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The Territory of the Nations


a part of Hibryde, by placevalue.


placevalue holds sovereignty over The Territory of the Nations, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

885 readers have been here.


The Territory where the Clans reign over.
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The Territory of the Nations is a part of Hibryde.

17 Characters Here

Vyjallen [45] Rhino-Beetle girl whose older brother is in the Dynastinae.
Arrianonna Nadorn [43] Fox Wanderer
Acaralea Hitzu [33] A Female Croc, member of the Jenutzu Gang
Chom-ah-um-ome-zoozoo-do-tu Nick: zoozoo-um [29] The family crest depicts a peacock with a sword in one hand and a rose in another. "I'd like to describe myself as the sword on the crest. Somebody needs to defend this nation."
Sina (X-47) [26] rescued Rhinoceros Beetle girl
Chom-ah-quaz-de-zoozoo-zan Nickname: ah-quaz [25] A beautiful, noble peacock. Her family crest depicts a peacock holding a sword in one hand and a rose in another. "I am the rose on the crest, beautiful and perky, but I've thorns!"
Marqun Gansin [22] Leader of the Jenutzu Gang
Shimmerscale [20] A herring spy. Part of the squadron that spies on the crocs for the peacocks.
Stripedneck [16] An arrogant pronghorn who trades with peacocks.
Starheart [11] Starheart is a red herring who spys on the peacocks for the prong-horns in the skyhorn squadron.

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Character Portrait: Arrianonna Nadorn Character Portrait: Vyjallen Character Portrait: Chom-ah-um-ome-zoozoo-do-tu   Nick: zoozoo-um Character Portrait: Sina (X-47) Character Portrait: Chom-ah-quaz-de-zoozoo-zan Nickname: ah-quaz
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After speaking to Many-tail, I return to Ah-quaz. I notice the silver ear cuff she is wearing but don't ask about it since she loves wearing new and expensive things.
"Did I not tell you never to come here?"
"Double negatives are confusing, Zoozoo-um."
I sigh. "I told you not to come here. What is your excuse? Obviously it's not good enough because you and Ah-de over there would've been killed and then they would pluck all of your feathers."
"He needed to do something! I don't know what it is."
"I wasn't sure if I trusted his judgement, but now I'm really sure I don't trust his judgement."
I stand up to talk to Ah-de.
"Wait, Zoozoo-um. Who is the croc?"
"A child I rescued from the slave tunnels. He seems to have grown an attachment to me and I allow him to follow me in this journey."
"He can follow you but I can't?"
"You're afraid of killing. I don't think you can be trained more than you already have."
"Is he your croc child now?"
I go over to Ah-de who has an alcoholic drink in his hand.
"What's your business here?"
"I needed to... discuss about The Wolves."
"The Wolves?"
"Yeah, they're a group of crocs in wolves' skin that are taking scales off of herrings, plucking peacock feathers, taking rhino beetle wings, taking pronghorn horns, and even ripping teeth from other crocs." He takes a sip of the drink and I take the glass in my hand.
"Please don't consume alcohol at this moment... The Wolves are a threat obviously, but there are too many threats at this moment. I'm going to have to trust you with this situation."
I go over to Sina and Tezecan. The boy has a wooden sword in his hand and he is practically shaking with excitement.
"She gave me a sword to practice with and taught me how to use it!"
"That's great. You need to know how to defend yourself, that's important these days." I kneel down to his height. My eyes met with his leaf green eyes.
"Where do you want to stay after this? Whatever you want is okay, most likely."
"Well, can I just stay with you?" He quietly asks, looking down.
"In the peacock nation?"
I nod. "That's okay. Don't worry."
Gwaeda Many-tail should be ready to leave by now.
"Gwaeda, it seems that we have a member of each nation in this group. A peacock, two rhino beetles, a croc, I have a herring spy that works for me, a pronghorn that is willing to help, and a few wanderers."
This really could work, this group has people in every nation, that is extremely useful. I have to trust Ah-de to take care of Ah-quaz and deal with The Wolves situation.
"Goodbye" I say to my sister and Ah-de before leaving with the group.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arrianonna Nadorn Character Portrait: Vyjallen Character Portrait: Chom-ah-um-ome-zoozoo-do-tu   Nick: zoozoo-um Character Portrait: Stripedneck Character Portrait: Sina (X-47) Character Portrait: Araminta Jimahh Character Portrait: Chom-ah-quaz-de-zoozoo-zan Nickname: ah-quaz
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((Our group is getting really big, I had to tag 6 characters wow))
It's Beetlestealer! I remember her, she's the one who rescued me from slavery. She's joined our group to help us take down the pronghorns. That seems very noble of her, but also very risky. She's the leader of the peacock army and I can tell she's used to being the leader in fighting situations. I don't know who's actually the better fighter, Zoozoo-um or Arrianonna, but I can tell they will start to clash, since our group now has two leaders.
Being the youngest, it's fallen on my shoulders to take care of Tezecan, the young croc boy that Zoozoo-um rescued from the tunnels, and teach him how to fight. I'm obviously not the best fighter in the group, but since Arrianonna and Zoozoo-um are busy discussing strategy, Sina and Vyjaxmen have been assigned to scout duty and collecting firewood (thankfully there's at least one job Vyjaxmen can do that doesn't involve alcohol) and the rest of the group, like Xue, Minty, Ah-quaz, and Ah-de are busy doing something. I don't know, but they certainly don't have any interest in taking care of a croc child.
His enthusiasm is contagious. I find myself cheering when he brings back a small rabbit that be caught with one of his blunted stone practice arrows. He's not very accurate, but he learns quickly and doesn't complain.
He jumps up and down in excitement as I tell him that we can eat the rabbit with our evening meal. "Really?" He squeals. "You're going to eat my rabbit?" He does a little happy dance. "They're going to eat my ra-bbit, they're going to eat my ra-bbit," he sings.
"Well, you certainly are excited." I hold his hand. "Tonight you're going to help Zoozoo-um set up camp," I say, like it's a big deal. "Do you think you can help her with that?" His reptilian eyes go wide. "Really? I get to help set up camp?" I nod. "Just don't break anything!" I call after him as he scampers away, his croc tail waving.
I climb a tree and wait with a spear in hand, determined to do some hunting. I've been hunting my butt off since we started on this journey. I'm trying to prove that I'm not useless just because I'm younger than all of them.
I give a start at that last thought, but bar whatever it is from my mind, straining to hear sounds of footsteps through the leaves. Eventually, a small doe wanders out under the tree, sniffing cautiously. I hold by breath, raising the spear silently as the doe bends her head to eat some grass.
Whishhhh! I let the spear fly. It rushes to the ground, narrowly missing the doe and scaring her off into the bushes. "Darn it," I think, swinging myself down from the tree, landing gracefully on the forest floor without making a sound before loosing by balance and crashing into a tree root. I'll have to practice that.
Now I can let myself think about whatever it is that I remembered while in the tree. Today's my 13th birthday! I wondered if any of the others remebered, then realize no one else knows but Vyjaxmen, and I don't expect him to remember.
I guess my opinions of Vyjaxmen were wrong. (Well, some of them. He's still a drunken fool most of the time.) As I walk into the camp, no one is there, and for a second I think they've all moved on. But suddenly everyone jumps out from under bushes and from inside their tents. "SURPRISE!" They yell, rushing forward to hang a dyed leather cape over my shoulders and place a small metal necklace around my neck. "Do you like it?" Sina asks, beaming. "I made the necklace." Of course! It's really beautiful, the evening sun dances off the entertwined wires and gives them a golden glow. "Thank you! I love it!" I exclaim. They lead me into the camp where they have made a lovely flower garland. I share a glance with Vyjaxmen, who beams at me. "Yes, I remebered, 'Len. Sorry I'm not always the older brother you want to have." Tezecan rushes forward and grabs my ankle. "Come play tag with meeeeeee!" He begs.
((So yeah, Vyjaxmen just had a Mia moment, though he's usually Kristoph. I'll do a post as Stripedneck later))

