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A mild mannered dragon and the traveling companion of Fennek.

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a character in “Olive Tree”, as played by Mateo


First name: Kiminith
Age: Approx 147 (He can't remember.) (appears to be in 20's)
Date of birth: (Can't remember)
Race: Dragon shapeshifter
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Current residence: None (Nomadic)
Relationship status: Unspecified
Social status:

Physical Appearance

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 125 lbs
Eye colour: Black and Gold
Skin colour: Dark tan, redding colouring on ear tips, hands and feet
Handedness: Right
Distinguishing features: Horns and jaw spikes, large ears, reptilian tail
Build of body: Tall and Lean
Hair colour: Red
Hair style: Mid back length, unruly
Tattoos: Small circles on face, shoulders, and hips
Piercings: Ears (3 each)
Typical clothing: Tight, sleeveless unitard with ornate loincloth
Is seen by others as: Exotic


Likes: Sunny days, shiny objects and trinkets, gold
Dislikes: Elves, most humans, unfair situations, Centaurs
Fears: Being held captive
Personal goals: To eventually find his way home
General attitude: Mild mannered, tends to listen more than speak
General intelligence: Extremely high.
General sociability: Awkward in most situations. Distrusts most people


Illnesses (if any): None
Allergies (if any): None
Sleeping habits: Require 10-12 hours of sleep each day... but usually doesn't get it.
Energy level: Most relaxed, but high if the situation calls for it.
Eating habits: Will eat just about anything
Memory: Varies. Somedays are better than others.
Any unhealthy habits: None


Birth country: Romenia
Doesn't remember much else about history.


Parents: Doesn't remember them.
Siblings: Numerous
Any enemies (and why): He tries not to make enemies.
Children: None
Friends: Fennek
Best friend(s): Fennek?
Important friends/relatives (explain): Also Fennek
Love interest (if there is one): None currently.


Occupation: Wanderer
Current home: None
Favourite types of food: Charred meat (any kind)
Favourite types of drink: Spiced wine
Hobbies/past times: Collecting trinkets
Guilty pleasures: Also collecting trinkets
Pet peeves: Fen's impulsiveness

So begins...

Kiminith's Story


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen's heart jumped and he smiled widely. "You're alive!" He said carefully placing Kikeess on the ground and pulled off his jacked. "Hold this for me okay?" He said as he transformed suddenly. "Come on, I have to get you to clean water. I can't put you in here... it'll only make it worse." He added as he lowered his head and practically scooped the mer onto his back. "You have to hang on as tight as you can!" He said, feeling the mer's tail wrap around him. He did his best to take off quickly, yet not too quick to make his friend fall off. He hurried through the town, barking at anyone who was in his way. He did his best to get to the beach as fast as he could with Kikeess on his back, thankfully clean water wasn't too far away and Fen took a running leap into the waves, practically doggy paddling before he even hit the water.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Kikeess hit the water with a large splash and floated away from Fen, sinking deeply beneath the waves. He stayed under for several minutes, just soaking up the water. He surface before too long, still a bit disoriented. "What.. what's happening...?", he asked as he looked towards the mostly burning town. "...the king!", he said suddenly. "Where is he!?"


