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Lucid Dreamers: Nightmares

The Interactive Dream Dimension


a part of Lucid Dreamers: Nightmares, by MegaKooala12.


MegaKooala12 holds sovereignty over The Interactive Dream Dimension, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The Interactive Dream Dimension is a part of Lucid Dreamers: Nightmares.

17 Characters Here

Aron Michaels [32] "honestly...what choice do i have?"
Noah Ryuuzaki [24] "Only a fool walks before knowing where they are headed."
Penelope (Penny) Miller [20] Please, just leave me alone...
Elora Dawn [18] "Glass half empty, glass half's liquid, isn't it? Drink it and stop arguing!"
Tamako Enzomo [18] "I-I'm not a cat!"
Serena [16] A mermaid living in the waters of the Interactive Dream Dimension.
Nemui [15] "I told you not to call me little!" *growls*
Gilbert Haven [7] "If we stop this guy, we can get home. And I can get home to my sister. Do you understand that?"
Finn Berrit [7] "Sometimes it's better not to know, but we keep looking for the answers anyway."

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Character Portrait: Shen Hollows
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Shen lay hidden in a cave, breathing heavily. There were cuts, scratches, and bruises all over his body. He wiped off a drop of blood off his cheek that had begun to trail towards the floor. Stealing food is such a drag... People and their fucking dogs... Shen picked up an apple, examined it, and bit into it. Aaaah... the first bite was always the best. As he sat there, eating his apple and staring at the ceiling, thunder boomed off in the distance. Sounds like it's gonna rain. Perfect timing. Shen forced himself up off the floor and carried a pail he had stolen from a nearby village outside. He set it down and stare at the sky for a second before returning to his spot in the back of the cave. Shen finished his apple, lay his head down, and before he knew it he had fallen asleep.

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Character Portrait: Nemui
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The rain came unexpectedly, like most of the whether did in the dream world. Nemui stood on the edge of the forest under a tree. Though the thick branches helped keep most of the rain from reaching the little cat, the grass was very wet and little droplets kept splashing onto her head. She stared off across the long, dim field. In the distance a village could be seen, and beyond that would be the sea, filled with many different mythical sea creatures along with plenty of trading and cargo ships.

Her amber eyes scanned the field in front of her before she spotted a cave. She leaned back before making a quick dash across the field towards the cave until she stopped at its opening. Why was there a pale sitting outside? She sniffed the metal, but the rain had washed away any scent. There was no use sitting here in the rain getting soaked just for a little pale, so she slowly crept inside and shook off her fur, not even noticing someone else was in here while she lay down by the entrance, folded her wings up tightly and fell asleep, resting her cheek on the golden bell in front of her.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shen Hollows Character Portrait: Nemui
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Shen was dreaming. "Shen, Shen, listen to me okay? You must not follow your father and I. Stay with your sister until we come back." All he could see was his mother's mouth, forming the words she was speaking. She took her hands off his shoulders and started to walk away. As he ran to chase after her, the portal that usually swallowed her opened up and swallowed him this time. He was thrown out into a park filled with other people. But these people were weird. They didn't have pointed ears and they were wearing weird clothing. There was a lot of noise, and the sun was shining brighter than it had in his world in a long time. A younger child ran up to him, "Sir, I think you're lost..."

Shen bolted up and hit his head on the cave's low ceiling. "Ouch! Damn, that hurt." He was drenched in sweat, so he took his shirt off and took a deep breath. He hadn't had that dream in a long time. Something must have changed or something will be changing very soon. And it won't be a small one. Shen wiped the sweat off of his face before getting up and slowly making his way to the mouth of the cave. He took the pail, took a sip of water, and washed off his face and neck. It wasn't until he almost stepped on a little cat in the entrance that he noticed it was there. He was thrown for a minute, but he got down on his knees and gently stroked the cat. It was soft... and he had to admit it was pretty cute. Shen had always liked cats. His sister Marina had had one that was the exact same color of this cat. He sighed at the memory, stood up, and went to go find a new outfit in some nearby cottage.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Penelope (Penny) Miller Character Portrait: Tamako Enzomo Character Portrait: Elora Dawn
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Tamako watched two girls she didn't know, both around her age, talking just outside her hut from behind a tree. After the two conversed for a bit, one of them seemed to get upset and start yelling, before telling the other about her home life. As the upset girl began to walk away, the quiet one seemed to magically summon a piano and start playing a song, bringing the upset one to tears.

