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Endure and Survive

Apocalyptic America


a part of Endure and Survive, by TheBallonGirl.


TheBallonGirl holds sovereignty over Apocalyptic America, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

421 readers have been here.

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Apocalyptic America is a part of Endure and Survive.

5 Characters Here

Viktor Harris [8] We're going to survive, no matter what.
Alex Chare [7] "Jesus Christ, my head."
Emiline Michal [6] ....
Saraphine Michel [6] "Emiline is my only priority right now, okay?"

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Character Portrait: Viktor Harris
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Viktor Harris

Paint still drips from an old building where a message has clearly been written. A message that sends dread coursing through the body of Viktor Harris.We have won! it says, almost in a cheery way but Viktor knows that it is anything but cheery. He can hear screaming down the street, and gunfire echoes all around. We have won the battle against the soldiers but not the one we wage with ourselves. It's hard to keep low to the ground with a leg that's throbbing with pain every step he takes. But he knows if anybody spots him he will be done for, just like everyone else the group deems to be a burden.

"Shit." He edges around the side of an old concrete slab that is leaning against the wall of a building. He can hear people not too far away, though their words are muffles he knows they are part of the main group. He catches sight of their guns first. Then their faces come into view. He recognizes them as former soldiers turned hunter by the fear of dying in the big fight. Cowards. But dangerous cowards. He keeps to the ground, moving away from the concrete slab and around the side of the building. Heading down the alleyway he pauses at the sound of more voices, ducking behind a dumpster to keep out of sight.

Shock courses through him when the soldiers turned hunters from before pass by him, completely oblivious to his hiding spot and head down the alleyway. Viktor briefly considers sneaking up on them, but a quick head count of four has him staying where he is until they pass on by.

Next thing he knows a woman is running by him screaming, holding a tiny bundle in her arms. Viktor strikes out to grab her arm, pulling her down beside him. A stupid move done by instinct to possibly save the woman. He peers around the corner, where the sound of screaming and fighting can be heard. Nobody seems to have noticed the woman running this way.

"My daughter...My daughter is back there!" The woman sobs.

"There isn't anything we can do," Viktor tells her.

His words seem to set her off more. Viktor felt bad before, but now the threat of this woman's cries raising the alarm has him gritting his teeth. He looks at the child in her hands, its own cries raising up to join hers. "Screw it!" He says to himself, using a nearby brick to silence her and the child. Its a messy, horrible thing he has done but for his own survival he would do anything. I'm just like them... he thinks to himself as he searches the woman's corpse. All she has on her is a roll of bandages and an old make-shift pocket knife that looks like it would break on impact. He leaves the knife and quickly gets away from the woman, feeling only a small pang of remorse for his actions. "It was her or me," He reminds himself as he heads further down the alleyway.

Once the street opens up he takes stock of the carnage. One of the four hunters from before lays in a pool of his own blood beside an old jeep wrangler. Another sitting not more than six feet away looks to have been pierced through the stomach with an arrow. There are no civilians in the street though, and he knows that they have all been taken to the chopping block. Some could have escaped, but he knows it's unlikely.

Viktor starts towards a book store across the street, dodging around broken down cars and corpses of the long dead. Debris makes it particularly difficult for him to keep himself from falling. He jabs his cane at the ground with every other step until he's inside then sets to work blocking the door from the inside. He barely gets his breath in before more hunters have caught up to him. They've spotted him already. He barely has time to dive for cover as a bullet whizzes past him. Without a weapon he's vulnerable, and he knows that there is no way he can outrun them.

"We know you're in here Vik!" One hunters calls out.

"Don't make this any harder on us!" Another says.

Viktor curses, edging along the bookcases until he can see them directly. He knows these guys, hell, at one point he would have called them friends. It's funny how he ended up on this side, when he knows if the circumstances were different he would be doing the same thing they are.

"You won't survive with that leg of yours busted up, and you know it." Yes, he does know it. But there will always be a will inside of him to survive, and until that will is gone he won't just let himself give up. Viktor weighs his options now, there are limited places to hide in here and only one exit that isn't blocked. Unfortunately that exit happens to be out in the open without anything to hide behind. Otherwise, he will have to try and fight his way out.

