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Ríše: Within the Empire

The Imperial City


a part of Ríše: Within the Empire, by Marinus.

The glittering Imperial Capital, a shining metropolis of white marble and blue roofing tiles rising majestically out of the surrounding jungles.

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over The Imperial City, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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The economic and political hub of the entire Empire, all power radiates from the Imperial City. It is built, at least in part, on the many-mouthed delta of the river Venna, amid the noisome jungles of the Home County.

It is to this capital that anyone who is anyone (or hopes to be someone) in Imperial Ríše comes, sooner or later. Travellers and imperial messengers enter the city through the Merlen Gate, at one end of the Imperial Causeway which terminates in the bridge across to the Palace. Carts, wagons and other heavy goods tend to use the Shambling Gate, closer to the Grand Market.

The capital is split into many districts, some planned, others that have simply developed over the centuries. The main points to note are as follows:

-Imperial Palace of Ríše, the centre of Imperial power and the seat of the executive government, a sprawling construction of white marble, blue tile and glass in all the colours of the rainbow. It occupies most of the Imperial Island, linked to the rest of the capital by a series of bridges, the largest being the Bronze Bridge linking it to the Imperial Causeway that runs straight as a die towards it from the Merlen Gate.

It is almost a self-contained town in its own right, and protected by the fanatically-loyal Praetorian Guard at all times. It is here, in large, airy chambers with a preponderance of gilt, that the Sun Court of Imperial Ríše meets, as well as where the Empress receives allegiances from subject provinces and holds her imperial entertainments.

-The Imperial Veche
, seat of the Imperial State Council of Ríše. This impressive, many-domed building is built in the same cyclopean style as the Imperial Palace, and complements that rambling structure that it faces across the Imperial Island. The two edifices are separated by a wide concourse lined with shaped cypresses with a golden statue of the first Emperor dead centre. Lesser statues, of other Emperors and Councillors, also line this concourse, often called the Rubicon Pale.

-The Hippodrome
, an airy, soaring stadium of serried arches for the sport of horse-racing. Originally located on the outskirts of the city due to the demands of space, it has since been swallowed up by the expansion and is now the centrepiece of the Hippus district, noted for its many and varied entertainments, not all of them the kind one admits to in public. The Hippodrome was originally built by House Derik, with the blessing of the monarch of the time, and continues to be sponsored by them. Their crest is featured in many prominent places in the Hippodrome, including commingled with the Imperial Seal below the royal box.

-The Marina, a vast artificial bay hollowed out to provide a safe berth for yachts, fishing smacks, other small pleasure craft and the small coastal galleys that keep the river and coasts free of pirates. It was originally dug out for use in the Montclair yacht races, and still bears their crest and patronage. The bay is sectioned depending on use - the nobility's pleasure yachts and barges aren't mixed in with the common fishing smacks, for instance. The festivals of the sea (Thanks of the Fishes, Marriage to the Sea and so forth) often use the Marina as their focal point, and the Marina is furthermore the starting point for the yachting races and also for where river barges to other cities/for garden lunches set off and return to.

-The Imperial University, a constellation of dreaming spires gathered around spacious courtyards, its libraries are the envy of the known world, her high towers stuffed with hundreds of thousands of scrolls and books. It is here that many great advances are made and any academic who is anyone has spent some time.

-The Imperial College of War. Essentially, this is the GHQ of the R??sean Legions and where the officers of the General Staff are trained. A large, colonnaded complex that is completely walled off from the rest of the city, it is instantly recognizable by the elaborate friezes of war that adorn its walls, the double-curved staircase that leads up to its front doors and, most prominently, the gargantuan bleeding heartvine that has colonized much of the building's exterior. Heartvines have now become so associated with the wars that they are laid as flowers at soldiers' tombs. The teaching emphasis is rather more on tactics and strategy than stabby stabby killy killy.

