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The Chronicles Of Galeia | Ballad of Calraida

Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry


a part of The Chronicles Of Galeia | Ballad of Calraida, by BrienaSkysong.

Located on the Queens' Way in Skysong City, this Jewelry shop is owned by one Kanixillo, a Lycan and friend of the Queen. Baubles and trinkets glitter in the displays, and the owner's friendly grin welcomes all who enter.

BrienaSkysong holds sovereignty over Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

474 readers have been here.


From the outside, this shop looks much like the rest of the buildings lining either side of the sparkling Queen's Way. The windows are of priceless glass, letting in the light, and providing a glimpse of the room inside.

Stepping inside, a customer may first notice the wide counter at the back of the room, a tall black haired, tan skinned man greeting them with a wave and a grin, gold eyes glinting cheerily. The counter is made up of a mahogany frame, the sides of more priceless glass, more display cases lining the walls of the same make.

Within the cases, the real treasures lie. Sparkling, glittering, shimmering; gems of many sizes, precious metals of all shades. The craftsmanship of the pieces is exquisite, meticulous, and clearly expensive.

The floors are made of bright cherry wood, gleaming and sanded, oiled and waxed every morning and evening. Behind the counter there is a door, leading into a landing, the stairs up leading to the home of the owner. A simple layout of sitting room and bedroom, nothing much, despite the wealth of the Lycan living here. The window provides a great view onto the street outside.
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Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry

Located on the Queens' Way in Skysong City, this Jewelry shop is owned by one Kanixillo, a Lycan and friend of the Queen. Baubles and trinkets glitter in the displays, and the owner's friendly grin welcomes all who enter.


Trinkets And Treasures' Fine Jewelry is a part of Skysong City | Capital of Kingdom Of Serenia.

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Kanixillo [10] A Calraidan Mountain Lycan with a knack for manipulating metals of all kinds, and a jewelers shop in Skysong City.

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Character Portrait: Kanixillo Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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#, as written by Ralon
Nako didn't quite know where to go from this point onward. As he stuffed the map back into the case lashed to the saddle of the horse beneath him he gave a tired yawn, gaze returning down for a moment to eye the reins held against his chest by an elbow. The other unoccupied paw withdrew from the bag snugged between his legs and bit into his fourth meat pie. Icy blue eyes surveyed the strange architecture of the city street as he rode forward through the alleyway out of sight of the streets. Everything was so out of place. The lack of snow, the well fed denizens that stared curiously as he rode by. There was no hunger, no flow of refugees interrupting his company's travel, no wounded or having to stop on the side of the road to bury the latest soldier that finally succumbed to the infection of an untreatable wound. So much green...

It had been a difficult journey across the ocean, one not ever the sea serpents dare venture out across. But the ship had made it. Arriving at the shores of this unknown land had been interesting to say the least with the rather hidden landfall partaken by rowboat. Nako had found himself a long way from home with a letter for aid, and the urge to quickly move inland. Always inland, and in a somewhat secretive manner. At least his appearance to the smooth skinned inhabitants of this land was met with something akin to familiarity. In short he looked like a Lycan. And that suited him just fine. What was met with suspicion however was his money, the crescent shaped pieces of silver that he produced to buy goods were accepted after being proven that they weren't counterfeit. Or new Lycan currency.

If anything the chest buried back on the beach always there in case he needed more. Nako snorted at the thought of now of his emissary status. If anything it was what they considered it his pension and dumped his magically tainted ass on the shore to get rid of him. But that only got rid one where there were several thousands like him those with the soul of a dragon in them, and so the mission was deemed real enough. Achieving the goal of some sort of trade agreement however was another thing entirely given the... unfamiliarity of such an environment.

