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Walter Folle

A forty-seven year old man.

0 · 169 views · located in Regency Era England

a character in “Simple Pleasures”, as played by DAMN!toasty


Role: "Forty-something Guy"
Full Name: Walter Sebastian Folle
Name at birth: Walter Sebastian Folle
Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Walt
Title(s): Mister?
Preferred name: Walt is faster. Call him Walt.
Age/Date of Birth: 47, April 2
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation/Gender Identity: Male, Straight
Race/Ethnicity: Caucasian

Skin Tone: His skin is one shade under the lightest tan you can have. The best way would be to say he's just shy of olive complexion.

Height: 6' 4", plus or minus a few centimeters.

Weight: About 177.6 pounds.


Walter borders on slim. He is hardly overweight, and he just barely hits the "average" weight for his height. He does not lack muscle, but it isn't a large part of his make up. He was always a bit scrawny, even at his towering six feet and four inches. Athletic might be a good, short description, but just barely.


Easily his most striking feature, Walt sports a pair of brilliantly blue eyes. They were, in his younger years, bright and alive, and always hinting at curiosity. These days they seem dull, bordering on grey, and whatever vibrant emotions once showed in them are now well hidden.


Walter was born with a tuft a jet black hair which lightened only slightly as he grew into his teens and twenties. As he has grown older still, hints of grey line his eye brows and pepper the rest of his head. He has never had it any longer than the base of his neck, and he still combs it the way he did when he was thirteen.

Clothes Style:

If there is one thing that has never changed for Walter, it is his fashion sense. From his first job, he has worn the same thing every day, in varying colors(well, just barely), even down to his underwear. White underwear, and a white undershirt. Then black socks rising to the middle of his leg. He wears business suit pants, usually in a range of grey or black, and sometimes khaki. He puts on a button up collared shirt, tucks it into his pants, and puts on a black or brown belt. Depending on the day, he either rolls the sleeves of his shirt up, or put on his business jacket. He shines his shoes quickly, and then puts them on. Always the same shoes, black business shoes. He then puts on his tie, his watch from his father, his hat, and he is ready for the day. Any day. In his younger years, he might have looked like and upstanding man. He might have looked respectable. These days he looks ragged. He looks tired.

Other than this he has a bath robe, usually under which he wears a white t-shirt, and a pair of long cotton pants. He also has a pair of slippers.

Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc.:

It would be almost joke worthy to suggest Mr. Folle has any tattoos, let alone piercings. The only physical markings he has is a freckle here and there, and a scar from a knife slipping on his hand. He is a cautious man. He does not do things which lead to scars.


Walter, at one time in his life, was a handsome man. He was always sharp looking, and he was always clean shaven. His clothes were always washed and neatly pressed. His hat was always tilted just right, his hair combed just so. In his younger years, Mr. Folle was a looker to say the least.

As time has moved on, he has recieved his fair share of lines in his brow and on his hands. His once charming grin has been replaced with a thin line of a mouth. He hardly laughs, and it shows in the grimness of his facial expressions. His once smooth chin is often covered in stubble. His once straight back is now often arched in frustration. He is no longer lively with a bounce in his step. He walks quietly with his head down. His quips are no longer heard as much a grumble about missing things. The years have taken their toll on his physically, and emotionally, and both are very nearly too apparent.


There was a time when Walter would have gone to church every Sunday. There was a time when he was an avid Catholic, a Spiritual man you could say. He enjoyed church events. He helped with them even. But these days he finds little comfort in the presense of a "God". If he does find Spirituality, it is only long enough to yell at Him in frustration.

Political Affiliation:

Walt is of the opinion that all Politicians signed their sould over to Hell a long time ago, and does not affiliate himself with any one party. He only affiliates himself with a set of morals. Often. when voting, he closes his eyes and picks one candidate.


Walter graduated near top of his high school class, and went on to college at Oxford. He finished with a degree in accounting from the Oxford School of business, and from there went onto start his own business.

Languages spoken:

While he learned both Latin and French, along with his native English, Walter hardly remembers the two languages as he never had to use them, and he hasn't reffered to them in nearly twenty-four years.


Currently, he is one of the many employees of a low-grade accounting firm. He works regular hours with regular people in a regular office. And he abhors it.

Past Occupation(s):

As a teenager, Walter worked for his father and at a local grocery store as a bagger. Once he was in college, Walt moved to a different grocer, and stayed there throughout his education. As a graduate from school, he immediately got a job at a high class accounting firm, and he worked there for two years. Then he went into business, starting his own accouting firm. It was successful for six years before crumbling due to personal disputes and lack of funding.


The only affiliation Walter ever really had was with the church and the local schools. He was less than active in the school system, but he was an avid member of the church, and would often help with events. When his life started to fall apart around him, Walter shied away from the church instead of leaning on it for support. He no longer attends service, and he no longer helps with events.


Walter is an "artist" of sorts. He enjoys drawing and painting, and often does it as a form of relaxation. He most often uses charcoal or watercolor, but occassionally you will see oil paintings around his tiny flat. He also knows how to play the accordian very well. Why he picked up the accordian is really no more interesting than a prolonged desire to learn an instrument no one else knew.