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Character Portrait: Moonbreeze
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((Yay he went from a Kristoph to a Mia, that's good improvement))
The herring nation is in turmoil. I don't belong to a squadron, but live with a group of young herrings that are about my age. As a child, I lived with my mother. She wasn't allowed in the nations since she is a wanderer; my father is a herring and was captured by the crocs. I don't know what happened to him. I silently pray to Terrine ((Goddess of land/earth)) and Aquibu ((God of water)) that whether he is in water or on land, he is safe. I meet with Mountainsky to discuss a new mission. We were both hired by some group of Crocs that call themselves The Wolves or something. I barely know Mountainsky, but she is annoying and acts like she knows everything about everything. No matter how annoying she is or why the crocs chose us to do this mission, the paid very well and only an idiot wouldn’t do this mission.
“M-Mountainsky, is it? Have you made the necessary preparations for this mission?” I timidly ask, running my hands through my blonde hair. She glares at my hair through narrowed eyes. I know it isn’t supposed to be that color, it’s just a way for herrings to know that I am half wanderer and taunt me for it.
“Of course, I am always ready to do a mission. Let’s go now, the earlier the better.”
We head out to the croc nation and try to remain inconspicuous since they seem to not appreciate herrings.
“So Blondie, where did The Wolves say to meet them?”
I cringe ever-so-slightly at this name, but it I am used to it by now.
“I’m Moonbreeze. They wanted us to meet them at… The river surrounded by blue trees.”
“Those blue trees?” Mountainsky points at a small forest of blue trees, they are very crudely painted and crocs don’t seem to be around. Once we notice the river in the center of the forest, I dip my hands in the water and close my eyes, feeling the water pass through my webbed fingers.
Aquibu, I cannot pray to you as often as I would like to. I just pray that the herrings can have control of the water again so that we may pray to you. I hope that I can do well on this mission and please help my father. Goodbye
I take my hand out from the river and receive another glare from Mountainsky.
“We have to do this mission. The Wolves should be here very soon”
After a while, some huge crocs wearing wolves’ skin arrive and smile. One croc with a black wolf’s skin spoke first, obviously the leader of this strange group.
“I am Luhuenxe. I believe you two are Mountainsky and Moonbreeze, you were chosen because you stand out.” The leader's scaly skin shines in the sunlight, but it is mostly covered by the pelt he wears.
I stand out? Obviously. But how does Mountainsky stand out? Does she have a dark secret?
“Neither of you are completely loyal to the herrings. No matter how loyal you think you are, your past says otherwise.”
"What do you want us to do? Explain the purpose of The Wolves." Mountainsky demanded, avoiding her past.
The Wolves' leader takes out a small pouch tied with a string. After carefully untying it, he takes a sparking, blue powder from the pouch and tosses it in the air. The members of The Wolves gasp.
"This powder contains magical properties and grants the user immortality...temporarily. Your mission is to gather the materials to make more and kill anyone who tries to stop us. You will be given a handsome reward for your entire lives."
Mountainsky isn't convinced. She places her hands on her hips and narrows her eyes.
"Can we trust you?"
Luhuenxe smirks and kicks a bag towards the herrings. Gold coins spill out and the bag is stuffed to the brim with gold coins.
"There's much more where that came from. Are you in?"
I stand there motionless.
"Yes, I'm in." I speak out, this causes Mountainsky to also agree.
"The materials are rhino beetle wings, peacock feathers, pronghorn horns, croc teeth, and herring scales. I only take the best of each. Are you girls still doing this mission?"
I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand.
"I-I think I could try if the rewards were a little bit bigger." I smile softly.
Mountainsky rolls her eyes at this act.
"Of course... Begin your mission and you will be rewarded." The leader smiles back and reveals a sharp set of teeth.
Mountainsky and I turn around to begin collecting the materials and I smirk to myself. This will be fun. I can't wait to begin the collection.

