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Ebenezer Valante

"I act only in accordance with the natural course."

0 · 357 views · located in Li'l ol' planet Earth: 1990s

a character in “Good Evening, Monsters.”, as played by Wudgeous


Race: Vampire; Old

Full name: Ebenezer "Abe" Neil Valante, Sr.; "Father."

Age: Mid three hundreds, damned old for being so active--but by far not the oldest.

GM Note: Most vampires his age have decided they would rather sleep, sleep, sleep; able to go for a VERY long time without blood. They got annoyed by all these damned teenagers, what can I say. That is not to say, however, that there aren't even older vampires out and about.

Height and Weight: Around six and a half feet tall, quite heavy. Only werewolves and machines can pick him up, though he can't imagine why they would want to. He doesn't eat often, but eats a lot when he feels that strong itch of hunger.

Complexion: Pale, getting a bit yellow and blue around the edges. He can no longer blush, only bruise. (No, his cheeks do not suddenly and inexplicably bruise when he's embarrassed, I just like alliteration). He has a make-up artist dust off his face before heading out of the house to make him look more...... lively! Oohoo, how punny of me.

Body Type/Health: He either takes very good care of himself or has very good servants. Or it could be both. He is massive, but not quite juggernaut in thickness. Broad shoulders. Think tall, upright rectangle.

Facial features: He has a long, narrow and down-pointing nose. Also very thin lips, and a strong chin and jaws. His face is fairly broad, and would be perfectly square if not for his protruding chin and tall forehead. He has many wrinkles around his eyes, and they crinkle sweetly when he smiles. His face muscles get very little exercise--meaning, for the most part, his expression is blank (relaxed muscles, slight frown, though not unfriendly) and changes very little, much like the dead man that he is. Even when he smiles or frowns more than usual, it is nigh impossible to read him.

Distinguishing marks: VEINY. His hands are rather frightening due to this, so he keeps them in driving gloves. Also, see the ending sentences of Complexion, as well as the bit about blood vessels in his eyes.

Apparent Temperament: He has smile wrinkles among his other wrinkles; which gives him an amiable air even though he smiles considerably less so than he used to. Abe is always hunched over, from years and years of having to look down on other people when he's speaking to them. He will only straighten up when angry or sitting at a table (or God forbid, talking to someone taller) which, depending on one's physical point of view, can make him look either noble or fairly scary; especially to the shorter folks. On the other hand, he will crouch down when talking to children (literal or otherwise).

Hair and eyes: Stereotypical, gelled back dracula hairstyle. Abe, much to his content, still has much of his hair. It has long since grayed and he doesn't bother to use hair products to fix that. His eyes are a light and almost glowing blue, but occasionally he'll have a blood vessel pop in one or both of his eyes from strain (see: Hobby). It lasts for about two weeks when it happens. Also occurs when he's looking at sunlight, even when he is safely standing in the shade. Light bounces, remember. Yet, he often can't help but stare; the microscopic human portion within him, and within all vampires, remains intact through the admiration of and longing for sunlight.

Casual wardrobe: A purple rich man's bathrobe, cotton pajama pants, matching slippers for his weary feet, and sometimes a pipe just to be dapper. (I'm just being silly, he's against smoking his pipe until he's genuinely exhausted--such as from being tortured in the sun!--which is very rare). Sometimes reading glasses. He doesn't wear this get-up in public.

ACTION TIME wardrobe: A suit, near entirely black in case of blood splatters. He wishes those damned capes and cowls were still in fashion, but oh well, he could do without. If he does not intend to eat that night--say, he has plans to entertain some guests at his house--he wears a white counterpart. He thinks it makes him look slightly more approachable, but he could be wrong. Both suits are accented with gold and silver buttons, intricate and barely noticeable patterns, etc. Anything else, such as the inside of his pockets, is of blue silk.
Buttons are always done up, every sleeve is always rotated into the correct and most comfortable angle, and the suit as a whole is always straightened and newly ironed. His shoes are very well polished and everything is tailored to fit him snugly.

