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High School Never Ends: Semester1: Fall

High School Never Ends: Semester1: Fall


Boarding school roleplay based on Bully: Scholarship Edition. (Started but still accepting characters!)

4,897 readers have visited High School Never Ends: Semester1: Fall since Bonjour51 created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:



Bully trailer 1:
Glorious institution:
Valentines day:

You are a student at Bullworth Academy, a prestigious boarding school in New England. You can join even if youre not familiar with Bully: Scholarship Edition. For those of you who are familiar, this RP takes place a couple years after Jimmy Hopkins and the others have already graduated. Almost all the students here are new, except for a couple students like Pedro de la Hoya, Gloria Jackson, etc, who are now seniors. Feel free to play them if you wan't.

Today is:
Day 2 of Fall Semester. 28 August. Tuesday
Weather: Cloudy

Biology, Chemistry, Gym, Geography, Math, Languages: French, Spanish, German, etc, Philosophy, English, Autoshop, Music, Art, History, Economics, Political Science, Mythology, Sociology, Marine Biology, photography, etc.
I know many of these aren't the original classes in the game but I've added them for some more realism.

Extra curricular, sports, and clubs:
Reading club, chess club, Debate, Model UN, cheerleading squad, football, soccor, swimming, water polo, track, lacrosse, etc. You can just make it up.

Jocks: athletic kids in the school. They are the top of the clique hierarchy. Cheerleaders also fit into this category.
Preps: Short of Preppies. They are the sons and daughters of wealthy 'old money' familes around Bullworth.
Greasers: Kids who dress in the 1950's style throw-back.
Nerds: Bottom of the clique hierarchy. They are bullied constantly.
Bullies: Not really a clique but more of a character trait.
Non-clique: Self-explanatory. If you're 'emo' or something, you might fit into this category.

Character Sheet:

Code: Select all
Birth day:
Grade: (7th to 12th)
Classes: (Check the list. Choose a total of 10. Two different classes for each day Mon-Thurs. No classes on Saturday and Sunday)
Clubs, sports, or extra-curricular: (check the list)
Appearance: (Must have non-anime photo please.)
Sexual orientation:
In a relationship with: (write none if theres none)
Bio: (not mandatory)
Theme song: (not mandatory)
NPCs: (Just leave this one blank for now. I'll explain this in OOC)

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors

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Brooklyn sighed, this school was officially crappy and boring. She started to walk around the school looking for someone to talk to and of course skipping her classes, but she had a water tight alibi. She flicked her hair to one side and bit her lower lip as she slowly explored each hallway when she got bored she headed for her dorm. People were way too quiet her and it was making her feel weird.

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Harrington house in the morning was not a pleasant place. With all the students just awake, filled with energy and being lively, Oscar hated the place in the morning. When I take over, whoever is loud in the morning is out. Slowly wearing his usual outfit, he got ready for his first class of the day and his first class of the year. Today was one day he wasn't going to play truant and attend both classes. At first it was Art class with Mrs. Philips, no male student missed this class and after that it was Gym where he could find Lupe, hope she had read his apology letter and whether she had or not, try to apologize for yesterday. After Bill's disappearance he needed another solution for his problem and another thing that worried him was did Mooi really get hurt when she fell or something fell on her back in the girls dorm. Oscar still had two hours till his first class started cause the noise had woken him up earlier than he had intended to so he decided to go hang around the girls dorm to see how is Mooi doing after yesterday's accident.

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Mooi awoke to sun shining in her window. She got dressed in tight black leather pants and a white tank top with a demin jacket and red necklace. Her shoes were black converse and she was feeling pretty bad-a** with her hair blonde hair in a loose ponytail. She liked changing up her wardrobe often, and was excited for today's experience. Her classes were Sociology and Geography, and she still had a while for Sociology, so she decided she would walk around campus. Before she left, Mooi looked in the mirror and fixed her makeup, black cat eyes and red lipstick.