The wolf wiped his paw off on his pants and brought his horse to walk along the side of the street that lead uphill. A sign read Queens Way, of which he could only assume was the roads name that lead all the way to the castle. Nako wadded up and stowed the empty pastry sack in a saddle bag and set about buckling on his gauntlets as his eyes swept the name of the establishments offered by the street. One such a place did seem interesting and his horse slowed with a pull of the reins as it's ride dismounted with a wide swing of his leg. "Trinkets and..." Nako muttered off the rest and turned his attention to the door as he tied his mount to a post. With a heavy step the foreigner stepped up to the doorway and peaked inside. No lit candles or anything, the door being pushed at without success. There was something on the floor though, the wolf turning his head to read 'Gone Out.' Well. Did that mean ‘Be Back Soon’ or something? There went the plan of buying a local bauble or ring to wear when making his appearance at the castle up the road. It would be a minor gesture, one he felt symbolize that he was willing to trade. But would both countries? The reluctant emissary leaned back against next to the shops door and inhaled in slight irritation with loosely crossed arms. Guess he would have to wait.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kanixillo Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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#, as written by Mouser
Gaele had gone straight home after her meeting with the Queen's guard, Titan, her thoughts full as she considered his offer and the decision he'd placed at her feet. For four gold a week, she could work for him, act as a squire and assist him around the castle and have a respectable job that would keep her out of trouble. Even though the thought of possibly being around the Queen regularly made her immensely nervous, she couldn't see the regal elf lady being mad or disappointed with her job choice. What could be more respectable than working for a member of the Queen's personal entourage? No, it was a good choice, a smart choice, and her parents had agreed--much more readily than she'd anticipated. They'd surprised her, but with their support she couldn't find a decent reason to decline the invitation and opportunity that had landed so perfectly in her lap. With their help, she had packed, gathered her things, and said her goodbyes to make a late evening trip to the castle.

Her progress was slightly awkward and cumbersome. Of all the things that her parents had procured for her to use in gathering up her possessions, a patched up saddlebag had been the best fit, but not wanting to take the family's horse from her parents--mostly because she'd never truly become comfortable around the intimidating beast--Gaele had chosen to set off on foot. In the fading evening light, she used the time that she walked to consider her decision, what it would mean for her future, what she might expect once she arrived. Titan had said he'd know when she got there, and she hoped he spoke truth. With nothing to show to prove she'd even been offered the position, she grew more nervous as she went, afraid that she might be stopped and that she wouldn't be let in. All she had were the four golden coins, and those could have technically come from anywhere.

As she walked, making her way closer to the castle, she held the saddlebag in her right arm and stuck her left hand into the hidden pocket of her skirt. The coins rattled and quieted as her hand closed around them, her expression thoughtful and her brow slightly pinched. Gold coins, she repeated to herself, can't even remember the last time I saw a gold coin. And now she was in possession of four, all of them shiny and impressive...and presently burning a hole in her pocket. Gods, all the things she could buy with just one of them! And she had four! I should save them... That was the most rational thing. She should tuck them away, make a little treasure hoard for herself, something that she could use to set herself up with in a nice place of her own with all the pretty dresses, shoes, and bits of jewelry her heart could ever desire.

And yet as soon as she spotted the sign--Trinkets and Treasures' Fine Jewelry--she felt herself drawn to the location. Even at this hour, she could see another figure standing outside of the establishment, looking as if they were waiting for either the dark shop to open or someone to meet them there. She skirted around the horse that stood tethered along the way, giving it a healthy, respectable distance as she intended to continue on past to her destination, but she hesitated. What if the shop was going to open again? Would she maybe be missing out on the chance to buy something nice to bring with her to her new home in the castle? Gaele stopped, glanced up and down the road quickly, but saw no one who looked intent upon coming to this particular place. Shifting her bag to her left arm, she stepped closer to the store, noting as she approached it that the figure standing beside the door looked distinctly Lycan. "Is this place closed for the night?" she asked with open curiosity, casting a sidelong glance at the masculine Lycan before trying to peer in with a hand raised against the glass window and feeling somewhat disappointed she couldn't see what lay inside due to the darkness.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kanixillo Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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#, as written by Ralon
People watching had never really be Nako's forte to pass the time. It was all he could really do while patiently waiting for the owner of the trinket shop to hurry up and open his doors. People watching was starting to get a tad boring now that taverns were being occupied by the cities inhabitants for a mid evening meal or drink. The crowded surge of the Queens Way was but a trickle now, and he watched the tavern down the street fill with a funneling of patrons. Certainly no mead hall from what he saw angled through the windows, lacking the stone walls and the roaring fire that was always searing an elk or deer.

