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Powerful Therapy

Or Minds


a part of Powerful Therapy, by lewdug97.


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Or Minds



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lucy Cosgrove [0] "What are these voices?"
Anthony Whittaker [0] "I hide my caring soul behind this facade of selfishness, honest."

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#, as written by Timothy
Anthony only made a small murmur when she commented on how his life had to be, not really wanting to comment. He wondered briefly how far he would get if he just started running, before he'd be found by suited man that charged him with this mission, and more like him.

"Oh, the fun never stops in this place," he answered dryly, beginning to walk again as he was starting to grow tired of the woods. "You can take your pick between fascinating card games, board games with half the pieces missing, and all sorts of activities people grew tired of in first grade."

"Basically, if they don't allow you to leave, you'll most likely be bored to tears."


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"Allowed to leave? Who said I needed to be allowed? Lets just go. I'm sure we can find somewhere to have some fun." Lucy told Anthony with great excitement. She wondered what it would be like, on the run from the hospital. Would Anthony agree to run off or would he just go and tell them. If he did then he would of broken her trust and she would be under close supervision.

"We will be back before anyone notices. Come on, they can't stop us." She became pushy. She didn't mean to be pushy but it just happened and that was the way that the words left her mouth.


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#, as written by Timothy
Though he could understand Lucy's reluctance to partake in the activities arranged by the hospital, he was still surprised to see her rebellious streak as she suggested they'd run. Anthony turned to look at her, raising his eyebrow.

"Real concerned for you own mental health, you are." He said, but didn't protest to her words.

Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea, his mind chanted. The hospital does their best to monitor our every move, and the girl you're with is clearly a bit of a lunatic. Well, he supposed he wasn't the right to judge when it came to mental health, but that didn't change the point - he had no idea what they were capable of, seeing as powers were a somewhat hushed subject, even here.

Taking a step back, he made a gesture for her to lead the way. If she really wanted to escape the hospital, she would have to go first. The managers of the hospital would most likely not be very happy about the idea, but he was willing to take the chance if it would get them off his back.


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Lucy noticed Anthony's gesture suggesting that she lead the way. She spun around to face away from the hospital. Then she spun back around to Anthony with a confused look on here face. "Truth is I am from out of town so I have no idea what I’m doing." Lucy was now quite embarrassed. "Um, maybe it's not the best idea. I am only new here and I don't think I want to lose their trust to be honest." Lucy was now starting to see sense. "Do we not get any time away from this place?" Lucy questioned Anthony's knowledge of their situation.

Lucy usually was a bit of a rebel in other people’s eyes. Normally not following the rules and quite often doing what ever she can to go against them. The rules were in place to stop people from having fun. Lucy wondered if Anthony would want to become good friends or maybe even more.


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#, as written by Timothy
Anthony couldn't help but give a slightly smug smile, as Lucy looked around, seemingly confused. When she changed her mind about running away, the smile disappeared, but the slightly stuck-up look was still on his face as he turned around to continue walking towards the fountain outside the hospital.

"They give us as much time away as they think we deserve," he answered to her question. "For people like us, we probably won't have much, even though they can't do much about my blackouts. They always find me, though, and bring me back as soon as possible. As long as we're considered a danger to ourselves or others, we don't have the right to move around more freely than normal psychiatric patients."

The woods opened up again, revealing a greener path that led towards the place they'd been earlier. A few paces later they would be given the choice between continuing towards the back of the building, or taking a path leading them on the side.

Further away, a patient feverishly tried to climb to fence leading to the larger, public, park. Though it was hardly visible, Anthony noticed the lattice turning to ice beneath his hands, one of the metal strings even broke before a nurse came running and tore him down, dragging the patient with her towards the entrance, kicking and screaming.


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"So, do they have scrabble?" Lucy asked with a hint of sarcasm. Anthony had just explained the trust system that is in place in the hospital. It wasn't up to her really to decide because Anthony was older and more experienced then her. She wanted to get used to life at the hospital as soon as possible. Also, she wanted to get to know Anthony.

