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Elements of the World

Rowan Academy


a part of Elements of the World, by eccentric vibe.


eccentric vibe holds sovereignty over Rowan Academy, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Rowan Academy is a part of Elements of the World.

14 Characters Here

Tenki Toumeina [0] What will the weather be like today....?
Keeley Lukale [0] "If you are going to walk on thin ice, you might as well dance."
Eveleen Bro`nach (Hduo) [0] (Pronounced Ha du oh) At least my tears will never run dry... that a good thing?
Kiwi [0]
Ray Montahue [0] "They say its silly to be scared of the dark, but light's the real problem here."
John Entrei [0] You see that thing there? Yeah that wont light on fire. I dont like that thing.
Alice Isabelle Vieira [0] Also known as the Wolf of Space
Ariel Leira [0] "I go where the wind goes...."

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(hey guys, if you didn't look at the OOC I've decided that we can just go ahead and be at the academy if you'd like. If not, post on the OOC and someone can find you or something. Is anyone opposed to the idea of the smaller elements at Rowan, so it won't be just those ten?


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#, as written by Maeve
[I agree with the little- er "powers" that the Ten can control.]

Aislyn got out of her car, restless, though she didn't know why. She felt anxiety turning the normal steel of her stomach into butterflies. She thought she was running out of air and slid down the bank of a tree, coming to rest at an intertwining of two roots that formed almost a perfect circle, yet slightly off-center, like the moon. She focused on a mental image of the moon, struggling to keep conciousness. What was going on?
She needed help, and she needed to find it fast.
But there was no time. Her ears faintly caught the sound of fast breaths and small shrieks that nobody would hear. With a start she realized they were her own. As her vision faded out, the moon became larger and larger in her vision until it took over everything....

Ow. My head. was her first thought. She raised a hand to rub her eyes and noticed her hand was shimmering faintly, a soft glow, a forbidden flame. Startled, she lowered the hand, thinking it was another person's, but began to understand it was her own. Without hesitating, she rose to a crawl and beside her, nestled in the same off-sided circle that she had rested in, yet a diffrent setting, was a small pond. It was silver and reflective as a mirror. Aislyn glanced in and froze, thoroughly shocked.
Her face was angled and her eyes were slanted. Her black eyes were gone, replaced with an almost silver-black. They shone from within, giving her face hidden depths she hadn't realized she posessed. Her dark hair tumbled over her shoulders and she tried to smooth back the mess. Her skin gave off the faint sheen, as if with the glow of magic.
Backing away from the pond, she set off at a steady pace through the dense wood. She would find civilization and someone to explain what had happened. All the while as she walked she thought to herself how she seemed to have landed in one of her stories and wishing only that Ray was with her.


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(anyone want to roleplay ice, too? or, Wake E.V., maybe I could just give it to you as one character since ice and water are technically the same)

Ray entered the doors into a sleek elegant hallway, marveling the site of Rowan as he stuck in a crowd of other students touring the site. The school had seemed small and private on the outside, but as they explored the different wings and buildings, he found it quite the opposite. A wolf of whom he did not know the name of ((not Space or Time, just a random person who works there)) was leading them through the different academic wings after showing them through the cafeteria, a large pool, and their dorm rooms, naming boring historical facts as they went along.
Earlier Ray discovered his roommate was someone named John Entrei, though he couldn't pick him out of the rest. The dorms were specifically picked to align with whatever element you had, so their room had fiery walls and bright furniture, with single beds that had quilts made of delicate thread and silk. There were paintings of the sun and moon and stars everywhere, too, a loft with two desks, and a bookshelf with ancient books and scrolls. He had wondered if all of them looked like that, and how the board (he suspected it was only Aeon and Alice) had gotten to pay for all of it.
The only place Ray wanted to go was towards the arenas and where the training courses and tracks were. He still wasn't clear on what he was meant to do or even who he really was, but from what he understood he was going to be learning about harnessing energies, philosophy, astrology, ancient languages, history, and other courses to help him gain control of his "powers." Whatever they were. It wasn't really as if Ray could deny that he had them, but it was still weird to think that powers even existed. He wasn't special as a kid. No out of the ordinary talents. The only thing he remembered that could remotely be related to this was having a dream only weeks earlier...
Ten or so humans being crowned, looking regal and wise with shining eyes. They sat at eight thrones shaped like a sideways C around two higher ones that were so breath taking they looked hand crafted from a forest. They were out in a sanctuary, with stained glass windows depicting images from an earlier Time that he remembered somehow but couldn't grasp... and sunlight filtering through the windows, rays so bright, so real, so radiant and golden, he wanted to reach out and hold onto it before it was gone...

