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Olive Tree



a part of Olive Tree, by Kaerralind.


Kaerralind holds sovereignty over Arius, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

2,513 readers have been here.


The story of a young wolfcat named Fen and his companion, Kim.
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Arius is a part of Olive Tree.

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Kiminith [581] A mild mannered dragon and the traveling companion of Fennek.
Fennek [581] A were-wolfcat in search of a special someone and just loves traveling in general

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Fen frowned a bit. "As I said, I'm a friend of your kings and he is a friend of mine, so I would very much like to see him. Unless of course you'd upset the wolf that once saved your people from starvation?" He asked as he made himself a bit more comfortable on the rock he was sitting on. Normally the mers weren't so uptight with him. Not like this. "If you bring the king to me, I'm sure I can help fix what ever issue it is you're having. I know mers, you're not usually like this unless something bad is happening to you." He explained.


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#, as written by Mateo
The mer eyed him for a few moments longer, considering his words before turning and diving back into the water. He disappeared quickly beneath the waves, the other fins disappearing along with him. Thankfully Fen and Kim didn't have to wait long before the fins returned, this time at least five of them breached the waves. The King of the Sea came up first, his eyes scanning the shore suspiciously. His expression softened a bit when he spotted Fen though and he swam over quickly, crawling up on shore and over to the wolf cat. "I was hoping it would really be you.", he stated in a mostly pleasant voice before looking back at the waves and waving one of his hands. Several other mers crawled up on the shore, carrying small nets filled with fish which they sat in the sand.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen smiled and looked back at Kim before looking back to the mer. "Mirivu, it's so nice to see you. I'd give you a hug but you're all wet." He stated. "Kim and I seemed to have gotten lost last night and we ended up near here and figured why not visit? However," Fen paused and looked at the other mers. "from the looks of your warriors things don't seem to be going very well for you. What seems to be the problem?" He asked as he reached over and pulled a fish out of a net, chopping his teeth right into it as it tried to flop about in his hands.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Mirivu frowned and looked back at the other mer that had come on shore with him, they each bared fairly fresh wounds and several scars from passed injuries. "It has been a difficult last few months.", he admitted as he looked back at Fen. "Sailors have apparently seen profit in mer skin and scales, we have become prey for the humans..." He sighed sadly, the gills on his neck flattening at the effort. "Several of my family have fallen victim to these... people.", he spat. "It has gotten so that we cannot even come on shore for fear that hunters lie in wait... ready to snatch us when we are vulnerable, skin us and sell our flesh..." Several of the mers around him shuddered visibly as he spoke, having seen the terrors for themselves.

Kim frowned and listened in, setting the fish he had been eating back in the sand. He suddenly found himself at a loss for appetite. He looked over at Fen, waiting to see how he took the news and what he planned to do about it.


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Fen swallowed his fish, looking at Mirivu before growling slightly. "Filthy humans." He spat taking another bite of his fish angrily. The first thought to come through his head was 'kill the humans' but that wouldn't really solve much. More would come and it would never stop. Another thought was 'skin the humans'. That would be both disgusting and the same outcome might happen. He pondered as he shopped on his fish, crunching the bones and all as he ate. How was he going to fix this?

After a few moments of licking his fingers when he finished his meal he looked at the king seriously. "Tell me, how do these humans get you? You said they capture your people while they are weak, so land is obvious. Do they also come by boat? Is there a village that they go to?" He asked. There were so many questions that needed to be asked and his fur stood up with each one.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Mirivu crawled up on shore a bit more, making himself comfortable in the sand as he knew he had a lot to tell Fen. "They started in ships... catching us in the large nets that they fish with. Once they learned they could sell out flesh, I believe more people took to the.... trade of hunting us." The words came out in an angry hiss as he spoke. "...Now the shores are dangerous as well. The only place we are safe in deep under the water... but we need to come to the surface to hunt." He sighed and looked back at the mers. "My nephew, Kikeess, can tell you more of the ship's origins.", he stated as he motioned for another mer to come forward.

The mer that had initially found them crawled forward and eyed Fen for a moment. "I personally followed one of the ships to a port not far up the shore.", he spoke after a moment. "There they unloaded several of our kind and carried them far up onto land. From there... I know not what became of them..."


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen nodded. "I will find these traders and deal with them. Forcefully if I have to." He said, looking back at the dragon. "I have no sympathy for humans really. Though I help them when they need it. My duties are more to the creatures like you and I. So I will do everything in my power to help you and your family." He explained. "I will however have to ask to be taken to this... place that they take your people." He said as he looked at Kikeess. "Though... I think I'll finish eating so I can get my strength up. Kim, you should too." He said, not looking at the dragon.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Mirivu nodded and looked back at the other mer's, bidding them to return to the water. "Kikeess will lead us and I will accompany you.", he stated as he reached for a fish himself. Kikeess on the other hand, made himself comfortable in the sand, curling his fin around himself slightly. He was still a bit distrustful of pretty much everyone. Mirivu simply shook his head at his nephew antics.

Kim eyed his fish for a moment before picking it up and resuming his meal. Thankful his hunger outweighed his nausea over what he had heard. And Fen was right... they would need their strength. It looked like he wouldn't be getting that nap he wanted though.