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Character Portrait: Chom-ah-quaz-de-zoozoo-zan Nickname: ah-quaz
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((So I drew Ah-quaz on my computer and I'm not an artist so its kinda crappy. Also, she is based off of me so if you see the similarity, that's why.))

((I am working on Zoozoo-um and Moonbreeze. I guess I can take requests... I can't draw men btw. I COULD try but the end result might not be pretty))

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Character Portrait: Moonbreeze
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((I drew Moonbreeze finally YAY. I am getting better obviously. Now that I look at it again, I did really bad at coloring XD. I got a little too excited with the background but I had no better ideas for representing what I wanted to represent. ENJOY!??))

((Placevalue, yeah you're right, but I really don't care at this point. :P guess I have to deal with it))

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Character Portrait: Arrianonna Nadorn Character Portrait: Stripedneck
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((CORRECTION: AH-DE AND AH-QUAZ ARE NOT IN THE GWAEDA/BEETLESTEALER KILL SQUAD. And to gwenlover, the hair is going under the dress. Might want to fix it.))
Our nation is in chaos. The leader has been killed by Gwaeda Many-Tail, and the slave tunnels have been infiltrated. I was asigned to border patrol last week, and I've been doing it very reluctantly. I hate Gwaeda. If it weren't for her, I could have been a Chosen! Now the contest has been cancelled since the nation is so fragile. We are heavily depending on our allies the Crocs, but everyone knows that the Crocs can't stay organized for long.
I pace back and forth in front of the swamp on the south side of the Territory. This is the Croc's nation, but there's a chance that rebels might come through here. Or those "Wolves", whoever they are. The stream gurgles slowly and I grip my spear tightly, sniffing the air for foreign scents. There's one- or many, rather. It's slightly far off. The scent of fox...! It must be Gwaeda! I'm not ready to face her. I turn and run, crashing through the east forest. I climb a tree- very ungracefully, pronghorns can't climb well and stay there, perched on a branch. I begin beating myself up about what a coward I am, but I do NOT want to go back. I hope Gwaeda doesn't come here. Why would she come here? This is the Dynastinae's old territory. I'm safe, right? Yes. Most definetly safe. I clutch my spear to keep my hands from shaking. Safe.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arrianonna Nadorn Character Portrait: Vyjallen Character Portrait: Chom-ah-um-ome-zoozoo-do-tu   Nick: zoozoo-um Character Portrait: Sina (X-47) Character Portrait: Araminta Jimahh
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1. I do not know how well this alliance is going to work, because Beetlestealer is also a born leader, and is more likely to ignore me because I am a wanderer, and have had no formal training.
2. We are rapidly approaching the Pronghorn border. Luckily, there are no herd bases around here. Just the Mai, who are the ones we are going to see. The Mai pride is one of the larger lion groups, which isn't saying much because its only 6 people, as the leader died recently. Luckily, the lioness now in charge will be sympathetic, and very happy to help fight.
3. Border guards will be unhappy to have ever heard of me. Stupid pronghorns will not be getting in the way of my plans.
4. I also don't know what Beetlestealer thinks of my fighting techniques, as the last time we stopped was for Vyjallen's birthday party. I know she doesn't particularly approve of Minty and Xue, who are sort of impolite and antisoscial.
"Hey Arri? There is a lion out here who is demanding to speak to you." I sit straight up, blinking sleep out of my eyes. I don't want to know what i look like right now, but I pull a brush through my hair, which seems to have miraculously gotten longer again, and when I actually pick up a mirror...
"Damn." Looks like time to pull the old dye bottle out again. Probably for the rest of my fur, too. But first, actually talking to this person, after getting dressed. Pulling on a green three quarter sleeved shirt, brown leggings, and black boots doesn't take long, so stifling a yawn, I walk out of my tent.
Blinking in the sunlight, I almost walk into Beetlestealer, who looks like she has been up for hours. She isn't wearing armor, but a blue top and gray pants.
"Sina wake you up too?" I ask, motioning to the pronghorn border. She shakes her head. "Tezecan is most definitely a morning person. He walked in and started jumping on my bed at six this morning." She stifles a yawn. "What's this about Sina?"
That isn't too difficult a question to answer, as Sina comes to drag me over to the clump of trees where a youngish lioness is sitting. As she sees up approaching, she stands up and walks over.
"Good morning. Would you be Gwaeda Many-tail?" She asks me. I nod. "Good. Ree would like to see you later today." I look at her questioningly. "Who is Ree?" She sighs. "Teresa, the current leader. She is interested in your plan for the destruction of the pronghorn nation." I nod. "Oh, her. So that's who took over? Wow. Man, I remember her being kinda crazy." The lioness sighs again. "She still is. Her husband dying didn't help." i whistle. "She was married to Klin? Geez, I've been really out of it the last few years." The lioness shrugs, and continues, mildly irritated by my interruption. "She expects you, Beetlestealer, and Lilazni as well as one other person at noon. Understand?" I nod again, and she runs off in the opposite direction. Immediately, I say "Vyjallen" at the same time as Beetlestealer says "Tezecan". We then look at the other one like they are idiots. "Are you crazy? He is seven! A war negotiation is no place for little kids!" "Well, he wants to be a great warrior, so this would be a good experience for him." "This isn't a game! Its not experience, its distracting! We need somebody who knows where input is needed and will be involved in the fighting, not a pup to get underfoot." She glares at me, and I glare back. At this point, Sina proves to be the tie breaker. "I think Vyjallen would be less likely to wander off as well. The lions don't really like crocodiles, generally." Beetlestealer mutters something under her breath and stalks off. Sina and I look nervously at each other. She goes to wake everyone else up, and I go to find some orange hair dye. Arctic foxes are not supposed to be this far south, I learned a few years ago. Hair dye is just generally simpler, and involves less explaining.

