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Ready to Go?



a part of Ready to Go?, by OverworkedWarden.


OverworkedWarden holds sovereignty over Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Earth is a part of Ready to Go?.

1 Places in Earth:

7 Characters Here

Micah Nho [0] I march to the beat of my inner-drummer. Go get your own.
Fabian Nick Nathans [0] ''Music is my life, The lyrics are my story. Please listen closely.''
Evania Sylbr [0] "Conversation may be compared to a lyre with seven chords - philosophy, art, poetry, love, scandal, and the weather."
Miranda Brisbane [0] "I don't sing for other opinions, I sing for myself."
Grace Collins [0] "Well, better now than never!"
Jericho X. Abrams-Lee [0] "Y'know, sometimes it's easier to let yourself get carried away by music. Now get carried away."

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Naty smiled leaning back a little and looking at Jordan.'' I sing.'' He said in a sing songy kind of voice. He watched as Micah pulled a pepsi out of the fridge. He wasn't completely parched but a drink sounded pretty good to him. So he hopped up and walked over to the fridge pulling out a Moutain Dew, before walking back over and sitting back down next to Jordan.


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Evania sat there holding her bag, glad no one had paid any attention to her. Rising slowly, she walked to the front of the bus, leaning against the dashboard and looking over to Jericho. "You know, the violin and the lyre are quite alike. In fact, over the years thay have greatly influenced each other. So, Jerri..." Curious, she slipped behind him and looked cautiously over his shoulder at a stack of papers, weeding out his name. "Jericho Xavier Abrams-Lee. That's a beautiful name, you know. I have a middle name, as a matter of fact... are you ready, because I'm only going to be saying this once." She leaned in close, whispering in his ear. "Arethousa." Blushing, she continued. "Odd name to be saddled with, right? Well, it's better to know where your name came from... Arethousa, in Greek myth, was a nymph to begin with. In the end, a great fountain of water presented to Artemis. The body of water is still there to day, and the remaining fish are sacred. I haven't been, but I plan to if I can just... I'm rambling again." Her burst of confidence gone, she shrunk back and stood awkwardly in front of the young man. "So sorry. Greek religion and history can be a bit boring to some." With that, she turned to leave.

[OOC: OverworkedWarden - You're officially her crush. Good luck with this one... some people seem to think she's a bit off...]


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Jericho turned to Evania and smiled, "No need to apologize, that was pretty interesting. That is a beautiful name after all." He nodded, and continued, "After all, we could stop somewhere nearby." He followed her for a bit to reach the stack of maps that were behind his chair.

"So. To answer your question, if a bit late, Micah, we're here right now." He pointed to Illinois, "My hometown, ha. Anyways, we might go either way, It doesn't really matter, I have enough money for a few international trips, but I don't know where we'll go after touring around." He shrugged, and moved his finger towards New York, "We could go t New York first, or go more to the West and Southwest. Like Nevada and California. Or we can stick around the Midwest at first and stick to the less drastic weather and keep some of our instruments in tune more easily. I call majority vote on this."

He turned to the rest of the bus and did a head count, "I swear, we're missing someone..." he shook his head, "Well, I think we could at least stick around here for a bit, see if there are any essentials we forgot."

[ooc: I hate writing it here too, but I swear, Jerri just teleported from a bed to the drivers seat. What. And also, he'll be pretty much Mister Oblivious.]


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Micah carefully held the bass that Jordan had handed to him. He turned it over in his hands, admiring how good a shape is was in. He plucked a couple strings for the fun of it, smiling at the sound. I dunno how you drink soda. The carbonation just upsets my stomach. He looked up at the boy and gave a short laugh. "Really?" he answered, "It calms mine down." As carefully as he'd taken it he offered it back to Jordan, being sure not to bang it against anything.

He turned to Jericho as the man started talking about where to go. Micah didn't really care where they went as long as they weren't in New Jersey. Good weather sounded nice though. "Well.. my vote is for the midwest area," he said after a pause. As for the essentials he couldn't think of anything he was missing so he walked over to the couches in the back and sat down on one.


