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A mild mannered dragon and the traveling companion of Fennek.

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a character in “Olive Tree”, as played by Mateo


First name: Kiminith
Age: Approx 147 (He can't remember.) (appears to be in 20's)
Date of birth: (Can't remember)
Race: Dragon shapeshifter
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Current residence: None (Nomadic)
Relationship status: Unspecified
Social status:

Physical Appearance

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 125 lbs
Eye colour: Black and Gold
Skin colour: Dark tan, redding colouring on ear tips, hands and feet
Handedness: Right
Distinguishing features: Horns and jaw spikes, large ears, reptilian tail
Build of body: Tall and Lean
Hair colour: Red
Hair style: Mid back length, unruly
Tattoos: Small circles on face, shoulders, and hips
Piercings: Ears (3 each)
Typical clothing: Tight, sleeveless unitard with ornate loincloth
Is seen by others as: Exotic


Likes: Sunny days, shiny objects and trinkets, gold
Dislikes: Elves, most humans, unfair situations, Centaurs
Fears: Being held captive
Personal goals: To eventually find his way home
General attitude: Mild mannered, tends to listen more than speak
General intelligence: Extremely high.
General sociability: Awkward in most situations. Distrusts most people


Illnesses (if any): None
Allergies (if any): None
Sleeping habits: Require 10-12 hours of sleep each day... but usually doesn't get it.
Energy level: Most relaxed, but high if the situation calls for it.
Eating habits: Will eat just about anything
Memory: Varies. Somedays are better than others.
Any unhealthy habits: None


Birth country: Romenia
Doesn't remember much else about history.


Parents: Doesn't remember them.
Siblings: Numerous
Any enemies (and why): He tries not to make enemies.
Children: None
Friends: Fennek
Best friend(s): Fennek?
Important friends/relatives (explain): Also Fennek
Love interest (if there is one): None currently.


Occupation: Wanderer
Current home: None
Favourite types of food: Charred meat (any kind)
Favourite types of drink: Spiced wine
Hobbies/past times: Collecting trinkets
Guilty pleasures: Also collecting trinkets
Pet peeves: Fen's impulsiveness

So begins...

Kiminith's Story


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
"Talking about me?", Riam asked in his sickeningly sweet voice as he appeared suddenly, crouched beside Fen. "I'm sooo flattered that you care enough to not want me in danger.", he continued, a grin growing on his face as he eyed the wolfcat."But I can get you cloaks easy. Not sure how much good they'll be though, specially when I could just pop over after dark and take out the guard." He chuckled a bit and looked up at Kim. "And dragon boy can melt the cage bars or something, easy-peasy."

Kim raised an eyebrow skeptically as he listened to Riam. In theory it was an okay plan.. but he didn't think it would be as easy as the demon suggested. He kept silent though and looked down at Fen, leaving the decision up to him.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen shook his head. "No. They'd be stupid to only have one guard watching him. Traders are never that stupid. Get the cloaks but we're not going with your plan. While you're out you can check things out more, see what you can learn. Like how many guards there actually are around the wolf." He explained, watching Riam. "I'm not going into that town until dark and until I know what dangers there are."


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Riam frowned and huffed in disappointment before disappearing suddenly. "See I ever make a suggestion again.", he mumbled before his voice faded away and Fen and Kim were left alone again.

Kim frowned and shook his head before moving back to the tree line and looking out into the clearing. "I would say that it is more a a village, actually.", he stated quietly. " that can be easily moved from the look of it." He clicked his tongue slightly as he watched, thinking to himself. He couldn't see much, they were still quite far, but he could see some movement, and could barely make out an eared and tailed person, seemingly caged in the sun.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen closed his eyes and curled up a bit. "This village will get what's coming to them. They will. Right now though, this is too big for us to handle ourselves. If you remember years ago when we first met, I had help from one of the her wolf packs." He stated. "We can't do this alone Kim... no matter how much I want us to succeed in doing so." He said as he shook his head. "I hate feeling useless like this. I hate it."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Kim sighed softly and knelt down next to Fen. "You are never useless.", he stated as he reached out and placed his hand on his mate's shoulder. He moved closer to him after a few moments and wrapped both of his arms around him, pulling the wolfcat against him. "The sun will be going down soon.", he murmured. "...and Riam will return with cloaks... we Will succeed." The dragon sighed again and nuzzled Fen's hair lightly, hoping to cheer him up some.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen smiled a bit. "I just want to save him, Kim." He replied quietly, his ears against his head. "We need to get him away from here... send him home where he belongs. I want him safe and not in this kind of danger." He explained before growling. "He's a fool for getting caught like this though. He was taught better than that." Fen took a deep breath before letting it out slowly, leaning against Kim. "We can do this... right?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Kim sighed softly and nodded against Fen's head. He was starting to get a better idea of why his mate was so worried about the other wolf.. and he understood, he really did. "We can do this.", he replied softly. "We will save your brother." He nuzzled Fen's hair lightly, trying to make him feel better. "We wait for Riam.. and then we move."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen nodded slightly. "I'm not going to lose him again." He mumbled. "We'll get him out of this somehow... I won't stop until he's safe." He explained as he closed his eyes and took in the scent of his dragon mate. "You'll get to meet him though, that's a bonus right?" He asked, trying to lighten up the situation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Kim nodded and tightened his arms around Fen, wanting the wolfcat to feel safe. He still wasn't very good at comforting people, even his own mate.. but he was trying his best. "I look forward to meeting him.", the dragon admitted, smiling softly as he petted Fen's hair. "...a man you have looked up too and spent so long looking for must be quite something." The dragon smiled a bit more as he help his mate close to him. "I.. hope that he will find me suitable for his younger sibling."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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"He wouldn't have much of a choice but to accept you..." Fen replied. "You're my mate, I'm an adult, and not only are you a dragon... I'm considered an alpha now." He explained as he looked up at Kim. "Pretty cool right?" He asked, wagging his tail a bit. "Though, I'm not entirely sure on how to be an alpha just yet, I'm sure I can learn though."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Kim smiled and nodded, playing along with Fen as one would a child to keep them in a good mood. By comparison, Fen was still a child to him in many ways.. but that didn't matter at the moment. "You will be one of the best alphas, I am sure.", he stated, his hand rubbing his mate's back gently. He paused though as he heard something suddenly and fell silent so that he could listen. It was far off... but he could hear rustling in the underbrush... though from what he could smell.. it wasn't a human.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen looked around a bit. "What is it?" He whispered lowly. He sniffed the air but he couldn't really make out anything. Still though, he knew something was out there by the way Kim had fallen silent.