But he shook himself. Every time he thought of the dream he wanted to ask his sister about it, but feared of sounding crazy. Now it seemed relevant, however, and all he could think was how good it was that she had come along, too. Aeon had only given vague direction to go home, gather his belongings, and follow him to be transported here with nine others that "matched his level," as the tour guide had said, and then a bunch of other insignificant students on a lower learning stage. All in all this meant there would probably be less kids in the whole Academy than in a single grade at his old school.
"Okay everyone, now I want you to split into pairs and discuss something you want to accomplish this year." The tour guide instructed.
He spotted a cute girl with long blond hair standing beside him and whispered to her, "I'm Ray."


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John stared up at the sky, idly flicking open and closed his butane torch and wondering what had happened. When he had first woken up he had checked his cell phone in a panic and discovered that it wasn't there, and neither was his heart rate monitor. John had then hopped up and decided to find out where he had been taken to. After a short while he had been found by a wolf who knew his name and told him where his room was. Deciding he was just having a psychotic break John happily went along and was interested to see that his room had a bright fiery theme with two beds, which meant he might get a room-mate. Tossing his teddy bear on the leftmost bed to claim it, John listened to the wolf explain to him the he would be led to a group of other students so he could become acquainted with them. Mentally flipping a coin, John ignored that and as soon as the wolf had its back turned ducked down a gap between buildings, giggling happily and feeling warm and whole. John heard a shout behind him, probably from the wolf, and squealed giddily before he began to run full-tilt, his face getting lower and lower to the ground as he ran until, not quite sure how, he had become a wolf made of fire and was tearing around the school and howling happily. The howling clued John into the fact that something wasn't right and he came to a sudden stop in human form and tumbled for a second. John then hopped up and turned to the wolf that had caught up to him "Ok lets go meet with the others"

John snapped back to the present and vaguely heard a wolf telling him to make friends with someone and discuss his goals, John giggled and clicked his torch on and stared at the flame, waiting for somebody to come talk to him since it seemed easier than picking somebody. While he waited, John formed his introductory speech in his head *"Hi my name is John, and this year I wish to accomplish discovering what the hell has happened to me.." no that won't work "Hi I'm John and I want to have fun this year!..." too preppy, "I'm called John and I want to discover how to control my power" that should work, but what if they ask something else? "I'm John I like short walks through the woods and bonfires, I'm apparently a wolf made of fire and i can burn stuff." no that sounds like an online dating profile... ah i'll just make it up as i go i'm no good at preparing stuff ahead of time...*


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#, as written by Maeve
Aislyn smiled, drifting distractedly through the hallways as delightfully warm air brushed against her bare arms. Memory flickered back in front of her eyes and as she watched she felt as if she were reliving it....

