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Mech Battles



a part of Mech Battles, by ZacharyTC.

Home to a presidential democracy that has an environmentally friendly economy.

ZacharyTC holds sovereignty over Benjlakk, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

524 readers have been here.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:

gundam, gundam seed, gundam seed destiny, gundam: the 08th ms team, code geass, infinite stratos (first season), star wars



(A map to the islands off the mainland will be here, later.)

It is pretty much set up a lot like the United States: three branches of government balancing each other out, a constitution dictating the roles of each branch, a bill of rights, and all that jazz. A major difference is that it is not just two parties with a large hold of the power. It is also environmentally friendly; renewable energy sources are the dominant method of electricity in Benjlakk.

The eastern regions, collectively called Fertaninn, are a paradise for farmers, agricultural workers, and biological researchers. This is also where many of the great solar technicians can be found. People often move to this region to escape the fuss of politics and the like due to the relatively untouched wildlife and plant life. This part of the country includes Benjlakk's capital, the District of Justicra, where Congress, the President, the Supreme Court, and several headquarters to other important parts of the federal government reside.

Within the District of Justicra is a vibrant mix of cultures, along with a hub for philosophy and debate. Bakeries, restaurants, prestigious colleges, and the famous Justicra Library (comparable to the Library of Congress in our world), make this city home. The District of Justicra is where the cultures within the country and around the world mix the most, which is obvious in the food, architecture, and other aspects of life there.

Among other important cites in the District of Justicra is Diplomacy Square, where guests from foreign countries are entertained and citizens from all over Benjlakk, no matter their standing, come to both entertain and be entertained. An additionally significant part of local culture here is the Justicra Forum, historically known for its being central to the city's economy and government due to many markets and government buildings residing here. Some big-name news channels have headquarters here, too. This is even the place for the famous Justicra Library, a scholarly hub Benjlakk is proud of.


After much of human-kind started migrating from what is now Omegara (people still live there) to a lot of the rest of Myrstrakira due to the change of climate from tropical to arid, thousands of years ago, Benjlakk's ancestors moved to the continent where today's Benjlakki Republic, Aphulan Union, Gammafran Republic, and Betaku Kingdom reside.

Benjlakk itself started off as a small piece of land where its capital, the District of Justicra, is located, along the northern coast of Southeastern Fertaninn. During those ancient times, Fertaninn was warlike, with the countries within vying for territory and resources to develop their nations. Justicra was agricultural and could thus support a larger army than its neighbors. These Justicrans that formed Benjlakk's foundations were even capable of building large ships for transport, a massive edge whenever dragged into a war with neighbors that attacked them. Each victory resulted in more territory, as well as the initial tensions from within the new territory that resulted from that. In war, the early Benjlakki were ruthless, yet they refrained from massacres and city razing, showing their brutality in the aftermath through the executing of an enemy nation's leaders, as well as the taking down of riots and such.

A couple to a few thousand years later (even the Benjlakki themselves are unsure of when their nation began, exactly), most of present-day Benjlakk was under Benjlakki jurisdiction. By then, tensions from conquered peoples have clamed to where they were a thing of the past, for the most part. This was also when Benjlakk's first immigrants came into their borders due to a thriving eco-friendly economy and the millennia-long policy of neutrality unless provoked.

The last major war on Benjlakk's part in regards to conquest happened 70 years ago, when a nation to the west called Franlishirko (present-day Franklisha, one of the more than 50 States) wished to force Benjlakk into helping them with a war against Betaku (one of the magic-dominated nations) by taking civilians hostage. That angered Benjlakk and caused a five-year long war. This was where Benjlakk's first mechs, not quite as advanced as now, were applied in combat. It resulted in the whole area being conquered, the leaders of that nation (along with all military personnel) executed, and all weapons from there taken.

Riots after that were met with the sound of rifles upon the rioters. some time after things cooled down, about a half-century ago, extremists wanted revenge and rebelled in a join operation by other people who held a centuries-long grudge against the Benjlakki government (despite how much matters calmed down since each conquest), where the most intense civil war in Benjlakki history took place. This war was where much of the inspiration for the current military technology came from, since mechs had to be delveoped swiftly to counter one another's swift advancements during this seven-year long war. Once the rebellion was crushed, Benjlakk's military training increased.