Walter is also an expert on most pistols, particularly pistols made in the 1940's and earlier. This was mostly due to his father's interest in guns overall. Walter simply took this facination and narrowed it down.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:

Walter is not mentally unstable, nor is he perfect. He, like the rest of humanity, has his flaws. He has his quirks. Most of them are things he would never admit to anyone he hasn't been intimate with. For example, he likes to be controlled. In any way shape or form, he desires to be controlled and used. While he enjoys this, it also makes him angry, and thus he has emotional disregulation problems. One minute he will be fine, the next he will be yelling. He doesn't have bipolar, but the tension he holds keeps him from being able to let anger out slowly.

He is a withdrawn man, on top of all of this, and he is awkward around women. Most men are, you might say. Walter, however, fears them. He has impressed upon himself the knowledge that he will never be good enough for any woman to love him, and so he must stay away from women. This, in turn, ruined his marriage, and his relationship with his children, especially his daughter.

Citizenship: England

Place of Birth: Aldeburgh, Suffolk; England

Now lives: Just outside of Oxford.

Lives with: Currently, Walter lives with his two dogs, Otto and Huck, and his cat, Lewis.

Current Relationship Status: A divorcee of about seven years.

Relationship History:

Walter married around twenty-five, without much thought as to the work he would need to put in. He knew he loved the woman, and she loved him. This was allt hat mattered in his eyes. For the first ten years, things went wonderfully. Within the first three years, Walter became the proud parent to a girl, Anna, and a son, Noah. After these ten years, though, things started turning sour. Walter's business was going down the drai, quickly, and the family was losing money. By the time he was forty, Walter had lost his wife and children to a bitter divorce. He has not spoken to his ex-wife in seven years, and his children rarely visit. While his ex-wife remarried, Walter has not been in a relationship since.


Walter does not associate with any blood relatives. Other than that, he has his two children, but the relationship is hardly there. His ex-wife is no longer in the picture and hasn't been for some time now.

Other Biographical Remarks: None.



He felt dirty, he could feel the thin film of dirt on his skin and it bothered him no end. Scorpius Malfoy loved being neat and tidy. It was a family trait. Yes there were times when he was less than perfect and his neat blonde hair was out of place and took on its natural wave and looked messy. There were also the times like now when he had stumbled back from quidditch practise a thin slick sheen of sweat on his pale skin. Making him feel gross and vile. Oh don't get me wrong there were times when the young Malfoy loved to be coated with sweet but that was under different circumstances. No right now he needed a shower and it was exactly where he was heading when he crossed the Slytherin common room. If you didn't know the whole Slytherin house well you would think they were a vain bunch with a obession with personal hygiene. It wasn't strictly the case. There were a few guys in the house that Scorpius would loved to introduce to deo-odorant.

There was only one other person in the sixth year boys dorms. Dropping his quidditch equipment onto his trunk at the end of his bed, Scorpius began to strip down. The boy didn't even stop when it came to his underwear. Down and off they went. Malfoy men were not ashamed of their bodies or showing them off. Scorpius especially had no shame. Grabbing his towel he walked across the dorm room and into the small bathroom at the end of their dorm. It took a few moments for the water to become warm enough for the fussy male. Stepping under the jet stream he began to cleanse his body of the dirty feeling he had been experiencing. He washed his hair twice and then switched the shower off. Grabbing the towel he dried himself off and began to wonder back into the dorm room, using the towel to dry his hair instead of wrapping it around himself. He noted that he was now alone in the dorm room. Smiling to himself he walked over to his bed and dropped the towel onto it. He pulled out some clean pj bottoms and put them on, grabbing a t-shirt and pulled it on over his head. His haid had began to curl and now sat a damp mess on the top of his head. It wasn't like it was crazy curly just loose and messy like his mother's but in a un-natural shade of blonde like his father.

Prowling down to the end of his bed he began to sort of the quidditch stuff he had dumped on top of his trunk. Dropping his dirty quidditch robes into the laundry bin beside his bed. Picking up his broom and other qudditch gear he noted that he had a spare glove. Moving it aside he opened his trunk and dropped his gloves and such into it, letting it close with a thud. He then stored his broom under his bed. Picking up the random glove he held it up and checked the inside of it. It was habit of the players to write their names inside there gloves and on the inside of there shin guards and all that so they didn't get them muddled up. The neat hand written inside this glove declared that it belonged to fellow Slytherin Alexxandre Delacour. Hmmming to himself Scorpius went in search of Alexxandre. He knew where to try first. The seventh year dorm room. Walking the short distance between the rooms, Scorpius pushed open the door and walked inside. The sight that greeted him was Lexx laying on his bed in nothing but a towel. A sight that made Scorpius cough a little and raise a brow. Closing the door behind him he spoke. "I seemed to have picked up of of your gloves at practise" he said holding the said glove up for inspection.[/quote]

So begins...

Walter Folle's Story
