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Protect Me!



a part of Protect Me!, by KeiraHigurashi.


KeiraHigurashi holds sovereignty over Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Earth is a part of Protect Me!.

6 Characters Here

Johan Knight [0] "I own you now. So you better not go and get yourself hurt, see? I can't stand a broken gem."
Charm [0] "Kill them? As you command, sir. I have an old score to settle with their guards anyway."
Charice Kingsley [0] "Oh, no... I never thought that I would upset him that much...."
Marcus Warden [0] "I'm sorry.."
Trevor Knight [0] "Of course I can protect you beautiful, but that doesn't mean I'll promise not to practise my charms on you."
Kate Winter [0] "I only ever aimed for happiness."

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#, as written by Hydrall
Johan Knight


The taste of asphalt and gravel filled the demon's mouth, and the air smelt of charred stone and smoke. The place was dark, almost pitch black save for the rapidly cooling embers that littered the-

Wait, back up a minute. Mouth? Smell? The demon had felt those senses before- When possessing someone, though they were dulled then. But it wasn't possessing someone now, and its true form was an immaterial spirit. Which meant something had happened. 

Without moving, the demon tried to leave the body it presumably now had. It couldn't. It was trapped by gravity and flesh, unable to reach his thousands of dolls... Someone must have taken them! It could have screamed in horror at the thought of someone else touching its collection. 

It suddenly remembered to breath as its vision blurred and began to fade. Best not to do that. Who knew what would happen if it died now?

The demon- whose real name was as ancient as it was unspellable- sorted out its various muscles, fortunately practiced from its time spent controlling humans before, and stood up, trying to figure out where it was. In the dying light of the embers, he (The demon realized this body was male almost immediately, and began unconciously applying the pronoun- something he'd never done before) saw that they were in a tunnel, manmade. The walls were covered in graffiti, mostly of amusing explicit phrases and silly attempts to be scary. An abandoned subway tunnel, the demon reasoned, and probably the site of plenty of local lore and myths. 

Whoever had sent the demon here had probably thought he'd find it funny. Or perhaps ironic. 

Memories came flooding back now, and the demon groaned out loud. The trial, where no one had actually explained what he'd taken, then his sentence- Banishment. They'd never find his stash, though, not without his help. He smiled, lazily. Not that he'd help them if they asked. 

The last embers were going out, but the demon caught a glimpse of another figure in the gloom- A homeless human? But no. Something told the demon that it wasn't that.

Crouching beside the body, he poked it with one finger. "Heh. What're you in for?"


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#, as written by Byte
Trevor Knight

Move... Move... Move!

Liquid dripping from what could only be guessed as the ceiling, woke Trevor with a soft pounding headache. Still too dazed too perform any form of excessive movement, the male tried to examine the area he found himself in. It was dark, a prison? Was this the void? What was he doing here anyway?

Trevor... remembered. Punishment. Punishment for something trivial, or at least, what the male thought was a trivial deed. But, was this his punishment for that deed? Eternal darkness? Strangely enough with small fragments of his memory returning, the punishment became more and more clear, sort of. Banishment was all Trevor could make up from the vague images that were shown in his still dazed mind like a slide show.

The soft headache began to fade, as was the daze in his mind. Along with this, the rest of the male's senses returned, as did his ability to control his body. "W-where... am... I? Argh!" Instinctively, Trevor moves his left hand to his forehead, firmly pressing his palm on the area where he could feel a heavy bump. The overwhelming amount of impulses resulted into the return of the soft headache. The smell of vomit, urine and other humanly secretions ran through the demon's nostrils. Whatever this place was, it sure wasn't a place he'd wanted to remain for long.

- "Heh. What're you in for?"

Trevor felt being poked at, like an animal in a cage. Examined without actually walking all over him. The blurred voice barely reached his ears, but the question was clear. The figure that poked his body appeared as a human, but, its aura did not match. Out of place to be exact. "Where?" Trevor could only roll one simple word from his lips, 'where'. He wanted to know where he found himself. This place was completely unfamiliar, maybe the figure knew more?