Broaching yet another hill, Aislyn had lost all hope of stumbling upon civilization by chance, so she'd taken to looking at the ground and trying to find any trace of a human pathway. She found nothing. So she'd come over this hill and suddenly... bam. It was a huge relief, the multiple brightly-colored buildings all clustered together in a clearing, free of the damn trees. There were a bunch of rectangular two-story buildings near the back of the place, which she later found were the dorms in back of the school. She'd strode down the valley, finally running into a short man with silver hair who'd welcomed her with great exclamations. It'd seemed a little over the top, but as they walked back to the main office, the man, who's name was Ian, explained that this was Rowan Academy, and she was one of their much-honored guests. He opened the door for her, which made her smile a bit. When the office-person had seem Aislyn, she bowed low, grinning brilliantly. "You are the Maiden of the Moon, are you not?" she nearly shouted in her exitement, and continued without waiting for a response. "She's one of the last ones to arrive. We're waiting on a few more, but the majority have arrived on the island. Some are still finding their way here," said the woman, plainly adressing Ian. He nodded and, still grinning, gestured for Aislyn to follow him while he gave her a grand tour of the school. He explained in clear tones that she was one of ten Elementals who'd lost themselves to humanity long ago, but Masters Time and Space had perceived a great Evil to be coming, and decided that the Eight others be called into play, to help them fight. It seemed a little preposterous to Aislyn, and she did consider that she was a contestant on one of those reality shows. But she quickly got rid of the concept, choosing to accept her fate. After all, she had always seemed a little diffrent then those around her...except for Ray, of course.
"But I can't leave my family," inquired Aislyn after a particularly long lecture on the history of some painting of some mountain. "And my twin brother- Ray. He'll be looking for me," she panicked.
"Do not worry," said Ian with a twinkle in his worn green eyes. "It is only fitting, but your Brother, Master of the Sun, has already arrived." Aislyn felt a moment of betrayal, then relief. She smiled wholeheartedly at Ian, her first moment of real happiness that day. He'd then shown her her dorm room. It was beautiful, painting a dark-purple and silver, with calm lamps and lavalamps stationed on various pieces of furniture. She was relieved they weren't bunkbeds, and there was only two beds in her "room." It wasn't even really a room, more of a tiny apartment, with it's own kitchen, bathroom, and living room. At that point, Ian had bid her farewell, leaving a small star-shaped pendant for her on a necklace. She proceeded to pull it onto her neck. Ian murmured, "If you ever need assistance from any of us, just shake that, and we will come." Aislyn had nodded, not getting it but appearing honored. It was obvious Ian thought highly of it. She didn't know who her future roomate would be and didn't care to find out right then. Aislyn had changed out of her grass-stained clothes and into a pretty, black loose shirt and jeans that were in her closet- they fit perfectly, which kind of creeped Aislyn out in the beginning, but she'd quickly gotten over it. She'd ventured out to see if she could find any more of the Ten; maybe they'd be as confused as her.

Now she was wandering the halls, running long fingers over the plaster walls, when she noticed a man who looked about her age staring at a lighted torch. She approached him, nearly whispering a soft "Hi," so as not to disturb him.


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John looked up from his lighter and smiled, "You said hello to me that means we're friends now." John extended his hand, "my name is John what's your name? Oh by the way since apparently i'm supposed to tell new people I meet what my goals this year are my goal is to..... shoot what was I going to say...." John paused and looked at his lighter again for a quick second feeling incredibly depressed before brightening up again and beaming happily "oh yeah! my goal is to discover how to properly use my powers. Oh i'm a wolf made of fire my the way i'm not entirely sure how that works but eventually i'll either figure it out or stop hallucinating or discover that this isn't a hallucination and then have to deal with being made of fire which i guess would make buying a bed expensive what with the flames and the burning and such though i suppose if i can control fire i could make it not burn my bed but then what would happen if i fell asleep and lost control of my power that would be bad but since this school is apparently made for people like us they probably have safeguards or something like that though i would probably lose all the stuff i was carrying on myself at the time which would be bad but anyhoo i'm rambling i'm terribly sorry i do that when i'm nervous and i'm mildly nervous now because i can't remember if i said what my name was yet or not, it's John by the way, John Entrei, i think i said that but i'm not sure oh my gosh i'm so sorry i'm rambling again you talk now, what was your name again?" John cycled through several emotions during his speech but ended up with intense curiosity as to who his new friend was with his right hand extended and his left hand unconsciously flicking his butane torch on and off, not aware that the butane in it had run out quite a while ago.


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#, as written by Maeve
Aislyn smiled at his nervous ramblings. She ran a hand through her hair, felt it brush against her middle back, and distractedly thought, I'm going to have to cut that soon. Not knowing if she had just spoken aloud, she offered a hand, slim and light in the grasp of John, John Entrei, and chuckled, listening curiously to the sound of her laugh fill the room.
"I'm J-, um, Aislyn," she said, struggling to remember what Ian had told her, what her "real" name was. As soon as she said it, it clicked into place.
"I'm Aislyn," she said again, confidently, joyously, then noticing John flicking his torch off and on, and gently removed it from his tight grasp before handing it to him again and offering another smile. "This seems real enough to be reality, or you and I are both having the same hallucination. I'm pretty sure they have beds resistant to whatever disaster we could call up- they seem pretty on top of it here. My goal, I guess, is to learn to control my powers. I'm the Moon, by the way, and to answer that last question you did tell me your name. Twice."
She smiled. Yet again. She really liked listening to this guy talk.


