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Snake Bites

Snake Bites HQ


a part of Snake Bites, by Ryokie.

[x] The Snake Bite's Headquarters is located in a private galxey deep in space. There coordinates can only be accessed with a SB pass and an active Jump Gate. At the moment, everyone should be tending to their daily duties.[x]

Ryokie holds sovereignty over Snake Bites HQ, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Snake Bites HQ

[x] The Snake Bite's Headquarters is located in a private galxey deep in space. There coordinates can only be accessed with a SB pass and an active Jump Gate. At the moment, everyone should be tending to their daily duties.[x]


Snake Bites HQ is a part of Snake Bites.

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Ryokie [0] The Commander of the Snake Bites

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#, as written by ChadH89


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#, as written by ChadH89
Do you have anyone else that might join up or is it just you and I so far?


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#, as written by ChadH89
I'll be back soon. Eating dinner.


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#, as written by ChadH89
Do you think we should wait for the other person to join before we start actually roleplaying?


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#, as written by Ryokie
[x]Commander Ryo hung her head as her ship settled down on the planet Rardel. This particular planet was quite similar to an older planet called Earth in climate, gravity, and air quality. Really the only difference between this one and it's predicesor was the fact that this one was many billions of years younger and had more water. Many earthlings migrated here in order to get away from the N-V. Most of the planet was pretty under developed, taking the appearance of 'shanty towns'. Ryo was here on this wasteland instead of being comfy in her office because her system picked up someone stealing things from her distribution ships. "I'm getting to old for this." she mumbled as her ship's hatched opened. The space suit she wore automatically adjusted her body to this planets gravity and air pressure. She huffed, checked her person for her pulse laser gun, and marched into the building before her.
She recognized the bastard who stole her stuff almost instantly. He was a male Duridian, a slimy creature with six arms and smelled horribly or sour trash. He knew her face as well. She was the owner of Pantera Tech and very well known after all. "So, I'm sure you know why im here.' She glared, crassing her arms over her chest.
"Maybe to buy some of my goods?"he asked.
"How about, sto you from stealing my Tech and reselling it. This will be your only warning, Duridian. I have a lot of mouths to feed and I can't do that if you are selling my stuff under the table. You keep this up, you'll have more than me to worry about. Got it?" she said, poking him in his slimy chest.
"J-just take the stuff....I was just trying to make a living." he quaked, backing away from her.
"Oh don't worry, I was planing to take all of it. There will be ships here in a few minutes to take it ALL back....oh and if you wanted to make a can always join the SB and sell stuff legitimatly for me. I'll be...waiting for you application. We are always accepting." she said stepping back from the smelly man. He nodded, sholders slumping forward in defeat.
With her business done, Ryo exited teh shop and stood near her ship to wait for the others.[x]


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#, as written by ChadH89
[x] Twitch sat in his dingy apartment, his lights off with the only actual light coming from a computer screen. His stay on Rardel hadn't been completely boring as he managed to get a connection to a universal internet type program called Inter-Verse. This essentially was the internet, but connected to many different planets within the Milky Way. Many of hours had been spent researching what ever information he could find on the N-Virus; it was unfortunate that the Inter-Verse was unable to provide him with new information. After finally becoming annoyed with the lack of new information he reached for his pack of smokes and withdrew one from his pack. He put the cigarette to his lips and lit it with his lighter, inhaling the smoke deep into his lungs. He let the smoke flow freely and casually from his nostrils, his other free hand reaching for his coffee. The trembling in his hand caused a bit of coffee to spill on his lap and he cursed in frustration. He put the coffee down and leaned back in his chair, reaching up to put his headphones on. Immediately loud music played and his lips twisted into a crooked smile.

He must have fallen asleep for he suddenly woke to the sound of his computer. This was odd because he distinctly remembered having his headphones on. Further inspection with hands revealed he in fact still wore them which led him to deduce that his batteries had finally run dry. Now he was pissed. He yelled curses up at his roof and used his hands to flail some random objects from his computer desk. He stood and was about to leave his apartment for the first time in months when another noise came from his computer. He turned back and looked closely at the monitor when he suddenly realized it was a message from his online friend. It seemed he had some information on a new form of militia called Snake Bites. His first thought was that the name was unoriginal but he put that thought aside as for the first time in years he finally received some new information in regards of the N-Virus. Several hours later he was convinced that the group was falling apart but when he took a look around his room he realized he wasn't doing so hot himself. Then again, these guys were actually out there risking their skins for the sake of many lives while he hid in his apartment to save his own. A thought occurred to him; why not join the Snake Bites? At that he laughed nervously.