She sighed as she turned away from the two. "Now's probably not the best time to go introducing myself," she mumbled to herself as she opened the door to her hut.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Penelope (Penny) Miller Character Portrait: Aron Michaels Character Portrait: Jason Getsus Character Portrait: Brendan Getsus Character Portrait: Elora Dawn
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".....Round up the shadow bugs, and get moving, NOW."
"Roger that.", Aron said, speaking clearly into the microphone. Aron didn't want to stop just sitting under the shade of the tree near him, but if it was Brendan Getsus, things needed to be done. Aron looked around, making sure he had everything, then pulled out the paper map from his pocket as well as his compass. Once he knew where he was going, he started to walk.

Aron was completely disgusted with the work that he had to do. Getsus had told the assistants that the shadow bugs couldn't do very much damage, but Aron had seen them kill other animals and wildlife. Aron couldn't help but feel guilty almost every day, like he was carrying the earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars all on his back. He didn't dare talk about what he felt with Getsus, for fear that he would go back to the slums of his old life.

Aron continued to walk, not completely sure where he was going, until he heard the beautiful sounds of a piano. This made Aron extremely curious, and he followed the sound until he came across two ladies located under a blue tree by a golden river. Aron tried his best to hide from the two girls's view. He hadn't heard such a beautiful song in ages, and slowly, Aron began to forget what he was doing.


Bendan could hear his assistant, Aron's voice saying, "Roger that." on the other side of the line. Brendan then walked out of the room, and noticed his son, Jason, alone out on the front porch. Brendan sat next to him, and said,
"hey, sport. watcha doin? Wanna have some lunch soon? the cook's making some sandwichs right now."

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Penelope (Penny) Miller Character Portrait: Tamako Enzomo Character Portrait: Aron Michaels Character Portrait: Elora Dawn
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Penelope smiles as she finishes her song.
"I'm sorry...about before." she says after a few moments of silence. She sighs, "I don't talk to people much, so I'm not used to kindness." She closes the piano and turns to Elora, pushing the blue hair from her face. Her hand is still on her beloved piano.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shen Hollows Character Portrait: Penelope (Penny) Miller Character Portrait: Tamako Enzomo Character Portrait: Aron Michaels Character Portrait: Elora Dawn
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Shen was running through the woods when he saw 2 girls standing next to a piano. How weird... a piano out of all things. A girl with blue hair seemed to have been the player, seeing as she was sitting on the bench. A smaller one had blonde hair and cat ears and- Well wasn't that just great? Some creepo was spying on all three. Shen walked over in the middle of their circle. He just pointed at the guy behind the tree and said, "Oi. I think you guys have a visitor." He smirked, not caring if everyone else was wondering who the hell he was. "And you, Blue Hair, have a hair in your face... it's bugging me." With that, Shen tucked it behind her ear before running off into the forest.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shen Hollows Character Portrait: Penelope (Penny) Miller Character Portrait: Tamako Enzomo Character Portrait: Aron Michaels Character Portrait: Elora Dawn
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Aron was embarassed by the random stranger's comment. Aron walked out from behind the tree, and embarassingly said,
"I'm's just.....i couldn't help but listen to the beautiful song you were playing....just did a great job....."
Aron looked around for a while, then slowly started to speak.
"Well......i guess i better be....on my way....."

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shen Hollows Character Portrait: Penelope (Penny) Miller Character Portrait: Tamako Enzomo Character Portrait: Aron Michaels Character Portrait: Elora Dawn
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Tamako watched as two more people came onto the scene, one of them saying a few words and running off. The second one came out from behind a tree, seeming embarrassed and quiet. He looked as though he were a young adult, slightly older than herself. Deciding it would be too soon to come out, Tamako decided to watch the three from a distance, curious as to what any of them were doing there, especially the man.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shen Hollows Character Portrait: Penelope (Penny) Miller Character Portrait: Aron Michaels Character Portrait: Nemui Character Portrait: Elora Dawn
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Nemui opened her eyes, as a figure left the cave. She could smell his scent on her and realized she felt a little warm. Did e pet me!? He tail poofed out a little as she jumped up. "That stupid!..hey." She walked to the entrance of the cave. "He left his pale here." She looked off into the distance, amazed that the boy had already made it to the tree line of the forest. "Hey!" She called out, though it was obvious that she was too far away for her little voice to be heard. She looked over at the pale again. I could just keep it, but what would I do with a pale? Plus it's not even shiny and I already have two different colored ones. The little cat let out a small sigh, she might as well try to return it to him.

