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Monster Middle School:A School for the Broken

MMS: Monster Middle School


a part of Monster Middle School:A School for the Broken, by CreeperKittenXX.


CreeperKittenXX holds sovereignty over MMS: Monster Middle School, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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MMS: Monster Middle School is a part of Monster Middle School:A School for the Broken.

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Kanon Hibiki [0] A mermaid fearful of water.
Kuro Genisis [0] The scared Immortal
Violet Ikeda [0] The witch who can't perform a spell.
Astrid Torsten [0] "I won't do it. No matter what."
Fiona McCormick [0] "No, I don't wanna fly..."
Felix Cross [0] "Are you making fun of me?"
Alexander Keridon [0] If you don't stop im going to.... And then I will.... PAIN!
Sakura Yuma [0] The song-less siren

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After a while of sitting against his door and regaining his breath and composure, Felix gained the nerve to stand. He unzipped the bag in his hands and reached inside to find something. My candy stash should be here somewhere... After a few moments of searching, he got confused and frustrated when he didn't find anything. He took out a book. I've never seen this before. On the inside label it read Kuro Genisis. ...I grabbed the wrong bag. Twitching, he put the book back in the bag and zipped it up, opening his door and walking back outside where the others were all still standing around.

"Don't you underlings have anything better to do?" Felix grumbled as he passed by them, pointedly avoiding eye contact with the redheaded fairy. He walked up to the boy and grabbed the bag in his hands, trading it with the one he'd taken. Feeling a little on edge, he opened his bag, dug around, and pulled out a lollipop to eat. "You're lucky none of my candy got crushed," he mumbled in agitation. He looked around at the others and sighed melodramatically. "Alright, since I have nothing better to do... What are your names and what are your issues?" The only one he'd managed to overhear was the siren who couldn't sing. "By the way, my name's Felix Cross. Memorize it."

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#, as written by Dsar
Looking at Astrid feeling a bit downgraded and then she explained her self a bit more about her proublem. Kuro then understood a bit but he was confused to either be insulted or be happy that shes not completely afraid of him. Then Sakura stated that she was a siren that couldnt sing, she studdered on the sing part a bit it was obvious she was embarassed about it.

Kuro didnt know if he should throw out his weakness in his mind he thought it would be rather bad ending, he didnt want anyone to take advantage, but feeling more welcome around the two he said in his manner of voice "Im an Immortal and my proublem is---..." Kuro was inturrupted by somone swaping the bags in his hand, He would quickly turn around to see the same person to command him around.

He quickly pulled somthing out of his bag that he had taken back, it seemed to be a lolipod, Kuro isnt to interested in sweets but he then quickly silenced himself to attempted to keep himself a more of a ghost to the newly formed group he didnt want to say his weakness to somone who already looks at him as a servant.

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Fiona stood confused as the guy took his bag and ran off. He's afraid of fire? She thought to.herself as she stared in the direction he ran. She felt a little bad about that, then again how would she know that was his issue. She eventually let the fire go out as she looked back at the rest of the group. "You're welcome." She mumbled to the one guy who said thank you.

After a minute someone ran into her. "Oh it's quite alright, are you okay?" She asked the girl while looking at her. She wasn't paying too much attention to the rest of the group now, that is until the boy who was afraid of fire came back. She looked at him and considered apologizing, but then he spoke and that consideration disappeared.

She sighed as she finally decided to answer his question to them all. "Well I'm Fiona and I'm a fairy who doesn't like to fly." She said as she looked to all of them and thn "And I'm sorry for scaring you like I did." She finally said with a sigh.

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Felix realized the kid next to him had stopped explaining what his issue was. Kuro, he knew the name from the book he checked in the wrong bag. He raised an eyebrow. "Well? What's your problem?" he asked, trying to push the immortal to just spit it out. As he was doing this, the fairy turned her attention on him and he unconsciously took a step back, his expression unchanging however. A fairy who doesn't like to fly, huh? he thought, looking her over. Weird. "And I'm sorry for scaring you like I did."

He blinked, then narrowed his eyes in a glare. "I wasn't scared," he emphasized. "You just caught me off guard." He sniffed, taking a bite out of his lollipop and looking away in agitation. A siren who can't sing, a fairy who won't fly, and an immortal with some sort of issue. What a school, he thought with a shake of his head.

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#, as written by Dsar
"Umm..i-i" Kuro mummbled twoards felix until he got what seemed to be distracted by talking to the farie,There seemed to be another person ontop of the farie as well she wasnt speaking as much but he then noticed at this time Felix was distracted.

