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I won't kill fingers crossed...“friend”

1,789 readers have visited LEGEND OF THE HAT GIRL since tobycat4 created it.


Trust - or death? “Do not worry, friend, come nightfall you shall be fingers crossed!”
Or so She says...Every night in the sprawling city of Elas someone will disappear into the night, guided from their warm beds by a mysterious young female known simply as the Hat Girl. Legend has it that she steals memories from all that know the Vanished Ones, making it seem as if he or she has never existed, any living thing that holds onto their Memory Shards vanished only a day after - and this will go on until...? You are the Hat Girl's latest victim, and only you can escape the terrors that lay ahead - “Go ahead...I dare you!” Keep your eyes open, dear friend...for the Hat Girl is sitting in the shadows waiting for you to close your eyes...

Go. To. Sleep.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


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Character Portrait: Strygwyr
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Eras fell into a sort of sleep as well, her tail entwined around Strygwyr's body up to his neck. She was his........a feeling that Eras had never known. Not until now. The boy would collar her upon their escape but Eras did...not really care. She was his. This beast, with a sort of heart. Her master.
"Yes......for all time. You have me, you have me, Strygwyr..." She drifted off, in his arms.

I am his, all his....


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Strygwyr Character Portrait: Eras Character Portrait: Laila Kelser
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#, as written by rextrex
"Strygwyr? That's your name? I must ask, are you alright? I'm sorry I ruined your 'moment' but I need help. Please tell me, what is happening? May we leave now? Or do we need to stay here, because I really don't want to... don't kill me, I just wanted to help... will you be friendly, I am all alone now, I'm very worried. C-can we be friends m-maybe?" Laila has a nervous look on her face, and she is rocking on her feet. "I- I just... it's so cold in here..." She falls on her knees, crying. "I think they might have hurt my mom... she didn't deserve this... it's all my fault, they probably killed her, it's all my fault...all my fault...all my fault..." Laila curls into fetal position, grabbing her head. "All my fault..."


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#, as written by
He looked toward her again, cocking one eyebrow at her, as if he wondered why she was still here. Her questions sparked some of his own about this place, but she couldn't have come at a better time? Nonetheless, he decided that being a monstrosity and devouring her would leave a sour taste in his mouth for the time being.

And so, he answered. "Had you have come at any other time, I would have added your soul to my collection." He waved about the other 56 tentacles not covering Eras and waved them about for emphasis, making sure she saw the skeleton head on each tentacle. Up close, they looked like overly long spinal cords.

"However, seeing as how Eras would wake up if I moved to kill you, I guess I can answer your questions. As for why we are here or how we got here of anything to do with this place, I know not. You may get more answers from your little vermin there. As for what's happening, it's simple; there are over thousands of children here, and all are fighting for survival, and forming groups. At least, that's what I see. I am no exception. I am surviving. It is cold here? well, I could bleed on you. That would warm you, aye?" At this, he let loose a ghostly laugh that was part human, part something else, and it filled the hallway.

"Anyways, as for your mother? I don't actually care, seeing as how my biological parents were killed by my own hands. And as far as I see it, if you killed her yourself, then it's your fault. If you didn't kill her by your own hand, it's not you who's to blame.


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Character Portrait: Strygwyr
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After what seemed like long, dull hours stretching into nothingness Eras was not asleep. The young girl was sitting high up in the branches of an old oak, bare back pressed against the rough bark, staring up at a vast velvet sky stretching across end flower fields, the buds reaching out for strands of pale moonlight to catch within their soft maroon petals. She was wearing a simple white two-piece, the skirt just a simple white calico to match, a white tattoo resembling both laces and dancer’s slippers bound tightly. Her long black hair was down, brushed to the side yet long and flowing, it nearly reached her knees. “How I wanna show my master…” she began, to no one in particular, sighing. “But I can’t.” The Ghost Gardens faded into nothingness causing her to at last awaken, still being held. She nudged her master, wanting him to pet her. She sort of…liked the way his hand felt, for some odd reason.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Eras Character Portrait: Laila Kelser
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#, as written by rextrex
"Can I pet you?" Laila asks. She leans forward and touches Eras' back. "You are very soft. I like it. You must have been a person. Can you turn back? I my mother is Wiccan, she makes spells. If you can't turn back, my mom can make you an elixir so you can change as you choose." Laila snaps up. "I never told anyone that... that my family was Wiccan. Don't tell anyone. It's a secret. I may as well tell you my great-great-great grandma escaped from the Salem witch trials. We have a very... unique history, our family. So, I was already diagnosed with very mild schizophrenia, I'm probably going to a mental hospital if I try to explain this."


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#, as written by
"Well, she isn't human, for one. Second, she has full ability to change at will. Anyways, who are these Wiccan? I've heard stories of them, but I never truly met one myself. Either way, I can only laugh. JUST Schizophrenia? I have been charged with 1st-degree murder, ranked number one out of wanted men in America, have been publicly displayed as "insane", and was locked up in an insane asylum before I got here. Please, tell me this story. I always like a meal I can remember by something. It cheers me up." At this, he grinned, revealing teeth that looked as if they belonged to a great white.