-The Fane is the small district, raised on a hill and away from the river where the Temples tend to cluster so the various priesthoods can keep an eye on one another. The Fane has always been very important, especially in ancient times. with the priesthoods acting as advisors to the political figures of the day, and of course the various Temples have always owned property, giving them, along with donations and offerings, a significant amount of monetary clout.

The Fane is noted for the mass amounts of day lilies and red lotus that grow around and in its many pools and canals. The temple to Aeris is the highest and largest of them all; it and the golden roofs of the temple to Illunia are the district???s most recognizable landmarks from a distance.

-The Balnaea. One of the largest, and certainly the most well-known bathing complex in the entire capital, it is the centrepiece of Nerus distruct, a vast public monument, designed to reflect the builder's prestige and power, as well as help with the hygiene of the city. The baths also play a political role, both as a relaxed, informal forum for opinion (an early form of club and tearoom politics) and as a means of winning over the masses - powerful figures in the Imperial Capital often sponsor the baths and have free admission days in their name.

-The Jinjen (Noble) District. Away from the raucous Docklands and stretching along the Imperial Causeway to higher ground and the Merlen Gate, this is where the wealthy peers of Imperial Ríše have their City homes. Bougainvillea grows in enormous profusion here, competing furiously with frangipani flowers, honeysuckles, jasmine and encyclia.

Montclair Palace is not the highest house in the district, and nor is it the largest in terms of floor space, being of rather modest dimensions when compared with the rambling estate of the Basiltons, for instance. Instead, it is possessed of spacious and shapely gardens in formal array rather than impressing with sheer bulk. What makes it the main landmark of the district, however, is the fact that Montclair Palace???s roof tiles, spires and domes are all gilded, the only building in the district, and one of the only ones in the city which is (the other is Illunia's grand temple in the Fane.)

Basilton Manse is certainly the largest of the great houses in Jinjen, a marbled colossus rising smugly behind walls and two great gates. A small army of a security force guards it and the paranoid patriarch of the family inside. Basilton's factor is the one largely responsible for filling the vast shell with beautiful carpets, tapestries, tables and objets d'art at his master's insistence. With the fabled wealth of the House behind him, he is able to acquire more or less whatever he wants.

-The Grand Market is the beating nerve centre of the merchant classes of Ríše, and it shows. A million scents assail the air; spikenard and asarabacca, bergamot and caroli, gum mastic, paprika and saffron more precious than gold, roasting meat and sputtering vegetables from the spice emporia and the cookshop vendors.

The Market colours hit the eye like a firework, after the cool white marble, blue roofing tiles and green plants of the rest of the city; cedarwood and sandarac stacked high by blocks of myrrh, Tyrian purple pigments in seductive piles, alongside brilliant carmine and lapis, indigo and euxanthine, all the colours of the rainbow.

The sounds of the Market, too, are valuable bellwethers of the merchantiers' mood; the screeching of the hawkers, the buy-and-sell patter of the vendors, the creaking of the carts and the protests of the draught animals all commingle into a rising and falling hubbub, dependent on the merchantiers at the heart of it all.

The centrepoint of the Market district, around which all the other, lesser shops cluster, is the gargantuan Springwater Square. Easily the largest such plaza in the city, its centrepiece is an enormous drinking fountain in the shape of the Montclair dragon and Basilton's three mermaids, around which hundreds of stalls and more permanent stores cluster.

The Shambling Gate, through which much of the produce enters from the surrounding farms to be sold in the Market, is just to the north of Springwater Square.

Many Guilds have their Halls here, too.

-The Mehr
is the Imperial Capital's poorer district, and one of the largest, at that. A veritable sea of crumbling, thrown-together houses jammed up against one another, slowly sinking into the rich mud of the delta, most of the better folk - which is to say, everyone - and the city Guard, generally try to pretend it doesn't exist.

