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Izaya Orihara

"Would You Like To Be My Next Test Subject?"

0 · 3,183 views · located in Shinoda

a character in “Royal Pain”, as played by Ginkox


Name:Izaya Orihara
Gender: Male
Freetime Clothing:
Any food that tells him something about the personality of the one who prepared it.

Eyes of dead fish
Canned food
Compressed food
Junk food

Favorite subjects:Mathematics, English, Physical Education
Izaya has the appearance and expression of one who is extremely crafty and confident, an appearance which he lives up to. He claims to love humanity, and greatly enjoys putting people in miserable or chaotic situations in order to observe their reactions. With a thorough understanding of human behavior and tendencies, he is able to determine people's thoughts and predict their reactions with high accuracy. Izaya is cunning and charming, but he's not very interested in women and women are not interested in him. He has a very jolly and mocking personality, speaking informally with most people as if they are close friends and often using nicknames.

Izaya Orihara likes to play a twisted board game which involves moving a combination of Chess, Othello, and Shogi pieces on a Chinese Go board.

Although Izaya enjoys conflict, often showing up wherever there is potential for one, he usually stays out of it, preferring to observe the fight instead of directly taking part in it. However, when provoked, he quickly puts his opponent in his place, simply proving his superiority without actually beating the other person. Therefore he is usually seen as the one starting fights, but hiding in the shadows instead of directly taking part.

Izaya was Born in an Average Family.
Up until middle school in Raira Academy, Izaya was a model student, the star at sports meetings, and winning independent research awards, poetry awards, slogan awards, and participated in essay contests. This combined with his good looks and a respectable family made him well known, especially with his girl classmates. However, Izaya was not particularly loved or hated since he went through school life in a withdrawn state, preferring to observe everything from afar, carrying out his life philosophy to be 'neither too close nor too far' from the others. But He Transferred in Shinoda When He Reached High School.

During afternoon breaks and such, other students would talk in the classroom or play in the courtyard, but since Izaya would always be in the library, he gave people the impression that he was a loner. But Izaya enjoyed being a step away from his surroundings. He knew he was a top student, however, he didn't think the people around him were idiots and didn't look down on them.

At this point, his observations are not used for ill, rather a simple hobby, but slowly it was turning more and more into an obsession.

Clubs: Basketball Club, Literary Club, Arts Club and Disciplinary Committee.

Motto: "It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious." - Oscar Wilde, Lady Windermere's Fan

So begins...

Izaya Orihara's Story


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Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau
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#, as written by Ginkox
Just when Izaya was about to eat, a girl came to his table.
"Yes?"Izaya smiled at the girl.
"Uhm.. Orihara-senpai...Please go Out With me!" she handed a love letter.
"Sorry but i'm not free tomorrow, and also, i'm always busy because of my part time work right?"Izaya put on some earphones and played some 'AKB48' Songs.
"Please!"the girl pleaded.
His brown Eyes Faded, Changed by His Red Eyes. And Thus His Trollish Personality strikes again.
"Did you not hear my Words?, I cannot goout with someone like you, and you have an annoying voice."He said in a Serious and 'Looking-down' Voice.
"I-Izaya-senpai! You're so Cruel! no one will stand those Personality of Yours!"The Girl Cried as she turned her back and left the cafeteria.
"Do as you Like. Kahahaha!"Izaya laughed..
His eyes came back into brown..
"Wait what am i Doing?"He muttered to himself.

All Students at The Canteen was staring at Izaya, They were all Murmuring..
"As Expected the Expert Dumper from Raira."
"Sou Desu ne."

The Next Track on his player is...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau
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Niki watched as Izaya turned the girl down "Man, that's what to expect from Izaya, poor girl didn't even see it coming," Ai murmured to her. She looked at her friend with a raiser eye brow " He gave her a reason and clearly said he wasn't interested in her," Ai scoffed he does that to everyone. Niki smiled " Let me test that theory?" she paid for her lunch and walked over to his table, Ai watching with wide eyes as she followed after her friend. She had a big smile on her face " Hey, Izaya would it be okay with you if Ai and I sit here today?" she hoped he wasn't going to turn her down. Ai pulled on Niki's arm "Come on let's go, he looks like he wants to be alone, otherwise he wouldn't have the headphones in," she looked around and noticed the students watching intently to see what was going to happen. Niki smiled widely to her friend "All the more reason to ask, Sheesh! It's not like I'm confessing my love I'm jus being friendly," she turned her attention back to Izaya "So, can we sit with you today?" she asked again
"Yo,Niki you guys can sit with us!" she heard some random guy hollar the other guys at his table were also agreeing and yelling that she should sit with them.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau
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#, as written by Ginkox
Izaya Paused the music in his player. hanging the headphones around his neck.
"Sure, Niki." Izaya gave her a smile.

