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Persona: Imagine

Central District


a part of Persona: Imagine, by Astro_B0Y.

The center of Olympus, in more ways than one. This is also where the Eos Corp skyscraper lies.

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over Central District, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

220 readers have been here.


Here lie...

-The main station for the monorail

-The Eos Corp Skyscraper/Mansion

-The River of Styx, AKA the transportation pad that takes you back to the mainland below.

-Numerous travel agencies

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Central District

The center of Olympus, in more ways than one. This is also where the Eos Corp skyscraper lies.


Central District is a part of The Floating City Olympus.

3 Characters Here

Kazuma Uesugi [0] You know, my heart is beating incredibly fast right now. You guys go on ahead. I'll just slow you down.
Tsuki Murakami [0] "My mind is the pencil, the city the tablet. The only limit to my creation is my level of Inspiration. I like this place, why do you want me to leave?"
Henderson "Heat" Faraday [0] ".....Then I'll be this world's justice."

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Taro couldn’t lie, a part of him was in fact, excited to see that the so called ‘Ace’ had arrived—maybe she could actually make some headway in the case, Olympus Police clearly weren’t doing the job. The boy was knee deep into his second bowl of Lucky Charms when he heard Elizabeth’s ‘cheesy’ voice; a voice she used when in the presence of important guests. Rather than the two sets of footsteps he expected to hear, he heard three, another detective?

“Hm? Taro? You want to see him?” Elizabeth sounded shocked, why did the detective(s) want to see him? Weren’t they here to talk with his father and the attendant who first reported the disappearance?

“We just want to ask him a few things, you’ll understand yes?” A woman spoke, though with a slight hint of bravado in her tone, she still sounded completely respectable however, “It won’t take long, and then we’ll be off to the bulk of the business.” They were all in full view now, Elizabeth, and the two visitors.

The first he recognized, the woman. Indeed, she was the same figure shown on the report he watched just a moment ago. She was of average height and nimble build with long blue hair and a soft face. Despite her proportions, the detective Naoto Shirogane gave of a ‘take charge air’, one that made sure you knew she wasn’t to be taken lightly. She dressed in a blue jacket and matching pants, with a stylish, but worn blue hat on her head. As their eyes met, the detective gave Taro a respectful bow, which made Taro blush.

The second was a completely new figure, a man, very tall and slender. He was dark-skinned, and appeared to be on the ‘other’ side of twenty, with an angular face with stubble on his chin. The detective (he assumed that was his profession) had a set of long light brown dread-locks as his hair style of choice, and dressed in a simple gray, long-sleeved button down and black and white pinstriped tie, with black pants on his legs and a pair of white gators on his feet. However, this visitor’s most striking feature wasn’t his whimsical looking black dragon tattoo ((which reached up the entire length of his right arm)) nor was it other tattoo of a lightening bolt under his left eye but it was, Taro noticed, the dread locked man’s golden pair of eyes. Rhey were so striking because Taro couldn’t tell what his emotions were through them. Normally, he could read people a decent amount through their eyes
but this one

“Taro Murakami yes?” It was Naoto that walked towards him, slowly and measured though, making sure not to alarm him or make him uncomfortable, “I’m Naoto Shirogane, and this is my
partner,” She motioned for the man to come next to her, he nodded, yet he looked apprehensive to come forward.

“Demetri Maverick. What’s shakin?” The dread-locked detective, now identified as Demetri smirked, “Don’t look at us like that, we’re not gonna bite.” Demetri joked with him, holding up his hands in a ‘don’t shoot!’ kind of way.

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Eos Corp. Skyscraper, 6:05

Taro couldn’t fight his curiosity any longer, that card that Demetri character dropped—he had to know what it was. When it first fell to the ground, he noticed an image of a bright red sun, but that was all he could make out from the split second freefall. Young Murakami tried his best to turn up the volume of the TV to block his own inquisitive thoughts out; needless to say, it didn’t work and the four foot four Eos Corp. heir was on his way to the card’s landing place.