A creature made its way through the trees and brush. He could smell something. Something that was new... something inhuman. There were two of them, and a hint of demon as well. They were so close to the clearing, but why would they be there? With a sniff of the air the creature made a light gasp. One was a dragon, the other a wolf? No not a wolf. It was just like the wolfcat in the middle of the village. Suddenly the creature broke out of the trees and into the small clearing where the two people were hiding. "You shouldn't be here." He said quietly.

Fen looked at the creature that now stood near them. It wasn't very big, but it wasn't like anything he had seen before. "Kim... is that another dragon? If it is, why is he so... small?"


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Kim looked at the creature in surprise as he stood up. "A drake...?", he asked softly, not really believing what he was seeing. His memory was coming back to him in bits and pieces all of a sudden, and he could remember quite clearly what drakes were. Offspring of humans and dragons... The dragon frowned and stepped in front of Fen slightly. From what he could recall... drakes and dragos weren't very fond of one another, stemming from the drake's connection with humans. "...where should we be then?", he asked, a slight hiss in his voice.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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The drake stood tall. "Away from here." He stated flatly. "If a human were to find you they would hunt you down until you were either dead or in a cage. I can understand why you're here but I can't allow you to stay and get caught. I know these men there's nothing good about them." He explained, moving closer to the pair. "I'm not here to turn you in or to trick you."

Fen frowned a bit. "I can't leave." He snapped. "There's no way I'm leaving my brother with a bunch of sick humans." He growled at the drake a bit, feeding off of Kim's energy a bit too much.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Kim grumbled softly, his ears going back and his tail flicking angrily as the drake moved closer. "We will not be caught.", he stated just as flatly as the drake had. "If any human dares touch me, only ash will be left of them." He continued to stare the drake down, not taking his eyes off him for a second. "...we are here to rescue the wolf, and we will not leave until we are successful. If you mean us no harm then leave us be.", he warned.

Riam looked on, a slight frown on his face. This certainly wasn't what he had been expected to come back too. It was interesting though.. he had never seen the dragon so worked up. "Well then...", he stated, suddenly dropping down behind the drake. "Just what have we here?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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The drake moved quickly looking at the demon. "Someone who is trying to help your friends. I was told dragons didn't like drakes but I didn't think it was true. Just goes to show how times never change with them." He explained. "If you want to save this other wolfcat so bad, you're going to need my help. Unlike the both of you, I actually look human and can go undetected." He explained.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Kim fell silent for several moments and glared at the drake as he thought over their situation. It was true.. there was no way he could pass for a human, even with a cloak his horns would be quite prominent.. and his tail would not be hidden well either. He finally let out an angry, defeated sigh and turned away from the drake, choosing to ignore him. It was ultimately up to Fen how they saved his brother... and if he chose to accept the drakes aid, then Kim had no choice but to go along with it.

Riam grinned and leaned on the drake with far too much familiarity. "Sounds like a good plan.", he stated, laughing playfully at Kim's little temper tantrum. "I can look human to though, you know.", he added on as he tilted his head to the side and looked at the drake. "Doesn't mean I like it though."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen frowned. "The drake is right." He started. "There's nothing that Kim and I can do at this point. There's too many humans." He stated. "Riam," He started. "I want you to go with this drake. Save my bother." He hated the words that were leaving his mouth but there really was nothing he could do. Kim would stick out too much and his own ears would stick up to much for it to work.

The drake nodded. "You must leave this place though. There is a house beyond the trees to the north. My family will meet you there. My father could smell you but my mother wouldn't let him come. I came in his place. I will help you, but you should go. I will bring the wolfcat to my home and meet you there." He explained.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Riam simply nodded and transformed suddenly, his shape morphing in an instant into something completely different. He groaned and shook himself once the morph was complete before tugging at his now rounded ears in disgust. He now resembled a normal human, his horns and tail having disappeared along with his pointed ears. "Well... let's get this over with.", he mumbled, not liking how he looked as a human.

Kim remained silent, though he continued to listen in. He felt as useless as Fen did, and though he wanted to comfort his lover, he couldn't think of a thing to say. The thought of meeting another dragon though did pique his interest. Even if the dragon seemed to be a human loving outcast...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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The drake shifted suddenly into a beautiful young man with long black hair and fair skin. "Let's go, we have no need for the cloaks but the wolf will need one." He said to Riam as he held out his hand. "They shouldn't bother you if you're with me. We should hurry though." He said as he took Riam's hand and led him out of the clearing.

Fen stood there for a moment. "Kim," He started. "why don't dragons like drakes?" he asked as he took the dragon's hand and started to lead him away from the area and in the direction that the drake had told them to go.