The landmark and exception to this general neglect is the fuming Poison Kitchens, run by Montclair and Oranis. A sprawling structure belching odd fumes from its chimneys (staining the stones rainbow) and stranger fluids from its pipes, this is where military research on the compounds from the jungles of Ríše is conducted.
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The Imperial City

The glittering Imperial Capital, a shining metropolis of white marble and blue roofing tiles rising majestically out of the surrounding jungles.


The Imperial City is a part of The Empire of Ríše.

7 Places in The Imperial City:

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Kaysen Lestat [0] A farm girl/Order member who is close--very close--with a certain member of the Montclair family.

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“To Lieutenant Marshal Kimber,

I hope this finds you well my friend. I would like to congratulate you on your promotion, Lieutenant Marshal. I suppose you will be returning from the Territory soon enough then, pick up duties at the College. It will be good to have you home again.

It seems the world has it’s eyes on the west, her majesty’s push to continue what her father started has pulled the senate behind her almost fully. She has such a way with them, and the people adore her so. You would be proud to see how she commands the council. I hope the few seats that don’t agree with this push keep to themselves.

Echland is up in arms already, they have threatened to send armies to aid the Roan States. It would be a fools errand but it would certainly make subduing the States a less simple task, they are already a thorny bunch, but you know that full well. Engleton has sent emissaries assuring that he will stay out of the conflict as long as it doesn’t stray into his own boarders. I would be a liar to say I wasn’t glad for it, if we had the whole of Echland and Iscariot against us I dread to think of the draw we would find ourselves in.

Enough small talk for now,

I’ll be brief with you boy. Larsus has taken the reign of Montclair, and I fear I may be following my brother to the grave. Damn physician’s haven’t found out what I’ve come down with and I’ve been forced to take leave from the College for some time now.

I hope to see you soon, for that I hope to see you at all. Be quick in your return, you’ll have a room waiting on you, and the family is looking forward to seeing you again.

Your good friend,
Titus Montclair


Christian folded the letter and tucked it back into a pouch strapped to his saddle. He had been thinking about his old friend since the convoy had left Coreollis. He hoped the man would be waiting for him when they arrived.

The group he rode with was made up of a battalion returning from their rotation in the Silver Marches, finally on the road home, several High Officers and the First Legate rode beside him in the forefront of the column. Most he had served with for some time, many he knew personally. They were all proud men, and they all deserved the welcome they would soon receive on the Imperial Causeway.

The scattered hardwoods and turned to rolling plains that stretched on for weeks, the plains finally disappeared into the fertile lands of Myrantia, which soon gave way to the familiar warmth or Rise herself, the home country. The men were more than glad to be returning home, their thicker uniforms had long been stowed in the supply wagons and they had worn more traditional garb for some days. Today though, they had put on their best, the parade uniforms of the Legions, the uniforms that made the people proud. The column moved forward in a glittering array of shined spears and polished armor. Men came into rank and file as they passed the outlying towns of the Capital, and soon enough the city wall could be seen in the distance.

A rider was dispatched to inform the city guard that men of Her Majesties Legions were to enter the city. It was a call for celebration. In an instant shops would be closed, rich and poor alike would gather along the causeway, even slaves might be given release to go and see the Legions, if they had pleased their masters. The column halted not far from the city, people on the road stopped to great them, wish them well, praise them.

A soldier knelt with a young boy who had run up to him, Christian heard him ask what the child wanted to do when he became a man, the enthusiastic replay was “To be a legionary and serve Her Majesty, Sir!” the soldier tussled the boys hair and removed the gold legionaries pendant from his shoulder and placed it in the boys hands, “Now you do this pendant right, I expect you’ll serve the Lady well now and until the day you can become a Legionary.” The boy’s eyes were wide with amazement and pride, as the soldier stood and put his fist to his chest in a salute. The young boy, now grinning ear to ear returned the gesture before running off to his mother with the pendant held high crying out in excitement.

Christian wheeled around and directed his horse toward the man, “You do Rise a great service friend.”