"Come on Vik!" The voice so close to him spurs him into action. He jumps up from his hiding place, leg throbbing as he makes a mad dash for the exit. He doesn't worry about the cane, even though his leg feels as if its been engulfed by a flame. His breath catches in his throat. More bullets fly his way and one grazes his shoulder, knocking him down to the ground. They converge on him, like a mass of rats. Viktor waits for that one bullet that will end it all. But of course it never comes - they need him alive. Fresh meat is always better.

The last thing he see's is the butt of a rifle rushing to meet his head.

His head throbs and he vaguely realizes that he's laying on the cold concrete ground. His eyes don't focus immediately, but when they do he realizes he is not alone in this room. There are others, people he doesn't particularly know but who all share the same fate as he. His cane is gone, so when he goes to stand he falls back as the pain of over exertion hits him. The room they are in is on the smaller side. It's been picked clean but before it could have serves as someones office. He looks around at the others that are here. He contemplates escape, but realizes that with this group it wouldn't be very easy to stage a break out. He sighs and pulls himself to the far wall, giving himself a well needed rest while thinking over ways to get out of this.

"I don't -" He breaks off to catch his breath, wheezing slightly, "know about anyone else but I don't plan on dying today."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viktor Harris Character Portrait: Alex Chare
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Alex Chare ran through the icy streets, his ear ringing from explosions and screaming. People would occasionally fall, some gunned down and others just clumsy as fuck. Alex's eyes darted around the street, looking for a way to get out. Maybe some Fireflies would come to their rescue, or even soldiers. Unfortunately he was doubtful they would come. The Hunters were going to gun everyone down, and the ones they didn't would be tortured. Alex looked at his one remaining arm, would it be gone too? Alex was suddenly awoken from his thoughts by a man grabbing his shoulder. "You ok man? Why aren't you running?" The man was talking hurriedly, but he didn't look like he feared for his life. He seemed unnaturally calm. Alex attempted to sputter some words out. "I..." The man cut him off. "Just follow me! You don't want to get gunned down do ya?" Alex quickly followed the man into an alleyway, and hid in the shadows waiting for the Hunters to pass.

"Jesus man, you were like a deer in headlights out there." The man who had saved Alex's life was wearing a torn red hoodie and of course some jeans. On his back was a large backpack, which he laid out on the ground. The man began to tear through the pack, dropping random objects out of it. A Hello Kitty book light, an old joke book, a Gameboy, and a Batman action figure. "Here we go." The man said, and took out a hatchet and a pistol. "Here, take this." He then handed Alex the hatchet, while the man held the pistol tightly. As the man grabbed the random objects and stuffed them into the backpack. The man slung it over his shoulder, then began to smile, his goatee flying up with his mouth. "So stranger, what's your name. I think I'm going to call you 'Silent but Stumpy.'" The man smiled once again, and Alex began to reply. "The stump joke. Very funny. Anyways, name's Alex. You?"

"The name's Randall. Nice to meet ya' Alex. Follow me up here." The man jumped up onto a fire ladder, and began to pull himself up. Alex himself, climbed up on top of a dumpster, and reached out his hand. Randall replied with another joke. "Need a hand?"
"Haven't heard that one before." Alex replied, and took Randall's hand. Randall began to talk again. "So Alex, how exactly do you jerk off?"


"You know, relieve a little stress."

"Fuck you."

Finally pulling himself up, Alex was alarmed by the sound of loud footsteps, then "Over here!!" One of the Hunters was scurrying down the alleyway, looking at them. Randall shot towards the man, but the Hunter had a rifle, so Randall just backed off. "Shit. Let's go!" The Hunter began firing bullets off at them, while Alex and Randall just ran up the building, literally dodging a bullet. They jumped inside a already broken apart window, but luckily for them the glass had decayed enough for them to get through without getting cut.

"Shit man, what are we gonna do?" This time, Randall was asking the question. "I... don't know." Randall suddenly looked like he had a plan, and motioned Alex towards the hallway. "Go!" Alex looked dumbfounded, but just nodded his head and walked towards the hall. Suddenly, a crashing was heard and Alex briefly saw Randall pull up his gun. Unfortunately, Randall's body was blown back, as a bloody hole appeared in his stomach. The Hunter began to walk over towards Randall, and ripped off his backpack. The backpack was thrown to the ground, and the Hunter picked up Randall. "Goodnight, motherfucker!" He pressed Randall's body up against another window, and pushed him out. Alex was horrified at the sound of clickers and gnawing. "Holy shit." The Hunter turned around quickly, grinning and walking towards the hallway. "Looks like I missed one. Come here little baby."

