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The Demon Bureau

Elanya city


a part of The Demon Bureau, by Aniihya.


Aniihya holds sovereignty over Elanya city, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

492 readers have been here.


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Elanya city is a part of The Demon Bureau.

6 Characters Here

Robin "Robbie" Speedman [36] "Robin's a girls name. Call me Robbie."
Catherine "Cat" Hayes [35] "That was so cute! Can I hug you? I want to hug you. Let me huuuug yooouuu!"
Arisa Tentonei [34] "Years ago I would have never thought to work with a demon."
Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei [19] An absent-minded human with a pet hellhound named Princess.
Artusenn [1] A young demon, new to the Bureau
Azura [0]

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Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes
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Catherine smiled the whole time she listened, and in truth thought it was darling. And she couldn't help but let her smile widen when Robbie's smile changed as he spoke of his brothers. She could swear his tone even changed a bit. And she had to admit, the whole thing was pretty cute, and it lifted her spirits after drudging up the past.

"Your family sounds charming, they're lucky to have a brother like you." She smiled again, more gently this time before shifting to relax, laying down on the bed, "And thanks for the offer, but I wouldn't want to risk your brother's wrath if I don't even know him. I think I'll just... think a bit."


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Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei
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"Cmon Princess, we really need to move, we're already late as it is.", Ben whined at his precious pet hellhound, who had decided to take yet another sniff about, giving another sigh. They were only around the corner from The Demon Bureau and he was already an hour late to his first day of work there, thanks to him having no control over his own dog, which kept moving at her own pace as she sniffed, chased, barked, sat and 'relieved' herself at her own pace,slowing what would of been a ten minute walk to a time consuming crawl. He could bring himself to be mad at her though, no matter what trouble she caused. Heck she could chew off his legs and she'd still be his precious little adorable baby Princess. Just as Ben was about to move in to pet his beloved hellhound, Princess decided she was bored of sniffing the street corner, and decided to wander down the street for a bit, with Ben following after and eventually dragging her after him into the building of his new job, seeming to have trouble with carrying the moody canine who let herself go limp just in spite towards her owner, making dragging her all the more difficult.

As he finally managed to enter The Demon Bureau, Ben stared around in wonderment for a few moments, before realization dawned on him that, it wasn't all that awe inspiring inside. In fact, looked like a pretty normal police station, or an office building, nothing out of the ordinary. Didn't even seem all that busy with only a few employees milling about.
"Wow, this place is so............... boring.", Ben mumbled to himself in surprising having expected something much grander, but before he could ponder on what was it exactly he ha din mind, maybe a fancy ornate foyer, or some heavily guarded iron door, he let his short attention span get the better of him, releasing Princess he spotted something out of the corner of his eye on one of the tables.
"Oooooooh Gym Jock Monthly! I haven't read this in ages! I keep forgetting to re-knew my subscription for some reason. Well, it wouldn't hurt to have a flick through.", he chattered out loud as flicked through the magazine, completely unaware that Princess had decided to wander off, sniffing about the new fragrant place she had never set foot in before.
After a few moments of browsing the workout based monthly mag, Ben realized it was an old copy, from six months ago, which he dropped back on the table, though not overly disappointed thanks to the pictures of topless burly men. He had a slight moment to daydream before he snapped out of the trace and loudly proclaimed; "Oh yeah, I haven't announced i'm working here! Well, ummm, hello people of The Demon Bureau I am Benjamin Lupei, and I just got a job to work here, and today's my first day. You can call me Ben. And i'm really sorry i'm late! You see my precious Princess here was..... Hey wait a second. Where did she go?"
He quickly surveyed the room for his missing pet, believing the employees baffled stares were of his hellhound wandering around the building, and not of him loudly shouting he was a new employee.

"Princess, where are you? Here girl! Cmon now, your making a scene in front of our new work pals. Come back to daddy now. Who's a good hellhound?", Ben called out as he began wandering the bureau's halls, searching any nook and cranny that came into view, including those that couldn't possibly hide Princess, before being distracted by a water cooler and begun slowly slipping a cup of water, and returning to his search after he had finished drinking.


