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Hetalia Romance

Hetalia Romance


Fangirls and guys of hetalia who have a crush on one of the characters are suddenly brought into the hetalia world pretending to be a lost nation . . .

1,172 readers have visited Hetalia Romance since LRmember created it.


You are a hetalia fangirl and one day a crazy other fangirl claims she can send you into the hetalia world through her device. A group of you all meet and she switches the device and it explodes. You suddenly appear in the hetalia world in the middle of a world meeting and a clever girl decides to pretend that you are lost cities (Eldorado, Atlantic, etc.) You all immediately are drawn to your favorite character and you start to socialize with them but here's the thing . . . no matter what the country you like starts out 'not liking' you. Your goal is to make your country like you by any means necessary but please be realistic. If you don't want that then your other goal is to return home. Some of the other girls will be out to take your beloved so make sure to win him before they do.

Eldorado: Taken
Atlantis: Reserved
Camelot: Taken
Tartarus: Taken
Shangri-La: Open
Utopia: Open
Island of Nim: Taken

Countries who have been taken:
Germany- Taken
South Italy-Open
(the rest are open and i am to lazy to actually put others up there)

Toggle Rules

1) no god mooning (unless consented by other character)
2) no mary sues
3) Please don't sign up then not post, it's annoying.
4) You can't copy others lost cities
5) one country per character (One character per account, Nemesis' don't count)
6) you are allowed to play as a hetalia character
7) you must be realistic on how the hetalia people (hopefully) fall in love with you.
8) Arch nemesis' are optional and may be added if you wish. (if you want a nemesis then you just add 'nemesis' to the synopsis and they will be automatically accepted.)

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors

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All the girls stood in a huge kind of mob. Their leader with dark hair and bright eyes stood before them with a giant machine. a few girls stood on the stage itself. 2 of which stood a little farther back than the rest who were eagerly leaned forward. Felicity glared at her friend Lenette.
"I can't believe you dragged me here."
"Hey i had 2 onstage passes but if i didn't bring a friend they wouldn't let me on!" she pouted and Felicity glared.
"If i calculated right then we will all be transported to the Hetalia universe!" their leader called and everyone cheered and Felicity leaned to Lenette.
"What happens if she calculated wrong." She mumbled and Lenette shrugged.
"We become disappointed." she smiled and Felicity frowned.
"Hope so . . . "
"Non-Believer!" snorted a pink haired girl who came up to them and smirked with disgust. "If you were a real hetalia fan you would want to do everything you could to get this to work."
"I'm not saying i don't want it to work, i'm wondering what will happen if it doesn't, Sally." Felicity answered in a tired voice.
"Well let me tell you-" there was a sudden explosion and white light erupted from the machine engulfing everyone onstage and vanishing with the blink of an eye.


Felicity awoke to the feel of a hand on her shoulder shaking her awake. She moaned and glared looking over to see her friend Lenette still unconscious.
"And THAT-" she whipped her mouth which had a little blood on it from the fall, "-Is what happens when it doesn't-"
"Excuse me!" a taller blonde guy with thick eyebrows shouted down at her. He had a thick english accent and once he came into view his face became clear.

England stood above Felicity holding her shoulder and frowning with surprise and some slight concern. "Are you alright i said!" Felicity gaped half surprised as she looked around the room. All the Hetalia countries stared down at her and she shook her head.
"Where the hell . . . What happened?"
"You're in the Hetalia world meeting. Who are you to be interrupting?" England snorted with annoyance and Felicity continued to stare at him all through her confusion.
"I am . . . Am . . ."
"Spit it out!" ordered another blonde with blue eyes and a very authoritarian look. (germany)
"I'm . . . . " her thoughts flew through her head until one popped into her head and she smirked a little under her breath before shaking her head. "I'm the lost country of Tartarus! I have returned with the other lost countries to join in the meeting of Hetalia." she said and stood up staring at them all with a straight face. They all immediatly began to whisper amongst themselves and placed all the girls in another room so they could decide what to do. While they did the others began to wake up and Felicity informed them of the plan to claim they were all lost countries.
"No one copy or they'll figure it out. No make a line and we'll pick our names."
"I want to be the Island of Nim!" Sally shouted barging through the crowd and staring back at them daring them to challenge her.
"Fine," snorted Felicity, "I am tartarus. Please make a line. If you can't think of one then you will be assigned one." she ordered and Lenette smiled as she was first in line.
"I will be Eldorado." she said and everyone groaned seeing as that was the most popular name.