“Thank you, Lieutenant Marshal, Sir.”

He dismounted and handed the reigns to the soldier, “On behalf of the Empire of Rise, what you have done with out thought of reward will be given great honor. You will enter the city next to the Legate’s chariot, mounted, as a hero of Rise.” The other men were more than interested in the sudden change of place for their fellow soldier. It was not every day that a common soldier was aloud to ride into the city, much less on a High officers steed next to the Legate’s chariot.

The rider returned some hours later with word that all was made ready for the return of her majesties men.


The four arches of the Merlen Gate were thrown wide and the Causeway beyond was lined with cheering crowds. Christian stood next to the Legate in his chariot and the soldier he had spoken to earlier rode next to them. As they entered trumpets sounded and the cheers grew louder. They made their way through the Jinjen district, past the grand estates. As they marched down the street the grand structure of the Hippodrome towered above them in the distance, a dominant monument to the glory of Rise. The crowds were packed into every side street, all of them wanting to see the mighty men of the Legions in their triumphant return, many looking for husbands and fathers and sons.

It was a great display of affection toward the fighting men, one that they were well worthy of.

As they moved into the Nius the crowd seemed to multiply drastically, the steps of the many buildings and monuments were filled. Finally they arrived at a raised podium of marble that stood eight feet to the platform, the front was carved with the triple head, the chimera. It was a monument to the Legions, built in the center of the causeway and a large open forum. Christian, the Legate, and the soldier ascended the steps of the podium. As the Legate raised a hand to quite the crowed Christian took the soldier by the arm and stepped forward.

The crowed became silent in anticipation of a speech.

“Legion of Rise, you have served your Majesty well, this day one of your own will be honored, he stands in this place for every one of you.”

As one the battalion hit their breastplates, just as the soldier had saluted the young boy. The sound it made was like a clap of thunder. “Integritas, Veneratio, Pro Gloria Rise!“ they chanted and then fell silent.

“One to represent many, the true hero’s of Rise. You have fought long, and hard and walked for many miles with out second thought. You have forsaken the comfort of home, the touch of your women, and the love of your children to do the will of Her Majesty. For that you truly deserve all the honor this great city has to give. Legion, welcome home!” He saluted the column, and then turned and saluted the soldier next to him. “Integritas, Veneratio, Pro Gloria Rise.”

The crowed erupted into cheers once again and now family members flooded the column. The formality had ended and the men were finally free to see the ones they loved.


Christian made his way out of the crowed leaving his mount to be tended to by an aid. He hoped some of the Monclair family had been able to get away from what ever duties they had, to see the men come in. It would do him good to see them again. They had long ago become his second family and when his mother and father passed away they had become his only family. He scanned the crowed as he made his was back toward the Jinjen district.

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Christian raised a hand to signal his armor be brought out. He rose and clasped Titus' hand, "It's good to see you my friend, no doubt I'll be back soon enough." A slave brought his armor to him and slid it on, adjusting his cloak and tightening the lashes. "Thank you for your hospitality Larsus. And Faye you will have to save me a dance at this ball of yours. That is, of course, if you can fit me in with all the young men clambering at the door." He smiled as he retrieved his helmet and tucked it under his arm. Giving them all one final wave he made his way to the morning room.

The messenger, not more than fourteen, stood as he entered, "Lieutenant Marshal, sir , Grand Marshal Impirialis requests your presents sir." the boy was obviously worried that his failure to bring the message sooner would earn him reprimand. With a nod of his head toward the door Christian urged the boy to follow him.

"Lighten up boy, no need to hold yourself so stiff."

"Yes, Lieutenant Marshal, sir." the boys posture didn't change.