He Then, Continued to eat his Meal, Secretly, mailing Niki.
'Anything strange happened?' he mailed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau
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She looked at the girl for a moment a smile came on her face " Sure, why not," she smiled at the girl " I'm Nicholette, but everyone calls me Niki, "Niki smirked at Ai " Oh and Ai, Theory disproven," Ai looked at her as she sat down next to Izaya Ai followed in suite "I never asked you to test it," she mumbled. Niki inwardly smile as she began to eat. Opening her phone to check the message Izaya sent her 'None, that I saw, so far other then having a feeling of being watched, I really don't want to go home today but I must' she set her phone down. Ai looked at Niki "So, what are you doing tomorrow, cause I thought we could go shopping or something," she turned her attention from her meal to Ai "Sorry,can't tomorrow I have plans," she shrugged and watch as the other girl sigh heavily "Don't tell me you're held up spending the day with your dad's fiancé again," she paused for a moment " if I recall you said that woman wouldn't stop asking questions about your personal life, and trying to get you to quit dance," The girl waited for a response. She looked at her friend for a moment "No, I'm not spending time with that witch," Niki looked at the apple she picked " I have plans to meet up with another friend, and hang out with them, maybe next weekend," she set the apple down to finish her main lunch.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau Character Portrait: Ileana Izabela Adala
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#, as written by Ginkox
Izaya put his Headphones back to his Ears. Playing The Next Track '3 Seconds'.
"Orihara Izaya, For Short Izaya.Class 3-b. Nice To Meet You." Izaya gave Inali a Slight Smile, He Continued Eating.
A Minute Later, He Received a Call, It Was from Namie, He Exited The Cafeteria to answer the call.
"Namie, Why did you call? Anything Worse Happened?"He Questioned Namie on the Other Line.
"T-the... I-i Mean your Bike. It Was Crushed." SHe Answered.
Izaya Hunged the Phone, Coming back to his seat with a Disgusted face ant tone of Voice. 'That Bastard, He's Going Far.'
"I'm Back."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau Character Portrait: Ileana Izabela Adala
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Niki looked at Izaya " Are you okay Izaya?" she clearly had worry in her eyes and a little bit in her features. Ai smirked at Niki "Does someone have a crush?" she giggled at Niki's blush "Ai!" when it came to playing innocent and clueless about things Niki could play the part " So, do you?" she whispered to her. Niki remained slient for a moment before nodding " Yeah," she looked back down at her food Ai smiled " You better becareful,Niki, otherwise you'll end up like that girl he just rejected," Niki sighed and nodded taking and trying a plum dumpling " Inali, these are amazing!" she smiled at her brightly still a little red.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau Character Portrait: Ileana Izabela Adala
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Niki smiled "Thanks,but I'm pretty full," she quickly got up dumped her tray and came back "Now, there isn't much to tell, I have an older brother, my parents are divorced I live with my dad and a witch my mom's in my homeland, I love music dance and art, lastly I'm French," she gave a shorten version not wanting to go into detail about herself. She smiled at Inali "What about you?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau Character Portrait: Ileana Izabela Adala
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Niki's eyes widen slightly "That's so cool, as long as you don't sparkle in the sun," she gave a giggle " Romaina is awesome, I've always wanted to visit there and see the country side," she stretched her arms " As for a Witch she's not a real one she just acts like one sometimes," she thought about it for a moment "Sracth that only around me and people I like," she pushed her black hair behind her ear.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau Character Portrait: Ileana Izabela Adala
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Niki rubbed the back of her neck"Sorry, um it's a movie Ai forced me to watch with her," Ai elbowed her in the side "I thought Twilight was awesome," she stood up and dumped her tray. She looked at Inali " I only see my mom and brother on the holidays, my older brother blames me for the divorce and hates my guts," she sighed and looked down "Darn, getting only an hour of sleep the night before dance practice sucks," she put her hand on the side of her cheek clearly tired "Niki! The captain wants to see us!" she called and ran over grabbing her arm and dragging her out of the cafeteria.
"There you two are, Niki I want you to stay after today we have much to talk about," the captain smiled a dark look in her eyes "Sure," she then left with Ai who had to stay after to work on the routine. Niki sat down and quickly sent a message to Izaya 'Okay, I need to stay after to talk about something with the dance captain, and she never does that with me, I have a bad idea of what she might want to talk about,'


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau Character Portrait: Ileana Izabela Adala
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#, as written by Ginkox
"I'm Working at a Pharmaceuticals. Someone Destroyed our Equipment's and Snatched Our Test Subjects."Izaya looked at the Cafeteria's Window. His Cellphone rang. He Checked it, a message from Niki
Okay, I need to stay after to talk about something with the dance captain, and she never does that with me, I have a bad idea of what she might want to talk about,'
He Quickly Replied, 'Tell me What place is it or time. I'll observe you from afar.'.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau Character Portrait: Ileana Izabela Adala
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She felt her phone vibrate, looking at the message Izaya sent her she looked at captain Rin's expectant eyes " It's my mom, I need to reply if you don't mind," Rin smiled a little too sweetly " Sure,now actually since we have time left why don't we head to the gym and talk now," she watch Niki text her "mom". ' Izaya change of plans, meeting with her now in the gym,' Niki sent the message without hesitation "Sure," she gave Rin a smile as the girl lead her to the gym. Rin turned around once inside "Alright, Niki what's your retaliationship with Izaya?" she crossed her arms and waited for the answer. She remained silent and looked at Rin not sure what to say.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau
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#, as written by Ginkox
"Hmm... A Neighbor. Maybe?" Izaya laughed.
"Uhm.. See Ya Later. Feel Free to Text me." he Left a Piece of Paper on the Table, Carrying his bag and jersey out of the Cafeteria.
'Leave the Rest to Me.' Izaya sent the Message.