"So not happening any time soon." So after that brief and pointless argument with himself, he decided he would at least leave his apartment for some fresh air. Perhaps that would do him some good, and he could stop feeling bad about being boarded up in his apartment. He left the dingy building and stepped out onto the street. He looked back at his apartment and felt somewhat appreciative for living on the "rich" side of Rardel. He decided to head towards a shop he visited a while ago, lots of intriguing but fairly simple mechanisms being sold there. Coming up to the shop he saw a woman exciting the shop and he realized she was very attractive. The way she walked told him he wasn't in a good mood but it didn't matter; he wouldn't speak to her if she seemed in the best mood of her life. Instead he was about to hide when he noticed the uniform she wore. It was a Snake Bite uniform! He ran after her but she was walking very quickly and he didn't catch up until she stopped at a ship.

"You're part of Snake Bites?" He asked, disbelief and doubt clear in his voice. "Surely that uniform is fake." After a moment's hesitation from her he had enough time to see that her uniform was indeed genuine, at least based on his research. Then it hit him... Regardless of her suite being real, this was a woman he was speaking to.

"Forgi-gi-ive me ma'-a-'am." He stuttered and turned to walk away. He was steps away when a strong urge came over him. He turned back and quickly moved to stand in front of her. "Let me join Snake Bites!" His eye twitched a bit and he suddenly felt very small around her. [x]


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#, as written by Ryokie
[x] Ryo lifted an elegantly shaped brow as she stared at the creature before her. She considered him for a moment, taking in his appearance. To her, he didn't look like much and he appeared to be a nervous wreck from all the...twitching, but she had come across stranger things before. "You want to join the Snake Bites? What do you have to offer...aside from yourself," she said, shifting her weight from foot to foot. "And please don't call me ma'am. It's Commander Ryo." she huffed, blowing a stray strand of her red hair out of her face.[x]


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#, as written by Ryokie


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#, as written by ChadH89
[x] The moment she lifted her eyebrow he flinched; he assumed her immediate reaction would be to say no. His mouth hung open for a second when she actually took a moment to consider him. "Yes Ma'-, I mean Commander Ryo." For a moment he considered turning and running but he decided against that; he had already come to far. He stammered a reply, "I uh, have uh, two degrees, one in science and the other in technology... I can do ship uh, repairs! And.. I can fire a gun, Ma--Commander Ryo. I just need your..." He didn't continue but instead averted his gaze towards her gun. He didn't know whether she would give up her weapon to him as he was still only a civilian until she named him otherwise. That and he suspected she might not like being without a weapon with no one around to help her say he turn out to be an assassin or something around those lines. Something told him she would have no quarrels with either of the issues but still he could not bring himself to finish the sentence. [x]


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#, as written by ChadH89
Bit late in posting but I've been out of it today. Sorry 'bout that.


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#, as written by Ryokie
[x]Before she could respond, her palm pilot beeped alerting her to the approach of the transport ships. "We could always use a handy man at the station, but you do know what you are asking for is very dangerous right? I mean....the SB get's sent into some pretty hairy situations and ships may need to be repaired during flight. If you are prepared to risk your life then there will be a place for you at the SB, but if you are doing this for fame and've got the wrong place."she said looking to the sky as the trasport ships arrived. The wind and debris picked up around the duo as the two transport ships switch from their pulse engine's to turbine engine's and lowered to the ground. "If you want to prove yourself, you can help load these stolen goods onto the ships."she smiled.[x]


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#, as written by ChadH89
[x] Twitch found himself shielding his face from random debris as the engines on the ships switched to turbines and a moment later he looked at her and smirked crookedly. "I've done my research and I realize fame and glory are ha-ha-hardly options." He would have laughed but he realized to whom he was speaking. "Sorry, I've lost my manners along wi-with my senses." His eye twitched, he laughed nervously and then looked away from her. When she continued on and asked of his hand with the ships he found himself confused. He knew this would probably be his only chance to get into the Snake Bites so he decided to accept her request. "I'm afraid I don't understand... is this some sort of test or are you simply la-la-lacking in the man power department?" No matter her response he decided it best to set out to work as soon as the ships landed.[x]