A quick peek into the store again revealed no owner amidst the dark interior, although the scent being blown through the seem of the door was lycan, of which there was some comfort that he would be buying from one similar to him and not a elf or human. A drawn out sigh left the wolf as he stood up straighter with a frustrated crease furrowing his brow. There was no closed sign, and he'd been waiting for a reasonable amount of time, going by the sign lying on the floor. Whenever the tavern emptied considerably from it's packed state he'd stop and go buy a meal. Treat himself after all the traveling and countryside foraging with as few curious glances as possible even though he had just ate...

There was one passerby that walked up the street that he watched with a hint of more attention than he had given others, the woman's stride hindered by a faded looking saddlebag that she carried. Nako uncrossed his arms as she stopped just past his tethered mount and turned towards him, the wolfs left hand falling to his side and reaching to gently rest around the handle of the dagger sheathed along his belt line. The movement was inconspicuous at best for the distracted human as she stopped at the glass window next to him. The closeness of such an encounter was a bit off-putting. "I wouldn't know." The wolf spoke from the shadowed wall, accent punctuated with uncertainty. He didn't know much about the people, the culture or customs of such a place he found himself in. But this human was smaller than him and probably light enough to throw soaking wet, and so the foreigner flexed his shoulders and stood up to stare into the shop beside the human. The dagger would be left in it's place for now. "It says gone out." His muzzle jerked in the direction of the sign, legs crossing as he braced a shoulder before the window sill to stare down at the diminutive female. "Do you have business with the owner?" The question was spoken in earnest as he gave a peripheral glance over his shoulder.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kanixillo Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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#, as written by Mouser
She leaned back from peering into the window of the shop and turned her head to look more pointedly at the Lycan standing beside the door. There had been something off about his speech, something in the way he’d spoken his words, that suggested he wasn’t a native to the area, and Gaele was a little surprised to realize that she might actually have found another new arrival to the lands of Serenia. This place sure has some diversity, she mused to herself. Though she hadn’t the slightest idea what the Lycan kingdom must have been like, she could only assume it was very different from her own kingdom of Argohahn, and different still from this elf-ruled land. Wonder if he's as lost as I am. Though perhaps she wasn't as lost as she'd once been. She was, after all, soon to be employed by the castle and well on her way to turning around her previous reputation for being a bandit.

Not wanting to stare overly long and come off as rude, the small human woman offered a charming, friendly smile to cover her curiosity, but received none in response. The stranger only made a gesture that rolled his shoulders as he pushed off of the wall to stand--jeez, were all the guys here built like mountains?--and peer inside the shop with her. Gaele's smile faltered just a little at the wolf man's brusque nature, but determined not to be deterred she followed his lead and tried to glance inside for a second time. As before, she could see nothing. There were spots on the floor where light fell in from the windows but nothing on or inside the cabinets and counters were actually visible in the darkness. She wondered, briefly, whether the Lycan beside her could see any better, but thought better of asking, at least until she thought he'd consider answering.

He surprised her by speaking up again, and she turned to look at him just in time to catch the dip his muzzle made toward the sign that she'd failed to notice. "Oh." Her bright green eyes blinked as she stared at the sign, realizing that it did, indeed, say just that. Gone Out. It was no wonder she'd missed it--she'd been far too intrigued by what she might see inside the shop from the window--but now that she knew there was nothing to look at until a better light source could be had she pondered over what the sign must have meant for the shop and its owner. She puzzled over whether it was still worthwhile to wait when the Lycan stranger spoke for a third time, his accented words now questioning her intent. There was nothing interrogatory about his tone, and if anything he sounded genuinely curious and considerably more relaxed if his new posture was anything to go by.

