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Frost and Fire

Frost and Fire


1x1 rp between TommyGirl and LokiLaufeyson

1,252 readers have visited Frost and Fire since TommyGirl created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources: characters in this rp are based off of charters in the movie thor, thor the dark world and the avengers.


1x1 rp

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

"Lo, I'm fine. If I don't feel fine you will be the first to know alright? Besides I'm sure everything will be okay." I stroke your chin as I assure you of my health. "You wanted to talk about names? I think I'm ready now. I would like an Asguardian name for the child's first name and a Midguardian name in the middle, sort of like a nickname. What do you think Loks?" I lean on your chest putting out intertwined fingers over my flat belly. I try to imagine being pregnant but I still have a hard time picturing myself with a round belly or carrying a baby around in my arms. I never thought I would find someone I would be willing to share children with.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

I look at you and say "okay." I smiled softly as I said "so, if it's a girl what do you think of Adara? and if it's a boy, what about Kandrak?" You look up at me and I kiss you softly, the love of my life. "In all of eternity, I never thought i would get married to a beautiful woman and have kids." And it was true. I reflected back on my past; taking over New York on Midgard, causing destruction and death everywhere I went. "You will make a wonderful mother" I say as I gaze at you, smiling lovingly. I conjure up a handful of different coloured candles, which change colours individuallu and having different scents with each colour. I can't help asking again "Are you sure you're alright?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

I let my lips linger on yours before I assure you again of my well being. "Lo, it's been a day. One day. I'm just fine. Actually I'm better then fine. I'm wonderful, I'm married to the man I love and I'm hopefully carrying his child. I like those names... and for middle names how about for a girl, Sarah, a boy, David? You'll make a great father, if the child shows interest in magic you'll teach him or her right? I'd love to see you teach magic." I snuggle into you under the water and smile against your chest, imaging you playing with our child.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

I can't help but laugh at that. "Yes, of course I shall teach him or her magic. It would be my honour" I say and give a mock bow, grinning. I wrap my arms around you tightly, not wanting to let go. "It would be wonderful if we could stay like this forever, with our child" I thought. I rest my chin on top of your head, taking a deep breath, closing my eyes, just enjoying the peace and quiet of the night. Out of nowhere, a loud explosion like bang is heard in the distance. My eyes snap open. "What in the name of Odin was that?!" I say as i get out of the pool, dry off and get dressed. I walk to the doorway, but I hesitate, not wanting to leave you here all by yourself, but not wanting to put you in danger either. I can feel my body tingling with magic. I turn away from the door and return to you. "Hold on to me" I say quietly but urgently. I close my eyes and make us invisible and super quiet. I open the door and, holding your hand walk out. I make put a finger up to my lips, indicating to be quiet. I scan the area and gasp quietly.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

I giggle at you and kiss your cheek. "That would be perfect. Just the three of us." I take your hand and suddenly we are invisible, I stay right by your side. "Loki, what is it? Should I get my bow?" I whisper, unable to see what you see.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

I nod and say "yes, just as a precaution..." I trail off as I have an idea that could potentially get us killed. "ok, I have a plan. Can you go along with it?" I say seriously, my voice cracking and my heart thumping in my chest as I feel sick at what I'm about to do. "it's not a friendly visit; we have company. It is Mordechai. He's not exactly friendly. He is half dark elf half frost giant. He causes destruction and chaos, leaving nothing standing. I can assure you he is not here for a friendly catch up." I take a deep breath and crush my mouth to yours, just in case. "If...if anything happens to me, run. Run as far and fast as you can. Don't look back. Take good care of the child. I love you." I whisper the last three words so quietly, they might have been missed had it not been for how close we were standing.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

"No." I say simply, fixing my eyes on yours. I glare at you not letting you go. " We are sticking together. I've only had one day and you promised forever. I'm holding you to that promise. I'm going to grab my bow and I swear if you move an inch I will make you sleep alone." I turn on my heel and run to get my bow and I'm back in a moment.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

despite the circumstances, my mouth quirks up into a small smile and i stay put. You return to me. "Right then, battle plan." I say worried, glancing at you then briefly glancing at your abdomen. "Ok, well. The only plan I've come up with so far is...not pleasant." I say looking down at my feet, not meeting your gaze as i feel my cheeks burn.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