It has been 43 years since that civil war's end, and now the Republic of Benjlakk fully recovered from it. The recovery was made obvious by a military academy formed in Franklisha ten years after the civil war. It is here that naval and army personnel to the west jointly operating their training sessions for officers and other student who show promise as sailors, pilots, and soldiers.
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Home to a presidential democracy that has an environmentally friendly economy.


Benjlakk is a part of Myrstrarkia.

4 Characters Here

Zechariah Malachi [3] "We're all the same on the battlefield."
Tadeas Moraitis [1] "I wonder how my gardens doing without me..."
Bibiana Armine Durrans [1] Daughter and Successor to Duke Adelias Durrans of Lexcorvi
Kalila Alfaro [0] "Kalila's the name! Being a snipers my game!"

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Character Portrait: Benjamin Malachi Character Portrait: Zechariah Malachi Character Portrait: Oriana Aspiral
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Zechariah listened before making his explanation of what he heard of the Moon Force. "Well, they were speaking in Metargo, and had Metargo accents, if that helps any." The question regarding Princess Sorell left him feeling awkward, laughing nervously. "Funny you should ask. I only found out it was her when I noticed how beat up she was and that she had purple eyes. That happened in the men's shower cabin. Don't ask for anymore than that regarding how I found out it was her. It was... awkward." Clearing his throat, he added, "She was scared stiff as I got curious as to why she was there, and once I lifted the hat and noticed her eyes, I freaked out over the fact she was here, and knew right away that the dot I saw in the sky during a water break before she got here was in fact the shuttle that crashed with her in it. She must have received all those bruises from that incident. She eventually broke out into tears, which left me trying to cheer her up with holograms of kittens and puppies, neither of which worked, so I hugged her. Right as I had managed to assure her everything would be all right, Ben here walked in and was about to shoot. I was able to convince him not to by hinting at a court marshal in front of the President. You know the rest."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Zechariah Malachi Character Portrait: Sorell Metargo Character Portrait: Bibiana Armine Durrans Character Portrait: Tadeas Moraitis
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Bibiana responded to Tadeas' query with, "It is advanced enough in the androids that they can think independently in case they need to. If you think about it logically, it would make sense, since there are people who will try to take advantage of them and thus have them do something that would be detrimental to both themselves and other people. Other machines are good enough in their AI to do what they are programmed to do without a hitch."


Karl finished giving his report of how the King's Fleet was with the campaign along the coast to his father, Romano Lopez. The son of the Prime Minister never approved of the war, and everybody knew it. His friendship with Zechariah Malachi was no secret amongst the nobility and politicians, either. This made him the target of constant insults and accusations of being unpatriotic. He would defend his honor, but he had bigger concerns, at the moment. He felt it his duty to try to secure a ceasefire, somehow. He knew Oriana personally, which meant he could talk to her about the matter to see what could be done. Just as he was about to try to connect to her, he heard the door open. "Who is it?" Once he heard Princess Sorell's voice, he turned around and bowed. "How may I be of service, milady?"

Hearing Zechariah's name left him in speechless anger for a moment. Has she come to mock me, too? I'll have none of it! His anger subsided as he realized Sorrel was merely curious. "Pardon my rude stare. People in Parliament have mocked me for my friendship with Zechariah. Yes, I know him." He brought out a set of recording goggles he made years ago, plus a record disk. "When I first met him, I was wearing these recording goggles I invented to catch on video the inside of the school I was the exchange student to in a small Fertaninn town in Benjlakk. He was running frantically to avoid some girls who were enamored with him. He always was a child on the inside."

He replayed the recording he made of Zechariah sprinting very swiftly while shouting a long and loud "Help me!" It was followed by a view of the girls looking for him and Karl's voice talking to them.

<I>"Excuse me, sir! Have you seen Zecahriah Malachi?"
"He's blond, with blue eyes, and is a bit childlike in demeanor."

