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Draiken Hawke

The rightful heir of Lanchester.

0 · 174 views · located in Book 1: "Truth Be Told"

a character in “Legend of Pandora”, as played by Land of Gregg


Age: 27
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 187 lbs
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Sandy Blonde

Title: Prince
Allegiance: House Hawke (Golden Hawk on a Royal Green Banner)


Being a prince of a noble family, Draiken trys to act with a sense of dignity and pride in every aspect of life. He was born proud and remains proud to this day, often stubbornly so. He has great difficulty backing down from challenges and often uses irrational and creative tactics to achieve his goals. He has a way with words, but his mouth often gets him in trouble. More than anything else though, he is loyal. To his family and friends most of all. He always makes certain to repay his debts, and will go to great lengths to protect those he cares about. His pride often places him in comprimising situations, however, and his stubborness has often led him to some of his worst mistakes. Draiken is a naturally gifted judge of character, and can often see through the falsities of men. Although he is never quick to manipulate, others tend to read his confidence and way of talking with showy bravado and the ignorance of nobility. He puts on a show of having false skin but values acceptance and approval very highly. He wants to do good by people and command great respect. Earned respect... not bought.

Weaknesses: Draiken holds hard grudges at times and has major trouble forgiving people for their wrongs. He never forgives himself for even the mildly worst things, but he is not unable to see the truth behind the actions others. He just stoutly believes in doing good -- his brightest attribute, and biggest weakness.

Fears: Open Water, Swimming, Spiders, Beings Responsible For Someone's Death

Desires: To be a great ruler like his father; To become the best archer in Pandora; To raise children; To have the love of his people.


Main Weapon: A Longsword of mithril steel. Has a length of 48 inches, and has a hilt built out of gold with the Hawke house emblem smelted into it. This was given to him on his 13th birthday.

Secondary Weapon: An Emerald Dagger. This dagger has a 7 inch blade and is crafted of imbued with emeralds. The blade itself is see-thru and incredibly sharp on its point.

Accessory: Golden Hawke Brooch. A clasp for his cloak. The symbol is a gold hawk with its wings spread outlined in gold.

Horse: Triton. Brown Courser with a white stripe down the bridge of his nose.

Clothing: A silver breast plate over dark black and forest green linens. dark brown breeches; fingerless gloves; and in royal court, a circlet made of green leaves bearing the house symbol.


Draiken is the oldest son of Elias Hawke, King of Lanchester. His mother died when he was 8 years old due to pneumonia complications and his father later remarried Juliet of Kensington. Along with her, she brought her son... Dorian. Dorian was 2 years younger than Draiken and every bit more rotten. Draiken was 11 when the marriage happened, and over the better part of a decade, the two never found common ground with one another. Dorian was spoiled, and just as proud as Draiken. The competition between the two was fierce, but also unhealthy and dangerous. Under the eyes of both their parents, the two grew to resent each other. As he grew older, Draiken began to accompany his father to as much of his royal duties as possible. The day-to-day dealings of the King began to fasten him in a way they hadn't in previous years, but Draiken had grown to respect the way his father ruled his part of the kingdom. He was courteous and fair when he was able, but incredibly provoking and brooding in the worst of times. But he was always happy to see Draiken, and proud... whether Draiken realized that or not.

When he was 13, he had one of the most influential moment of his life. Upon sailing to the port of the Trader's Isles during winter, the ship was tumbled during a storm resulting in the deaths of over 83 crewmen. Draiken was forced into unconsciousness under the waves and barely brought back to life on a small fishing vessel. Among the ship was Draiken's father and uncle. The uncle drowned, but the father did not. Since the incident, Draiken is always hesitant to be around water and always avoids sailing if he can help it.

Draiken is part of a long line of Hawkes. The Hawkes of Lanchester are a family well known in the realm. They have often acted as peacekeepers between House Brackard and House Montague. Lanchester lies in the Western Forests, one of the lusher areas of Pandora. Many of the towns and villages are built in populated areas of hills or dense cliffs. Despite the numerous trees, the region around Lanchester experiences some of the most intense rainfall during the winter seasons. As of late, it is has not been uncommon for several months of snow either. Lanchester lies northwest of Olympus, the capital of Pandora. It takes approximately 3 1/2 days to travel between the two cities on horseback, and the forest becomes much more sparce between. The Hawke and Montague families have a past ripe with conflict, yet as of late, their relationship has been peaceful. The Brackards have been friends of House Hawke for a long time, although the two disapprove of each others political ideals.

So begins...

Draiken Hawke's Story