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In Skylar Street

In Skylar Street


Do you dare to hug the false friend or congratulate the enemy? Do you dare set foot on Skylar Street?

3,382 readers have visited In Skylar Street since BOO! created it.


Hello! Welcome to Skylar street! Where everything and everyone has got something about them.
They say something...

Everyone has stories to tell. Uncles, Mothers, Brother. Sisters from other Misters. They all tell lies to keep up with the truth. The one dreadful truth.. None of them can know the truth about each other without damaging reputations, lies or in the worst of circumstances...
The world.

There are three familys at the moment for you to get to know!

The Farihens: Mr and Mrs Farihen are the richest family on the block with their son, Aaron Farihen (Aaron's Taken), heir to the immense fortune. He and the Urio twins always hang out on top of Great Grizzly Hill with the big oak tree where they built a treehouse.

The Urios: Mr Urio is a lone parent who teaches at the local primary school. No-one knows where Mrs Urio is now. They have twins. Travis and Tessa (Both taken). They built the tree house on the big oak tree for freedom from the parents. Freedom!

The Jones: The Jones are the quietest family. They have a seventeen year old daughter called Elizabeth (Elizabeth's taken). The mother will always join in with the weekly reading club and socilise polietly but is always quite reserved. The father is the most reclusive of all. No-one knows much about him. Not even his own wife.

If you wish to live here, you must include the following in your application. (Character Skele!) The ones with a star are required. The rest are optional.:
*Full Name:
Job/School Level:
Family:(If you are not apart of the three already resident families, please state family history here.)

Not to worry if you don't like any of the families. New people will always be moving in or maybe moving out. Maybe a few homeless people or an orphange or too!

But my late friend once said to me..

Do you dare to hug the false friend or congratulate the enemy?
Do you dare set foot on Skylar Street?

Toggle Rules

1, You must have a secret. Maybe it's one or two. Say, maybe you are a convicted murderer, hiding from his/her past. Maybe you are something mystical...
Catching my drift here? You MUST have a secret as the point of the RP is to protect it.
2, No anime please!
3, Whichever family you are from, please state age and what position in the family you are. You have to actually check the characters already involved before you do this.
4, Don't go tooooo far with romance.
Thank you.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Kyren
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0.00 INK

Kyren smiled and waved to the girl in the treehouse. "So, is this really the 'Cool, hot-spot' around here? It fun." He said, ignoring the alcohol scent wafting down from the treehouse. "You guys been drinking?" He yawned, trying to keep the edge out of his voice. "How late is it? Wait, I don't have a curfew!" He laughed in excitement. "No curfew, no parents, no dinn-" He stopped himself before he could go on about the alcohol with a hand over his mouth. "Sorry, just, a little excited, is all." He said, casually running a hand through his hair before anyone noticed he had to physically stop himself from continueing. "I talk a lot, sorry. Where's the booze?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Kyren
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0.00 INK

The boy below was kind of cute. Hmm... NO! Tes had to force the thoughts outta her head. You finally have the guy you wanted since you were 6! Don't fuck it up by being a little slut! You like Aaron, maybe even love him. She waved back at the boy and smiled. "Hi I'm Tessa, or Tes! What's your name?"

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Kyren
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0.00 INK

Aaron came back up to the treeshouse and motioned for Kyren to come up. "What are you still doing down there bro?" he said jokingly. He turned to Tessa smiling at her. "It seems that I just can't leave you" Aaron said and then he winked at her. By this time Aaron was beginning to sober up enough to not worry about tripping all over the place.

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Travis nodded and waved farewell to Elizabeth, he turned and headed to the treehouse. Once reaching there, he heard two male voices along with Tessa's and figured it'd be alright to enter. He climbed up the ladder and saw his sis, Aaron, and some other guy. "Aaron, what's up?" He asked as he moved to sit in his bean bag chair. Travis only gave a slight glance to his sister, annoyed a bit about her bailing. But to be nice, he wouldn't say anything of it or bring it up.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Travis Urio Character Portrait: Kyren
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0.00 INK

Aaron turned to see Travis had walked into the treehouse. "Watzaaaaap?!" Aaron called out to Travis who couldn't have been more than a couple of feet away. Aaron suddenly remembered that he had kissed his sister not to long ago. Aaron started to feel guilty because Travis was one of his closest friends. Travis actually looked annoyed, he wondered if he had saw them kissing, he looked awkwardly around the treehouse.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Travis Urio Character Portrait: Kyren
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0.00 INK

"Uh hey bro. What's up?" Tes said nervously. Prepare to get your ass kicked, she thought. "Me and Aaron were just hanging out and he found a new kid. How was dinner?" She mentally prepared herself for the ass chewing to come.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Travis Urio Character Portrait: Kyren
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0.00 INK

"Not bad though, turns out mature adults get pretty immature when they get plenty of alcohol in their system." Travis replied though still not looking in Tessa's direction. He probably shouldn't be bitter at her, but couldn't help it. Travis then turned his attention to the new kid,"Hey what's up? I'm Travis. You new around here?" He asked the new person who was in the treehouse. "Ran into Elizabeth on the way here, she's still the same old same old." He chuckled to himself realizing once again that perhaps out of all of them, Elizabeth was the most normal out of all of them. Especially him, she possibly couldn't be holding any secrets like he would.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Travis Urio
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0.00 INK

Turns out, she wasn't getting her ass chewed out. She turned to Aaron, her eyes asking what to do, though she doubted he could read them. Instead of hoping the slight chance he would understand, she texted him. This time he would have to reply.

