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Race for the Embrio

Race for the Embrio


private roleplay for tallyrebel and rekkainferna

1,181 readers have visited Race for the Embrio since tallyrebel created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:!


this is a private roleplay between tallyrebel and rekkainferna

Guardian Characters

Every child has dreams and hopes for their futures. And these dreams are bundled up in their Hearts Eggs. Sometimes, just sometimes, their Heart Egg appears and soon enough it hatches into a Guardian Character. The Guardians at Seiyo High are a group of the few whose eggs have hatched. Though they attempt to prevent the X Eggs – the Heart Eggs of children whose dreams are crushed – they cannot purify them and return them to their normal state. Sometimes these X Eggs even go so far that they form X Characters, negative Guardian Characters who believe the dreams of their child are impossible. But with the help of the Humpty Lock, one girl can. All but forced to join the Guardians as the Joker, she aids them in purifying X Eggs and Characters.

Easter, the Guardians main opponent in the race to find the Embryo (a magical egg that will grant the wish of whoever catches it) has their own Character Bearers to class with the Guardians. Among these few bearers is a boy with the Dumpty Key who is determined to see what happens when you put the Lock and Key together. Easter will do whatever it takes to obtain the Embryo for their boss, though why he wants it they are unsure.

So what happens when a relationship between the girl with the lock and the boy with the key flourishes?

Will they remain enemies?

Or will they team up to find the Embryo together?

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The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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May’s reaction was instantaneous, Akuryo didn’t particularly enjoy her attention but he liked it a whole lot more than the Boss. She smiled taking the bait saying

"Spend the night at my house and I'll make sure he is told that you were late because you were chasing the embryo," Akuryo hadn’t expected a request like that, only to delay the Boss he would have returned like a faithful servant after they had gone shopping. May was playing with his hair while he thought about telling her just to the store and back. when she suddenly said

"Or, instead, I could tell him that you were communicating with the enemy," SHE KNOWS Akuryo’s defences went sky high, but he couldn’t let her know that he knew that she knew What a mess of confusion. He bit his lip unsure of how to answer when the girl pulled him off to the exit.

I’ll just have to sneak away from her later he thought acting like his completely normal outer self.

”Where were you thinking of going?” he asked casually remembering her saying she wanted to go shopping.


Trix was sitting outside the window listening in.

This wasn’t as interesting as Trix had thought. He had a sort of adoration towards his bearer that could in some ways possibly be called “love”; he stuck out his tongue; but there was only so much he could hear about dear Akuuuuryooo before it all got too boring. Even so it was his duty by said Akyuuuuryooo to follow this girl and gather information. So he reluctantly listened to the charas chatter.

"Hey Sky,…I hope we meet Akuryo again. He was dreamy." That one was blushing.

"He was dreamy because you're dreaming…That kid was a mess." that one didn’t like him much

"You guys aren't taking consideration of Sky's thoughts on the situation." the last likes the girl best Trix wasn’t getting much information, turns out he was gonna have to tail them longer. He sighed as the girl opened the doors below him he flew upward but back down in an instant. Getting caught was not an option when you were on a mission.

But he wanted it to be more fun he looked at the charas following the girls retreating back out of the house, and locked onto one. The pink haired chara who had blushed, Trix grinned, she would be his victim. He quickly but skilfully followed after.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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May didn't have much of a reaction to the way Akuryo responded to her words. Damn, why was it so hard to read his expressions? This entire time she'd been trying to suck information out of him and yet he was dry as a desert on the information level. It took a lot of effort not to let the frustration show on her face. Gathering information from him shouldn't be so hard! Then again, this kid was a walking dealth-trap. You never knew exactly what he was going to do or when he was doing to pull the trigger.

"Where were you thinking of going?"

His words drug her from her brief daze. She released his hand, grabbed it once more with the other, and pulled his arm around her shoulders. Her other arm snaked around his waist, her fingers looping through his belt-loop. He was only around three inches taller, give or take a little, so she fit snuggly against his form.

"I've got to get some food for the fridge and the boss wants us to lure out some x-eggs, so I figured we could go down-town," May thought aloud. "I hear some brat has been playing the piano there as well, so I thought we'd steal away her hopes and dreams." She actually seemed to enjoy the idea of ruining someone else's life, but then again perhaps that someone happened to be a person of great distaste. "Say, I heard that Kengi confirmed that a new Guardian was added today. There's rumor around Easter that she holds the Lock." As she spoke, they exited out the building - a car was waiting for them out front.


"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we--"

"No!" Skylar struggled to keep down her temper in the middle of the shopping district. It was the down-town area of the part of the city and cars weren't allowed to drive down this street. For that purpose she was walking down the yellow line, balance perfect but mind elsewhere.

