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Pokemon: Keeper of the Legends

Cornod Town


a part of Pokemon: Keeper of the Legends, by TFairy.

A medium-sized port on Betou Island. It is where trainers arrive from other regions, and also where most new trainers begin their journey. Complete with Market, Pok??center, and a Lab. More details in description.

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over Cornod Town, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

309 readers have been here.


Places of Interest:
  • Pok??center
  • Market
  • Flannery Fonc??'s Lab.
  • Training Grounds (For New Trainers)
  • Flannery Fonc??'s House
  • Latias and Latios Fountain
  • Small Library
  • Port
  • Hostel
  • Various other houses.
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Cornod Town

A medium-sized port on Betou Island. It is where trainers arrive from other regions, and also where most new trainers begin their journey. Complete with Market, Pok??center, and a Lab. More details in description.


Cornod Town is a part of Pokemon: Keeper of the Legends.

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Mitch Evans [0] A strong, confident character, who is often cool and laid back but never willing to back out of a challenge.
[0] A strong, confident character, who is up-front and may seem confrontational to other males.
Travis Darrell Mura [0] Trainer, Famous in Kanto

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Michella looked down. She saw a beach that looked like a good place to land.
"There, Sam, you gotta land there!" she said, but the bold Swellow kept flying, higher and higher.
"I said LAND there, on that beach! Why won't you even listen to me!"
"Pachii!" A small, pink and white pachirisu climbed from Michellas neck on her head. Michella sighed.
"Alright then.." She looked down. It was way too high to jump down. She took a spicy poffing from her bag and held it in front of Sam's face.
"If you want it, go and get it." She tossed the poffin on the townsquare and quickly wrapped her arms around Sam's neck as the plunged down.
Elegantly, Sam landed on the townsquare and ate the poffin. Michella quickly jumped off before she could fly off again. She sighed and patted Sam on her head.
"You'll never listen to me, will you?"
"Swellooow!" was the answer.
Michella knew that was a no and retrieved Sam to her pokeball, which was marked with a little grey curl; symbolising the air.

Now looking around, she saw more trainers arriving from the harbour. She could see the top of The Elizabeth above the houses. If she had left home five minutes earlier, she wouldn't have missed it. Then she would've just been able to sit and relax. She sighed.
"Ah well.. You can't have everything."


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#, as written by TFairy
Don't be afraid, Blaze is more than strong enough to take your attacks. He won't hit back either."
The Blaziken cried mournfully as the group of young trainers, one by one, sent out their little starter pokémon to tackle, scratch and peck him. He used to have dignity once. A weak blast of water caught him off guard, and he jumped backwards, glancing around to see a tiny Mudkip waddle proudly back to its trainer.
Flannery glanced upwards, spotting the twin dragons, d and Latios, flying and dancing high in the sky. It was an uplifting sight, to see them so relaxed and happy. No doubt the locals would be gathering to see them.
"All right, I think that's enough for today. I'll see you guys after the weekend, and watch yourselves until then. No chasing Zigzagoon outside the town unless you've got a proper trainer with you. Right?"
The local children smiled and nodded and began running back home, many of their faithful partners struggling to keep up.
"Blaze, you okay?"
The Blaziken growled back, folding it's arms, sitting down and turning away from its trainer.
"Think about it, and what you mean to those kids! You and I both know that Combat would strike back, Beon would absorb some of the attacks, and Knight's delivering messages for me." Flannery pulled out a Pokéblock Case from her bag and began playing with it. The treats inside rattled as she moved it, and to the Professors satisfaction, Blaze began to look at it as well from the corner of his eye. "But I could wait for Knight to get back to give him the treats..."
Flannery sank down to Blaze's level, holding out the treat towards him. A few moments passed before he actually took the treat, standing up in one fluid motion, hoisting the Professor up to her feet.
"We'll head down to the beach, I take it Beon is still hanging around there."
Blaze nodded, setting off towards the beach, Flannery not too far behind him.


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[edit: Rapidash and Staraptor have been added]

"Here we are puppy, let's get going!" Mitch said excitedly, as he climbed on the back of his large Arcanine.
Arcanine nodded in respect of his trainer and ran off the boat, with Mitch riding on top of him. As they stepped on to the land, they suddenly came to a halt. "Where on earth is Chim!?" Mitch asked, with a worried tone to his voice. He and Arcanine both looked in every direction but there was no sign of the little Chimchar. Before they started to panic, a familiar sound was heard from beneath them - "Chimmy-Chim!" - Chimchar had been asleep while nestled into the thick fur on Arcanine's belly. Mitch exerted a sigh of relief. "Oh you cheeky monkey, you!" He joked, tickling the small pokemon.