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Character Portrait: Artusenn
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Artusenn rolled over in bed, shaking his head to try to clear the last remnants of the dream he’d been having. As he sat up, he looked around to find the source of the constant beeping noise that had woken him. “Dammit” – he’d left his alarm on, overslept and now he was going to be late for his first day of work at the Bureau.

Jumping out of bed, he dashed into the shower, before drying off and hurriedly throwing on his clothes. As he went downstairs to leave, he took a glance at the clock, 8:45, he needed to be at work at 9:00, and it was a 20 minute walk, he’d have to skip breakfast. As he went to the door, something made him pause and head back to the cupboard where he kept his weapons.

It’s my first day, am I really going to need these? Might as well take them I suppose, at the least, I can get advice on improving my technique….


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Character Portrait: Arisa Tentonei
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#, as written by Aniihya
While walking through town to one of the main areas of attack, there was a scream coming from a dark alley. Arisa went to take a look and saw a dark demon pressing a woman against a wall. "Demon bureau agent Arisa Tentonei here. Don't move! Put the woman down and do not resist arrest!" Arisa said holding her weapon towards the demon.

The demon turned towards her and said: "Aww so cute. I am going to have fun with you.: Arisa was a bit angered but put on a smile. "Cute you say? Even though the warrant is to capture you alive, I wouldn't mind beating you to a pulp or delivering a corpse instead." Arisa said and sprinted forward at an unbelievable speed. Arisa however had put away her weapon and went for a full blown punch. The demon blocked but skidded several feet across the pavement. "I have heard of you but my sources said you were human." The demon said. Arisa replied: "Who knows. By the way, instead of talking you should think about fight."

In that moment, the demon took a hit and crashed through a wall, flew through the air and hit the street in front of the demon bureau. Meanwhile Arisa's uncle saw the fight from a distance and said: "Nope I doubt she needs help." Just then Arisa sent the demon flying towards him to which he kicked the demon back. The demon once again hit the pavement. As he stood up, he said: "It may hurt a bit but you have barely injured me." Arisa pulled out her swordgun and made her way to the demon, she went for a slash which was dodged. Her slash however did a clean diagonal cut to a conviniently placed stone pillar. "Shit. That kind of attack could give me serious problems." The demon thought. While Arisa had enough energy to do this for long, the demon was quite the even match. She needed someone who was fast.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes
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As he continued his search through the halls of The Demon Bureau of Elanya City, he realized that what he was doing was the exact opposite of what the job acceptance letter had told him to do. It specifically said, in bold print even, that he should wait round in the reception out front, until someone who worked there came to collect him, and they would do so after he has notified the receptionist. In fact now that he thought of it, it would most likely get him into serious trouble if they thought he hadn't turned up today at all, especially as he was already late as it was when he arrived. He stopped an pondered on it for a few moments before spotting a paperclip on the floor and decided to pick it up.
"Ah, I dont have time to wait around, I'll get into even deeper trouble if I cant find Princess soon!", he grumbled, full of stress suddenly, as he patted his pockets and realized he had left the letter they sent him at home on the kitchen table, as well it also saying from him to bring the letter to the desk with him.

Before he could complain or stress out further however, he finally spotted his pet hellhound dragging a small wastebasket around the corner up ahead of him, though he wasn't entirely sure why she was interested in the small bin so much, having been filled with mostly just paper.
"Princess there you are! You silly billy, that not for playing that's junk! Oh you! Come on now, we have to go wait in the reception before we get into anymore trouble. ", Ben babbled patronizingly, stroking Princess on the head, before she began excitedly bounding off round the corner, with Ben quickly trying his best to chase her, until she suddenly decided to take a sniff at someones foot. Ben managed to catch up, stopping to catch his breath as he saw his beloved pet hassling a young man with messy brown hair and wearing a blue army jacket over a t-shirt, along with a girl with plated blonde hair wearing a black tank top and faded blue jeans.

