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Tears of Iblis

Tears of Iblis


Time is running out for this Universe

4,538 readers have visited Tears of Iblis since Sepokku created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Iblis betrayed the one who took him in and cared for him. He cursed Yahweh for telling him to bow to mud. "I am fire and they are the dirt I walk on" He spat. He was cast out, and many other shortly after him. It seemed to not be long after that Eve betrayed Adam and they were cast out from Eden. Then Cain killed Abel. The world's first murder was a fratricide over who got to farm and who got to herd. From there on evil was rampant. Cain was cursed to wander Nod, and the Grigori ruled the world. The World was lost for the first time, but not the last. Nebuchadnezzar II, King of Babylon cow-toed in fear to the Grigori, and they established a rule as God-Kings using him as a figurehead. Corruption spread, and Nephilim were created through the unholy union between Grigori and human.


The Great Deluge; the flood that purged that world, ridding it of the Grigori who had come to Earth to lead humans astray. It was believed that from Noah's line, the greatest of men would then be born to start anew in the world cleansed of all Evil. At least, that was the plan. Not all of the Antediluvians (those from before the flood) managed to drown in the flood. However, it was still a good start as a majority clean was a heck of a lot better than it had been. So the great rebuilding of the Gods creation began. Noah beget Japheth, who beget Magog, who beget Fathochta, who beget Friamaint, who beget Esru, who beget Sru, who Beget Sera, who beget Tait, who beget Piamp, who beget Scythia who beget Nemed, who manages to settle a nice plot of land in what is now known as Ireland. He manages to settle the land well enough that his family prospers and people settle with him and form a small town. He fights off the Formorians which seek to end all life successfully for nine years before succumbing. The now prospering city is then tyrannized by the native Formorians, who enslave many and slaughter those they don't. Only a ship of thirty people escapes to the North.

Tuath DΓ©, the tribe of the gods, and the descendants of Nemed who returned to their homeland after hearing of them in ancestral stories. They meet the Formorians again in Ireland, and peacefully asked for the land to be divided, but the Formorians refused, so they went to war. They brought a darkness over the sun for three days and three nights, having immediately burnt the ships so that they should not think of retreating to them. The smoke and the mist that came from the vessels filled the neighboring land and air. Two great battles were had, in which the Formorians were finally defeated.


The Milesians arrived, and were held off for almost a full decade. However eventually they managed to land a significant force and after a third great battle the Tuath DΓ© were defeated. The land was then to be split in two, as dictated by their terms of surrender. However, cleverly the Milesians allotted them the "Other" half of the land, rather than dividing the land physically in two, it was divided metaphysically in two and the Tuath DΓ© retreated to Otherworld.

In time, the long line of mythical deities and heroes that was the Tuath DΓ© eventually gave way to the Aes SΓ­dhe, and then the Aos SΓ­. Long have they lived in Otherworld biding their time, gaining power and recovering from defeat at the hands of the Milesians. Now they dare to venture out from Otherworld, kidnapping Mortals, causing mayhem, and destabilizing local power structures. They masquerade as human and gain influence, kidnap many humans to use as foxes in a fox hunt, or simply go on serial killings before disappearing before retreating to Otherworld never to be found again. Few Guardian Angels of many of these humans have started personal investigations into their disappearances, but regulations keep them from acting as much as they would like. This has caused some Angels to willingly Fall, taking matters into their own hands and turning their back on their creator.

Demons and devils that have come to Earth since the Flood relish the Chaos currently in the world. Some of these Otherworlders have even made contact with Antediluvians and work to bring about the End of Days that all Eschatology fears. Under the utmost secrecy, governments have began looking into the disappearances of everyday civilians, and the seemingly impossible murders at the hands of these "Freaks." Word of the End of Days has reached mortal ears, and the governments of the world aren't acting rationally. The Otherworlders haven't remained ignorant of the Earthling's investigation and have launched their own counterintelligence. In fear, normal humans have even begun making contracts with the evil spirits that the Chaos has stirred, giving rise to a generation of warlocks and witches with wild powers far beyond their comprehension.

The world seems lost yet again, but what will be the tipping point? Who's side will you take?


