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Easto Village


a part of Resta, by Soulsealer.

Easto Village

Soulsealer holds sovereignty over Easto Village, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

681 readers have been here.


Easto Village

-Small size village with western style buildings from middle age

-The village consist of 6 houses each owned by a family expect one house that had been abandon since the last of the member of the house had passed away.

-There's a church located at the north side of the village.
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Easto Village

Easto Village


Easto Village is a part of East Continent.

4 Characters Here

Carrie [64] *Scribble Scribble*
Soulsealer [57] Wanderring Traveler
Moon [37] Swordswoman
Bolg [30] ...Villager A!! //shot

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Character Portrait: Soulsealer Character Portrait: Carrie Character Portrait: Bolg
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#, as written by Kekeke

Sure enough, they came. First two or three appeared from the tree line but they didn't come rushing in. No. They waited. Until more of their comrades pops up. They grouped together forming a small squad of seven ghouls.

The air was polluted with shrill shrieks as one of the ghouls grouped up. The village was small and luckily, so was the number of the ghouls and it appeared that Moon had done her part. Still a couple of ghouls were still a threat to this village. With a strict nod, Bolg motioned to Ben, giving him the green. Ben immediately begins casting the magic barrier.

Bolg shouted to the villagers, "Get to the church, now! They can't come anywhere close to there!" He hoped that he was right. A group of men and women stayed with him. They would be the village's defense should the barrier falls.


The Villagers poured in and as Carrie poked her head out from the bench to see the action outside, she saw the blue shimmering light of the barrier rushed in along with the crowd. She squinted her eyes to see but all she could make out were the silhouettes of people against the vast blue light. Then, as quickly as it came, the light died down, revealing the watery light blue surface that engulfs the village. Waves rippled with gentle grace as it gives out a slow humming noise.

But then, she saw that the waves, suddenly became more violent. As if someone was splashing numerous puddles into a lake, the surface rippled violently.


They attacked. With furious rage, the ghouls pounded the barrier, shrieking and roaring. Bolg gripped the handle of his axe tightly. He turned to Ben, "Can you hold it?!" He shouted.


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Character Portrait: Soulsealer Character Portrait: Carrie Character Portrait: Bolg
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"Shut it Bolg! Of course I can! It will hold about 6 minutes. 10 minutes if there are not more showing up. Now stop interrupting me, I am trying to focus here!" Ben snapped and shout back at Bolg.

Then, more of those creatures appeared from the forest.

"SH*T!!" Ben cursed. The barrier will only hold for about 5 minute with this many of them.

And so... The barrier started to crack. The creatures seeing the barrier was starting to break let out another shriek and increasing their assault frequency on the barrier. Large beads of sweat started dropping down Ben's forehead. He can't hold it much longer.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soulsealer Character Portrait: Carrie Character Portrait: Bolg
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#, as written by Kekeke
((Okay. Edited. What the hack just happened? Words were all wobbly.))


Bolg, too, cursed a few words under his breath. The barrier was wreaking fast. Cracks appeared on the surface as the waves ripples move violently with each passing moment. If the barrier falls, conflict, as well as casualties, will be inevitable. Damnit! There were dozens of those monsters stomping on the barrier, now. Just a matter of time.


He turned back to face the ghouls, in his mind, he thought about his options. The village was small, with only six houses with six families. He had a small group with him in case the ghouls attack but they were no well-equipped battalion. If they were to fight them head on, there was sure to be some injured at very least. However, he has heard that dark beings tends to stray from the holy auras of the church. But he wasn't sure if that was true. And if they were to retreat back there, the ghouls would easily have the church surrounded.

All right. Think. You old buffoon. What can you do? He looked down at his ax and stomped it down on the ground in bitter anger.. but that's when he noticed the book. He had just missed it. "Huh?" It was not like any other book he has seen before. It wasn't any huge tome or some elaborated books or an ancient old one. It was thin and was grey save for a small orange butterfly at one corner...