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"Hey Natty can you rap? I got a good bass tune here for a rap right now. If not I can take time to tune it differently," Taylor told him taking her bass back from Micah.
She turned around and set it carefully on one of the tables. She took her seat next to Natty again and took Jem's hand and lightly pulled on her to have her sit down next to her. Then she heard a woman's voice yelling at someone over the phone. She looked over and say Jericho on the verge of tears. She got up and walked to the front.
"Whats wron-" she got cut off when he turned sharply and landed on his lap.
"I'm sorry," she said getting off him. She remembered her bass and ran back to see it broken in to pieces at the neck. Her eyes got all watery and she fell to her knees at it. She picked it up and started to cry. She sat down and put the bottom half in her lap as she hugged the neck of it crying her eyes out.


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'' Uhh, I've never rapped before but i can try.'' he said shrugging as he watched Jordan pull Jemima next to Him and then go talk to Jericho. He was caught by surprise as the bus took a sharp turn and Jordans bass fell to the floor, while Naty's hands flailed to catch it but failed. He watched Jordan come to the broken bass and frowned as he got on his knees and wrapped his arms around Jordan.

He rubbed his arms comfortingly.'' Hey, shh. it's okay, I promise when we stop I'll help you find some where- any where- to get your bass fixed.'' He said trying to get Jordan to stop crying. He looked so distraught, and that broke Naty's little heart to see him like that.


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Naty shook his head lightly, blushing only the lightest shades of pink.'' Uh, no actually i dont mind this.'' he said looking down at the neck of the broken bass. He lightly stroked Jordans hair smiling.'' You'll get a much better bass, and you'll grow to love it just as much.'' He said looking down at Jordan, wiping a stray tear.


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Micah watched through the window as the new girl's mom yelled at Jericho and then smothered her daughter. So that was the lady who made Jerri almost cry, huh? Scary. He feared for the man who ever got on her bad side. When the girl stepped in and sat down she didn't say anything but she looked happy enough. He waved to her, acknowledging her existence, and leaned back into the couch. He'd done enough introducing himself for one day and he didn't really feel like doing it again at the moment.

Meanwhile, Jordan and Fabian were having a moment over the broken bass. Micah wasn't homophobic but he did find it a little awkward to watch it in action so he directed his attention back outside where the new girl's family was waving goodbye. Was it weird that he didn't miss that? He knew the answer was probably yes so he frowned and looked back in the bus again. The "moment" was over, so it was back to watching the action happen - whatever that would be next.

[[Unlike Micah, I think you guys are entertaining to watch haha]]


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((Dang! I miss, like, a day and I miss on tons of stuff!))

Jemima smiled in greeting at Naty. She was interested at the thought of a threesome of dancing and singing and playing. Jemima didn't even mind it when Jordan pulled her next to him on the seat. The sound of Jericho's distraught voice caused her to look up in concern. "You okay Jer-" The bus turned sharply, causing Jemima to jerk to the side. She saw Jordan's bass fly up, and Naty try to catch it, but it was practically doomed for failure. When Jordan came back, Jemima was about to go over and comfort him, but Naty beat her to it. She felt slightly awkward watching it, and focused instead on picking up a stranded bag and putting it back in the overhead shelves. By that time, it was done and Jordan was back next to her. Jemima managed not to pull away when he took her hand, but only just. She gave a small smile to the new girl that walked in before looking at Jordan and squeezing his hand slightly.


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Taylor used her hand that was free to wipe the last tear away. Then Jericho came back and saw what happened.
"No it's cool. My mom gave me some cash for this trip when I last saw her and before I left my dad gave me a lot. I'll be fine. I know you didn't mean to break it," she told him.
Taylor felt Jem squeeze her hand and she didi it back. She looked at her and smiled before she intertwined her fingers with her's. She hears Jerixho ask a question and she thought about it.
"Gong to New York would mean a shorter and cheaper flight to where ever we are going. Where do you three wanna go?" she asked Jem, Natty, and Micah still ignoring the new girl.