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Oh. My. God. Will. Somebody. Post. Already. This. Is. So. Annoying. Damn. It.

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Character Portrait: Moonbreeze Character Portrait: Chom-ah-quaz-de-zoozoo-zan Nickname: ah-quaz
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((Sorry about my point of view changing so much. I'm so indecisive))
"Why did you accept?" Mountainsky's voice was firm and her green gaze burning into Moonbreeze's face.
"Do you... really want to get to know me?" The blonde's eyes widened as she played with her hair.
"Sure. Since we have to work together." Mountainsky replied, crossing her arms.
"Well... I want of rip off the body parts of as many people as possible. It will be such fun! The blood pouring out of their soon to be lifeless bodies. It's quite the sight." Moonbreeze pulled one of her daggers out, running her webbed fingers over the designs on it. She smirked at Mountainsky's expression. The other herring widened her green eyes and took a step back.
"Stop! You're not scaring me, Moonbreeze!" Mountainsky bit her bottom lip, leaving teeth marks there.
"Of course. I've given up the shy act. It has no purpose now. I suggest we begin collection."
Moonbreeze was skipping with a twisted smile on her face. Mountainsky trailed behind the other herring.
"Well, I have a peacock in mind for her feathers. They are pure white and will definitely gain us extra payment."
"Do you know where she is?"
"No, but I can find out. There are only two places she could be on a regular basis."
The girls entered the peacock nation with ease. Nations haven't been defending their borders as much lately, every border is easy to get past now.
"This family is well known, they are so rich that they own a city near this nation. If she isn't here, she must be in the city."
The two women passed by a large treehouse. Moonbreeze knew it was the home of Ah-quaz. She tried to open the door, but broke it down after a few seconds of trying. The place was empty, not even a slave to be seen.
"Well, we'll just have to meet her in Zhucran then."
Moonbreeze threw her head back laughing. She could imagine the fear in the young peacock's eyes. What fun this mission would be.

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Character Portrait: Vyjallen
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Okay, I finally have theme songs for Vyjallen and Vyjaxmen. I'll do the other characters later. Vyjaxmen is Turn Down for What (DJ Snake and Lil Jon) and Vyjallen is Tell Me Something I Don't Know by Selena Gomez because people treat her like a kid cuz she is one....

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arrianonna Nadorn Character Portrait: Vyjallen Character Portrait: Chom-ah-um-ome-zoozoo-do-tu   Nick: zoozoo-um Character Portrait: Stripedneck Character Portrait: Sina (X-47) Character Portrait: Araminta Jimahh
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((Erin, I never gave you permission to make the lion pride. It makes no sense- if there was a lion pride it would have gotten bigger and taken over the pronghorns by now. So from now on there is no lion pride, and the Kill Squad is still in the woods near the border of the Croc and Pronghorn territory.))

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Character Portrait: Moonbreeze Character Portrait: Chom-ah-quaz-de-zoozoo-zan Nickname: ah-quaz
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DO NOT READ THIS POST IF YOU DONT LIKE BLOOD AND STUFF. ILL GIVE YOU A DESCRIPTION OF THE POST IF YOU DONT WANT TO READ A PRETTY GRUESOME POST. I just wanted to try something new. If you are not bothered by blood then by all means read this post :) ))

Ah-quaz looked over at Ah-de, who went back to sit at the table where she sat. A female herring ran into him, spilling the drinks he was holding.
"I'm so sorry! I'll buy you some more drinks!"
"It's okay, it was an accident." Ah-de smiled.
"No, I'll get you two some drinks." The herring orders some drinks and hands them to Ah-de.
"Thanks." Before Ah-de could say any more, she was gone.
"These are some fancy drinks that she bought us" Ah-de looked proud of himself. He handed her a drink, it smelled sweet, like fruit juice...and alcohol. The peahen took a gulp of the drink after Ah-de drank some. She cringed, tears forming in her eyes.
"T-That's pretty strong..."
Ah-de chuckled and Ah-quaz joined. The door to the bar swung open. A red herring entered, followed by some sort of fish hybrid. Clearly not a herring, they all have red hair, this one had blonde hair. She and the herring sat at a table across from the peacocks. Ah-de leaned over to whisper in Ah-quaz's ear.
"She's a loner. They are usually frowned upon. The herring, however, is a spy. No specific squadron."
"Is the herring spying on the loner? Why would they be at a bar together?"
The loner was staring at the peacocks.
"I don't know. Let's go before something happens between them."
The two stood up as inconspicuously as possible. Ah-de handed Dylan a few coins and they opened the door to leave.
The loner widened her eyes as they were about to leave.
"Wait!" She attempted to yell, but it came out as a whisper.
Ah-quaz bit her lip. Ah-de narrowed his eyes.
"I know you! You're Ah-quaz, the famous and beautiful peacock."
Ah-quaz smiled.
"Thank you."
She heard the sound of armor hitting the ground and widened her eyes.
Ah-quaz saw the world moving around her and suddenly felt lightheaded. Then everything went black as she fell unconscious.