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John beamed happily, "The moon? that's pretty awesome. Aislyn is a cool name, you almost said another name before that though, J something, why? Well you don't have to tell me if its a secret or something, wait is that your wolf name? I was told the wolf part of me had a different name than the one my parents had given me but I havent figured it out yet, I hope its not important... Anyhoo do you know who we can talk to about room assignments? I have a room already but there's a second bed in there and I was wondering who my room-mate was, actually I should probably ask the would dude I was talking to earlier. Would you mind if I darted off real quick to ask him? Actually we could walk and talk if that's cool with you, you're the first person to talk to me besides the wolf dude that took me to my room and I like talking to people." John stuffed his torch in his pocket to keep from continually flicking it open and closed while he was talking. However, after he had put it away his hand went through the motion of lighting the torch and he didn't notice a small blue flame that had appeared over his hand where it would be if he had lit the butane torch.


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#, as written by Maeve
"I almost said Joslyn," admitted Aislyn, feeling as if she was betraying some sort of trust and not sure why. "It's my, you know, birth certificate name, but my mentor told me my real name was Aislyn. And it feels right."
She nodded her head with her words, confirming them. They rang true. She noticed a small blue flame leap out of his pocket and jumped, hurridly gesturing at his hand and pausing to let him flick off the torch incase he burned off his clothes. She assumed he was impervious to the heat of fire. After thinking of that, she began to feel a real curiosity for her own powers. She wished it was tomorrow, so she could begin the training Ian had talked about. And maybe she'd run into other elementals- and perhaps her brother.
"I'll walk with you. I need to see who my roomate is, as well. And your the first person I've talked to besides Ian, and you're actually an Elemtal." She smiled and began to walk down the hallway, glancing over her shoulder questioningly.


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Nervously yet excitedly playing with the hem of her simple yet tastefully fashioned emerald green tunic, Tenki lightly bit down on her bottom lip. Though it had been a lot of information to fully process, it was still sitting heavily in her heart and mind. Being told that she was some sort of magical wolf being was not exactly a normal thing to be revealed to a normal person living a normal life. Tenki didn’t mind though. She was always faintly aware that she was different from other teenagers and people in general but she never expected to be that different. Despite this, it was still a welcomed change and as she was being led through the elaborately decorated halls of Rowan Academy, anxiety crept up on the youth and danced with her other conflicting emotions.

What if they don’t like me…? What if they… No no! You mustn’t think like that Tenki. These people don’t know you and according to that wolf’s story, they are just like you…

Shaking her head side to side, as if the mere action would shake off the thoughts, the youth took a deep breath before slowly wiping away any traces of doubt and uneasiness from her mind. This was the perfect opportunity for her to start over and she would see to it that nothing but her best was invested into this chance she was presented with. As soft footfalls wandered alongside the wolf that guided her, she intently listened to every word spoken to her and took the suggestions her guide made to heart.

Become acquainted with the other gifted students, master your abilities so that you can properly harness your “gift”, and do your best to succeed.

Nodding and slowly waving as her guide left her in a hallway where the others would supposedly gather, Tenki proceeded to go against a wall and place her belongings on the floor beside her feet. Crossing her arms behind her back while leaning on the wall, the girl allowed her bright emerald orbs to wander over every fine detail in the hallway as well as the few people/wolves that lingered in the vicinity. Debating on whether she should approach someone or not, she would hesitate before abandoning the idea entirely, getting cold feet at the last second. It wasn’t as if she could actually talk so she felt that investing her energy and time into something else would be more efficient.

Though you know you should be getting to know the others better… You took that advice to heart Tenki…!

Picking up her stuff to before wandering over to a window, the purple haired girl would look up and out at the sight in front of her, a small smile playing at her lips.

What will the weather be like today…?


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#, as written by TheZero
The sound of the waves of the ocean drifted up to the ears of the girl asleep on the towel set in the sand. Her hair was like the watery sea and her eyes were the color of the ocean depths. Skin as pale as the white sand beneath her as she was curled up on her side. She couldn't ever just tan... No matter how hot the sun burned she remained the sandy white and the ocean blue.

Opening her eyes slowly and letting them adjust to the sunlight that had been covered by the overhead clouds -thankfully- Eveleen looked around trying to remember where she was. All was quiet accept for the waves rolling over the shore. Where had she been?