Etc: [N/A for now, Wudge tired]

A pager. This is the 1990s, where cell phones and sky trains and computers aren't terribly widespread yet.
While he's most proficient with a shotgun and bayonet, he only has a revolver on him... what? He's a defenseless old man.... Alright fine, so maybe rarely he drinks peoples' blood, shoots the entry wound, and pretends they tried to mug him when the cops ask. Then there's just times when he can't or doesn't feel like having an up-close brawl.
A blue hanky! :) He has spares, don't worry, you can take it if he ever offers it.
His wallet! So many credit cards. You best spend an entire week praying for your soul before you even think of mugging him though. One bastard got lucky when Abe turned him rather than killing him. He got less lucky when he went out of line and attacked a couple of kids in a playground.

Extremely cool and calm, much like a slow-moving glacier, Abe is a very avid believer in the "natural course" of things: Events occur only because they are meant to, and unless you are meant to hinder them, you shall stand aside and allow the course to flow. The notion borders on the basic premise of Calvinism (predetermination), but different in that Abe believes it to be a constantly moving, constantly shifting force controlling everything, grounded in the present. The natural course can change its mind, and in Abe's opinion, has only the best intentions for him and people he likes. See, he can be self-centered, completely unable to see another's point of view... well, he could when he intends to manipulate them into changing their mind and seeing how he views matters and using his methods or however else he wants them to handle said matters--but otherwise he possesses very little empathy. He does not understand how, in the long-run, someone can be hurt more than they are helped. He values the short-term, paying little mind to future consequences ("for that is the natural course"). This was the number one complaint of him from the majority of his wives, though they've all had difficultly expressing this in a way that was clear to him.

He does not lack morals, he merely operates on a personal, different set of morals than most. The world does not exist in shades of gray; it exists in blues and reds, and all sorts of other colors! That said, both on a physical level and emotional level, Ebenezer entirely lacks warmth. Comprehending a love for his fellow man has become foreign and dead to him--not from some traumatizing betrayal, but merely from existing for so long. While it is true Ebenezer never forgets faces and facts, concepts and feelings are an entirely different matter.

Other than that, he's easily pleased. He might act like he's picky, but he'll eat and accept most anything that is offered to him (another quality his wives were unhappy with). [I think that's all you need to know, and it's all I've got. Lemme know if you can think of anything else to do with personality I can touch on!]

Speech: He speaks with a particular formality even while using modern slang, causing him to seem fairly awkward... or frightening, if you're a bit of a coward and consider his deep voice and monstrous size. He's tends to speak very open-endedly, often procuring very numerous possibilities when speaking of hypotheticals; normally uses backhand compliments when he feels a need to insult someone.

Pet Peeves: Teenagers on his lawn! Not entirely obvious. The extremely observational will notice him scowling at excessive bleeding, however; Abe hates incompetent doctors (therefore, in his mind, all nurses).
He always raises one hand to slackly shield his pale ear when exposed to very loud sounds.
He doesn't seem to like when objects are out of order, either; be it broken or arranged unappealingly. ex: "Good sir, your cup is facing the wrong way," "One of these things is not like the others....." "DOUBLE SPACE, MOTHERFUCKERS!!"

Favorite color: A rich, vibrant red often associated with Christmastime and Macy's. A chilling blue is what suits him, however. Literally! Haha, punny punny.

Pictured is him when he hit 150.
Hobbies: All board games, even backgammon. Especially backgammon.
He actively tracks news reports, articles, usually dedicating an entire room to the activity regardless of where he goes (to the untrained eye, particularly in a one-room suite, it will seem as if he is being messy. But he is most certainly NOT! All the articles are alphabetized and in chronological order, despite being in multiple piles and strangely shaped clippings).
Also, he likes cutting paper. No one, not even himself, has ever really understood why, but he loves cutting out strange and angular shapes (from anything; fabric, paper, cardboard, wood, skin...) sometimes resembling well-known shapes. He loves cutting perfect, straight lines, and has gotten very good at avoiding those disgusting frayed edges. Dotted outlines for him to cut along will only serve to irritate him. He has at least once thrown a pair of scissors to the ground in anger after encountering dotted lines.