Toggle Rules

1. This Universe is intended to be a drama with characters that experience BOTH highs and lows, please be aware if you're uncomfortable with this

2. There will be mature themes present in this roleplay, as allowed within the confines of the site's guidelines

3. No god-moding

4. Try to stay in character as much as possible and act in a way that would suit your character

5. You may generally play any character you would like, as far as race, background, motives, etc but don't overtly inhibit on other's roleplaying and stick within the guidelines set forth by the site

6. Try to have fun and write to your heart's content. More is better but Quality is better than Quantity. Write something you'll be proud to look back at.

7. Respect your fellow player's beliefs

8. I don't care what point of view you use

Browse All » 4 Settings to roleplay in

New York City

New York City by Sepokku

A bustling city, where the Blacklight Virus first hit

Skye Island

Skye Island by Sepokku

The largest of the Scottish Isles, plagued by missing peoples and serial killings

Los Angeles

Los Angeles by Sepokku

A bustling city that draws travelers from all over, which in turn attracts the attention of many powerful beings.


Otherworld by Sepokku

Tread carefully, reality here is rarely as it seems

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Integra Blackhart
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0.25 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
The city hummed with latent energy, the hum of millions of people coming and going and the impressions their doing so left behind. It was almost musical to me now, before it had been oppressive. It was a freedom I owed to my dearest Bezalel. He wasn’t near me now, I didn’t think at least, sometimes it was hard to tell. Though I felt safe without him now, he had made sure of that.

I was on my way to see the nosferatu primogen of the City, Nazuul. Nazuul and I weren’t exactly friends, but I had scratched his back enough to overcome the inherent xenophobia most of his clan suffered through. Unfortunately, they were also the only vampire clan to proudly live in the sewers and frankly, β€œIt’s fucking filthy in there!” I stamped my feet one last time staring at the man-hole cover that signaled the start of my slow descent to meet with Nazuul. β€œDamn it all... β€œ I made one last protest before ruining my new boots, and starting down the ladder.

β€œIntegra! My dear friend.” Nazuul’s voice practically grated against my ears and I hoped my face mask covered the look of disgust I couldn’t quite hide. I raised a hand to signal I had heard him, and started across the bar. Some of his ilk were in various stages of eating rats, and some of the rare wealthy Nosferatu even had blood-bags they luxuriously sipped on. There was nothing for me to order here, so I produced a bottle of water which I took a moment to transmute into bourbon. The shadows flared ever so slightly, signaling Bezalel had indeed rejoined me at some point, and the liquid turned the light brown of bourbon. I took a long pull as Nazuul explained. β€œIt’s a simple enough job, you do me this favor and I tell you where the girl’s gone.” The damned leech was always making me jump through hoops.

β€œNazuul, Nazuul… let’s not forget who I am just now. I could have this place collapsed in seconds, leaving only your clan to suffer. Surely you can give me this tip gratis?” I didn’t quite boast, it was the truth after all, but I probably couldn’t afford to attract that much attention to myself. The bastard just laughed, β€œThat’s a gamble I’ll take,” before slurping another rat dry in a clean second. I loved to hate the dirty Nosferatu. β€œDeal, I’ll be back in a fortnight, you better have information that’s accurate, TO THE HOUR. Got it?”

The child of Caine simply raised its clawed hands, pantomiming defeat. β€œOf course, of course. Wouldn’t want to raise the ire of your bleeding heart, now would I?” The last part of his sentence was cut off as I shunted myself along Quasi-real shadowstuff. The process was wildly inaccurate so I didn’t do it into the sewers, but anything to get myself out of that place. I took another long pull from the plastic bottle of bourbon, and started heading Downtown, to play the game of politics I hated so much.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Integra Blackhart
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
Los Angeles had been settled by the Tongva Natives many years before the Spanish arrived. Though they lost the land to them eventually, and now it was a sprawling metropolis that proclaimed humanity gives no fucks. I sort of liked that about the city. So there I was; Skid row in the city of Angels hunting a devil wearing the guise of a human. I mean a literal devil that had been shapeshifting into humans to eat and harass the city-goers. The activity had the city's police on alert which was causing more and more children of Caine to break the Masquerade accidentally as they were now being flagged for things they had taken for granted.

