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Just a guy who keeps on dying. And reincarnating. And dying. And reincarnating. You get the picture.

0 · 604 views · located in Cosmos Speedway

a character in “Fusion Fantasy Neo”, as played by Sockie


Theme: Banjo-Kazooie - Mumbo's Mountain

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Physical Description: Thant has no "one" description--he appears as whatever he's reborn as.

Personality: Thant is greedy and a coward, often trying to find ways to get rich and high-tailing it most times there's trouble. Despite being a bit of a jerk, though, he does seem to have his heart in the right place... maybe.

Equipment & Abilities: Thant has the power of instant reincarnation. Whenever he dies, he is immediately reborn in a new body that pops out of thin air, although he never has any idea what he's going to get. Almost always, it is a new species from his last one. He can use whatever abilities come with the body he gets, but is not very good at combat. Or staying alive, for that matter.

History: Thant has no memory of his life past a few years. All he knows is that he's been dying and coming back for as long as he can remember. He journeys through the world, usually getting into all kinds of trouble as he tries to make himself the richest guy ever.

So begins...

Thant's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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#, as written by Karasz
"Here are the current rankings for the racers." Moxxi displays the rankings.

1. Uncle Grandpa
2. Blue Falcon
3. Racer S
4. Sock Train
5. Pit
6. Wario
7. Luigi
8. Zedrek
9. Death's Head
10. Ignacious
11. Quentel
12. Thant

"Right now, that fruity old pedophile is in the lead, Captain Falcon in the second, and Racer S in the third." Ghost said, "And we can see that the other racers are trying to catch up to Uncle Grandpa. But if you want my personal opinion, I just want him to lose just for the sake of our sanity."

There's a phone ringing. Moxxi picks up the phone and gives it to Ghost.

"Hey hun, this is for you."

"Argh, Jesus Christ..." Ghost takes the phone, "What do you want? I'm busy making a commentary."

Meanwhile, Luigi drives towards Wario as he launches a green shell at him. Then he drives past Wario and tries to keep up with Pit and the Sock Train. Racer S activates her thrusters and speeds past the Blue Falcon and catches up to Uncle Grandpa. But she noticed that Uncle Grandpa is... doing sometihng else. Uncle Grandpa looks behind.

"Uh oh. Hey, you take the tiger, Uncle Grandpa." he said to his clone who is controlling the Giant Realistic Flying Tiger.

"I got your back, Uncle Grandpa." Then he speaks to another clone under the tiger, "How are you doing over there, Uncle Grandpa?"

"Just looking out for danger. Thanks for asking~" said the one under the tiger.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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During all this, Wario's Spiny Shell reached Giant Realistic Flying Tiger and slammed into it, creating a large blue explosion!

"!" Captain Falcon swerved the Blue Falcon around this explosion, zooming ahead of the tiger.

"YEAH! Take that, losers!" Wario was so distracted by this event that he got hit by Luigi's Green Shell. "Agh - !!"

Meanwhile, Phos and Lux were getting fired up, blitzing the Chariot ahead of the Sock Train at lightning-speed. It was going so fast, it wasn't even touching the track!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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#, as written by GBA
Ignacious and his vehicle, although having fortunately avoided Death's Head's rocket due to Zedrek's interference, are nonetheless sent flying backwards along the track - tumbling towards Quentel and the hippo behind him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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Quentel swerves to avoid Ignacious and his vehicle... and goes tumbling off the track.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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#, as written by Sockie
The hippo (Thant), on the other hand, ends up being crushed by Ignacious' vehicle despite his best efforts to make it otherwise. The Sock Train, meanwhile, follows after the Lightning Chariot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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As Zedrek's Dragon exploded, Zedrek jumped off and teleported onto Uncle Grandpa's car.

"Hello old one, WHAT THE OBLIVION HAPPENED TO YOU'RE HEAD?! OH GOD!!!" Zedrek said.
"Wait, I smell Angry Great great Grandson with a knife. . .Oh crap it's Dan."

And then, Dan Jumps out of nowhere and Stabs Zedrek in the arm. "YOU BASTARD!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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#, as written by Karasz
"Zedrek's car is destroyed and he is hijacking the... flying tiger in order to keep up the pace. But according to the rules, without his car, he is out of the race."

"And now that masked guy is about to beat the living crap out of that tribal black guy." Ghost commented, "I would not be surprised if that masked guy wants to kill him."

"Ho ho! Now's my chance!" Luigi boosts Racer S, Captain Falcon, and the Giant Realistic Flying Tiger, "Yaaay! Luigi's number o--"

"G'mornin'!" Uncle Grandpa is in a passanger seat.


Luigi pulls the breaks and he sends Uncle Grandpa flying because he does not wear a seatbelt. Uncle Grandpa teleported by coming out of Giant Realistic Flying Tiger's mouth. He sees Zedrek and Dan fighting on the tiger.

"Hey, can you two leave the poor tiger out of this?" Uncle Grandpa asked, "Violence makes her scared.