Fucker. Alex stepped inside a open door, peering out from small hole already left in it. Once he could see the Hunter right outside, he slung open the door, hitting the man in the face. "Son of a bitch!" The Hunter cried out, and Alex ran out and rushed him with the axe. Unfortunately, the man had a quick reaction, and grabbed the hatchet before it could make contact. However, Alex had caught man off guard, and was able to push the axe into his shoulder. The Hunter yelped out in pain, and Alex ran for the backpack. Holding the axe in hand, he stared at the bleeding man, then spit at his body. "Fuck you." Alex ran for the window, looking out for Randall. There he was. Or what was left of him, anyways. Randall was being chewed apart by clickers. Where the fuck did they come from? Alex gulped at the man who saved him, but was turned around by a large hand. Turned around, he was met with a large fist, and blacked out.

* * *

Alex woke up to groaning. A middle-aged man was lying on the floor, mumbling about how he didn't plan on dying today. Neither do I pal, but it doesn't look like we have a choice, Alex thought to himself. He looked around the room, and tried taking notice of the others, but was cut off by the older man's grunts. Alex turned around and repeated the words he hated the most.
"Need a hand?" And reached out his remaining arm.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viktor Harris Character Portrait: Saraphine Michel Character Portrait: Alex Chare Character Portrait: Emiline Michal
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Saraphine grasped her sisters hand tightly as they ran around the gunfire, trying to avoid the thick of it. The streets were filled with noise and thankfully Sara didn't need to make noise to communicate with the small child beside her. She simply led her away from the fighting and let go of her hand. She signed to her in quick, jerky motions. Frantic, but she would understand. Her sister nodded to tell her she was okay before they set off again, avoiding as well as they could the noises of both the clickers she heard in the distance and the sound of the hunters.

They ran for only a few minutes more before Sara felt the tightening of her chest and began to gasp for air. Emiline immediately drew the old, but thankfully working, inhaler out of the backpack that was strapped to Saraphineand passed it to the heaving Sara. She nodded her thanks and drew in a deep breath while she pressed the inhaler to her lips. She felt a little better, but she wouldn't be running again. Besides, Emiline looked tired. Sara pointed to a nearby shelter that looked fortified enough, though a bit damaged. She quickly did the sign for "sleep" and took off, jogging as fast as the could manage.

And she almost made it too.

Sara was maybe three steps from the door when Emiline's fingers fell from her grasp and she whirled around, quickly dragging her knife from her pocket and turning on her heels.

"Hold it little missy," the hunter said as he pressed a gun to Emiline's small temple. The small girl had a look of pure terror on her face and Sara put the knife on the ground. She couldn't watch her sister die like that. She kicked the knife towards the hunter quickly. That didn't stop the hunter from bringing the but of the gun swiftly down onto Emiline's temple as a few of his friends circled around him.

"No!" Sara started to run towards Emiline's now-prone form, but another hunter grabbed her from behind and held her while she kicked and clawed. The hunter who had her wrapped his hands around her neck and she choked, gasping for air for the second time in only a few minutes. There was no easy fix for this though- black swam before her eyes in less than a minute and after two, she was out cold.


Saraphine woke up before Emiline, grasping her neck and gasping for much-needed air. She didn't know where she was but her pack was still safely around her back, which was something at least. Though she didn't doubt they had taken her important things. There were two men in the room already awake, but Sara didn't care about them.

"Emi!" Sara drug herself to her feet and ran over to her sister, who was still out like a light. Sara grabbed her head and placed it on her knees, settling down now that she knew her sister was safe. After a few moments she took off the pack and checked the bag, which was mostly empty. They had, however, left her sister's teddy bear and her inhaler. No, they don't want me to die like that, she thought dryly as she removed the teddy bear and placed it in her sisters arms.

Sara looked up, then, at the others in the room. One had mentioned something about not wanting to die, and the other was helping the first up.

"I don't care about dying, frankly. As long as she doesn't," Sara stood up and carefully placed her pack under Emiline's head. She groaned and looked at the others wearily.

"I'm going to say it before someone else does though- it's useless to expect to survive for more than maybe another day, tops," Sara mumbled, looking down at the floor. She stayed like that for another moment before a small hand wrapped around her larger one and she turned to see her sister standing up and holding her hand, looking at her expectantly. Sara smiled. Her sister certainly knew how to keep quiet. Sara leaned on her knees and checked over her sister. She didn't seem too hurt.