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Jemima felt a little bad for Jericho. First, he gets yelled at by the new girl's mom for forgetting her, and then he accidently breaks Jordan's bass in a roundabout way. He must be under a lot of stress right now. she mused thoughtfully. Her thoughts were interrupted when Jordan squeezed her hand. She looked over at him and smiled slightly, managing to keep her cool even when he intertwined their fingers. Jemima's mother's voice was ringing in the back of her head with all the warnings about boys, but she shoved the thoughts away. Maybe another time. She tilted her head to the side, considering Jericho's question, before shrugging. "I've always been partial to Europe," she grinned. "I hear that's where the best chocolate is made."


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Evania was startled by the sudden crash in the back, followed by crying... someone had broken they're intrument. Rushing to the back, Evania went to comfort Taylor, but found Fabian had beat her to the chase. Kneeling silently before the bass, she pulled it onto her lap and opened her bag. Evania had made her own lyre once she was released from the institution, which required supplies, and her instrument needed fixing every once in a while. Retreiving some "instrumental glue" (often used on wood, she had stolen it from a guitar shop) she worked on the bass until it was close to perfect. She stood up, looking to Taylor. "I'm sorry, but that's all I can do... I'm out of woodwork glue, and I don't have... the money to get more at the moment." It was obvious she was hiding something, but there was something just as curious about the girl who's bass had needed fixing. It was (she was)... intruiging. Pushing these thoughts aside, Evania got some water from the back and sat on the floor, not expecting any recognition for what she'd done. She laughed halfheartedly, giving a murmered answer to everyone's question. "We could always go to Greece."

[OOC: If you don't want that, OverworkedWarden, then my char is bi... so, if she crushes on Taylor (even though I think someone has already beaten her to the chase), than it wouldn't matter that she's a girl. Ha! ... I really dont care who she likes, it seemss she'd get hurt weither way.]


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Some girl Taylor hadn't noticed some girl until she took her bass from the trash and fixed it up. Her eyes got huge when she saw she fixed it.
"Oh my God. Thank-you so much. And don't worry. Next place we stop I'll buy you some new glue. Wow," she grinned taking it and looking the whole thing over.
It was almost perfect she put it back over her head and strummed a few notes. She took Jem's hand and helped her out of the seat and the same with Natty.
"Oh I'm sorry, but I don't think I got your name," she told the girl who had fixed her bass.

((Oh that is lovely. Taylor likes two people and then someone else likes her. This should be fun. Lol))


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"Evania," Jericho stood and turned to the girl, smiling, "You're a lifesaver." He nodded, thankful that nothing too disastrous had happened on the first day, well, technically, since everything was all good and dandy, he supposed.

"Okay, so the majority votes, Northeast and then Europe." He grinned and started to walk back to the driver's seat, "Well, later we can go around and start performing, I'll give you all the proper paperwork later when we stop for the day." He announced, and sat down, "Any specific places you'd like to go before we leave here?"


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"It's no problem, really. I'll find more glue." Evania blushed, not used to the gratitude rushing her way. Obviously the young man had some affect on her, as some new form of jealousy welled up inside her while she watched Jordan help Jemima. Pushing all of these thoughts and feelings aside, she looked to the floor. "Evania, my name is Evania. And I've gathered that your name is Jordan, if I'm correct." A quick flash of panic swept over her, and she looked up suddenly. "Am I?"

[WARNING: Pitiful post in the making. So sorry.]


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Taylor shook her head a little bit saying, "No I owe you some glue. Next place we go I'm gunna hunt down a place to get glue."
"And a place to get this bass fixed all the way and a place to buy a new one," He added to himself.
Then the girl said her name was Evania. When she said her "name" she noticed her panic a little and she chuckled looking down at her bass again. Taylor licked her lips still chuckling on the inside a little bit.
"Yes my name is Jordan, Evi," he told her using a nickname just like she has with everyone.
"Uh well I wanna get some glue for Evi, but I have a feeling that it would be better to get it in New York. Everything is better in big cities," she told Jericho
She looked around the bus and noticed a girl doing a puzzle.
"Oi! You there. What are you doing over there all alone? Come back and chat," she semi-called for her smiling a little.
"Hey guys I have a feeling we are missing one more person," she said to everyone on the bus.