"Such as seducing a young girl down a dark alley!" I called out to a couple making out in a thin alley that barely existed between too building. I could practically smell the fetid leech from here, courtesy of my magically enhanced senses. "Imagine how easy it'd be to accidentally become Mellow John's next victim. Or mistaken as one and have your lover shown True Death" The leech looked at me dumbfounded as i strolled past. I could hear him asking his current victim if she'd prefer to go back to his place as I continued past.

John earned the moniker, Mellow, due to never changing emotions no matter where or how you found him. People who survived his gory attempts on their life relayed that he just kept up that same lazy smile all the while violently tearing into them with his claws, never targeting vitals. He'd even just shrugged off rifle rounds while staring with that dull look of joy. He likes to make it last, I can respect that. Bezalel taunted me, knowing full well I had concerns about him trying to stop me from finding this thing. "No I have my worries, these wounds don't look like claws caused them, and the Primogen labeled it 'a Devil,' what does that even mean? They have no clue what's going on in this city." It was getting colder as the night continued and my breath formed condensation as I talked to me, myself, and Bezalel.

It was my fourth night at this and so far I had only stopped a mugging, committed a mugging, and wasted four nights chasing a snipe. I looked at the gun I had taken from those three punks swaggering about looking to rob someone for a few seconds. I should toss this, I thought as I pocketed the .45 the boys must have only recently got.

It was almost morning when I found Mellow John. Still that fourth night, I had a chai tea latte in my hand and was sipping on the still too hot beverage when I heard someone screaming like they were being, well, murdered. "That's my cue." I said, throwing the entire cup into the nearby waste bin. I pulled down my mask and re-oriented my hood to hide my face and sprinted towards the noise; my shadow trembling with excitement as it felt me drawing together my power. I swear if Nazuul is playing me on this I am cleansing his entire clan from this Earth.

The setting changes from Los Angeles to Skye Island


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
Echo was hopelessly lost, wandering Skye after leaving the Cuilin mountains and training with Scathach. She had hoped Scathach might know have a clue where Lugh was since she had trained his reincarnation before it crapped out on him. The devoted monk hadn't had much to offer her in way of leads, but the damned woman wouldn't let her leave unless Rokket could overpower her.

"Stubborn bitch had a mean punch too. Lugh knows how long I was stuck there..." Secretly though, the Sidhe girl enjoyed perfecting her art, and the pain Scathach wasn't willing to hold back; the girl walked barefoot through a stream enjoying the cool sensation of fresh flowing glacial water rolling past her feet while reminiscing how the woman reminded her of daddy. The few people she HAD met since leaving Dun Scaith in the Cuilin mountains didn't understand her or were pretending not to, and they ALL ran from her screaming in terror when she used magic to try and communicate visually.

Finally she found a translator, a dog-sized cat, which had introduced itself as a Cat Sith and translator for hire. They quickly exchanged words in her native tongue, in which the cat told her the price of its services. "I'm afraid I've no money to pay you, and my belongings are treasured gifts I could never part with." The Sidhe girl shot back quickly and with slightly too much vehemency. Rokket contemplated playing cutesy and dumb to get the Cat's cooperation. I could certainly make money easily too...

In the end she decided this was knowledge she needed now, as she could afford no more detours; and began to violently pour over the knowledge from the Cat Sith and yank what she needed out using magic, probably ruining it's brain in the process, but she honestly could NOT care less. The creature just collapsed into a mass of black fur, if it was conscious, it made no indication as the Sidhe girl happily skipped away with a decent understanding of Gaelic.