I put my hand on your cheek and smile. "I've been in wars before, I've been in fights and battles. I can handle this. I'm a big girl. Trust me." I grab an arrow and notch it while I wait for you to explain.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

I close my eyes and feel a tear trickle down my cheek. "I will offer you up as bait to him. I will appear not to care. can you handle that?" As i finish speaking, we become visible again. "This...this is a huge risk. But i see no other way as to how this will work." I turn around and see Mordechai in the distance, burning a small village-looking area. "Right. Let's do this." I say and walk forward.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

"Ooh bait! I think that's rather sexy." I smile and wipe away your tear, kissing you once more. "All will be well I promise." I hide my bow in the folds of my dress and push you ahead of me, following you looking scared and submissive.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

I compose myself and walk forward, arms spread out wide. "Mordechai!" I yell out. He turns around and examines me. He gave a low chuckle and walked forward to meet me. "What brings you here, Asgardian?" he said curiously. "Oh not much. I see you've been destroying the village over there." Mordechai narrowed his eyes. "I have a peace offering" I say. I grab you roughly but trying not to hurt you. I shove you towards mordechai, hard. His features were replaced with amusement. "Well, well, well. Where did you find this pretty thing?" he said as he grabbed you, examining you all over with his eyes. Watching this makes my blood boil buy I remain calm and collected. "On the streets. You may do as you please with her. I do not care for her." I said in a bored voice, shrugging.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

My eyes water and I hold back a sob, my lip trembling as I look into Mordechai's face and I seem to cower in his grasp. "Please, please don't hurt me." I beg in a small childlike voice.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

I walk up behind you and wrap my arms around you. I look up and smirk at the enemy. Mordechai gave a cruel, menacing laugh and replied"no, I will not harm you. Instead, I have other ideas." I put my mouth as close to your ear as possible and whisper. "When I give the signal, get ready to attack. You ready?" I ask, heart thumping loudly.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

"Yes." I mumble to you,making it seem like a slight gasp to the enemy before I slide my hands into the folds of my dress where my bow is. "W-what other ideas?" I fain innocence, stalling for time. I hope you will say something soon, his nails dig painfully into my side and I don't care much for the way he is looking at my chest.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

Mordechai pulled you in closer, so that your bodies are nearly touching. A flash of anger crosses my face but disappears in an instant. Mordechai puts a hand under your chin forcing you to look up to him. His eyes flicker towards me and i see amusement and hunger in them. "I must say, I am impressed Loki. You have done well. Laufey will be impressed." As he finishes speaking, he gives a cold laugh. I send you a mental contact, hoping it works. "Ok, it's almost time. Ok. Here we go. Just hold for a few more seconds. Hold it...Hold it...NOW!" I say to you mentally and I launch into action. I hurl a ball of energy at the enemy. He throws you aside, none too gently and snarls in a rage. He stalks towards me and draws his sword, driving through my body which evaporates in a cloud. "Thought you could kill me that easily?" I say coming out from my hiding spot, smirking. "You always were the not so bright one." Mordechai charges at me once more with his sword and I block his attack with my own sword.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

My eyes grow wide and I wriggle slightly in his grip. Biting back a scream I roll with the momentum but I protect my bow. I stop myself and twist around knocking an arrow, in a single breath I pull back and loose my arrow straight for Mordechai's eye. I rarely miss my mark and this time was no exception. I hit my target dead on.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