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Character Portrait: Strygwyr
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"I-I do not like her, her h-hands are so..c-cold..." Eras began to tremble, and looking up at her master she nudged him. "I like the way your hand feels..I like it when you pet me..." Her tail entwined around his entire body up to his neck, the tip brushing against his lips. "Master, my me, please?" She began to whimper, a sort of wolf thing. "I like the way your hand feels..."


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#, as written by
Strygwyr glanced down at Eras, his magenta eyes calculating. A quick slap to Laila's hand caused her to back away, holding a welted hand. He then gently stroked Eras's fur, feeling the fine material sift through his fingers like silk.
"As adorable as you are, I still prefer you as a human. You are much more lovely then." said he into her ear.


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Character Portrait: Strygwyr
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Eras shifted...Something about her was rather different. Was it...Her figure. It was different. More...attractive. And certain features were...well..."Like this?" With wolf ears and her tail....and her wings..."Your eyes - they are ever so dark...and your hands are so very warm...if you want to do something to me..."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Strygwyr Character Portrait: Eras Character Portrait: Laila Kelser
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#, as written by rextrex
Laila backed away, crying. "Y-you... th-that hurt!" Laila grabs her hand. "I'll tell the authorities! They'll take you to the madhouse again!" Tears streak down her face. She grabs a small vial from her pocket. "You will regret that!" She unscrews the cap."This elixir is called Joywater. It just needs skin-to-skin contact..." Laila splashes it on his hands, the drops hitting him. "Now, you will not be as much of a mean, cruel fool. We have prepared this for several generations. It will work." She steps away. "You will not be so cruel, such a mean-spirited fool. A second from now, all your darkness will bow! Trap it in a jar, whomever you are!" Laila yells, saying the spell.


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#, as written by
She was hinting at something.......what was it.......he did not quite get the idea. He began to think hard. More attractive, warm hands, warm body, dark eyes....wait.....oh HELLO!
He turned a crimson shade and said "N-n-n-o, nothing like that......"

Then, something that felt like liquid began to burn and reach into Strygwyr, causing him to growl angrily and snarl like an animal. He moved his tentacles to gently get Eras off, then turned to her.

"What is the meaning of- ARRRRRRRGGHHH!!!" He roared in pain as he felt the whatever she just did begin to work its wat into him, forcing him to bow to her, to obey.....

No.......NOT TODAY!

He slowly, painfully, got up, his eyes now their deep blood red. Energy and dark rage seemed to pour like power out of him, and the thing roared. As usual, Desolator reared up to his full 13 feet, the black skeletonic demon bursting out from Strygwyr's back, but rooted to him by his spinal cord and only halfway out. Its black forelimbs hung to the floor.

"You.......dare......challenge.......a demon....." He managed to growl, his teeth fully revealed, his eyes their glistening, telltale red. "O-o-o-o-o-oooooh....this water hurts.....hurts indeed.......Blood will make it all better.....heeheeheeeeeee....." As he spoke, a second, lower, demonic voice pitched in. Then, he bellowed, and all of his 126 tentacles lunged like snakes toward the second spell-user. This one........heh....I can eat this one.....


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#, as written by rextrex
"Fool, you are more dim than I thought. I am Laila Kelser. I am 112 years old. LET IT BE KNOWN! My family will get our revenge on you pathetic mental patients! You will rue this day. I am going to change your personality, nit-wit! Tell the spell to try again, to bind even the strongest of men. Today you will be warm, above the skies, SOAR, SOAR SOAR!"


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#, as written by
"How do you already changing personality? I am happy, I am angry, I am sad, I am happy, I am stupid, I am smart. I am hateful, I am forgiving. I am squeamish, I am bloodthirsty, I am shy, I am brash."

"Strongest of MEN?!!!!.......You think, that I am a man." He grinned, the smile taking up almost all of his face. He then swung his arm into the nearest wall, burying it 5 inches deep. With a roar, he then ripped the part of the wall off, sending a huge slab rocketing for Laila.


Something was trying to work its way into his body, to force him to become something else....ugh....I forget; I am only half demon...

He went on one knee, clutching his head, trying to focus on His true self.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Strygwyr Character Portrait: Laila Kelser
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Eras fell to the ground, gasping. Whatever had burned the boy had an affect on her, as well.. "STOP IT!" she cried weakly, the room suddenly growing hotter. "Laila,'re h-hurting me..." Her wings fell and as they did the feathers began to fall. Every wound Strygwyr had inflicted was open...

The girl was trembling, crying, crying blood. They had both hurt her - badly. "P-please don't hurt me..."

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Elas by tobycat4


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Character Portrait: Ann
41 sightings Ann played by katisacat
Someone... HELP ME!
Character Portrait: Laila Kelser
12 sightings Laila Kelser played by rextrex
Where am I?

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Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan
Character Portrait: Eras
Character Portrait: Strygwyr


Character Portrait: Strygwyr

"Heeheeeheeeeee.......lets HaVe sOme FUnnNNNNNnn!!"

Character Portrait: Seung Ki Kwan
Seung Ki Kwan

"Humans can always slip up and not worry to much. I can't. If I let myself fall into my natural state, I could destroy it all."

Character Portrait: Eras



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