Underground. That's where she seemed to be. Tied up, the situation got creepier. A flash of red hair ran past where Ah-quaz was being held. The herring stared at her.
"Where am I? Where's Ad-de?!" Ah-quaz demanded while struggling to escape the ropes holding her down.
The redhead only continued staring. Ah-quaz studied the herring's face. Young, familiar face, a red stain on her shirt. Not blood... Wine.
"Y-You were the one who bumped into Ah-de!"
The herring smirked.
"My name is Mountainsky, call me by that please."
She took a knife into her webbed hand. Mountainsky brought the knife down into Ah-quaz's arm. She felt a surge of pain and screamed at the top of her lungs. Blood poured out of the wound, the peacock felt bile rising in her throat.
"Shut up!" The blonde loner screamed back at her, suddenly appearing there.
Ah-quaz ground her teeth.
"Why? What's the purpose of this?" Ah-quaz yelled at her.
"They said that blood helps the powder's effect last longer. We're going to need your feathers."
Ah-quaz looked down at her bloody feathers. The blonde slit Ah-quaz's wrists, watching the floor become a pool of blood and taking some in a container. The peacock flailed and screamed in pain hoping for someone to find her. She kicked the loner's foot from under her, causing the blonde to slip on Ah-quaz's blood. She hit the solid ground, her body covered in blood and bruised. As she lifted herself back up she spoke through gritted teeth.
"Bitch! I'm going to kill you, whore!"
Ah-quaz's hearing was distorted and she her breaths were shallow. The blonde loner gave Ah-quaz a powerful punch in the face, definitely breaking something. Her head was pounding, but she felt lightheaded at the same time. The loner plucked feathers one by one. Ah-quaz's skin stung from each pluck.
I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. Mother save me... Please
Ah-quaz thought as she listened to a familiar buzzing.
The cicada hybrids burrowed and attacked the loner. They bit into Ah-quaz's restraints and one lifted her into his arms. The loner had no trouble killing many cicadas. She stabbed a cicada with the same knife she used on the peacock. The cicada stabbed her back in the thigh with his spear. Blood poured out of her wound and the blonde fell to the ground and didn't get back up this time. Mountainsky was nowhere to be seen.
Ah-quaz fell unconscious once again.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arrianonna Nadorn Character Portrait: Vyjallen Character Portrait: Chom-ah-um-ome-zoozoo-do-tu   Nick: zoozoo-um Character Portrait: Sina (X-47) Character Portrait: Chom-ah-quaz-de-zoozoo-zan Nickname: ah-quaz
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"We are going to find her." Zoozoo-um had been quiet since hearing that her sister was missing. The herring that had told them had taunted her with the promise that he knew something about Ah-quaz until she had finally given in and paid him eight coins to hear the full story: a sloppily connected hear-say, but with their group's own knowledge of the Wolves, they had been able to piece together the rest. Ah-quaz had been in a bar when she was attacked by a fish loner and taken...somewhere. The loner had taken her feathers for the Wolves, for...some purpose. The loner had almost escaped when they had been attacked by cicadas. The herring had used the word "rescued", but they all knew better. Cicadas didn't rescue peacocks.
Actually, little was known about cicadas except that they had weakened the rhino beetles 17 years ago and destroyed them on their latest sweep through the Territories.
Now Zoozoo-um spoke, her voice resolute. She stood up, and Vyjallen was reminded of how she was the Grand Commander- something easy to forget in the outskirts of the pronghorn nation, so far away from her own home. The other Hibrydes, who had been discussing this since the news had first reached them, stopped and turned her way. Sina was slowly nodding, making small movements in the air with her hand that Vyjallen thought must be tracing an invisible strategy.
Vyjaxmen was slumped against the trunk of the tree, sober and attentive. Ever since they had left Zhucran, he was starting to take more and more interest in their plans.
Vyjallen herself was lying on a patterned Croc blanket that Arrianonna had brought along, staring up at the sky. "I agree," she said, twisting onto her stomach to look up at Zoozoo-um, standing defiantly in the center of their camp. "Ah-quaz has some value to the Wolves," she said. "I think because of her feathers. I heard somewhere that the Wolves were stealing parts from each species to make a drug. Maybe that? Anyway, this could be...interesting. And cicadas are easy to kill, if worst comes to worst."
"Easy for Starheart, you mean," Sina said flippantly, but Vyjallen could tell she believed it too.
"No, I mean, they have a long weakness, okay, that sounded kind of wrong, I mean their probiscus," she glared at Arrianonna, who was giggling.
"She's right," Sina said. "Plus, their numbers were diminished the last time they fought. It will take them 17 years to gain back forces. Their actually at their weakest right now."
Arrianonna leaned forward, her good eye resting on Sina. "You know, you are becoming a real strategist," she said.
Sina grinned. "I'm right, though," she said. "Let's have a vote- cicada nation or nahhh?"
Vyjallen raised her hand to agree. "Stop trying to imitate Elcroz girls," she said, rolling her eyes. "It's not working."
The vote was unanimous, and they settled on applying disguises and replenishing their supplies tomorrow at a Croc market, then heading out. Arrianonna picked at her fur, some white beginning to show through the red dye. "Guess I'll have to re-dye this," she said vaguely, staring off into the distance.
"Why don't we go to the market now?" Vyjallen suggested. "There's one close by- we could get back by the time it gets dark. Come on!"
"It will have to be Vyjaxmen and Zoozoo-um," Arrianonna said. "Vyjaxmen's not well known, and neither is Zoozoo-um. Well, at least, not wanted. Let's all hope Vyjaxmen doesn't do something stupid."
"He'll try to hit on Zoozoo-um, I know it," Vyjallen said. "We'll have to warn her about that."
Vyjallen got up and walked over to Zoozoo-um, who was sitting on a rounded rock, picking at the handle of her blade. It was beautifully crafted- the silver-y steel knife stamped with the design of a peacock feather, the handle made of smooth wood, the name of the crafter written in script along the bottom.
"Arrianonna wants you to go into the Croc territory to get us the supplies we need - with Vyjaxmen."
She rolled her eyes. "Great."

