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Finally the Summer is Here

Mordern Day


a part of Finally the Summer is Here, by Team Forwood.


Team Forwood holds sovereignty over Mordern Day, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Mordern Day is a part of Finally the Summer is Here.

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Adrian Christopher Shudder [0] "I'll be your best bet."
Isis Valentine Shudder [0] "I'm here to have fun and live my life, not entertain you."
Christina Torres [0] "I can't wait to get to my aunt's vacation house and party it up with my besties"

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Isis and Adrian both gave the lady their tickets to be checked.

Izzy walked up the steps of the plane, taking seat next to Christina. She smiled and looked over her shoulder to look out of the tiny window. She nudged Chrissy "What movie are they going to play for the ride?"

Adrian followed Izzy to their seats. Now that sitting next to Christina wasn't an option, he sat at the other end of the small hallway. He crossed his legs in a manly style, resting his head on his palm. He smiled, "Finally..."


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Christina smiled as Isis took the seat next to her saw far this trip was looking up for her. She got the window seat and there were no gross strangers seating near her. Isis nudged her "What movie are they going to play for the ride?" Christina shrugged "I don't know and I don't care you wanna why because I got .... Ipad" she said holding up her ipad with a laugh. In first class there wasn't as many passengers as with coach the plane was board rather quickly. Christina planted the ipad on her lap as the flight attendant did the usual routine of explaining the government and safety regulations. Once she was done the pilot did his little announcement and Christina put her headphones in her ears and started up her music.


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Isis kicked her feet up against the board of the seat in front of her. No one was there, so it wouldn't do any harm. Putting her phone into Plane Mode, she pulled out green little headphones and stuck them into her ear. She went through shuffle a couple of times before finally letting Colours Of The Rainbow by Tune Up vs Italobrothers play. She smiled, closing her blue eyes and sliding back her head further into the soft leather seat.

Adrian sighed again, as an old lady stood in front of the empty seat next to him. She took out a piece of paper, looking at the seat numbers. She smiled at him, wrinkles forming along her pale skin. She put something into the compartment above, and took a seat next to Adrian. He gave her a fake easy smile, although he felt awkward inside.


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Illyana rushed to her little red pickup and put the key in the ignition. "Crap crap crap crap I'm gonna be late!" she shrieked and she put the pedal to the metal and sped down the highway. She wore old bleach stained shorts and a neon yellow surf sweatshirt and black flip flops. As usual she had barely any makeup on, and her deep blue eyes glistened with worry. Luckily he airport was only about ten minutes away.

She raced through security and bag check, swingjng her duffel bag over her shoulder. She reached her destjnation, the loading station where she boarded the plane. Her eyes scanned the seats and she ran a hand through her blonde hair with relief. She blew a strand that wandered in he face from her little excercise to get here. Then, she spotted the three familiar faces and smiled wide

"Hey guys!" she chirped happy as usual. There were open seats behind them so she slid into one after putting up her bag. Luckily it counted as carry on. She planted her arms in the head of two seats and stuck her head in between, her cin restingon the fabric.


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Isis turned her head to see her friend, Illlyana rushing towards them. She smiled and pulled out her green headphones, putting the song on pause. "Finally! We thought you were going to ditch us! I'm so glad you came." She smiled again.

Adrian smirked, "Hey Blondie." His arrogant smirk turned more into a smile. He turned his head back to face her. "Glad you made it." He said, turning his head back to face the front.

Isis rolled her eyes and leaned sideways to lightly punch her brother across the hall that separated them. She smiled and turned sideways to look at Illyana, "Where were you?"


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Illyana grinned and she pulled her legs up so she sat riss crossed in n Indian like manner. She grinned and rolled her eyes lightly at Adrian. "Helloooo." she chirped and then blinked , turning back to Isis. At her question she looked down with a sheepish smile and a hand on her tan neck. "Heh, well, uh, funny story there. Kind of long..." she sighed and then looked up brightly and as cheerful as usual. She ran a hand through her wavy hair and then began to explain.

"I sort of misread the ticket and slept in longer than usual. Then I read it again, saw the time, and voil," she spread her arms out to gesture to around her, but accidentally hit a little old man that was taking a sea next to her and knocked the bags from his grasp. She flushed a deep shade of pink and bt her lip after letting out a surprised shriek. "Whoopsy!" she squeaked and scooted over and looked around and back to her friend to try and act natural. "Dont. Make. Eye. Contact." she laughed jokingly


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Isis and Adrian both out laughing, when they received glares from the flight attendants, Isis covered her mouth and started to snicker as her brother laughed his head off. She smiled and nudged Illyana, "Smooth." She smirked and began laughing again.

Izzy got up and helped the old man pick up his bags, "Excuse us, we're blondes." She said, jokingly teasing herself, Illyana and Adrian. She smiled sat back down on her seat, blushing from all of the laughter.


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Illyana had burst out laughing after a brief moment of silence that separated the incident and when Isis helped the man. "Yeah...." she agreed with Izzy when she said they were blondes. Seeing that Adrian was still laughing, she couldn't help but burst out in another fit of laughter, holding her side and shoving her face in her sweat shirt sleeves, hiding her eyes that began to tear up from it. "Oh, this is more exciting than I thought it would be..." she gasped between breaths, referring to the plane ride. "All the fun we've had and we haven't even left the ground yet." she giggled.


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Izzy started laughing again, trying to ignore the stares they were getting from some people, "Right?"

Adrian had stopped laughing, making himself forget about the accident. He soon discovered this was impossible, and bust of laughing again. When the old man that he had been sitting next to elbowed him and told him to "shut up", he laughed even harder.

Isis snickered, "Adrian. Shut up." She said in between laughs.


