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Arianna Tolsa

Don't ever turn your back on anyone.

0 · 1,235 views · located in Silverwood

a character in “Silverwood”, as played by TheGypsyQueen_13


{“At The End, We All Die Alone.”}
With the greenest eyes you have ever seen Rosie could easily enslave people to do whatever she wanted with just a bat of an eyelash, luckily she was brought up better than that. She always tries to keep a smiley on her pale freckle riddled face, no makeup needed, she is cute without it. Of course she has her fathers bright orangey red hair, paired with her mothers soft knowing gaze its hard not to want to be friends with her. Her ever inviting expressions seem to light up the world around her.
Song to Love Interest
Mean Ol' Moon||Amanda Seyfried
You Haunt Me||Lisa Hannion

{"You Never Know How Strong You Are Until Being Strong Is The Only Choice You Have."}



Full Name
Arianna Tolsa



Sexual Orientation

* Clear starry nights.
* Long conversations.
* Protecting her Pack.
* Cool weather.
* Running.

* Hunters.
* Rival packs.
* Being lied to.
* Being tricked.
* Baby's/Pups.

Distinct Markings
Scars: Arie has scars all over her back and left arm from a really bad fight she was in as a kid.

Piercings: Just her ears.

Tattoos: Arie had a row of little dots on both of her calfs and a bit circle in the center of her chest right under her breasts.

Arianna thinks that having dreams is for morons! All she wants is to protect her pack, her family really. She will do whatever it takes to protect them and do whatever her Alpha asked of her.

Arianna tries not to have any secrets from her Alpha.

Not being able to do her job right.

{“What Defines Us Is How Well We Rise After Falling.”}

As a child Arianna was very quiet and a bit of a loner. She was never really good at making friends. Now she is not shy what so ever, she will tell you exactly what she is thinking. If she doesn't like you she will tell you. It is still a little hard for Arie to show her emotions, even to her own pack.
She has never been one for showing love.
She can be very secretive when it comes to her personal life. Arie doesn't like to burden others with her problems. She would rather find her own solution, then ask for help.

{“The Pain Of Today Is The Victory Of Tomorrow.”}


Ariannas mother was part of the wild pack but when Arianna was born her mother wanted nothing to do with her so Arianna was abandoned. Luckily she was soon found by a member of the tame pack, who took her in and raised Arianna as his own. Arianna knows very little about her birth mother, only that she left Arianna in the woods to die. Arianna hates her, she would rather fight to the death protecting her pack then admit who her birth mother is.

So begins...

Arianna Tolsa's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Caleb Smith Character Portrait: Daniel Parker
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He didn’t like being spoken about in a lesser way but being outnumbered, all he could provide was a low growl from his own chest. His eyes moved to a nicer man, around his own age that came to introduce himself as Danny and apologize on behalf of Arianna, the one he had met in a peculiar circumstance in the bar and who growled at him. Caleb would’ve liked to of been chatty with the nice guy but given only a few seconds later, the alpha announced taking Caleb with them, he decided he didn’t have much to share or a reason to be equally as pleasant. “Caleb,” he said shortly with a quick hand shake. He followed the pack at the rear accepting his prisoner status. But how long did she intend for that to last?
This was exactly why it was better to be a loner. Caleb didn't have to bow or answer to anyone. And despite the one kill he had made, there was a whole lot less drama for him.

He blew out his lips softly. So not only was he tagging along with the tames, judging by their attitude towards some killing, but he was walking in between some pack tension. At least the wilds may have got that killing happens. The wolf takes over, you blink and you've killed a daughter of a hunter. "So is Sin the other Alpha?" he checked. He smirked a little as it may push a button with the others.

Sin’s gaze didn’t shift from Nia until he was sure he had her submission and then he backed away, granting her personal space again. He didn’t care much for her excuses, just as long as he had her word to not disobey him again. Paige spoke, diverting his attention to hear her speech. Her prompt was not to jump to conclusions and hunt the hunters. Eventually the matter would subside in time and he had no doubt that it would. But for how long should they be sitting ducks? Hunters could be a sickly ambitious type. He sighed out softly rubbing the back of his neck as he stepped toward Paige to deal with her. “I understand your…reluctance to kill but if they are coming for us, then they’re gonna figure out we’re werewolves and they’re not gonna think twice about killing you or any of us.” She was a big girl so she could have it straight with the harsh reality. All of the wolves in his pack could. “I just don’t know what to do about the tames,” he said, stroking his thumb over his own bottom lip.
The chances of Paige’s hopeful thinking were slim. Possible. But slim. It’d be a dream for them to find the one body, halfheartedly look for the killer then just leave.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Mikaela Etin Character Portrait: Sin Etin Character Portrait: Arianna Tolsa Character Portrait: Nia Taria Character Portrait: Daniel Parker Character Portrait: Paige Carver
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Soon as Sin looked away from her, she closed her eyes for a moment. Her pack had no idea that there was more than one body count now, thanks to herself adding a Hunter to it. What else was she suppose to do? her alpha kind of needed her, and she was just protective of her pack anyway with each one of them being like family. Nia had a human family before, but they didn't appreciate her, neither did they love her. Maybe her mother did, she wasn't sure, but she always seemed to pick her abusive bossy husband over her own daughter.

She had packed her stuff one night into a rucksack when she was younger, told her mum that she was running away, and left that same night after leaving a note on her bed for someone to find. They found her the next morning sleeping in the tree house that her father had once built for her to play Pirates in with her friends from school. She adored that tree house, even to this day she still sat in it. It had been the last place her Father had been before he left. Every time she asked about him, no-one seemed to want to talk about it, but she was determined to one day find out, and to find him.

She finally re-opened her eyes after a couple of seconds, her gaze now on Sin, and Paige. “I just don’t know what to do about the tames" Nia was smirking behind Sin's back now. She had plenty of ideas what to do about them, but maybe she should just stay quiet this time. She was in enough trouble as it was, and also in Sin's bad books for the time being.