  • Wines; more to collect than to consume, he's highly frivolous about the latter. He takes pride in having the oldest collection, as far as he knows. Also, he has an entire crate of wine labels in a corner of the wine cellar, from his earlier, less wealthy years of collecting.
  • Dogs; he secretly wishes for an undead canine companion--a couple of doberman pinschers preferably. Previous pet deaths (seven of them, not including the occasional tropical fish) have made him very unhappy about the idea of adopting new animals.
  • Order. See: Pet peeves.
  • Plump and boisterous people! Fun to have around for dinner, as well as delectable.
  • Reading.
  • His antique possessions. Objects are so much more valuable on an emotional level when you have had them for a little over two hundred years.

  • Staying home. He just gets so testy. It has gotten to the point where he doesn't even want to be within the country his current house is in. (It's in Wales, of course). This means having a lot of packed lunchables! (See: Preferred feed)
  • Flattery.
  • Going out of his way to impress others. Not so much a dislike, just something you'll never find him doing.
  • Cameras. Ah, the bane of every vampire who's been around for more than a select number of years--though Abe cares less about the possibility of being exposed and more about that irritating flash. Abe will, in about twenty years, have exactly one "totallylookslike" submission containing two of his pictures. The submitter will be a great loser; no one will find her lulzy in the least bit.
  • Lawyers. Even his own lot.
  • The great depression. It was unkind even to him. The majority of his money today is from after that horrible damned event. In fact, Abe spent much of that time period sleeping because it stressed him out so.

Fears: Very little. After taking a psychology 101 course in a public university in Virginia, he suspects his amygdalae might be damaged (which is strange, because his memory only gets better with age, and he has otherwise good emotional control... unless he simply no longer has emotions to control...? Oh dear. :( ) No I'm messing, he's fine. But remember his fancy little ~*~*~NATURAL COURSE~*~*~ thing? Yeah, that plays a part in this.
Though there is one thing: Abe doesn't much like being in airplanes and helicopters. Especially not helicopters. He's bought himself a windowless jet and had it completely sound-proofed from the inside, just so he could peacefully sleep in it the entire flight when he REALLY NEEDS to travel (which is unfortunately often) or flee from a country. He bought the pilot, too, just in case.

Agenda: [I get to skip this paaaart!~ For now. He's moving the entire fucking plot, so it's going to take a while to come up with a really good one.]

What guarantees the fact that you'll stick around?: Hahaha he's blackmailing himself, guys, is all it is. Perhaps the fact that he started this whole mess? Ebenezer isn't the sort to ring a doorbell and run away laughing, if you know what I mean. He has a tendency of sticking with things until their conclusion, or else end it personally.

Day job: He was a preacher multiple once upon a times, and did some other things here and there. Now he's fully retired, outside the side business of being your boss.

How they became what they are: Once upon a time, Ebenezer was a living, breathing human with a heart and soul, just like you and me. He was a quiet, awkward and lurching young man, the sort that got giggled at when he asked young women to the local harvest dance--but we're getting ahead of ourselves.

Ebenezer was born in the Netherlands, and still has never set foot there outside about two weeks of being a clueless tourist. His family moved to England before he learned how to talk, then when he was about twenty-seven, he went with a sect of Puritans to the Americas. (No, he wasn't on the Mayflower, you loser). He had a funny, uncommon name, so most took to calling him "Abe," for short. It was a funny joke, you see, because he was most certainly not short. Abe never laughed at this joke.

