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Princess Mononoke: The New Story

Princess Mononoke: The New Story


We are not going to follow the Princess Mononoke movie exactly, but we're using the plot line...

3,316 readers have visited Princess Mononoke: The New Story since milkshakes created it.



This roleplay takes place long ago, in a land still ruled by the animal gods. The humans have taken over and destroyed much of the sacred forest in their quest for iron ore. What is left of the Sacred Forest is ruled by the Wolf Goddess, a larger than life wolf, the Monkeys, and the Sprit of the Woods.


Even though these gods and goddesses still rule what is left of the receding Forest, they are very angry with the fact that THEIR sacred lands are being taken over, so they lash out against the humans.


There is a town, the main town destroying the Sacred Forest. Iron Town. This is where the majority of weapons are made. Guns, bullets, anything made from iron. The people of this town are very hard-working, but they are also scared of the Forest Spirits. Most of the gods don't mess with the humans, but the Wolf Goddess and her two sons have been attacking the town lately, mainly getting detered by the shots that are taken at them.


The only thing keeping the people from completely destroying the forest, and the only thing keeping the Gods from completely destroying the humans, is the great Shishi-game, or Forest Spirit. He is working hard to keep what little peace they have. And he is keeping the peace wonderfully.


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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


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#, as written by Kravos
Khazu nodded gently, eying the nose the popped out of the darkness. So she was not alone, she had creatures aiding her. How was it possible that she got their help though? "I am a mercenary, hired by people to do the tasks they can't. Though quite often I do not enjoy it myself. That is probably because I am left out on the information given." Again, he moved even farther back, he knew that she was not going to hurt him, but what about her large friend?


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Fears moved enough, that Khazu was able to see his head. Want me to take care of him, sister? he asked in a language no human, other than Ryuka, could understand. Mainly, it was very soft growls, small, almost unnoticeable movements. The girl looked at him and, speaking the same language, said No. Leave him alone. For now.

Ryuka turned back to the human, and stood. Fears came up almost to her shoulders, and the two stepped forward together, keeping almost completely even. Now, both could be seen, but only by Khazu. Ryuka made sure of that. "Do you know what you're doing here?" she asked, and put her arm around her brother's muzzle, drawing herself into his beautiful fur.


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#, as written by Kravos
Khazu took a few steps back as the wolf came out of the shadows with her. She kept her hand on it as they both approached. Was he just supposed to be food, is that the reason he was spared? "I.. I. Uh." His throat felt stiff, his blade was beside them so if things were to get bad he was pretty screwed. How long had the wolf even been standing there, had it been listening in on the conversation in case of things went wrong? "As I sa.. said before," His voice was shaky, this was the reason they called her wolf girl, why she declined humanity. They could communicate, she was never with the Town, she was always with nature.

Then again, he remembered just the night before. She had the drop on him not once, but twice. His head fell forward, stuck staring at the ground. He owed her his life, about three times over. "One of the five said to protect the town from you..But since the moment I saw you, I knew that I could not try to hurt you. Its not my damned job to kill others.. All I wanted was to protect.. Become strong enough so I could prove that I was not weak, so I could prove that I could protect my friends. Now I see, Mercenaries are hired hands in killed aren't they? They want to kill you, that is why we were hired, that's why I was drug along. You can not protect someone, without hurting another."


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Ryuka watched him closely, her eyes slowly traveling over his entire body. "So you are here to kill us." she muttered, and her arms tensed around her brother's neck. Fears growled. If he's here to kill us, we should kill him first... he motioned, and pushed further into the girl. Ryuka didn't react to his statement in any other way, other than a little twitch of her eyes, from the boy to the wolf, and back again.


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#, as written by Kravos
His eyes fell to the ground, wishing that he could avoid the responding. Then again that would be to quick of an end. He wanted to at least spend a few moments longer to see if things could turn for better. "I owe you for sparring my life. As well as letting me at least know I have some sanity. Therefore if you wish to end my life, go ahead." He quietly bent down to his knee, and remained staring at the ground. "They probably only want you dead because you are better looking then their wives. To jealous that you would rather leave out here then there with them. I see no monster in you, and that's why I willingly give you my life now."


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Ryuka's eyes opened wide, and she stared at the boy in front of her. Fears growled slightly louder, and stepped forward, bristling. Ryuka grabbed him and pulled him back, pushing him into the shadows. A girl her size shouldn't have been able to move the wolf at all, but he seemed very willing to listen to her. She had no response for him. "Stand, human." she muttered, narrowing her eyes. She still wasn't too sure that she could trust him, but was willing to give him some benefit. What he said seemed to almost make sense.