Lucy followed him towards the fountain. As she glanced over the park she saw someone trying to scale the fence. He didn't get far as he was dragged back by a nurse struggling to break free. That is when she noticed that there were many people worse than her in this hospital.


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#, as written by Timothy
"The wide variety of board games will blow your mind, I shouldn't be surprised if scrabble was among them." Anthony said dryly in reply to her sarcasm. "Look, we can probably make, like, an application for a day in the normal world," he said. "Seeing as I'm in charge of your therapy, apparently, I can see if I have the right to do that."

The iceman patient escaped the nurse by jumping into the fountain, making the other patients laugh as he splashed around in a feverish attempt to avoid her as she tried to reach him from dry land. Though it was difficult to hear properly, he swore the patient shouted something like 'viva a révolution!' as he made a dive for it.

"What do you usually do for fun, where you're from?"


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"Well I write. Sometimes the voices and others stories of love and relationships." Lucy was quite the writer but she didn't usually boast about it. She also liked to walk but she didn't really feel like talking about what she did on these 'walks'. "I also play Pac-Man when I’m bored." Lucy smirked as she mentioned her hidden love for the game.

Lucy wasn't sure how to say that she wanted to learn more about Anthony but she gave it a go. "So, how about we get to know each other better? Maybe we could... I dunno." Lucy stumbled over her words again. She was never good at talking to people. If she was writing right now she would know what to say and it would of been so romantic.


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#, as written by Timothy
Love stories. Anthony stole a look towards her with a slightly raised eyebrow, but decided not to comment - even though he couldn't really imagine her as a hopeless romantic. Not that he was in any position to judge - despite his own reluctance towards romantic relationships he could understand those who still had hope.

"Pac-Man," he said, grinning. "Awesome."

As she asked they got to know each other better, they had reached the fountain. The patient from earlier had finally been captured, and was looking decidedly smug as the nurse gave him an earful about the diseases he could catch in that water. Anthony gave him a slight nod of approval, and got a wide grin in return.

"I think this is the part where we're getting to know each other," he answered. "Unless you have some better sort of activity other than talking that would allow us to learn more."


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"I mean, don't just let it be you helping out and no more. I want to be your friend, not just that girl." Lucy was back to speaking normally and had stopped endlessly tripping over her words. Anthony nodded in the fence scalier. The man had been unsuccessful and was now being told of by a nurse.

"What is that man doing?" Lucy made out these words in her head. Could it of been linked to the man who tried to escape? She didn't know but didn't want to question it. Lucy heard lots of things in her head that seemed to relate to things that were happening before her. She mostly disregarded these thoughts as a coincidence.


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#, as written by Timothy
"Point taken," Anthony answered, turning towards the entrance of the hospital. The sky had grown dark, and the way the wind blew, he wouldn't be surprised if the rain started falling any minute. The patient from earlier was taken by the collar and dragged inside in front of them, laughing all the way as he went.

"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what more I could tell you," he said. He honestly didn't want to talk about his past more than strictly necessary, and he'd already told her about the blackouts. "But, if it helps, I'm willing to accept your friendship. I'd hardly want to be that guy, either." Wink.


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Lucy noticed the wink coming from Anthony's right eye. She winked back in his direction as if to suggest that she knew what he meant by it. She didn't.

"Well, I’m sure as friends we will think of something." Lucy made a big deal of putting an emphasis on the 'friends'. Lucy liked to label her acquaintance by their relationship status. 'Friend' can go any of two ways, lover or best friend. Lucy would have preferred the first.

"So..." Lucy continued, "What are we doing?" Lucy passed a question to her new friend.


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#, as written by Timothy
Anthony decided to ignore her weird emphasis on the word 'friend', instead focusing on what she was saying, as they entered the main activity room, where many of the patients had gathered in an attempts of playing a normal board game - which seemed to be quite futile as they all had varied opinions on how the game worked, and was reluctant to admit some of the others might have been right.

"Right now, I would suggest that you take a look at the lunch room, while I talk to your therapist about getting some free time outside the hospital," he said. "Lunch should be any minute."


