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Elroy Cedric


0 · 569 views · located in The Manor

a character in “Mon Coeur”, as played by FaddedFox



what a beautiful day! Perfect for exploring.

Image Image
Human 10





My, what do we have here? A chance encounter perhaps? Or is this fate?

【Playful】 【Protective】 【Adventurous】 【Impulsive】

Elroy absolutely loves life and it almost seems like nothing can bring him down. He is young so some of that energy is to be expected in youth his age, but his bubbly positivism is contagious. He always puts things in a lighter perspective and he believes in standing up for your decisions. Whatever happens in the world, even events that are beyond your control, your choices make the difference. Regardless if the choice was bad or good in the long run, it was a choice you made and there is no sense crying over it. You just needed to make better choices in the future. This attitude allows him to overcome adverse situations by always looking to the future rather than ruminating on the past or present woes. After a decision has been made, Elroy is a firm believer in owning up to it as well, even if the consequences are negative ones. He's very responsible when it comes to his actions and promises to others. He does not take these things lightly though his fun-loving nature can make him out to be a scatter brained child.

When focused on the present and the wonders to explore, Elroy acts like a curious pup. Much to his parents chagrin, he is a wanderer and loves to explore and experience new things. He doesn't like mundane routine and if bored enough, he stirs up a bit of trouble. He is not mean-spirited however and will generally try to at least get his chores done before he wanders off for hours. His impulsive wonder-lust has often led his parents on mad runs searching for him and his younger twin who he usually manages to drag along with him on his adventures. He of course, then takes the full blame willingly for his actions and makes sure his parents know it was all his idea. If there is one thing he can't stand, it is the idea of someone else being punished for his actions.

Being the hormonal youth he is, he is flirtatious even when it may be best not to show his preference to strangers. He can't seem to hold himself back, speaking bluntly and trying to be suave, though this doesn't always work, considering in all actuality, he is still rather naive about relationships and only has one encounter in his repertoire to draw from. Beneath the outward flirtations bravado, he's sweet and shy, much like his brother. His innocence and inexperience can make him a gullible target for some and a fun source for people to make the normally outspoken teen fall into an abashed blushing boy.

As mentioned earlier, Elroy tends be very social and loves to be part of a gathering though he doesn't necessarily want ot be the center of attention. He is charismatic and loves meeting new people, but beware anyone that harms his brother. When it comes to Rui, Elroy shows why he is really Sabine's 'mongoose'. He is tenacious and bravely jumps to his brother's defense, doing anything he can to protect his brother, even if it costs him his own safety. He never wants anything to happen to his brother and takes his role as 'big brother' very seriously.


I'm just average. I would rather talk about your handsome looks. ~


Elroy is young farmer and his body is testament to the hard labor. His body is mature with lean muscle and he's stronger that you'd guess by looking at him. He burns a lot of energy and retains little fat. His face is yet softened by boyish charm and the constant smile on his face. His hands are weathered by hard work however and have given way to a callouses. His short copper strands frame his face, further enhancing his youthful appearance. Elroy has grown some of his bangs out more than his brother simply because he enjoys having a little longer hair, though the rest of it is cropped short. His skin has also taken on a sun-kissed look for his long days in the sun. He doesn't particularly think he is the hottest thing out there, but he does take pride in looking presentable when he can. Obviously on the farm, one tends to get buddy quickly and he doesn't abhor the work he does; but if he is going to market, he'll do his best to look well manicured. You never know just who you'll meet. Though identical to his brother in physical aspect, the twins do have a slight difference in eye color. Unlike his younger brother, Elroy's green eyes are an emerald hue, reflecting the rich green of the forest trees. Depending on the light however, their shades may appear more similar which can add to the confusion when a stranger is trying to identify who is who. Elroy swears his parents would confuse the two of them if he kept his bangs as short as his brother's, though he doesn't mind.