Ryuka kicked his blade, careful not to cause damage to herself, back to Khazu. She stepped back into the shadows, hearing some of the other humans beginning to call out. They were about to start moving again. Fears grumbled something to Ryuka, but she ignored him, and kept her eyes glued to Khazu. "Stay away from Iron Town... You'll get hurt there."


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#, as written by Kravos
Khazu blinked a few times, staring at his blade before standing back up. The girl disappeared back into the shadows, and left her warning again. "Then at least give me your name. So I can at least greet you properly the next time we meet." His ears twitched, knowing that others were calling him. Though at this point in time he did not care, he either wanted to be alone or talking to the wolf girl. Perhaps it was just the sense of danger that came from her is what he wanted. "Then I will leave. I will never come around your forest again, or Iron Town. You will never have to see me again, therefore I will not be a bother.."


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Ryuka looked at him. Part of her wanted to bring this strange boy back into the forest with her, but she knew she couldn't. Mother wouldn't be happy with that. "My name..." Fears growled, interupting her. The girl glanced back at her brother. "My name is Ryuka." she murmured, rolling the "r" at the beginning of her name. Fears moved close to her.

Within a heartbeat, Ryuka had moved in front of Khazu, kneeling so that she was hidden behind his legs. She looked up at him, her eyes flashing. "There is a war." she said, speaking in a quiet, fast whisper. "A war between you humans and the creatures of the forest... Iron Town started this war. And we will kill every one of you humans if that is what it takes to get our forest back." An angry glint had entered Ryuka's eyes as she spoke, but then it disappeared again. "You don't need to be in the middle of that. You are innocent."


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#, as written by Kravos
"A war?" Khazu paused, thinking about the last few he witnessed. Every time they would end the same way, the five always returned unharmed. He looked back behind him the people were getting ready to head on out. Still he hesitated to leave even when she disappeared from view again. For some strange reason he felt like running into the darkness after her, but that would not be a wise choice. It did not seem like her wolf friend liked him at all.

"Ryuka is a very nice name, not one I want to forget. Then again, the name is only as good as the person. What if I asked you personally not to take place in the war?" He hated the idea of her possibly dieing by one of his elders. She at least treated him seriously, and he definitely did not want to lose that. As the hollers from the people grew louder he grew more annoyed. "I look forward to seeing you again Ryuka...... Please make it soon." He bowed slightly, picking up his blade and slowly walking towards the caravan. Though his eye were constantly watching the shadows where he last saw the wolf and her. 'We will meet again, I will make sure of that..'


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Ryuka stepped forward again, letting him see her. "I will fight beside my family. If they need me, I will be there." she murmured. "I cannot betray my family." Fears huffed something, then turned, and disappeared. Ryuka glanced after him, then back to the group of people. "Your owners are calling you." she said, waiting to see his reaction. She could feel Fears circling, waiting for him to attack her. Ryuka fully expected him to.


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#, as written by Kravos
Khazu stopped for a moment, listening to her remark about going to his owners. She was pretty much right on the dot, that's all that his dream of a mercenary had ever been. He would be bought out and drug along like a pet. His life was a lie for another to benefit. "Right.. Owners. Good bye Ryuka.." When he continued walking he only paused again, remembering something. "My name is Khazu.. I almost forgot to tell you." When he managed to make it to the caravan he quietly climbed back up into the seat, staring back at where Ryuka was, the blade between him and the man again.


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The man stared at Khazu. "You know, talking to yourself like that, people are going to start to think that you're crazy."

Fears moved back to his sister, his eyes narrowed. I don't like the way that boy looks at you. he motioned. Ryuka didn't respond. "Come on, let's go." she murmured, still speaking human, and threw one leg over the wolf. Fears waited for a moment, letting Ryuka stare after the boy, before turning and racing further back into the woods.


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#, as written by Kravos
"I am sorry, is there someone actually entertaining around here?" He meant to say it rather harshly, addressing how the man was ignoring him earlier. "Now let's hurry up before we have to stop again for the night." Khazu pushed himself back, staring towards the sky. It would be impossible for him to sleep now that there was so much going through his head. Debating whether leaving Ryuka back there was a good idea or not. "I hope she will be alright." He whispered, looking back around trying to catch one more glimpse of her. But it was to late, they rounded a few bends.


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Fears and Ryuka were running through the woods. They were moving silently, but Ryuka was unsure. Her mind was spinning with thoughts, and she couldn't seem to calm herself down. The wolf was obviously angry with her for her talk with the human, but he tried to keep calm. The two were both trying to focus on the mission on hand, but neither were all that sure.