To Aaron
"What do we do? Do we tell him? Do we go back to normal? I don't wanna go back to normal."

She looked at her brother. "So dad got drunk? That is gonna be hilarious when we get home."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Travis Urio Character Portrait: Kyren
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0.00 INK

Aaron looked at his phone to see a text from Tessa. He read it and then he thought of all the possibilities of how he could deal with this situation. He could tell Travis, sit in silence, and make the new kid feel awkward, or he could keep a secret and save it for a later date. Aaron did not want to see Travis' reaction to this, he knew how he felt about his sister flirting with guys and he didn't want to be another one of "those guys".

Aaron texted Tessa back

To Tessa
"Idk about u, but I'm getting tired. Aren't u getting tired? I suppose I should walk u home if u r, walk u far away from ur bro ;)"

When Travis mentioned drunken people he felt like Travis was talking about him, so he began to feel nervous.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio Character Portrait: Travis Urio Character Portrait: Kyren
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0.00 INK

Tes read her message and yawned. "Wow I am tired. I think it's time I went to bed. I do have a long day ahead tomorrow. Night everyone. Nice to meet you Kyren." Tessa stood up, grabbed her things, and climbed out of the treehouse, hiding from view of above, waiting for Aaron. This was gonna be great! He could even come in my room. She would have to go to the guest room downstairs because of Eliza. The basement is practically sound proof though, and locks from the inside. Her head swam with various naughty thoughts.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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0.00 INK

Aaron smiled a bit when Tes left. "Yeah it's getting kind of late, I was actually on my way until Kyren came. I'm gonna head out guys, I'll catch you tomorrow." Aaron said as he climbed down the ladder. He could see Tessa hiding from the treehouse and he went over to her. "I'm glad we got out of there, it was getting awkward" Aaron smiled at Tessa as he stood by her. "So you want me to walk you home?" Aaron asked.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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0.00 INK

"Well you could, but then I would be tempted to make you stay." Tes winked and kissed him. She was feeling especially flirty since the alcohol was wearing off. That usually kept her calm, but now she was back to flirting. "The basement is sound proof and my dad is probably passed out asleep."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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0.00 INK

Aaron blushed heavily at Tessa, he had not expected this so soon. He wasn't so sure as to what to do and he was nervous in front of a girl for the first time in a long time. Aaron was used to being around women, but being around Tessa was something he wanted, but never got his chance. Aaron kissed her back, holding it longer than he did before.

Aaron knew what she was suggesting when she said the basement was soundproof and her dad was sleep. Aaron simply acted on impulse in the spur of the moment and held Tessa's hand. "Let's go" he said as he winked back at her, still feeling a bit nervous.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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0.00 INK

As they walked, Tes could feel that he was worried. "Travis doesn't have to know we did anything. We dont even have to do anything. We can just kiss. Honestly, it would be my first time too." Everyone may think she has slept with the whole football team or half the senior class, but she had never gotten past the messing around. She wanted to save some part of herself. Tes squeezed Aaron;s hand and smiled.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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0.00 INK

Aaron was relieved that Tessa told him Travis wouldn't find out, however he was surprised that Tessa told him she was a virgin. He was hoping that she didn't think the same about him, he was popular and it had it perks at times. He hadn't messed around with many women, but he wasn't a saint either.

Aaron continued to blush when Tessa squeezed his hand, he looked at her smiling as they continued to walk. He didn't know what to say to her after that. "Whatever you want Tessa, I don't want to pressure you into anything." Aaron said as it seemed the only logical thing to say.

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"Let's just do what we are comfortable with, and if it goes further, then go with it. Kinda go with the flow, ya know?" That felt so much more natural than planning things, she didnt want to say 'Lets do it.' and force him to. She figured, if he wanted to, they would. If things got heated, they could always do more. And if things went the opposite direction, no one had their hopes crushed.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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0.00 INK

They'd finally arrived to Tessa's house. Aaron was now more nervous than before, not knowing what would happen if he walked in with her. He turned to Tes looking to follow her lead. His heart started beating faster, just then he noticed the abandoned apartment building in the distance, he was in a trance for a brief moment and then he looked at Tessa much more calmly. "It's kind of late, I don't think I'll make it to my place without falling asleep while I walk" Aaron said this throwing out an obvious fake yawn after it and he winked at Tes.