The setting changes from Skye Island to New York City


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
The city was recovering, certainly but evidence of the infection was still everywhere. Blackwatch Special Forces were still posted everywhere, Rokket could hear a platoon shouting out their stupid motto. "When we hunt, we kill! No one is safe! Nothing is sacred! We are Blackwatch! We are the last line of defense! We will burn our own to hold the red line, it is the last line to ever hold!" They raised their arms with a hurrah, and Echo fought to keep the bile from spilling out of her stomach.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" The girl pouted as she looked for Jose. It had been Blackwatch's fault she lost him at all, the damned goons showed up and tried to intervene. She had turned them into a gory mess but when she came out of the visceral rage, Mercer had disappeared. Now she stalked through the City, looking for traces of the man. "Alouette, gentille Alouette, Alouette Je t'ai plumerai! Won't you help me pluck these feathers, my dear Mercer!" The Sidhe girl's words seemed to silence the bustle of the city, and she noticed more than a few Blackwatch mercenaries suddenly eyeing her. Perhaps the mention of Jose had attracted their attention, regardless they took the safeties off their weapons and began to follow the girl.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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0.00 INK

I was disguised as a BlackWatch soldier that i consumed and I hear some girl say my name, I then see some BlackWatch soldier's following her and I sigh as I start following them. 'heh, damn BlackWatch trying to stop me and Dad from destroying them and Gentek' I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard the soldiers talking "Do you think she knows Jose Mercer?" says one soldier. The Lieutenant in charge of his group then aims his rifle at the girl while saying "If she does, she's dangerous for knowing a wanted Terrorist." He then pauses in his sentence and adds "kill her." I see them aim at her and I grit my teeth 'Can't let an innocent die because of me and my father'.

I change back to my normal form and jump off the roof I was on following them and lands behind a blackwatch soldier and I tap his shoulder making him turn around only to get a sword in the chest as he gurgles and chokes on his blood and he pulls the trigger on his rifle firing alerting the rest of his squad to me. I see the Lieutenant as he radios in back up that they found me. I chuckle as I form my right arm into a scythe and my left into a sword. "Let's play Bastards!!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
I sighed to myself, the New York was so damn big I would probably NEVER find Jose. Just as my lament was beginning to hit its zenith, I heard it. Gun fire and angry Blackwatch soldier being slaughtered, in a way that could only possibly belong to "Jose!" My eyes lit up seeing the man I'd spent so long trailing, and the visceral aesthetic he created with a simple sweep of his arm. If only I could shapeshift so readily... There was no time to dwell on my thoughts though, and with a snap of my fingers, the Spear of Lugh manifested itself by my side.

Lugh embedded itself in the nearest Blackwatch soldier's chest, twirling slightly to create a spill of crimson, and I fought to contain my excitement. These days I was too easily excitable, and it wouldn't do to fly into another frenzy and lose Jose. Lugh scattered into many dirks, and with a delighted shriek, I commanded the Spear to "Pincushion the Blackwatch! The streets will run red with their sins β™₯" One of the dirk hit an aorta, and the spray of life's blood painted my face red, it was such a lovely feeling to be re-united with Jose at last. Naturally, I sprinted straight for him, arms stretched out to embrace him in a hug. "Jose β™₯" In my excitement, I barely noticed the assault rifle round tear through my leg, and it was only when it couldn't support me and I fell flat on my face that I realized I'd been shot. "Ow! What the fuck!?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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0.00 INK

I finish slaughtering the BlackWatch soldier's and see a girl fall on the ground face flat and I run to her and help her up. "Hey you alright?!?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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2.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
"Oh! I um, Hi! Yes, I'm fine." I couldn't help but blush that Jose was worried about me. I gave him my coyest smile, before turning to address my leg. As i spoke the word "Consuo" the bullet hole quickly knit itself together, and I stood up to thank my savior. "Hi, I'm Rokket"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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0.00 INK

I smile "Nice to meet you Rokket. I'm Jose Mercer" Smiles and holds out my hand


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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2.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
My face flushes hot as I take Jose's hand, barely noticeable due to the blood covering my face. I remember thinking we should get away from here as soon as possible, Blackwatch would've undoubtedly sent reinforcements, but I seem to be stunned, in shock perhaps. The world seemingly melts away, and there is only Jose and I. The hustle and bustle of the city falls on my deaf ears, as I've only ears for him. "Um, hi. Come here often" I manage to nervously giggle out.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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0.00 INK