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen managed to drag himself back to shore and shift back, coughing slightly. Luckily, Kikeess had let his jacket go when he got into the water and it had washed ashore. Slipping it on he watched the waves. When the mer finally surfaced he couldn't help the smile on his face. "As of right now Mirivu is probably dragging people beneath the waves in the port. I'm sure he's fine. You on the other hand, should go home and get fixed up." He explained. "I thought we lost you Ki... I really did." He admitted as he watched the mer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Kikeess swam towards the shore a bit, but stayed in the water. "...I.. I though I was going to die too..", he replied softly. "But I'm not leaving...", he added before looking back at the town. "...I'm going to help the king... and you..." He looked back at Fen. "When they captured me... I heard others... crying and screaming... they could still be alive... Can you try and find them...?", he asked hopefully.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen nodded. "Were they on a boat or somewhere else? If you can tell me that much, I'm sure we can find them." He said taking a few steps toward the town. "You'd better be careful though. That water is disgusting. If you can, stay out of the muck." He added with a slight smile. "Before I forget... do you trust me now?" He asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
"I heard them on the boats...", he replied. "...I.. passed out before they brought me on land.", he admitted, frowning a bit. "You be careful too..." He smiled a bit and started off before pausing and looking back at Fen. " are indeed a friend of the mer, Fen...", he stated. "...I do trust you." He smiled a bit more before ducking under the waves and disappearing out of sight.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen's eyes widened a bit and he took off back to the town. "Kim!!" He yelled loudly. "Kim the mers are on the boats!" He was damn near out of breath to begin with and he couldn't help but start to panic. With the boat on fire... there's no telling what the mers were going though. "Kim, I don't care if you're wings are tired, you have to save the mers!" He yelled as he saw the dragon still setting things on fire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Kim stopped dead and looked back at all the boats he had set ablaze. If the mers were on them.. they would surely burn before the boats sunk. The dragon panicked and tried to think quickly. There were too many boats to waste time pulling the mers off them. They would burn before he finished... no, he had to put the fires out. With a slight growl he leapt off one the boats, transform in mid air as taking for the skies. He landed hard against the side of a burning boat, flipping it into the water as extinquishing it before moving on to the next. This one he ripped the hull apart with his claws, letting water spill in and partially submerge the ship.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen watched desperately, running over to the edge of the docks. "Mirivu! The others are trapped in the boats, help them escape!" He called as his eyes searched the now bloody water. The water swirled with fins and the wolfcat knew that there was more than just Mirivu and Kikeess beneath the water. All the blood possibly brought sharks in from the waves, but with so much food he also knew the mers would be safe from them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Kim continued tearing apart the ships, half sinking most of them. Mirivu and Kikeess would then swim through the wreckage, helping to free any of their kind that they came across. Several of the mer they found were young, still children. Some were injured too and they had to clear the harbor quickly to escape from the sharks. But they were safe and alive, and that was all that mattered.

It took several hours to clear all the ships, but when they were finished the port waters were filled with mer, sharks, and the bodies off the fishermen. Mirivu had even kept searching among the wreckage and to his surprise had found a mer egg tucked away in the hull of a sunken ship. He carried it to the surface and made his way towards the beach.

Kikeess waited around until everyone had left the harbor before heading off himself. He stopped before he left though, stalling just long enough to watch Kim fall from the sky, reverting to his human form before hitting the water hard. The mer panicked a bit at the sight and swam over quickly, diving under the waves to retrieve the dragon before he sunk too far. He was unconscious when Kikeess pulled him from the water, but the mer was able to get him to the beach along with the the others, albeit with some difficulty.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Through the hours Fen and Vynn went through the shops of the town, searching the people as well before they were allowed to leave. There were many that they threw into the water as punishment for their crimes. Neither felt guilty about it, specially Fen. After the town was empty and practically burned to the ground, he made his way back to the beach where he waited for the others. He was startled a bit when he say Kim fall from the sky and helped Kikeess get him on shore and away from the water. The wolfcat did his best to make the dragon comfortable, he even took his jacket off and placed it under his head before going over to the waters edge to speak with the two mer that were still there. "Seems everything's been sorted out now." He said with a slight smile. "You shouldn't have any more problems now... not around here anyway." He added.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Mirivu nodded as he looked towards Fen. "We've accomplished much.", he replied. "Thanks to your help." He smiled at the wolfcat before showing him the egg he had retrieved from the ships. "Many of my people were saved today, and we've shown the humans that we will not stand for this."