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"Ok, that seems good." She replied to his suggestion with a sudden burst of joy. "I do hope they have chicken or noodles there good too." Lucy continued on.

She began to walk off following the signs that had 'Lunch Room' written on them. As she opened the wooden double doors they reviled a large room in which was three long rows of benches. On one side of the room was a large hatch at witch there was some people getting some chicken loaded onto their trays. "Yes, chicken!" Lucy let out with a huge burst on energy.


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#, as written by Timothy
Anthony left Lucy to her own devices, quickly locating the man from earlier - though not entirely intentionally as he'd mostly been walking at random, hoping he would show up.

"How do you like your mission?" the man smiled gently, leaning on the wall beside him.

"You've got to be joking," Anthony murmured, ignoring the questioning sound the other made, as he was quite sure every word had been heard. "What would it take to bring her outside for a day? You know, just get her out of the hospital area for better... Treatment, I suppose."

"And have a bit of a runner while you're at it? I think the hospital uses enough resources on bringing you back here, Mr. Whittaker."

Clenching his fist slightly by his side, he decided not to loose his temper. "I just thought it would be better for her mentality. Not all suicidals like to be reminded that they're not right."

"And yet they seem, for some strange reason, to be more in need of it than most," the man replied.

Anthony sighed. "Are you going to let us, or not?"

"I'll give you a chance. I suggest you don't take too much advantage of that, Mr. Whittaker." Though he was too busy staring at the ground, he could still feel the older man's gaze on him as he searched for any indication that Anthony thought to deceive him.

"Duly noted," he replied, deciding to get out of his way as soon as possible. He nodded and turned his heel, walking towards the lunch room as quickly as he could.

"I'll be watching," the man reminded him as he turned the corner.

Entering the lunch room, he quickly looked around for Lucy, finding her near the chicken - as he should have suspected. He strolled over, trying to look as casual as humanely possible, looking at the food over her shoulder.

"I see you found the chicken," he said, smartly, and immediately regretted it. Smooth, Tony, smooth.


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Lucy looked back over her shoulder to see that Anthony was gazing down at the chicken. "Yep!" Lucy couldn't really say much more than that as a reply. Lucy had just then remembered where he had been. "So, what did he say?" Lucy had now turned away from the tasty chicken slices and towards Anthony.

Not long after asking the question Lucy spun quickly around and leaned on the side bar. As she grabbed her head in pain she let out a rumble. She had then shaken her head and told herself. "I'm fine." She then had some food dumped onto her plate before she turned back around to face Anthony. "The voices, they are getting louder." She explained as she gazed towards the door seeing that many more people were now occupying the room.


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#, as written by Timothy
Anthony was worried at first at Lucy's sudden - he wasn't sure what it could be called. Attack? Something like that. When it was explained, he nodded, giving her a sign to follow. "Let's sit down, shall we?"

As he wasn't exactly hungry, mostly due to his hangover and secondly due to recently having eaten a bit, he simply sat down, letting Lucy start on her meal. The room around them was starting to fill up with various patients, amongst others the iceman from earlier, who'd had a change of clothing and was being carefully watched by the nurse. Anthony put his hands on the table, rubbing his knuckles slightly, trying not to think of how much he wanted out of here.

"They gave us a thumbs up," he said, finally. "I'm not sure when, yet, but I think they'll let us have a trip outside the hospital."


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Lucy raised her head from her meal and gave out a huge grin. "That’s," Lucy gulped down a few peas then continued. "Brilliant! I do hope it's soon though, this place is so boring, right?" Lucy continued to eat the chicken off her bone. "This really is good stuff! Are you not having any food? Everyone needs to eat." Lucy was uncomfortable eating in front of him while he was not eating himself. This brought on another question, "Oh, and what’s your favourite food?" Lucy asked a lot of questions to Anthony. She didn't know why this was but perhaps it was to do with the fact they were 'similar'.