Sara pulled her lips together and formed a slow whistle that went from high to low at varying speeds. It all lasted about five seconds, but Sara knew her sister understood from the way the small girl nodded. She was okay, or at least she felt like she was.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viktor Harris Character Portrait: Saraphine Michel Character Portrait: Alex Chare Character Portrait: Emiline Michal Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
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"Pull the trigger, Grant!" His father screamed at him. The older man was in a heap on the floor, fungus visibly spreading up his arm. Half a dozen other bodies laid similarly, the only exception being they already had a gunshot wound to the head. "You have to! Do it!" Grant pressed the pistol onto the temple of his father. He took deep breaths...'Okay, on three.' He thought to himself. 'One..two...three!' Even though he had reached the predetermined checkpoint, he hadn't didn't pull the trigger. "Son! Do it, now!" His father screamed. Finally, he gripped the gun hard, and a gunshot rang through the small room.

Grant awoke with a start. That was a terrible dream; no matter how many times he had it. However, part of it was running parallel with what was happening outside; gunshots rang through the air. Quickly, he threw on some clothes and a jacket, and grabbed his backpack. With caution, he moved the boards over the window aside to look outside. From down on the ground, one of the hunter pointed up at him. "Shit!" Grant closed it as quickly as he could, and started exiting the building via the fire escape on the other side.

He only made it one floor down before another group circled around and pointed up at him. He jumped back inside through a window and ran to the stairwell. Jumping down each flight of steps, he was fast approaching the ground floor. Suddenly, he heard people running up towards him. He decided to head back up, but this plan was quickly scrapped when he heard people someone running down after him; they must have blocked him off by climbing up the fire escape. In a matter of a few seconds, he was surrounded by guns on both sides. Ever so carefully, he put his hands up. The one from the top approached him, but instead, Grant let out a yell and dived for the one below him. He landed on the attacker with a thud, and quickly scrambled to his feet. As he did, he thought he just might get away. That was the last thing he remembered before the butt of a rifle hit him in the back of the head.


After awaking in the small room, he grunted slightly. He hated small, dark spaces like this. Although he could hear other people speaking, he didn't bother listening for the time being. His head was pounding and his ears were still ringing. Some blood had dripped out of his nose.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viktor Harris Character Portrait: Saraphine Michel Character Portrait: Alex Chare Character Portrait: Emiline Michal Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
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A young man was offering to help Viktor up, and despite the deflation of his pride he accepted the offered hand. "I don't care about dying, frankly. As long as she doesn't," said a young woman that Viktor didn't know. He raises a brow and scoffs. Trying to keep others safe always leads to more pain and death. Viktor knew it all too well but he didn't voice his opinion on the matter. Let the stranger care for the little girl and mind his own business, or say something stupid and end up with an enemy - yeah, he knows which option is smarter. "I'm going to say it before someone else does though- it's useless to expect to survive for more than maybe another day, tops," the same young woman speaks up again. Those words Viktor does identify with. He knows these people. He worked with them for as long as he could. Even when the city fell, even when this all started he took the Hunters side; self preservation at its finest. He's a selfish bastard, he admits that much. And when they turned on him as a weak link he knew it was time to high tail it out.

"Well, if your concerned for her safety getting out of here is first priority," He tells her with a grim look. "We all have a better chance out there, I don't exactly have an idea of how to get out but I know at some point they are going to come in here to collect what they've hunted." The Hunters think that they are all weak, but failed to realize that putting them all in one room was a stupid idea. Viktor could think up a few ways of getting out, but without the help of the others he doubts he can do it by himself. "There are five of us here, and I know they don't think of us as enough of a threat to send more than three to retrieve the next meal."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viktor Harris Character Portrait: Saraphine Michel Character Portrait: Alex Chare Character Portrait: Emiline Michal Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
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From his spot leaning against the wall, Grant looked over the group in the room. And old guy, a dude missing an arm, an average looking woman, and a little girl. He wondered why some of them were here; the woman didn't appear to have a disability, and at first glance, neither did the older man. However, after staring at him for another second, Grant realized he stood with his weight shifted off of one side, implying he probably had an injured leg.