Bahh! This is no time for reading. He simply shoved it aside.


Carrie grabbed her bag and begun browsing through her stuff. Book. Book. Pencil. Book. Wait.... where's her notebook? She searched again. No, it wasn't there. Where could it be? Maybe she dropped it. Her eyes floated around the crowded church. With any luck, it should be somewhere inside.

"S-soul, I g-gotta go. Can you look a-after this?" She gave the bag to Soul for safekeeping. After he had carried her all the way here, she had at least begun to trust him.

She bounced off the bench and begun re-tracing her way back to the opened door. It wasn't actually the book that she was worried about but it was in fact, the small little orange butterfly pin that worried her. She slowly made her through the crowd and she could feel their gazes falling on her. It was un-nerving but she took a deep breath and pushed on.

Someone tried to stop her. Actually, many people tried to warn her. But she ignored them. She kept her head down and walked.

Eventually, she made it to the door and that was when she saw the barrier. Her jaw dropped, .... again. There was very little words to describe it save for just magnificent(At least to the little girl). Gazing at it, all Carrie could say was "Wow."

But then, there were cracks. Why was this beautiful thing damaged? As her eyes traced the path of the crack, she saw the ghouls. She gasped but that was when she saw the book beside the huge man. But before she could move or say anything, somebody pulled her back in.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soulsealer Character Portrait: Carrie
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"Huff...huff... Hey, now are you out of your mind? It's dangerous outside! Let's go back in before anything happens." Soul had finally caught up with Carrie. After he finish speaking he tried to drag her back.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soulsealer Character Portrait: Carrie Character Portrait: Bolg
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#, as written by Kekeke

Carrie tried to fight back but to no avail. "Bu-but.." that was all she could do before she was pulled back into the mass of villagers, her hand reaching out to the book before a horde of people blocked her view to the outside. As she looked back at the person who had pulled her back, she saw Soul, she tried to protest "S-soul!" Nevertheless, it took only the shattering sound of the mysterious blue surface and the amplified shrieking of the ghouls for her to know that going outside was a bad idea, indeed. The interior of the church was filled with worried mummers and a frightened scream as the villagers knew that the barrier has been broken. Some people stood up from their seats. Some begun praying. And some mothers protectively hugged their children. Uneasiness and tension rose up in the air within a second. Carrie grabbed onto Soul, "Wh-what's ha-happening? Where's Mi-Mia?" she asked.


"All right, man! Let's do this!" Bolg shouted at the small group as the ghouls rushed towards them. As the ghouls begun their attack, they did it with co-ordination and precision. Spreading out, they split up into two groups. One group formed a spear-head, as they charged in two lines, each consisting of four ghouls. The front line was the spear head while the back line would leap over their comrades and towards the nearest prey. The other group, hopped over to the roofs of building, they were to flank the defenders. The grotesque limbs of those monsters cracked and twisted, their eyes red as blood and their tongues danced wildly, as they zoomed straight for the church.

Bolg's people however, were grouped tight in a circle. They know all too well that straying from the group will only result in the ghouls picking you off and ending up wounded or dead. Swords, scytes and axes flashed under the moonlight as they drew their weapons, raising their improvised shields. Their objective was to hold their ground for as long as possible before retreating into the church. If they fail, the ghouls would encircle the church just before the holy auras of the church fails. And then, if that happens, the building would house a feast for the dead.

The first wave came. Teeth and claw soon clashed with metal and wood.

The front line ghouls smashed themselves against the shields with their heads. The villagers held their ground. Some of their Swords came in from behind the wooden barrier to stab them. Black blood sprouted out like a mini-fountains as the ghouls backed away. Then, the leapers came. Their forms blacking out the moon. Bolg, from behind the lines, swung his ax at one of them. It cut clean the ghoul in half. Some of the villagers raise their weapons into the air as well. The blades went right into two ghouls. But one had jumped towards Ben. (You RP as him! >:D)

Then, the flank attack came. And for a brief second, the villagers were pushed back. In the heap of battle, Bolg managed to kill another one. His ax plunged deep into the ghoul's skull.