Mooi flounced out the door and noticed Oscar hanging around. She walked up to him with aggrivation and stuck her pointer finger on his chest, "Thanks for abandoning me jack***. I could have been really hurt." She would have went on a ramble if she didn't catch her self. She looked up at Oscar and waited for a reply as she tapped her foot with impatience.

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"Glad that you are all right." Oscar said calmly with a smirk on his face. "I couldn't risk getting caught in the girls dorm yesterday. My brother was on campus and the a**hole would do anything to make me look bad in front of my father. Last thing I need is my dad deciding I'm not blue blood enough and cutting me off then I have to share dorms with peasants."
"Besides you are a tough lady, you said so yourself." Oscar continued. "I was sure you could handle yourself."
Oscar knew making excuses, even though they seemed pretty genuine to him, wouldn't work on Mooi or anyone else. He let his defenses down and wiped off his smile of his face. "I apologize." Oscar said. "In retrospect I made the wrong decisions and if I could, I would change my actions, however now that I've done harm let me make it up to you by fulfilling yesterday's promise. We'll go to the Aquaberry outlet during lunch break and grab some dinner while we are in town, my treat. My stomach can't handle the food they serve here and I'm sure a lady such as yourself would prefer something of much higher quality." If he could make peace with Mooi that would be one of his tasks for the day ticked off and some time outside this dump would give him perfect opportunity to think of solutions for his other missions. He was unsure though whether or not Mooi would be the best company if he wanted time to think as her outfit could be rather distracting.

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#, as written by xoferif
Dwayne wakes up, rubbing his forehead briefly before looking up at a digital watch beside his bed, the display shows '6:13', he yawns and slowly get up from the bed, he walks towards the dresser and open it, taking out a towel, a grey bullworth shirt and a pair of black cargo pants and goes towards the door, unlock it and goes out towards the boys dorm's shower room.

After showering and getting ready he walks out of the dorm, he looks around, there are not much students around this early in the morning, so he decides to just walk around the school to kill time until class starts.

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Lupe walked over to the auto shop to talk to some of her friends. They weren't happy to see her.
Mickey was the first to confront her. "Hey ya dumb tramp. We hard ya been getting fresh with the Harrington boy. Ricky said he saw ya two foolin around aftah class at the Vale. Ya gonna keep bein a dumb tramp? Huh"?
Lupe glared at him. "Shut ya trap Mickey. Why ya have ta care so much if I wanna be buddies with him? Why ya gotta be such a jark bout that hey"?
"Why? Cuz those boys down the Vale are a bunch of spoiled trust fund loosahs who think they got class! And yooah screwin around with one of them? Huh"?
"Whatevah Mickey. Ya always gotta find somethin to be hatin on them. Dontcha? I don't undastand why ya guys gotta be fightin them all the time. Can't we all just foget bout it hey"? She started walking away towards the main building.

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Mooi eyed Oscar for a little bit, being rather annoyed at the excuses, but relaxed at his sincere apology. She giggled as he complained about the food and thought about his offer. "Alright....but we're driving there. A lady like me shouldn't be getting her shoes dirty, walking or any other means of transportation besides driving." She wasn't one to walk or bike, and to be honest, she didn't know how to ride a bicycle. She enjoyed driving with the car's top down and having the wind go through her hair, it helped her think. Mooi needed fresh air after being confined in this strangling place.

Mooi walked a bit closer to him, "I have to get to Sociology, with my luck I'll get lost and will arrive just as the bell rings. Meet me infront of Harrington House right after the second class." She flaunted away towards the main building to find her class. She enjoyed learning about social classes and the way people interacted, so this was one of her favorite classes.

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Lupe went over to her locker to get her textbook for her first class of the day mathematics.
Opening her locker, a note fell out. After reading it briefly, she crumbled it and threw it away.
"Hmph, shua yua feelin sorry foh me Harrington hero. Too busy with things ta be spendin some time with ya dream gal". She grumbled as she walked into the classroom.