A dark purple light surrounded her for a moment before she was standing on two feet and clothed in a little black dress. She picked up the pale, half full with water, and started running towards he tree-line where the figure had disappeared. "Stupid human." She muttered to herself as she reached the tree-line, thankful that it had stopped raining and was starting to get warm again. She continued walking through the forest before the sound of a piano could be heard in the distance. Nemui, now a little girl in her human form, turned her head in the direction of the sound, her ears pricking forward. It was a beautiful sound, though not even close to the sound of her bell, but still pretty.

She made her way through the trees, then spotted someone standing behind a tree a little further off from where the piano sound had been coming from before it stopped. Nemui narrowed her eyes a little. Something about this persons scent wasn't right. It made her feel uncomfortable. She dropped the pale and changed back into her cat form as she leaped up a nearby tree, then hopped from one to the next with the help of her wings before landing on a branch above the strange human. She looked over to where she watched as the person she was pursuing walked off into the trees away from two girls, one who had been playing the piano. She'd catch him later, right now she wanted to know who this person was. "Hey" she said, climbing onto a lower branch just above the boy, "You don't have the same scent as the other humans from this world. Where the heck are you from?" She said, her tail waving back and forth slowly and her ember eyes narrowed.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shen Hollows Character Portrait: Penelope (Penny) Miller Character Portrait: Tamako Enzomo Character Portrait: Aron Michaels Character Portrait: Nemui Character Portrait: Elora Dawn
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Penelope looks at all the people standing around her nervously. She keeps her blue hair out of her face as per the one boy's request. She notices the blonde boy appearing from behind a tree and blushes slightly because he was secretly watching.
"O-oh...thank you." she says, "d-do you want me to play another song?"

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Penelope (Penny) Miller Character Portrait: Tamako Enzomo Character Portrait: Aron Michaels Character Portrait: Nemui Character Portrait: Elora Dawn
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Aron nodded as the blue-haired girl said thank you. She then continued, saying,
"d-do you want me to play another song?"
Aron nodded again, and said, "Sure, if you want to. I...."
Aron then remembered what he was supposed to be doing. He couldn't help being distracted; music was one of his hobbies.
Just when he realized he was going to be in HUGE trouble with Getsus, a talking cat seemed to make matters worse.
she said, climbing onto a lower branch just above Aron,
"You don't have the same scent as the other humans from this world. Where the heck are you from?"

Aron tried to think of something to say, but he couldn't. He was working with the enemy.
"I'm sorry." he said to the cat above him. Then, Aron quickly fled into the forest. He knew he shouldntve been slacking off.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shen Hollows
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Damn... just my luck to get into a fight after I've finally found some nice clothes! Shen was holding onto a bag he had snatched and filled with clothes out of some young man's dresser. He had come outside to find the man waiting for him right outside the house. Now the two were fist fighting, and Shen was running out of energy.
Man: "Who do you think you are, boy?! What gives you the right to go steal others clothes and resources? You aren't the only one who is trying to survive in this crumbling world!"
Shen: "I have to do what I have to do!" Shen dodged a punch before catching an opening and slamming the man in the gut. "You think I like having to resort to this low stealing to survive? I DON'T!"
He kicked the man in the stomach once more before the man fell on the ground, defeated. He glared at Shen, his eyes full of disgust and hatred. The look caused Shen's heart to skip a beat, as the hurt sunk in. He'd been given looks like that his entire life while he had only been trying to survive. Shen bent down and picked up the bag of stolen clothes. He looked into the man's eyes and said, "I swear, one day I will pay you back for this." Then Shen picked up the sack and ran back into the woods. He had a black eye, blood streamed out of his nose, and there was a deep gash in his upper right arm. Soon Shen felt the energy draining from his body. He barely made it to a calm river before he sank to his knees in the grass. He washed his face and ripped part of his shirt to tie around his wounded arm. "Tch... what a pain. Literally."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shen Hollows Character Portrait: Aron Michaels Character Portrait: Noah Ryuuzaki
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0.00 INK

Noah sat quietly under a large tree with silver petals that stood on the top of a grassy hill over looking a small village; the village she was ordered to take over. She'd heard Getsus loud and clear, but didn't bother replying. The petals continued to slowly fall around her, settling silently on the grass. She stood up and the few petals that decided to rest on Noah's lap fell to the ground as she stared down at the village. It looked peaceful enough, but she knew she was about to destroy that quiet peace and it would be so simple. So far the Dream Dimension had been too easy to tear down, and it would only be a matter of time before it was completely under the rule of Getsus Enterprises.