Kuro quickly took this opertunity to look over at sakura and astrid and said " It was nice meeting you but im going to go see where my dorm is" He looked over at Felix to see he was still talking to the farie, and at that point he looked at the two girls then the paper at the wall, Quickly he walked over to the paper and saw the dorm he was in and who he was between. He only read Fiona and Violet he didnt take much for time to read the rest. After that he quickly moved again over and down the hallway to were his dorm is.

Only with a slight movement of the hand he opened his door to a large window and bed, a basic room with a bathroom has nessecities to live, Kuro ploped his bag on the side of the door and closed it behind him.He took a deep breath and just stared out the window out twoards the school.

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#, as written by Akantha
Astrid was listening to Kuro before she noticed that a boy was coming down the hall. Rather it was that boy. The one who was a barbarian out of all respects. She shifted back to hide behind Sakura just a bit more. She wasn't surprised about Sakura's problem. She wouldn't want to sing in front of people either but maybe that wasn't what bothered her the most. Her gaze lifted to touch Sakura's face. I wonder.. She shook the thought away and glanced back to Felix. Brute. So uncool. that's right! You can't do anything to me from here. Savage! She stuck her tongue out at him then realized she must have been making a fool of herself and looked to Fiona who had just explained her problem.

A fairy that can't fly? Wow. Now that's bad. But I guess I'm kinda bad too. Darn it. Her lips formed a suitable pout. She didn't want to tell the mean man what was wrong with her. He would just become more of a brute. Kuro wasn't a brute. He's a girly man! A girl in disguise. Her tail waved in tune to her thoughts even though the pout remained on her face. She sighed lightly. Better just to get it over with right? She couldn't turn the challenge down after all. "I'm Astrid. My problem is none of your business." She cowered slightly but puffed out her chest giving off the image of courage even though she had backed up a few more feet. "However, since your so interested I'll tell you. I'm afraid of men even though I'm a succubus." She crossed her arms over her chest and let out a small "Hmph!" She didn't need his opinion or any other man's. They were all scum anyways right? She took a shaky breath before giving a small wave to Kuro who was taking his leave for whatever reason she hadn't been paying attention too.

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Fiona couldn't help but roll her eyes at Felix. She now regretted apologizing cause he didn't deserve an apology. He deserved to be least in her opinion he did. She wasn't sure why she was being so mean right now, but she felt like she couldn't help it. "Really? Caught you off guard? Well now that you're on your guard you wont mind if I play with a little fire then do you?" She asked with a small smirk as she raised her hand up to in between them ready to create fire again. She paused on doing that though just to see what his reaction would be.

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"See 'ya !" Sakura exclaimed, waving to Kuro as he ran away. She turned to the boy who had just arrived, and judging by the others response to him being here, she could guess that he was the one who started the 'fight'.

"Hi! I'm Sakura, and I'm a siren who can't...." Come on Sakura, stop being such a wimp!

"I'm a siren who can't sing." she said, almost whispering. She glanced around, and relaxed a little bit.

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Felix paused for a moment, looking back as Kuro ran off to his room. He huffed. "Great, there goes my servant," he mumbled to himself, turning to glare at everyone around. He wasn't here to cause any troubles. In fact, he would much rather just stay away from all these annoying people as much as possible, but, well, frankly, he was bored. What did he have to do if he went to his room? Sit in silence and eat some candy? It's not like he had a laptop or a mini television. He was running low on sweets anyway. Maybe he'd sneak away after lights out and grab something. He was a Prince; so why would he have to follow the rules of this lame-o school? He didn't even want to be here.

He blinked at one of the girls who finally managed to confess her issue. He frowned, shifting awkwardly. "Really? You're scared of...well, me?" He snickered under his breath, but it was hollow. He glanced to the side and shrugged. "I...guess that's not so bad. That's what we're here for, right?" He smiled slightly, in place of a smirk. "Really? Caught you off guard? Well now that you're on your guard you wont mind if I play with a little fire then do you?"

Felix's complete attention was immediately turned to the fairy at the mention of 'fire.' He stared at her hands for a few second and took an unconscious step back, stopping at the wall. "Ah...Y-you," he gulped. He could physically feel his heartbeat quickening. "J-Just--I didn't do anything to you! So." He felt his eyes water up and he dropped to the ground, covering his face like he was waiting to be hit. "Just stop, okay? Please??" He felt himself start to hyperventilate. I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die. Fire is going to melt my skin off my bones, then turn my bones to ash, and kill me, and it's going to hurt the entire time.

