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Zachary Jenkins

"If you never quit, you can never fail."

0 · 573 views · located in Metro City

a character in “EIDOLON”, as played by Neodraconis




"Don't worry. I won't forget you when I'm famous."


Hair: Curly, black, medium-length and oftentimes unkept.
Facial Hair: Stubble.
Eyes: Hazel.
Build: Average height. Lean and muscular.
Skin Tone: Light, but sometimes more tanned depending on the season.
Height: 5'10
Weight: 182 lbs
Voice: Irish accent, pretty dark tone.
Handed: Left-handed.
Body Markings: None.
Scar Tissue: A couple of small scars from different fights
he's gotten himself into and a bigger one on his left leg after trying to show off his "parkour skills" to his friends during his early teen years.
Unique Body Features: None.
Clothing Style:
Zachary isn't really someone to stand out in a typical crowd. This have more to do with his presentation rather than his actual appearance. He has all the assets to get others interested. A great physique, an intense hazel gaze and the whole "mysterious" vibe, but an untamed set of hair and generally looking like he just stepped out of bed makes those features go unnoticed. He does however clean himself up out of necessity when at work. But the only time he really cares how he looks is when auditioning for a role. Otherwise he usually dress casually not really paying that much attention to what he wears. Those who give Zachary a second glance will notice the reason why acting comes so naturally to him. He's great at showing his emotions and does so openly, whether it is an infectious smile when he's happy or heart-wrenching tears when he's sad. His wardrobe, or rather his bedroom floor, is mostly covered with jeans, shirts and t-shirts thrown in together with a few hoodies.

Zachary Jenkins



Visual Age
Late 20's

Factual Age


Sexual Orientation

Power Ranking

Maser Breath: Zachary have the ability to, from his mouth, shoot powerful, highly destructive blasts of energy that can destroy almost anything in its path. He does this by combining the energy from electromagnetism, radiation and microwaves.
Power Level - 4


  • Can adjust the range of the blasts but the further the reach, the less of an destructive impact it will have. The same rules applies for the size of the blast.


  • More destructive blasts takes longer time to create.
  • The "recharge" time is long due to it taking a strain on Zachary's body. If he uses the ability to often it will start hurting his body, possibly permanently.
  • Zachary will always have limited control over some aspects of the ability. He can't "turn down" the level of destruction or limit the chaos his blasts makes.
  • Once the process of creating a blast has begun, it's impossible to stop.

Adhesion: Zachary's second ability is his ability to, with electromagnetism, force objects or materials to stick together. This can be used in multiple ways ranging from literally making people stop in their tracks to using the ability to crawl horizontal and vertical surfaces otherwise humanly impossible.
Power Level - 2


  • Can crawl horizontal and vertical surfaces.
  • It's possible to use the ability in order to repair broken objects.
  • Able to bind people to solid materials or surfaces in order to stop them in their tracks, or if desired. As an advantage in form of making one unmoveable.
  • Can stick objects to his grasp to prevent them from being ripped out of his hands


  • The ability only lasts a couple of minutes. Can be longer, but it demands Zachary's full attention.
  • Requires the materials or objects to touch.
  • Can't use it if he's not in a near vicinity of the objects/materials.


Zachary views himself as he views the world. Rejected. But that doesn't mean he has given up or can't see the beauty in all of the chaos he surrounds himself with. In his eyes it just makes him a fighter. A survivor. Someone who keeps moving forward, when in reality he is stuck as "just the server" he was eight years ago. He still has all the dreams and goals he did in his teens, but now he believes that it will happen when it's meant to happen. A philosophy that has helped him maintain an optimistic (and slightly naive) attitude towards his chance to get the fame and the glory he deserves.

For someone who have seen a few of humanity's worst traits, Zachary is very trusting and wants to believe the best in people. So when he's in social situations or conversations he have no problem with bonding with those involved. His openness about his life and who he is could be both one of his biggest strengths and one of his biggest weaknesses. For many it's a fresh breath of air but there are also quite a few who could use it against him. He is sympathetic to other people's pain and often feel a need to fix their problems. But when he tries he quickly finds himself involved in tricky situations that's none of his business nor does he have any way to solve them. It's not that he seeks out conflict, actually it is something he tries to avoid, but his tendency to act before thinking makes trouble almost an inevitability. That impulsive and spontaneous side is also why Zachary likes changes and even surprises (when it's not the really bad ones). If nothing new happens he gets a feeling of uneasy restlessness that needs to be cured. Some can't see Zachary's intelligence because of his hot-headed actions. Emotions is his fuel, what drives him and they can change quickly. This intensity could be what makes him a great actor, but also what makes all the people in the "business" label him as a wildcard or worse; unreliable and not worth the trouble.