Elroy absolutely loves fancy clothes. They are clothes he cannot buy for himself, and never in his wildest dreams, thought they were things he could obtain in this lifetime. He had grown up used to wearing clothing his mother had to sew and resew and re-resew. It basically consisted of a pair of pants and a patched shirt. Once in a while the family would buy new plain clothes, but generally speaking, they were more practical considering their life's work. Now that Sabine will buy them clothes and he can wear whatever he wants, he absolutely loves to dress up in fancy things. He loves vibrant colors and silky textures and enjoys the difference in appearance it provides. The clothes actually give him a figure and he's discovering he has curves! His old clothes didn't do him any favors in the looks department. Sometimes he can act a tad vain and preen like a peacock. He treats it almost like a dress-up game and loves to try on new things. He'd let anyone put him in anything really. He wouldn't even mind putting on a dress just because he could and he doesn't have to worry about what others are going to say about it. He probably wouldn't choose to wear a dress all the time, but it doesn't hurt to try it once or twice. He is all about exploring new things. General speaking however, when he is more concerned with comfort, he returns to his simple tastes and warmth. He prefers being hot over old and generally wears long shirts and pants.


If everyone stayed positive, this would be a much happier world.


【Animals】 ▬▬▬ They are just sweet and innocent and want love. What's not to like?

【Exploring】 ▬▬▬ As mentioned before, he loves going on adventures.

【People】 ▬▬▬ He likes meeting new people and being around others.


【Wandering】 ▬▬▬ Wandering, exploring, sight seeing, anything that requires moving.

【Pestering his brother】 ▬▬▬ He adores his brother and loves to bug him or drag him along on his adventures and just seeing what he is up to. There are only rare occasions when the two aren't together.

【Sabine】 ▬▬▬ Sabine is a mystery to Elroy; and Elroy wants to know more about the strange creature that saved his brother and brought him into his home.


【Being alone】 ▬▬▬ It is one thing to explore on your own, it is entirely different to be alone. He is a social person and genuinely doesn't like being solitary for long.

【Blaming】 ▬▬▬ Elroy hates it when people blame others for their problems or don't take responsibility for changing their lives.

【Rude people】 ▬▬▬ There is no reason to be rude to others so he doesn't like it when people are obnoxious to others.

【Routine】 ▬▬▬ The same thing over and over and over again gets boring.
What's engaging about routine?


【Losing Tauri】 ▬▬▬ His brother is very important to him and he can't bear the thought of losing him.

【claustrophobia】 ▬▬▬ Small space, little room to move. Enough said.

【Snakes】 ▬▬▬ When exploring when he was younger, he was bit by a snake and nearly died. He was pretty lucky to have gotten treatment fast enough to prevent the poison from spreading. It wasn't fun.

【Being single】 ▬▬▬ He's young, but he knows the world doesn't approve of homosexual relationships so he does have a fear that he'll never find real love.


It was my choice to be here. I won't regret it, good or bad the outcome.

The Before

Before Sabine, Life was a calm place, all about routine. He came from a farming family and it was his duty, along with his brother, to tend to the field and the animals that resided there. It was the same routine every day; wake before the dawn and get to work, come in at night to eat and go to sleep to wake up and do it all over again. Being the adventurous lad he is, that routine became very tiring from time to time and he needed to find ways to break up the monotony of it all."Elroy!" was a common shout across the farm as his parents tried to find the wayward youth. He always wandered off into the forest that resided outside of their family's fence. There was something new to explore every single time you went inside and it was just this big giant world of wonders. Of course, he dragged his brother along with him and showed him everything he found fascinating. His parents would often reprimand Elroy for going off alone and putting himself and Tarui in danger but Elroy didn't really see it as danger. At least not until he was bitten by a snake and nearly died. Even afterwards however, his need to explore was never curbed.

Strangers were a rare occurrence on the farm, but they did have a few that ended up resting at their home on their way to the town. Generally these people didn't stay for long and were forgotten after their initial excitement. Once stranger however, left their mark on Elroy. It was an older soldier who happened to be injured and needed a little rest and recovery before he could continue on his journey. Elroy tended to him and the two became close. The soldier had been openly flirtatious which was new for Elroy and he was yearning. Perhaps the soldier saw the gullible innocence in Elroy or maybe for the time, the soldier did like the farm boy. In any case, the soldier flirted his way into Elroy's bed. Elroy consented to the soldier's advance and learned what it was like to be in loving arms, enraptured by honeyed words and gentle touches. It was bitter sweet for Elroy because he had wanted the experience with the man, but he wasn't stupid. He knew it was a one night stand. The soldier couldn't stay and he didn't believe the man's words that he would return to him. Why would a soldier return to a silly farm hand? Elroy knew it was coming and yet waking up alone still left the jolly youth aching for the loss. Elroy consoled himself with the fact that regardless of what happened in the future, whether it was lonely or forced into marriage, he'd have something he could remember and hold dear in his memory.