Rue frowned at her bearer. "I was just asking," she muttered quietly.

A sigh escaped the redhead. "Fine. I'm sorry. Just try to be a little less irritating about it."

The streets were always crowded around this time of night. Skylar hated coming late, but the problems after school had really cut back on her time to go shopping. She hurried into one of the stores and got as many items on her list in the shortest amount of time as possible. From there she continued to the center of the shopping district where a large piano had been blocked off with ropes. Lips pursed, she scurried over to one of the guards, handed him her groceries, and ducked under one of the ropes.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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Akuryo followed May taking care to not look back at the headquarters. He didn’t want to see anyone watching him. After all they couldn’t say much, going off somewhere with May was a normal thing for him to do. So what if the Boss wouldn’t like it. May had latched herself onto him lifting his arm over her shoulder, he felt her arm around his middle. He shrugged. It wasn’t that big of a deal anyway.

"I've got to get some food for the fridge and the boss wants us to lure out some x-eggs, so I figured we could go down-town," May answered "I hear some brat has been playing the piano there as well, so I thought we'd steal away her hopes and dreams." An x-egg he thought. Where hunting the x-eggs and destroying them had always been his job, though he was certain he didn’t enjoy it as much as others. He did it before without question but at the mention of the egg, he remembered the one in the clearing. The words went over in his head again. He looked off into the distance as he walked with May down the many steps.

"Say, I heard that Kengi confirmed that a new Guardian was added today. There's rumor around Easter that she holds the Lock." May added climbing into the car that waited. Did she call for this he thought his mind elsewhere. Though her words did soak in he wasn’t dwelling on them. He climbed into the car as the driver took off. Possibly knowing ahead of time where they were going.

“That’s interesting news he replied glancing out the window. how do people find all this out so fast



Trix followed them down the road keeping out of sight of everyone that could possibly see him. It was fun in itself but still boring. Trix wouldn’t admit he missed Akuuuryooo. He spun off after the girl and her charas careful not to bump into the crowds she was getting in.


The girl was just shopping seemed pretty average to him, Trix looked instead at his target grinning mischievously, and grabbing some cloth from a store he spun it over himself like a cape creating an outfit of his own design. He was going to draw her away from the others. Even undercover Trix couldn’t stop spreading mischief. He followed the group like a ghost as they approached a roped off piano.

“hmm?” Trix grinned


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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"That's interesting news," Akuryo said. His words didn't convince her.

"You don't sound very interested," May whined and leaned her head against his shoulder.

He was always so distant from her - oh how it bothered her. It felt as if he didn't want anything to do with her and only put up with her flirting so he wouldn't be put into a bad situation with the boss. He didn't seem to understand that Easter was everywhere and they were always watching. May knew things about him that he didn't even know about himself. She also knew of the struggle over the x-egg and exactly who that girl was. Damn that bitch, always getting better than her. And now she was stealing Akuryo out of her grasp like it was easier than anything she'd ever done. That slut.

"So." Her bright reddish eyes flickered up to Akuryo's face. May traced pictures on his leg in mock boredom. "Why don't you tell me about the ugly little redhead you met today?"


Skylar sat upon the piano bench with a solemn expression upon her face. The piano; an instrument that had so many secrets which could only be told when played. One could play it in all sorts of fashions, each making a new flavor and taste. She'd gotten so familiar with the instrument that she could make up songs just depending on her day. And today, there was only one thing she wanted to play about: Akuryo. He was a mystery to her. He was like a phantom - she only saw him once and she was already captivated. It made her feel like an easy girl. But then again, she'd never fought against someone who put up with her. No boy had ever been able to look at her with such a straight expression. It made her feel strange, different, but in a good sort of way.

"You want me to character change with you?" Rue asked, floating beside her bearer's head.

"I would love to, Rue, but I don't have the energy," the redhead replied with a weary sigh.

"That's okay, Sweetie," the pink-haired character chirped. She floated off across the street, sitting upon the roof of one of the shops.

Jinx and Vin took their positions on the top of the piano, looking excited. It was then that Skylar began to play. Slowly but surely a crowd began to form. Onlookers watched with pleasant expressions, their eyes lit up.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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"You don't sound very interested," May whined and leaned her head against his shoulder. knocking him out of his window staring. He looked down at her; he’d never understand why she liked him so much. He hated himself and how he felt he could never be true to himself. Always having to act like the nicest person for others; terrified of upsetting even one.