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#, as written by xoferif
Dwayne looks at the football field from the top of the stairs, it's quiet, only a few students running laps, and pretty much nothing else going on, he raise his right arm to check his watch, then turns around and makes his way to the main building.
Dwayne enters the main building from the back door and starts to walk towards his locker, he opens it and take out a sketchbook and a box of pencils, he closes his locker and start to walk towards the art classroom, once inside he takes the seat furthest from the front, he opens the sketchbook and starts to continue one of the drawings in there.

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Louis slowly walked towards school, dragging his bike after him, with a dull expression. His brown curls covered the upper half of his face, so you couldn’t see the large bags under his eyes. Waking up early really wasn’t his thing… but he had to. Yesterday he hadn’t been to school because he had caught some stupid 24 hour virus; his mom forced him to stay at home, missing the first day at school.
He yawned and mumbled something about his green messenger bag being too heavy.

β€œHey! Lulu! Wait for me!” someone yelled behind him, breathing heavily as they ran.
Louis smirked and turned around to greet Donna, The red haired girl smiled widely and jumped onto the blue bikes luggage rack, almost knocking over two girls passing by.
β€œGood morning sunshine!” she said in a merry voice ruffling up his hair.
He chuckled shortly and moved the hair away from his face.
β€œGood morning to you too Dotty” he said. ”Supposed you’ve slept well?”
When she saw his face, her eyes grew big and her jaw dropped. β€œWhat the heck have you been doing Lulu? You look like a zombie or something! Jeez” she growled while Louis started walking.
The red and brown colored leaves, made the ground look like it was on fire, and the heavy clouds signaled that it might start raining later.
They’d have to hurry up a bit, if they didn’t want to be late for class.

Louis most of all looked like a question mark, as he walked around the school halls, trying to find out where the marine biology class were.
On his way to the main building, he had slipped and fell directly on his butt, and his light blue jeans were now covered in dirt. It looked like it was going to be a bad day. He rubbed his eyes and leant up against one of the lockers.

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Lupe walked over to her locker to put away her math textbook when she heard some commotion in the hallway.
"Haha! You suck nerd"!
Some jock pushed Philip, the kid Lupe met yesterday, into a trashbin.
When they guys walked away, Lupe went over and help him out.
"Phew, Thanks Lupe. Argh, can't believe this is the third time today". Philip grumbled.
"Ya alright hey? Those jarks ah gonna have it comin to them hey". Lupe sympathized with him.
"Exactly. But some form of physical action must be taken in order for karma to manifest".
"What ya talkin bout hey"? Lupe raised an eyebrow.
"I need you to do something for me my cunning warrior woman. Will you be willing to take up this quest? Here, take this item".
Philip handed her a bag of itching powder and said: "I want thee to stealthily infiltrate their sanctuary, the locker rooms, and wreak havok upon them. You are my only hope"!
Lupe stared at the bag for a moment. "I'll do it hea but, I'm gonna need a little somethin hea foh my services hey"?
Philip then handed her a roll of cash.
"Thats fifteen bucks my noble knight". Philip grinned.

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#, as written by renka~~
Luke made his way down the hall, stopping infront of the guy stood against his locker, holding his bag he watched him waiting sileint for the young boy to stop rubbing his eyes he finally spoke. "Sorry but could I possibly get behind you to my locker?" Tilting his head he watched the boys eyes raising an eyebrow "uuh i can lend you some cover for those bags if you would like?" He didn;t know if the guy would appreciate that but what the hell he might as well have asked just incase. his motto was, you never be sure unless you ask.
Waiting he watched and waited paitently for either the boy to accept the cover up or just to move aside from the locker.

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"Sorry but could I possibly get behind you to my locker?" The boy in front of him said. Louis smiled when he saw the expression on the boys face; it was the same face Dotty made when she saw his face, his expression was just not as exaggerated.
"Uuh i can lend you some cover for those bags if you would like?" without noticing it Louis touched the bags under his eyes, and stepped away from the boy’s locker. This kid was actually kinda nice he thought and wondered if he knew were Marine biology was located.
β€œYeah, that would be great actually. I’m really not a morning person” he chuckled β€œHey, do you know the way to marine biology, I’m kind of lost”.