Sitting up and using her arms for support, the girl looked around more so. There was no one and nothing... until something in the distance caught her sight. Far in the distance a blue blur running. But no, not on the land, on the water. A canine figure skidding against the waves and whiplashing another with its tail. The girl peered closer. Standing she held her hand out and a scythe dripping wet appeared so that she would hold it. It was then she noticed the figure charging towards her at great speed. It drew closer and closer and Eveleen realized it was a wolf, a very unique wold with the fur of water and the eyes a deep watery black. She could hear it growl when she stepped forward even as it was running.

At last when it was about to be to her, the girl swung her weapon hoping to fend it off from her but the wolf was never even touch. Instead a moment passed and she realized it had disappeared...

In a bed in a house not to far from the shore, Eveleen woke slowly from a nap and walked down to wash her face in a well that always had cooled cleaned sea water. She washed her face and then looked down. Mixed with her own reflection was that of a wolf. A shiver ran down her back.
It wasn't a dream...


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John did a quick twirl then started walking down the hallway with a jaunty bounce in his step, every third step becoming a skip. John had, while talking to Aislyn, decided that he didn't care if he was hallucinating he was enjoying himself and having decided that was markedly more joyful about everything around him. After catching up to Aislyn John began looking for the wolf he had been talking with earlier while taking in the sights of Rowan Academy. After only two minutes of walking John spotted the wolf, well he assumed it was the same wolf it might just be a similar one, and smiling again at Aislyn ran up to the wolf, "Hi i'm not sure if you remember me but I'm John the fire wolf and I was wondering if you could help me with something, I'm looking for my room-mate so I can say hi to him, oh also this is Aislyn she's the moon wolf." John beamed happily at both the wolf and Aislyn. The wolf cleared his throat and responded in measured tones, "Fire wolf, human name John Entrei room designation warmth, your room-mate is the wolf of the sun named Solstice human name Raymond Montahue. Is there anything else I can help you with?" John happily shok his head no and waved goodbye to the wolf, though he was still standing right next to him, and turned to Aislyn "Nifty wolf of the sun that's pretty cool we both are all bright and fiery and stuff. What do you want to do now?" John was excitedly hopping from one foot to the other, small flames flickering in his hair as he partially manifested his wolf form.


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((Wait, so, where is everyone right now? First day of school or still orientation?))


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Trey looked around the halls of the place he had just been beckoned to, the academy that would train "select teenagers" like him to become one with their elements and how to master their abilities. Normally he would wonder how he knew all this information, but at the time, it felt as if it was essential to the reason why he was there at the time. He saw some kids his age walking around, and decided to not be seen, heading straight for the director of the academy, the one who could help him the most at the time, he thought. "Better to not get too close to them anyway..." he thought, as he kept walking, the air around him suddenly getting colder with each step he took. "That way I never have to say goodbye..." he said quietly, with the same gloomy expression he always wore on his face. He turned a corner and sensed someone of important nearby, and began looking for the room that person was in, almost like if he was sniffing out their aura. "If that person is Alice...then.." he murmured, as he walked into the room where the young woman was and walked up to her.

"I am Trey Isaz, and I'm looking for someone to tell me how I arrived here...although i kind of have an idea" he said, as he bowed, and looked at her attentively. His eyes looked forward with a cold stare, almost as if the element of Ice was manifesting itself through his eyes. "I am the Ice wolf" he said, calm as ever, as he awaited to hear what the wolf of Space would say.


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#, as written by Maeve
[We are in Orientation- the wolves have just arrived at the school are are socilizing/recieving a tour before the night is over.]
When the wolf person came up, Aislyn smiled at him, in good a mood as ever. When he said John would be rooming with her brother, her eyes brightened.
"We could go find some of the others, we could go to the forest, talk to the teachers- meaning Time and Space, of course. We could turn into our wolf forms and run around the school, terrorizing the others. Really, anything. I mean, we have the whole night before training tomorrow."
Her hair was also taking on a bluish tint, the adrenaline leaking her hair into it's wolf persona.