"Oh, uh sorry about that man, seems Princess is pretty excited today, bless her. She always love going to new places. And hey back there, hows it going?", Ben chattered causally, waving at the girl behind the bloke that Princess was taking an interest in the shoe of, before picking the hellhound up. As he did he realized how attractive the young man was, and made the quick decision to play it cool all of a sudden.
"The name's Ben, i'm the new guy around here. Not sure what they got for but i'm pretty sure whatever it is, I can handle it. Especially if it needs these two. Oh by the way, Princess is a hellhound. Yeah pretty cool, I know!" he blabbered, showing of his biceps, before adding; "So you two work here or just visiting?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes
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After the nap she'd ended up having, Catherine felt much better. And having someone in the room with her had definately helped calm her too. When she woke up and began walking with Robbie, she'd almost forgotten the emotions she'd felt the before and the memories she'd dug up. And with the hellhound and new aquaintance suddenly interrupting the walk, she was now completely distracted from the previous events. She smiled in amusement and waved in reply as she answered to his chattering.

"I'm good, thanks. And I'm just visiting. And Princess is adorable."

Her smiling hid her laughter. This one was... odd, to say the least. But he was amusing, and his Hellhound was interesting too.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes
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Robbie shrugged and stuck his hands into his pockets. "It's ok, I like dogs," he replied. He had been accompanying Catherine on her walk trying not to think about the case or Arisa or the demon, and then a dog suddenly appeared out of nowhere and nearly gave him a heart attack. Which was weird, since Robbie didn't know anyone who had brought a dog to work that day. Thank goodness he had managed to keep a cool face and not scream. That would have been embarrassing. As he studied the dog (who was currently sniffing his foot), Robbie realised that it was a hellhound, but before he could wonder who the owner was a man with blonde hair had showed up, leading to the current situation.

To be honest, Robbie was kind of glad that Princess had arrived in such a manner, though if anyone even hinted at it he'd deny it vehemently and threaten to bean them with his notebook. Except maybe Catherine, since she reminded Robbie of his brothers a little bit. He still had no idea why. Maybe it was the age? She was around Cam's age after all. Anyway, Robbie hadn't had much success in stopping himself from worrying until she came along and half scared the wits out of him, which had managed to throw the topic from his mind. The new guy - Ben - prolonged thought of said topic, too.

"I'm Robbie, and I work here. Welcome to the bureau." Robbie said, nodding a greeting. Ben seemed pretty nice, so maybe they could get along. He had muscles too, so Ben should be pretty strong, which would aid him in hunting demons beside his pet.

"Having a hellhound is pretty cool, yeah. What are her capabilities?" He asked curiously. He knew enough about hellhound's that they existed and what they looked like, but nothing more. Robbie made a mental note to do more research; he seemed to be lacking in knowledge these days. That wouldn't do, especially when it could mean the difference between a successful mission or a bad mission.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes
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Ben chuckled heartily, more out of adding to the act than finding anything in particular humorous in their replies to him, as he held Princess in his arms, who kept squirming, obviously not interested in being carried and more interested in continuing to sniff shoes.
"Good to hear little lady, taking a look at the best place for human and demon relations eh? Wouldn't blame you, there's only one Demon Bureau!" he gloated proudly, before chuckling again, acting as if he had been at the place for years instead of mere minutes. He perked up even more when he heard the blonde braid girl complement Princess, quickly babbling and fussing over his bet hellhound; "Yeah I know, isn't she precious? She just the most wonderful, smartest greatest doggie woggie in the whole wide world! Yes you are Princess, yes you are!", rubbing his cheek against hers, as she obviously was quickly becoming fed up of the situation.

Ben restrained himself and placed Princess back on the floor as Robbie introduced himself, not wanting to make a bad first impression in front of him and his gorgeous eyes.
"Nice to meet you man, glad to finally talk with a fellow employee, thanks for the welcome. Man, Demon Bureau, my uncle is gonna be so proud.", he chattered cheerfully as he shook Robbie's hand vigorously, before hearing his question about Princess.
"Well firstly, yeah your right it's awesome! Secondly, just like with demons, hellhounds tend to be tougher than normal dogs, though my precious little Princess is getting on in years, but ageing gracefully, like an oak tree, or one of those movie celebrities, except with less weak plastic surgery. Thirdly, she can breathe fire, kinda like a dragon does, no idea how. Oh and she turns pretty scary when she's angry, not that it happens much with me does it snookums?", he explained somewhat smugly, cooing over his pet again who decided to headbutt him in the shin to wonder over to sniff Cat's shoes, with Ben's smile freezing for a moment before laughing it off and commenting a she rubbed his shin; "She's really fiesty today! Guess she's excited to meet new people too huh?"