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#, as written by Timothy
Anthony gave a slight smile when she mentioned this place was boring, not bothering to point out that it depended on your point of view. But then again, if Lucy truly didn't know about the people's powers, then she wasn't exactly waiting for the next time someone would have a breakdown. They were still rebuilding one of the activity rooms in the left side of the building after the last… incident.

"I'm not hungry." he said, giving a dismissive wave of his hand, though he gave her a surprised look when she asked for his favourite type of food. A strange question, or so he thought, at least. "Um, I'm not sure." he answered. "Breadsticks, probably. I'm guessing yours is chicken?" he smiled, despite himself.


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Lucy giggled at Anthony's question as to her love for chicken. Lucy really loved chicken but wasn't to obsessed. "Yeah, that is true. But breadsticks! That’s not a real food!" Lucy was hugely surprised at his answer to her previous question. Lucy carried on eating her meal in between talking to Anthony. Lucy was enjoying herself, but then the voices got louder as she noticed screaming in her head.

A plate smashed over at the food hatch. Lucy's head darted in its direction. Shortly after she grabbed her head tightly and soon laid it on the table. The rush in her head was now causing her so much pain that she had tears streaming from her eyes. Just in the corner of her eye could she still see Anthony on the other side of the bench.


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#, as written by Timothy
"Breadsticks can be real food," Anthony defended, albeit childishly. "You eat it, it passes through the digestive system, it's food."

As if to make a point, or simply be a bit of an arse, he quickly picked a piece of Lucy's food of her plate and ate it, grinning as it was too late to protest. He almost jumped in his chair when a loud crash sounded from the food hatch, turning to see what was going on. Due to the amount people gathered around that area, he was unable to locate the source of the problem.

The sound of Lucy's head hitting the furniture surprised him, and he turned back to see her clutching her head tightly.

"Shit," he murmured, moving over to her side of the table and putting a hand lightly on her back. "You okay?"


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Lucy felt something touch her back then heard Anthony's voice coming from beside her. "G-get someone!" She yelled. The voices became loader as she yelled out to Anthony. Her grip became tighter as time went on. It seemed like it had been hours since it all started yet it had only been a few minutes.

Her eyes were rolling back and her neck had a slight twitch. Blood dripped onto the table coming from her nose as she continued to weep. The pain was now so intense that she couldn't stop herself from crying.


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#, as written by Timothy
Anthony nodded, getting from his seat and running into the nearest hallway, knowing the nurses to have their break room close by. He almost knocked over a fellow playing with a deck of cards, and got a harsh look in his direction. Apologizing quickly, he continued his journey, finding them three doors down.

"A girl is having some kind of seizure or something in the lunch room," he said hurriedly, hoping someone would react. One of the nurses, whom he knew to have a power but found it difficult to remember what sort, stood up and came with him back to the lunch room. Striding through the room with little problem, the nurse made her way down towards were Lucy was seated, carefully putting her hands on Lucy's head to see how the girl was doing.


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Anthony re-entered the room with a nurse following him. The nurse hurried towards Lucy and held her head up off the table. "Come on Hun." she whispered to Lucy. "You should be feeling better soon." The nurse wasn't lying.

The voices died down in Lucy's head. The pain slowly faded away and she stopped crying. A woman brought over a glass of water for Lucy to drink but she signalled her to leave it on the table. Lucy let in a big gasp of air before talking. "I'm okay, I promise." Lucy carried on panting slowly. "Does this mean that we can't leave the hospital?” Lucy let out a small giggle before looking up to Anthony.


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#, as written by Timothy
Anthony watched closely as the nurse took care of Lucy, remembering what her power was as the girl seemed almost instantly better. He'd seen an earlier instance, where a man from the locked down department had escaped, threatening to set the entire building on fire if they didn't let him out - the nurse had gone forward, and the other patients had watched in awe as the fire slowly died away and the man began sobbing out of fatigue. An aura of sorts kept people around her from using their powers, or they became extremely tired from the sheer effort of keeping it up.

"Does this mean that we can't leave the hospital?”

Giving a little smile, he stood awkwardly, wondering what would be the best to do. "Not today, at least," he answered.