Racer S is still making her way to the lead.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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The Blue Falcon also speeds ahead, neck and neck with Racer S.

The Lightning Chariot blitzes forth, now just near the Giant Realistic Flying Tiger. "We're making it! YEAH!" Pit cheered.

"Let's see how they like-a my new toy, hehehe..." Wario tossed his new gas bomb ahead at Luigi, which burst out a gigantic wafting cloud of noxious gas. No surprise where that gas came from...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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#, as written by GBA
Ignacious' car eventually stops tumbling backwards along the track, resting upside down with its wheels still spinning. A pained groan can then be heard from within the vehicle, followed by a skeletal arm extending out from underneath; said arm waving around a white flag.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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#, as written by Sockie
Death's Head begins firing rockets at Luigi and Wario, while aboard the Sock Train...

"I JUST GOT A FLASH OF INSPIRATION!" shouts Sockie before poking his head out the door again. This time, he faces the palm of his hand towards the back of the Sock Train and lets loose a Sock Blast non-stop, giving the Sock Train an enormous boost!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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#, as written by Karasz
"URGHH!!!" Luigi covers his nose, "WARIO! THAT'S GROSS!!" He loses control of the wheel, but he dodges the missiles. Racer S didn't smell anything since she is wearing a biker helmet. For some reason, Uncle Grandpa is immune to such horrible smell.

"Oh, jesus chris-- I don't know what to do with thi-- *CANS.WAV*" Ghost gets off from the chair, "I want the race to go normal and exciting, but those FUCKING DISGUSTING PIECES OF SHITS ARE TURNING THIS INTO A FRUITY-ASS RACE, AND-- GAAAAAAHHHH *cans.wav*"

Despite all this, the rating went off the charts. Mad Moxxi grins at the ratings.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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"Speed far ahead o' ME, will you?!" Wario growled. He whipped out another Golden Mushroom, using its power to speed past the Sock Train, the Lightning Chariot, and the Blue Falcon.

"Looks like it's come to this..." Captain Falcon muttered. "...BOOST FIRE!" Activating a special reactor within the Blue Falcon, the machine started spinning, gaining a massive dexterity and speed boost. It sped past the Sock Train, accidentally slicing through a few of its wheels (on one side, of course) on the way.

"We're not finished yet!" Pit said as Phos and Lux blitzed forth again, gaining a massive speed boost.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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#, as written by Sockie
The Sock Train promptly begins skidding out of control.

"CRAP!" shouts Sockie as he tries to keep the train in control as it continues to go down the track, and ends up hitting several other vehicles along the way.

Meanwhile, a small turtle makes its way slooooowly down the track...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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#, as written by Karasz
Racer S and Luigi are indeed hit by the Sock Train as they skid out of control and crash into the metal fences. Both vehicles are heavily damaged. Uncle Grandpa, on the other hand, flies over the Sock Train. But Uncle Grandpa is concerned about the train as it can also kill lots of people.

"Uh oh! That audience is not safe with that rampaging train! I better think of something to stop that train. You got any ideas, Uncle Grandpa?"

"No. I got nothing." said the second.

"Ditto." The third added.

"I got an idea!" The fourth Uncle Grandpa is in the Sock Train and steps on the break pedal, "There! Easy!"

"Thanks Uncle Grandpa!" Said the first.

"Think nothing of it, Uncle Grandpa!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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"WHOA - !" Pit shouted as the Lightning Chariot quickly sidestepped to avoid the Sock Train, edging just on the inside of the track. Good thing it's technically flying.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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#, as written by Sockie
"HEY!" shouts Sockie to the Uncle Grandpa in his train. "Who said you could stop my train? You're makin' me lose the race!"

Death's Head, meanwhile, begins firing missiles at both Luigi and Wario.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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#, as written by Karasz
"AAYYEE!!!" Luigi ejects himself from his car and forfeits the race. At least he's in a better ranking than dead last, "I don't believe it! I'm out of the race! Awww no...!!"

"Looks like a lot of racers are smashed to pieces. It's a shame." Moxxi looks disappointed, "I would love to see more carnage."

Meanwhile, a mobile phone in the sock train is ringing. Uncle Grandpa picks it up. "G'Morning! ...Oh, you're looking for "Sockie"? I already saved his life from a train wreck. Oh well. Here you go!" He hands the mobile phone to Sockie, "Well, my work here is done!" His propeller hat lifts him up despite his weight and flies away. The real Uncle Grandpa is still in the race.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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#, as written by Sockie
"Who is this?" asks Sockie. "AND HOW DID YOU GET THIS NUMBER?!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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#, as written by Karasz
"I ain't important right now. Just recently. your swordsman buddy just killed 200 of your citizens and peed on their corpses."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sockie Lastnamerson Character Portrait: Sockra Character Portrait: Mad Moxxi Character Portrait: Brimstone Character Portrait: Wario Character Portrait: Ignacious
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#, as written by Sockie
"What? What?! WHAAAAAT?!" shouts Sockie. "... Wait, which swordsman buddy we talking about here? I know like a hundred."