Princess simply ignored him as she continued to find interest in Cat's shoe, her canine mind doing it's best to decode this curious scent.
Ben on the other hand had a question that began pecking at his mind, to which he simply just asked Robbie.
"So, uh, where do I exactly go to? I kinda should of started work a while ago, and, errr not really sure who's in charge of new employees around here."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes
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Ah. when Ben asked where he was to go, something clicked in Robbie's mind. So that's why they asked Arisa to stay behind. he took note of Princess's abilities, ailing it away for future reference. "You were supposed to go to the office headquarters to meet Arisa, I think. She's out hunting demons now, so you'll have to meet one of the other chiefs instead. Probably around the main floor or something, I dunno. Been ages since I've been there. Do you know the way?" He asked. "If not, I'll lead you there if Catherine says yes."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes
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Cat smiled and shook her head, holding back a bout of laughter. Yep, definitely odd. But this place was bound to attract some interesting people. She bent down as Princess came over. "Hey, there, Princess," she spoke softly, resting her arms on her knees as she crouched. She tilted her head as she continued to speak, "I've never seen a hellhound before, much less pet one... May I?" She held her hand out to the dog, a habit from her childhood when approaching unknown dogs. It was mostly so the dog could sniff her, catch her scent and be more at ease if she tried to pet them.

When she heard her name she looked up questioningly, but when her mind registered what had been said she smiled and shook her head, "I don't mind. Go on. I can just wander around aimlessly, probably getting losts a few times but I'll survive." She laughed and shrugged, knowing it would be the truth unless Robbie wanted her to come with them. She looked back to Princess, her hand still hovering as if she were expecting some sort of answer.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes Character Portrait: Arisa Tentonei
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#, as written by Aniihya
Arisa was starting to get tired but luckily her uncle joined the fight. The demon was being overwhelmed too as both opponents were stronger than human and equally as quick as him. "Why don't you just let me go and the others will spare you? Better yet, why don't you join us?" The demon said. Arisa then replied: "Who are "us" and I would love to decline your offer. It is my duty to protect the weak from demons who pray on humans. Now I am at a point where I can say, you are arrested for murder, assault and resisting an officer." Arisa and her uncle then proceeded jointly with the finishing blow which sent him flying towards the demon bureau. "Uh oh." Arisa blurted out.

The demon crashed through the doors of the demon bureau into a wall. As Arisa walked up to the unconscious demon, she said: "It was not my intention to bring you in like that." She placed the demon dura handcuffs on him, made to even keep the stronger demons cuffed. Then she carried him to a vacant cell. "I will have to do some explaining why there is a cracked wall, pavement damages and the why the doors to the demon bureau are broken beyond repair. Hey girl, whatever your name was! Is this the demon you talked about?" Arisa said and finally turned towards the direction where the witnesses were kept.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes Character Portrait: Arisa Tentonei
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As Cat asked about petting Princess, Ben immediately beamed a smile at her a quickly replied; "Sure! No problem at all, she's great with strangers, bet she'd love it, even!", obviously enthusiastic for others to interact with his pet, glad to see even the slightest sign of strangers getting along with his precious hound, which barked cheerfully as she gave a thorough sniffing to her palm as Ben talked.