As they made their way threw the streets of the city Christian took in all he could, so much was just as it always had been but his eyes were drawn to the subtle changes that the years had brought. The winding streets of the Jinjen district slowly widened as they entered the Nius until they were hardly streets at all, simply the expanses between the great monuments. Grand buildings lined with columns, massive arches, pillars, all manner of mason work, each erected in honor of some ruler, battle, event, or time. The Nius was one of the most impressive sights in the world, a living testament to the history of Rise.

The Podium was central on the Imperial Causeway that cut threw the heart of the Nius on its way to the bridges. The greater majority of the imperial public record was kept in a vast column wrapped library on the south side of the main plaza. Directly attached to the Library was the University, a collection of towers and courtyards, grand halls and small studies. Just beyond the University to the south stood the Grand Arch, which once served as the gateway through the second wall, though now there was an avenue where the old wall stood, leaving the towering arch as a reminder. They followed that avenue into what was effectively known as the military quarter, though officially it was simply part of the Old City.

At the heart of the military quarter stood the great walled complex that was the College of War, a single gate in the south side wall, the only remaining portion of the second wall. They crossed the main court yard and made there way up one of the sweeping marble stair cases that led up to the mezzanine entrance. Christian dismissed the messenger as they entered the building itself.

Marble inlaid halls stretched on forever, lined with columns. The walls showed images of great victories and battles, of soldiers on parade, and of Saris, the Chimera, symbol of the legions, worshiped by those who offer her sacrifice on the field of battle. Soldiers and officers went this way and that, off to fulfill their daily duties, some Christian had known for years but many were the new faces he came across.

When he arrived at the Grand Marshals office the door was swung half open and he stepped quietly inside. A desk stacked high with reports was set before the Grand Marshal and she busied herself with the task of shortening the pile.

"Lieutenant Marshal Kimber, reporting as requested, Grand Marshal ma'am."

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[I am sorry... I did a great blunder...]

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[Another blunder... I am truly sorry for this...]

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Eyes of turquoise did not waver and with gentleness despite the horrors it had seen in the war torn fields, gazed at the voice who alerted its honor of another presence within the Grand Marshal Imperialis' office. It was filled with mellow mirth and ample respect. There was no doubt that the Lady Imperialis recognized the newly promoted Lieutenant Marshal's achievements to be granted such a rank especially hearing the personal word of her sister, Aurelia had placed.

Stopping from her earlier business, she focused all of her attention towards the guest she had summoned. Her eyes never flickered upon his form. Christian Kimber, she had heard about him from Aurelia on a few occasions and even had fancied to have met him on certain situations. However, it was when she was still a tiny tot. All of her memories about those times were mostly of a haze within her mind. In any case, she should stopped her trailing thoughts and concentrate at the task before her.

"I see you have finally arrived, Lieutenant Marshal Kimber. Although, it was the fault of my door being opened so halfheartedly. A knock would be the proper manner to enter especially when it is quite an embarrassment to have my desk piled with so many documents. Pardon me for the mess."

Rosalie gave a warm smile directed to him as she made herself comfortable from her elegant golden bordered white armchair. In the sight of others, the scene before them would be quite amusing. The office coveted the rich color of gold and white that had the emblem of the Legions. Oriel windows that were slightly ajar to allow humble noises and various scents to enter the room lit with the warm rays of the sun that appeared to illuminate its owner in a glorious scene. Despite the amazing numbers of stack reports grazing the mahogany desk embellished with the finest work of art. One would say that a day in the office should not be this elegant nevertheless; it was always possible for the Lady Solainge to do so.

Disrupting such a picture, the Grand Marshal herself made a gesture. She took a document that was laid before her and looked upon it. The contents of the report seemed to be important matter as her normal angelic face had now turned into a stern one similar to a person discovering a displeasing secret and yet she still emitted a beauty like no other. There was no wonder that the College of War had become so lively ever since she had come. The soldiers and the people admired the Princess Royal due to her countenance and abilities.