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((Sorry guys- I do apologize for my lack of activity/slow spots! but we have all ten now so its all good again! Also, my last post was directed towards Ariel, who quit the roleplay, so now I guess now I'll change it to Tenki))

Ray stepped outside the modulars where everyone had gotten locker combinations, and a warm, lazy breeze swept through campus. The wolf had let everyone loose to explore the rest of the campus for Orientation, and as he walked towards an open green field he discovered there was a quad almost exactly like his old high school. The other kids had wanted to go check out their dorms or get something to eat on campus, and earlier Ray had seen his sister talking to the guy who must have been his roommate. He beamed. It was so good to see her happy. He hadn't met anyone specific yet; an unfamiliar feeling of self hibernation overcoming him. He had wanted to be away from people, solitary. There was one girl, however, with short purple hair and a green toga that he had noticed during the tour sketching something. Tenki, he thought her name was. He said hey but she must not of heard, so he shyly wandered away from the crowd.
Now Ray walked to the bleachers, and started running, just because he could, just because he loved the rushing wind and the heat on his face and the connection of his feet pounding against earth. He propped his legs up and laid his back down, absorbing the warmth of the sun on hot metal. Gray clouds were starting to cave into the sky, in alignment with his clouded thoughts. Far away to his left there was an open air gym where some grade tens were playing basketball, and he focused listening to rubber squeaks and echoing shouts and the bouncing ball. He was glad to have peace so he could sort out the divergent emotions about where he was.
It was a beautiful school, huge and enchanted, and everywhere Ray went he felt like he was in a tarot card: silver and purple everywhere, eccentric human art of wolves, ancient decorations of stars and astrology, statues, candles, plants, etc. It was a fresh start, marking all the cliche beginnings: new friends, new powers, a new persona. But it felt wrong, still, like trying to force two puzzle pieces together from different puzzles.
Then there was his family. The wolf, Aeon, had given him limited information on how his family would take Aislyn and his' disappearance. The lingering question marks and gaps make him restless. Was their a letter sent home to them? Would he be able to contact them? What if they didn't even remember who they were? I never even gotten to tell them goodbye...
He chewed on this and a heavy sadness rested on him. The sunlight drained through the bleachers. He knew if he dwelled on this for too long it would eat through him, and decided to find distraction. Starting back up the hill, he spotted Tenki further near campus.
Feeling a ghost take over him, one that had confidence and nerve, he ran up to her and out of breath, said again, "I'm Ray."


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John nearly squealed with delight at the thought of running around as a wolf and finding other wolves, unconsciously he manifested his wolfs pelt along his hair and down his back, bright orange and red flames flickering out of his field of view so he remained unaware of it. "hey lets go try to find the sun wolf guy, I think that would be fun, I just need to figure out how to turn into a wolf so I can run faster, I think I did it earlier but i'm not quite sure how but I can try." John beamed happily and extended his hand to Aislyn, then jerked it up to his face with amazement as he noticed the flames licking up and down along his forearm, "awesome!" he giggled again and started hopping in place again then, as he was wont to do, became incredibly still and serious as he focused on the fire. The flames seemed to be speaking to him, and he tuned everything else out as he stared deeper and deeper into the flame spreading across his arm then across the rest of his body. John did not notice that he has crouched down and his clothing melted away into flames, becoming part of his wolf form. John saw nothing beside the dancing flames that beckoned him forward and with a purely wolfish howl he leapt into a run, chasing something he was only faintly aware of, as he ran faster and faster, the flames of his body blurring and becoming hotter as he chased his instincts until he finally came to an abrupt stop and stared strait in front of himself, he could finally make out what the flames were saying to him 'Eld, wolf of fire, remember yourself, remember your name. Eld' John shook his head and sat down, shifting back into his human form and staring at nothing, "Eld, I guess my name is Eld.... I should figure out what that means.. and where I am right now." with the last statement John, or rather Eld, began looking around and realized he was completely lost. With a slight groan at his sore muscles and feeling ravenously hungry Eld/John decided to find out where he had gotten himself to


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A light gray hue began to paint over the bright blue sky, blending in with the vibrant color before eventually turning it into a darker shade of gray. The scent of near wet asphalt and water began to pervade the air slowly with the telltale smell of rain. Feeling a small smile play at her lips, her assumption from earlier in the day correct as always, Tenki formed a loose fist and placed it lightly atop her heart. Though she appreciated clear weather, it was always a nice change whenever the sky decided to spill crystal tears and rejuvenate the earth with precious water.

It's good for the plants... She thought absentmindedly for a moment, becoming distracted from the sight before her.

