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The Cursed Ones

The Cursed Ones


(Open 1x1; Submit character to join) Four kingdoms that have been at war for ages were cursed: find your peace through arranged marriages, or be destined to ruin. After the first signs of this curse, the kingdoms decided to attempt peace.

1,587 readers have visited The Cursed Ones since renil created it.


This is my first role-play on here, so please excuse some shabby coding.

β–ˆ ↣ I'm not going to waste several rules to say to follow general role-play etiquette. No God-Moding, PowerPlaying, invincible characters, etc etc.
β–ˆ ↣ I'm looking for someone who can give at least a paragraph per post, but preferably more.
β–ˆ ↣ Your character needs to be at least eighteen years old. Your character can be any gender or orientation.
β–ˆ ↣ Want to double? Let me know! I'm more than up for it.
β–ˆ ↣ Use whatever images you want, whether it be anime or real life or artwork.

β–ˆ ↣ War is a common story in every kingdom's history, but rarely is there a war as destructive and long lasting as the one these kingdoms were experiencing. Evenly matched in everything, it became an endless cycle of wins and losses, of ground gained and lost, and men and women perishing in the fight. The only kingdom that had made the mistake of forfeiting had immediately been crushed by the others, just a fragment of history and more land for the others to fight for.

β–ˆ ↣ Finally an old witch, who lived somewhere in the warzone, decided it was enough. She visited each kingdom in turn, giving them a warning to cease or else she would curse their lands and people. None listened, and all continued fighting. And so she laid her curse. All the kingdoms were destined to ruin lest they marry four high nobles to the nobles of the other kingdoms and cease their war. At first everyone scoffed at the curse, thinking the old witch mad, but when crops failed and rain stopped falling, some serious concerns were raised.

β–ˆ ↣ And so the four kingdoms finally put down their weapons and began arranging the marriages that had to take place. Soon the effects of the curse lessened, but are not fully gone. Arguments and threats were common in these negotiations, but finally a cycle was decided. An effort between the kingdoms was made to build a castle there all their borders meet, to house these nobles and hopefully foster friendships, but many believe this will just be the new ground for the restart of the war... and their doom.

β–ˆ ↣ ( Driwien - Kingdom of Merfolk )
Driwien is a combination of land on the continent, a large island chain, and ocean. Due to the merfolk's aquatic nature most prefer the last as their home, however many venture onto land to trade and whatnot. They're a people of flair and fashion, highly valuing material possession and signs of wealth. As such, their architecture tends to be very varied, as every few years a new trend or two begins, which results in a constant change. While their society is more or less a matriarchy, women are much more sheltered and not allowed as many freedom as men due to the species' genetics, in which male children are much more common.

Merfolk are an aquatic species of humanoid. In water they have a tail and fins, while on land they transform into legs, however they are very obviously mer still as they retain many of their features. Extended time on land can cause serious dehydration, and so many mer don't leave the water for extended periods of time. Many have some minor control over water.

β–ˆ ↣ ( Priewyth - Kingdom of Demons )
Priewyth is a mostly mountainous region. Mountains and forest. And volcanoes. Despite the latter, the forests are still strong, and the ancient woods will probably never be completely destroyed. The demonic people tend to reside in the mountains themselves, carving cities out of the rock itself, making what would seem inhabitable actually habitable. While a resourceful people, they are also easily jealous and often selfish, causing most of their achievements to be born out of spite and other such emotions, and forgotten soon afterwards. Like merfolk, genetics favors male offspring.

Demons are a dark, cursed folk. It is said they were once elves, but their greed corrupted them into something else. They tend to be physically strong, but often rash and arrogant. They often have some minor control in fire.

β–ˆ ↣ ( Errakon - Kingdom of Fae )
Primarily formed of a desert, Errakon is perhaps the strangest of the kingdoms. The fae, pushed out of their land many ages ago by demonkind (and when the fae were a much younger species), they took the desert and made it their home. They have perfected making houses that won't be destroyed by the common and fierce sandstorms, and they are masters at glassblowing. They, however, are driven by their want for revenge upon the demons and their own need to make mischief.

Fae are human in size and often have some sort of wings. Many have slight control over how they appear to look, and air magic is common.

β–ˆ ↣ ( Thaelia - Kingdom of Shapeshifters )
Thaelia is the most geographically diverse of the kingdoms, having most biomes present in small amounts throughout the kingdom, and is also the longest, stretching along the coastline of the continent from north to south. However, it is necessity that drove them to this, as this is the homeland of Shapeshifters, and thus the land needs to be able to support all types of creatures. Despite the vast range, the architecture style is a uniform block-y, as they put little value in material beauty, and instead in practicality. They are the least likely to adorn themselves with fine jewels and other luxuries as they serve no purpose. Thaelians are the only kingdom to value men and women as warriors, something the other kingdoms all view as odd, alien, and dangerous.

Shapeshifters can change into an animal. Most can only change into one other, however sometimes they're born with two or three forms. This is rare, however, and even then most shapeshifters don't learn of their own talent. Generally a child will take the animal form of one of their parents, and will very rarely take the form of a grandparent.