"Hmm..." Karl looked behind him. "Looked a bit timid to be a Malachi."

"That's him!" All three girls exclaimed.

Karl turned his head and pointed. "I think he went down the hall to the right." It was a lie, of course: he was trying to help the poor boy get away. The girls fell for it and went on their way while thanking him.</I>

"Of course, even though he'd run the moment a girl would try to kiss him or anything like that, he would help anyone who was crying, as shown by this recording provided by his brother, Benjamin," Karl added as he played another recording.

It was Zechariah's seventh birthday, and a clown was trying to entertain the kids. It came short when one of the girls present cried in fear of the clown. Zechariah's parents apologized for the incident and paid what was owed to the clown, who politely said with a smile, "It was a pleasure, regardless," before being on his way.

Zechariah tried to calm the girl as the clown left, but to no avail as she kept crying. Thinking while pacing, he noticed the pet kitten named Tiger and picked him up to show the poor girl. "Kitty cat?" While it got her attention, it failed to stop the tears. He gently put Tiger down and then noticed the three-month-old puppy named Su-Su and picked her up to show the crying girl. "Puppy?" Success. She held the puppy in her arms like a mother would a baby and calmed down while complimenting on how cute Su-Su was. She lowered the puppy to the floor and leaned forward to kiss Zechariah, who timidly ran to his mom. The previously-crying girl thought it cute and giggled.

With those two recordings out of the way, Karl went on to explain more about his friend. "The reason he would run off was because he was afraid of what would happen if he saw a lady as more than a friend. One of these days, though, he'll find the one to settle down with. Not that he'd have to search for long: he is quite accomplished in Solar Technology. I even helped with his inventions, from time to time. We exchanged knowledge on machinery and robotics. He is also very kindhearted, as you may have noticed. If he's been drafted, something tells me he will find every opportunity to try not to kill, if he can help it."

He then turned to the schematics for Gary, the robotic bird. "He once stood up for me when some classmates called me a rich scoundrel due to my being the son of the Prime Minister, whom has been rumored to do shady business behind the scenes. There is some truth to the rumors, but still, I did not take kindly to such insults. Zechariah was about the only one who came to my defense. To express my gratitude, I offered to make designs and help build a robotic pet for him. We ended up calling the mechanical bird, "Gary". It has been a symbol of our friendship, ever since. One thing I can attest to about him is this: when you are around him, you are in good hands."

Zechariah finally had some alone time. He used this time to think up strategies he can use for when Brown Wing Team was up in space. Whoever this Moon Force was, they were formidable to have taken control of the space station. His thoughts returned to Sorell from time to time. It is weird... I never let a gal kiss me, before. I wonder if maybe I... He shook that thought out of his head. Him with the Princess of his enemies? That was preposterous! Why would she be interested in him? There were plenty of boys among the nobles in Metargo she could mingle with and become the wife to! What were the odds?


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Character Portrait: Zechariah Malachi Character Portrait: Sorell Metargo
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Sorell Metargo -

It made Sorell happy to learn more about her savior and part of her felt relief that what she thought to know about the soldier had proven true. He seemed kind and sweet way to much for his own good. Looking up at Karl she supposed she owed him an explanation of sorts. "Thank you for showing me these... I know its probably weird for the princess to be asking about this guy. But its because I... M-Met him." She felt herself blushed and she wanted to groan. "I don't know how fast news travels up the grapevine. But I crash landed in Benjlakki territory and ended up in a military base, Zech saved me and got me out." She felt her cheeks start burning. "I-I gave him my number." Saying it out loud made her sound crazy. Sorell had rejected every guy to ever come her way, selfish men from noble blood who wanted to get close to her family. They never seemed to see her as a person, just as a princess. Zechariah hadn't seemed to think twice about it. Of course he'd mentioned how killing her would affect political stuff but face to face he treated her sweetly and fairly. She really did hope he'd called her she had so much to say. But realizing she was still in Karls office made her desire to say more she'd just told Prime Minister son she was consorting with an enemy after all. "You probably think im crazy... Please don't tell anyone."