”I ..I am I was just distracted I’m sorry” he told her trying to look more interested he had actually forgotten what she had said earlier. He gave her a weak remorseful smile. Even so Easter would probably only allow him to be by her, he didn’t want to lose that. One person who cared, he should act nicer for the sake of that. He didn’t particularly hate May.

"So." May traced pictures on his leg in mock boredom. "Why don't you tell me about the ugly little redhead you met today?" ugly? It wasn’t like May to insult someone but then maybe Akuryo just hadn’t been paying enough attention to realize she was probably hiding an inner self behind that innocent appearance. Akuryo couldn’t remember meeting anyone ugly today, much less an ugly redhead.

”Excuse me?” he replied politely confused.



Trix settled himself upon a roof of a shop somewhere near his wicked eyes flickering to and from the girl and his target. The girl looked as if she would play the piano.

Akuuuuryoooo would love thatthought, since Akuuuryooo hadn’t been around instruments he saw the way Akuuuryooo would stare at them as a boy before Mean ol Easter dragged him away. Trix sat with his chin in his hands, crosslegged and waited.

"You want me to character change with you?" his target asked her bearer

"I would love to, Rue, but I don't have the energy," the redhead replied with a weary sigh. Ooooo so Ruuuee’s her name. Sounds like rude I like it he grinned again watching as his target moved to the roof of a nearby shop, she was so close and away from the others. Trix adjusted his “costume” and moved closer to her keeping an ear on Akuuuryooo’s girl. As he crept closer to the chara he took note of the crowd forming around the redhead.

Now right behind Ruuuee he poked her in the back, his face obscured behind a mask, whispering “Do you believe in magic?”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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May picked her head up off of Akuryo's shoulder and looked up at him, eyebrows knit and lips lightly pursed. "Hmm?" she replied as if nothing was wrong. Damn. She'd forgotten that she couldn't show off her true self to him just yet. Part of her wondered if he'd even like that part of her when she revealed it to him. A lot of people didn't and he might not be the exception. Shrugging lightly, she replaced her head to his shoulder and instead focused on the view outside. Their driver was pulling along the side of the road - cars weren't allowed in this part of the shopping district.

"Here we are," he said, glancing back at them with blank eyes. "Shall I wait her for you, Miss?"

"Go on home, Kyo, we can walk home," she replied with a pretty smile.

Dislodging herself from Akuryo's shoulder once more, May reached over him and pushed open the door. "Ladies first~" she chirped and climbed over him to exit the car. As soon as she was out on the street, however, she could hear it. The music. The piano. Damn.


"Do you believe in magic?"

Rue jumped, surprised, and turned to see a character behind him. She smiled brightly at him in greeting. "Why yes, yes I do!" He was strange looking, yes, but he didn't seem like a bad person. Just strange. Yes, that was it. Strange.

Down in the street Skylar continued to play the song, her mind whirling to create new measures an notes. The song reflected that of the chase for the x-egg from the previous hours. The notes were quick but light. Her amber gaze wandered from the keys and began to look around at her surroundings. Thanks to her father's wealth all of this was possible. Around her the crowds swelled with an ocean of faces. It was satisfying, though only just.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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After Akuryo had spoken, May picked her head up off of his shoulder. "Hmm?" she replied. Dang, I think I upset her… May shrugged and resumed to using him as a head rest. Akuryo didn’t think of much of anything else, the ride was engulfed in silence. Akuryo chanced a glance outside the opposite window. The car was slowing down in a busy shopping district. The crowded streets made it impossible for a car to manoeuvre through, they’d be on the street too shortly.

[b]"Here we are,"
the driver said glancing back at them his eyes empty. "Shall I wait her for you, Miss?"

"Go on home, Kyo, we can walk home,"
May replied as she reached past Akuryo prying open the door, Akuryo backed against the seat as she climbed over him with a sweet "Ladies first~" Akuryo allowed her to pass ensuring her safe exit from the vehicle and climbed out after giving a small wave to the driver before turning his attention to the crowd.

Mingled in the voices of the crowd was something else, something that floated in the air. Something that both hurt and felt wonderful to Akuryo much like that feeling that Skylar had made him feel in the clearing. What is that? he thought trying to zone in to the sound. He couldn’t though there was too much interference. I have to get closer

He glanced at May, she wasn’t holding onto him it would be so easy to “lose” her in this crowded place, such an easy innocent move, but it wasn’t in his character to do such an unkind thing. Suddenly he wished he had Trix.


The target Ruuuee jumped flipping around in surprise, Trix liked that reaction. She smiled brightly at him in greeting. "Why yes, yes I do!" she answered. Trix mimicked her smile behind his mask.