She pulled a little jar out of a little bag strapped to the belt around her waist and popped it open before tapping it a few time with her finger. Four little purple flecks floated down onto the ground and slowly begun to transform as she shut the jar and slid it back into the little pocket on her belt. Four of the smaller shadow bugs she carried with her stood in front of her, white eyes and sharp smiles, kind of looking like little children and only as tall as her knees. "I want Lumi, Felli, and Pon to hide yourselves within the village until I give order to attack." She said, naming three of them from left to right. She'd given each of her shadow bugs a name, something she did often when she found something she liked. She shadow bugs might look terrifying to other people, but for some reason Noah found them to be a little cute. "Fonfon," she said, pointing at the smaller on on the far right, "You stay with me." she said, then leaned back against the tree. "Off you go." she said and in an instant the three of them vanished and made their way to the village, leaving the one she'd called 'Fonfon' with Noah. First she would approach the village and ask them to surrender peacefully, if not, then she would head onto plan B and take it by force. Now if only she could find out where Aron was.

She was about to sit back down in the grass before she spotted a figure a little further off near a river than ran behind the village. She narrowed her eyes a little. Perhaps she could get information out of this person. Knowing the villages layout would help, and if there were any possible soldiers withing the village, she could know it from this person. She walked down the hill towards the river, the little shadow bug known as 'Fonfon' trailing behind her like a little lost puppy. She walked up behind the man, but kept a few feet apart from him. "Would you happen to be a citizen of this village here?" She asked, her face blank and her voice calm. She held the handle of her sword for precautions, but didn't draw it so not to alarm the man. Fonfon slunk up behind Noah and positioned itself centimeters away from her right foot, its face curious, yet ready for any order Noah would give it.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shen Hollows Character Portrait: Noah Ryuuzaki
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Shen leaned his head back, getting an upside down view of the girl. After about three seconds he rolled his eyes and sat back up, staring down into the river water. He hated people like her. People who thought they were hiding everything, but were in fact extremely easy to read. Shen's voice was low, filled with venom as he spoke. "What is this, little puppy? You want me to tell you about the village you're about to burn down? Fat chance." Shen stood up and turned to face Noah, nothing but anger and hatred burning in his deep blue eyes. He got right up in her face and took a fistful of her shirt in his hand. "You assholes think you can come in here and take over a world you know nothing about. You storm in here, not giving a damn about everyone else, and try to take over our dream dimension. Well listen here." Shen's entire body was shaking from anger and fatigue as he said with absolute certainty, "You won't win. You may be winning now, but you will not win. You will NOTtake our home away from us." Shen let go of her shirt and jumped into the river without a word. He had taken his shirt off earlier and it was lying in the grass. He stayed under water for about a minute before he came back up to breathe again. The water had calmed him down a little, and his voice was softer and more childlike than it had been before. "You think you're doing something noble, when in fact all you're doing is causing other people pain and suffering for your own benefit."

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shen Hollows Character Portrait: Aron Michaels Character Portrait: Noah Ryuuzaki
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Noah wasn't really all that surprised at the boys answer, since she knew word of them had already spread throughout the Dream World. What did surprise her was when he stood up and took a hold of the collar of her shirt. She took a small step back but he had a good grip on the cloth, though the fact that he was much taller than her didn't make her feel any weaker. She tightened her grip on the handle of her katana, but didn't unsheathe it and didn't call for the shadow bug to do anything either. She didn't really find a reason too.

"You won't win. You may be winning now, but you will not win. You will NOTtake our home away from us."

Noah's face showed no emotion at the man's words, but she relaxed her shoulders a little when he let go of her and jumped into the river. She released her hand from her sword handle and straightened out her clothes, then looked down at him in the water after he surfaced.

"You think you're doing something noble, when in fact all you're doing is causing other people pain and suffering for your own benefit."