Louis remembered when Dotty ditched him, just a few minutes ago, leaving him totally lost; He had never really been good at reading a map.

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Lupe was walking over to the cafeteria when she took a sharp turn around the corner and bumped into a boy (This is you Louis).
"Hey! Whadaya blind hey? Watch whea the heck ya goin! Hmm.. Haven't seen ya befoh? Are ya new hea oh somethin hey"? She asked.

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#, as written by xoferif
As the bell ring, students in the class starts to pour out the door, Dwayne decides to just go out last to avoid having to squeeze through the crowd, he starts to walk towards his locker to put his things in.
After putting his sketchbook and pencils in he proceeds to go towards the cafeteria he sees one of his friends from the football team stuffing a nerd into a trashbin, he just shakes his head and continues on his way, as soon as he reach the cafeteria he quickly grab a tray and line up for some food.

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(Ok :))
While talking to the boy, who offered him some cover up for the bags under his eyes, someone bumped into him from behind. A girl started sneering at him, in an accent he hadn’t heard before.
"Hey! Whadaya blind hey? Watch whea the heck ya goin!” Louis turned around to look at her, and apologize for bumping in to her in her, but he was interrupted before he could say anything.
β€œHmm.. Haven't seen ya befoh? Are ya new hea oh somethin hey?"

β€œWell no…Ehm…Well, I was sick yesterday, so I had to stay at home” he said and smiled, β€œSo this is my first day of school. It seems interesting enough, but I guess I just missed my first lesson; I was supposed to have Marine biology, but β€˜m kinda lost”
Louis scratched his neck with a goofy expression on his face.
β€œAnd I’m sorry I bumped into you, guess I was standing in the middle of the hall?” he covered his mouth as he yawned, looking around.

β€œHey, which way is the cafeteria? I didn’t get any breakfast, so I’m kinda hungry”

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Lupe made a sly grin. She always found it amusing to meet new students at Bullworth Academy. One can never go unnoticed at this school, even if one tried. Lupe took Louis by the arm and led the way towards the cafeteria on the first floor.
"I'll show ya around this joint hey"?
By the time they arrived there were already plenty of kids in the cafeteria. Standing at the entrance,
"Feedin time at the zoo... Ovah there we got the nards. As ya can see they'a not like nohmal people ya know? But they can be real funny sometimes. Ovah there we got the preps". Lupe pointed to another table. "Those heroes ah all money and condescendin attitudes. They ain't got brains. Ovah theah we got my boys. The greasers. Some of them can be real goofheads an all, but they'a pretty nice if ya get ta know them. They'a probably the least annoying kids hea actually. And finally, the jocks. Sadly they rule the school hea. Look at my trampy cheerleadah friend Krystal ovah there flirtin around and actin cute. What a hoa".
Lupe turned her attention towards Louis.
"So I guess ya lost ya appetite aftah seeing these kids hey? Or would ya care ta grap a bowl of Edna's cat stew and join me for some lunch"?

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Louis knew something was going to happen, when he saw the girl in front of him smirk like that.
Not long after he had been hauled away, hopefully towards the cafeteria. He turned around, looking at the guy who had talked to him first. β€œHey, are you coming too, or what?” Louis asked before losing sight of the guy.

"I'll show ya around this joint hey?" she said catching Louis' attention. *It sure would be nice if she would show me around*, he thought and cracked a smile when he nearly bumped into one of the other students.
"Feedin time at the zoo... Ovah there we got the nards. As ya can see they'a not like nohmal people ya know? But they can be real funny sometimes. Ovah there we got the preps".
He couldnt help but make an annoyed expression, when he saw the preps. They weren't exactly what you would call 'his cup of tea'. Louis had been raised by the motto "The view is better when it is earned" so people who was born into a buttload of money, and acted like they were better than anybody else, really annoyed him.