Taking another cue from him, Gaele warmed up to the question and the stranger quickly, going so far as to mimic his stance and carefully lean against the window as he did the sill. "I might," she answered, her words noncommittal and her tone almost playful. Maybe this potential new arrival wasn't so painfully serious as she'd first thought if he was asking questions like this. "Depends what they have for sale, really. I was hoping to pick up something shiny. And pretty." Although now that she thought about it she wasn't sure at all what she wanted. A ring? A bracelet? Earrings? Necklace? There were far too many options, and given that she was still clueless what was in inventory it felt much too confusing to give it more thought than that. "And yourself? Interested in something shiny as well?" she asked, trying her smile again. Probably not, but it didn't hurt to ask.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kanixillo Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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Now how did time fly like that? He’d expected to be gone for at most a couple of hours. Talking with the delivery courier had taken longer than he’d anticipated, and that wasn’t including the original reason he’d left the shop, and his project. As he long-strided it down the street, he could see the two figures outside the shop. Didn’t look like they were up to trouble, so he greeted the two with a friendly grin, jaws parted in a wolfish pant of a smile. “Sorry to ‘ave left y’hangin’. Business uppit the castle.”

His dialect shifted to a casual, drawling tone, he shifted the box of pearls into one arm and slipped one claw into the key hole, giving the digit a deft twist and pushed the door open, ducking inside to admit his tall height. “C’mon in, and welcome t’ Trinkets ‘n Treasure. I’ll just get these squared away while y’look around. Any question’s, y’can ask me all y’like.” He winked one rich gold eye cheerfully at the girl, nodding to the wolf and stepped around the counter with his box, tail swaying behind him as he ducked around the curtain and climbed the stairs. He set the box in his room, Shifted down to his human form, and pulled on breeches, boots, and a loose white shirt, dropping a tunic over top. Chest revealing, but not in an overbearing way.

He pulled his long raven black hair out of the shirt, tied it back into a loose pony tail and returned to the front room of the shop, leaning on the counter as Maelstrom butted his way into the shop, the dire wolf's mismatched blue and violet eyes surveying the two customers before he flopped beside the counter, out of the way, but present. Kanixillo, meanwhile, watched the customers as well, tanned face cheerful and curious. Both were unfamiliar, and the wolf was definitely not from around here. He smelled of travel, the sea, and a foreign land. "So, where'ya from, and where'ya headed?" And was that Titan he was smelling from the woman? My my.

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Character Portrait: Kanixillo Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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#, as written by Ralon
Pointing out the sign on the floor appeared to have the same amount of revelation for this human as it did for him. No doubt the lack of night vision made up for the fact that even with her short height she hadn't seen it. She turned to address him and struck up the same pose relaxed pose while she spoke of potential business being conducted at this store. The female even went into specifics, and at least she had an idea of what it was she was looking to buy. Nako on the other hand didn't know if his browsing of the stores good would even be worth it. Whatever pieces of jewelry he saw in the dark were to lowly light to get any real sense of detail. The gold might even be tin tainted for all he knew. She questioned his own choice of what he was looking for and the wolf could only give an uncertain shake of his head. "I don't know. Looking to browse. Maybe a ring for the finger or an ear though I," Nako brought up a gauntleted hand, light catching on the curved ends of the fingertips where the metal extended over the leather covered paw. "doubt I'll have much room in here."

After making that point Nako stepped off to the side at the sight of the lone figure that made an appearance behind the woman. The owner, that fact being confirmed by a given strangely accented words from the lycan, the sight of the thickly furred folk causing biped wolf to slightly tense. So unlike his people, and yet so accepting of those with magic. It almost made him wish he was born on this land. The front door to the trinket show was finally opened and Nako brushed inside on the heels of the owner. Just absently the wolf returned the owners nod before lycan disappeared through a curtain strung up along a door frame behind the counter. For the human this shop needed more light but for the wolf it was adequate, finding himself leaning down to inspect a case holding bangles made of all metals and gems. That was when Nako knew these sort of products were way out of his price range. Ears flicked up at the sound of lighter steps coming down the steps, and a rather bemused smile crept across his features at what was, by smell, the same lycan. Strode around to the opposite side of the store. The dire wolf that came in was about the size of a juvenile back in his lands, armored claws scratching behind the beasts ear as they both moved to the counter.