β–ˆ ↣ ( The Peace Castle )
The castle built on the border of all the kingdoms, and where the engaged nobles will be arriving. It was a collaboration project by all four kingdoms, and thus shows some signs of each's architecture preference. All the "common areas" such as the ballroom, library, game room, etc are an even mixture of all the styles, as a symbol of equality. All the housing wings are done in specific architectural designs of the kingdom they house, to make those living there feel more at home.

β–ˆ ↣Inir Tibe, Thaelia Heir
A quiet, introverted young man with many academic talents. Reasoned his father into this arrangement at the sacrifice of his own happiness and personal peace.

β–ˆ ↣Your Character

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors

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#, as written by renil

                      ↳ ( Inir Tibe, Thaelia Heir )

                        Inir Tibe was the first to arrive. He, of course, did not travel slowly by carriage or horseback; he took to the skies, spreading large white wings, feeling the cool spring air through his feathers. He normally felt lighthearted when he took to the skies in his other skin, but this time he could only feel dread weighing down his heart. If things went poorly, he could very well be flying to his death. If things went well, he would be stuck in a lifelong commitment with someone who was, as of right now, a stranger and an enemy. It was hard to accept when he wasn't encouraging his father to negotiate. Facing the real thing was much harder than seeing it on a piece of paper. At that time it had been his responsibilities fueling him; as crown heir, he was to be one of the king's greatest councils, and so it was he who pushed his father the most. But as Inir, he was scared.

                        He couldn't have asked for more enjoyable flying weather, and the irony was that he hadn't. He had wished for harsh weather, for any sort of delay, but the only clouds were far in the distance. They would be arriving much later than he, and the rest of the nobles, and would be of no help to him. The winds were gentle, even if they were against him, and he was able to cut through them easily. There would be no way he could, reasonably, delay, and so it was with a heavy heart he circled around the Peace Castle. As the only building on the continent that was built as a collaboration between the four kingdoms, it was a strange building, but it was the purpose, he supposed. This building was proof they could do something together. And it would be showing that they could do a lifetime, if not more, of things together. He could not circle indefinitely, for his second skin was not an animal found in this region and would eventually be noticed, and so he reluctantly landed and changed back to his human skin.

                        Those who had never seen one of his kind shift were surprised and shocked. It was not a pretty change, if anything, and he too had been disgusted seeing it the first times. A few servants made to come to him, but he waved them off, dusting the leftover feathers off himself. There would be no fixing his windblown hair, but seeing as this was a day of travel, most of not all the other nobles would be arriving in somewhat similar states of disarray from the day. Everyone except the mer, he supposed, but their frivolousness was also to be expected. The required formalities were over quickly, and at that time all the Thaelian servants volunteered to show him to what they all called the parlor. He finally picked a shapeshifter he was nearly certain was a dove, and they were off. As they went through halls and doors she answered his questions; she was a quiet sort, but she seemed happy enough to settle his curiosity, and he enjoyed the bit of dry humor he detected in her. But sooner rather than latter they arrived at the parlor, and he had to excuse her to return to her duties at the entrance. Even as the only one there he still had to take a moment before opening the door and entering.

                        It was a medium sized room, strange but beautiful in the way the entire castle was. A fire was going in the fireplace, which he thought was odd as it wasn't that cold, but it may be more for the familiarity and to warm travel worn souls. Seats of all sorts, from sofas to individual seats, were around the room, surrounding tables that held lamps and all sorts of curious displays. Large shells, shining in a multitude of colors, some so thin they were nearly see-through. Some blown glass that was near the same, and then Inir stopped to look at those, he wondered how they had even made it to the palace in one piece. There were some rough totems his own people must have carved, the only bit of decoration his people tended to partake in, to honor their animal. He noticed a bird theme with those, probably in his honor specifically, and he wondered how the carvers would feel if they learned their prince thought such displays were strange. Finally he came to realize most of the various metalwork around the room, from the candleholders to decorative knobs, must have been work of Priewyth, and after a moment of inspection he was able to confirm it, for the detailing was something no one else would be able to match.

