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The Chronicles Of Galeia | Ballad of Calraida

The Queen's Garden


a part of The Chronicles Of Galeia | Ballad of Calraida, by BrienaSkysong.

So many different varieties of roses and lilies fill the beds of this quaint, hedge enclosed garden, that to list them all would take at least half a roll of parchment. In the warmer months, this area is filled with bright colors and heady, floral perfume

BrienaSkysong holds sovereignty over The Queen's Garden, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Through a small arboreal archway at the right wall of the Audience Hall, is a hedge lined path into a small flower garden, roses of all varieties blooming and bringing a heady scent to the area, the sweet smells filtering into the Hall during the Spring and Summer, though a spelled veil of silk covers the entrance during the cold seasons, letting none of the chill inside while allowing for fresh air to enter.

So many different varieties of roses and lilies fill the beds of this quaint, hedge enclosed garden, that lo list them all would take at least half a roll of parchment. In the warmer months, this area is filled with bright colors and heady, floral perfume, while butterflies flutter and dance among the blooms.

Cared for personally by the Queen among many caretakers, the plants are vibrant, full of life.

At the center, the stone pathway opens into a circular clearing, with a table and benches set under a large weeping willow, with a small pond at the willow's base. Several large, gold spotted iridescent white fish make this pond their home, year round, emitting a soft glow as they swim lazily about.
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The Queen's Garden

So many different varieties of roses and lilies fill the beds of this quaint, hedge enclosed garden, that to list them all would take at least half a roll of parchment. In the warmer months, this area is filled with bright colors and heady, floral perfume


The Queen's Garden is a part of The Queen's Residence | Skysong Castle.

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Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Patch
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- From the Audience Hall.

Briena squelched a grin, hiding it behind a calm expression as she watched Patch toss a look at Titan. Ahhh, Patch, already courting danger, and with such a deft hand. She didn't refuse his hand at her back; it was empty of cards, and she sensed, on a deep, deep level, that he would never purposefully harm her. Irritate her to the brink of strangling him, maybe, or take her away on adventures to give crowns to dragons and thwart bandits, certainly. She just wondered what he had in mind.

She walked along side Patch, entering the garden and following the path toward the willow and pond, meeting his side-long glance with a chuckle. "They all know me well enough that it would be the last thing to cross their minds." And if it were wrong, she'd tell them right in a flash. As they entered the clearing, she sent a mental order to the cooks, asking for a light lunch of meat, bread, and vegetables, as well as something to drink and a fruit basket of sorts.

Settling onto one of the benches by the table, a wide stone slab set over two thick rectangular cubes of marble, she gazed at the green eyed man, eyes glinting with their own bit of amusement, before she sobered, asking, "How have you been? I lost track of you when.." A shackle, snapping shut on her left ankle. Water rushing into her lungs, searing her throat. It was one of the very rare times she had truly been terrified.

She forced the memories away watching the man as she added, "And what brings you to come seeking an audience with the Queen?" The food appeared on the table, two glasses of water alongside them with a stone jug, and she nodded to the food, offering it freely to her guest.

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Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Patch
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Patch listened on patiently, knowing better to let the Queen speak than interrupt her. After all, what he had to say could wait. His eyebrows quirked curiously when she trailed off but didn't press the matter. It didn't seem to concern him very much. But to business it was and he tossed a glance over his shoulder, as if suspecting they were watched, then flap went his cards as he opened it and retrieved from within his deck of cards, splaying them out so each could be seen. Except there was something odd about the cards. They were in order of suits then numbers, but even a cursory glance could see a space missing right at the start; the ace of clubs.

"Someone has stolen a card of mine," he stated, almost seriously, "Within the bounds of your very kingdom, and I rather thought you the perfect person to come help me find it. I have a lead or two I can follow, for certain." His cards were snapped all back together in a pile in a moment and tucked into their velvet case almost protectively, not allowing her a chance to touch them or examine them at length.

"We may have to abandon that rod you have standing near your chair in the other room. I don't think he has a sense of fun. Also your duties. Abandon those," he said with an almost quaint smile.

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Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Patch
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As he spread out his cards, she gave them a cursory glance, then looked up as he stated that one had been stolen. Her brows rose, and the grin she fought to hide compromised and became a smile. "Someone stole from you? You do realize the irony of that?" She sat back as he returned his cards to the case and studied him, dwelling on the request he made. She already knew that Titan would be livid if she hared off with Patch. He didn't trust him. Which in part, said he didn't trust her.

