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Per Chance To Dream

Per Chance To Dream


The sky melts sometimes, and you don't mind that. Other times there's something chasing you and you can't run fast enough. But that passes too. Everything is changing. Though, you feel like there is a point to all of this. You just can't recall it.

2,271 readers have visited Per Chance To Dream since jmromig created it.


In "real life":
Your are either dead or dying. Each and every one of you has some kind of dark secret you have weighing on your heart from your lives. What that secret is, how you died (or are dying) or who or what killed (or is killing) you? That's all up to you, as the player to figure out - and then completely 'forget'. Why is that? Because -

In this world:
[Player knowledge]
You are the person you always imagined yourself to be. Living the ultimate fantasy life you always dreamed about. The Playboy millionaire, the Princess, the Space Warrior, The Nina Pirate, whatever your twisted dream identity is. Who you are in this world doesn't remember being the boring old you in the "real world".

This world is spontaneously created by the collective imagination of all it's inhabitants. Although, it also seems to have a mind of it's own. On some unconscious level you know that when you finally face whatever it is you are running from (IE- your dark secret/the fact that you are dead), you will no longer be here, in this mostly beautiful place. Where will you go? Will you stop existing? Will you move on to Heaven, or Hell? Silly you for asking that question, you know that only the People In Charge know that kind of stuff.

[Character Knowledge]
You don't remember dying, and You don't remember much about living either. In fact, all you know for sure, is what you see and have seen in this world. Even that is hard for them to recall offhand usually. In this place, locations, people, and time change so often, it's hard to keep up. People come and go, landscapes twist, turn, and blend with other landscapes and sometimes stop existing all together in favor of an entirely different setting. For example: You could open a door in a castle and walk into the deck of a giant spaceship. Years may pass in a second, and then the next minute may lasts two months. Very little is predictable in this world. You've gotten used to that.

You seem to have control over a meaningless things here - like the colors of flowers around you or walk on water. Sometimes you can do more, like spelling words out with the clouds (if you can swim that high). When you are by yourself, you completely control the landscape around you, but your influence and power you have over the landscape waxes and wains with others around. More often than not, the one who's imagination is more powerful at the moment tends to win out. Unless you happen to be in range of a PIC (we'll get to that in a bit).

You always feel like you're running from something or someone. Usually this doesn't bother you much, it's a mild annoyance, like a mosquito bite. But other times running is all you can think about and every molecule in your body is screaming at you to run away.

The People In Charge
or PIC for short. They know everything. They seem to be the only ones with meaningful control over things here. The landscape bends to their will, regardless of who is around them. Each of them controls their own section of the world They are often sought after by people such as you, who seek answers or advice. They are happy to see you and answer any question you have (Just as long as your question isn't "why am I here?"), because in a war for your discipleship. Well, everyone's really. It's a longstanding bet they have to see who can collect the most disciples.

The PIC: Eon, Wot, Rethe, Rouf, V-Fie (Vee-fye), and the ever enigmatic and elusive Six.

Eon:Eon is a playful pirate. He looks to be in his 20s Captian of his floating landship that infuses with whereever he lands. A hybrid of fantasy and science-fiction elements. Grinding gears show thorough mountains and something half-jet engine, and half magic, propels Eon's ship into the sky. Where he surveys the land below, lowering the ship into the ground wherever and whenever he sees fit to intervene.

Wot: Wot is a little girl with long pigtails. She just wants to have fun. Her Amusement park themed world has more than you could ever ask for, including real live anthropomorphic animal-people (dear god why?!) and rides that seem to be designed just for you.

Rethe: Rethe is a vampire. He lives in his grave yard labyrinth, and gets his kicks from frightening the people in this world. He's kind of a dark and brooding prankster.

Rouf: Rethe's identical twin brother, though you couldn't tell since they look nothing alike. Rouf is always in a nice suit and a top hat. His world isn't so much it's own world as it is a series of doors, each leading to a seemingly random location at a seemingly random time. Practically everywhere and everywhen. He has countless doors, but once you choose, you can't go back through it.

V-Fie: Fie is a gender neutral imp-like creature. She lives on the moonbase Lunablanca, where there is always a Science fiction noir story unfolding. When you are there, you become the main characters of said story. Fie is often seen in your noir story, sometimes as the dame you shouldn't trust, sometimes as the villain, sometimes as a some unimportant person having a drink at the bar as the scene comes to a climax.