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#, as written by Ryokie
[x] "Eh, neither really. I just like to put unpaid civilians to work." She said. Even though her words were a tad harsh, the mischevious twinkle in her eye would give them a playful effect. "Since you did want to join, this could be your first assignment though. You won't be officially put on any team until a full background check is done and you pass a few medical examinations. Nothing too painful, just a few pokes and prods."she said waving at the crew that exited the ships. "The only thing I ask is that you are possitive you know what you are getting into. If you leave a man down or unprotected your ass is mine." [x]


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#, as written by ChadH89
[x] Twitch shook his head a bit when she responded to his question, knowing fully well he would have to prove himself more than just physically. He was sure his skills as a mechanic would be of use, as for the other aspects, they would have to wait and find out whether he was fit to join or not. When he started working at loading the ship he had to ask her a question regarding the stolen goods. "I ask a lot of questions Ma'--Commander, and I am curious as to who stole these "goods"?" He thought that it would be crooked of the Snake Bite group though it wouldn't have come as a surprise to find out Snake Bite themselves had stolen them. It seemed there was a high demand for weapons and as such there were plenty of pirates willing to get the job done. His first thought was that with the information he had found of them, they had never been labelled badly in that sense. His second thought was that the most renowned pirates would never be labelled. Keeping a low profile is key to success when dealing in illegal matters, something that Twitch was familiar with. [x]


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#, as written by Ryokie
[x]"These goods were stolen by a very clever Duridian scum bag. A few of the cargo ships delivering Pantera Tech to some medical hubs were ambushed and their contents hijacked." she answered as she starred intently at her palm pilot. She was double checking the list of goods being loaded against those that were stolen. " Luckily though, the genious mind behind these wonderful products place a trace in everything so, here we are. Hopefully we'll be able to get this stuff where it's supposed to be before it's actually needed." she placed her hands on her hips. "Be careful with that. Those are delicate instruments!" she shouted and some soldier in the distance dropped a box.[x]


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Kaelius Corporations, makers of a series of black market bio-suit designs, had seemingly been built over night. Its enigmatic leader, Kaelius, was the source of quite a bit of galactic press. How he loved the press.

As the man amongst men and women who viewed him as a god sat in his office this fine day, and there was only a shrapnel of a concern within the confines of his brilliant, complex, mind. The very suit that would make, or break, his company, the Model 0022. An endearing name. A smirk crossed his features as slow as a hand worked to turn the page he had been staring down at for quite some time. Long, tanned, fingers stroked several beautiful, black, and large locks of hair that had fallen into his face, pushing it out of his point of view. He shifted ever so slightly in that beautiful office chair as the rays from an artificial sun beamed against his canvas from behind. "Oh," he began, "how absolutely delightful it is to be the boss."

Kaelius Corp, or K.C. as it was branded by the masses, was the baby of the man who governed over it. Every brick that was laid upon the structure was one he demanded. Every pane of glass. Every person who darkened its doors. A control freak, in every sense of the word, is what many would honestly consider him. He laughed at that notion though. His response to it: if you had raised a company such as this, viewed so negatively in its dream chaser origin, you would seek to gain, and maintain, control of it as well. He seemed no more than a dreamer to those who had actually had a chance to speak with him. But, to him, his dreams were not dreams. They were visions of the future. The future of the universe.

"Sir, you have a call coming through on the alpha." said a very attractive young woman, as she entered his office. Kaelius took a moment to study her. Those beautiful, smoothed, legs that curved into that fine waist were the first things that captured him. One had to have some form of entertainment in the office, did they not? A painfully dull expression overcame him as a moment which seemed like a lifetime passed. The woman stood there, nervous as could be, as her commander of sorts simply stared. His eyelids lowered as a frown appeared. "What have I told you, A'chala? Have I not instructed you to simply put through calls that appeared via the alpha line. Beautiful or not, your horrible attention to detail shall award you a very unfortunate fate." Kaelius would finally respond. A'chala, as red as a cherry, would only nod and vanish to do as she was told. Good help is such a hard thing to find.