”What a coincidence so do I he skilfully controlled his voice so she wouldn’t recognize it from earlier. “Did you know that music can be magic? he moved a little closer to her, still listening to the bearer’s music from below. He ignored the tiny tug that he felt telling him his bearer was in need of him.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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When May glanced over her shoulder at Akuryo, she could tell that his mind was wandering. Was it the music? The thick crowds? Whatever it was, she wasn't about to lose him. She wanted to see his face when they ran right into Skylar. She wanted to see the realization that she was the enemy. She wanted him to feel the need to fight her. That bitch was always taking away what was rightfully hers - except for their father who had always liked May better, but that didn't count for much - but this time, she wasn't about to let that redhead steal away the boy of her dreams.

"Hey Akuryo, let's go see the piano player," May said brightly. Once more she took his hand in her own, though wanting to make sure he didn't wriggle out of her grasp she pulled their interlocked hands into her coat pocket. She tugged him a little closer, fierce eyes flashing.


Rue's face lit up like a child's. Music was her obsession, her skill, and once the word had left his mouth she was immediately hooked. She jumped up from her sitting position and turned her back to the piano so she could look at him. What a strange costume he was wearing - not that it mattered, really.

"Music is the magic of the soul~!" she squeeled, twirling around with a giggle. "You like music too?" she then asked in expectation.

Back at the piano, Skylar's song came to a gentle, rolling end. The audience clapped for a couple of moments before continuing on their way. A sigh escaped the redhead. Ah, she was so tired, so lifeless. She pulled down the wooden cover over the keys and turned completely around on the bench. Her elbows shifted onto the wooden cover and she leaned back with another tired sigh. Her guardians characters had disappeared to go window-shopping, though the lonely silence was more comforting than disturbing.

"Ah~ Fancy meeting you here." A tall, blonde-haired boy slipped under the ropes, hands in pockets, and strode towards her with a sly smile.

"Kengi, right?" Skylar asked, eyeing him warily. "What are you doing her?"

"Well you always come here to play your piano so I thought I'd drop by," he replied, tilting his head to the right. His smile grew when she rolled her eyes. Kengi trotted forward, moving closer to her. He placed his hands the wooden cover on either side of her with a chuckle. "Don't give me that look, I was being considerate."

"Go away." The redhead turned her head from him, flushing. "You're too close," she added when he didn't move. Still he remained still. Gritting her teeth, Skylar put her hands on his chest and attempted to push him away.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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When May glanced over her shoulder at Akuryo at that moment; preventing his chances of sneaking away. could she know that’s what I was thinking the thought was crazy, he knew that anyway he’d never have the courage to do so.

"Hey Akuryo, let's go see the piano player," May said brightly. Once more she took his hand in her own. Akuryo couldn’t mistake how tight she was holding it as she pulled their interlocked hands into her coat pocket, tugging him closer. His eyes locked with hers and suddenly they didn’t seem so innocent anymore. Trix! his mind screamed on alert, though his expression stayed calm and kind. The chara however, was probably too concerned with his mission to hear, or to come on time. Making it that Akuryo was on his own for whatever mess he had gotten into. He gave May another smile. He did want to hear the music. It was soothing but sad. It felt familiar though he had never heard it before.

“Sure” he replied looking around. Trix where are you? The path to the piano was crowded and he wished they would all disperse. When suddenly the music ended and after cheering the crowds began to clear. Akuryo felt uneasy and couldn’t stop his fist from clenching, accidently squeezing May’s hand.

He could see the piano now, and the only two people left near it. Both that he knew, Kengi his rival and …. Skylar…. he thought.


Ruuuuee's face lit up Trix had struck gold. She focused her entire attention on the oddly dressed chara drinking in his words.

"Music is the magic of the soul~!" she squeeled, twirling around with a giggle. "You like music too?" she asked

“Yesss I adore music! Violins, flutes and especially piano’s he glanced below and continued. ” Music is powerful just like magic, it can make the person listening to feel something, or to do something, depending on the type. he grinned again behind the mask his visible eyes glowing with excitement. Again he failed to hear his bearers call.
He even lost a little focus on the scene below, like the music stopping, and Kengi’s approach. Truth was this target was much more fun than Akuuuryooo’s girl. Whom of which was closer than the chara thought.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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It angered May, that look on his face as he listened to the music. That expression was one that she'd wanted to see for so long but he'd never show her. Jealously nipped at her being. She wanted him to listen to her like he was listening now. Why couldn't he just be hers? Well, soon he would be. Whatever he had seen in Skylar Viello was about to be crushed before his eyes all thanks to Kengi. As much as she hated that guy, he was useful whenever she needed his assistance.

For the first time that evening Piper appeared, floating just beside her bearer's head. "Good afternoon," she smiled, voice quiet.