He Reached the Gym's Backyard. "How should I Get inside?" Izaya Looked at the Gym's Back.
his Eyes Turned Red Again.. "The Window." He Ran towards the gym's back window, Slowly Getting Inside.
"Alright, Niki what's your relationship with Izaya?"
After Hearing That, Izaya's Eyes enlarged.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau Character Portrait: Ileana Izabela Adala
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Rin glared " I'm waiting," she moved closer to her arms still crossed. Niki held her ground not sure what to say still she said the first thing that popped into her head "We're going on a date tomorrow, and I would like to be his girlfriend if he wants me as one," she really couldn't believe she said that but in truth she really did like Izaya, and was starting to love him. The captain glared at her " Why would he be interested in you? There are plenty others that like him me being one of them," Niki just shrugged "How am I supposed to know that?" Rin frowned and glared at her walking up to her she slapped the girl across her face "Your weak Niki!" her blue eyes widen she moved her hand to her cheek stunned. The girl growled " That's what you are weak! I don't get what he sees in someone like you!" she yelled and slapped Niki once more. Niki frowned at her "Just because someone likes me and not you doesn't mean you have to take your anger out on me!" she continued to hold her ground not caring about th bruise forming on her cheek. Or even when Rin raised her hand to slap her again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau
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#, as written by Ginkox
Izaya stood up and he walked to the Direction of the two girls. He Raised Rin's Hand, his eyes still red.
his face was like 'Would you like to be one of my test subjects?'

"If You Try to Slap Her Again. I'll Murder you in The Best of your Dreams."Izaya Whispered to her.
"Niki. You Alright?"Still raising Rin's hand tightly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau
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" I'm okay, if anything it'll just be a bruise nothing to big," she gave a soft smile full of relief. Rin's eyes widen in shock more then fear. It took her a few seconds before she could speak " Why her? Why'd you choose Niki instead of the others that love you?" tears started to form in her eyes as she waited for an answer. Niki watched the scene with sad eyes she felt bad for the girl and was curious for his answer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau Character Portrait: Ileana Izabela Adala
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ginkox
"Why I Chose Her? 'Cause she's my Type." Izaya Put Down Rin's Hands. and Wiped her Tears.
"So Rin-san. I'm Sorry."he used his 'Yankee' Accent.

A Minute Later, He Put His Headphones Once Again. The Track Playing is '3 Seconds'
'sanbyou mitsumeru dake de
otoshite miseyou ka
omae no ai nante
ore no omoi doori sa'

The Lyrics is Ringing on His Head.
"Maa Ne~" He Exited the Gym.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau Character Portrait: Ileana Izabela Adala
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Rin watched Izaya go sadness clearly in her eyes, she looked to the girl who spoke and nodded softly "Niki, I'm sorry I hit you, I will be stepping down as captain, and Niki since you know the routine very well you are free to go home, I will announce my replacement on Monday," she smiled at her and slowly left the gym " I truly am sorry Niki," she looked back before exiting. Niki looked to Inali " Thank you, Inali well looks like I have the rest of the day off from dance," a bright smile appeared on her lips " First day off in a long time, well half day" She giggled then put her hand to her cheek "Ow" she looked to Inali for a moment "I think an ice pack would be a good idea, but first I need to thank Izaya," she grabbed the girl's wrist and dragged her out of the gym . She ran to catch up to Izaya, when she finally did Niki tapped his shoulder and waited for him to turn around.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau Character Portrait: Ileana Izabela Adala
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#, as written by Ginkox
"Hmm? How Can I Help You?" Izaya looked at Niki.

He Stopped his Music player to listen on what she was gonna say.
His Brown Eyes are Back, but his left eye, still red.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau Character Portrait: Ileana Izabela Adala
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Characters Present

Character Portrait: Izaya Orihara Character Portrait: Niki Genevieve Mareau Character Portrait: Ileana Izabela Adala
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Niki smiled not caring if it was hurting her, she gave him a hug " Thank you Izaya, " she whispered not looking up at him for a moment " Even if it was only a slap it was nice of you to stop her," she looked up at him a small blush forming on her face it seemed to her all she ever did was blush around him. She looked down slightly embarassed not exactly sure why she was but did it matter not really " Um, speaking of Rin how much did you hear?" she asked having a feeling he heard her small confetion she had made before getting slapped.