What a lovely day. Mitch thought to himself. "Let's head down to the beach, relax a little!" He instructed. Chimchar climbed up to the back of Arcanine's neck and sat up straight, clinging on to the large, furry ears. Mitch climbed off from Arcanine and walked down the slope that lead to the sandy beach. "Right, let's set down here." He lay down his jacket, using it to lie on.
"Now you two go and have some fun, but don't let Chim out of your sight puppy! I'm trusting you."

Chimchar playfully raced off down the stretch of beach as he could see other pokemon in the distance, and Arcanine followed, jogging slowly in order to keep pace with Chimchar.
"Be good you two!" Mitch shouted, as they disappeared into the distance.

With the excitement, Mitch almost forgot about his other pokemon, but one pokeball rolled off from his belt, and Ivysaur was released. "Woah boy! Where did you come from!?" He exclaimed. "I suppose you want to have some fun too, go ahead! In fact, all of you", he said, releasing all of his pokemon, "go enjoy yourselves!"
- "Buzz, buzz, electabuzz" - Electabuzz didn't look pleased being surrounded by water, but he was just glad to be out of the pokeball and sat down next to Mitch.
Eevee playfully bumped into Ivysaur and ran off, with the grass pokemon in hot pursuit of her.
Speaking of a hot pursuit, Rapidash appeared, suddenly galloping past Arcanine and Chimchar, leaving the occasional footprint as she seemed to glide along the beach in a blur of flame.
Staraptor observed the goings-on from a large rock a few meters away from Mitch.
Lapras crawled off of the beach and launched herself into an oncoming wave, singing a delightful song as she gained her composure and swam gracefully up and down the shore.
"Hang on, we're missing someone" Mitch said, confused, "Where's Tauros?"
Just then, he heard the familiar sound of rushing hooves. Uh oh, he thought to himself. He jumped up and sprinted towards the majestic Lapras, as he was being chased by an ever-angry Tauros. "Stop!" Mitch ordered. "Do as I say! Why don't you do as you're told!?" He dived into the water and pulled himself onto Lapras' back. Tauros couldn't stop himself, and crashed through the waves, until eventually hitting a buoy that floated very close to the shore. He looked pleased with himself and paddled back to the beach.
"Man, I don't get why he's always so angry." He mumbled to himself,while softly caressing the curved ears of the Lapras.


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#, as written by TFairy
Flannery nodded, her smile spreading into a grin as she began the short walk back into the town. Blaze strode beside her, occasionally shooting warning glances at Travis and Gill. Beon trotted along beside Travis, surveying the trainer curiously.

"So, what is this place exactly? I've never heard of a Betou region..."
Flannery turned around to answer Travis, but Combat had gotten in first. We're not too far from Hoenn, actually. The island is fairly remote, and the League only established themselves here in the past three or four years. They rounded up all the toughest trainers they could find, and stuck them in the gyms, ex-champions in for the Elite four, I'm not too sure about who the Champion is.
"Not many people even get to battle him. They either fail at the gyms or the Elites. I've never met him, which was kind of unusual, but things are quite unusual around here." Flannery added, her smile fading as she felt the warmth go suddenly from the air. She moved one hand to her pocket, where she kept her pokégear, her fingers fingering on it for a moment. She shook her head. "Must be a Gengar or something about, keep watch Combat."
Combat, padding almost soundlessly behind the two trainers nodded.
The small town came into view, and it didn't take long for Flannery to head towards the lab. Knight was outside the door, firmly holding his messenger bag. He was somewhat unsettled, but Flannery didn't say anything to him, blaming it on the sudden change in the weather.


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Dante looked at the woman talking and said "Ya, I'm Dante and I'm looking to find anything that I can know about this place. If I'm going to train here I might as well know more about it." A poke'ball falls from his belt activating unleashing his Tyhplosion. Tyhplosion stood on both it's back legs looking around the lab as Dante pets it's back.


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Michella turned around to answer the professor, but one of the other trainers was faster. She looked at him as his Typhlosion was released.
"Wow, your Typhlosion looks pretty strong! Mind if I introduce him to Cindy, my cindaquil?" she already released Cindy from her pokebal. Cindy looked around, quite scared by the new envoirment. Michella picked her up.
"No need to be scared, Cindy, they won't hurt you." She then turned to the professor.
"Hello, professor, my name is Michella. I'm here to sign up for the league and get my pokedex updated. Also, I want to say you have a very beautiful Dragonite." She smiled.


