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Ariadne Kismet

Almost done!

0 · 292 views · located in The City

a character in “Infectious Delirium”, as played by Dynamite




Most Holy Fate
Should you ask me if I believe in fate, I’ll have to say that I don’t know. But even if it were true, even if we were all just destined to be those shells instead of the people we could be, well… that’s a fate I would fight until the bitter end.


Blameshift || Enemy You Need
Paramore || When It Rains
Panic! At the Disco || Ballad of Mona Lisa
Panic! At the Disco || Hurricanes
Gemini Syndrome || Stardust
KoRn || Spikes in My Veins


What could be more fundamental to humanity than the ability to give a damn?

[ Aria | Ari ]

[ 19 ]

[ Female ]

[ Invalid 1 ]

Face Claim
[ Kanzaki Kaori | Toaru Majutsu no Index ]


I’ll be the first to tell you there are prettier women out there. But I hope I’m not the first to tell you that substance is more important than style.

Hair Color
[ Black ]

Eye Color
[ Amethyst ]

Skin Tone
[ Fair to Middling ]

[ 5’4” ]

[ 130 ]

Physical Description
[ To be quite honest, Ariadne has never given much thought to her appearance, a rather radical notion in the middle of a society that emphasizes looks so much. Not for the same reasons they used to, of course—aesthetics are no longer the ubiquitous metric they used to be, but desire still functions to drive markets and reproduction both, and that is just a fact. Beyond this, appearing a certain way affects reputation, and if anything in this world is currency, it’s how the collective other sees you. Even so, Aria doesn’t really go out of her way to impress anyone. She does not alter her choices in garments or apply cosmetics or do anything special with her hair in order to beat people over the head with her attractiveness, but this is not to say that it is entirely absent.

Rather, one might, if one studies her long enough, come to the conclusion that she is actually rather comely, but the trait is subtle and understated, sometimes almost actively worked against by her conscious choices. Her face is composed of delicate, doll-like features, from the slightly-upturned nose to the thin, but pronounced, arch of her brows. Her eyes are slanted in such a way as to give her a vague sense of something slightly feline and exotic, her lips full, if pale. The jet-black of her hair is a sharp contrast to the fairer coloration now more common in the United States, and falls to her waist, though she keeps it in a thick ponytail almost all the time. She keeps it short for the sake of convenience. Her eyes are a most unusual deep amethyst color, the lashes surrounding them thick and as dark as her hair.

A lifetime of physical activity has kept Ariadne in great shape, and this is evident enough even when she is wearing loose clothing. She is no featherweight girl, possessing a smooth, rolling, dense musculature and a fair amount of curvature even overlaying that. Neither thin nor thick overall, she occupies a healthy-looking middle instead, trim but clearly suited for arduous physical activity should it be required. ]


Is it ironic, that I fight so hard for people’s right to love, having never known it myself? Personally, I don’t think it matters. This isn’t about me. It’s about everyone.

Potential Interest
None at the current moment: Well, there’s that whole thing about the cure and all. Just because Aria hasn’t had it and doesn’t want to doesn’t automatically entail that she’s deeply in love with someone or looking to be. She just believes that it’s an important capacity for people to be able to have, and has no desire to lose it. As for actually using it, well… maybe someday. She’s more concerned with making sure other people get the opportunity first.


    Tracking || Having lived in the wilds for a good year and a half, Ariadne has picked up the necessary skills to make due for herself and the others under her care. One of those skills is being able to track the motion of other creatures through the wilds, and conversely, to conceal her own.
    Survival || The arts of survival are many and varied, but included are things like hunting (mostly via archery, since advanced weapons like rifles are hard to come by in the wilds), dressing a kill, cooking, shelter-building, foraging, and medicinal plant identification and use. Ariadne has some skill with them all, and picked up survivalist talents quite easily, at least compared to some of the others that ran away with her.
    Martial Arts || A hobby of hers since she was a little girl, Aria had two blackbelts to her name, one in Shaolin-style kung fu and the other in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. What they have in common is an emphasis on overall athleticism and acrobatic maneuvers, meaning that she has long been throwing herself around with great acumen.