Six: No one knows anything about Six, other than he exists. We only know that because the other PIC talk about him a lot. "Six did this. Don't tell Six that. You just wait till Six here's about this! Did Six order an extra cheese pizza the other day, I think it's still in my fridge?" But no one has ever seen him or felt his presence directly.

So, what's the conflict?
It's becoming harder and harder to run away form what brought you here. The world itself seems to be testing you lately, you seem to end up in a lot of challenges with other dreamers against puzzle-like landscapes the world seems to bring you to, seemingly designed to make you realize your dark secret.

Toggle Rules

Write in second person present tense, as if speaking to your character:
IE: You come up to a fork in the road. You sigh with relief "Now I have something to eat all this spaghetti with" you think allowed.

Always stop at a cliffhanger if you can - something the nest person will feel compelled to continue.

Don't be upset if the next person goes a different direction than you expected. Google "Yes and..." if you are unfamiliar with the concept. Roll with it, try not to stop anything dead in the water.

If your hard-pressed for ideas, just remember - nearly anything is possible. Seen a movie you recently liked. Maybe your character has too, throw in some weird plot elements from that flick.

Remember that your character is tragic, has a dark secret, and is running from something. Use these and other elements from the introduction to help build your character.

Browse All » 7 Settings to roleplay in


Lunablanca by jmromig

Play it once, Sam. For old times' sake.

Eon's Flying Island

Eon's Flying Island by jmromig

Eon's island is wherever Eon is.

Wotty World

Wotty World by jmromig

Wotty's Wacky Wonder World

Rethe's Haunted Graveyard

Rethe's Haunted Graveyard by jmromig

Everywhere Rethe goes, death seems to follow.

Rouf's Doors of Perception

Rouf's Doors of Perception by jmromig

What's behind door number 1? If you're never brave enough look you'll never know.

In Real Life

In Real Life by jmromig

This is a place where you can post what happens to your character in the real world.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 3 authors

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Lee
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0.00 INK

The evil Doctor Hippocrius plummets down the side of the wondrous floating island, and hits the ground with a silent thud. You dust off your armor as you think to yourself, "Piece of cake." Seemingly out of nowhere, hordes of small, munchkin-like people swarm around you, the beings that come are always different. Once it was a race of A.I. robots, another time a group of seductive succubi came to your side. But you are the righteous hero, you don't choose who you save, you simply save everyone.

You now find yourself back at your hidden base, like nothing happened. It happens instantly and easily, a simple scene change in this unpredictable world. You toss aside your heavy armor and blade and, as it is now "conveniently" night time, you go to bed. But as you go to bed, a thought creeps into your head. "Just another day's work..." For some reason, that completely natural thought scares you.

Suddenly, the scenery melts away, and is replaced by something that completely catches you off guard. You find yourself, still in your fantastic battle attire, in a normal, boring office.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 41659 or "Bill"
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0.00 INK

#, as written by jmromig
The coffee is gargling in the break room, and smells like mocha. 7765 brings the mocha on Tuesdays, you remember. She's a sweetheart, you think to yourself as you look over the unexpected memo lying on your desk:

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY 41659!!" it reads. "It has come to our attention here at The Company, that it has been exactly one year since your last day of birth celebration. Recent research suggests that corporations that acknowledge an employee's life events see a positive correlation with employee moral, which you may remember from last month's meeting helps establish an environment and culture in which our workers can succeed and thrive toward excellence. With that in mind, The Company would like to formally acknowledge this by sending emails to all your fellow employees informing them of your life event, and we personally want to congratulate you on your continued survival to date."

You find this message wildly amusing. Partly because of The Company's attempts at acting human just come off as weirdly robotic - which you seem to think is an adorable quality for a corporation to have. But also because it's not your birthday. It won't be for another few months. The Company does things like this all the time. But you can't stay mad at them. They treat you so well here. The view is amazing. You set the note down on your desk and glance out your window thoughtfully. The smog isn't as thick today.

Suddenly, there's a knock on your door. It's 7765 with a cup of her mocha flavored coffee. She smiles. It's a beautiful smile. You wish he could tell her that, but you know that it'd be a violation of the sexual misconduct code 43492 subsection R. Though, you think about her smile. You make a mental note to think of her later as you touch yourself before bed tonight. "Thank you." You smile back at her.

As she leaves the room, you glace back out of the window once again and see a floating island merging with the ground outside. "Hmm" you think out-loud "I wasn't expecting Eon today. I wonder who he's brought me?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 41659 or "Bill" Character Portrait: Jack Lee
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0.00 INK

"Welcome to eternity, old... man..." A voice, Eon's voice, reverberates off the walls of the small office space. It shakes the room and resonates all throughout your body, penetrating you down to the marrow.