As he grew older, he became more responsible and usually didn't go sneaking around until late at night when the farm work was over. He still dragged his brother off with him on all of his adventures; never wanting to really be apart from his brother. Tarui was his brother but also his best friend and he loved being an 'older brother'. Even from a young age, he took to the role and made sure Tarui was safe and protected, even though the two are only seconds apart in age. The two of them only got closer and the brothers are practically inseparable. And it was this closeness that saved Tarui's life and Elroy showed just how much he loved his twin.

The two had traveled to town and on their way back, Elroy stayed behind to buy something for his brother's birthday as it was coming and they didn't often go to market. As Elroy went to catch up to Tarui, their world shattered. A lone wolf sprang from the forest with Tarui in its sight. Elroy screamed for his brother but it was too late. The wolf pounced on his twin. His brother's scream tore at Elroy as the youth rushed towards the scene, unthinking of his own safety. He hurled the present at the wolf and rocks besides until the wolf backed away from Tarui and ran away as Elroy continued to shout and throw things. The youth dropped beside his bleeding brother and cradled him gently. Bloody marks riddled his brother and there was nothing he could do. He'd stopped the death blow but now Tarui was left gasping and gurgling in his own blood. Elroy broke down into near hysterics, begging his brother to be okay, trying futile to stem the flow of blood from the death wounds. It was on this scene that Sabine had stumbled upon them, on his way to the town. Elroy knew there was nothing really anyone could do for his brother but he reached out a bloody hand towards the stranger anyway and begged Sabine to help his brother.

It was a miracle. Sabine knelt down beside his dying brother and healed him. Elroy watched in amazement as the wounds began to close and his brother breathed easier. He thanks Sabine over and over again for his miracle work as he clung to his brother, overcome with joy in the face of the impossible. But then Sabine picked Tarui up into his arms and made a move to hurry away. Confused and alarmed, Elroy clung to Sabine and begged him not to take his brother away from him. He couldn't bare the thought of being separated but Sabine refused and then continued to refuse when Elroy empowered the man to take him to.

In a last mad gamble, Elroy pulled free his knife and stabbed himself, giving himself a wound that would have been fatal and forced Sabine to take him along. Elroy knew he had just gambled with his life and the odds had been stacked against him, but that just goes to prove just how tenacious he can be and how much he loves Tarui.

The After

Elroy's personality hasn't much changed since being brought in. It was his decision to come along so how could he fault Sabine? Sabine who'd saved his brother and then brought him along? Since it was his choice that brought him to Sabine's household, he continues to be his bubbly and happy self, trying to bring cheer to the others of the house and striking up a conversation with everyone. He stands beside his creed that once a decision is made, you live with it and don't look back because there is no 'what if' or 'should have'. There is no point. All there is is the present and the future possibilities. Sabine has given him a new experience and he is eager to explore what this new life has to offer him and his brother. And of course, he'll eternally be besides Tarui to protect him. If anything the incident made him closer to his brother. He failed to save his brother from the wolf, but he wouldn't let anything like that happen to him ever again.

So begins...

Elroy Cedric's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Female Face Claims Character Portrait: Ezrael Flavaar Character Portrait: Nikki Oceantide
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Character Portrait: K'gara K'gara says,
 “ I drowned in its stomach ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Female Face Claims Character Portrait: Ezrael Flavaar Character Portrait: Nikki Oceantide
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K'gara sighs


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Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Female Face Claims
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Character Portrait: K'gara K'gara says,
 “ I'm probably halfway to being a glob of mush by now ”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Female Face Claims
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#, as written by Remæus
Janemba giggled with glee at all of the new playtoys.

he exclaimed before promptly bounding deeper into hell.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Female Face Claims
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K'gara yelps with fear at this


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Avixia Nova Character Portrait: Test Character Portrait: Male Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Female Face Claims - Anime Character Portrait: Eve Angelline Character Portrait: Female Face Claims
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K'gara then just sighs and starts sobbing into her arms again.