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#, as written by Kravos
khazu stared at the back of the horses ears as it pulled the cart. This trip was getting seriously boring, there was no one really to talk to and have fun with. The only fun that he actually had was talking to Ryuka, maybe because on a level he was afraid to die, but there was a strange attraction to it. Possibly because he never felt more alive then being close to dieing. "Maybe I am cut out to be a mercenary after all, but I still don't like the feeling of having to cut her down. I won't do it, no, I want her as my friend."


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Ryuka watched the boy for a few days. The trail was going to be five days, at least. She didn't approach him again, her eyes cautious. Finally, they were at the other town. Ryuka told Fears to stay outside, hidden by the woods. She thought it was time to approach Khazu again. She brushed her hair out of her eyes, and watched the group beginning to make their way through the town.


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#, as written by Kravos
Khazu slid off the cart and stretched out his legs. Finally they reached civilization, and not one single glimpse of Ryuka for the past few days. In a way he kind of missed the random run ins with the supposed 'wolf girl'. However he was going to be here for a couple weeks in order for the caravan to actually sell their goods and make a descent profit. At least he could sit around and relax, for once just act like a kid since he was not necessarily supposed to defend or do any work for this town. First thing he wanted to do, was simply walk around town and meet some of the new people. Hopefully he could meet more that are actually entertaining..


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Ryuka had stolen some clothes from before, and she quickly changed into them. A person who didn't know her would look at her and think she was just a really pretty, but dirty, girl. She didn't think about dipping into the nearby river to get clean. She walked into the town, tossing her red hair over her shoulder. She licked her lips slowly, looking around. The market area was busy, so she weaved in and out of the crowd, quickly and silently. Finally, at one side, she saw Khazu. She stood still for a moment, watching him closely.


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#, as written by Kravos
Curiosity was one thing that always went to far with Khazu. As he entered the market district he began to pop around the different booths asking if they ever heard stories of the wolf girl. He was being cautious not to use her name, but every answer came back with the same thing. "Isn't she that one who is always bugging Iron Town? She never comes out here.." This meant that he had absolutely no chance of seeing her. Though in the crowd every know and again he would see girls that looked something like her. Some older, some younger, but none of them were actually her.

"What am I thinking, she does not have to be my only friend.." He put on a small fake grin, wandering around the busy district hoping someone would try talking to him. He never really liked being the first to interact.


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A few girls giggled and batted their eyelashes at Khazu as he walked by. Ryuka watched his reactions with interest, always staying right out of sight. Passing by one booth, she grabbed a hat and slipped it on tilted it to cover her eyes. She turned, and realized she had lost Khazu. Cursing under her breath, she walked through the crowd, keeping her head low and eyes open. People brushed by her, and she forced herself not to pull away in disgust. Finally, she saw Khazu. Curiosity striking her, she moved forward, acting like she wasn't watching him, and bumped into him. "Sorry..." she mumbled, her eyes sparking violently as she waited for his reaction, looking like she was about to walk off.

A few of the men in the crowd kept their eyes on Ryuka, murmuring to each other, and began following her. Ryuka couldn't catch their scent... After all, so many people were brushing past her and she couldn't pull one smell from another... Except Khazu's, of course.


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#, as written by Kravos
Khazu glanced around, every now and then seeing a girl stare at him. This annoyed him deeply, he was not looking for a girl attracted to him he just wanted someone to talk to. For one girl he purposely knocked the drink out of her hand because she became somewhat imposing from her stare. However he froze, feeling someone bump into him. When he turned to look all he could see was a hat and the persons back. He shot out his hand without hesitation to catch hers, wanting to make sure she did not go anywhere. What shocked him the most was the small voice he hear that was separate from the crowds. No, it is impossible, she would not be out here. Especially amongst the people..

"Can I see your eyes?" He thought about it for a moment, what if this wasn't who he thought it was. "Your voice just sounds familiar, maybe if I can match the face." He starred eagerly, wanting to see if his suspicions were correct. But before he could actually see, he felt an arm on his shoulder pull him back, and he lost sight of the girl.

"Say Khazu since your here about about helping me set up shop?" It was one of the traders from the caravan.

"Very well.." He sighed,giving up on his search, falling to the senses that it might not be her. Even if it were her, why was she here, and what are the chances he would find her in the crowd again. No, it could not be her, she hated humans, and would not stay in the crowds..