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[I moved up my pokemon levels (except for cindy)+ my age a little, since I was way lower than the others :S So Michella is now 17]

Michella listened as the professor explained the other trainer some things about the region and the gyms.
Then a person called her away about some emergency and Michella was left with the other trainers.
"Alright, um....What way is the poke'center by the way?" the boys said to himself.
The Typhlosion looked at Cindy. Cindy looked up at him, then hid away in Michella's arms. Michella petted her.
"Hi, I'm dante, and this is Inferno. What's your name? If you need, I'll be willing to help you train your pokemon. I'll be like sparring friend."
"My name's Michella and this little shy thing here is Cindy." Sue popped her head up, now from Michella's bag.
"And that's Sue. And that would be really great." She smiled.
"Aslo, I know where the pokécenter is."


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"Alright, good. Now would you mind showing me to the way to the poke'center?" Dante's pokemon weren't that damaged or anything, but it's better to take good care of them. Rather leaving them to pain when people can help them in anyway. He then looked at the woman looking at the machines and thought to him self "That girl doesn't look like the smartes one of the bunch. A sack of hammers could out smart her if I'm right. Some one I'm not going to be a total fan of"

Dante looked back to Michella and said "So off we go to the poke'center. Right?"


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#, as written by TFairy
"It's just a short walk down the--"
An earth-shattering roar ripped through the air above Cornod Town, stopping the professor in her tracks. Combat came flying out of the side room, and Flannery suddenly found herself surrounded by her team. "Get back from the door, and get inside here!" She barked, Blaze pushing the trainers and their pokémon inside while Flannery sprinted outdoors.
Another deafening roar forced the woman to stop, slowly gazing upwards. Beon and Combat almost crashed into each other, tensing up for a moment, as if to fight, before they too paused and looked skywards.
Rayquaza was twisting and writhing in the sky, snapping its jaws with a nasty look in its eyes. Its long body, usually a bright emerald, was now a dull green, and covered in long, jagged scars. It's anger had turned the clear blue sky into a steely grey, and flashes of lightening and snaps of thunder rolled around the sky.
Flannery froze as the legendary pokémon turned its head towards her.


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#, as written by Barbie
"Like, what that's ugly no--" Before Linda could complete the sentence, she was knocked into the sleeping quarters, along with everybody else by what seemed to be one of the professor's pokemon. "Hey! What's the big idea! And what's that TOTALLY annoying sound?" She looked around at the other trainers, attempting to press her ear against the door to hear what the professor was saying, or to hear anything that happened to happen outside.

Jigglypuff pulled at Linda's towel, but the blonde simply shooed the pink pokemon away. It sighed sadly, puffing itself up, and then deflating to the ground in sadness. Blissey meanwhile, as happily bouncing around the room.


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#, as written by TFairy
It's not thinking right. It's too mad, too angry. Combat took a step backwards, wincing in pain as she tried to read the Legendary's thoughts.
Flannery tensed up, also simultaneously with Blaze, who adopted an offensive stance. Rayquaza roared again, and Combat snapped her head around.
People. Something about people. It recognizes your necklace Flannery, and it's not a good thing.
Flannery tore the emerald scale from her neck, taking another step backwards.
"Travis? Your help would be really appreciated right now!" Flannery yelled, jumping backwards as a lightening bolt hit the ground in front of Rayquaza.

Cyrus laughed as he saw the footage of Flannery call for help and jump backwards, her pokémon likewise frightened. The girl had helped put a stop to his plans, and so he was glad to see her failing, but we wondered why Archie and Maxie had failed to locate the woman. It was a gamble though, that had paid off.


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Flannery was in trouble for some reason. The Rayquaza was not looking happy. Travis wasn't sure if Rayquaza would remember Travis or not, but he'd rather not find out the hard way. Travis would not allow Flannery to come to harm from an outraged legendary. At Flannery's command, Travis almost smiled, and said, "You don't need to ask twice."

Travis threw out one pokeball. A pokeball containing one of his most powerful pokemon, and probably one of the only pokemon on his team who could last a while against pokemon as strong as legendary or even stronger. "Damageplan! Use ice beam!"

Damageplan, his Tyranitaur, larger than most, appeared in a flash of light. Tyranitaur obeyed as soon as it appeared, looking at the enraged pokemon in the sky. Damageplan also seemed to remember the beast, it's eyes glowed white, as it unleashed a powerful ice beam attack.

Travis in the mean time leapt down, from the stair well and ran to Flannery. "Come on, Damageplan can hopefully hold it off! Let's get you out of here." Another lightning bolt struck nearby.

"This thing has an attitude since we last met." he muttered under his breath.


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Travis escorted Flannery to the refuge. Before he himself entered he too a few more seconds to watch the battle. "Damageplan, do your best to make sure Rayquaza does not damage the building. Do whatever you can to drive Rayquaza off!"

Damageplan acknowledged with his usual nod, and increased his attack. Travis then entered the refuge and shut the door behind him He then gave a sigh of small relief before saying, "Well, that was weird. Wonder why he's out here?"