"Those heroes ah all money and condescendin attitudes. They ain't got brains. Ovah theah we got my boys. The greasers. Some of them can be real goofheads an all, but they'a pretty nice if ya get ta know them. They'a probably the least annoying kids hea actually. And finally, the jocks. Sadly they rule the school hea. Look at my trampy cheerleadah friend Krystal ovah there flirtin around and actin cute. What a hoa".
he laughed a little when she said this and looked at the girl when she finished her explanation of the school cliques.
"So I guess ya lost ya appetite aftah seeing these kids hey? Or would ya care ta grap a bowl of Edna's cat stew and join me for some lunch"?
Louis smirked.
"Of course. As i said before I'm kinda hungry, so" he held a dramatic pause and grinned before saying, "If it doesn't actually contain cats, then sure!"

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Lupe looked at the boy and made a smirk.
"This school is full of bullies and maniacs ya know. Ya look like ya gonna need some moa time than most to adjust hea". She laughed.
"Anyways whats ya name? And, of all the places on this planet, how'd ya end up in Bullworth? I'm Lupe Moretti. I know alota people hea who can help ya out with things. Ya know, whether its schoolwork, dealin with bullies, dealin with loosahs, dealin with crazy teachas, or makin some nice cash hey. I hang by the autoshop most of tha time. Ya should come by sometime. I promise I wont let my friends bug ya".

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"Anyways what’s ya name? And, of all the places on this planet, how'd ya end up in Bullworth? I'm Lupe Moretti. I know alota people hea who can help ya out with things. Ya know, whether its schoolwork, dealin with bullies, dealin with loosahs, dealin with crazy teachas, or makin some nice cash hey. I hang by the autoshop most of tha time. Ya should come by sometime. I promise I won’t let my friends bug ya".
β€œLupe, special name, I haven’t heard that one before” he said and smiled

β€œMy name is Louis Anderson, and I moved here from Chicago Illinois about a week ago, so yeah it’ll take a while to get used to” he walked over to the counter and grabbed a tray.
β€œFirst things first, my parents got divorced recently, so I moved here with my mom and my younger brother. She thought it would be better for us, if we didn’t have skyscrapers in our backyard” he laughed a little and handed Lupe a tray.
β€œNow we actually have a backyard, instead of the world’s smallest balcony, so it’s ok. My parents don’t argue anymore, that became a real pain in the neck after some time actually. Annoying like Hell.”
He ran a hand through his thick, brown, curled hair.
β€œOne of my childhood friends also moved here recently. Our moms talked about the whole mess around home and stuff” he sighted β€œ Donnas mom recommended a couple of small houses on sale, and that’s basically how I ended up here”
He said while leaning up against the counter.

β€œSo, Lupe, where do you come from? New York?”

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"It musta been hard for ya because of ya parents. Louis. I nevah knew who my fatha was. Not interested in findin out eithah. My motha raised me in Brooklyn, New York, befoh we moved hea a couple yeas ago. Its harda than it needs ta be foh my motha. Shes got ta work like four jobs just to keep a roof ova our head ya know? And New Coventry's not really the safest place in Bullworth if yav evah been theah".
Lupe took the tray Louis offered her. "I've been hearin some crazy rumors around this school. This school hea is crazy ya know? There was this old homeless man who lived in some rusty shack right next ta ow school hea. Right by tha parkin lot. This guy disappeared from this town foh a while. Just disappeared ya know? Someone said it was related ta aliens oh somethin. Said they seen some beam a light shootin right up ta the sky from whea he used ta live. Well, some of the kids said they seen this guy walkin around willy-nilly around Bullworth again. Also, some people hea say they can hea a werewolf at night. Aw my gawd, that is just stoopid. An lastly, I heard some of the kids who like ta fight an all started a tournament oh somethin right in the school's basement. Bettin money on each otha an all. I'm gonna check it out today ta see if its real aftah class today. Ya wanna come along for that"?