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Illyana had been sitting on the edge of her seat and she didn't really realize it, well, until she slid off of it that is. She hit the planes floor with a small 'oof'! The little old man smirked and seemed to look more smug than he had before and you could see an amused glint in his dull eyes. But, this made the blond haired tropical girl laugh even harder until she frowned because her face hurt. "Oh." she gasped. "God." gasp. "This." gasp. "Hurts!" gasp. She slid down lower until her head flopped down on the seat. Illyana couldn't help but look up at Isis with a wide smile though, then she turned to Adrian, who of course still laughed. "Better watch out. Karma is a jerk, could come back and bite ya right in the butt." she giggled.

Then she watched a fight attendant walk by with what looked like pudding. Her deep blue eyes flashed with amusement and turned back towards Adrian. "Better duck and take cover before you have a pudding bath." she chirped and then let out a light twinkling laugh, reminding her of wind chimes. Illyana shifted her shoulders back and forth, pretending to get comfortable and cozy on the floor. "You know, I could totally stay down here. Give me a Snuggie and Pillow Pet and I'm all good, bro." she joked with Isis and Adrian.


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Christina was sitting back listening to Strip by Chris Brown turned her head and saw Illlyana she pulled her headphones out of her ears "Well look who decided to show up" she said sarcastically as the group said there hellos to their late arrival. "Where were you?" Isis asked Illyana "Heh, well, uh, funny story there. Kind of long..." Christina laughed "Well its not like we have anything better to do". "I sort of misread the ticket and slept in longer than usual. Then I read it again, saw the time, and voil," as Illyana spread her arms out to gesture to around her, she hit a little old man that was taking a seat next to her and knocked the bags from his grasp. Christina gasping in surprise she stood up as her friends began laughing their heads off she shook her head trying to fight back her own laughter "Guys that's not funny." she said giggles slipping out between words. She looked at Isis who was smiling and nudged Illyana, "Smooth." Christina nodded "Its not nice to beat up on the old Illyana" she said failing to sound serious. She watched Izzy get up and help the old man pick up his bags, "Excuse us, we're blondes" she said, jokingly teasing herself, Illyana and Adrian. "These are the times when am glad to be a brunette" Christina said with a smile as her blonde friends continued with seemingly uncontainable laughter "I am not with these people" she said sitting down in her seat and putting her headphones back in her ear acting as if she didn't blonde with the insane blonds.

She was sitting back enjoying her music again when she saw a fight attendant walk by with what looked like pudding "ooh this plane has desserts" she said yanking the headphones out of her ears. She walked pass the siblings and Illyana who was now on the floor for some reason and followed the flight attendant to the back. When the lady noticed Christina following her she turned around and asked "Is there something I can do for you miss ?" Christina nodded "Would you guys happen to have tiramisu on this plane" the attendant nodded "Well could I have some" Christina asked in her nicely with a sweet smile. The flight attendant nodded left for a moment and came back to where she had left Christina and handed the girl her dessert along with a fork and napkins. Christina thanked the lady and walked back to her seat she sat down and took a bite of her food "Hmm tiramisu" she said happily eating the big strawberry on top.


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Illyana grinned and raised her hand to catch the flight attendants attention from below. "Uhm, hey! Could I have some of that too? Thank you!" she grinned, her innocent grin and then the attendant raised an eyebrow and began to talk. "Yeah. Don't ask." she giggled, as she began to ask why she was on the floor. Illyana shrugged and sat Indian Style on the floor with her hands in her lap. She hummed to herself with a smile painted on her face as usual. The flight attendant came back with what looked exactly like what Christina was eating. "Ooooh, strawberry!" she squeaked and stabbed it with the plastic fork and then, ate it. "It had no chance." she laughed lightly and then began to pick at the actual dessert.

Adriana was walking down the walkway to the plane,calmly, she had been here a while ago to check' things out, because sometimes.... well, she missed planes often. Ada had her auburn hair in short waves, but they still fell over her shoulders a few inches. Her unusual caramel, topaz shaded eyes had little makeup on them, and she wore some shorts and a gray tank top, and as usual had the silver heart locket that her mom gave her hanging around her neck. Her black Vans made no noise on the carpeted floor of the tunnel, and still none as she walked into the black and red plane. Her eyes scanned the inside until she found her friends, Christina, Isis, Adrian, and Illyana. The raised a hand in a slight wave and gave a soft smile. Then, she walked over and took a seat in an empty spot next to a quite angry looking old man. Her eyebrow raised and she looked over at Illyana, who was still giggling softly. "I just get here, and I already missed something." she said in her quiet voice. "Hey guys." she greeted.


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"Hey Ada" Christina said happily all of a sudden it seemed like all of her friends were coming on board. "Glad to see you made the flight" she said getting up empty plate in hand. She crossed over Illyana and went and found a garbage to throw her plate in, after throwing away her trash she returned to the group "Don't worry you haven't missed much. Just blondes being blondes I guess" she said jokingly. An announcement came on minutes later telling all passengers to put on their seat belts because the plane was taking off. Christina looked down at Illyana "I know how comfortable that floor is but it may be a good idea to get in a real seat now" she said sarcastically getting back in her own seat. She put on her seat belt and put her headphones in her ears she was planning on sleeping this flight away.


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Illyana giggled and climbed back into her seat, buckling herself in. She kicked her feet up on the Head of Christina's seat. "See, not only little ids are annoying when it comes to airplanes." she teased and her leg shook, shaking her seat purposely. "La di daaa."s he hummed straight in her ear. Illyana laughed lightly.

Adriana smiled softly and buckled in quietly, like usual. She wasn't much of a talker sometimes. Ada put an ear bud in and hummed along ever so quietly to her music, after giving her other two friends quick hellos.