They woke the next day before sunrise. Vyjallen took her new sword out from under the roll of blankets she had been using as a pillow and took a moment to admire it- a simple steel knife with a stripe of gold winding around the dark, spruce handle. Sina and Vyjaxmen had got swords too- exactly the same as Vyjallen's. Arrianonna, with her bow, and Zoozoo-um, with her peacock knife, didn't need one. Vyjallen was appreciating the beauty of it, but also the feeling of strength associated with having her own weapon. Before, she had used whatever extra dagger Arrianonna happened to have around.
They realized when they packed up camp that they had no idea where the cicadas lived. They resorted to tracing the path of the cicadas in reverse, traveling west past the old Dynastinae land.
Everyone was restless and irritable as they walked, with the knowledge that they were wasting time on this that might not result in anything, while the pronghorns grew ever stronger. As they walked, Zoozoo-um began describing what she had seen in the Croc market- disturbing news.
"The place is in turmoil. The houses there are mostly burned down, and there's blood on the ground-"
"Pronghorns' doing?" Arrianonna asked.
"Surprisingly, I don't think so. Just gang warfare- a lot more than usual. I don't know what's going on." She fell quiet, pondering.
Sina spoke up. "Hey look, it's a copy of the Racon Times!" She bent to grab the piece of parchment off the ground. It was slightly damp, so Sina pressed it against her shirt before reading:
"Herring Nation Declared a Slave Territory! "They are now our property for trading, much like the rhino beetles," Leader Sharpeye says on the matter."
"Oh no," Vyjallen started to say, but Sina cut her off. "No, this is good! We were moving towards this anyway, it is inevitable. But now there will most likely be a rebellion, and it will set their army back."
"Well damn, Sina,"Arrianonna said, impressed.

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Character Portrait: Acaralea Hitzu Character Portrait: Shimmerscale Character Portrait: Marqun Gansin
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Leaving was hard. Marqun came to me when he suspected. I told him why I had to go. He warned next time we met we'd be enemies, but I could accept that. It's kind of sad when you think about it. He has lost both of his companions here. Our group will look weak. But I couldn't stay. I couldn't keep hanging around a place that was in negotiation with the Pronghorns...with slave holders. I can't support suffering...I can't support this evil. When I told Marqun that, he simply smiled.
"I Wondered when you'd say that" He says smiling sadly.
"What do you mean? You were expecting me to leave?" I ask in confusion. Not that I'll admit it, but that stung. He obviously thinks I'm to weak for the group. Right?
"I mean you've always been one of the kindest, most gentle people I've known, except for on the battlefield. There you are at peace and willing to hurt. But the moment you leave the fight, you look at the bodies and feel guilt. You feel cold and cruel. It doesn't matter who the enemy is, you hurt. Don't even try to deny it," He added. seeing I was going to protest. "I can see it in you face."
I sigh. "So I am weak?" I ask, my voice overly controlled, myself determined not to let any hurt show. Marqun looks exasperated.
"No!" He says frustrated, "It's a strength. That's why you're our best tactition! You once told me that when you try to look at how to bring down an enemy, you imagine you are the enemy. And in the moment you understand them, in that moment you learn how to completely tear them apart, you love them as you love yourself. That is not weakness, that is strength, and that is why you are leaving. You are strong enough to be able to see it from the slaves' points of views, you are brave enough to."
I look up at him, wanting to cry, but suddenly he leans down and kisses me. I am shocked for a moment, but then I kiss him back. I feel warmth rushing through my body and I realize I am happy. I am truly happy to be leaving, happy to be kissing Marqun. Happy to know he feels the same way. When the kiss finally breaks off, Marqun says "And that is why I love you, and that strength that I love is why you must leave. You must go and do everything in you power to do what you think is right or else you wouldn't be the Acaralea I love." As he finishes I lean up and kiss him again, and then I say,
"I love you too Marqun. Goodbye."
He smiles at me and nods, and I leave to find Shimmerscale.

Shim and I are heading up a hill together. I let her get a bit ahead as I turn around to see our city. I smile and say quietly, "Farewell Marqun." as a single tear falls down my face. Then I grab my bag and turn around, ready to face a new adventure.

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Character Portrait: Acaralea Hitzu Character Portrait: Shimmerscale Character Portrait: Christiana Rinua
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War was coming. I could taste in the air, smell it on the wind. My fellow crocs worked endlessly to try and create goods that would be useful. When gang members came to us, asking for glass spears...well...we went to work. I stayed up late into the night, sketching deadly blades of glass, with steel reinforcement worked in so that it would cut deep into flesh. I was always tired, but I could care less. The work was exhilarating and the grim looks on the faces of those preparing to fight filled me with a yearning I hadn't ever felt before. I wanted to body was coursing with adrenaline...and I felt great. But I'm not a fighter, I'm a worker, and I kept working, satisfying myself with imagining I could use my weapons.

When the news comes the gangs are recruiting, I feel a yearning to sign up, but I know I can't join any of them. I don't belong.

It's late Summer/Early Fall when she first comes to the shop while I'm the only one working. She and her companion. They are both Masquerading as gang members, but I can see only one of them is. The other is not only NOT a fighter, but she is also NOT a croc. I stare at the one who is not a croc. Then, she shrugs off her disguise, and I see she's a herring. I should alert people, but I can't. She is beautiful. Her shimmering dark brown and black scales, her dark eyes, her long, wavy red hair...

It's wrong of me to be attracted to someone of another species. Especially when I have a boyfriend...but this girl...this girl makes my heart beat faster.

Her companion comes forward and I see she is also beautiful...but My eyes stay on the herring. The Croc leans forward. "I am Acaralea and this is Shimmerscale. And we," she glances at the herring -Shimmerscale- before continuing, "Need someone to help us make these." She spreads out a blueprint and my breath catches in my throat. I look up before nodding the affirmative.
"I'll help." I say.
((OOOOOHHHHHH!!!!!!! Cliffy!!! Hey Placevalue, do you mind the whole Christiana/Shimmerscale thing? It wasn't my just flowed out. Let me know ASAP please!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

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((I don't know about placevalue but I already ship it. LGBT representation!!!))