Despite of her young age, she coveted the rank of Grand Marshal Imperialis due to her remarkable skills in combat and intellect applied in war tactics. Thus, she was easily accepted to inherit the Rŭsean Peacock Throne in the event that the current Empress never gives birth to an heir.

"I summoned you here for three reasons. One, I would like to congratulate you for being granted the rank of Lieutenant Marshal. You certainly deserve it. Second, I would like to apologize for my absence in welcoming the battalion. There was a matter that I had to attend to. Lastly, I want to hear the report about the routine of Silver Marches."

With that said in her voice that exuded elegance, confidence and gentleness at the same time, she slightly lowered her hand that held the report that gathered her concern so her face can be fully seen while her eyes was yet again affixed towards Christian. She did not have either the demeanor of complete intimidation or the annoying haughtiness of someone superior through blood and rank. Thus, Rosalie waited patiently for the answer that Lieutenant Marshal Christian Kimber would have for her.

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[College of War: Grand Marshal Imperialis' Office]

As quickly as that work caught back up with him.

"Yes ma'am." He eased his standing slightly, "Please forgive my not arriving sooner. My first order of business was visiting former Marshal Titus Montclair, as you know he is my sponsor and was taken ill from his duties. When his letter arrived the news had still been grim though he has taken a turn back toward health in the recent weeks it seems. But on to my report.

"As of our leaving we had pressed the greater part of our patrolled lands thirty three miles northward within the last year, Coreollis now stands at a weeks march from the nearest front and hasn't suffered any attacks in well into three years. Construction on three motte and bailey forts was completed mid summer and three more early fall to secure certain lands. To the western arm Castle Edin was expanded to serve as a fifth fortress garrison, the main tower was scheduled to be completed two weeks ago and over all completion this very week. These bring our total holdings to twenty six motte and bailey forts, five fortress garrisons and the castle at Coreollis. This of course lacks the listing of any palisade forts serving as rest for watches and patrols. The finer details were included in First Legate Anthony's full report."

"Over all things tend the same as always. There was some surprisingly active months to the east, Fortress Pembrook was being attacked on a constant schedule for some time. Vice Legate Burk Derik, who has been charged with legislation of the cavalry, dispatched two units of heavy lancers to the site. We received report of one further attack and then the attacks fell of for good. It amazes me that they fear the lancers so, considering the trouble they put the Orsem through when this all started. A lancer is worth more than his weight in gold on that front."

Orsem was the name of the people who lived on the plains of the Silver Marches and raised horses. They were known to be magnificently skilled riders who often rode bare back and many could ride in any number of positions, some even being witnessed riding quite nearly under the horse, though they used little or no armor and knew nothing of the professional fighting stile of Rise. The name was quite literally a conjoined form of "Horse Men". It had started as and informal name but had grown in use rapidly. The people called themselves something like "Adahia" though there is no written form of the word. Years ago when they requested Rise lay claim to their lands for protection from the northern tribes the diplomat they sent presented himself as a representative of the Orsem, servant of the Empire, effectively making it the name they were known by to the rest of Rise.

"The full number of the rabble is still unknown, they make no permanent camp and some reports indicated they travel as far as the southern reaches of Iscariot. That gives them quite the range of unclaimed space to hide in. We have not pushed for any more aggressive action for fear of rousing the interest of Iscariot. I have been given word that they claim neutrality in our current push into the Roan States, no doubt we will be pressing to keep them neutral, ma'am."

He fell silent. It wasn't a full detailed report, but then all of the full details were currently piled on the Grand Marshal's desk. It was the overview as he knew it, he expected some questions as to what might be scheduled for the coming year for the long boarder. He had little doubt that his winter duties would consist of planning that very schedule to completion, after all he had just come off of three years on the Long Boarder, as such he had the most active knowledge of what the area would require, be it keeping the status quo or any other request the Grand Marshal and Her Majesty may have.