Laughs and smiles "I actually live here"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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2.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
My blush grows a little deeper, suddenly visible on my gore-spattered face. Of course he lives here Rokket, you knew that! Stupid stupid! I put both hands on my cheeks and look away "I'm new to town" My voice sounds small when I talk, and I hope he forgives my sudden meekness\


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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0.00 INK

Chuckles "it's cool I can show you around if you want hang on" I then shapeshift into a regular looking teenage guy "there we go"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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2.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
My eyes saw Blackwatch beginning to notice the absence of their squad, and I nodded at Jose. "Yes please! I've never been in such a big city before, it's all little overwhelming" The way he changed shape was a little, odd I preferred how he looked before, but I also understood the necessity. By his side, I put both arms around one of his, hanging on him ever so slightly as we walked


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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0.00 INK

I show you around the city as we walk and I see a injured and starving dog and people walking by ignore it and i growl lowly β€œbastards” I unwrap my arm from yours and go into a McDonalds and buy six burgers and go to the dog and feed him pieces of a cheeseburger as i pet his head. β€œGood boy good boy let me fix your leg” I close my eyes and a blue glow is on my hands as i Start healing the dogs injured bloody leg as i say β€œSana” and the dogs leg heals fully and we see the dog step on its leg with no pain and barks as it tackles me and licks my face β€œHaha whoa whoa boy” i look at you with a smile β€œi love animals and i take care of injured or abandoned ones at my safehouse” Smiles and the dog follows us as we keep walking and i smile as it follows us β€œi think he wants to come with us rokket.”


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
I couldn't help but giggle, the indiscriminate mass of murder had a soft spot after all. I suppose maybe the Mercers were more than the rumors suggested, though admittedly there was precious little information about them anyways. "Yes, he does seem to have taken a liking to you." The dog seems overexcited almost, like it knows the man could take easily throw a tank, but is still choosing to treat it with kindness. Such traits weren't overtly found in the modern age, it almost reminds me of Daddy. There is a slight twinge of jealousy in my heart, at the way Jose fawns over the dog, though I suppose it is a cute little thing. I suppose Daddy also had a thing for wolves, how curious that Jose would be so similar. Finally it dawns on me what he had said earlier. "Safehouse?"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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0.00 INK

Grins "Yeah safe house well its basically a home I made for the animals cm on I'll show ya" Smiles and holds your hand as we walk to it with the dog I named alpha and we get there and I open the door and whistle as the foxes,dogs,cats,parrots,birds,bears,and wolf's come


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
My jaw drops at the sight, there are way more animals than I would've expected, as well as types of animals I never would have expected. "The bear is a nice touch," I say in a quiet voice as I pet the Grizzly's head. It lets out a grumble of contentedness and I cant help but laugh, the darn thing is way too much like an over-sized puppy. "You weren't kidding about loving animals," i say in a voice that's half awe and half admiration.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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0.00 INK

Chuckles and smiles as I pet a fox "Yeah I love animals a lot. Do you rokket?" I sit down on the couch


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Sepokku
I lick my lips in thought, Yes, I absolutely love the taste of warm flesh. Of course, I can't say that to you, so instead i just politely nod and mumble "Yes, who doesn't?" The bear especially looks temptingly delicious.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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0.00 INK

I smile and then get a call from my dad "hello dad....what?!?......I'm on my way!!!" Hangs up and looks at you "I have to help my dad he's in trouble! Come on!!" I carry you bridal style and start running up the side of buildings until we see my father Alex Mercer fighting Elizabeth Greene and her monsters "shit" I jump down and land on one of her Hunters killing it with my sword arm. I nod to my dad and we fight Elizabeth Greene and her Hunters. I then get bit on my side when i was fighting a Hunter and yell in pain "FUCK!!!" I slash the hunter that bit me in half and I groan as I start getting injured more while i consume a hunter "AGH!"


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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0.00 INK

((u there sepokku???))


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
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0.00 INK

((YO ^^))

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Have you seen this Dog?

Integra's pet werewolf has gone missing, and he's determined to find it.