The cheery hawking the owner put out to both of his customers continued, the wolf's ears pinning against his skull at the thought of home. "Amaskar, an ocean away..." The name was spoken as if it had already been lost, the last bit mumbled to himself. Nako didn't feel like relaying exactly where he was headed as he crouched down to view the case. None of these tiny baubles really appealed to him, then standing to face the owner. "Do you have any behind the shelf earrings that I'm not seeing? Or is this it?" The two fang shaped earrings were not as sizable as he would've hoped, brilliant gold and pressed with a sapphire set in the center. Almost as if they had been cored for the jewel to be set within. A finely crafted pair of earrings. Would probably have to put them towards the bottom of an ear. It never hurt to see anything store owners kept behind the counter. If any.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kanixillo Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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#, as written by Mouser
Gaele continued to study the grey-furred wolf man in the pale night's lighting, taking advantage of their closeness and her conversation with him to get her first real good look at a Lycan. Living in Argohahn, and especially during the time that she had, she'd had very little exposure to creatures and persons who were not human or average in shape and form. She knew, from tales at the very least, that there were others out there, that the world was much more diverse than her own hometown would have led her to believe, but until now they'd only lived in her imagination. They are pretty fierce-looking, she noted, though given the relaxed state of this one she couldn't find reason to be uneasy or worried. The Queen left nothing to interpretation about the conduct she expected of her citizens, and Gaele trusted that those who inhabited her kingdom, even temporarily, would follow good behavior in order to keep the peace. Especially knowing first hand herself what happened to those who didn't.

The stranger had less of an idea what it was he hoped to find inside the shop, though the young human woman could sympathize. She'd never possessed anything she considered fancy or frivolous, and with no prior knowledge about those sorts of things she couldn't even be sure she had enough to make a purchase. But her uncertainties weren't enough to dampen her mood, and she chuckled as the Lycan lifted one gauntlet-covered hand--paw?--to show the unlikeliness of him purchasing a ring. Unfamiliar with armored coverings of any type, she had to assume he knew what he was talking about, and answered decidedly, "An earring, then." If fitting a ring beneath his gauntlet was going to be too much trouble, then it was best to forego obtaining one. Besides, what was the fun in owning fanciful jewelry if you couldn't wear it?

She was about to make other suggestions when she noticed his attention shift, and as he stepped away from the wall to stand she righted herself to do the same, turning to see another dark-coated Lycan toting a box and brandishing a smile that was thoroughly friendly and inviting. With an accented voice, which she realized was still dissimilar to that of the lighter furred Lycan, the tall, dark stranger approached the shop intently, revealing himself to be the keeper as he unlocked the door and led the way inside. Curious and intrigued, Gaele followed after the armored stranger into the shop and began immediately to look around in the dim light as the shopkeeper welcomed them and excused himself to the back. She spared just a quick glance and a smile his way when she caught his wink and went right back to looking, stepping up to the closest standing case to peer inside. Gems glittered, metal glinted, catching the eye and tugging at her vanity. Oh, how lovely it must be to wear such beautiful creations! But what can I afford? As she mulled over the question, she bit the inside of her lip thoughtfully, frowning as she side stepped to continue surveying her options.

Hearing the thud of boots announce the return of the shopkeeper, Gaele didn't think anything of it until she turned her head to look the Lycan's way, opening her mouth to ask about his pricing when she realized he wasn't there. Instead, there stood a tall, dark-haired man, skin tanned and eyes inhumanly gold. Was this someone who'd been lurking around in the back while the store was locked up? She couldn't quite decide, and didn't have the time to when another dark, furry figure strode in through the doorway, startling her instantly. Only registering the creature's massive size and shape, easily the largest wolf she'd ever seen, flighty instinct kicked in and she reacted without thought. Gaele made a startled squeak and barely managed to keep the saddlebag she carried in her arms as a hand shot up to cover her mouth, bumping into the display case behind her as she backed into it in a feeble attempt at distancing herself from the beast. But despite her fearful reaction, it seemed to pay her no mind, and both the man behind the counter and the armored stranger barely reacted to the presence of the dire wolf, the latter even going so far as to scratch the massive wolf behind its ears like a pet.