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{College of War: Grand Marshal Imperialis' Office}

Rosalie placed down the paper she was holding onto her desk and released a small sigh. The report that the Lieutenant Marshal had given her directed all to normal skirmishes so far. The motte, forts and garrisons that were built for an added advantage among the interests of the Empire and did give a sense of comfort although, it is not enough when it comes to a heated battle. It made her more on the edge knowing that either the Roan and Echland had yet to convene a plan to counterattack the efforts of the Legions or they were luring them to a state of assurance. This does not bode well for them. Fortunately, Iscariot had yet to bare its fangs at them vowing to be neutral unless they show any aggressive acts towards them.

"Oh, I did hear of his condition. Is he doing fine?"

The Grand Marshal had met him quite often and had been a kind tutor to her at times when she needed guidance. It was saddening when she heard of the ailment befallen the good old Montclair. The thought reminded her that she intended to visit him in one of her free days. But, it seemed that would be impossible due to the matters that needed her attention which were in heaps of paper upon her desk. She might send some gifts instead of her presence. After procuring a possible act about that matter, she proceeded to Military business.

"The alliance of Echland and the Roan states might had been spoken to you by Sir Titus I presume? The infuriating thorn yet to be destroyed. It is good that Iscariot remained neutral. I would ensure that they would be throughout the process. However, this newly formed alliance would bring a certain challenge for us on the theater of war. Especially when most of our supplies are subjected to piracy, I have sent a letter to the Marshal Oceanus about this matter."

Sapphire eyes gazed at the window beside her as she had the view of the College's gardens. The Empress was pressing on the matter of the invasion and thus she must deliver the expected outcome of her sister at the best least time. Although, it is showing to be quite the tedious works when specks of troubles stained the picture of victory. In any case, her goal would not be changed. The Roan States would be under the Empire and Echland would know the consequences of fighting against them.

"Lieutenant Marshal, I believe you had already concluded you would be planning the schedule for the coming year on the Long Border. Her Majesty is rather getting impatient with the slow pace we are implementing. In addition, she is quite annoyed at the meddling of Echland. Thus, she wanted to teach both nations a lesson meant to engraved on their souls."

A gentle breeze entered through the window as it managed to have a few strands of Rosalie's hair be placed in front of her right eye. She instinctively tucked the said black strands behind her ear and looked at Christian. Her thoughts were currently working on a speed unknown even to her. She would need to accomplish what Aurelia wanted and she would rather be dead than disappoint her sister.

"Half of the Roan states must be under our jurisdiction in this coming year. Tell me do you think this is impossible? After all, the planning would be one of your duties. In addition, I have every intention to teach Echland not join in matters that would only incite the annoyance of Her Empress."

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[College of War: Grand Marshal Imperialis' Office]

"Tell me do you think this is possible?"

It was like a lady asking if you liked the dress she had chosen, she only wanted to hear yes even if the answer was no. His planning for the Silver Marches wouldn't be a hard task to complete as long as the council didn't elect to change the number of soldiers overmuch. The case of the Roan States however would require a close working with Marshal Terentius who he gathered was recently returned from that front. The two had worked together before, between them they could no doubt schedule for half the Roan States to be under Legion control but to do it with in a year would be a hard pace to keep.

He knew in fact that to succeed on that front they would be able to spare little to dealing with Echland, despite the close proximity of the two nations. So he saw the war stretching, as they always did, beyond what those sitting atop it wished.

"Pay no mind to the long boarder ma'am, I will have plans drawn out to be returned to the commanders. As to the possibility of controlling half of the Roan States by the year," He searched for the correct words, though in that pause the answer was clearly, 'impossible'. "It will take some weeks to draw up plans and schedules before we can gauge how far we can press with in the year and still be able to maintain our footing."

The greatest asset of a tactician was not winning battles, it was winning battles that you could afford to win, knowing which battles you couldn't afford to win and avoiding them until you could. It was knowing how to plan to fail in the request that was set before you if and when the situation called for it, and fail in such a way that it is still a complete success. Where the life of the soldier was simply aimed at victory what ever the order given, the life of the advisor was not so simple.