Grant kept sitting and listening until he mustered the strength to stand. He cracked his neck and finally spoke up to the group. "When they come, I can take point. No offense to the rest of ya', but I think I've got the upper hand in raw physicality." Grant said this because his impairment wasn't physical; it was in his mind. He was the tallest person there; if just by an inch or a few, and while he was hardly buff, he was pretty damn fit. Part of the reason he volunteered was because he almost felt like it was his responsibility to do so.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viktor Harris Character Portrait: Saraphine Michel Character Portrait: Alex Chare Character Portrait: Emiline Michal Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
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As Alex helped the old man up, he realized that the others were waking up too. "When they come I can take point. No offense to the rest of ya', but I think I have the upper hand in raw physicality." Another man, who had been leaning up against the wall spike up. Alex nodded his head. "I can agree with that." Alex looked around the room, and noticed two other people. A little girl and a woman. They appeared to be sisters. The little girl looked to be shy, at least from Alex's perspective. Well, weren't all kids shy? Not nowadays. It was strange. Alex shrugged it off and turned back to the old man. "Think you can walk? I don't think I'll be able to hold you up for much longer." He asked, when he realized the backpack was in the corner. Dumb ass Hunters. Alex used his foot to pull the backpack over, and realized it was already open. How lucky. He looked inside, and much to his dismay, he realized that there were no weapons inside it. There were a couple cans of beans however, and they may be able to hit someone hard. "If you think you can use anything from this bag, be my guest." He told the guy who had been leaning against the wall.

Alex looked at his old stump once again. It looked terrible. He still had the bandage on, like he always did, but it looked much dirtier and grimier. It still felt like he had an arm there, and occasionally he would try and grab something with his left arm. He of course would always look like an idiot, but not many people understood what it was like with only one arm. But Alex wasn't one to whine, so he asked another question. "What are the rest of us gonna do?"

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Viktor Harris Character Portrait: Saraphine Michel Character Portrait: Alex Chare Character Portrait: Emiline Michal Character Portrait: Grant McGrath
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Grant listened to the one-armed man as he moved over to the backpack. As he spoke, though, Grant tried to formulate a plan in his head. If what the older man speculated was true--that they would only send about three, hopefully the odds would be in their favor. "If you think you can use anything from this bag, be my guest." Grant moved over to the backpack to inspect what was inside. Great; just a few cans of food. While these would be good in most situations, as food always was, there were of no use in their current position. "I'm Grant, by the way." He held out a hand to Alex; making sure it was his right hand, so they could shake unimpeded.

"Y'know, I dunno if I can use the beans," He said, twinges of an east coast accent ringing in his voice, "But we might be able to use the backpack." With that, he dumped the beans on the ground. Without bothering to ask permission, he pulled both of the straps out. Wrapping one around both hands, he pulled it taut, then handed one strap over to Viktor and kept one for himself. Also, he handed the bag over to Saraphine. "Me n' this guy can strangle the guys around the neck. Meanwhile, you can pull the bag over a guy's head, if need be." He said, pointing to Saraphine and the bag. "You," he said, nodding over to Alex and picking up a can of beans, "Can smack a guy if it comes to that. Anybody have any better ideas?"

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Well the fact that I'm here is a blessing in disguise, Saraphine thought rudely as the male dumped the cans of beans onto the ground. If they did get out, which was unlikely, those would become very useful very fast. Sara handed her pack over to Emi, who looked at it, to the beans on the ground, and back to Sara. Sara whistled a few notes, wary of how each one sounded. Her and her sisters... peculiar way of talking was very sound sensitive, but effective if you didn't want others to know what you were talking about.

You could almost see the cogs fire in Emi's head as she translated the whistles into words, until she got to "Get the food, stay safe," and nodded. She reached over to the cans of beans and began to pack them away into the other bag (as the first had been , organizing them with the closest expiration date to last, like Emi had told her. The other man had mentioned something about holding a bag over someones head, and while it was a desperate idea it might work.

"Sure. I'm pretty nimble- I can get in close and not be grabbed," Saraphine thought it over as she grabbed the strap-less bag from the man. She whistled a few notes under her breath like an after thought, and Emiline was by her side in a second, the pack holding her inhaler, the bear, and newly acquired cans of beans on her small back. Emiline grasped Sara's hand tightly, and Sara grasped back. To keep her safe, Sara thought as she looked over the group. They were the weakest, but the hunters made a mistake by putting all of them together. They could balance each other out, right? Sara at least hoped so.