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HP: For better or worst

HP: For better or worst


Years after the Final Battle the wizards are to die out thanks to muggles. Watch as Voldemort is chosen to save the world. Time-travel.

589 readers have visited HP: For better or worst since Tessia created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


The dark ritual was finally finished. She quickly hugged her father and than her husband did the same. "Bye kids." Leaving behind the few alive relatives and all the death ones, they exchanged one last glance and stepped into the bubbling cauldron. This reality, this line of future was the worst. Worse than him wining. That's what they believed. That's what they pried for.

There was a kaleidoscopic sensation along whit the discomfort of appirating. Then it stopped as they felt to the ground. They were still in their house. Did it go alright? It seemed the same as always. But was it? It was much darker few seconds ago. And the tree outside of the window was hier.

"Tempus!" He waved his wand. 13:30 of the Halloween of 1981. They made it! She stood up and he fallowed. They'd have to look dignify. Someone was bound to come looking for the source of the noise soon. They eyed each other to see if there was anything still needing adjustment. He smoothed her hair and she smiled at him fondly. Just as they were ready the door opened and in came two Death Eaters.

"Hear are our wands. Take them. We came to save our Lord." The woman smirked. Pettigrew eyed her as a ghost. Her hair was chestnut, eyes were hazel and her face resembled her granny. She wasn't a carbon copy of Lily Potter the 1st but close enough. Her figures were softer and more aristocratic. She certainly had some Blacks' blood in her veins. She was also slim bud curvy at the right places, tall and dressed in simple but not cheep velvet black dressrobes. "I'm not a ghost, traitor. I'm not her!" She put on her best poker face ever. She hated this man for what he was and what he did to her family. But there wasn't time for that right now. The other Death Eater's eyes were fixed on his look-alike. "Who..."

"Well hallo grandfather dear. Don't you know your own blood? And you call yourself a family. Take us to the Lord." Yes, he was taller than Lucius or Draco. His shoulders were wider and he looked less soft. More manly then them. He got that from his other grandfather. He gave his future grandfather the mischievous smirk. "Scorpius Draco Malfoy, son of Draco Lucius Malfoy and Astoria Iris Malfoy nee Greengrass."

Lucius's eyes widened. No one other than him, Narcissa and the Greengrass family did know about the engagement. Draco was only few month old and Astoria wasn't due for next four month. Till that moment he thought about the young couple as of imposters. Now... They were a problem. Possibly dangerous. He took the wands of the two intruders. All color drained from his face.

"No Peety. I'm not THE Lily Potter nee Evans." The women by his possible future grandson gave Peter a deadly bored glare. If she was older than Peter than no more than two years older.

"This is my wife Lillian Guinevere Malfoy nee Potter. Voldemort lost. We are hear to prevent it from happening." Scorpius simply sad while his wife adjusted a lost wave of her hair behind her ear.

"Prove it!" Lucius barked. His... If this was his... His grandson married a Potter? That was a scandal! A blood-traitor! His wand pointed at the two wonna-be-Malfoys.

"You were engaged with Andromeda Black but she dumped you and her family for a mudblood. So great-grandfather Cygnus decided that granny'd take her place. She wasn't happy about that one." Scorp smirked. Not even his wife knew of this little family story. Despite himself Lucius went slightly rad.

"You, Black and grandfather became illegal animags to help Moony with his lonely Lycantrophy. Your mom was newer ill as you told them. You always felt like their sidekick and now as a Death Eater you finally feel as someone. You think it gives you power and respect. It only brought you loneliness, more than twelve years of life as a rat, fear and death. You were also the one who were at Mr. and Mrs. Regulus Blacks' wedding." Lillian sad all of that as if reading a wary boring text out loud.

"We'll go to the Dark Lord now. He'll decide what to do with you." Lucius finally sad. Still holding their wands and pointing his own at them he mentioned for them to follow Peter. Peter quickly lead the way to one of the study rooms on the first floor. There were several people siting by a long massive ebony table including Voldeort.

"What is it? Who are they?" Bellatrix Lestrange sniggered in her own meaner and look at the pair. She took in as the boy reminded so much of her brother-in-love. Snape's eyes widened as he studied the pair. Tom just eyed them bit amused.

"It seams they are my grandson and his wife from the future. We gave them already some questions to verify." Lucius sad whit a blank face.

The young women before Tom smirked. Unlike anyone who he knew from present time she looked at him with no fear. "Well Mr. Riddle we finally meet. If you pleas use Legilimency to verify our identities."