"If that is all ma'am, I would start the planning for the Long Boarder directly."

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{College of War: Grand Marshal Imperialis' Office}

It was clear to her that what she asked from the new "Lieutenant Marshal" was truly impossible to be achieved in such a restricting time line. A scholar is not needed to assess her request to be far from reality. Although, she had every intention to have it accomplish regardless the difficulties it can offer. Personally, she had raised the same point that Kimber has given her to the Empress. Aurelia simply pushed it away and inclined her to not fail her. It was a fact that she would do anything for her older sister despite any circumstances. However, this was a war that involved many lives. She could not have her subordinates recklessly walked into enemy lines without calculated tactics and the blessings of luck on their side. Everything must be thoroughly contemplated upon.

"I know that it is impossible. However, the Empress is getting impatient. Despite that, I would like you to go on your evaluations and present it to me as soon as it is finished. I have every intention of joining in this campaign personally."

Rosalie placed her hands in under her chin as the fingers were intertwined with each other. Her sapphire blue eyes gazed at Christian who she respected in skills and talents. Although, she knew the man understood the situation perfectly without her further explaining it. If it comes to worst, she would face the wrath of her sister alone. There was no need to have other people be pressured from the task issued upon her. However, she was certain that the front lines would be including her soon enough. This is one of the possible actions she can do.

"Yes, that is all. Thank you for the report. I would expect good things from your plans. You are free to go, Lieutenant Marshal."

After speaking her piece, she returned her gaze towards the heap of papers upon her desk. There were a lot of troubles plaguing her at the moment. However for now, she should focus her effort onto something that is in front of her. Preventing herself from sighing in front of her subordinate, she gave a shrug and the most embarrassing thing happened. Her body betrayed her specifically her stomach which growled. The Grand Marshal Imperialis only hoped that Kimber was already out of the door. But to her dismay, the man was yet to be out of her office as she blushed with humiliation.

"Uhm... Pardon me for that... Would you keep that as a secret between us?"

It is true that she may be a very important person in the empire and the army and being constantly admired due to her beauty and skills. However, the fact remains that she is still a human being and very adorable in the moment that she showed her weakness to others. After all, she is still young despite how mature she acts for the bravado of being a wonderful Grand Marshal Imperialis, Princess Royal and Coronet Regal. Rosalie had an awkward look upon her face that she only show before her sister and as of now in front of the new Lieutenant Marshal. It seemed that her day could only get worse.

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[College of War: Grand Marshal Imperialis' Office]

One of the privileges of being a Marshal was truth. No other officer in the Legion could ever hope to hear the words "this is impossible" be uttered from the Grand Marshal's mouth. Only the select group of men and women who wore the cords of the Marshals would ever hear such a statement and even then it was a rare occurrence. Between them the word impossible was still one that was not spoken lightly.

Christian nodded and saluted, but as he turned to leave he heard the tell tale growl of a stomach that demanded food.

The Grand Marshal turned to see him still in the room, "Uhm... Pardon me for that... Would you keep that as a secret between us?"

It was the single most out of character thing he had ever seen from the Grand Marshal, not the growl of her stomach, but the look on her face at her last statement. He couldn't help but think she seemed almost cute, though he cut the thoughts down as quickly as they arose. It would do no good to have such idea's floating around his head about his superior. She was simply as human as the next person, though she was rarely aloud to act as such. Christian knew how hard it was to keep up appearances all the time, and was quite often glad that he was not bound so strictly to them. He nodded his vow of confidence on the matter.

"It will do my lady no good to fight a war on an empty stomach, even if the battle now is with quill and ink. I must advise a meal directly, ma'am." He had a feeling she would be in a mood to object so he added, "We would not deny our soldiers food on account of duty, I'll be damned if we deny our Grand Marshal food on account of paperwork."