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New York City

New York City by Sepokku

A bustling city, where the Blacklight Virus first hit

Skye Island

Skye Island by Sepokku

The largest of the Scottish Isles, plagued by missing peoples and serial killings

Los Angeles

Los Angeles by Sepokku

A bustling city that draws travelers from all over, which in turn attracts the attention of many powerful beings.


Otherworld by Sepokku

Tread carefully, reality here is rarely as it seems

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View All » Add Character » 7 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer
Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
Character Portrait: Jose Rowe
Character Portrait: Kate Sacklin


Character Portrait: Kate Sacklin
Kate Sacklin

Tough - Leader - Brave

Character Portrait: Jose Rowe
Jose Rowe

Jose is the son of Delsin Rowe and Abigail "Fetch" Rowe

Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
Jose Mercer

Adopted son of Alex Mercer who gave him the BlackLight Virus and helps his father destroy Gentec

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer
Echo "Rokket" Rhorer

Hmm...? Oui, C'est Vrai ~


Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer
Echo "Rokket" Rhorer

Hmm...? Oui, C'est Vrai ~

Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
Jose Mercer

Adopted son of Alex Mercer who gave him the BlackLight Virus and helps his father destroy Gentec

Character Portrait: Kate Sacklin
Kate Sacklin

Tough - Leader - Brave

Character Portrait: Jose Rowe
Jose Rowe

Jose is the son of Delsin Rowe and Abigail "Fetch" Rowe

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Echo "Rokket" Rhorer
Echo "Rokket" Rhorer

Hmm...? Oui, C'est Vrai ~

Character Portrait: Jose Rowe
Jose Rowe

Jose is the son of Delsin Rowe and Abigail "Fetch" Rowe

Character Portrait: Kate Sacklin
Kate Sacklin

Tough - Leader - Brave

Character Portrait: Jose Mercer
Jose Mercer

Adopted son of Alex Mercer who gave him the BlackLight Virus and helps his father destroy Gentec

View All » Places

New York City

New York City by Sepokku

A bustling city, where the Blacklight Virus first hit

Skye Island

Skye Island by Sepokku

The largest of the Scottish Isles, plagued by missing peoples and serial killings

Los Angeles

Los Angeles by Sepokku

A bustling city that draws travelers from all over, which in turn attracts the attention of many powerful beings.


Otherworld by Sepokku

Tread carefully, reality here is rarely as it seems

New York City

A bustling city, where the Blacklight Virus first hit

Skye Island

The largest of the Scottish Isles, plagued by missing peoples and serial killings

Los Angeles

A bustling city that draws travelers from all over, which in turn attracts the attention of many powerful beings.


Tread carefully, reality here is rarely as it seems

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Tears of Iblis


The creatures once thought only to be myths and things of legend are very real. They exist hiding in plain sight, and have done so for thousands of years. Neatly tucked under the rug, this veil is thin and grows more and more tenuous as time passes. The Gods have ruled across reality, making their niches where they may. Fiends and outcasts have hidden from these Gods wherever they may, as Gods created out of the Nu, or Nen as others might call it, could prove to be truly vicious, destroying whole worlds in pursuit. To this end, Yahweh sought to create order. The details matter little, through, brute force, deceit, or miraculous chance he succeeded. Many Old Gods were forced to flee, worship him or face outright slaughter.

Of these beings, Iblis was the most renowned to swear fealty to Yahweh, for Iblis truly loved Yahweh. He sought only to prove Yahweh's greatness; after all Yahweh had beaten Iblis fair and square. As Yahweh created his arbiters and servitors and worlds and lush gardens to live on Iblis was content. Until Yahweh created man, beings of Earth that would succeed when Yahweh left. Iblis found himself disgusted with the notion. Iblis thought this must surely be a test that Yahweh was placing before Iblis, and he would not embarrass himself, and thereby his Lord God, by failing this test.

So he rebelled, and Angel after Angel fell after Iblis, determined to prove their worth to their God. So the world faced Chaos. Gehenna, Hell, Heaven, Elysium, Asgard, Jotunheim, Duat, and all the many other realms proved restless in the sudden vacuum of power. Any creature could seek Asylum in this seemingly lawless realm. Its God had proven fickle, and many beings of power played here. The world advanced as well as it could, propelled by violence and uncertainty.