He crouched down, inching in with his hand and head, ever so closely. He stopped though, just a few inches away from the backside of the piece of cardboard. The design of it, a bright blue mask, gave him an eerie feeling. And that was before he even touched the thing. Taro took a deep breath, and placed his left palm on top of it
aside from the pounding deep inside his chest, it didn’t cause any weird sensation. But why did he feel so fearful about flipping it over?

He felt like the moment he flipped this card on its front side, his own life would be flipped upside down.

Do it!

The boy’s mind hollered out. Taro shut his eyes and let out a sigh—he had to do it. In a very calculated manner, he flipped the card face up, bringing it up closer to his face in the process. ‘The Sun’. Young Murakami’s mouth stood at the open, as his violet eyes traced each and every detail of the intricate image. A large sun sat in the center, surrounded by multiple rays of warm colored light. The face on the sun was portrayed as a half smile, and underneath the image itself was the Roman numeral XIX—nineteen.

“A tarot card? Why on earth would he give me this
?” He was ashamed that he even spent so much time preoccupied about the insignificant thing.

“I’m going to leave this here; you don’t have to take it,”

The dread-locked detective’s parting words rang in his mind.

“Don’t worry, we’ll bring Tsuki back.

Taro stood up from his crouched position. Even through his resentment of the piece of cardboard, he stuffed it in his hoodie pocket all the same. “I’ll just ask him myself.” The boy nodded firmly, taking off in the same direction the trio had gone.

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((Taro post/Going back in time for this one))

The large, black double doors to his father’s office slammed shut behind the trio, and Taro was left alone in the long winding green hallway. The boy was tip-toeing his way towards the door, he smirked as he got within distance to the door. It was time to show off his skills; years of watching detective movies were finally paying off. He shoved both of his hands into the pocket of his sky blue hoodie, and removed a small glass cup.

“Now, all I have to do is press this to the wall and
viola,” The young heir grind widely, as he touched the top rim of the cup to the ebony door. His eyes widened when he could make out faint traces of voices—it actually worked

- - -

On the inside of the room

Naoto and Demetri sat in two large leather chairs in front of the man’s giant cherry colored desk. The room was big and elaborate, with a large burgundy Persian rug, marble walls and an unnecessarily big chandelier. Along the eastern wall was a book shelf, filled with novels on business, Olympus itself, and some classic literature. On either side of the room were holographic displays of the floating city, they rotated in a clockwise direction so as to give the viewer a 360 view of the utopia.

“Murakami-san, thank you for seeing us,” Naoto began, taking of her hat with a bow of her head. The woman cast her partner a sharp glance, prompting him to bow his head with respect. The man frowned and reluctantly did so himself.

“No, no, thank you Ms. Shirogane, Mr. Maverick.” Sousuke Murakami was a middle-aged man with a perpetual stern face on. His skin was well tanned, and his hair, which was a mix of black and gray (being the head of a super-company is a stressful job) was styled in a ‘caeser-cut’. He always dressed himself typically in a crisp gray suit, never to be worn twice he had his assistants by him a new one for every day of the week. –Mr. Murakami had a whole George Clooney type of style going on. “I know my summons of you was short noticed, but you do understand the severity of this matter
my daughter, Tsuki she,”

“We know sir, don’t worry, we’ll get her back, we just need some more information about the disappearance; and Tsuki herself.” Demetri rested his elbows on his knees, leaning forward as he sat his chin upon his now folded hands.

“Indeed. Can you tell us more about Tsuki first? Her tendencies, hobbies, mannerisms?” Naoto had her notepad in one hand, and her pen in the other. Sousuke nodded, leaning forward over his desk to get a better look at the duo.

“Tsuki was—is, so creative. I swear, she was born with a pencil in her hands. She loved to draw pictures, and they all told a story. Her first one was about these two jesters you and they
” The father smiled sheepishly, embarrassed by his rambling, “I’m sorry. Anyways, recently she has become a lot more distant. And her pictures started getting a lot darker as well
was it because Taro made fun of them?” The man looked down at the top of his desk, lost in thought.

“I doubt that, Tsuki is clinically schizophrenic correct? You think that could have caused her to just
run off?”

“Demetri!” Naoto was disgusted by her partner’s coarse remark, but Murakami-Senior appeared to be unfazed by it.