    Weaponry || When she lived in the city, it was rather expected that Ariadne would end up as an officer in the military police. She had the intelligence and the fitness required, as well as an affinity for weaponry, from the more manual kinds like swords and polearms to the very expensive guns and other firearms. She has at least basic training with just about anything one might find, and expertise with anything spearlike.
    Charisma/Persuasion || There is a certain confidence to Ariadne that translated well into magnetism. Without actually consciously deciding she wants to, she tends to draw people to herself. It is how she managed to suddenly find herself the leader of what basically amounts to a terrorist cell at the tender age of nineteen. Well, arguably her skills have a lot to do with it, also, but that’s certainly not everything there is to it.
    Parkour || Growing up a kid in the city, feeling like you were constantly under the watch of so many pairs of eyes… she felt it necessary at times to escape, and nothing gave her the feeling that she was succeeding quite like running through the urban landscape at breakneck speeds, jumping obstacles, climbing fences and scaling drainpipes. She was especially fond of spending time on roofs, where she could look down at the rest of the city as it went about its business without her.


I have flaws like anyone else. The difference is, I don’t try to pretend they never existed.



    Singing || It gets a little lonely out in the wilds sometimes, especially when she’s gathering things for people, and so from time to time, Ariadne will sing to keep herself occupied while doing dull tasks of this nature. She does not, however, care to do so in front of people.
    Climbing || She’s always like high places, and also appreciates the extra security they provide, because people rarely ever look up. If she has some time to do whatever she might choose, Aria will habitually be in a tree or on a roof, depending on her current surroundings.
    Thousand-Yard Stare || Pretending not to care too much about people is kind of hard for Aria, because she is naturally disposed to get attached and give a shit about them. So in order to avoid arousing suspicion on this front, she uses tactics that make her seem almost entirely unemotional, including looking past people rather than at them when she is speaking. It is a bit unnerving, if one should notice, but her natural charisma usually fools people into believing they just imagined that.

    Raspberries || Sweet and tart in perfect harmony. Though she doesn’t often have the time to appreciate the little thing in life, Aria will make time for raspberries, and eats them by the punnett. This tends to keep her lips and tongue stained a dark shade of red, actually.
    Cute Things || Especially small fuzzy animals, especially kittens. It… doesn’t really go with her image, so she tends to keep a lid on it when possible.
    Her Team || They aren’t the most conventional of people, obviously, and just like any family, they don’t always get along. But they are always there for each other, and they love one another. That alone is something she would fight to the death to keep. More than that, she wants other people to have it, too, or at least have the opportunity to experience it, ups and downs.

    Liam Solomon || She has words for that asshole… and also the pointy end of a spear, because she’s pretty sure words wouldn’t make a difference to someone like him. He’s the perfect government drone, the exact antithesis of Ariadne… and her job requires her to pretend that he isn’t. It drives her up a wall.
    The Cure || So much so that she’s formed the Invalids into an actual vigilante (the government says “terrorist”) group to destroy production equipment and try to find a method of reversal.
    Killing || It’s happened once or twice, mostly because it came down to that or dying, but Ariadne has never enjoyed killing, not even of government agents, and she generally plans to avoid those situations as much as she possibly can. She’ll do it, if that’s what it takes, but she has never and will never enjoy it, nor does she permit it of her followers unless they have to in order to save their own lives.

    Willpower || There comes a point for anyone when their body’s resources are exhausted, when it seems that they have nothing more to give, can run no further, fight no longer, endure no more pain. In such situations, some people are able to push on, to take another step, another wound, and press forward, due not to something unusual about their bodies, but the makeup of their psyches. They refuse to believe in the impossible, and this irrational confidence actually makes them more capable. Aria had this trait, which is good—she has needed it in the past and likely will in the future.
    Versatility || Aria’s particular repertoire of skills serves her well in a large number of situations. She is never completely without a defense, be that in a sticky physical situation or an especially precarious conversational one.
    Intelligence || She passed her comprehensive exams with flying colors, and were people allowed to choose their professions anymore, she would have had her pick of basically anything she wanted. As it is, her canny intelligence serves her well as both a member of the military police… and a double agent.