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#, as written by Dsar
After a while Kuro had started to get board stareing into nothingness and thought that he would relax a little bit before any of the classes start, He went over to his bag to find it had already been opened, the first thing he saw was a book, this book had seemed to be opened but on the cover there was a text written in his race's language. He read it and the first thing he though was Burn it. He just stared at the book with disgust. He rummbled through his bag to see if he has a lighter, and that is exactly what he found. After that he had brought his lighter and book to the bathroom he just tossed the book into the sink. With his lighter in hand he attempted to flick it on but it wouldnt go, after multiple tries he then realised it was out of fuel. With a sigh he then remeber the farie can spawn fire with her hands.

Kuro then threw the lighter in his pocket and grabed the book.He only peaked out the door just to make sure he didnt hit anyone, After so he walked down the hall way seeing the look on the farries face he simply assumed felix had done somthing. Kuro just walked over to her and asked her right out "hey would you mind helping me burn somthing?" Kuro showed her the book , the only thing on the cover was the words in his races language.

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Fiona wasn't quite expecting that reaction at all. She instantly felt like a horrible person and let her hand drop. She couldn't speak or move for a minute as she thought of what to do. That's when the guy from earlier asked her to help him burn something. "Huh?" She asked while registering what he said. "Oh yeah, but hold on. I need to fix something I shouldn't have done." She said to him ans turned back to Felix.

She crouched down beside him and softly touched his arm. "Hey I'm real sorry. I shouldn't have done that to you, it was very mean and rude of me." She apologized softly to him. Then her small little hand softly grabbed one of his hands and pulled it away from his face. "I wouldn't ever really hurt you with the fire and I promise you I never will alright?" She promised him and gave him a kind smile to show him she was being serious. "I'm gonna go help Kuro burn something so I'll make sure we do that far away from you." She told him and then stood up again.

She turned back to Kuro and smiled. "Alrighty so what do you need me to burn for you?" She asked him with a smile.

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Do what? Felix blinked when his hand was removed from his face by the very person who threatened him with his worst fear. He instinctively flinched, but calmed quickly when she only spoke nice things to him. That was strange of her. Why would she be so nice after all those threats? He let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding when Fiona got up to help Kuro. He tensed again when they mentioned burning something. A book; it looked like the same one he picked up to check, except now that he was paying more attentioon there were weird letters and stuff on it. Probably just a language he didn't know. Immortals could be weird.

Standing to his feet, but still staying by the wall, Felix shifted. His face was red from embarrassment, but he could pass that off. He always found some way to do it. Augh, I'm an idiot. These idiots made me look like an idiot. Did I almost cry? I feel like a loser. Taking another deep breath, he merely nodded stiffly at Fiona about the book thing. He looked around at the rest of the people standing around still and hummed to himself. These people are judging me! How dare they just me! They're just waiting for the moment to make fun of me, I know it. I gotta do something. Pretending to brighten up, while his heartbeat was still racing with Fiona and her fire in the vicinity, he clasped his hands together. "Alright! Since Kuro is currently doing the unmentionable, who here would like to be my servant? Anybody, anybody at all?" When it didn't seem like he'd get a response, he pursed his lips.

Well, Astrid certainly wouldn't do, since she was afraid of men, and he wasn't a girl in any way. There was no way he was going to make Fiona do it. He wanted to be as far away as possible from her at all times, whether she promised she was going to do it or not. So that left only... "You! Sara, right? Suzy? Name's not important. Anyway, you should be my servant! It's not a bad job. Besides, it should be an honor to serve the Prince of the Underworld."

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"Excuse me? Who's Suzy?" Sakura asked, looking around ad pretending to be confused.

"Yeah, no. I'm Sakura, and I'd rather not be your servant." She glared at him. Who did he think that he was? Ordering people around and demanding a servant. Besides, he must have a horrible memory. She had literally just told him her name.

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#, as written by Dsar
Kuro saw her apologize to felix, In Kuros mind he didnt care much for Felix he seemed to be the person to cause trouble, In Kuros mind the futher away from Felix he is it may be better just so he doesnt have any trouble. As Fiona Came over to Kuro she asked what he needed to be burned.

Kuro lifted up a book, it seemed biblical almost had some sort of weird text on it very historic. but it didnt seem to old it was in a good condition not a tare on it."I just need this book burned...I didnt realize it was in my bag." He said is his calm queit voice, After he had shown her the book he put in back inbetween his tricept and side of his stomach.

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"Excuse me? Who's Suzy?" the girl asked. "Yeah, no. I'm Sakura, and I'd rather not be your servant."

Felix's expression dropped into a pout. "You don't? That doesn't make any sense," he said, sighing and looking at Sakura. "Come oooon," he whined. "Oh! You must be nervous because I'm such an important person. All you have to do is carry my stuff, make sure my candy supply never empties, open the doors for me, following me around and wait on me hand and foot, and...yeah, that about it. Just do as I say and you'll be fine!" He walked over and cheerily patted her on the back. "So, all better now? If you don't do it now, I can always find others."