Beginning to feel wholly out of place, the petite human held still and breathed in a few shaky breaths to try and calm down seeing as she'd completely overreacted, or at least compared to the others present in the room. Her hand slowly lowered from her mouth and her arm wrapped around the saddlebag like the other, clutching it tightly against her chest as she told herself repeatedly, It's fine, it'll be fine, just calm down and do like they do. Her green eyes shifted from the wolf to the Lycan, back again and over toward the man behind the counter--and fixed on him as he spoke with the voice of the Lycan who'd shown them in. Is that--? It can't be. It had been a furry, dark-coated wolf man who'd opened the door, not this smiling human. Was he...were they one and the same? She'd never truly believed the tales before and found herself struggling to do so now, but...his voice was the same. Is it really him?

She assumed so, especially as the grey-furred wolf man answered the presumed shopkeeper's inquiry, stating some land's name in answer to either the first or second question. Gaele hardly noticed as she was still preoccupied with trying to steady herself, and didn't really make any attempt at answering either question as the armored stranger asked about the shop's items. Still casting nervous glances in the direction of the dire wolf, the young human woman tried to keep a relatively relaxed air and nonchalantly moved to inspect the cases closer to where the other two men in the room were for comfort's sake, forcing interest as she stared into the cases and tried to distract herself with the shiny jewelry on display.

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Character Portrait: Kanixillo Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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To say that Maelstrom accepted the unfamiliar hand attempting to scratch his ears would be to tell a white lie. The Dire ducked his head away from the hand, uttering a rumble and a warning ‘I am no pet, wolf.’ Before settling more comfortably, mismatched eyes flicking between the two customers. The human seemed the most anxious about his appearance, so Kanixillo took over at the squeak. “Ah, don’t mind ‘im. He won’t bitecha. Might blow ya a lit’le kiss, though.” Maelstrom lifted his head, lifting one paw to smack against the floor, the resulting wind swirled to greet the woman, as the wolf licked the air in a quick, pecking manner. A moment later, she might feel a soft buffet of warm air against her left cheek.

Maelstrom gave the last half a foot of his tail a few taps on the floor before setting his head between his paws again. Kanixillo, meanwhile, finally recalled that it was dark out, thus dark within his shop, at least to the eyes of a human. “Ah, right.” he reached out and brushed the tips of his fingers against a clear crystal set on the counter like a lamp. The crystal glimmered into life at his touch, lending a surprisingly room filling white glow to the atmosphere. Soft enough not to be aggravating to the eyes, bright enough to better show his wares. The light lit those golden eyes with a warm fire as he grinned at the woman. “Lycan eyes see well’in the dark, an’ sometimes I f’rget that human customers can’t see as well as I can at night.” He winked cheerfully.

Turning his attention to the wolf anthro, Kanix bent to examine the earrings. “Ah, a fair few, aye. I c’n pull a few out from the back if y‘like. For those wit’ tails, I also have tail rings and hock bracelets.” The woman wasn’t much of a speaker; shy? The wolf, however, he gleaned some information. Amaskar, hm? Not a land he was familiar with. He bent behind the counter and pulled out a large wooden box lined with velvet, opening the lid to flaunt the wares. Large hoop earrings, clearly meant for those with more wolfen features, and heavy rings meant to sit at the base of a tail, glittered in every metal available, and every gem setting, color, and facet. To the customers both, he added “I’m Kanixillo, owner of Trinkets n’ Treasures, by the way.”

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kanixillo Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Ralon
Nako ignored the human's overreaction to the sight of the dire wolf, almost as much as the dire wolf ignored his paws trailing through the fur of an ear as the sentient beast lumbered to the side of the counter to lie down. The female's words came back to him when they were standing outside. Earrings. The ones before him were too small, and the owner seemed more interesting in making a quip at the skittish showing of the woman at the head of the store than helping him. Easily forgiven. Even as the owner apologized and lit the store with a wave of a hand over a sphere of crystal or glass Nako's eyes immediately adjusted to the change in light. Again for the humans benefit, the owner remarking something about lycans and the fact that they could see in the dark.