Mordechai let out a howl of pain and clutches his eye. Using the distraction, i let loose another bolt of energy and hit Mordechai straight in the head. He collapses to the ground on his knees. I run over to you and examine you, making sure you're alright and you aren't hurt. I step back from you and retrieve my sword which i had dropped. Out of nowhere, my whole body is filled with white-hot burning sensation and i crumple to my knees. I look down and see the point of Mordechai's sword sticking out of my chest. The sword is pulled back and I let out a slight howl of pain. I fall forward, onto my stomach and face. My breathing comes in ragged gasps and my vision swims in front of me. I close my eyes and let the world in front of me turn into a bitter darkness.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

"Loki! I scream before I come undone. A boiling rage fills me and my skin immediately starts to heat up. In a moment my skin is hot enough to burn someone with a single touch. "You better hope he lives." I say quietly before I set an arrow on fire and launch it into Mordechai's throat. He clutches his throat, unable to kill the flames. Falling to my knees I reach for you, but I quickly snatch my hands back remembering the fire burning in my veins.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

I give a small cough. "Lexi..." I barely manage to whisper, searching for your hand, not caring if you burn me or not. I take your hand in mine, grasping it firmly. "I'm....sorry. Take care...of...the child. I love you both. Tell sorry for...everything." And with that, my hand goes limp as I'm surrounded by a world of darkness. I gladly welcome the fire that shrouds you in this very moment.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

No! No. You can't leave me, I need you. Our child need their father. I pull your limp body into my lap and gently push your hair away from your face, my skin still warm but not burning. I touch my forehead to yours as tears slide down my nose, dampening your hair. Lo. I whisper between sobs. Lo please, I'm begging you, fight. Stay with me.
The fire from the arrow lodged in Mordechai's throat has spread quickly, now his is a burning corpse. As his flesh burns an acrid smell fills the air and I cough a few times before mentally putting a stop to the flames.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

It seems like an eternity has passed before my eyes open a fraction. My whole body aches and my head pounds. I feel too weak to move. "where...where am I?" I ask weakly as I look around. All I know is that I'm in a room of some sort, lying on a semi comfortable bed. I force my eyes to fully open. I see you sitting beside me, with a worried look. I try to smile but the effort it takes seems to drain whatever energy and strength I have left. "Hey." I barely manage to whisper. I let out a violent cough. I groan in pain and that's when I notice I'm not wearing a shirt, and my chest is bandaged heavily. I lie back down, closing my eyes and breathing in the scent of the room; it reminds me of a warm spring da, with sunlight filtering through the trees in a forest. "Lexi." I whisper so quietly it almost passes for a breath.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

"Loki, love I'm here. Right here, I haven't left. You're safe, the healers say you will live but you will have that scar forever." I sit next to you on the bed and cup your face in my hand, my fingertips softly stroking your jawline. Tears prick my eyes and I quickly hide them with a small smile, the time for tears has passed. "You've been asleep for a week Loks."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

"A week?!" I say shocked, trying to sit up. I wince as the wound stings. With one hand, I gently place it on your stomach. My green eyes look up at you and my heart lurches in my chest. Looking at you like this makes me realize just how truly beautiful you are. I place your warm palm against my cold cheek. Without realizing it, a tear has escaped and is rolling down my face. "I love you Lexi. I know I've said it a thousand times but...i cannot think of words to describe your beauty. It easily outmatches everything in the universe...well, nearly. The stars of the galaxy equally compare." I place my hand on top of your one that is against my cheek. I give a small smile. I feel a bit stronger, though my body still aches a little bit. Somehow, I think it will take a while to fully recover. I cough again and grimace at how I must look and at how I feel.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis (Alex) Kings Character Portrait: Loki Laufeyson
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0.00 INK

"Oh Lo, Loki I love you too. Never stop telling me you love me." I blush and look down at my abdomen for a moment before muttering "damn silvertongue" and kissing you softly, afraid of hurting you. "Now that you're awake they can do more healing treatments. You should recover in a few more weeks to a couple months. Do you want or need anything? Something to eat or drink? More blankets?" I twist my fingers loosely in your hair. I've made a mess of it while you were asleep, playing with it while whispering to you. But I like the way to looks, almost animalistic in a sexy kind of way.

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Asguard by TommyGirl


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