"Old?" You bravely respond to the bodiless voice, something of this caliber can't scare you, "Are you sure it's not you who's turned senile, Eon?" Suddenly, the electronic, blackout shutters snap shut, and you find yourself in complete darkness. But you aren't scared, why should you be? You are the man who defeated the... Who defeated... You stop to think in the darkness, spin around in your swivel chair a few times. "Who did I defeat again?"

You scramble for the terminal on your desk, the records kept by the World Watch Committee are infallible, everything you've done and said should be within the small device. But in the darkness, it is no use. Now you can't even remember what you had for dinner last night, although you assume it was probably factory-made genetically enhanced super-oats. Everything is assumption, nothing tangible.

The rumbling starts once again, and knocks you to the floor. Your bones feel oddly brittle, your muscles strangely weak. The shutters blast open, and bright, fluorescent light fills the room. Everything is the same, mostly...

Suddenly, there's a knock at the door, "May I come in?" Your first thought: "Oh it's probably 7765 with my coffee..." You manage to catch yourself. "What?" Your voice is also hoarse and gruff, you try to clear your throat but it's no use, "You already brought my coffee, right?"

"What? Are you off your medication again?" A horrid creature creeps into the room. It takes you a few seconds to realize that that ugly, decrepit creature was, indeed, 7765. "Oh dear, did you fall again?" She reaches down to grab you with her wretched, splotchy hands, only to find that your hands are exactly the same.

The setting changes from Eon's Flying Island to In Your Dreams


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Einin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Monroe
You've been following the trail of glowing screens. Tiny, handheld computers that people look down at as they walk and flickering televisions in shop windows. Your round glasses reflect the glow and make your dark eyes sometimes disappear in the glare on the thick polycarbonate. You've been following these devices all day, but it isn't what's on the screens that interests you. Rather, you've round that the mere act of being near some sort of television makes you feel all warm and squishy inside. You're a child getting a mother's embrace when you're near monitors, content and peaceful. You don't own one yourself though and you've never quite figured out how everyone else has gotten one, but that's okay. Life has purpose when you're looking for the next fix, even if that fix is being within arm's length of a tv screen.

"Miss?" asks a woman holding a cup of coffee just outside the doors of a tall office building. She's seen you staring at the little phone in her hand with the tiny, flat television screen on its face. You blush, embarrassed. She's not put off by your mousy appearance nor your dull demeanor. She smiles with exceeding kindness but for some reason this only makes you feel more flustered. She reminds you of someone you know, their name on the tip of your tongue, but you can't think of who!

"Can I help you with something?" Her dulcet soprano tones snap you out of your reverie.

"N-no," you splutter, and in an attempt to get away from this too-nice, too-pretty person, you wander into the office building. It was an odd choice to walk into the building rather than just turn around, but you don't think twice about it.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: 41659 or "Bill" Character Portrait: Jack Lee
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0.00 INK

You're scared. You don't understand the truths and lies that surround you. You're completely and utterly scared, but there's more to it than that. You don't actually know why you're scared, and that itself scares you even more.

False realities entwine you as you stumble within your own psyche. "I'm the unbeatable hero." "I'm the content office worker."

You're not quite sure who you are, but you decide to worry about that later. Right now, you're scared, and in this world of fight versus flight, the latter seems so much better right now, as you really don't want to fight an old lady.

You struggle to climb back up, using the poor, old lady as leverage. It takes you several, frantic tries before you finally manage to get up. The second you do, you dash (as fast as an old man can dash) out the door and down the hall. Half running and half stumbling through the office corridors, you obviously catch a lot of attention. You hear the characteristic humming of the security robots on your tail, chasing you down the hall. The rush of adrenaline makes you forget about your arthritis. You feel lighter and lighter to the point where you feel like you could fly; oddly enough, you start to.

The natural transition goes unnoticed by you or anyone around you, and before you know it you're zipping through the halls superman style yelling, "You'll never catch me alive!" like a hyped school kid.

The exit is already in view. The finish line, the checkered flag, the climax and resolution is within your grasp. But a young, nervous woman suddenly waltzes into the building. You don't have time to change course.