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Fen nodded and grabbed another fish. "Then once we finish eating, we'll take this trip. I can't leave a good friend of mine with such troublesome problems." He said as he bit into another fish. It was upsetting that something like this was happening to the mers. It made the wolfcat highly upset that the humans were doing this. So much for a truce. He couldn't let this go on. What if since they were going after mers they would soon go after other species... like wolves. This thought made Fen growl lowly into the fish as he ate.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Kikeess watched as the two land people ate their fish, in all honesty, he was getting a bit impatient with them. His people could have been being attacked at that very moment... but he guessed they needed their strength. He sighed and flicked his fin in the sand as he looked out towards the sea. He was ready for this to be over with and for the waters to be peaceful again... and he didn't care if he had to kill every seaworthy human to make it that way.

"Are you about ready?", Mirivu asked as he watched Fen and Kim eat. He could sense his nephew was getting a bit impatient, and honestly, he was as well. Several of his close brethren had been captured lately, and he was holding on to the hope that they were still alive somewhere. So the quicker they got to the port town, the quicker Fen and Kim could do something.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen stood up and nodded, finishing his fish before he pulled his jacket on. "Let's go. We should find them." He said as he looked at Kim. "Fell better Kim?" He asked as he watched the dragon closely. He could tell the dragon was still tired, but his nap was unimportant compared to the lives of his friend's family.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Kikeess and Mirivu nodded in turn and both slithered back into the water, their heads poking up above the waves a few feet away. "Keep watch.", the King of the Sea called as he started off, making sure he was still visible so that Fen and Kim would not lose him. Kikeess led his uncle diligently, though he kept darting under the waves.

Kim stood up and brushed himself off before nodding a bit. "...I'll be fine.", he replied, keeping his voice even. He was still sore, but he knew that the lives of the mer were more important than his momentary discomfort. "We should go before we lose them.", he stated as he looked towards the sea.


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Fen nodded and took off down the beach, following after the mers the best he could. It wasn't easy running on sand, it never was and he had to catch himself several times from tripping. He hopped that they would find the other mers in time... alive. He didn't want to fail his dear friend. That type of guilt would never be able to leave him. Even still, he gave his all to keep up with Mirivu, though Kikeess was a bit too far ahead.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Kim followed after Fen quickly, having a bit of difficulty keeping up at first. It was easier once he got used to it though. His back hurt still, but he tried not to mind it.

Mirivu kept his eyes towards the shore, making sure Fen and Kim were able to keep up. Kikeess on the other hand, sped off, leaving both his uncle and the others behind. Luckily, the port was in view, so his lead wasn't necessary any longer. Mirivu sighed at the younger mers antics and kept swimming. He knew Kikeess was angry and frustrated over what was happening, but he was letting it get in the way. With another sigh, the King of the sea looked towards the shore, spotting Fen and Kim not far off. He didn't see the net in his path though and swam right into it, quickly getting tangled as he tried to free himself. He tried to shout for help, but the weight of the net quickly pulled him under, trapping him beneath the waves.

Mirivu grumbled, angry at being trapped and tried to call for his nephew, but by then the younger mer was too far away to hear him. He just hoped that Fen and Kim would be able to find him. The mer knew full well that he was in a hunter's net... it was much too large for the fish. And if he didn't free himself quickly... he shuddered at the thought.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen looked out at the water frantically, he'd lost sight of this friend. "Kim... This isn't good." He said as he rushed over to the water, taking a deep breath as he rolled his eyes. He did his best not to think about it, but it was hard when the feline part of him hated water. Once he was deep enough he took another breath and dove under, peering his eyes open to look for his friend. He spotted him. His stomach clenched as he swam over. The rope of the net was thick... this was fishing alright, but the fishermen weren't catching just normal fish. Fen opened his mouth and chomped down on the rope, chewing through it the best he could with what little air that he had. He looked at Mirivu for a moment before going to the surface, panting a bit as he took another deep breath and returned to the net, chewing away at the rope to make a large enough hole for the king.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Mirivu watched and Fen chewed at the rope, surprised but also relieved that his friend had found his so quickly. His rescue attempt wasn't going so well unfortunately. The mer nets were made thick and strong, able to hold up to the mer's bone weapons. "Fen...", the king said, wondering as he spoke if the wolfcat could hear him under the water. "'re taking in too much water.", he stated, noticing Fen was having difficulty. He pushed him away from the net, urging him to return to the surface. "This net is too strong... go.", he added. "Go to the port town and save the others. They're more important..." He put on a brave face and nudged Fen away, urging the wolfcat to save his people.

Kim hurried to the water's edge and peered closely at the depths, just barely able to see Fen and the Mer king under the waves. They were just dark shadows in the water, but the dragon could tell the wolfcat was having trouble. Kim felt more than useless in that moment. There was nothing he could do under the water.