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Ryuka growled softly as the man took Khazu away. She slipped through the crowds, the scent of humans invading her nose now that he was gone. She passed a few of the men that had been watching her without much notice, and slipped behind one of the booths. She found a small, dark corner at the end of the alley, and curled into a ball there. She took the hat off, leaning back with her head against the wall. She took slow, deep breaths, the musty scent of the alleyway taking away the nasty scent of the men.

She had seen the bright look in Khazu's eyes, and it made her smile. She wasn't sure why. What if that man hadn't taken him away? What would he have done? The thoughts made her curious, made her wonder if she should go out and find him again. She knew Fears would be upset if she wasn't back in the forest by that night, but she had to see why excitement had laced his scent. She had to talk to him again.

While these thoughts were swirling through her mind, the men had gathered back together, and were talking. They didn't notice how close they were to Khazu, but their whispers would be hard to hear over the dull roar of the crowd. "The redhead..." "She'd get us a lot..." "We could have our fun before..." They were obviously slave traders... Obviously slave traders interested in Ryuka...


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#, as written by Kravos
Khazu squeezed against the walls of the booth, listening in on the voices. They were talking about a red head, and something about having fun with her before selling her or something. Even if it was a majorly off chance that Ryuka was in this town, and even more of an off chance that they were after her. He could not bare thinking of them getting there grubby hands on her. She was free, possibly more free then everyone else bound to humanity. Especially the thought of these men having their 'fun' with her. Even if it was not his friend, it was wrong to just let them go freely. Though his Great Sword was back in the caravan's safe house. "Go grab my sword could ya?"

He walked outside the booth, and came up behind the one who's voice matched the man who said something about having their fun. Khazu gave out a sharp whistle, waiting for him to turn around before lunging full force into his chest and tackling him to the ground. Then he sat up to start punching down at the guys face until the other men picked him up. The guy stood up with bruises on his face, and threw punches into Khazu's chest. Between each loss of breath he kept saying, "You will never take her. You will never take my friend. You will never take anyone again." The man just laughed at his courage in such a situation, continuously pounding into his chest.That is until the man from the caravan turned the corner and punched one of the holder's in the back of the head. With the state of confusion, Khazu managed to get his arms loose, and sent his elbow flying into the other man's groin. Then he faced the first guy, grabbing his great sword from the merchant who ran to grab it before entering the fight. He grinned, pointing the tip at the slave trader. "Now how about you run and hide before I track you down myself huh?"

Though Khazu was tired from the blows, he could not show it. Not yet at least, he wanted this man and his friends to be long gone.


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Ryuka heard the commotion and raced out of her hiding spot. She had forgotten her hat back in the alley, but she didn't care. People were yelling, and she heard the sound of a sword. Before she could reach the fight, the distinctive smell of blood reached her nose, and she let out a soft, very wolf-like growl. People glanced her way, but didn't think she was the one who growled. Somebody muttered something about a stray.

When she got back, she saw the slave traders backing slowly away from Khazu. She found a window, not brave enough to move to the front of the crowd, and watched the fight. The traders were circling out, not ready to give up their prize. Ryuka's nose twitched, the scent of lust full in the air. She tried not to gag. These men smelled like the scum they equaled. She leaned forward slightly, curious. One of the men seemed really beaten up, and Ryuka felt a burst of pride in her chest.

The men were glancing at each other, each expecting another to tackle Khazu, none ready to face that sword. The man with the battered face was grumbling about something. "Your FRIEND, huh?" he sneered.


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#, as written by Kravos
Khazu grinned and nodded, "You heard me alright. Even if the one you are after is not my friend, I will cut you down the moment I see you take anyone." He began the motion with both hands, until momentum collected and he could successfully spin the giant sword above his head with only one. Khazu leaned back from the weight, until the blade lunged forward. The additional weight of Iron coating forced the blade to easily cut through one of the man's skin as it cut across from the left shoulder down through the spin, and outside the right waist. He glared back to the beaten up man, "Again, get out of here before you are hurt by a mere kid Slave trader." The body slumped over into two pieces, the number of slave traders dwindled.

"Just by meeting my friend I learned one does not have to act human. Not as long as if your doing something, or fighting for something you believe is right. And I believe that your foolish human desire of greed is a demon itself. Be glad I am sparring your life so others do not have to witness more death. Because I will not hold back on slaying a demon such as yourself next time." Again his motions began as the blade was spinning over his head ready to strike down swiftly. Guards were not bothering to stop him, because they already knew who Khazu was. They heard of the kid that was drug around with the six. They feared the six.. "Pick, which one is more valuable, your life, or laying a single hand on a girl before your death."

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Character Portrait: Khazu Loek
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Mercenary Human

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