Tom blood pressure was rising. Who was this women? Who did she think she is? He is Lord Voldemort. There is no way to speak to him this way. "Legilimentis!" He flicked his wand. There was a silence bit of white space and than memories came to him. The books about him and the Potter boy he wonted to kill today. Actual memories of the same boy. Bud how did they obtained them? Whole life of Harry James Potter and than of Draco Malfoy till the wary moment Lillian and Scorpius went to the past.

"As you see, this is the future we came from. You see the problem. And as was shown it'll be found out in the future that all mudbloods are discendands of one squib or another. Wenever at least a second generation of squibs somehow find each other and get married, their kids are wizards. Usually it's too long after anyone of their family lived in the magical community so no one knew that." Lillian smiled fondly in Snape's direction. "Like Lily Evans is a 7th generation of Pewett family's squib Lucretia Pewett."

Snape's eyes widened in understanding. "So is there a way they are not who they say they are?" He snorted.

"No, they are what they say they are. Fascinating. So Severus how was the chitchat whit Dumbledore about saving Mrs. Potter?" Tom eyed the potion master wildly.

Snape quickly went for his wand but so did Tom. "Don't! There's no need to go after Potters anymore so there is also no need for him to go against you. He'll be useful." Scorp stopped the fight.

"He betrayed me!" Tom snapped.

"Yes, because you were about to kill his best friend. Honestly you aren't a strategist." Smirked Lillian.

From what he seen in their minds Tom knew better than to argue with her at that one. It seemed that the future was really dark. And not just for himself. Potter was desperate to send his daughter to save Tom. "Thank them for that Snape. They just saved you."

"But my Lord! If he betrayed you once he can again!" Bellatrix sad hopefully. She wonted to see some sorrow today.

Tom turned to her and than in a split second pointed at Snape. "Crucio!" He smirked. Bellatrix and some other Death Eaters were laughing. "If you ever betray me even the slightest I will personally kidnap your precious Lily put you under Imperio and make you torture her to the death." He lifted the curse of Snape and than turned to Lillian and Scorpius. "Now what about the two of you?" He grinned. "You already told me all about the future there is to know." His wand playfully pointed at them.

"Well there is always a certain need for more loyal followers my Lord." Scorpius sad nonchalantly as if their lives didn't depend on Tom's will.

"Better to be under your religion than that of some nasty muggles." Lillian sad blankly.

Tom considered it for a moment. "No nasty surprises. No saying thinks to Dumbledore. No stabbing my back. I'll take lives of your parents to make sure of it."

"There will be also one friend of ours to fallow as. He was to save one certain person who was supposed to die two years ago and will come hear after that." Scorpius added.

As on a signal there was a loud noise from the near room with a fireplace. In a view came confused looking Regulus Black and the tall man around ten years older than future Malfoys with strawberry blond hair, golden-brown eyes and futures that people who went to Hogwards recently found oddly familiar. "I suppose we are on time then." His eyes traveled to Tom and certain two Death Eaters who killed his parents when he was only a week old. "Hullo grandaunt." He gave Bellatrix a sharp look and than nodded to Lucius and Narcisa. "Ted R. Lupin. Son of auror Nymphadora Lupin nee Tonks and Remus J. Lupin." Realization as to why this man look so familiar hit some of the younger Death Eaters as he mentioned his father.

"So now we are only after muggles?" Evan Rosier sad. He was clearly disappointed.

"That should be the plan. Even it can be better for dose previously called muggle-borns to be taken with their families into our world to be properly educated before Hogwarts." Teddy sad. He refused even now to call them mudbloods. Merlin's brad! His grandfather was one.

Lestranges, Crouch and Rosier looked as if someone just told them that Santa doesn't exist and they believed in him just a second ago.

"Lucius, take our guests to their rooms and come back. There will be a meeting for the inner circle." Tom sad sharply. There still will be wizards and witches opposing him so there won't be lack of fun for his followers. He turned to Regulus as Lucius lead the guests out.

"Bring me back my Horcrux boy or I'll go after your family. And I don't mean your mother or brother. Right now!" He snapped. "Avery, Mulciber go pay a visit to his lovely wife and son. Don't do anything till I say so. But if he approaches bring them over." He looked at the young boy. It seamed that Black was as old as the day he died. Fascinating. If it was like this also with him and his Horcruxes and he knew from the memories of those time travelers it was than from his Diary he'd came out as fifteen years old again. Black quickly went to floo followed by Mulciber and Avery. He took the prouder and got in. "Grimauld place 12!"