He then listened carefully to Robbie's words, before ending up wondering on what kind of work they would get him to do. Since he was new it would very much likely be in postal department or maybe the complaints area, which he knew immediately would be no fun, though he had that feeling towards any of the paperwork central jobs, which were undoubtedly many in a government official building. He hoped it wouldn't be janitorial work either, mostly because in truth he was hoping for one of the hunting or information gathering ones, something that let him bring Princess along outside, and with much less chance of causing trouble in the workplace, even though he wouldn't like to get punched in the face much, especially by a demon. Though as much a she hated to admit it, her precious little Princess tended to have trouble follow her no matter where she went. Which reminded him, he need to buy that new bird bath for his neighbor that she set on fire. He then had a mini panic when he realized he missed most of what he said, bar few slight snippets including something about him going to the main floor and the girl Arisa was away at the moment. Luckily, he did catch that he asked to guide him there, as long as it was okay with the guest, to which she replied happily that she would have look around when they went, fully admitting she was happy to get lost in the place, which made Ben smirk a bit. His grin grew wider as Princess started licking Cat's hand, the pair obviously getting along well.
"Hey, looks like she likes you already! You two certainly become fast buddies!", he giggled before turning to Robbie and replied in the coolest sound voice he could think of; "Sure, lead the way my man, Let's go see that boss of yours!"

Before they could wander away to get a quick visit to one of the heads of the facility however,as he heard the noise of smashing glass, splintering wood, and a body slamming with a thump against a wall. Or that's what Princess heard, what Ben heard was a lot of noise back near the entrance he came in from.
"Now what the hell was that? Definitely sounded like something very expensive ending up very broken. Good thing I was standing round there still huh?", Ben commented cockily as Princess stared barking defensively, standing as if guarding Cat, causing Ben to comment to his own pet as if it was a toddler; "Awwwww look at you Princess, you guarding your new friend. How cute! Aren't just the most adorable security dog ever? Yes you are! The cutest in the whole wide world!"

Before he could snap out of his cooing and actually investigate what happened however, a young lady in a cardigan and a short skirt walked over, carrying some handcuffed man with her, asking Cat if this man was the one she was talking about. Ben decided to keep his trap shut for a change this time, as Princess kept barking at the unconscious prisoner, while he stared at the two new strangers, wondering how a girl her size was carrying him so easily, but merely shrugged it off, knowing fully well that appearances could be deceiving, much like his uncle wasn't exactly the picture of health yet could still easily out run Ben to this day. He did stare at the prisoner a little longer however, wondering if he should offer to carry the man, as it was a good chance to show off.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes Character Portrait: Arisa Tentonei
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Robbie frowned at Catherine's answer, but nodded. "Ok. If you get lost, just find someone and ask for where Arisa's desk is at. Or mine. I'll meet you there." Robbie hesitated, then added quietly, as though he didn't want it to be heard, "Be careful."

He was suppose to guard her, but Catherine should probably be in good hands so long as she stayed in the bureau. It was filled with people who were good enough to combat demons, so if anyone came attacking here, it would be safe unless they were really powerful. She might be able to get a few good shots in too, she seemed capable of that... Hey, maybe she should join the bureau...

Well, that was for later. First, get Ben settled in properly, then ask Catherine if she was interested in getting a job. Right.

With that in mind, Robbie turned to face Ben. "Sure, it's that -"

A loud crash from what seemed like the front entrance interrupted Robbie, and he cursed quietly in surprise, his voice mingling with Ben's comment, almost unheard. "The hell?!"

Robbie quickly reached for his book, holding it spine out. It had a hard cover, and he prepared to either throw it or use it to batter whoever made that sound, if it was an enemy. He raised it and waited, coiled like a spring. Ben was cooing at Princess, he didn't know if Catherine could defend herself, and wow his hands were really itching for his guns right now - oh, it was just Arisa.

Robbie relaxed and stared at Arisa, unimpressed. "Geez, Arisa," he said, an annoyed tone in his voice. Tension leaching out of his body, Robbie's hands went down, still holding the book like a blunt weapon. He raised his voice to be heard over the barking Princess was making, wishing that she'd quiet down a bit. "What happened? Did you crash into the bureau from the fight?"

He noticed the handcuffed man (probably the demon from the mission) she was carrying, and continued wryly "or was it the demon who crashed through the front door? He's gonna owe money for repairs if he did."