Kikeess nodded in agreement with his uncle and looked up at Fen. "Thank you for everything.", he said softly. "I owe my life to you, and the lives of many of my friends and family." He paused and looked towards Kim, laying still on the beach. "Will he be alright..?", he asked quietly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen nodded as he turned his attention to Kikeess. "Kim will be alright. He just needs rest. It looks like we'll be staying here for a few days." He said, going over to a rock and sitting on it. "I don't mind though. We need a good rest from all that we've been through the past couple of days." He added with a sigh. "I know I could use a nice warm fire and some food right about now though." He murmured, covering his arms with his hands. He never did take the chill too well without his jacket it seemed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Kikeess smiled and looked towards the water. "I should return to the others.", he stated. "Though I could bring you fish if you like... though I'm afraid I lost my spear in the harbor." He frowned a bit, suddenly feeling lost without the weapon.

Vynn took that as his cue and ran off for the woods suddenly, morphing into animal form as he hit the tree line. It didn't take him too long to hunt down a few rabbits, and he was even lucky enough to catch a boar. Despite his good fortune though, he still somehow managed to stumble into snake and ended up with a bite on the leg. He whined but shook it off and headed back towards the beach, carrying his kill and a few logs with him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen smiled ad Kikeess. "You're welcome to return home. I'm sure I'll be fine, Vynn is doing his best to help us out." He said, glancing back at the wolf. "I should go make sure he doesn't do anything... unintelligent though." He added quietly. "We'll meet again though, perhaps tomorrow or another day." He sighed as he stood up and turned away. He smiled to himself as he heard a splash behind him before making his way over to where Kim was, helping Vynn fix up the logs to make a nice fire.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Kikeess nodded and didn't dally much longer before turning and swimming off. He was going to reunite with the mers that had been rescued. Several of them were his close friends and he was looking forward to seeing them well.

Mirivu himself stuck around a bit longer, watching Fen and especially Vynn with amusement. "I still believe the food taste better when it is not burned.", he commented playfully when the two began to skin the animals the omega had caught. He was in a good mood, so he didn't mind playing around. Every time Vynn looked over he would smile at the wolf.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen smiled as he watched Vynn and Mirivu. "I wish Kim would look at me like you're looking at Vynn." He said, looking over at the sleeping dragon. "That's alright though I guess... wouldn't want something like that interfering with our work." He lied as he took a skinned rabbit over to the mer. "Here you go, nice and not furry." He chuckled. "Can't have your gills filling with fur again after that deer incident." He reminded when Mirivu took the food.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Mirivu took the food and ate it eagerly. He was in need of a good meal after several weeks of stress and worry. "Why don't you tell Kim that then?", he replied to Fen between bites. "I tell the young ones often.. a bond cannot exist when only one person knows about it." He smiled at the wolfcat before looking back over at Vynn. "And I think he knows... Kim, however, I have noticed, seems oblivious."

Vynn listened in on Mirivu and Fen and he skewered some meat on a stick and held it over the small fire he and Fen had made. He was more than happy to eat it raw, but after jumping in the water and being wet most of the day, he was eager for something warm in his stomach. He couldn't help but keep glancing over at the sea king, getting slightly embarrassed each time when the mer noticed him and only smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen sighed. "For some reason that seems to be easier said than done." He admitted. "It's not like I don't make it obvious... I mean... there's sometimes I just go for it but then I get nothing... Just an awkward dragon asking why I did something." He explained. "That's what I get for falling in love with a dragon I guess, am I right?" He said as he made his way back to the fire. Truthfully he wasn't even sure how to tell Kim how he felt. Sure, he was the kind of person to just do things without planning first, but something like that should be well thought out and it was difficult to deal with sometimes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Vynn smiled at Fen when the other wolf joined him again. " like him that much?", he asked as he glanced over at Kim. "Is he your mate?" The omega couldn't help but be curious, he had only really ever met other wolves, humans, and a few centaur here and there, and none of them had ever even though of crossing species boundaries. It was taboo in his pack. And yet.. Vynn looked between Fen and Kim before glancing over at Mirivu who still hung around by the shore, eating his rabbit.