Then, he saw that a prolonged fight was going to be unfavorable. Some of his men were already wounded. Dammit, Moon! Where are you?


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soulsealer Character Portrait: Carrie Character Portrait: Bolg
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"There, there calm down... She said something about enforcing the barrier around the church. I think she went into that room." Soul gesture at the door at the far end of the hall that was guarded by two man before handling her back her bag. "Here's your bag. What were you thinking running outside like that? You don't look that kind of person who will rush into dangerous kind of situation..."


((Cry : BEN! NOOO! NOoooohohoho! Beeeennn!!! God! =w=))

"Urgh..! *cough* "Ben was assult by both moment of tiredness and the recoil from the breaking of the barrier. A trail of blood ooze out from his mouth, the recoil had damage his interior organs. He tried to press down the injury and stand up which just in time to being knock back on the ground again by one of those creatures. A few of the villagers tried to help the downed man but they are currently in a handful with their own.

The ghoul open it's mouth ready to bite down the man's head. Ben can smell the disgusting breath of the creature inches away from him, he grit his teeth and keep his eyes glaring at the creature. When the exact moment the creature tired to close it's mouth, it was blown away suddenly from Ben. When he get up to his feet and look at the creature he notice there was a sword made up of light impaled into the creature's head.

Closely after he got up, There's a barrage of swords made up of light bursting out from the direction of the forest and head towards the outer layer of the swarm of ghouls. Those creatures that were impaled by the sword were burned and turned into ashes.

The number of ghouls decreased dramatically in a fast rate as a yellow flash darts around the ghouls surrounding the village.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soulsealer Character Portrait: Carrie Character Portrait: Bolg Character Portrait: Moon
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#, as written by Kekeke
Carrie was reluctant at first... As she put on her bag, she swallowed a huge blob of fear down her throat before she told Soul about the pin."H-Hana. Sh-she's outside." She turn to point at the door but just as she was raising her finger, she saw the fight that was unfolding outside. The ghouls hopped, crawled and slashed all the while the villagers held their ground. But not for long. Soon, they were scattered and each men was left to fend for themselves. The door was still opened ajar if the men and women outside needed to retreat but near the door.

Outside, the moon was bright. Outside, there was pain.

From inside the whisper-filled church, Carrie watched the battle, shrinking with fear. No, now's not the time to be frightened. Over there, men and women alike were trying their best to keep the ghouls out. She's in here among many other people around here. She shouldn't be afraid. They should be. Not her. No...

Slowly, her feet, as if by instinct, carried her closer to the door. Her eyes wide and her upper lip slightly raised, Carrie found herself trudging towards the battle. She could feel someone pulling her back in once more but she kept her pace, attracted by some unknown need to be there, outside. But as her hand reached for the door, a single drop of tear raced down her pale cheek and she blinked. She was nearly outside now and as she had just touched the door of the church, she heard his scream.

Over there, with crimson liquid pouring out from his mouth, a middle-aged man groaned loudly. There was something about him. He was clearly in need of medical attention but that wasn't it. As she was standing there, unflinching by the fight that was around her, she felt weak. This wasn't like the weakness she felt when she was humiliated in class. No. This was different. The pain was greater but she also felt something else simply by just standing here in this fulcrum of life and death. Yes, she felt it. It was small but she felt power embedded within the fear. She felt her breath was quickly getting heavier and she immediately realized that this feeling of power was not new. No, she felt the same when she saw that blue water-glass covering the entire village. Another tear ran through her cheek as she inhaled the dense air deeply. She walked towards the bleeding, slowly. That's when she saw the ghoul. It had lurched for the man. But just as quickly as it came, it died.