Till the party left Tom turned to others. "Narcisa, get Abraxas. Tell him that I need the Diary I trusted him with. Bellatrix bring me my Cup. I'll have to check one think myself. Go now. Meeting will be hear in three hovers. Come with me Severus." He snapped. He quickly left the room and went to Hogwarts for the Diadem.


Lillian entered the room Lucius brought her and Scorpius to. Teddy was next door. "Thank you Mr. Malfoy." She sad to her grandfather-in-love and followed by Scorp she got in. Lucius was still a bit shocked. He nodded to the couple and went on.

The young couple became alone. Lillian quickly scoped the room and than set on the sofa. "I still think that it won't do." She frowned.

Scorpius set next to her. "I know love. But there's no other option. You know it. Muggles and their artificial magic." He petted her cheek.

"I know." She sad and than looked around again. "Remember this room? I think it's the one we've chosen as a nursery." Her expression darkened.

Scorpius put his arm around her shoulder. "I know. Do you wont to ask them to change a room?" He asked.

"No, they'd ask why. I really don't wont to tell them." They memories simultaneously went backwards. They choose this room when they were four years younger and were expecting a baby. But whit the events going on and the injury she took in a certain battle she miscarried. It was one of the worst days of her life. Lillian shivered.

"We can have another. We are about to create a better future. We can have many children. Your mum was youngest of seven." He pooled her closer.

"I know." She sad and a small smile escaped to her lips. "It's sarcastic how much more peaceful is this time than ours and how people in this time won't believe it." She then grimaced. "Lucius haven't returned us our wands." She sad.

"I know. But he didn't take Teddy's eider." He smirked at her.

There was a knock on the door. While she still set on the bed Scorp answered the door and came beck with their wands.


There was a noise from the sitting room downstairs. Walburga descended the stairs and walked in. Her last visitor was her nice Bella just two days ago. There was no other visit on a schedule for this week. She stormed in the room and nearly got a hart-atack.

"Creature!" A familiar voice of a familiar man sad. He looked so much as her Reggy. She must had just imagined it. Her boy was dead as was her husband.

"Who are you?" She pointed her wand at the intruder.

Regulus quickly turned around. He saw his mother. Hell! "Hello mother."

There was a loud pop as Creature appirated in.

"Crazy imposter. My son died two years ago." Then she glared at the house elf. How dear he mistook some imposter for her son. But then... "Is it you Sirius?" She was angry now. He'd be the only imposter who Creature'd be bound to obey. "There is nothing in this world that's dear to you! You scum."

"Sorry mother but I am not Sirius. Go to the tapestry and check it." Regulus sad coldly. She and Bellatrix were the ones who forced him to become a Death Eater. He loathed them for that.

Walburga stormed out of the room to check the tapestry. Creature studied his master.

"Hello Creature. Pleas bring me the Locket. Did you manage to destroy it?" He sad kindly.

"Master, it's you! Creature thought master is death. Creature is happy he see master is OK." He sad happily. Than he eyed his master and started hitting his had with a book. "Creature is sorry. Creature couldn't find a way to destroy it. I is to bring the locket." Whit a pop he was gone.

"Reggy!" Walburga came back happy as she wasn't for years. "You are alive. You are OK." She hugged her son. "I thought I lost you. Where were you and... What does that think do on the family-tree?" She snapped.

As Sirius used to point out she was a women of many faces thanks to her mood swings. She was bound to find out one day anyway and today was as good as any other. "That is my wife and our son." Creature poped back.

"We told you, you can't marry her ewer. A filthy half-blood! What were you thinking?" Walburga shouted. "As if it wasn't enough you had that bastard with her!"

"You mean the most well kept secret of this household? Sorry mother but they are the dearest think there is to me. As for how I am alive. It seems that someone came from the future where the Dark Lord had fallen and muggles found out about magic and wiped out most wizards. It turns out that they decided to save me from my death. You can thank them." Regulus got closer to the house elf. "Thanks Creature. I'll be back in few days. I have some thinks to do now." He smiled at the elf.

"Stop right there. Our talk isn't over. Don't you dear walk away on me!" Walburga shouted.

Regulus ignored her took some floo poured and went back to the Malfoy Manor.

Snape was currently siting in the principals' office in Hogwarts. Tom left him with a mission to say some well selected information to Albus about today. He waited for Albus for few more minutes to start.

"So what brings you hear my boy?" Albus sad father-like.

"There is a problem Albus. We got a visit from the future. Young Harry's daughter with husband and a got-brother. They clime that if the Dark Lord die our world is lost. He checked them with Legilimency. Good think is they made him think that all muggle-borns are descendants of squibs so not really muggle-borns."