Just as the purple haired girl leaned over to gather her belongings, hurried footfalls would reach her sensitive ears, causing her to turn her attention to the direction from which they came. Blinking her eyes in surprise when a boy with blonde hair came to a stop in front of her, she would quickly study his features when he introduced himself whilst he was catching his breath. As Ray spoke, Tenki vaguely remembered spotting him earlier when grouped with others on the tour she was given. She did not want to assume anything though seeing as her memory was quite terrible. Bowing her head slightly in acknowledgment, the girl would smile brightly before gingerly pulling out a notepad and a writing utensil from the depths of a small handbag she carried around.

'Hello Ray! My name is Tenki. It's nice to meet you~' she wrote swiftly, her hand curving up and down in an elegant and well-practiced manner.

Wondering what could have driven him to introduce himself to her, the bright eyed girl tilted her head slightly to the side, curiosity and happiness dancing animatedly in them.


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(continuing since nagato has yet to post...) Trey Bowed at the female as he finished talking with her and walked out of the room, walking past some of the other wolves and continuing to walk, trying to find out who he would be staying with, or if he was going to be lucky enough to stay alone. The air around him still cold, himself still feeling uneasy around a bunch of kids his age. He wasn't used to it and he knew at some point he'd have to face those feelings, but he never thought it would be this soon..."Who the hell am i supposed to talk to to find out where I'll be staying..." he thought to himself, as he gave a heavy sigh, the air suddenly becoming even more colder.


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#, as written by Maeve
Aislyn repressed a start of surprise as John referred to her brother as the "sun wolf guy," then smiled as he struggled to learn how to turn himself into his wolf. She herself had yet to figure it out. Suddenly, flames leaped over his body as if they had the right- like they belonged to him. She found herself wanting to follow, run without a care in the world, and did. It was the strangest sensation- afterward she described it as a lengthening of your bones, yet shortening of your skin, pulling tighter and tighter. It happened so fast, it was hardly noticable. And suddenly, her pelt was a beautiful, errie light blue, like the hue of the moon, with differing colors dotting it, forming small half-moons. She ran and found herself having four legs, and sped faster, struggling to keep her balance on the slippery marble floor of the school. She felt more at balance after spriting out the proped-open door. But she'd lost sight of John.
Where did he go? she pondered, amazed at how natural being a wolf was, just was. As she entered the surrounding forests, she felt at first that she stood out among them like she had as a human, yet as she crept along she slowly found her place. The hunter, the wolf, the predator.
She had no urge to pounce or even find prey, though. The thought of raw meat disgusted her.
She continued to wander the forest, exploring the nooks and crannies she hadn't noticed before, until....
Dang. I'm lost, she thought.


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As Eld, in his human form, wandered through the woods he had found himself in he whistled merrily and occasionally broke out into song about either his sore muscles or how hungry he was, mostly to distract himself from how hungry and sore he was. After a short while of wandering Eld found himself unconsciously sniffing the air around himself and he started walking in another direction, following whatever it was that he had smelled. after following his nose for a few minutes Eld came out into a clearing in the woods that had a small pond in the middle of it. Shrugging and accepting it Elde knelt down and drank from the pond to ease his hunger then sat leaning against a nearby rock and tried to think about anything he had ever learned about wolves that could help him find his way home. After determining that he wouldn't be able to sniff his way home, he couldn't figure out how to consciously manifest his wolf form, Eld remembered once reading that wolves could communicate over long distances by howling and even though he didn't know how to speak wolf he figured he could try to howl really loud and someone would come find him if he made enough noise. Giggling and running in a little circle Eld crouched down and took in as much air as his lungs could hold then began howling at an extremely high volume and managed to maintain his howl for nearly ten seconds. Gasping slightly from rapidly filling then emptying his lungs, Eld waited a moment to recover then let loose another howl of the same volume and duration. Eld kept repeating this process over and over again, determined that it would work and if not eventually somebody would notice he was missing and come to scold him thus saving him from being lost in the woods.