He had returned to his chair, as the prompt came through. Finally, that ignorant girl.. I will have her replaced at the very first chance I get. His thoughts were but a glimmer of how cruel this man could be. At Kaelius Corporations, one did not simply lose their job. Not a chance in hell there. They knew far too much to be allowed to leave. Here, a released employee would experience an end that would be more than notable to others who considered the idea of failing, as the kids called it, at their job. A laugh was stifled, as he considered just how this woman's services would come to an end. Before he had a chance to ponder on these particular notions any longer, he accepted the call. What a delicious surprise.

"Governor.." He said.

"Mr. Kaelius." The voice on the other end replied.

He knew what many of the individuals would think, as they answered his hailings or sent calls his way. Old technology. But, there was a method to his madness. Ah yes, that beautiful, savory, madness that stewed about his frame. About his mind. About his very soul. Those who would behold his sight would notice the resemblance to an unnamed soldier in the obituary of the Alliance Militia. An unmentioned test subject in the halls of science. He had a whole different life at some point in time.A life he could not remember, save a few dreams here and there. The details were always foggy, but they were always there. Teasing him. Haunting him. It was driving him further to the brink of delirium.

"Took you long enough to answer there, sir." Began the Governor of a special little providence just outside of Alliance jurisdiction. A laugh escaped the lips of the man, but Kaelius wasn't smiling. He was displeased with the woman who was taking care of his inferior business, and she would soon know the full extent of that disappointment. "I know, Governor," he began, placing his hands very neatly on either arm rest, "but you must understand.. I am far more busy than you. Though you would hardly believe this." His fingertips danced along the designs of the chair as he idly listened to the man that had summoned him. What a pathetic soul, this man is.. He had learned over the years to contain that less than favorable assessment of people within the confines of his mind.

The conversation, for the most part, was uneventful. A few lame jokes tossed here, many forced chuckles there, But, the final result was all too interesting to skitter past.

"They are a group of soldiers. Some of them former members of the Alliance itself."

You don't say..

"They are governed by a leader as enigmatic as you have made yourself to be."

Shut up and tell me what you want, your information is as stale as the jokes you tell..

"But I'm sure you already know this."

Kaelius's ears finally began to perk, as the hints of a job had finally shown up. "And, you want me to do what exactly? Kill her? Date her? Or maybe you want me to approach her and shake her hand, thanking her for being one of the most annoying presences in this universe. I do not share this same sense of gratitude you feel for the woman in question, Governor. Hell, I'd as soon toss her into oblivion as acknowledge the failure of life that covets that interestingly shaped frame." He all but snapped. His words were harsh, but the good leader of Yarvekk needed to understand that his time was not for spitting stories of common knowledge. He knew who she was. Had even attempted to model some of his work after hers. It had obviously failed, as the genius behind Pantera Tech was just that. A Genius. Digits continued to rap against the chair as he listened to what the man who was far beyond his time in office had to say. "What I want you to do is get closer to her. To her organization. I need them here. I need you here with them, Mr. Kaelius." replied the Governor. Interesting plot..

Just what was the purpose of this get together? What was this old fool hiding in the cards. Intrigue was the only thing that kept an otherwise busy man from declining such an uninteresting offer. Go and run amongst children, and ruffians.. Surely I have lost what little of my mind I possess.. Perhaps it is not too late to decline..


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#, as written by ChadH89
[x] When his commander finished explaining the origins of the stolen goods Twitch simply continued to work. She seemed content enough to answer his questions at the moment but who knew how long that would last. He had come to learn that asking too many questions can either annoy people, or get yourself into deep trouble. This was something that confused Twitch, as he was taught to question everything. The simple truth of the matter was that the more questions a person asks, the more answers that you receive which further equates to knowledge. Everyone knows that knowledge is power, and there is a lot of people who would presume to be the only ones in power.

After Twitch and several other soldiers completed the task of loading the cargo Twitch placed the last box on deck and then turned to his commander. He was going to ask her a question, he knew, but his mind went blank while he took in her features. There was something about this girl that had him intrigued yet he could not put his finger on it. He realized he must of being staring with his mouth open for when his newly found commander looked at him he had to avert his gaze and close his gaping mouth. A nervous laugh escaped him and he found himself speaking.