However... "He may seem like a suspicious man, but he is a good one. Overprotective, maybe, but then, sometimes those who have been with me since my childhood can be such bossy males at times. But Titan I view as a friend, as well as a guardian." Even if he didn't always seem to trust her to hold her own.

She called in her list of audiences, brows lifting slightly. The man asking for the land deed had been the last on the list of appointments for the day. The rest that would have come in after the hour long break would be walk-ins. Her eyes flicked up to study Patch. "Where are these leads?" How long would this take if she decided to end the duties for the day? It was a leisure day tomorrow, as well.

She paused as she felt something unfamiliar; a presence crossing into the Castle's boundaries. A quick check of the awareness said there was a stranger skulking by the Audience Hall doors. The feeling wasn't right for someone simply waiting to be acknowledged. It felt like... a trap. Reaching out, she sent a brush to the wolfish mind of her adoptive brother, the Lycan Kanixillo. *There's something off at the Audience Hall's doors. Check it out, please? Bring Maelstrom and Vortex with you.*

Kanixillo's acknowledging return brush of her mind said he would be there soon.

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Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Patch
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Patch's eyebrow quirked knowingly at the suggestion that this circumstance was ironic. "I have no idea what you are referring to," he brushed off casually with a toss of his head and a renewed wry smile, "I would never do such a wantonly reckless and emotionally damaging act without a good reason." A finger was raised and wagged back and forth.

"No, this was the act of the lowest sort of villainy, the kind who no doubt pursues magical trinkets for their own nefarious purposes, no doubt set on tearing apart your kingdom." He nodded confidently at that statement. "All of my leads are taverns. But you might need a disguise. A queen showing up at the same place that I am inclined to go might draw some attention..." He brushed his chin thoughtfully with some light fingers.

"The sooner we leave the better. Every minute that passes could be another mile gone." Of course, since it was a set of fifty two cards, there were much easier ways to track them, but he was disinterested to take the easy, magical route.

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Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Patch
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A chuckle left her at his claim of innocence, but she let him have his word before she stood, smiling lightly at the wagging finger. "I have heard you-" A flash of light made her stiffen as Titan appeared between herself and her friend, gave a snarky comment, then vanished again. She felt him reappear in The Dusty Traveler in the next moment. For a guard, he got drunk more than a lot. A frown creased her brows as she shook her head.

She turned back to Patch, head cocking slightly. "Have you forgotten that I can shift into any creature? I don't mind taking the form of a common dog to appear inconspicuous." She turned, starting down the path to the orchard, the meal vanishing with a wave of her hand. "I can change in the stables." A mental call was sent to the court, announcing that the day was over for Audiences.

She set a brisk pace, confident in Patch to keep up with a woman in a trailing gown, as she asked, "Which taverns are you thinking of?" There was the tavern here in Skysong City, of course. However, after Titan's strange behavior, she felt it would be better to stay a good distance away and let him stew on whatever he was having issues with. Were all Aedillonians this odd?

Meanwhile, in her awareness, she monitored the Hall, pausing as Vortex caught up with a bounding trot. "Vortex." The behemoth wolf tucked his head under her hand, snuffling to ensure her well being before stating, "Strange Lycan in the Hall. Kanixillo and Maelstrom have it handled." The Queen nodded. "Let me know if I need to step in." With the males, they all knew she could handle herself, yet even they sometimes caught the bug of 'protect her with your life', and got stubborn. With her adoptive brother, and two wolves that had powerful elemental gifts, she wasn't too worried.

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Character Portrait: Briena Character Portrait: Patch
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Unphased by the sudden appearance of Titan, Patch watched on until the conversation resumed. There was a small quirk of an eyebrow at Briena's suggestion. "A common dog? Hardly seems suiting of a Queen," he teased, "And not something I would assort with. No, nothing short of a wolf of brilliant crimson, orange and pink fur will do as my companion."

However there was a twinkle in her eye when she asked what taverns, and he simply answered, "The ones with the best, cheapest ale and the highest discretion in the worst parts of town. Does that fit the description of any place here?" Fingers brushed his chin in thought as he pondered if this town even had a poor district. In times of prosperity, even the poor seemed well off. Which meant everyone was more open to gambling...

A renewed grin spread across Patch's face at the thought. "We should head out immediately," he said assuredly, "And begin chasing leads of those with magical card-daggers. You know, as far away from guards as possible."