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#, as written by X-Fly-X
Yoki walked barefoot through the litter of leaves on the forest floor. Her long hair wafting behind her, she barely made a sound as she moved. She was in one of her traditional Navajo dresses, with all her belongings packed in her rucksack just as her elders had instructed her to do. She was walking in the direction they had described. She ran through the events that had lead to this in her head over and over, yet it still made no sense. The mystic in her community had told her she had come of age to find her true self, all the elders seemed to know something about her that she didn't. She frowned, was there some law or right of passage every girl had to go through? Was this some weird tradition? She had definitely never heard about it. And what did they mean by 'true self'? Her first ceremony with the mystic, she had been given her 'true name'. Kiwidinok, since that day all the members of the community called her Kiwi. She hardly ever used her birth name. It had confused her but now she was used to it.

She found herself getting hungry, her stomach unleashing a loud grumbling protest. "Alright alright. Meal time" she said to herself. She climbed up a tree used one of its branches as a seat, leaning against the trunk for support. From her rucksack she pulled out some trail mix and began to munch on it happily. Her break was disturbed as she heard a howl come from nearby, it was loud and long. She gripped the bag of trail mix as the sound made her jump. "A wolf?" she asked. No way, the elders had sent her into a forest with wolves in it? What the hell were they thinking? The first howl was followed by another, she squealed and fell out from her branch, landing with a light thud on the ground. She dusted herself off and got to her feet, shoving her food back in her rucksack. Her brain was screaming at her to run but she kept still. "True self" she said in wonderment. Finding your true self she guessed had to be a spiritual thing...maybe like a quest. Wolves were very spiritual animals, especially to the Navajo...Maybe this wolf was a sign? Her guide? She frowned, it sounded ridiculous, yet she didn't move.

She sighed and gripped the strap of her rucksack tightly, "I must be bonkers" she walked forward and sat on a lower branch, waiting to see if whatever had made the noise would show itself.


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Eld sat down with a massive headache and took a long drink from the pond. "Ok Eld, you can do this. Somebody will come eventually and if they dont you can turn into a wolf and go find something to eat and live out the rest of your days as a big fiery wolf thing, at least i'll never have to eat my food raw." at this Eld giggled and hopped up and down a couple of times before resuming his crouch and as he took in a breath for his next howl a thought occured to him, to try throwing words into his howls in case someone didn't recognize him as being a wolf from rowan academy, so Eld began howling again "AWOOOOOOheycouldsomebodyhelpmeimlostOOOOOOOOOOO! Awooooseriouslyihavenoideawhereiamoooo!" Eld felt much happier now that he was using words and then continued repeating his message over and over again, pausing every few minutes to take a drink from the pond for his dry throat and to let his headache go away.


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#, as written by Maeve
Aislyn had just began to get nervous when a huge howl echoed around the forest. A few squirrels leaped from their hiding places behind a rock to flee from the demanding sound. Aislyn recognized the wolf howl and began to lope through the forest, her huge wolf body weaving lithely in and out of the twining trees. She paused for a while to rest- she wasn't in a hurry- and three more calls came within the span of time. She began to canter, an interesting gait that would probably resemble a skip in human form. She howled but did not intersperce words into her wolf-voice. She went through multiple clearings when she glimpsed his fiery pelt and slowed to a walk.


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Eld perked his ears up when he heard a howled response and began manifesting his wolf form so that he could howl louder and longer, a fiery pelt covering his body and causing the remaining water on his face from the pond to steam off. When he had fully manifested his wolf form he became aware of a familiar scent nearby and loped over to where he had smelled it and, peering through the trees, saw a wolf slowly walking towards him. His first instinct when seeing this other wolf was not, as he would have expected, to run away, rather his first instinct was to lope over and say hello. His mouth open with his tongue lolling out happily Eld scampered over to the new wolf that smelled familiar and sat down before changing back to his human form and smiling, "Hi! you don't look like a normal wolf so i'm guessing that you're a student at rowan academy, my name is Eld," Eld leaned forward and stage-whispered to the wolf "actually I only recently found out my name is Eld my human name is John." he then returned to a normal speaking tone, "so what's your name? by the way your pelt looks awesome it's all glowy and stuff mines made of fire but you probably already saw that what with me standing there as a wolf made of fire and junk. Are you thirsty by the way? theres a pond over there if you are, oh also do you know how I can get back to the academy I kind of got lost." Eld smiled again and suddenly frowned and felt incredibly depressed when he remembered that he had gotten lost on his first day and had, albeit unintentionally, ditched the person he was hanging out with. Eld slumped to the ground and started swearing vehemently at himself.