Abe was not always wealthy, for he was never a nobleman. When you have what seems like an eternity on your hands, you eventually learn to save up a pretty penny. Many vampires weren't noblemen, contrary to popular belief. Who, after all, is most likely to bear the infection but the working class? They were by far the most populous and easiest of prey. When Abe was a boy, he helped out in local fields and chimney sweeping for money. His parents were good and hard-working Christians, but the more he grew, the more he had to earn his own keep. He ate so damned much, after all, and at times, his mother would try to starve him with hopes that he'd stop growing. She loved him dearly, but there were other mouths to feed and funerals to pay for.

As he neared adulthood, he turned away from the more hands-on jobs to priesthood, to appease his ailing father. Abe became a missionary, returning home only a couple of times a year, only to share bread and coins with his family.

He was staying with a mother and her son in Cheshire when his life took a drastic Turn. [To be continued as more information is revealed in roleplay, or PM'd via request. I have the next bitties written, I'm just being a jerk.]

Notable experiences since then: He and his first wife were a couple of the Mormons who founded Utah. He later decided he disagreed with Mormonism, except one concept: polygamy!

Opinion of the others: Ebenezer seems to hold very few biases for someone so old. He holds no grudges, for the people that cross him are normally dead before he has a chance to do so. He treats almost every one he meets with a particular kindness, almost in a patronizing way. Abe does not expect you to fully comprehend the on-goings of the world, or what his train of thought is. How could you? You're so very young... This leads him to putting things very simply and briefly, and he doesn't often feel a need to explain his actions. This behavior extends to even his Old peers, strangely. He supposes it's only fair.
[Possibly editing this if any of you get to know him better.]

Criminal Record: He's wanted on seven cases of murder, all but one of which have since become cold cases. Those are just the ones police have managed to tie his appearance to, and are scattered through a large variety of countries and time periods. He's been arrested two or three times for violent behavior (once got off on bail), six times for speeding, and has one count of arson and vehicular manslaughter.
He's only gone to prison for speeding. All things considered, he's very well behaved for someone who's lived an equivalent of four long life times. (Considering only his criminal record and not the things he's gotten away with unrecorded, I mean).

Etc:: He has very many children. So many children. Some have an age difference of fifty or so. I'm not talking about the church-goers. Only a handful of them are loyal to him and actively try to keep in touch (perhaps in case that damned will finally pops up); he's "forgotten" about most of the rest addition: until he needs them. Each from said handful have their own meager lot of contacts, and once you add in Abe's own contacts and their contacts, is it a wonder he was able to find you?
His last two dogs were purebred dobermans: siblings he named Amy and Frederick. He tried to turn Frederick. It didn't work out so well. Amy, his very last dog, was afterwards given to an ex-neighbor. Amy, unused to having an owner other than Abe, was a vicious creature who soon bit the neighbor's daughter. She was put down. When Abe returned to visit his pet, the neighbors were put down. This was not because Abe was angry. Retaliation is, simply put, the natural course of things.

Specialty: But he's not on the team! :( Oh fine... he has a very strong bite, nigh impossible to break away from without ripping off a huge chuck of flesh and muscle, as well as scratching up bone. Kinda like being bitten by a tiger--a very malicious tiger who knows exactly where your vital points are, and knows the best angle to approach you from for maximum damage. His large hands also provide a very strong grip, which makes the breaking away and any other form of retaliation very difficult. He's better at killing than he is at fighting, basically.

Preferred feed: Human; prepared for him. He has a specific favorite blood type, and likes it with beneficial seasoning and medication. He hired a doctor to become his personal chef, you see. Ingested human blood (from a vampire) tastes a bit too coppery, and slightly more sour than he liked, but it's decent. Ebenezer has been known to pick off every last bit of flesh from a human's arm and legs (the latter normally contains more fat). He enjoys healthy and plump humans the most.

Sunlight tolerance: Three hours, then he is completely immobile. (GM note: Mind, it's not "WHEEEE RUNNING IN THE SUN" and then suddenly some hours later "AUGH CAN'T MOVE." The sun gradually saps the strength of its vampire victim until all they can do is lay there begging to be pulled into the darkness and killed with mercy. Like I said, not a favorite suicide method; it's a bit like sitting in a vat of slow-acting acid.) It takes him six hours to recover from near-vital sun exposure, and by "recover" I mean "have barely enough strength able to get up and get himself a glass of water."