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#, as written by Ruriko
Lenette grinned at Felicity as they stood on stage waiting for the machine to start.
"I can't believe you dragged me here." Felicity groaned and Lenette smiled.
"Ah that excited are you?" she laughed but Felicity remained annoyed. "Look i had the chance to be on stage but they wouldn't let me if i didn't have someone with me." Lenette said and the show started but she smiled. "Look if you are my friend then you'll put up with this for me." Felicity wasn't listening though.
"What happens if she calculated wrong?" she mumbled and Lenette frowned shrugging.
"We become disappointed." she smiled but Felicity stared at her with a frown.
"Hopefully . . . " Just then Sally, Felicity's nemesis walked up in a huff. Two of her lackeys stood behind her.
"Non-Believer." she snorted with annoyance. Her pink hair and skimpy clothes fluttered a little in a draft. One of her lackeys held a bag which undoubtably contained her 'England clothes' AKA her black robe and black magic stuff.
Felicity sighed in reply, not really wanting to argue. "Not once did i say i didn't want it to work, i'm just wondering what will happen if it doesn't, Sally." she said annoyed by girl and Sally snorted.
"Well let me tell you-" but she never finished because there was a suddenly explosion behind her where the machine had stood. White light flared out across the stage and engulfed everyone on it. Some of the crowd members shrieked as they all vanished in the beautiful light.


Lenette awoke to Felicity talking. She wasn't sure what she said but when her eyes opened Felicity was staring at all the countries as they looked at her with a certain respect. Lenette noticed Felicity's authority and she pointed behind her.
"Help me move them all to another room so that you can decide what you want to do." she said and Lenette quickly closed her eyes as a large pair of arms scooped her up. She waited for a few seconds until they were moving and opened her eyes slightly. A stern face looked up as he carried her and she tilted her head for a better view. Germany quickly looked down at her and she blushed giving a groan as though she had just woke up.
"What . . ." she was quickly put down on her feet and she rubbed her head with embarrassment.
"Um . . . Thanks." he nodded before turning around to get another girl and she smiled slightly to herself and went into the room. In there Felicity was giving orders for everyone, who were all waking up, to form a line so they could choose their city names. Sally stomped up first glaring at everything.
"I am the Island of Nim." she said as though she was queen and Lenette rolled her eyes.
"Fine. No repeating otherwise they'll figure it out. I am Tartarus." Lenette jumped to the front of the line smirking with pleasure.
"I'm Eldorado." she said in triumph as everyone else groaned with defeat.

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Felicity sighed as she tried to remember everyone's name. There were quite a few people right now but still it made her a bit over annoyed. Suddenly Sally came up to her with a smug look on her face.
"You know he likes me better."
"For crying out loud the last thing i want to do right now is have an insult war with you." she groaned in exasperation.
"Well he carried me in here and asked if i was okay and even smiled at me." she said in a flittery voice and Felicity rolled her eyes.
"Good for you. I'm sure you're due to be engaged any day now." she said sarcastically and Sally snorted.
"Just because you're the land of the dead here doesn't mean anything. YOu must just be jealous." she sighed and Felicity face-palmed.
"That's exactly what i am. Jealous of You." she exaggerated with great sarcasm. Suddenly Lenette came up and smiled.
" Sarcasm is the body's natural defense against stupidity." she laughed and Sally stormed away with frustration.

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#, as written by Ravelin

"Camelot.... You know you need to go to the World Meeting with the other countries. It's high time that you get your act together and stop living in the past! You need to tell the other countries, especially England, that you are back and ready to take your rightful place as one of the greatest kingdoms in all history," the old wizard nagged as he was bruning the last pile of the vines with a wave of his staff. Merlin was an ancient man which was easily seen by the hundreds of wringles on his skin, at least what little could be seen in his white wizard robes and hat. His snow colored hair and beard nearly blended into his clothes. He was the only person that stayed with Camelot through of the centuries and was her bestfirend, while another very close friend of hers died due to battle wounds in her last battle. Camelot still felt like she could have done something to prevent her bestfriend's death that was also one of the greatest kings of all history- King Arthur.

"Merlin, you already got me to cleaning up the castle. Now you want to go to some meeting where the countries think I'm now a mere legend? Not to mention there has been even more countries since I hid myself from the world. Who knows how they would react if I suddenly interuppted their meeting," Camelot replied as she was just finishing replacing the last broken stone. It's been two long months that Merlin first got Camelot to help him clean the castle. Which turned out to be much bigger than she remembered. Maybe because she usually only been in a couple of places in the castle the past centuries? After the stone was set in place and didn't threaten to come loose or crack, Camelot patted off the rock dust and tiny pieces of stone off her dress as she walked until she stood next to Merlin watching the last of the plants that claimed the castle as their own for ages as the tales about Camelot, Merlin, and Arhtur became a mere legend and forgotten. The old wizard turn his head from the large red and orange fire to his old and dear friend. "You know you can be sure of anything before you go out there and try, Camelot."