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When Louis heard the story about the man, who supposedly got abducted by aliens, he couldn’t help but laugh.
β€œOh my god, do the people around here actually believe that?”, he said and wiped his eyes in the sleeve of his denim jacket.
β€œOh, my stomach hurts”

He finally got a hold of himself and stopped laughing.
β€œAn lastly, I heard some of the kids who like ta fight an all started a tournament oh somethin right in the school's basement. Bettin money on each otha an all. I'm gonna check it out today ta see if its real aftah class today. Ya wanna come along for that?”
He looked at Lupe when she invited him to come along. He wrinkled his forehead and looked at the other students.
β€œI can’t believe there’s people who would do that.” He looked at her again and smiled before answering her. β€œI would like to come with you to check it out myself, but my house is still one big mess so I can’t”

β€œAnd about the whole family thing, you sound like you have it harder than me. I try not to think about it too much. New Coventry isn’t that bad, that’s where Dotty and her mother moved, the ones I told you about earlier. 4 jobs you say hmm must be tough. If you want a job just ask ok? i sometimes give a helping hand at a coffee shop, I could ask them if they want a new employee. You know, put in a good word for you?”
Louis said and glanced over at the food, which probably had seen better days.

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Lupe smiled and thanks Louis. "Well, I betta get ta my next class. I'll see ya around hea Louis yeah"?
Lupe proceded towards her second class of the day.

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Character Portrait: Evelyn Brock
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Character Portrait: Marylinn Ford
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View All » Add Character » 15 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lupe Moretti
Character Portrait: Georgina Clayburn
Character Portrait: Kathryn Mayer
Character Portrait: Luke Markus
Character Portrait: Bill Hopkins
Character Portrait: Mooi Luna Specima
Character Portrait: Dwayne Moss
Character Portrait: Brooklyn Martin
Character Portrait: Louis Stephen Anderson


Character Portrait: Louis Stephen Anderson
Louis Stephen Anderson

"Personal space? What's personal space?"

Character Portrait: Brooklyn Martin
Brooklyn Martin

"Well...this is awkward"

Character Portrait: Mooi Luna Specima
Mooi Luna Specima

Everything has beauty. Just not everybody sees it.

Character Portrait: Bill Hopkins
Bill Hopkins

"Check that out".

Character Portrait: Luke Markus
Luke Markus

Sports, reading, I'm not your Clique....i'm ordinary

Character Portrait: Kathryn Mayer
Kathryn Mayer

”If you are one of these freaks, you should dissapear.Fast.”

Character Portrait: Georgina Clayburn
Georgina Clayburn

The world is my runway


Character Portrait: Louis Stephen Anderson
Louis Stephen Anderson

"Personal space? What's personal space?"

Character Portrait: Georgina Clayburn
Georgina Clayburn

The world is my runway

Character Portrait: Kathryn Mayer
Kathryn Mayer

”If you are one of these freaks, you should dissapear.Fast.”

Character Portrait: Mooi Luna Specima
Mooi Luna Specima

Everything has beauty. Just not everybody sees it.

Character Portrait: Brooklyn Martin
Brooklyn Martin

"Well...this is awkward"

Character Portrait: Luke Markus
Luke Markus

Sports, reading, I'm not your Clique....i'm ordinary

Character Portrait: Bill Hopkins
Bill Hopkins

"Check that out".

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Georgina Clayburn
Georgina Clayburn

The world is my runway

Character Portrait: Kathryn Mayer
Kathryn Mayer

”If you are one of these freaks, you should dissapear.Fast.”

Character Portrait: Luke Markus
Luke Markus

Sports, reading, I'm not your Clique....i'm ordinary

Character Portrait: Brooklyn Martin
Brooklyn Martin

"Well...this is awkward"

Character Portrait: Bill Hopkins
Bill Hopkins

"Check that out".

Character Portrait: Louis Stephen Anderson
Louis Stephen Anderson

"Personal space? What's personal space?"

Character Portrait: Mooi Luna Specima
Mooi Luna Specima

Everything has beauty. Just not everybody sees it.

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