    Stubborn Streak || While willpower can be a good thing, it can also quickly backslide into unproductive obstinacy. Where ideal strategizing would be fluid and adaptable to changes in a situation, Aria sometimes forgets to account for those, or more accurately, refuses to. It is hard to shake her from a course once she has decided on it. The logic of someone in such a position had better be flawless, and for best results carry a certain emotional weight as well, or they may as well be trying to talk a bull out of charging headfirst into a china shop.
    Idealism || Aria’s stubbornness stems at least partially from the fact that she holds a certain set of ideals very close to her heart, and is generally unmovable when it comes to them. That said, she is also idealistic in the sense that she really believes that people and entire civilizations can change, if only they are brought around to her way of thinking. This might require a bit of anarchist revolution at first, but it can and will work out for the better in the end. She also believes very strongly that individual people can be redeemed, even the ones who have done terrible things.
    Family || The little collection of rebels that she runs are dear as the world to her, and her blood cousin especially. She considers Xander her best friend, as different as they are, and relies heavily on him for advice and a natural compliment to her knowledge and skills. It would kill her to lose any of them, but especially him.


I am what I have to be, so that everyone else can be what they want to be.

Passionate | Idealistic | Stubborn | Resourceful

As if singlehandedly trying to make up for all the Cured in the world, Ariadne feels. Whether it be something as mild as irritation as amusement or something as full-blown as the love of a family or her hatred for the people that would suppress and transmute them all into soulless husks, she does not attempt to deceive herself into believing that she does not react to other people and circumstances in the world. What would be the point in lying that way? Rather, it could be said that she is honest, at least with herself, though of course, she has to lie to a lot of other people. In some sense, her entire life is based on giving the lie to who she really is. She must show her family and friends the face of a determined, unflappable leader, never the scared little girl she really believes herself to be sometimes. And to the Cured, well… she has to show them that she’s just like they are, and that is the biggest lie of all.

As long as she doesn’t start to believe it, she supposes it is something she is willing to give up, for the cause. She would give a lot more than that, if it meant freeing people of the chains they can no longer feel themselves wearing. Up to and including her life. She spends a lot of time as a deep-cover agent for her people, and during these occasions often leaves Raghid in control of the military arm of the invalids, so in this sense, she could also be seen both as someone who is unafraid to confront the ugliest parts of their task and also a leader who, while highly-talented in the relevant respects herself, is willing and able to trust the people she works with enough to allow them to use their talents also, even if it would be unconventional to do so—the kid is only 16, after all, but then, she’s not much older herself.

Ariadne has, as the leader of the Rebel Invalids, learned how to do a lot with a little. She is not straightforwardly academic, though she always did well in school. But she is more than anything tactical and resourceful, having the ability to assess her resources, both human and otherwise, and put everything she is given to the best, most efficient use, making her a sly, dangerous opponent despite not being as cold in her rationality as someone with the Cure would be. She also has an advantage over them that is a double-edged sword at best: with her passion comes an obstinacy rare even in the Invalid population. She really does believe in her ideals, to the very end and without reserve, and this can make her willing to push on when a weaker-willed person would give up—including through truly heinous amounts of pain.

In the end, she amounts to the antithesis of the Cured, save for one little fact. For all her reliance on familial bonds and friendships, and for all her championing of freedom and the right to feel and express affection… Ariadne has never herself once been in love. Not even a crush, and she fears that something about her is defective because of this.


Contrary to popular belief, not all of us came about because our parents went against the grain too. Love isn’t an infection, it’s a yearning. And even those who’ve never known it can come to have that yearning.




I hate that word, ‘invalid.’ Spend time with the people I love, and see then if there is something they somehow fail to do because they feel it. On the contrary, they are capable of so much more. And I intend to prove it.

So begins...

Ariadne Kismet's Story