Noah's blank expression stayed the same, though her blue eyes saddened a little. "Yes, I'm well aware of the consequences." She said calmly, then turned and knelt down in front of the little bug. "Fonfon, have the others positioned themselves yet?" She asked and in return Fonfon gave a small squeak and nodded its head. Noah smiled softly to it and patted its head. "Good." She said, then stood back up. "It was nice meeting you." She said blankly to Shen, then pulled out a little radio and pressed one of the buttons. "Aron, did you hear the order given earlier? I've already got bugs positioned inside, are you any where nearby?" She said, speaking into the little microphone.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shen Hollows Character Portrait: Noah Ryuuzaki
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Shen sat there, staring at his reflection in the water as she spoke. That's when it hit. Another vision, except this one was stronger than the last.

Burning. Everything was burning. There was nothing but smoke in the air, as people were running and screaming. Shadow bugs swarmed overhead, and an older man was yelling orders at his subordinates. People who couldn't escape the fire lay dying all around him. There was no light in sight. If the fire wasn't controlled soon, everything would burn to ashes.

Shen clutched at his forehead and tried not to cry out in pain. He was already injured, and now his head was pounding as if he'd just been hit with a jackhammer. I have to do something... I have to do something. Shen couldn't think of anything else as he staggered towards the shore. He forced himself into his clothes and looked at Noah one more time. There was an exhausted but knowing look in his eyes. "You can't do this. You have no idea what will happen if you do." Then he burst off into the forest, headed towards the group of people he had seen earlier. He could barely function as it was, and if he wanted to save the lives of the people in the village, he was going to need help.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shen Hollows Character Portrait: Aron Michaels Character Portrait: Noah Ryuuzaki
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Noah turned her head and watched the boy dash off into the forest near the river. She watched after him and let out a small sigh. "Fool." she murmured to herself. He didn't seem like the kind of person to run off so he wouldn't be caught in the commotion of the village being taken over. She knew he was off to warn someone, as if it would make much of a difference. She could take on just about anyone, even without the help of the shadow bugs. She'd already helped take down a few villages in this world and this one wouldn't be any different.

She didn't like having to kill to get what she wanted, but orders were orders and she never really knew anything but obedience. It was just the way she was raised. "I'm going to head into the South Entrance of the village." She said, turning her attention back to the little device in her hand. "I doubt I'll need any assistance but if you're nearby, help any way you can." At least that would make Getsus give Aron a little credit. She noticed the guy spaced out a lot, like he didn't like helping Getsus Enterprises all that much. She put the communication device away and started making her way up river with Fonfon trailing behind once again. She'd never failed to take down a village here yet, and she wasn't about to fail.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aron Michaels Character Portrait: Nemui
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Nemui watched the strange human run off after looking a little afraid for some reason. It was clear he was up to no good, but the cat didn't pay much mind to it. She looked over at the two girls who were talking, then looked back in the direction the human ran off in. She clicked her tongue. It was none of her business and frankly she didn't care. She opened her wings and, with a couple of quiet flaps, she lifted herself from the branch and up into the air. She glided a few feet above the tree tops at a quick but calm speed for a while before a large plain came in sight and a village could be seen.

So hungry.. She thought to herself, then smiled, her little white fangs showing. The little village would be a perfect place for some food snatching. She softly let herself land on top of the roof of a shack and leaned over the edge just in time to spot a black figure disappearing inside the little structure. Nemui's eyes widened for a second and her ears flattened against her head as she quickly backed up. "A shadow bug!" She hissed to herself, that meant there was an unwanted Dream Walker near by, and a dangerous one. Nemui had once seen with her own eyes what the strange shadows could do to a single village. It always started with just a few of them, then in a matter of minutes the entire place would be covered in screams and blood. Those people who came with the bugs were turning her Dream Dimension into a nightmare. She decided she would get her food, then leave the village as quickly as possible. It was really all Nemui could do.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aron Michaels Character Portrait: Noah Ryuuzaki Character Portrait: Nemui
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"Aron, did you hear the order given earlier? I've already got bugs positioned inside, are you any where nearby?"
Aron could hear Noah's voice from the walkie talkie in his pocket. He clicked the button, and spoke into the microphone,
"Yes, i got the orders. I'm coming."