The biped wolf finally stood, having scanned the displayed wares a second time to distract himself from saying something less than savory and blamed the fact that he had been waiting the longest and was thus a tad impatient. Rewarded impatience, the owner reaching below the counter to bring up box with undisplayed items. The lycan-turned-man explained the variety of jewelry as the lid was pulled back before giving his name, Kanixillo. Nako however was staring down at the row upon row of hoops and earrings and bands gleaming back from the velvet bed they lay in. As Nako examined the more standout-ish pieces the woman approached closer from behind, paying her no mind as he mentally made a few selections and if the foreign currency he held could buy such items. "No, no. I think that these will do fine." Nako pulled a few of the thicker bands, each about as round as his palm and far to wide for a finger, were sizable enough to be noticeable. Some silver to be weaved amidst his tail, each of their design in the shape of a leaf wreath, stems being overlapped by tips.

"But I'm curious if that those," Nako tapped a finger on the display glass at the previously evaluated set of earrings. "have long enough pins." Already past his budget with the desired silver bands he might as well do it right. Taking stock of what he wanted from both the display and the open box the wolf let out a breath as he pointed to each corresponding item. "Fourteen silver bands with the vine engraved snake ouroboros, for the mane and tail. A plain silver anklet for the woman and I'd like those earrings." The wolf needed to spend his assigned money anyways. Might as well strike out from the store somewhat more noticeable and surprise a stranger with a gift. Weaving and tying his fur would be a bit of a pain though. Nako pawed off the pouch of money on his belt and prepared to pay with an expectant and slightly smug glance given at the female next to him. If anything it would make her fumble with the saddlebag she was carrying again.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kanixillo Character Portrait: Mariana Gaele Odellis Character Portrait: Nako Hawthorne
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#, as written by Mouser
Of course her squeak couldn’t go unnoticed. Though the strangely now-human-looking shopkeeper tried to ease her worries by addressing it, Gaele only felt herself grow embarrassed, wishing she’d had the strength to react in a less obvious way. She grinned, her embarrassment evident in a slight pink tint that glowed across her cheeks, but she laughed away the feeling, albeit nervously. The notion of receiving a kiss from the massive wolf wasn’t altogether appealing, but the dire appeared to react to the suggestion, catching her eye and claiming her full attention as it moved. She watched worriedly as it lifted a large paw, dropped it to the ground, and mimed a lick in her direction. Surprisingly, she felt the breeze from where she stood, drawing out another nervous laugh as she stared at the beast with a new sense of wonder. Is anything how it seems here?

Her attention only shifted away from the dire when the room suddenly lit with a magical glow, perfectly set to glint and flicker off of the numerous pieces of jewelry that were on display. With a better means of inspecting the items, the petite human hefted her bag into one arm and began looking anew, better able to judge the stone and metal colors, their cuts, their shapes with the new light. She didn’t know any specifics about them, couldn’t name the cuts or the gems themselves, but she could easily identify which ones were prettier than the others. “Hmm.” Her green eyes alighted and lingered on one particular pale amethyst gem, small and round, centered atop a silver band. The ring was pretty and simple, something that she would have taken up if she’d had the gold pieces before her sudden job offer. As she stared at it, she wondered if it was fit for castle living or if something grander would be more appropriate.

She tried to look away, to continue examining the other pieces that were within the cases nearest where the shopkeeper and the armored stranger were, but couldn’t shake the ring from the back of her mind. Very briefly she looked up and over as another box was brought out, housing jewelry of a different sort, and a little nosily tried to get a better peek. “Those are pretty.” The admiring words were out before she fully realized it, and, though she’d interrupted the conversation, she’d already experienced enough embarrassment for one day and only sheepishly looked away to distract herself instead of butting into the business of other shoppers. Only she couldn’t keep her attention away very long. The grey-furred Lycan—who opted not to reveal his name after the shopkeeper, Kanixillo, offered his—referenced her, and belatedly she realized she was now officially part of the conversation, and possibly on the receiving end of free jewelry. “What?” she asked, surprised and a little confused as she looked between the wolf man and the wolf-turned-man, clutching her saddlebag in both arms again. Had she heard wrong, or was this armored stranger really planning on getting her something?