"Is that so?" There was a panic in Albus's voice. If Voldemort stops attacking half-bloods and muggle-borns there will be a problem whit anti-Voldemort party.

"He won't be after Potters anymore. By the way. He knew the place they are hiding at. The Secret Keeper had spoken." Snape inwardly smirked. Serves you right Black.

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Hi ther. First of all read the Introduction and than chose wisely your character. I take all the Marauders, most of Death Eaters, some order members and some aurors and wizard civilists. Some characters have a bit changed history. For example...

The untold story of Regulus Black who is now few years death but playable as his rescued selfe from 1977. In 1975 Regulus and his potions thutor Miraya Lestrange fell in love and in the early 1976 they have a daughter named Auriga Miraya Black. They secretly maried in the muggle world. He was nearly disovned and in exchange had to separate from his girls and became a Death Eater. He supposedly distroied the Horcrux for them.

The untold story of Severus Snape. Since the day he began at Hogwards there were more than one friends he had. The other friend from Griffindor being one Miraya Lestrange a half-blood friend of Lillys´. After his Mudblood incident she tried to re-conect him and Lilly. She remind his friend. After her and Blacks´ trouble and her forced entery in the ranks of the Death Eaters he and her, they were told to get maried as a two half-blood shuld. The maridge was not oficialy known of After the First war they found a way to each other by theyr griefs in few years and in 1984 had a girl named Eline Lillyan Snape. He was a good father to her other two kids and was hiding their existence from the public knowlage till his early death.

The untold story of Sirius Black. In his first year Sirius had a big fight with a quiet girl called Miraya Lestrange about blood-status. He sent her to Slytherin and she jumped at him that she is a half-blood and it is him who should go to snakes. He disliked her for that for years till his younger brother died. He heard of his nice Auriga and was the one to calm his sister-in-law after his brothers´ death. In they years to come in they became close. In the December of 1979 Sinister Maximilian Black was born and in 1980 it was his new wed wife who made him switch places with Peter Petigrew.

The untold story of Peter Petigrew. In the time of war Peter and his long-term hidden girlfriend Dorcas Maedows decided to marry secretly and live in a hiden place. After she was kiddnaped he was forced to join the Death Eaters. Dorcan was taken under the custedy of Miraya Lestrange.

Miraya Lestrange, the OC - Halfblood, a grandnice to Rabastan and Rudolphus, with two brothers Victor and Marcus. Daughter to Robert Lestrange (disowned pure-blood) and Betany Burst (Muggle-born). Griffindor... If chosen let me know.

Other infos of the future generation. (Som other time-travelers can be incloded. Max 2 more.)

To the gameplay...

I like a tradicional Roll-playing but will use a dice from time to time. Voldemort and Dumbledore are my characters. Teddy, Lilly and Scorp are the nececery characters to start the game. No MarySue chars alowed and no hard PvP. Maximal number of chars is 15. I´d like to include the 3 good Marauders Sirius the first, James the first, Lilly the first, Snape, Regulus and Miraya in it.
Each reaction shuld have at least 1/2 A4 Times New Roman 10 and be meaningfull. A page full os spoils of one paragraf is not acceptable.

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Re: HP: For better or worst

Okay. :)
In that case I guess I'll go for Scorpius, and Bellatrix to start.
I'll take some more a little later.

And okay. :)
I'm not even going to wait for someone else, so it'll just be the two of us. :)

Re: HP: For better or worst

Hi there.
The characters for this game are:
Those that were named in the Rules + ani Death Eaters, aurors and order members, all from canon and original characters. That means that you can play for example Belatrix, or go for Lilly 1. Potter, Scorpius Malfoy or even a create a character of an auror whos mentor was Madeye. Only OC that has any characteristic is Miraya because even if no one ends up playing her I´ll.

For your RP...
I think Luna. She can surprice people in a much more positive way than Michael.

Re: HP: For better or worst

I'm joining, in case you didn't guess.
But I'm slightly confused about the characters.
Could you kindly post a list of open characters, preferably here?
I'll choose two or three to start with from there.

By the way, thanks for joing DA, Still Recruiting. ;)
I was starting to think I was the only Potterhead on here, preposterous though that may be.
We just need someone to take the final set; Luna & Michael.

And, for the record, I have shipped Scorpius and Lily ever since I first read the epilogue of The Deathly Hallows. Everyone thought I was crazy, but I'm so happy you agree. :D

HP: For better or worst

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