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#, as written by Hydrall
Johan Knight

"Where?" the man on the ground croaked, sounding like he hadn't drank anything for a year. That was probably just the shock, though- As far as the demon knew, these bodies were quite healthy.

"'Fraid I haven't got a clue, besides that it smells and it's underground," he replied, standing up. "But looks like we both got thrown out of Hell together. I wonder why?" He moved over to and leaned against one of the graffiti covered walls, crossing his arms. The smile never moved. "Name's... Eh, just call me Johan." It had been the name of one of his bodies, a German who he'd found particularly useful. He supposed that one and all of his other puppets must be moldering in a dump somewhere in Hell right now... If they hadn't been burned, that is. Unless, of course, he was simply mode locked into this one. But why?

Oh, right, banishment. Damn.

"You got a name?" Johan paused for a moment. "One you can pronounce, anyways."


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#, as written by Byte
Trevor Knight

The figure that pulled Trevor back to his senses didn't have much of a clue either. Superb, that meant gaining answers elsewhere. By the time the other male had spoken, Trevor had already collected his consciousness, and attempted to crawl against the wall behind him. Finally having control over your full body was satisfying, all five of the body's senses were properly working now as well. "Thrown out, thrown out of the one place where you'd think you could do anything." The male shook his head, noting the name of the, fellow demon?!

It was no surprise, it made sense, the aura not matching the body that is. "You can call me Trevor. Just, Trevor." He mentioned it pretty vague, but that was probably the cause of Trevor not being completely used to the surroundings. "Aside from the introductions, and figuring out where we are. How about we find ourselves an exit out of this dump?" There were obviously a whole bunch of questions waiting to be answered, but the main task now was getting out in the hopes of finding a more familiar, or at least a less smelly place.


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#, as written by Hydrall
Johan Knight

"Yeah, yeah. Getting out of here's fine. What then, though?" Johan looked up and down the tunnel, squinting in the near blackness. "I think it's lighter that way," he said, although of course his pointing hand wouldn't be visible. "Follow my voice."

After a minute of walking, the two disgraced demons ended up at the entrance- the tracks ended abruptly, overgrown and long forgotten. 

"Well," Johan said, seemingly pleased. "This is a place." He crossed his arms behind his head and started walking for the treeline. Not like he had a destination, though. "So 'Trevor'... Got any plans? You seem like an action kind of guy, what do we do next?" The demon didn't seem to bothered by his exile, not in the slightest.

(trying to get to the flashback's end, so the girls, and mister stalker's mooks, can have their fun too.)


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#, as written by Byte
Trevor Knight

Without any further obstruction or, trying to get used to the environment. Trevor concentrated on following the voice, narrowing his eyes as the sunlight was cast right into his face. "Well, at least we're not where I thought we would be."

The demon followed Johan, refraining from answering his question. Instead, he gave it a really, really good thought. His head hanging down slightly, his chin resting on his right index finger. And after a quick minute of pondering, Trevor answered. "Don't know, figuring out where to go I suppose." Which was true, banished or not, that wasn't his problem now. Not that he would die from anything, demons rarely do, but knowing where you are is something Trevor just needed to know.

So, without any further conversations, Trevor just silently followed the other demon. Occasionally glaring at the sky for entertainment. And something to project his thoughts on.


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#, as written by Hydrall
Johan Knight

Johan looked over at Trevor with a slight amount of disappointment. "Really? Well, I know where I'm headed. I've got some things I'd like to take with me to Earth, see. So I'm thinking that we could both get back down below- You know, so you can go get revenge or go home and stay there or something. I know the Gatekeeper, see, and I know he can't resist one thing and one thing only." Johan chuckled. "He's got a weakness for cute human girls. So all we gotta do is get a couple of 'em to sign their bodies and souls over to us, so we can use 'em as a bribe."

He paused. The sound of traffic was in the distance, so they must have been approaching a road. 

"All you have to do is help me find someone desperate enough to sign that off willingly."

And so they went, to find a bribe.