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Character Portrait: Arrianonna Nadorn Character Portrait: Vyjallen Character Portrait: Chom-ah-um-ome-zoozoo-do-tu   Nick: zoozoo-um Character Portrait: Tezecan
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Zoozoo-um sat on a tree stump away from the others, she felt numb and helpless. Her sister had been captured and tortured, while the rest of the story she was told was questionable, that much was definitely true. The herrings lost their nation, the rhino beetles lost their nation, and the crocs aren't safe in their own nation. Too much is happening at one time, too much stress and guilt for lives lost.
"Zoozoo-um, what's wrong?" Tezecan came out from some bushes.
"I couldn't save Ah-quaz. I couldn't save so many people... I'm just brooding, Tezecan."
"You can't save everyone, right? You saved me at least. Nobody's perfect."
"You're right... Why were you hiding in the bushes?"
"Nobody ever tells me anything , so I was just listening to everyone talking."
The grand commander chuckled.
"You're a lot smarter than you look."
"What's that supposed to mean?!" Tezecan's eyebrows furrowed. Zoozoo-um felt herself smile again.
"You're a kid, that's what I meant. You wouldn't expect to see a kid lecture an adult like me, would you?"
"I guess not."
A smirk formed on the croc's face.
"I heard that you and Vyjaxmen..." He said vaguely. The peacock could definitely see him blush.
"Wait! What?!" Zoozoo-um was almost offended that the croc thought she would do anything with that irresponsible rhino beetle. What kind of example would Vyjaxmen set for his younger sister? If Ah-quaz is really gone, -The thought made Zoozoo-um shiver- she at least didn't want Tezecan to think of her the wrong way.
"Nothing happened between us. Who made you think that lie?"
Tezecan looked down at his feet in embarrassment.
"Vyjaxmen told everyone in the group."
The grand commander narrowed her eyes.
"And you believed him?"
"You can't believe everything everyone says. Some people aren't trustworthy these days."
The croc nodded in agreement. Tezecan grabbed the peacock's hand for comfort.
"Sorry. I guess I'm too naïve."
Zoozoo-um's dark brown eyes met his green eyes as she replied.
"Nobody's perfect, right?"
The two walked back to where the others were. Vyjallen and Arrianonna were chatting and Vyjaxmen was leaning against a tree. Zoozoo-um let go of Tezecan's hand and rushed up to Vyjaxmen, enraged.
"What did you say about me?!" She demanded, pinning the rhino beetle to the tree he leaned on. Vyjaxmen simply smirked.
"Nothing that isn't true, Ms. Peahen"
Zoozoo-um audibly slapped him across the face, leaving a mark. Everyone in the group must've heard it. Vyjaxmen smirked again, this time with a glint in his eye suggesting mischievous intent. The grand commander could hear footsteps from the rest of the group approaching. Suddenly Vyjaxmen leaned down and kissed Zoozoo-um much too passionately. Everyone was probably looking, but the peacock did nothing.

7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Arrianonna Nadorn Character Portrait: Vyjallen Character Portrait: Chom-ah-um-ome-zoozoo-do-tu   Nick: zoozoo-um Character Portrait: Acaralea Hitzu Character Portrait: Shimmerscale Character Portrait: Christiana Rinua Character Portrait: Tezecan
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((I approve of Shimmeriana/Criscale! I'm thinking of ship names for Vyjaxmen/Zoozoo-um...Vyjax-um? Zoozoo-xmen?))
Vyjallen narrowed her eyes at Zoozoo-um, trying to figure out what she saw in Vyjaxmen. He had been irresponsible and hot-headed, not to mention drunk, throughout most of their journey, but she supposed maybe he had changed a bit. I don't actually know him that well, she realized.
Something tapped her on the shoulder and tensed, her hand flying for her knife. Turning around, she saw the familiar orange-ish white fur of Arrianonna.
"Geez, Arrianonna, how do you do that?"
"Creep up on people like that."
"It's my fox side, foxes are naturally quiet, Vyjallen. Maybe I should ask you how to fly."
Vyjallen cut the interchange short to ask what was really on her mind.
"So- Vyjaxmen and Zoozoo-um! What do you think about that?"
"Yay, two people I never really liked got together! Good for them!"
Tezecan bounded over to Zoozoo-um. "So, can I see the map!"
Vyjallen got up and went over, eager to see it too. Zoozoo-um pulled out a rough sketch of the nations, drawn in charcoal on the back of the old copy of the Racon Times they had found.
"The cicadas attacked the rhino beetles first," she said, pointing to the old Dynastinae territory on the map. "It's logical to believe that they live west of the nation- a theory backed up by the fact that there's mountains beyond the forest with Zhu-cran and a sea beyond the herring and croc territories. The woods beyond the Dynastinae would be the only place they could be."
"What if they took Ah-quaz underground?"
"They might've. But we can fit in the slave tunnels- we should be able to fit in."
((I think the cicadas might have taken Ah-quaz for her feathers. Maybe they are trying to make the wolves' potion?))
Christiana let us stay in the guest room of her shop as she completed the sword. Acaralea is suspicious, but I think she should trust this croc- after all, she's not in any gang. I've never seen a croc not in a gang before- I barely knew crocs naturally had tails.
I wake up when it's still dark and get dressed, knowing I won't be able to fall back asleep. The mirror in the guest room reveals that my hair is a rat's nest and there is dried blood along a scrape on my cheek. I go to the well out behind the shop and rinse my face, though I don't have any towel or soap.
The lantern is lit in the workroom, and I glance in the window to see Christiana still at work on the sword. It is beautiful- the blade is not shaped yet but the glass glitters in the lantern light like water. My gaze travels to Christiana. I know that she was staring at me last night. She is pretty...but she's a Croc. I shouldn't be thinking things like that.

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((I don't know how to add ooc notes, so ill just have to use a post. Zoozoo-um and Vyjaxmen aren't actually together. Your character can think so but they aren't...yet. She doesn't trust him and she's still kinda mad. But she going to be conflicted about him later.))