"Watch out!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Lee Character Portrait: Einin
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Monroe
The Company seems to be a labyrinth of hallways and corridors and you've no idea which way to go. To your left, a half dozen elevators, but the numbers on the buttons are out of order, and some have only cryptic pictures. You wonder where the button with the picture of a skull and crossbones would take you, but decide you'd rather not find out. Another simply bears a smiley face, but it strikes you- oddly- as more sinister than the skull.

To your right is a wall of doors, but some are large and some are small, some lean crookedly, and one opens and closes of its own accord even though no one has come through it or gone in. Before you are corridors, and though you cannot see where they lead, you get the sense that they must twist like ant tunnels through the building rather than follow any sort of sensible grid pattern.

At the front of one of the corridors is an unmanned receptionists desk, and on it is a computer. You cannot see what is on the screen since it faces away from you, but you naturally drift toward it. Warm happiness strengthens the closer you get and you feel the beginnings of a smile pull at your plain, bespectacled face.

You're steps away from the computer screen when a voice reaches your ears. He sounds alarmed, frantic, and you look up, dark eyes widening in confusion. Confusion turns to dread, but instead of ducking or moving aside you cover your head with your arms like that's going to save you. You never were the brightest woman.

"Watch out!"

You're not watching; your eyes are firmly fixed on your feet. "No," you start to say, but instead it turns into "N-ughff!"

The man collides into you and you both topple to the ground. Limbs are splayed in different directions and you're shaking. This is the most exciting thing that's happened to you in ages. You tremble like a leaf, partly from shock and partly from the shear joy of adrenaline.

"You need to work on your landing," you splutter, and sit up. Your glasses are askew.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Jack Lee Character Portrait: Einin
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0.00 INK

You stare at the ceiling, somewhat bewildered to what just happened. But mostly, you feel satisfied, refreshed even. Congratulations, you've, once again, managed to conserve your fantasies by ignoring your fears. What a wonderful hero you make.

The Deep Train of Thought comes up to the station, and you hop right in. You've had time to cool yourself down, since were no longer so... Decrepit. Eon, one of those enigmatic comptrollers whose mere presence warps the space around them, is to blame. At least, that's what your "hero's intuition" tells you. "Eon, that menace, him and his fellow denizens of destruction. I swear by my blade that I will-"

Impudent fool! How could you forget about your sense of chivalry? Had you not just brutally crashed into that innocent young lass? Have you no shame? Pay attention to your surroundings! Rule #44.142: To be a hero you must be a gentleman!

Your inner voice is right, it always is, after all. Always so reassuring. You quickly turn towards the woman, and take her hand, "I'm so terribly sorry miss. It has been so long since I have last flown. You understand, don't you?"

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While not required, locations can be organized onto a map. More information soon!


Lunablanca by jmromig

Play it once, Sam. For old times' sake.

Eon's Flying Island

Eon's Flying Island by jmromig

Eon's island is wherever Eon is.

Wotty World

Wotty World by jmromig

Wotty's Wacky Wonder World

Rethe's Haunted Graveyard

Rethe's Haunted Graveyard by jmromig

Everywhere Rethe goes, death seems to follow.

Rouf's Doors of Perception

Rouf's Doors of Perception by jmromig

What's behind door number 1? If you're never brave enough look you'll never know.

In Real Life

In Real Life by jmromig

This is a place where you can post what happens to your character in the real world.

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View All » Add Character » 4 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jack Lee
Character Portrait: 41659 or "Bill"
Character Portrait: Lacey Baldwin
Character Portrait: Einin


Character Portrait: 41659 or "Bill"
41659 or "Bill"

Just your average everyday sane psycho supergoddess.

Character Portrait: Lacey Baldwin
Lacey Baldwin

A Misplaced Soul

Character Portrait: Jack Lee
Jack Lee

"So, we meet again..."


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Lunablanca by jmromig

Play it once, Sam. For old times' sake.

Eon's Flying Island

Eon's Flying Island by jmromig

Eon's island is wherever Eon is.

Wotty World

Wotty World by jmromig

Wotty's Wacky Wonder World

Rethe's Haunted Graveyard

Rethe's Haunted Graveyard by jmromig

Everywhere Rethe goes, death seems to follow.

Rouf's Doors of Perception

Rouf's Doors of Perception by jmromig

What's behind door number 1? If you're never brave enough look you'll never know.

In Real Life

In Real Life by jmromig

This is a place where you can post what happens to your character in the real world.


Play it once, Sam. For old times' sake.

In Real Life

This is a place where you can post what happens to your character in the real world.

Rouf's Doors of Perception

What's behind door number 1? If you're never brave enough look you'll never know.

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