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Fallen: Out of Line



a part of Fallen: Out of Line, by JoMo2-15.


JoMo2-15 holds sovereignty over Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

492 readers have been here.


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Earth is a part of Fallen: Out of Line.

8 Characters Here

Lailah [2] "The pure soul will always be overpowered by the darkness and will thus have no option but to follow along."
Abhimani Amiel [2] A proud man is always looking down on things and people; and, of course, as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you.
Ziel [1] Forgiveness? The Vehemence of God has no interest in forgiveness... I demand retribution.
Ramiel [1] "We expect to find out why we became Fallens. Maybe then we can get back into heaven. Master might even forgive your sins as well."
Desmea Taron [1] Really? Check your wings idiots. You are our Chosen, we have black wing and yours become tainted. I thought you guys would have paid attention."
Malkira [0] " Blinded by the light, you never see the truth until you look away from it"
Asmodeus [0] For what master is possessed of so great a power as to dictate who is just and who is not, that does not use such power to further his own means?

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I walked out of the store, sporting a new outfit. It was a shot grey and black striped dress. I had a leather jacket over top and black boots to go with it. I looked at the others and smiled. "How do I look?" I asked the small group of people who had joined me on my shopping trip. Then I started off to another store to find something else of my intrest. I seemed to be the only one in the mood for doing something fun. I mean we are fallen, we have eternity to be in shock, right now we need to have fun and get over the silly notion we will ever be back into heaven.

Once I was pleased with myself, I went back to the house we were staying at. I dont remember wich one of the boys convinced the woman to stay, but I think he used sex. Her son was fawning over us and her daughter had constantly asked the boys if she could do anything for them. She really meant anything too. The other night the woman's son tried to sneak into my bedroom, as I assume he had done with he other girls. I was rudely awakened by him. Of course I had my fun then returned him to his room. Not doing anything to bad. I did have a Chosen and I was waiting for him to return to me.

When I walked into the house I found Ramiel sitting on the couch, caught by the girl. I laughed quietly and watched him struggle. She was trying to seduce him but looked like an utter fool. I finally decided to help him. "Little girl, you will never get a boy that way. No, no. Especially not one of these boys. They prefer something a bit different. Like me." I laughed towards her and she looked at me stunned.

"Of course they want you, you dress like a whore." She shouted bewildered. I soon realized her mother was not home. I stood, angry, and slapped the girl. She was stunned and staid in placed.

"I may dress differently, but I do not act like a whore. If you want to act like a whore you should be treated like a whore." I told her sourly and went to slap her again. I found my hand grabbed my Ramiels. he looked at me disapprovingly and I just rolled my eyes. I sat back down and looked at the girl like I was tired of her presence. "Go now. No one is looking for your business here." I told her before she ran off.


I watched as the girl fled in tears, hurt emotinally by Desmea. I looked at her disaprovingly again. I hated what she was doing. It was absolutly wrong. "Do you know where Ziel is?" She shook her head, bored with me. I sighed and stood to searcht he house. I didnt find her in the bedroom we shared, so I went outside. I called for her a couple times but she didnt come. I decided she would find me and headed towards the woods.

I had not flown since we had gotten here and my wings were aching. Once I was a ways into the woods and took of fmy shirt and let my wings extend. Happy that they could finally strech, I let them lift me into the sky. I flew through the trees for a little bit but soon became bored. I landed amond the trees where I once was. After putting my shirt back on, I leaned up against a tree. My thoughts moved from the flight to the upcoming journey.

We would be needign to leave soon so that we could set out to find another angel. Once an angel was found we could then contact our master and find a way to get back into heaven. If only the others hadn't of sinned we might all get back. The chances of them making it are very slim as of now. For now it was just a waiting game. Once I started thinking about the others my thoughts moved to Ziel. Its so sad that she had to sin.

If she had staid pure than our wings would still have been silver instead of black. We also could have gone back to heaven together. I did, what do the humans call it? Love?, love her. Its was just hard to love someone who has done something harmful to you. Since my wings were tainted I couldn't even talk to our master. I was completely disconnected from the life I loved.


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#, as written by Djiin
Lailah sighed. She had spent how many days in this forest with her 'Chosen'? To be honest, it becoming a little wearisome. The man was as arrogant as they came. She couldn't ask him to get firewood without getting a response similar to, 'You want me to do that?'
As of now, she had taken the opportunity to slip away for a few moments now that he was asleep. It was difficult to get any personal time with him around. She had pulled herself up onto the low branch of a tree with a good vantage point. From her perch, she could see a lot of the forest and the beauty around it. She could have gone further up, but for now she was content with the view of the flowers blooming and the sound of the birds chirping. She tilted her head slightly and closed her eyes, losing herself in the serenity of her location. Her mind lost its worried thoughts and she felt ten times more peaceful, especially now that dusk was falling.
It was decided. Today would be the day she told Abhimani her plan. It couldn't result in too much discord, could it? No, it couldn't.
Lailah felt a small smile tug at the corners of her lips. She would finally gather up the courage to tell him she wanted to travel alone. She would go right away. She was only less than a few hundred feet away from him, she could make it there quickly. Though she didn't quite know why she had never ventured further than a few hundred feet, but she brushed it off as nothing. It wasn't as if she was physically incapable of going more than a few hundred feet, right?
She found her way to their small, make shift camp and found Abhimani's still sleeping body. Softly, she shook his shoulder, trying to awaken him gently. “Hey. Wake up. I have something to tell you,” she said quietly.


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One thing Abhimani had not counted on gaining in his rather undignified fall top earth was a rather irritating, noisy puppy. Leah, lialh Lailah whatever her name was had not left him alone for the last 8 days she insisted on hounding him, not a minute of peace.

Abhimani had left the rag tag group as soon as possible mostly because he couldn’t stand there company and if he was completely honest he was mildly unsettled by some of them. He had not counted however on his chosen to follow yapping after him.

Abhimani sighed. Why would she not leave? Had he not made his distain of her clear but there was little else he could do he would not lower himself into striking her…not yet he had some pride left. Which has done you a whole lot of good so far. Abhimani hissed squashing the voiced at the back of his head.

She was beautiful he supposed but too fragile, too soft and so easily broken. She does not belong with me. She’s far too weak, pathetic innocent whispered the little voice again. Abhimani rolled his eyes and settled down for some sleep on the forest floor to take his mind off foolish matters.

As soft shaking woke him up from a rather pleasant dream with falling wild flowers. “Hey. Wake up. I have something to tell you,” she whispered quietly. “Well don’t just stand there, speak quickly”.

There was no twinge of guilt at the hurt in her eyes. None at all.