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Morimura Akane

Heiress of the Shirohebi.

0 · 345 views · located in Kyoto, Japan

a character in “The Contract of the Yokai”, as played by LaXnyd




⌈"Find something interesting for me, would you?"βŒ‹


Jeff Van Dyck|| Oyoiyoi
Jeff Van Dyck || Rock and a Hard Place
Jeff Van Dyck|| Crystal Temple
Intermediate Music|| Pandora's Heaven


⌈"Ah, so you want to know who I am?"βŒ‹

"Akari-san," "Midori" (due to her hair colour)




Heir to the Shirohebi family

⌈Face ClaimβŒ‹
CC (from Code Geass)


⌈"A Heiress must always be elegant, calm, cool and graceful. I am no exception."βŒ‹

⌈Hair ColorβŒ‹

⌈Eye ColorβŒ‹

⌈Skin ToneβŒ‹

5'6 feet.

120 pounds

⌈Physical DescriptionβŒ‹

To the external observer, Akari maintains the impression of the gentle girl. She never goes into public without make-up on - or rather, she is never allowed to go out to the public without make-up on - and she always has her favourite fan by her side.

Akari maintains the graceful, pure appearance demanded of all heirs of the Shirohebi clan. She keeps her green hair in a bun in public but will often let it loose when among trusted friends and family members - and she will only do so then only. When her hair is decorated, the most prominent ornament is a golden kushi decorated with the emblem of the Shirohebi house. She is also most often seen wearing a pink kimono with a green obi.


⌈"Let me show you just what I can do."βŒ‹

⌈Potential InterestβŒ‹
None so far.

    ✦ θŒΆι“/Tea Ceremony ||Coming as the daughter of a high-ranking family, she is trained in the art and customs of tea preparation and tea ceremonies. She is also extremely skilled in tea preparations, being one of the best tea-makers in the Youkai Society.
    ✦ Self Defence || As the heir to the Shirohebi clan, Akari has to be constantly prepared to meet would-be assassins at any time. As a result, not only do her Kushi comb and fan conceal hidden blades, she can also wield them with deadly proefficiency.
    ✦ General First Aid || Akari is trained in emergency first aid for a variety of youkai races, but only in the case of general wounds such as a stabbing or poisoning - she cannot help in the case of a disease that affects only that specific Youkai race. The only race she can treat detailed diseases for are the Shirohebi, in which she is trained in poison extraction, an emergency procedure that is done to reduce the volume of poison in a shirohebi in the event they may produce too much due to a disease.

    ⌈Power AbilitiesβŒ‹
      βœ” Knife throwing || Akari is capable of throwing any of her concealed weapons to strike down and immobilize/kill fleeing would-be assassins... or assassination targets.
      βœ” Seduction || In special occasions Akari may seduce a male (or female of homosexual orientation) target and get the target to lower their guard and lose their ability to think critically. She may use this to extract information or create openings for easy assassination attempts.
      βœ” Visual Artist || Akari is a skilled painter, capable of recreating any image she has in her mind through the brush.
      βœ” Specialized Venom || The venom from Akari spews has two properties - in smaller concentrations it may act as a paralysis potion to slow the body and numb the victim, and in larger concentrations it is an instant poison. Akari's venom is transparent.
      βœ” Trained Personality Detection || Being trained to do so as the future heir of the Shirohebi clan and having had practice with many people over the course of tea ceremonies. This, coupled with the Shirohebi's natural abilities of emotion reading allows her to gain a fairly accurate profile of anyone she meets should she require one.


    ⌈"Each of us comes here under the banner of peace - but the truth is, we are all ultimately bound to our families, are we not?"βŒ‹

    Nothing noteworthy
      ❖ Toying with her fan || - If she believes her life to be under threat, then she will subconsciously begin to fidget with her fan. A servant who is dedicated to his or her job should come to recognize it.
      ❖ Wandering thought || While Akari possesses the Shirohebi's photographic memory, those same memories may occasionally jump up in her mind at random times, making her wonder why she suddenly remembered such a thing when she was not thinking of anything related to it.
      ❖ Smiling at death || She does not know why - perhaps it is the fact that she had won and outsmarted her opponent in the game of life and death, but whenever she has killed a person or has managed to trick a person into a situation in which she believes he/she will now surely die she will always have a smile on her face. This smile is the same smile that many of her would-be assassins see in their last moments.