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"Gosh! Stop acting like you rule the world, it gets really annoying." She said in an irritated tone, pushing him away from her. It'll all be fine? That list of requirements is ridiculous!

"Still, no. How about you learn to take care of yourself?"

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Fiona looked at the book and turned her head sideways in interest. "What...kind of that?" She asked, pausing every now and then as she asked the question. "It looks so old, why do you want to burn it?" She asked him curiously. She thought it would be a shame to burn something so antique looking.

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#, as written by Akantha
Astrid watched the ongoing events with slight fear and some curiosity. It was strange that Felix seemed to hold himself over everyone else but that only frightened her more. But she wouldn't let that show in her face, right? Astrid put her hands to her hips.

"Yeah. If you can't even take care of yourself, how are you going to take care of a kingdom? You certainly don't seem like any prince I know of." She grinned, her tail waving in triumph. She wasn't that scared since she was already a good distance away from him. Out of hitting, touching, and any kind of contact range. It was just a nagging feeling at the moment.

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Felix leaned back on his foot, frowning. "You two are ridiculous," he stated finally, after looking between Astrid and Sakura. "The girls in this school really need to learn their manners." He huffed and glanced curiously at Astrid. Now that he thought about it, wasn't she the one who was afraid of men? What was she thinking, standing up to him like this as if she were big and bad. An idea formed itself in his mind. He knew it was mean, but...glancing to the side, he saw that Frightening Fiona was still preoccupied with that book burning business. Oh, this might just be fun.

"I can take care of myself," Felix replied absently to Sakura's question. A grin slowly planted itself on his face as he strode up to Astrid and got in her face; his smirk dying down to a warmer smile. Flirting wasn't his usual thing--but they needed to learn their respect to the Prince that he was, and if he needed to do that by totally freaking this girl out, and the only way to do that being flirting with her--then so be it. "I could take care of you, too," he said slyly, brushing a lock of hair out of her face.

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#, as written by Akantha
Astrid frowned as her shoulders lowered slightly. Something horrible was about to happen but she didn't know what, but her nape tingled with that edged cold adrenaline. Of course she never expected what would happen next. She didn't want it to happen and so would have never of thought of the matter.

When Felix approached her body tensed unbearably. Flight or fight? Run or defend? Curse me. She sucked in a breath almost choking on it but her eyes widened as a small tremble started up her body. She couldn't even help the fear-stemmed side effects. She watched the smile that every other girl would probably die for. Astrid just wanted to die. Right now please? Anytime. His hand brushed her cheek and she felt her skin harden but the problem was much deeper than that.

Being a succubus meant you craved the attention of men. You needed them and in some ways they got what they needed too. If you didn't use that bond that a succubus could excess then you would starve. However there was another choice. To lose a large portion of your power and revert to a smaller docile form. A form that differed on many but Astrid had been stuck in kid form for as long as she had been afraid of men, with good reason. However you were still starved and whenever you came into contact with a man, it was hell. Pure hell and sometimes that was what killed off her species, the constant begging need even though you hate it. The despair of knowing you didn't have a choice. Lucky me. It's the prince of hell too. She shuddered and felt her body tilt forward forward towards him then rock back to move away, out of fear for touching him. Out of fear for even being near him. She fisted one hand but couldn't bring it up in a swing to hit him because it required contact between the skin.

Astrid felt her knees finally give out as her eyes watered up with tears. She didn't bother adjusting her dress that had played out messily on her legs as her hands moved to cover her cheek in the very spot the male had touched. She knew that she was embarrassing herself but the fear that finally tipped over her already full cup was horrifying. Her tail curled around her body as if to comfort herself, the tremble still present but stronger now that her fear had been securely rooted. "Devil. Men are all devils." The tiny words broke on a pitiful sob before she raised her defiant, tearful and fearing, eyes to Felix. "I hate you." Instead, these words were spat like poison. A general statement to every male in the world. Even if she died from this starvation, she would still be repeating the same words.

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"Cut it out." Sakura spat, glaring at Felix. He was really becoming annoying to her. He's trying to flirt with Astrid? Why..... She paused to think about this before finally saying something.

"Aha! You're trying to flirt with her because you think she'll like you and become your servant, right?" She frowned. What a sad, sad man. He has to resort to flirting to get what he wants. Suddenly, she realized what Felix was actually doing to Astrid, and how she was reacting.

"Hey! You should get away from her! I don't think -" RING! She was cut off by the sound of the bell ringing. Because they had presumably had breakfast before they came, the students first period was math.

"Ok, math time I guess." She said.