Before Camelot could reply, Merlin banged the end of his staff to the hard stone floor and made a purplr smoke surrounding them. It was on of his transportation spells, one of his favorites in fact. Since this spell gets you where you want quickly and didn't involve flying or running at intense speeds like his others. Once the smoke cleared, Camelot was coughing her head off as she glared up to Merlin. She always has been one of the shortest person she knows. "Merlin, how many times do I have to tell you.... WARN ME before you use that spell!" She yelled before she finally realized that she was standing on a large table with all the countries surrounding it. Merlin had took her to the World Meeting against her will. Which the old man just loved to do. "Well, here you are Camelot. Now, if you fine ladies and gentleman would excuse me. I must finish a few things back in the castle," Merlin dismissed himself with a flat out lie which only Camelot knew it was.

She quickly gathered her bearing and the tattoo on her right hand glowed slightly but was covered by the long sleeves of her dress. Within seconds, her armor appeared over her dress as she placed her left hand loosely, not threating, on her hilt of her sword. Camelot was once again her kinght like self as she stood confidently with her head held high as she introduced herself. "I am Camelot, one of the lost countries that had turned into mere stories, forgotten by the world's people as well as yourself." It seemed like most of them were already shocked or surprised before she and Merlin got there. Her ears easily picked up the group of girls' chatter as they was in a small circle next to her. It seems like three of them were claiming to be the Island of Nim, Tartarus, and Eldorado.... Three countries that she knew well and it was obvious to her that these girls were not them. It seems like these girls were trying to fool the countries into believeing that there were the real Nim, Tartarus, and Eldorado. "Well...... If it isn't Nim, Tartarus, and Eldorado. It's has to be centuries since we last saw each other, the three of you have changed a lot since I last seen Tartarus fighting with me in my last battle; Eldorado, our last trade in crops and jewels before your people mysterously died; and Nim, I hadn't seen you since Arthur was looking for a queen during our visit. Such faun memories, how about you tell the countries more about yourselves and your cultures?" Camelot asked them with an all-knowing glare. Before the girls could answer, someone else zapped herself on the table. Which it surprised Camelot that it didn't break with the weight of her, her armor, the fake countries, and.... Altanis. "Exactly why are you here, Altanis?" She questioned her life long enemy. Her question would have been either a growl or angery shout if it wasn't for all of these people. In large groups like these, Camelot is always completely stoned face and emotionless.

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Felicity stared with a calm face at the new coming girl who was apparently the REAL Camelot. She easily smiled as another one popped in whom Camelot called Atlantis. She smiled and gave a slight bow as a gesture to the girls who were giving each other glares that might kill a regular person.
"We were all transported here and have changed true to you but we are the same. I remember the war well. It was a gruesome battle." she smiled as though that was a good thing then continued, "I'm glad that we have such fond memories Camelot." She smiled as though they were old friends. Atlantis seemed to disbelieve this with hatred.
"You are not the lost countries. Right Camelot?" she asked and Felicity smiled at Camelot. Hopefully her vehement loathing for Atlantis would cause her to actually lie that they were in fact the lost countries.

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#, as written by Ravelin

'Finally, those envious Gods are no more!' A tall slim woman with silky black, straight hair that ran all the down to the back of her knees and with blackish-steel grey eyes smirked to herself. Altantis's body began to shake as her smirk grew, scareing the people around her as they slowly walked away from her. Her body vibrating increased the longer she tried to hold in her laughter. Until finally, the back of her right hand flew to slightly cover the left cover of her mouth with her pinky was up. Unlike most people that have a laugh like, "Hahahaha". Altantis's laugh is a "Hohoho" sound but not the good jolly Saint Nick kinda. It's more like an arrogent rich old woman laughing at something that she thinks is pathic. All the sudden, Atlantis stopped her laughing and placed her left hand on her hip and exaggerating leading back and her right arm strechted out with her index finger pointing down. Her is her "looking down" pose that she uses when someone that she thinks is inferior makes a insult to her that she either can not reply or doesn't feel like that the insult is worth an answer but the pose. The other time she uses is when she thought she beat someone, especially someone she finds their existance useless. "That shows you so-called Gods to mess with the most lovely, beautiful, and the most intellegant country on the planet!" She shouted pridefully still in her "looking down" pose.