May didn't reply. She frowned, glancing down at the hand that was holding Akuryo's. Why had his grip tightened? It was around that point in time that she noticed his line of sight - the piano where Kengi and that she-devil were standing. Her frown twisted into a childish smirk. Her free hand crossed to hold lightly onto Akuryo's arm and she walked closer to him.

"Well lookie there~" she chirped. "Kengi made a friend. Come to think of it, she goes to your school, doesn't she?"


Rue's heart felt as if it was about to explode into a thousand pieces. Another music lover! And a character at that! She smiled gleefully, eyes bright and hands tingling. "Skylar loves music too," she sighed in satisfaction. "It's great that her family has the money to pay for her dream." The character seemed absolutely mesmerized with him, even to the point that she didn't realize what was going on down below.

But there was a character who realized that something was up and that was Jinx. She left Vin at one of the nearby shops and flew over to the piano.

"Aw common, Sky, loosen up," Kengi whined.

"I don't even know you," Skylar argued back. "Where the hell are my guards?" She looked wildly around but realized that her guards were no-where to be seen. What? Hadn't her father told them to keep close? When her gaze flickered back to Kengi she automatically knew what had happened to the guards. "You bastard," she hissed.

"Sky!" came Jinx's voice.

In an instant she had character changed. She gave Kengi a rough push back and hurried out of the roped area. Thanks to Jinx, people avoided her almost completely, not really noticing her all that much. She was busy hurrying through the crowd when she realized that there was a familiar face in the crowd. Akuryo. Skylar stopped a couple of feet in front of him. And he was with another familiar face, but she couldn't put a name to a face. "What the hell is going on?" she muttered. Was he here to fight her as well?

"Oh Skylar~!"

"Damn." The redhead ducked out of the arms of Kengi and ran straight at Akuryo, racing straight though him and the girl. There was a moment of resistence - her mind quickly inspected that they'd been holding hands - before she continued onwards.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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Akuryo stared at the fire-haired bearer he had met just earlier that day, her with Kengi. He didn’t like it more so than Kengi just being someone he hated. Something was building up in him something he didn’t think he had ever felt before. Whatever it was he didn’t want Kengi anywhere near Skylar. But he was trapped where he was by May.

For the first time that evening Piper appeared, floating just beside her bearer's head. "Good afternoon," she smiled voice quiet.

Akuryo turned and looked at the chara. why didn’t I notice her? Has she been off too, like Trix…TRIX! his mind called for his chara again. What am I so afraid of?

May’s free hand crossed to hold lightly onto Akuryo's arm and she walked closer to him.
"Well lookie there~" she chirped. "Kengi made a friend. Come to think of it, she goes to your school, doesn't she?"

“Maybe? I can’t really see in this light? What makes you think that is she wearing the uniform?” Akuryo didn’t know why he was still acting clueless. He couldn’t take his gaze off the two near the piano. Why bother May wanted him to see this right. If May knew, then Kengi knew if Kengi knew so did Easter. They don’t know everything, they only know what they can see they saw I met her they saw I fought her I can do it again, I’ll clear my name this girl….she doesn’t matter he thought though it felt as if he were lying to himself. if they see me go after her it’ll just be read as jealousy at Kengi, we’ve always been rivals. I just need Trix.

Skylar had character changed, and pushed Kengi away from her. She dashed off and slipped under the rope blocking off the piano from the crowd. Kengi was too quick a simple push wouldn’t keep him back . Skylar would need help. but how? I’m supposed to fight her Akuryo didn’t realize she was coming right for them until the bond holding him to May was severed. He gasped as his hand came free of May’s as Skylar ran right between them. He didn’t look up to see May’s reaction.

” A guardian! That girl is the new guardian!" He said in surprise, watching her run off. ”TRIX ABANDON YOUR MISSION I COMMAND YOU! his thoughts were strong now that he wasn’t blocked by May.



Trix’s eyes lit up as he saw how excited it was all making Ruuuee. "Skylar loves music too…"It's great that her family has the money to pay for her dream."

“Dreams… Trix said his voice more soft than usual. He blinked Dreams, Akuuuryoo’s Dream! distracted for a moment he looked down seeing the scene unfold, this time he heard it his bearers cry for him.


“just like magic!” he said and vanished from the roof. In the next second he appeared, costume free, on Akuuuuryoooo’s shoulder saying his signature line “Ooooo lets go have some fun! Fuuu!”


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Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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In a flurry of movement, Akuryo's hand was torn out of May's grasp. She let out a yelp of surprise and stumbled backwards into an elderly couple. After properly apologizing she turned to gaze off in the direction of the chase.