A yellow flash. Wind. Sharpness. She could feel all three of them sliding past her, dancing in the air, like wasps. Yes, wasps. Yellow. Swift. Deadly... Power.

For a second, she was in awe again but no, this wasn't the power that she felt before. This was different. She looked around. Most of the ghouls were killed by this ballad of wasps. Now was her chance. She ran towards the bloody man and gently grabbed his arm. "C-come! Hu-hurry! G-Get in!"

Bolg on ther other hand, was just about to Ax another ghoul. This one was one of the ones who had tried to flank him. Ha! You can't trick old Bolg like this! Just as that disgusting creature had leaped for him, he managed to score a punch right between the eyes. BAM! Haha! You little prick! How do you like that?

That ghoul had lost its momentum and was knocked back down to the dirt. It laid on the ground now and Bolg had his ax ready to chop but then she stole his kill. Swoosh. Black blood splattered out and the ghoul soon burned in a fiery blaze. Bolg smirked. About time she showed up.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soulsealer Character Portrait: Carrie Character Portrait: Bolg Character Portrait: Moon
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"No! I can still fight, ungg... What are ya doing here girl? The place is still crawling with these ugly bastards." Ben protest and tried to shake off her but he was too weak to do so, thus he was getting dragged away by the little girl.

Two of the ghouls tried to jump at them but failed to do so as they were shot down during mid air by another light energy sword projectile.

"God d*mn, I know that girl is good but I never though she able to reach this level. Look at those ugly went down faster than Bolg can say 'I am not dramatic!' "


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soulsealer Character Portrait: Carrie Character Portrait: Bolg Character Portrait: Moon
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#, as written by Kekeke
Slowly one step at a time, Carrie pulled this man back to the church. However, along the way, two ghouls came but they were easily wiped out by the dancing of the wasps. As the dart flew through the bodies of the two monsters, black blood splattered out towards Carrie's direction, painting her face and dress with inky textures. Carrie tried to wipe them away, making a stain of black on her left cheek as if drawn with a brush. Her eyes were on alert for any more ghouls but none came. More sounds of blades. More shrieks. And then, the night was quiet again, save for the groans of a few villagers and the cackles of fires scattered all over the grounds. The black blood smelt just like the ghoul, if not more disgusting but she didn't care for that now. Nevertheless, Carrie kept pulling, with the bloody man dragging behind her. Eventually, they got into the church.

Bolg, however, grimaced as he looked at his own black-stained knuckles. Ack. Disgusting. He looked around, the battle now over. "All right! Get the wounded inside!" He checked the roofs of the houses to see if Moon was up there.


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Character Portrait: Bolg Character Portrait: Moon
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"I am behind you." A female voice came from Bolg's back. "I never imagine there were this much dark beings will appeared here near the village... "


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Character Portrait: Bolg Character Portrait: Moon
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#, as written by Kekeke
"You know, you really shouldn't be sneaking up on people like that." He didn't turn but instead simply stood there, watching the ghouls burn and listening to the crackling of flames. He had already made a head count. Nobody had died. There were injured but there were no deaths, "Maybe it's an omen..." He shrugged, "...but what do I know about these stuff?" With his axe, he poked at the burning ghoul corspe in front of him, "... still, this can't be an accident. So, what did you find?"


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Character Portrait: Bolg Character Portrait: Moon
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"There was a gate portal opened in the forest, the dark beings came through from there... too bad I had to destroy it before I got the chance to investigate. Someone must have set it up there but who...? and why?" Moon then notice a book laying on the floor. "Hmm... This is..."


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Character Portrait: Bolg Character Portrait: Moon
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#, as written by Kekeke
"Hmm?" Bolg turned to see what had caught Moon's attention. Glancing at his eyes, he found that she was looking down at the ground. He quickly traced it back to the small book. "Ah, that book? I haven't a clue what kind of book that is." He looked back at Moon to see her reaction.