One of the large number of engineers came up to her. "Is it time to finally resurface, Altantis-sama?" He asked, who was distracted by her outragously low cut shirt that didn't end until at the bottome of the shirt. Her pattern long red skirt had two long slits to show off her legs and had a long polar bear fured cape with large gold earrings dangling from her ears. Atlantis once again stood upright and pointed to the engineer and the others behind him. "The time has come to dazzle this world with our brillance! All engines, GO!" She ordered as the men turned, flipped, and pressed various switches and buttons as the large gears below her feet slowly began to turn and made her finally break through Atlantis water prison and finally see the light blue sky with fluffy white clouds. "Now, ready the transporter! I'm going to grace the other countries with my presence at the world meeting!"

A series of light beams formed a seven foot cylinder on the large World Meeting table. Within a few moments, Atlantis materialized completely on the table only to have the ever the pain in her ass, Camelot, questions why she's here. "If it isn't the stone aged monkey," she greeted Camelot with a little hair flip. "Did Merlin finally dusted you off? Here I thought you would never come back to the world, what a shame." Atlantis added with her cocky smirk. It was then she heard whipers of the countries behind here like how many more lost countries will show up, sounding like there were more that two of them. Atlantis peered over Camelot's head to spot a trio of plain girls that were far from any lost country nobility and grace, even Camelot had her so-called pride and honor. These girls were obvious normal little brats that are trying to get attention that all countries get. "You are not the lost countries. Right Camelot?" She asked glancing at Camelot.

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#, as written by Ruriko
Lenette smiled slightly and before frowning.
"Don't you recognize us Atlantis?" she ventured pouting a little. "Or have you forgotten the fact that not all of us can remain the same for all the years." she smiled falsely before turning to Camelot.
"You can see it though can't you, Camelot. Your magic sees right through our new forms." she smiled sweetly brushing some of her green hair out of her face.

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#, as written by Ravelin

"We were all transported here and have changed true to you but we are the same. I remember the war well. It was a gruesome battle."

Camelot's glare on the girl's harden with the one that called herself Tartarus's answered. If there was any doubt that these girls were nothing but imposters, that answer just proved it. Camelot lied about how she met the real Tartarus, Eldorado, and Nim. If these girls were the real countries then they would've known that. She didn't know what game they were trying to play, but it was going to end before it even begun... Or so she thought before Altantis beamed herself in just when she was about to reveal to the other countries that these girls were fakes. Her natural enemy said something about it was a shame that she didn't stay in the dusty, which is no longer the cause, castle of hers. "I'm surprised that you had the back bone to resurface, especially what the Gods do to your so called country of tin cans in a single night. If I remember correctly, you came to be on your knees helping you to avoid their rath." Camelot threw her come back at Allantis which was none less than a slap in the face. The currently black haired woman looked like she was going to explode on her until the witch noticed the whispering countries and picked on about the imposters behind her. "You are not the lost countries. Right Camelot?" Atlantis asked glancing at her.

Camelot returned her nondying glare from Atlantis, who was now making a huge fit over this whole thing, back to the girls. Two of the girls gave her a look which basically asked her to go with them for now. Well, it was entertaining hearing Atlantis making a complete fool of herself in front of the other countries and getting bent out of shape that these girls dared to claim to be one of the lost countries. Than again, it was not only an insult to her with them thinking or trying they pulled on over her, but also her memories of the real lost countries.... Making a her enemy looking like a nut case in front of the countries of the world it is. It wasn't like she had deep bonds with the real Tartarus, Eldorado, and Nim. "I guess your precious technology isn't as great as you brag it is, Atlantis. Otherwise you'll know that these girls speak the truth," she answered.

Before Atlantis could offically explode in front of everyone, and blonde haired man with glasses wearing a leather coat stood up fron his chair. "Ladies, calm down. This is a lot to take in, how about we end the meeting for today!" America suggested while eating bugers in between his words and acted like that ending the meeting was solving world hunger. "Very well," Camelot replied along with nobs and agreeing mumbles around the table. It hasn't even been a full minute before Merlin appeared in the purple smoke again. The old man was most likely spying on the meeting while chuckling until he popped his jaw out of place through his large crystal ball that he keeps in his room. "Ready to go, camelot?" He asked with a smile on his face. No doubt proud of himself of making her come here and providing entertainment for the old man. "Yes.... But let's bring Tartarus, Eldorado, and Nim with us... We have some catching up to do," she answered as she peered back to the girls. Without another word Merlin nod and made the purple smoke surround the five of them. Only reappearing in the castle's throne room.