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Fen nodded hesitantly as he resurfaced, coughing hard as he did. He could barely hear anything and he was having trouble breathing, not only that his eyes were burning from the water. "K-Kim..." He coughed as he pointed to the net beneath the water as he reached the land. "You gotta do something." He stated as he turned to look at the net. "I can't just leave him here." He said, pausing after a moment before taking a deep breath. "What's a little howl?" He murmured to himself before taking as deep of a breath as he could and howled as loud as his lungs and throat would let him. Hopefully, any other wolves that were near by would hear him... he hoped anyway. Part of him though, didn't want them to come in fear of their fate when they arrived.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
Kim looked around frantically, unsure what to do until he finally spotted the rope tethering the net to shore. He hurried over, setting it ablaze with a single puff of flame. It quickly split and the rope sank into the water. "That should keep him from being taken by poachers.", the dragon called over to his panicking mate, before being cut off by a loud howl. He looked off towards the distance, quickly spotting a rather large wolf heading their way, ready to bring aid. He didn't recognize the wolf as one he had met before and that worried him a bit.

Mirivu struggled a bit as the net drug him down deeper. The rope on shore had been holding it in place, and now that it was snapped, Mirivu could only swim uselessly towards the surface as he was pulled down. He knew Fen would never reach him now and he would have to find some way to free himself.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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Fen continued to cough as he pushed himself up onto his hands and knees, looking up to see the wolf running towards them. He let out a broken bark as he coughed again. He wasn't entirely sure who this new wolf was... he couldn't have been from the northern back, not this far south. The air wasn't cold enough. Perhaps it was from a nearby pack that he hadn't met yet? This was an area he'd never been to after all. The wolfcat pushed himself to his feet slowly, wobbling a bit as he attempted to stop coughing.


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Character Portrait: Fennek Character Portrait: Kiminith
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#, as written by Mateo
The wolf ran over quickly, skidding to a stop at the waters edge and doing his best to quickly assess the situation. He spotted the dark shape under the water and saw Fen crawling from the sea and formed his conclusion based on that. "Some one is drowning?!", he barked out, half a question as half a statement. He didn't wait too long for the answer though and ran off into the water, quickly disappearing beneath the waves.

Kim watched, frowning slightly and unsure what he had just witnessed. He made his way over to Fen, checking if he was alright and helping to warm him before looking back at the sea. He hoped the wolf would be alright.


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Fen watched the water, confused of this new wolf as Kim helped him stand. "What kind of wolf was that..." Fen questioned as he leaned against the dragon and into the warmth. He shook his head a bit, shaking a bit of the water out of his ears, holding onto Kim as he did so he wouldn't fall down. "Hope he'll be alright..." He said as he looked up at his friend. 'This was no time to be having these thoughts Fen.' He thought to himself quickly, looking back at the water and watching for the new wolf.


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#, as written by Mateo
Kim nodded in agreement and rubbed Fen's arms lightly, his warmth helping to dry off the wolfcat's skin and clothes. "He's been under for a few minutes.", he stated as he continued watching, worry creeping in a bit. Mirivu couldn't drown... but this newcomer certainly could.

Thankfully, it wasn't long after that the water started to stir and the wolf emerged, now in human form. He heaved the mer up on the shore and laid him in the sand, panting as he breathed in deeply. Mirivu gasped as well, his gills taking a moment to adjust to the air. He didn't have time to adjust much though as a moment later his mouth was cover by the wolf's and air was blown into him. He blinked in surprise, and glanced over at Fen and Kim, seeing that they were equally curious as to why this newcomer was trying to resuscitate him...


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Fen tilted his head a bit and walked over to the new wolf. "Excuse me... I'm pretty sure he's alive." He stated, tugging on the wolf's ear lightly, watching with slight amusement when the wolf looked down at the mer confused. "Yeah... mers can't drown. Thank you very much for getting him out of the net though." He added as he patted the wolf's head lightly. "You can help us now though... there are more in need of saving... if you're willing to help?" Fen asked, watching the newcomer.


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#, as written by Mateo
The wolf tilted his head in surprise as he looked down at Mirivu, before glancing over at Fen for a moment and then looking down at Mirivu once again. "A mer...?", he asked curiously.

Mirivu only smiled and flipped his fin slightly, brushing it against the wolf's leg. "I am indeed...", he stated. "And I thank you for the rescue and... as much as I enjoyed your efforts to give me air... Fen is correct, it wasn't really necessary." The sea king smiled again. "Though perhaps it could be something we do again when there are not more pressing matters at hand...", he added as he wiggled away from the wolf.

Kim smirked and shook his head before looking away. Instead turning his head to the port town that wasn't too far off now.

The wolf raised an eyebrow and got up, looking over at Fen curiously. "What's going on?", he asked, following the direction of Kim's eyes and looking towards the port town. "I would be happy to help.. whatever it is.", he continued, his tail wagging just the slightest.


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"The people in the port town are taking my friend's family here and killing them. We would gladly take your help if you're willing. We have to save the others and shut down this... trading once and for all." Fen explained. "Mirivu is right though, we're wasting time, we have to hurry or we might be too late." He said, hurrying over to Kim. He wasn't quite as strong as he was before he dove into the water, but he would still be able to hold his own. At least he hoped so anyway. "Let's go." He said as he started off toward the town that wasn't very far off.