the carrots eating them. " mmmm...delicious" he patted his stomach lightly pushing the plate towards Chris as well as the cutlery and the warm bowl of stock.

Chris hummed softly to himself looking at the plate carefully, he leaned down and sniffed the carrots and brocoli looking at the colours. He reaching his finger forward poking the mush gently retracting his finger back at the strange feeling. He looked at the mush on his fingers and sucked on it. He smacked his lips together trying to define the taste, he dipped his fingers again and tasted again. This time it was not that bad, he tried the green stuff and shook his head, nope he didn't like that.

Daniel smiled as Chris explored the food with his finger, he didn't expect him to know how to use cutlery. He expected that he would learn things in time hopefully in a home environment. In fact he though of the perfect person he would call in a few days time.

Chris tilted his head at the murky liquid, he tapped his fingers in the water watching the liquid ripple. He sucked his fingers and really enjoyed it. He dipped his finger again another few times. Smacking his lips together, eating some more of the carrots he pushed the plate away.shuffling back to the centre of the bed.

Daniel smiled " Well at least he had some things, over the next few days we'll try different food mushed down to to a consistency he can deal with. Then when he has gained a bit more weight we can introduce harder foods. I don't plan to keep Chris here that long. I'd rather see him in a home environment. A hospital is no place for a teen like Chris to grow up he needs warmth and comfort."