"Sorry Commander, didn't me-mean to stare. I was just curious though.." While he spoke he poked at a rock on the ground with the toe of his shoe. "Will I be expected to go through a physical examination or something around the lines?" He figured there would be a background check but he wasn't concerned about that. He knew she would find nothing on the subject as he personally made sure there was no such data. [x]


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#, as written by Ryokie
She raised and elegantly shaped eyebrow as he starred at her."It's alright. Staring is one of the finest forms of flattery. At least I hope you weren't staring at me because I had something hanging out of my nose..." she said, a hint of a smile playing at hte corners of her mouth. "To answer your question though, Yes." she dobule checked the contents with her palm piolot to make sure nothing was missing." There will be a prleminary physical and background check. If we can't find what we need....well then there will be a more exstensive physical and I'll take over doing the background check. We have to know your capabilities, your DNA composition, you know...the works. Can't let just anybody join up. Most folks that want to join of their own free will are crazy. Everyone else join due to various.....reasons." she said with a devious glint in her eyes. "Anyway something isn't right here....that scumbag gave up these goods far to easy. I'm betting he's hiding more underneath his establishment.."

She tapped her palm piolot against her chin and looked up to the sky. She was deep in thought, trying to figure out what else was missing and where it could be. Ever for her, remebering every singl shipment item was a chore. "I could just...levl the place....No to many civ's. Hmmmm, could take him into custody? Meh....then he'd just stink up my ships and probly try to steal things off of them. Could just vaprize the entire build from the ship....No that wont work many delicate objects that would go off and make a really nasty explosion. Hmmm what to do..."the play of emotions across her face as she thought about what to do, would be amusing to anyone watching her. Finally, she huffed and stopped mumbling to herself, placing her hands on her hips. "I'll just have to torture the bastard and make him tell me what's missing." She wistled summoning more of her crew. "Someone find me a static glove. I have the need to cause a little pain. You don't just steal from Pantera tech, and you certainly don't steal medical supplies from places that need them." she growled. maybe she was over reacting, but she couldn't stand her stuff being hijacked and the fact that there were people who suffered needlessly because these supples were stolen really burned her up. Her shoilders responded quickly, fearing her wrath would be turned on them instead if they held her up any longer. "Get these ships moving. I'll just carry whatever's left on the mother ship." she barked as she slid on the form fitting glove. She then unlatched one of hte pluse lasers strapped to her hip and handed it to the new comer. "You come with me, and for the love of all that is mighty....don't try to shoot me in the back." Even though her tone was light, her eye's held and underlying threat.


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#, as written by ChadH89
"Ah, no Commander, nothing hangin' out your nose." Twitch mumbled as she spoke. When she confirmed his earlier thoughts of a physical examination he almost felt sick to his stomach. He knew that he was in no great shape and it would only serve to humiliate him if he had to prove it to his Commander. He found himself cursing all the coffee and cigarettes that he consumed and inhaled daily and felt a sudden unexpected shame. Did the prospect of failing a physical examination bring such shame? No, Twitch thought for sure the prospect of humiliating himself in front of such a pretty lady a much worse scenario.

"My therapist says I'm not crazy." While he spoke he pulled a cigarette from his pocket and set flame to it as she muttered to herself. He heard the word torture and he suddenly became aware of what she was saying. He almost smiled but contained himself and asked instead, "Don't suppose I could have a shot with the sta-static glove?" He smiled to show he was joking but he wasn't so sure he really was. When she handed him a pulse laser he spun it deftly about his fingers and nodded while she instructed him not to shoot her in the back. He kept the gun in his hand though, curious as to whether he would need to use it in the basement. There would be no fighting on the main floor due to the fact that Commander Ryo had the place searched thoroughly until they determined there was no threat of any kind.

They walked back into the building for the millionth time that evening. Commander Ryo seemed convinced there was a basement to the building and Twitch didn't think she was wrong. While they walked to the room where the Duridian was being held captive Twitch eyed the floor as they walked. He didn't bother to ask why they hadn't placed him in a cell on the ship; they needed the Duridian to point out all of the stolen goods. The floor was checkered with black and white tiles, a fashion that was well out dated and quite frankly, tacky. It wasn't the poor style of the floor that intrigued him, more so the detail that most others would miss. He saw that each tile was well placed on the floor, obviously professionally installed. For a moment he thought there were no flaws in the work but there was a few vaguely discolored squares off in the far corner of the main room. He thought about looking into it further... And then he thought about the static glove and forgot about the corner. They went down a long hall until they came to a room, one that normally wouldn't be open to the public when the establishment was open for business. Before they entered Twitch stopped her with a brief touch on her arm.

"You should know something... I'm not about to shoot you in the back... Also, I don't have a therapist."