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Jericho nodded, "New York sounds cool. They have the Pokemon Center there." he blushed, "Er. I mean. New... York... Stuff." I. Am. A. Dork. Jericho swiftly nodded, and did a headcount at Jordan's comment, "Hey, look at that, I seem to have skipped someone. Anyone know where Dania is?" He looked around, hoping for anyone to answer, he sat down and reached for his binder, looking through the laminated pages of addresses and other need to know facts of the people on the bus, "Aha!" He grinned, finding two pages that were stuck between two others, "I guess I assumed one of them was mine." He shrugged, seperating the pages...


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Jemima grinned at Jordan while he called to the new girl. She didn't actually seem that lonely, but if they were all going to be spending most days together now, everyone should start meeting up now. Jordan also seemed in a better mood since Evania helped fix his bass. That was definitely a plus. At the mention of the Pokemon Center, Jemima couldn't help but giggle slightly. Apparantly, Jericho was worried everyone would think he was a nerd or something. Well, if Pokemon was a nerd symbol, that Jemima decided she should embrace it. "I once got a couple of chocolates with Pikachu's face on them there. And no, I don't know where Dania is,"


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#, as written by Jaybt9
Dania stood at the airport in New York, waiting on a sign for a taxi suppose to arrive at this time.

It wasn't easy convincing her parents that she was mature enough to go out on her own, since her twin brother Domingo did the wrong way. With the help of her older brother, who is already out of the state in Tennessee, attending college, they were able to convince their parents to get Dania a passport, so she can travel around the world. Besides, she has been out of the state before to Chicago with the high school.The financial errands were already covered for her, even though she literally worked her behind off after school to gather some money.

This trip could be an opportunity to meet new people, yet she predicted that those traveling as well would be some...interesting characters. She only knew Jericho because of her to Chicago. She saw him one on the street playing his acoustic guitar. The song he was playing, she couldn't recall, but that's when they first met, and that's also when he asked her about a trip around the world to get their musical talent noticed. Dania accepted it instantly, yet naively, since she didn't know much about him.


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"Hey, Dania? Er, could you tell me where you are right now? It seems I lost the address." Jericho phoned up the last member that he was to pick up for now, he smiled, hoping things wouldn't end up when he forgot Jillie. He shivered at the thought of another yelling woman, Two times in one day, I couldn't take it. I'd probably send Micah or one of the others instead. Jericho nodded, satisfied with his decision..


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#, as written by Jaybt9
While Dania waited on the taxi, her phone rang from the contemporary, sultry voice of Beyonce behind a live band. It was her personal favorite song on Beyonce's album that she just bought the exact day it released. She did her usual greeting on the phone, with Jericho responding on the other line, asking where her address was.

"Hey Jericho. I'm at the airport right now in New York City. I guessed you would go here first.", Dania replied to Jericho.


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"Oh! Okay! Thanks, one more excuse to go to New York~" He grinned, and turned to the others, "All right guys! To New York We go! Majority rules~" He announced and nodded, "So we're all ready? Then let's go~" He turned towards the others, making sure that all of the instruments were safe and sound this time...


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[OOC: Yay, I'm back! Was almost sure this RP was dead. :'( ]


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Miranda watched as Jericho did a head count, and he realized he was missing Dania. So that's who was missing! It didn't feel complete, and Miranda was too much of a spaz to realize that someone wasn't there. She sat in the back with the others, her headphones in her ear, as she hummed along to Gravity by Sara Bareilles. It was her favorite song off the album, and her voice sounded like an angel when she sung it. One of her dreams was to go see her live in concert.

She felt the car in motion beneath her, and she turned around when Jericho talked about the Pokemon Center in New York. She smiled big and laughed.

"They also have one of the two Converse stores in the country there. Just like you like Pokemon, I love Converse." Miranda said with a smile.


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To make Jericho feel like less of a nerd Taylor pulled her pokeball out and her stuffed Charmander.
"So I can buy more stuff like this?" she chuckled.
Taylor put her stuff away and made sure her bass was safe in its case before they drove away,
Just feeling like it she pulled Jem into her lap and looked at Marianda.
"Really? We have to go there you guys. This thip is gunna be epic!" she told them all grinning.

((Tiny but at least it is something. Right?))