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((Hey all, I'm writing this on my phone with shoddy internet connection 'cus I'm at my Grandpa's. Anyway, I think that Shimmerscale caught on 2 C's reaction 2 soon. She should prob think it's revulsion.))
The sword is amazing and elegant. The gun is swift and deadly. And the glass shrapnel that catches on fire when it hits you and melts within your body...well..that's almost impossible. See...basically the two girl are fighting slavery. They're fighting the very nations themselves. I agreed to make weapons to arm them, (They're gonna find ZooZoo) and they hope 2 find more fighters. The sword is elegant with a half moon blade. Most swords are straight, but this one is cut through scales..ore exoskeletons..or regular exoskeletons. (Maybe the cicadas should be on our side?) It is made of metal infused glass. It is hard and sharp, but can also grind through bones. For the gun, I took metal and melted it, then shaped it like glass. When you put it in my custom made gun...let's just say it leaves MASSIVE holes.

The final weapon needs to have a chemical interaction where the components of blood mixes with the chemicals inside the shrapnel. What will happen is the shrapnel will break up even further. The chemical-which is similar to kerosine- will hits the blood, which acts like the match, causing fire to burst out beneath the skin, anguish killing instantly! With the equation 1/2 kx D= F 3^2, I can use the mathematical equation used 2 describe the formation of our planet (made that up, yay!), I can determine that the trigger would have iron based on our planet's main mass. Now, I need to determine which chemical will work. It is hopeless.

3 days later

Eureka! I found it! Acaralea's shampoo worked! Or rather, the coconut water did. Amazing, I k now. Now I just have 2 work out some mechanic hitches and I'm done. You see, Acaralea was going to take a shower (I'm still in charge of shop) when Shimmerscale came flying out of the kitchen with ketchup to try for our chemical (hey, can't blame a girl for trying!) And ran right into Acaralea! The shampoo flew up, and mixed with a sample of my blood. Because the cap was stil on, only liquid came out (the coconut water) and BAM! Instant fire. Now, I expected Aca to be mad, she's so surly, but she was the first to laugh!

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Character Portrait: Acaralea Hitzu Character Portrait: Shimmerscale Character Portrait: Christiana Rinua
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((Hey all, I'm writing this on my phone with shoddy internet connection 'cus I'm at my Grandpa's. Anyway, I think that Shimmerscale caught on 2 C's reaction 2 soon. She should prob think it's revulsion.))
The sword is amazing and elegant. The gun is swift and deadly. And the glass shrapnel that catches on fire when it hits you and melts within your body...well..that's almost impossible. See...basically the two girl are fighting slavery. They're fighting the very nations themselves. I agreed to make weapons to arm them, (They're gonna find ZooZoo) and they hope 2 find more fighters. The sword is elegant with a half moon blade. Most swords are straight, but this one is cut through scales..ore exoskeletons..or regular skeletons. (Maybe the cicadas should be on our side?) It is made of metal infused glass. It is hard and sharp, but can also grind through bones. For the gun, I took metal and melted it, then shaped it like glass. When you put it in my custom made gun...let's just say it leaves MASSIVE holes.

The final weapon needs to have a chemical interaction where the components of blood mixes with the chemicals inside the shrapnel. What will happen is the shrapnel will break up even further. The chemical-which is similar to kerosine- will hits the blood, which acts like the match, causing fire to burst out beneath the skin, anguish killing instantly! With the equation 1/2 kx D= F 3^2, I can use the mathematical equation used 2 describe the formation of our planet (made that up, yay!), I can determine that the trigger would be Iron based on our planet's core. Now, I need to determine which chemical will work. It is hopeless.

3 days later

Eureka! I found it! Acaralea's shampoo worked! Or rather, the coconut water did. Amazing, I k now. Now I just have 2 work out some mechanic hitches and I'm done. You see, Acaralea was going to take a shower (I'm still in charge of shop) when Shimmerscale came flying out of the kitchen with ketchup to try for our chemical (hey, can't blame a girl for trying!) And ran right into Acaralea! The shampoo flew up, and mixed with a sample of my blood. Because the cap was still on, only liquid came out (the cocunut water) and BAM! Instant fire. Now, I expected Aca to be mad, she's so surly, but she was the first to laugh!

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((P.S. I'm not insane. A lot of scientific discoveries have been made this way. Plus, both coconut water and ketchup have iron, and if the shampoo wasn't shakes up, sometimes only water comes out))

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((I'm really sorry i haven't posted in so long but like circus and high school and stuff and i might be able to post tonight but i don't know. Also, my friend Ashley was making noises at some point about joining and possibly being a villain, but again i don't know. So.))

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Acaralea Hitzu Character Portrait: Shimmerscale Character Portrait: Christiana Rinua
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((Sorry if Aca seems to go through a complete character transformation. I decided to reshape her a bit. I lost track of her through all that weird romance I was writing. Well, don't worry. Aca's back on the straight and narrow of awesomeness!))


She's to perky. Seriously, waaay to happy. I have found my hands convulsing to her throat a few times. I am not uptight, just aware of the fact that I am a marked gang member in another two gang's neutral territory. I am also aware of the fact I am a runaway with a herring spy who is plotting to destroy slavery....yeah I'm going to fail.

Christiana is intelligent, surprisingly so, and she's good at what she does. She almost seems to speak to the glass, the way it bends and shapes for's amazing. Of course, Shimmerscale thinks I'm being to hard on her, and that is a possibility, but I am not used to being surrounded by crocs, and yet entirely isolated.

I sigh and break away from my thoughts. The most amazing recent inventions for crocs and they will be used against them, by a traitor. I finish packing up my bags and head out to where Shimmerscale and Christiana are saying goodbye. Since we are leaving, I can allow myself to focus on my fello croc's better aspect. You know, I am rather fond of both of them, even if Christiana is far too perky.

I open my mouth to tell them both so as I near, but then I hear Shimmerscale ask "Wanna come?" and I hear Christiana answer
"Whet the hell, sure." and I close my mouth again. I hate them. Absolutely hate them both.