"A guardian! That girl is the new guardian!" Akuryo said beside her.

Anger and jealousy surged through her viens. May gritted her teeth, struggling to decide a good plan of action. "Let's go after her!" she said finally and raced after Kengi.

Rue's eyes were busy following Skylar to see the strange character disappear beside her. She looked wildly around for a moment before dashing off after her bearer. Beside her Vin flew with a calm expression - though that was no different from usual.

Up ahead, Skylar was busy weaving through people with stunning elegance. Her character change allowed people to recognize her presence but not pay much attention to her, which made it easier to get through the crowds. People just mindlessly moved out of her way, not really realizing that they were making a pathway for the teen to run through. She turned into one of the alley-ways and hid amongst the shadows. Heart alarmed, her breathing was shallow, pained. In an attempt to make herself more quiet she placed a hand over her mouth, forcing herself to breath through her nose.

A flash of blonde raced past the alley - Kengi - and continued up ahead, completely unaware that he'd missed his target altogether. Eyes spotting a staircase leading to a rooftop restaurant, he raced forward and took the steps by threes. From a view close to that of a bird's, Kengi scanned the crowd. An amused expression began to slither onto his face. Oh what a fun game this was~!

Seconds later May flew past the alley, shouting something at Kengi - Skylar took no notice; she was too busy quietly creeping through the shadows of the alley.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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Akuryo had almost no time to react as Kengi and May tore after Skylar

"Let's go after her!"

No! She’s mine! he thought absentmindedly, as Trix appeared he turned to him.

” Where the heck were you?!? I’ve been calling you!”

“Well so-RRY! Mister I thought Akuuuryooo wanted ol Trixy to do a mission” the chara answered looking slightly offended. He glanced up at the roof and sighed looking back “Well!~ are we gonna go or what?!?”

” Character change with me! Akuryo said pacing, he was still pretty much in the same spot but he knew he could catch up once bonded with Trix.

“Oh my gosh! Akuuuryoos never wanted to before! I’m sooo excited this moment is just what I’ve been waiting for” Trix shed fake tears.

”TRIX! Akuryo nearly shouted.

“FUUUUUU! Here we go!” quick as a flash Trix flew around Akuryo, Akuryo emerged seconds later fully changed, he might need it for this battle. Without notice from the crowd he leapt into the air landing on a nearby roof, he saw May running, his plus sign eyes trailed ahead watching and looking out. He flipped to another room continuing to watch.

He spotted Kengi ahead climbing some stairs. he’s trying to get higher! Akuryo grinned that’s my game, you won’t win. He jumped and flipped onto yet another roof. His plus-sign eyes darted everywhere not missing a single detail. This was how you played the game you always had to be a step ahead. He was about to jump to the next roof when he sensed movement below. Carefully he focused his odd eyes into the alley, as well as his sense. Oh what’s that a kitty kat he laughed and hopped onto a roof closer to the alleyway. He crouched down listening and grinning.

His grin widened “GOTCHA!~” he called playfully and hopped into the alley landing right in front of Skylar, blocking her in.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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May looked furiously for their red-haired target, eyes ablaze with spite. The girl had probably character changed so it would be difficult to locate her. Well, there was always another option. Her reddish eyes flickered around the crowds of people, searching for her unlucky subject. From her experience, the only way to draw out a guardian was by the appearance of x-eggs. So, why not?

One glance at Kengi and he seemed to know what was up. He dropped down the stairs and began sifting through the crowd. He followed the girl's line of vision with stunning accuracy before moving to stand beside a young boy who was gazing sadly into the window of a toy shop.

"Hey, Sport," he said kindly and crowched to the kid's level. "You see anything you like?"

"Toys," the boy replied quietly. "I want to be a toy maker but my momma says that its stupid."

Kengi chuckled. "Kid, you becoming a toy maker is not going to happen. You have to be skilled and smart for that to happen."

A blank expression fazed across the kid's face. Ah. X-eggs, here they go!


Skylar let out a yelp as Akuryo suddenly dropped down in front of her. She pressed herself against the wall, fear and confusion written across her face. Only when she realized who was before her did she relax - but only just.

"What's going on?" she whispered, eyes watering. "Why are there people chasing me?"

"What girl were you holding hands with?" Jinx accused angrily. "Who exactly do you think you are?"


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Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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Skylar let out a yelp as Akuryo suddenly dropped down in front of her. She pressed herself against the wall, fear and confusion written across her face.

"What's going on?" she whispered, eyes watering. "Why are there people chasing me?"