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Tes caught on quick, as she used that excuse to stay at friends' houses. "Well we wouldn't want you wandering into the streets and getting hit by a car...or walking off a cliff. You should sleep here, just for your safety of course." She winked back and opened the door. Her dad wasn't in the living room or kitchen. "Wait here." She walked through the house to her dad's room, put her ear to the door, and heard the faint sound of an action movie, followed by snores. Asleep. Great! She walked to the door, grabbed Aaron's hand, pulled him in and shut the door slowly. "He's asleep but we need to be quiet while we are upstairs." She whispered. She lead him to the basement door, slowly opened it, flipped the light on, and slowly closed it behind Aaron.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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0.00 INK

Aaron followed Tes into her house as quietly as he could, right after she told him it was ok to come in. As he walked down into the basement this began to feel like a scene out of a horror movie, where a gullible guy follows a hot girl and she turns out to be some sort of serial killer. "Naahhh" he thought to himself after giving Tessa a quick glance. He was glad to be there with her, and his heart started beating faster. He knew Tessa for years and he'd never thought he'd find himself with her like this.

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Tes kept smiling to herself. This was unbelievable! Her wildest dreams were seconds away from coming true!

The basement was simple, with a fouton, a tv, and a game system. Tes sat on the fouton, sexy like, and winked at Aaron.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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0.00 INK

Aaron made his way towards Tes, this walk felt like a mile to Aaron. He sat beside her and he started blushing again. He started to twiddle his thumbs a bit, looking around the basement. Then looking at Tes who was sitting very seductively. His heartbeat seemed like the only thing he could here, everything else was silent as he looked at Tes.

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Tes layed back, staring at the ceiling. "I get that you're nervous. Let's just hang out. Like we did earlier." She thought about how earlier was influenced by alcohol. "Maybe we could find more to drink."

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
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0.00 INK

"I want to be sober for this" Aaron said as he got closer to Tessa. He leaned towards her and kissed on the lips, holding it there for some time before pulling away, but still very close to her face. Aaron felt more comfortable after that and it eased his nerves a bit.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyren
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0.00 INK

(Sorry guys, havn't been able to get on in a while o.o)

Kyren introduced himself to everyone, then decided to go for a walk, not wanting to intrude other's space. He turned away from the treehouse, and walked down the street. Maybe I should just go home. I don't know this place well enough to be just 'Walking around'. He thought, turning in the direction of his new house. He liked the new house, since you could actually see the ground, and it didn't smell like an overload of alcohol. He walked on, thoughts brewing in his head. His house was beautiful, white, abstract, neat. Very...Ky. He smiled, and took out his keys when he came up to the front steps. I wonder why my parents were alcoholics... What did it ever do for them? Was it... good? Was there something I didn't know was in it that made them happy? Because, most of the time they weren't happy, they threw up and... well, anyways if there is- thyen I definetly want to try it. He thought, unlocking his house and stepping inside. He threw his sweater on a table, along with his keys and sauntered into the kitchen, thoughts dissapating.

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Tessa smiled from ear to ear after Aaron kissed her. "So what exactly is this?"

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The Great Grizzly Hill

The Great Grizzly Hill by RolePlayGateway

The hill is quite steep, but you climb anyway...

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View All » Add Character » 6 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen
Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
Character Portrait: Travis Urio


Character Portrait: Travis Urio
Travis Urio

"People are like coins, double sided."

Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
Tessa Urio

"Dear boys, If a girl gets shoved into you, she likes you!"

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen
Aaron Farihen

I wish it was warmer out


Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen
Aaron Farihen

I wish it was warmer out

Character Portrait: Travis Urio
Travis Urio

"People are like coins, double sided."

Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
Tessa Urio

"Dear boys, If a girl gets shoved into you, she likes you!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Travis Urio
Travis Urio

"People are like coins, double sided."

Character Portrait: Aaron Farihen
Aaron Farihen

I wish it was warmer out

Character Portrait: Tessa Urio
Tessa Urio

"Dear boys, If a girl gets shoved into you, she likes you!"

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The Great Grizzly Hill

The Great Grizzly Hill by RolePlayGateway

The hill is quite steep, but you climb anyway...

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Re: In Skylar Street

If they ever do decide to jump in they could just create a scenario where they were "absent" from school and Kyren could be in a completely different class by himself. It wouldn't require much work to summarize the whole class.

Re: In Skylar Street

I dunno! She's just counting. I can't jump it too far, it'll be really... really silly. And it does give Kay or Kyren the chance to jump back in so... I dunno, it'll speed up.

Re: In Skylar Street

what's up with the long countdown? I'm running out of things for Aaron to think about lol. Are you waiting for someone to jump back in?

Re: In Skylar Street

Sorry, KayEyeEmm. Someone's already made the twins but you can just join as someone else. You can even add more than one character if you want.

Re: In Skylar Street

I submitted an application, can someone accept it?

Re: In Skylar Street

I would like the girl twin. Any certain age for her?

In Skylar Street

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "In Skylar Street"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.