Aron started to walk through the forest at a faster pace. Soon he heard Noah's voice again, saying,
"I'm going to head into the South Entrance of the village.... I doubt I'll need any assistance but if you're nearby, help any way you can."

Although Aron thought Noah always seemed to come off a little bit pushy, he had to give her some respect. There was a part of Aron that wished he could be like her; shut up, don't complain, and follow orders. Aron had a feeling Getsus trusted her much more than the other assistants.

The darkness of the forest ceased, and Aron's eyes had to adjust to the sunlight. Aron grabbed the walkie talkie again, and clicked the button.
"Noah, i'm coming into the village from the east side, just so you know."

Before Aron could start walking again, he grabbed the little jar from his pocket, opened it, and started to shake out the shadow bugs. The dust started to transform into the scary- looking creatures.

The relationship Noah and her shadow bugs had wasn't the same as the relationship Aron and his shadow bugs had. It's not that Aron didn't treat them well, it's just he never really talked to them like Noah did. He never really gave them orders, but instead, told them to follow him. The shadow bugs didn't really know what to think of Aron. Aron never really raided any villages or cities, and so he never used his shadow bugs much.

As Aron and the five shadow bugs behind him started to walk to the village, they looked around for Noah. Unfortunately, Aron didn't see Noah, but what he did see was some sort of creature flying right above him. Something about the creature looked familiar, but Aron couldn't tell why.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shen Hollows Character Portrait: Serena
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#, as written by Chloé
Serena opened her eyes, blinking a couple of times until her vision wasn’t blurry anymore. She hadn't slept well. She had dreamed about her parents, and the way they had been brutally murdered by Getsus Enterprises. She had always liked to hang out with dreamwalkers on the seashore or river banks, but now she didn't know which ones she could trust. She pushed herself up and brushed some water plants off of her light blue tail.

Serena swam out of her under water cave and looked around, quickly inspecting the water, like she always did. Once she was certain that everything was safe, she swam to the place where the sea connected to one of the rivers of Interactive Dream Dimension. As she swam through the river she grabbed some water flowers to bring along as a snack.

When she arrived at her destination she swam up to the surface and rested her arms on the river bank. She looked at the little village in front of her. This was one of her favorite places to be. Though all of her friends had moved to another village in an attempt to flee from Getsus Enterprises, she still liked it here. Watching two-legged creatures living their lives was quite interesting.

Suddenly she saw a boy run off and disappear into the forest. He was fast, for a human. He had looked a little panicked and he was wounded. She could feel it if a wounded creature was nearby. She wondered if he was alone too.

Serena rested her chin on her hands, nibbling one of the water flowers, silently observing the village. Something about the village felt different. Like something was wrong. She'd felt this way before and could only hope it wasn't what she thought it was.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aron Michaels Character Portrait: Noah Ryuuzaki
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"Noah, i'm coming into the village from the east side, just so you know."

Noah heard Aron's reply through the speaker as she stopped a little further off from the location she had told him. She approached the entrance and stopped after taking a few steps into the village. Some of the townspeople were already giving her dirty looks and a couple of them shrunk back in fear as they spotted the little shadow bug trailing alongside Noah's feet. A man stepped in front of her and Noah stopped and looked at him, he had an annoyingly stubborn look in his eyes. "Your people are not welcome here. Leave." the man demanded firmly, though Noah showed no reaction. She looked up at him, keeping her hands at her sides. "This village will now fall under the rule of Getsus Enterprises." She said to him, her voice calm. "If you surrender peacefully, no harm will come to you."

"And if we don't?" the man scoffed, holding a short sword in one of his hands.