                        He took his time looking and wandering around, probably looking curious to the servants watching from the other room, waiting for those to serve. But he was anxious, and he was sure that, if he had sat, he wouldn't be able to sit still then either. Better to inspect these little trinkets, learn about the others who would be showing up, even if it was only through some little bits of art that he would never really be able to understand or see as anything but impractical. He was a predator, and he wasn't used to waiting for his fate to hit him. He was used to being the one to swoop, to have the advantage. He was out of his depth in this situation, same as he was when he tried looking at this art. Finally he went to add another log to the fire, which had started to burn low sometime in his wandering around the room, and he stood, looking into the flames, as he waited for the others to arrive. The thought of looking at the art any longer left a sour taste in his mouth.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Xiao-Jingshen Ekkaron Character Portrait: Inir Tibe
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ImageXiao Jingshen was afraid, this wasn't uncommon for her but it was always easy with Tenanye around, but she would not be. Or rather could not be. For reasons unknown Tenanye, the true heir of the Ekkaron throne was missing, and had been for sometime, long before the order for peace was drafted. Xiao Jingshen was the only true born -albeit only half- Princess to the King, it was her duty to marry. Tenanye was not the sort to shirk her duties, and would have easily accepted this. Tenanye was strong, proud, and most importantly good. Tenanye loved Xiao Jingshen as if she were her own child, brought her gifts from her travels, protected her, comforted her when she was bullied. Halflings were lower lifeforms in the eyes of the Fae even if she was the bastard of a king. Tenanye never treated her as such. Which was why Xiao Jingshen offered herself in Tenanye's place when the accord was set, Tenanye was gone, not dead, just simply gone, if such a thing were simple. Perhaps if things went well, she could enlist her new husband's help in finding her sister...That's what Tenanye would have done, she was always very skilled in getting people to listen. She was meant to be Queen after all. She had to be, Xiao Jingshen was meant to be quiet, that's it, just quiet, at least while Tenanye was not around.

Atleast she had her sister's good friend, the stalwart Sir Severyn Alderson with her. Seated in the carriage seat opposite her, a stern look on his otherwise handsome face, her held long white hair, half of it pulled back in a braid, his long pointed ears darting out from his head, where Xiao had her round ears hidden. He had been distracted lately, what with Tenanye missing, and truth be told, he'd been in love with her for ages now, even though Tenanye was to be Queen and Severyn was a knight. He'd taken to the task of protecting Xiao Jingshen in Tenanye's absence. in Xiao Jingshen's mind that was a blessing, Severyn still had a chance to be with her sister, when ever she returned....when not if.

Xiao Jingshen sighed, as the Peace Castle came into view.

"I will be married soon." Xiao Jingshen said and Severyn turned to her with a small surprised in his eyes before it faded into a soft sympathetic gaze. "Yes." He said softly. He didn't want this for her anymore than she did. "I'll be here with you, no need to fear, Little Sparrow." He told her and she smiled. It was the name Tenanye gave her, and only she and Severyn used it. She appreciated the gesture but all if did was make her miss Tenanye more. " we will find her, Little Sparrow." He told her, but it sounded as if he'd been convincing himself of that very thing. "I know." She said. "I just wish it happens soon," Xiao Jingshen sighed and the carriage pulled to a stop and Severyn made his exit first, checking for enemies before reopening the door for Xiao Jingshen to exit. She rose, ducking a little even though with her short stature she could stand straight up in the carriage. She lifted her skirt with a hand and stepped out, giving her free hand to Severyn to keep her steady. Once out of the carriage, she was dwarfed by Serveryn's height, he had the extreme height of any Fae , where as Xiao did not, she was tiny. Child size in the eyes of the Fae. She sighed and hoped her intended wouldn't be put off any further by her lithely form.

"You are to intended for the Shapeshifter caste." Severyn reminded her. "Aye, I remember."
"Good, I thought you'd like to know that they shift into animals, you speak to animals." He said hoping to brighten her mood but it didn't work the way he wanted. She only smiled softly and it didn't reach her eyes. He leaned down with mischief in his eyes. "Perhaps you could convince him to stay an animal, easy to handle that way, yes?" He whispered and Xiao Jingshen laughed out, before snapping her hand over her mouth. "Severyn Alderson, You be sweet." She said with a playful swat to his forearm but she appreciated the laugh. He grinned at her before turning his attention ahead of them, he held out his arm and she hooked hers around his, took a breath and they entered the castle.

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Character Portrait: Inir Tibe
Character Portrait: Xiao-Jingshen Ekkaron


Character Portrait: Xiao-Jingshen Ekkaron
Xiao-Jingshen Ekkaron

"I am only half, but I will do my part for my people."

Character Portrait: Inir Tibe
Inir Tibe

Thaelia's Heir


Character Portrait: Xiao-Jingshen Ekkaron
Xiao-Jingshen Ekkaron

"I am only half, but I will do my part for my people."

Character Portrait: Inir Tibe
Inir Tibe

Thaelia's Heir

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Character Portrait: Inir Tibe
Inir Tibe

Thaelia's Heir

Character Portrait: Xiao-Jingshen Ekkaron
Xiao-Jingshen Ekkaron

"I am only half, but I will do my part for my people."

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Re: The Cursed Ones


My post is up! Severyn is merely an NPC FC Orlando Blood/Legolas Greenleaf xD

Re: The Cursed Ones

TheCrimsonLady wrote:Hello I shall submit a Fae Princess if that's alright~!
FC: Liu Yi Fei xD
though I might add her older half sister, whose FC will be Jhene Aiko but idk xD

Welcome aboard! It's super nice to have you. :3

I'll make some of the finishing touches on my intro and then post it!

Re: The Cursed Ones

Hello I shall submit a Fae Princess if that's alright~!
FC: Liu Yi Fei xD
though I might add her older half sister, whose FC will be Jhene Aiko but idk xD

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