One thing Zachary can't handle is dishonesty. The truth, despite being occasionally hurtful, is straightforward. Uncomplicated, which is something he believes he needs more of in his life. Interestingly enough, he's not treating others the way he wants to be treated, to afraid to hurt the ones around him. So Zachary, though usually honest, have a tendency to sugarcoat the truth when delivering it.

Zachary doesn't believe in quitting which is why he hasn't abandoned his dream and tried finding a new one even though it would be easier and less painful. Giving up would be the same as to admit that all his life has been spent on a failed dream. But at the same time he feels worn down after years of rejection. He still have the ambition but it is slowly fading away. He's going to less and less castings and, though he would never admit this to himself, have started to become comfortable with the idea of a future without him being a famous actor.

Moral Alignment
Chaotic Good

Zachary's dream to become an actor and his need to help others close to him.

  • Never takes the same coffee order twice in a row.
  • Can't handle public speaking, but have no problem with being the center of attention while playing a role.
  • He always carries a green notebook on his person where he writes observations and ideas as he people watch.
Zachary is afraid of being trapped, both physically and metaphorically. He needs to feel free and believe that he has a will of his own. To not be restricted or forced to do something. Due to past events he's also scared of people forgetting him or leaving him behind which he also believes is not only possible, but probable unless he gets his big break.

Thunder: He feels this is the only weather who has the same flair for the dramatics as he does.
Movies/Tv-shows: Ever since he was young he's been an addict to all genres of this type of entertainment. This is what made him find his passion for acting.
Acting: This one is pretty self-explanatory.
People Watching: Seeing other people and imagining how their life is, is yet another form of entertainment for Zachary where real people act as the characters. Watching others also helps when studying body language.
Coffee: Oddly enough, Zachary hasn't grown tired of the taste of coffee during all the years working at the café. Or the smell for that matter.
Cooking: Cooking is a hobby Zachary picked up when at college and he's become decent enough in the culinary arts.

Bad Acting: Seeing someone else act poorly makes him wanna cringe.
Musts and Shoulds: Responsibilities is never fun. Especially those where other people try to boss him around.
Dentists: The thought of someone else digging around in his mouth with tools just freaks him out.
Routines: He knows some routines are necessary and inevitable, but too many and he quickly demands change. Small or big doesn't matter, but something new has to happen so he doesn't have to relive the boredom of his early childhood.
Bullshit: Living in a world who feeds on lies and manipulation can easily get tiresome. And even though he can't always handle tough love, he would rather be hurt than deceived.

Dabbler: Zachary know a little about a lot of different subjects. This due to his many quests to understand and research the different roles he auditions for. Sometimes it is useful information, sometimes not so much. We are talking about everything from knowing the capitals of the world to being able to name the attire of the typical Victorian gentleman.
Acting: Zachary knows how to act and though he never used it in any situation outside of a classroom, stage, his home or an audition, he could most certainly use his skills if needed.
Reading People: After all his training to act like someone else it's hard to not be good at knowing the basics in reading body language. It is also something he's always had a knack for.

C O M B A T || P R O W E S S

Rating System
[Perfect] - [Excellent] - [Good] - [Above Average] - [Average] - [Below Average] - [Poor] - [Very Poor]


Hand-to-Hand Combat:
[Average] Zachary has thrown a punch or two during a fit of rage, but he is by no means a master in kicking someone's ass. However, his acting talents enables him to make it visually believeable he could.

Melee Combat:
[Poor] He's never used a knife for more than chopping vegetables. But then again, he makes a killer Ratatouille.

Ranged Combat:
[Very Poor] He's never touched a gun in his life. The closest he's gotten was holding a prop during his college years.

Control Over Power:
TBA (Abilities not manifested yet)



ImageGroup Affiliation

Marital Status

Father // Rory Jenkins // 59 // Alive
Mother // Kara Jenkins // 62 // Alive

Kinsale, Ireland

Server at café "The Godly Grind"

Zachary grew up as an only child with both parents in the quiet town of Kinsale in Ireland. The early years were great, with everything that one could expect from a normal childhood. A loving mother and father who, despite being overworked, did their best to provide for him both financially and emotionally. And Zachary who didn't want to cause his parents additional stress behaved surprisingly well for a child his age. But as Zachary grew up it was that same quiet town, same silence, that made it insufferable for him. Uneventful years passed and during high school he started acting out, searching for thrills and excitement wherever he could. Life couldn't be this predetermined and boring, could it?