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Character Portrait: Bolg Character Portrait: Moon
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"..." Moon squat down and pick up the book. She examine the cover of the book for awhile before decided to hold it for the moment. "Carrie... Hmm... Anyway, it's good to know that nobody dies this time. Speaking of strange... do you know where the two people we saved from the woods? Maybe they can give us some answers about it..."


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Character Portrait: Bolg Character Portrait: Moon
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#, as written by Kekeke
Bolg motioned to the church. "I saw Mia took them in there before the battle. They should be there. Anyway, I will going to go help the wounded. Call me if you find out anything." With that he left her.


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Character Portrait: Moon
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"..." Moon nod at Bolg then proceed to the church carrying the book with her. She had a hunch that this book belong to one of the person she meet at the woods. Not before long, she arrived at the church door. After she went inside, she started looking for the two. It was easy enough to spot the two since they kinda stand out among the people because of their clothes.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Carrie Character Portrait: Moon
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#, as written by Kekeke
Carrie had her back slanted against one wall. She was resting on the tiled floor with her arms hooked around her legs and her chin was propped up upon knees which were pulled up against her chest. There was a mixture of red and black layered upon her school clothes. The black blood had came from the ghouls and the red came from the wounded. As she hugged her knees, the redness inside the palms of her hands soaks themselves against the dress and her ghoul blood stained face was devoid of expression, save for the tired eyes. She was sleepy. Too sleepy. At the corner of her eye, she saw that woman again but she didn't look up nor did she want to... Sleepy.


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Character Portrait: Carrie Character Portrait: Moon
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"..." Moon showed her the book she was carrying. "Is this yours?"


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Character Portrait: Carrie Character Portrait: Moon
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"..." Moon showed her the book she was carrying. "Is this yours?"


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Character Portrait: Carrie Character Portrait: Moon
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#, as written by Kekeke
"..." Carrie didn't speak but rather very slowly, almost mechanically, nodded.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soulsealer Character Portrait: Carrie Character Portrait: Moon
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"...Hey, you should wash yourself before you sleep. Excuse me, she is really tired from what happened just now." The boy in a strange tight clothes beside her speak up for her. Moon give him an understanding nod. "I see...". There was a moment of silence between the 3 of them before Moon decided to break it.

"Here, I think this is her book. Keep it for her now." Moon passed the book to the boy. "I got something to ask you two... but you two seem not in a good condition for that right now so... just go ahead and rest up first."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soulsealer Character Portrait: Carrie Character Portrait: Moon
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#, as written by Kekeke
Carrie's eyes were heavy and she sniffled a small yawn. She tilts her head, resting it on the knees fully. "S-soul, can you gi-give me my book? Is the bu-butterfly still there?" Her voice was very soft and distinctly saturated with fatigue.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soulsealer Character Portrait: Carrie Character Portrait: Moon
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"Oh, here you go... Carrie, you really look tired out. You should probably change then have a good nigh sleep." Soul hand over the book to Carrier with a worried look on his face.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soulsealer Character Portrait: Carrie
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#, as written by Kekeke
There was no response from Carrie except for the easing of her arms as they slowly fall from their entanglement. The knees slided slightly, revealing Carrie's already closed eyes. She had quickly fallen into a deep sleep.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soulsealer Character Portrait: Carrie Character Portrait: Moon
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"Hey, hey Carrie... Ha...? She's already fast asleep. Guess I will hold to this for now." The boy then notice the blonde women was staring at both of them. He felt somewhat pressured by her present. "Y-Yes?"

"...Nothing. You two should rest up here for the night. I will tell the nun here about you two to let you stay for the night. Well, I will see you tomorrow." With that, she turn and leaved from the two.

"Wait... thank you..." he spoke out to the bondle girl when she was leaving. The bondle girl merely relipied with a nood and a smile then proceed to leave.