Social standing: Treated with respect, particularly from the vampires that used to attend his preaches. It is thanks to them that he's still referred to as "Father" on occasion. Otherwise, most tend to avoid him if they know of him. Those ignorant of what he is, on the other hand, find themselves easily mesmerized by his charming old man demeanor... though that isn't to say his size and voice aren't still a bit intimidating.

Social stealth: Very well, unless you're actually, seriously looking for a vampire. It's a bit like the way it is with fairies and unicorns. If you don't believe in them, they don't exist (until they cause your untimely demise, perhaps). Despite looking every bit like one, the paranoia and frenzy that many times possessed human society in the past has been, thank the heavens, quelled. His charisma and ability to hold up the guise of a friendly, charming, and slightly senile old man aids his refuge in being unknown. Still: many have, in jest or attempted humor, suggested he was dracula from his appearance. There was always to be merriment and laughter, for it was such a ridiculous notion! After all, the real Dracula would be about five hundred years old.

  • Mental Blueprint! Age as a vampire has heightened his memory and senses to their utmost limits, allowing him to become near utterly acquainted with a place after a single visit. (The "senses" bit means he's very observational, and notices even sneaky portions of a place like, idk trap doors). His memory has been improved to the point of remembering many things he's long forgotten, in addition to things of the current. He can, without exaggeration, attest that he has not and will not forgot a face.
  • Unless you're very experienced with vampires attacks, the chill you feel when he approaches won't be a cause for alarm. He barely exudes heat, so heat sensors have difficulty detecting his presence. He's also extremely quiet, which makes some people wonder if he can secretly float around. To hear Abe's footsteps, absolute silence and attention is required. Hell, if you manage that, you could probably hear his breathing, too. He used to hunt animals for sport, and still has trophies in his house to prove it. This all adds up to... y'know, gud hunter. Not stealthy per se, it's just that you don't see him coming until he's close enough to say "boo" like in those lame horror flicks.
  • He's old. His connections and ability to spy a pattern (thus predicting many outcomes accurately) is nothing short of remarkable, if not expected of an Old vampire. These are things he's been constructing for a long, long time.

  • Your open, festering wound with prolonged bleeding is very distracting. Abe normally has enough self-control not to wander over and suckle and rip away should there be any potential danger, but not always. Plus, when he's distracted by blood and is putting a lot of effort into trying not to be distracted by blood, his senses shield is lowered, and he is quite vulnerable. (Not a good decoy tactic if you're not expendable though). Related; he's very concerned with small things (see above, like how he frickin' dresses and his pet peeves)..... Ties in with the easily distracted thing (or perhaps more like not having his priorities quite straight). Some have suspected he is the type of vampire to stop chasing his victims to count grains of rice. He isn't. He will arrange each individual grain of rice so they're all facing the same direction and not in such a grotesque pile. While this proooobably won't be used against him effectively (just because he's senile or something doesn't mean he's stupid), it's still worth mentioning, hahaha.
  • He's old. By far, he is not the fastest of vampires nor the strongest hitter. It's not that he got slower or weaker over time, it's just that he's at his limit. He won't be getting any faster than his current record. The wonder of youth is that you could always get better, always train hard and see the results. Abe does not have that benefit anymore.
  • Groups. Had he stayed human, he may have learned himself some more of that boxing and nonsense he could use to handle a ganged ambush, but as a vampire, Abe is most proficient at ruthlessly attacking individuals. Not to say he could not hold his own against a lot of weaklings, or that he won't last a bit of a while, but ultimately, throwing multiple attackers at him is the best strategy to kill him. When facing a team of people, he is most likely to try to pick them off one by one; when sealed up in a room without any place to hide, things can turn for the worse for Abe very quickly.

So begins...

Ebenezer Valante's Story