Besides the new sexual and romantic interests that caught Zachary's eye during those years, an interest for movies and tv-shows blossomed as well. He could finally live exciting lives, nothing like his own, through the characters on a screen and that's when his passion for acting begun as well. He could create characters of his own and not only portray them, but live as them. He joined a theatre club after school. His talent was undisputed. He fell in love with another boy in the same club and eventually they became a couple. A short-lived one sure, but a couple nevertheless.

Zachary, like many other teens had the dream of making it in the United States. To become a big star and have his face plastered on the big screen. So he applied to the renowned Film Academy in Metro City where they had an Acting Program and got in. His parents saw how much he wanted this and encouraged him to follow his heart. And at first, it was all he had dreamed of and more. A beautiful school, great teachers and he quickly found amazing friends. Ryan became his closest one. The two of them did everything together and people started making jokes about them being two parts of the same person. But Zachary's studies was a different matter. He quickly realized that even though he was a big shot in the small town of Kinsale with less than three thousand inhabitants, here, he was nothing more than one of many who wanted this at least as much as he did. So he worked harder. Every assignment they received he went to crazy lengths to understand his roles. If he was supposed to play homeless then he lived on the streets for a week. His hard work payed off and he slowly improved and as his last year at the school arrived he had become one of the best students in his class.

However, he still had a lot to learn about the showbiz world. Graduation was approaching and to give their students the best shot at making it as actors, they had invited casting directors from upcoming blockbusters to come to the campus and let the students have tryouts for roles. With his passion and intensity Zachary made mixed first impressions. Some loved his enthusiasm while others didn't feel he took the whole thing seriously enough. Still, he got a few callbacks like a few others in his class. The casting directors said they would have them come back the next day. Both Zachary and Ryan was so excited that they couldn't even sleep that night. However, as the time for the callbacks neared, Ryan started acting weird and wasn't up for their usual bantering. Zachery just wrote it off as nerves. Later, as Zachary went to get his stuff, Ryan saw his chance and pushed him into the broom closet and barricaded the door so he couldn't get out. Betrayed by his best friend, Zachary missed all his callbacks and weeks later it was announced Ryan had gotten one of the leads in the movie he had been most excited to play in. Zachary was devastated. The few people who kept in touch with him, (mostly other students who hadn't gotten any roles themselves.) told him that his time would come. So he grasped at that hope as more and more of his class made their dreams come true and left him behind. That was how he looked at it at least. Graduation came and went and suddenly Zachary stood there, at the threshold to a new life out in the "real world". With no direction and no plan for the future other than surviving and hope for the day a casting director might choose him for a role. Any role. He wasn't the only one lost. After all, there is more struggling actors out there than there is successful ones, but at that moment, he might as well have been alone.

As he no longer had the safety of his dorm, he got a new apartment. It was barely livable and already inhabited by animals that was conveniently left out of the ad. He took the jobs no one else wanted but he kept on quitting with excuses like "It just wasn't for me" or "The boss was a jerk". In reality they made him feel trapped, used or limited. Jobs where he got paid under minimum wage or was ordered to do things he refused to do, like sexually satisfying the boss if he wanted a proper lunch break. Finally he stumbled across a job that, while not glamorous, paid decent enough and had nice people working there, some of who would become Zachary's closest friends. A job as a server at the "The Godly Grind", a cozy, medium-sized café. Now, eight years later, he still works there. He auditions for roles sometimes, and during those times you can see the passion in Zachary. The same insane desire that makes him literally live the lives of the characters to better understand them. But every time he's shot down. Someone younger, better or both, comes in and snatches the roles from him. And then he will shrug and pretend it's alright, convincing the ones around him that his time will come. But he can barely convince himself. That's when he focuses his energy on helping the lives of those around him, even if the help is not always wanted. Because if he can help them live the lives they want, then a part of him have not failed. Of course, he would never admit this to be the reason to anyone, especially himself. Mostly though, he just spends his time serving coffee. Serving to young adults whose biggest dreams is becoming big stars and have their faces plastered on the big screen.

So begins...

Zachary Jenkins's Story