"Then I will have no other choice but to take your village by force. I trust you'll see my reasoning." She said, though the man didn't look like he'd changed his mind. "This is our world!" the man yelled lunging forward and holding up the sword. Noah turned slightly and took a small step back before quickly drawing her katana and clashing it with the man's blade. Sparks flew and the blade the man was wielding flew into the air as Noah spun and hit the man in the back of the neck with the blunt side of her sword. He fell to the ground and a few gasps from women sounded in the audience. "Fonfon." She said, sliding the sword back into its sheath. Only a second later a scream could be heard from one side of the village, then a few more. "I told them to surrender.." She said softly, eying the few people that stood around her. She turned her gaze away from them and walked a little further before making her way up onto the roof of one of the buildings with Fonfon next to her. If Aron had heard the screams the shadow bugs that Noah had already sent into the village, he's know that the attack was officially starting.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Aron Michaels Character Portrait: Nemui
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The little black cat sat on top of a box nibbling on a fish she'd snatched from a market stand. Since the village was so close to a large river, there were quite a few stands that had been selling fish. Nemui had gotten lucky with the salmon. She leaned down to take another bite, but stopped as she heard the scream of a woman nearby. She felt the hair on her neck tingle and her ears snapped forward. She jumped down from the box and stopped at the edge of the alley, eyes widening at the sight in front of her. The shadow bug screamed, it's smiling mouth parting as it lunged towards a little girl. Many people were running and scrambling to get away, but the little girl just stared at the creature, completely oblivious to the danger in front of her. "Celi!!!!" Nemui heard a woman scream from somewhere in the crowd, but no one stopped to help the little girl as they tried to save themselves.

As if her body moved on its own, Nemui spread her wings and dashed into the air, over the heads of the humans and straight for the shorter figure of the shadow bug. She let out a screech and stretched out her claws before slashing them through the creatures head. The thing let out a loud screech and shrunk back, black liquid dripping over its eyes. Next Nemui looked up at the little girl, who looked at Nemui like some kind of fluffy bunny. The cat knew the girl would follow her. She turned and made her way down another alley way and in between some buildings, the girl following behind her with a little smile on her face. She stopped closer to the edge of the city, then turned and looked at the girl before changing into her human form. The little girl was very surprised. "Wow, kitty! You're a little girl like me!" The young girl gasped and Nemui let out a sigh. "Look, hide in here for now." She said, nudging the girl into a small shack before closing the door. "Don't come out until it's absolutely silent." She said, before turning and running down the alley way and stopping at the edge of the village before spotting a familiar face. It was the strange human from earlier, though he had a few of those same shadow bugs around him. "No way..he's one of them.." she whispered to herself, turning back into her cat form and hiding behind the stone wall of a building. As if she cared all that much. She just wanted to get out of this village before it got any worse, though she was a little upset that she ditched her meal for the little girl.

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shen Hollows Character Portrait: Penelope (Penny) Miller Character Portrait: Tamako Enzomo Character Portrait: Elora Dawn
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Shen ran as fast as his body could carry him. His vision was getting blurry, but he forced himself to stay conscious. The vision had sapped away the last of his energy, and now he was fighting on pure willpower alone. He made it back to the group he had seen before. All were sitting around, talking as if their world weren't being torn apart right in front of their very eyes. Shen was panting wildly, but he caught is breath and said, "LISTEN! SHUT UP AND LISTEN! ANOTHER VILLAGE IS ABOUT TO BE BURNED. MORE LIVES ARE GOING TO BE LOST!." His voice commanded attention, and even though he was exhausted, his voice was loud and firm. He looked each person in the eye as he said, "Look, I know you don't know me, and I know you Dream Walkers have no idea what is going on but... If you don't want this world to waste away, you have to listen and you have to help me."

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Serena
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#, as written by Chloé
It didn't take long until Serena found out that what she'd feared was happening right now. The fishermen along the river had run off into the village or into the forest. She heard people screaming and tried to think of something she could do. There wasn't much to do since she couldn't move well on land and would be an extremely easy target. Suddenly, she got an idea. In a flash she was back underwater, searching the bottom of the river.

Once she was back to the surface, she had four snakes with her. They weren't the most powerful creatures and their poison couldn't cause more than a blurry vision, severe dizziness and maybe a little nausia, but it was all she could find in a short amount of time.

She held the snakes up and said: "As you know, our world is being destroyed. We live in this world together and must help each other fight back. This village is being destroyed right now and I want you to attack the people from Getsus Enterprises. Make sure they don't see you before you attack. I'm not sure what they look like, but they'll have shadow bugs with them. They have good fighting skills and they'll be the ones who aren't screaming or running. Go."

The snakes nodded and crawled up towards the village. Serena knew they would probably only cause a little distraction, but it might give some people the time to run away.

Serena went under water again and swam towards the sea. Once she'd arrived at her cave she grabbed her trident, the one her father had always used to fight with the people from Getsus Enterprises before he died. She didn't think she'd need it, but brought it along back to the riverbank just in case.

When all this was over, she'd help heal the survivors. If there would be any...