Akuryo titled his head watching her with his plus-sign eyes. I have to act as an enemy, she’s my enemy he thought. Akuryo grinned

“Were called Easter! And you Miss. Egg-bearer are the enemy!” his grin widened as he continued to watch her, head titled slightly. “You see! Its Easters job to capture and destroy the x-eggs, and he started pacing but in a silly sort of way as if it were some interrogation game. Guardians like you; well you get in the way. Easter doesn’t like that” He waved a finger in her face. “Not at all, understand?!?” he grinned again poking her nose and leaned back laughing as if it were the funnest game in the world.

"What girl were you holding hands with?" Jinx accused angrily. "Who exactly do you think you are?" Akuryo’s eyes shifted to the little chara in front of Skylar. He crossed his eyes and watched her , his hands on his hips

” wanna play a game” he asked the little chara, he lifted a hand and flicked her, sending her flying upward and out of Skylar’s range of sight. He grinned at her bearer again. “where were we? he put a hand to his chin like he was thinking closing his plus-signed eyes only slightly, then they snapped open ” Oh yes! I was about to eliminate you!”

He raised a card and then froze; his senses had caught something, an x-egg a few actually. Not too far from this spot. so that’s how they’re playing this game huh he thought. He grinned and tossed the card into the air catching it again two can play at that game.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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Nothing was making sense. It was as if she'd been dropped into a nightmarish world filled with monsters who were out to get her. Skylar wasn't someone who was normally flustered or confused, but at that moment all of her confidence had disappeared into weakness and vulnerability. Her eyes searched Akuryo's face, trying to find the person she'd met only earlier that evening. He was different. Scary wasn't the word to describe him, just... different. And now, not only didn't she have to worry about him, but there was also something called Easter. For some reason the name sounded painfully familiar but she couldn't connect the name to the company. Honestly, she didn't even want to get involved in any of this, but somehow just by joining the Guardians she had become a whole different person with a whole different threat up against her.

Her face paled when Jinx was shot upwards into the air. Her amber-red eyes scared in shock at him, overwhelmed and upset. Had she really seen something in him? What a joke! The redhead flinched as he raised a card, a grin upon his lips. And then he froze. It was strange, as if he was sensing something.


She looked up at the sound of her character's voice. Jinx was shooting down towards her, arms outstretched. Her chest suddenly felt hot and she realized that the lock was burning against her skin. A flash of light consumed both her and the tiny chara only to disappear a moment later to reveal Skylar in another strange outfit. But this time she'd been ready. Having experienced it once, she wasn't as suprised - the outfit surprised her, but that was put aside for that moment.

'There are x-eggs. We'll have to go after them,' Jinx's voice rang in her head.

A cold grace tossing away her fearful aura, Skylar grabbed a chunk of Akuryo's shirt and twisted on her heel, forcing him up against the wall. "You're messing with the wrong girl, Akuryo." The way she spoke his name was sultry, seductively, but there was no desire written in her eyes. "I don't need another person pushing me around. You've already got a girl (she is implying May) to play with. Go fuck around with her head instead."

Eyes icy, she pushed him further against the wall before releasing her grasp and turning on her heel once more. "Right. X-eggs." And with that, she raced back into the crowds.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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Akuryo grinned again distracted by thoughts of surpassing Kengi when he felt something near him change. He lifted his eyes too late, Skylar had character changed and sensing his guard down she grabbed a chunk of Akuryo's shirt and twisted on her heel, forcing him up against the wall. "You're messing with the wrong girl, Akuryo." Akuryo stared at her his transformation almost breaking. "I don't need another person pushing me around. You've already got a girl to play with. Go fuck around with her head instead." Skylar finished. Akuryo’s eyes faltered, NO! I have to hold it don’t react Akuryo! he told himself, trying to be stronger though her words weighed down hard on him.

Eyes icy, she pushed him further against the wall before releasing her grasp and turning on her heel once more. "Right. X-eggs." And with that, she raced back into the crowds. Skylar was gone before Akuryo could object. This isn’t such a fun game anymore Trix he thought, lowering his head as if in defeat.

STOP IT AKUUURYOOO YOU HAVE TO BE STRONG WAN’T THEM TO KNOW YOU’RE PRETENDING Trix’s voice echoed in his head. yeah but…. Akuryo started to reply back through thoughts as Trix interrupted. If she believed you too isn’t that good! They definitely can’t suspect you now! Right Fuu? … Akuryo struggled to keep his transformation that threatened to break like Skylar’s words had broken him. but at this cost… he thought. I didn’t think I could be that evil

Akuryo couldn’t put it together, Trix had fun but something was off about the way he had been acting. Maybe it wasn’t just that he wanted to beat Kenji anymore Kenji! Akuryo’s eyes flickered. He stood up straight, Kenji lured out the eggs to get her, IT’S A TRAP! The transformation strengthened, as Akuryo took off running and jumping, sensing out the x-eggs.