      β™₯ Tea || Akari enjoys tea immensely - drinking tea together with friends is a common past time for her.
      β™₯ Reading || Akari likes to read poetry and stories. This is one of the reasons for her near-sightedness.
      β™₯ Painting || Akari likes to paint, especially landscapes and scenes of daily life. More often than not, her paintings would be direct representations of things she had memorized with the Shirohebi's photographic memory.

      ✘ Open Torches || Akari will often do her best to stay away from open sources of fire, including open torches during night, which is why she is only seen entering areas with fully enclosed lanterns. This is related to her race's general phobia of fire.
      ✘ Humans || This should be universal for all demons - no detailed explanation necessary
      ✘ Arrogance || There is just something about people who boast under a safety against retaliation that simply irks her the wrong way. Do not expect her to speak to you cordially if you prove yourself to be boastful if you cannot those boasts up.
      ✘ Birds ||To put it in her words: "I swear they look at me with hungry eyes..."

      βœͺ Mastery of Lethal Substances || Due to their long utilization of such substances Shirohebi are experts of how poisons work. As such, they are also capable of developing antidotes and vaccines against most known poisons, and Akari herself is already vaccinated against a wide variety of poisons. Should the situation calls for it, she can also concoct crude yet effective antidotes on the spot if she is able to identify the type of poison a victim is suffering through.
      βœͺ Silk Hiding Steel || Despite her sheltered appearance, Akari is more than capable of combat, to the detriment of many who tried to assassinate her by catching her alone.
      βœͺ Detection of Deceit || Coupling in her experiences with assassins and her training in personality detection, it is much harder to lie to Akari than it is to lie to any normal Youkai - she is trained to detect inner turmoil and/or panic as well as subtle habits of liars.
      βœͺReason before Honour || One of Akari's greatest mental strengths is her ability to make rational decisions in the situation without letting matters such as codes of honours and avenging insults cloud her judgement into making rash or bad decisions.

      ⌘ near-sightedness || Due to her many hours of reading and painting, Akari is near-sighted and as such she is unable to detect dangers from afar.
      ⌘ Unsustainable combat || Although she is capable of holding her own against assassins, Akari is useless in a proper duel or combat. Her weapons are meant for self defence only, catching the assassin unawares.
      ⌘ Paranoia ||Because of the many attempts on her life, there are very few people that Akari lowers her guard against and she trust almost no one, not even her own servant. Paranoia qualifies as a weakness because it is a constant detriment to any attempts to gain her trust, and even forged alliances will constantly be viewed with suspicion by her.


⌈"Oh? What I'm like behind closed doors?"βŒ‹

Sly | Calm | Critical | Distant

Akari is, first and foremost, the obedient, dutiful daughter of the Shirohebi family. She had been taught from childhood to be calm in any situations, allowing her to always keep a clear mind to make rational decisions. Such decision making and sound judgement was expected of a leader, particularly of the shrewed Shirohebi. In the line of reasoning she is also highly critical of any situation thrust upon her, always looking for alternative meanings and different possibilities, refusing to be caught by surprise or by the unexpected.

When amongst peers, Akari will always act distant - while she will join in discussions, laugh, frown and counsel other people, she will never truly allow herself to open her inner thoughts to any one, a side effect of her paranoia. However, when she does talk to people, usually amongst people of her age, she will often insert jokes at people or purposefully misinterpret their words in a much more perverted direction, often with a sly smile.


⌈"My past? Well, it's nothing interesting. really."βŒ‹


Akari was born as the heiress to the Shirohebi race, bearing the upbringing as expected of an heiress. She mainly spent her days learning the skills she would need to lead the Shirohebi in the turbulent times of rivalry. She did not expect to have much difficulty, believing that she would only have a daily routine to worry about before she took the mantle of the head.

All that changed at the age of eight, when she was faced with her first assassination attempt. It was by a maidservant, sent by a rival within the Shirohebi family who wanted the title of heiress for their own daughter, who attempted to stab her in her sleep. Her father came in just in time to slay the would-be assassin, but the event forever cemented the idea in Akari that she was never safe. Since then, she was also trained in the art of self defence, learning how to fend off the attacks of cowardly assassins - and many assassins have come for her, sent from various groups vying for power and hoping to silence Akari before she came of age. She made he first kill when she was ten, finally slaying her would-be assassin without calling for help.

It was the first time she had the smile over death.

There was nothing extraordinary about the rest of her life up until her arrival at the house of peace. When she came of age, she received her new comb, which came complete with a concealed blade - a deadly blade hidden underneath the elegance of the clan's symbol. A perfect representation of her.

⌈"Now... let us head to this house of peace."βŒ‹

So begins...

Morimura Akane's Story