“Sorry,” The dread-locked detective looked away, embarrassed by his scolding.

“No, you could be right. I can’t even begin to understand the way Tsuki’s mind works. I remember the first time I noticed her ‘condition’. It was when she was six, I walked into her room and she was having a full blown conversation with thin air. No, it wasn’t a conversation, it was an argument. She was fighting with the air about whether or not some door was open, I couldn’t understand it
” He was staring at the two of them with an apologetic look on his face. “Can you believe it
I called my own daughter crazy
” Sousuke laughed.

You mentioned something about Taro making fun of her? Can you explain more?” Naoto wanted to quickly change the subject.

“Taro is just jealous of Tsuki’s gift. So to make himself feel better, he makes fun of her pictures and puts them down, its ridiculous. That boy needs to grow up,” He leaned back into his chair and crossed his arms, his brows knitted and his eyes shut tight, it was clear that he wasn’t on good terms with his son.

“Sir, Taro’s taking this hard as well, maybe you should—“ Elizabeth was cut off by a firm hand from her boss. She bit her tongue obeying him. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s times like this that families need to come together, you should talk with your son Mr. Murakami, trust me, it will do the both of you some good.” Demetri was almost certain his words were falling of deaf ears, but at least he tried. “Now, when did you notice that Tsuki was gone? The police report says it was a housekeeper that discovered it first?” Sousuke nodded.

“Yes, I regret to inform you that the housekeeper is not here with us though,”

“That’s fine, so long as you can still give us the information that he would relay. Why do you believe this was a kidnapping? And not, as my partner said, a case of a mentally ill child losing their way?” Naoto tried to pick her words carefully, but she realized however she said it, it wouldn’t sound 100% kind.

“There’s absolutely no way anyone, especially a thirteen year old child, could exit this facility without anyone’s knowing!” The father slammed his fist on the desk in an odd display of apparent anger, “Why Tsuki’s never even been outside this skyscraper for God’s sake. The idea of her leaving here is absurd.” Both detectives exchanged skeptical glances with each other, Demetri leaning back, crossing his right leg over his left, and Naoto tapping her pen against her notepad.

“So you say, but what if Tsuki did leave out on her own accord, its been a week since the ‘kidnapping’, where could she have gone?” Naoto carefully examined the Eos Corp. president’s mannerisms.

don’t know. She’s never even been outside of this skyscraper, she’d probably just be roaming the streets
my daughter!” Demetri let out a sigh, before chiming back in himself.

“She’s never even been outside? Now I’m almost certain she ran away, you can’t just keep someone locked inside a tower. Especially a mentally ill person. That’s common sense President.” He calmly scratched his stubble, awaiting the man’s no doubt agitated reply.

“Mr. Maverick, I beg to differ! This place is so much safer for her, the world outside is dangerous. Tsuki could—“

“Get kidnapped? Hurt?” Demetri smirked, “She’s already been kidnapped. That plan didn’t work too well now did it?” Each of the three left in the room bit their lips, lost on ho to respond. “We’ve already got a picture, so I suppose we’re done here?” The dread-locked, sharp tongued detective rose from his seat and dusted himself off. “Naoto?” She looked up at him warily.

“R-right. Murakami-san, we will be in touch,” She stood up gingerly and bowed to him. “Thank you as well for showing us in Elizabeth.” She bowed again, this time for the blonde haired caretaker, who blushed.

“T-thank you.” Elizabeth smiled.

.Very well.” Sousuke Murakami quickly turned around in his chair, clearly unwilling to chat any further.

“Well then, give Taro our regards,” Naoto smiled, walking towards the door.

“Yeah, tell him not to go so hard on his self, he’s a good kid, just a bit rough around the edges. Is all.” Demetri laughed following behind his partner.

Taro gulped, hearing the two detectives footsteps towards his position outside the door. In his frantic rush to get away, he dropped the cup, creating a loud, disruptive sound from the glass’ crash against the marble tile.

“Ah..!” Taro grimaced, but he couldn’t waste time, he ran off down the hall, only looking over his shoulder once the entire way back to his room.

((Taro obviously won't be a part of our little dream sequence))