Camelot walked over to the three thrones and sat on the one on the right. The center throne once belonged to Arthur and and left was his wife's. "Okay, I know for a fact that you girls aren't the coutries you claim to be, and don't pull the whole "We changed over the years." On me. I doubt Tartarus and Nim would change so much that they switched sexes or Eldorado changing from always covered in gold and gems to plain clothes. Also, Tartarus never fought in any battle with me. He was a complete lazy fool that never took anything seriously and I met him by chance when me and Arthur were going to met Eldorado and her queen to see about a possile marriage that never happen. Mainly to the arrogent, egoist, and brawl for brains Nim came in and ruin the whole arrangement.... History would probably would have turned for the better if Arthur didn't marry Guinevere. So yes, I would never mistake him and would kill him on the spot if I saw him. Now who are you three really and why did you lie about being lost countries. Be warn, I will not be as kind as I have been to you if you even think about lieing to me again," Camelot explained the girls' situtation crystal clear.

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Felicity swore under her breath as they appeared in a castle, an old man had poofed them there. When Camelot went on a rant to tell them she wanted the truth she shot a glare at Sally who was about to say something along the lines of 'We don't have to listen to a dress up knight wannabe like you.' but the coldness of Fel's glare stopped her before she started.
"If you promise not to tell the other countries." she said and closed her eyes taking a breath.
"My name is Felicity Geniveve, this is my best friend Lenette Bryant, and my sworn enemy Sally Subitus." she gestured to each girl suitably, "We were all gathering to try and-"
"Shut Up, Baka!" Sally shouted taking a swing at Felicity who dodged the blow and grabbed Sally under her arm covering her mouth.
"Where we come from hetalia is a manga and TV show which most of us watch and one day some fan said they created a machine that could transport us to the hetalia dimension. Lenette dragged me along for the ride-" she said disdainfully shooting a glare at her friend who beamed. "anyways the machine blew up in our faces and teleported us here. When we finally woke up we were at the world meeting and i thought the best cover for us to appear so suddenly was to say we're lost countries. I also didn't want to say we were just some random people teleporting from another world. When you showed up i thought we were done-for until atlantis also appeared and i saw your hatred for each other and I decided to play on that thinking that you would help us out and such. Sally here is such a bigmouth that i wouldn't care if you blew her cover, she's like Atlantis, but me and most of the others just kinda want . . ." she sighed rubbing the back of her neck before looking down, "Do you have someone you want to be with? Imagine you just got the chance to be with them for the rest of your life . . ." she paused again and looked up at Camelot, "Sorry. I'll wait for you to make the choice." she sighed and finally let go of Sally who threw another slap this time getting Fel.
"You hag. If you so much as go near my sweetheart i will throw you in a pit of-"
"Shut up." She said coldly and Sally fell silent out of fear. Felicity's face was dark with embarrassment and anger. "If you call him your sweetheart again i will kill you. I am not in the mood to let you think you are in control." she threatened and walked off.

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Felicity 'Tartarus' Genevieve
Character Portrait: Lenette 'Eldorado' Bryant
Character Portrait: Sally Subitus


Character Portrait: Sally Subitus
Sally Subitus


Character Portrait: Lenette 'Eldorado' Bryant
Lenette 'Eldorado' Bryant

"If i were to be stuck here forever i think i might die of happiness . . ."

Character Portrait: Felicity 'Tartarus' Genevieve
Felicity 'Tartarus' Genevieve

" Oh my good look it's England!" *SQEEEE*


Character Portrait: Felicity 'Tartarus' Genevieve
Felicity 'Tartarus' Genevieve

" Oh my good look it's England!" *SQEEEE*

Character Portrait: Sally Subitus
Sally Subitus


Character Portrait: Lenette 'Eldorado' Bryant
Lenette 'Eldorado' Bryant

"If i were to be stuck here forever i think i might die of happiness . . ."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Sally Subitus
Sally Subitus


Character Portrait: Lenette 'Eldorado' Bryant
Lenette 'Eldorado' Bryant

"If i were to be stuck here forever i think i might die of happiness . . ."

Character Portrait: Felicity 'Tartarus' Genevieve
Felicity 'Tartarus' Genevieve

" Oh my good look it's England!" *SQEEEE*

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May I reserve Atlantic? I'll let you know by tomorrow whether or not I can make a char.

Re: [OOC] Hetalia Romance

When will you have some sort of character skeleton?

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