All he could think about was Skylar, how much he regretted acting like he did, how much he hurt her, and how he had to save her despite it all.


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Character Portrait: Skylar Viello Character Portrait: Akuryo Itazura
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The people in the the area were surprisingly decreasing. Skylar wasn't having any trouble navigating her way towards the x-eggs. She turned sharply and cut through one of the many side-alleys and a moment later came out into an empty street. She slowed to a careful stop, eyes flickering around. Why was it so empty? Was this street closed? Her tail lashed back and forth and her cat-ears pricked, searching for the location of the x-eggs. Right. Her amber gaze fell upon a figure standing in the lamp-light: Kengi. In his hand he held two x-eggs which wriggled and squealed loudly - she could still sense another egg but it wasn't in sight for the moment.

"Skylar, Sweetie, you're just getting into more trouble by chasing me," he chuckled in amusement. "Have you come after these?" His attention momentarily turned to the eggs before a cheshire grin landed upon his lips and he tilted his head to look at her. "So. I guess you'll be upset if I do... this?" In an instant the two eggs burst into pieces, their fragments clinking against the blacktop.

Skylar's heart jolted. Had he just...? Yes. He had. Anger bubbled through her. Understanding of her abilities racing through her thoughts, she lifted her hands and whispered, "Come." The shadows of the surrounding buildings immediately moved, swirling around her. "You're going to pay for destroying those," she growled. "You can't just play with people's dreams like that."

His grin grew. "Oh, I can't? Pity."

Another person appeared, pulling out of the shadows as she realized it was dangerous to remain there: the girl from earlier who had been with Akuryo. "Good afternoon, Skylar," she purred, though there was no gentle aspect about her features. "I see you've met my lovely Akuryo. I'd really love if you kept away from him. As you can see, he is nothing like you. He suits me better."

"You can have him," the redhead laughed. "What, getting jealous over little old me? You obviously know nothing about him. I can see it in your eyes. You're worried that he'll like me better."

"Shut up," May snapped. "You are the one who knows nothing about him."

"True," Skylar agreed before a grin spread across her lips. "Maybe I should get to know him then." She lifted her hands over her head and in an instant she was gone from sight.

"Where the hell is she?" May twisted around angrily. "That bitch."

Kengi shrugged, looking bored. "She's probably after that x-egg you let run into the park," he said. Hands in pockets and a yawn parting his lips, he turned on his heel and walked off as if nothing had happened.


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Akuryo leapt through the air with super human speed and a cat-like agility. Flipping from roof to roof like a trapeze artist. His plus-sign eyes flashed about taking in every bit of information he could find. Every detail was necessary. Leaping over another alley way he sensed one of the eggs nearby. Though he didn’t sense Skylar.

He began to turn from the egg, and go in another proposed direction, when he thought of Easter. What if they knew when he could sense them? Wouldn’t it be bad if he deliberetly ignored one, even to go after another. X-eggs didn’t cause potential danger to anyone but Guardians or their bearers. There wasn’t any logical reason why he should let one pass him. Easter already suspected him right?

Reluctantly he returned to the first egg and dropped down to ground level near it. It was floating sadly in a park, there weren’t many passer by’s. Akuryo put on his general x-egg act, and skipped around it.

”Hey there why so glum? he asked with a grin he didn’t really feel like giving, something was telling him to go elsewhere now, but Easter wanted him here. He had to stay, he continued grinning. The egg in front of him paused. ”Wanna play a game?” he asked it.
“game…game…game….” The egg echoed. Akuryo blinked and leaned in crossing his plus-sign eyes.

“something wrong?” he asked. He almost regretted it, he knew all too well the other eggs words, they still had effect on him. What if this one did too?
“game game GAME!!!!” the egg said shaking.

” Something about a game? Do you like games? What kind I like lots” he grinned again skipping around to another side of the egg. The egg turned with him watching but still only repeating that one word. Akuryo knew he was wasting his time and he needed to speed this up and crush the egg. But he was intrigued and Easter couldn’t blame him for that. It was in his nature, when character changed.

“Game! Game! Game! What fun! he clapped dancing around the egg. Every step made him sick with his self. He really didn’t want to crush this egg. ”Games! Prizes! Toys!” Akuryo said. Suddenyly the egg froze. ”eh?

The egg began shaking rapidly “toy?” it asked raising higher in the air. Damn what did I do? The egg split and formed into a dark shape An x-chara? Akuryo thought confused. His smile faded as the no-longer-egg started to destroy the park.

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