Robbie didn't ask how she had managed to carry a grown man all the way here without breaking a sweat. Arisa was kind of like Cam that way, stronger than she looked. Way stronger. It made Robbie wonder what she ate and whether he should introduce Cam to her and let them be strength buddies together. She might like him, who knows. Then Arisa asked Catherine whether the handcuffed man was the demon from her past and he forced himself not to react, instead keeping an eye out in case he needed to intervene


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes Character Portrait: Arisa Tentonei
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Catherine's smile grew as her mind got further from the demonic problem from her past, enjoying petting Princess. Meeting and getting along with such a friendly Hellhound made her happy because, well, it went to show that not even the beasts of the demonic kind were inherintly evil. She nodded to the statements Ben gave, only partly catching what he said as she was distracted. "Ben's right, you are a sweet dog. You have a fiery side though, very literally." She laughed quietly at this and continued giving Princess her attention. She paused, though, to give a reaction to what Robbie said that she could catch, "Thank you, I'll meet ya there... and I'll be careful." Cat sent him a sincere look that gave more thanks than her words, but a mischievous hint found itself in her eyes as she'd caught his whispering, and she planned to catch him in a hug sooner or later.

A few moments later she was interrupted, more like startled, from petting Princess and jumped up at the sounds of things being destroyed. She only stopped herself from pulling her knife from her pocket when she saw it was only a demon being slapped into some cuffs. As the thought passed, she knelt to comfort and calm her Hellhound friend, "Shhh, it's okay Princess. He's no threat right now." She stood as Arisa approached and her eyes began scanning over the demon. Her answer came as quickly as Arisa spoke her last syllable, "No. My guy looked more like a shark... this guy 's more like a lizard. Congrats on catching him, hough."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes Character Portrait: Arisa Tentonei
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#, as written by Aniihya
"Thats too bad, because it was a difficult fight. I even tore my clothes and need to put a fresh set of clothes on now." Arisa said to Cat. Just as Arisa was about to go to the locker room to get changed, Arisa's uncle came in. "I need to tell you something, Arisa. The police have witnessed the fight and are becoming a bit cautious. So I cant keep this a secret anymore, I am not your uncle. I am your father." He says sort of shocking Arisa. "I had to give you up for adoption to keep you away from the fate of your mother. She was a demon who worked for the police. However, she matured as a demon while on the force and lost control. She grew horns and had to be put down after the people she killed that day. In the moment, she regained some control, she asked me to put an end to it. So in mercy, i executed her in the quickest and most honorable way for the clan, decapitation. You might suffer the same fate, however since you seem to use your abilities more often, you might not go out of control when you reach demon maturity. But you might still be taken as a danger by humans as you will be a class 5 once you mature."

This was too much for Arisa. She had to sit down. Her parents until now werent her biological parents? Being a demon was not really a surprise though but maturity? Class 5? Horns? Of all of it, she didnt want to become a class 5 as nearly all class 5s are homicidal and extremely dangerous. Only the most massive bunkers of prisons could keep a class 5 and only very heavy and strong shackles could keep them at bay. "Then I hope I never reach maturity. Class 5s are too dangerous around humans even if there was a good one. Now give me some time i need to get changed." Arisa said.

She left the room and came back after several minutes wearing a black leather skirt and a black leather sleeveless top with a collar. It was all she had as a reserve in the bureau. "Now back to business. While fighting, the demon said something disturbing. He asked me to join him and other demons to which I declined. He said that there are others who will start to attack us. So I recommend we get that door fixed and ramp up the security. Who knows what dangers we have to expect."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes Character Portrait: Arisa Tentonei
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When he heard Robbie's annoyance at the woman, referring to her by name, gears started churning slowly as Ben remembered him mentioning Arisa before, being the lady Ben would probably need to register with before he began working, which left him surprised that one of the de facto leaders of the bureau was slamming demon criminals through glass doors. He was also just as surprised that Robbie seemed only annoyed after he had seen what caused the commotion, seeming to have been relieved it was Arisa lugging around a handcuffed demon. There was plenty of confusion for Ben, though he did his best to hide it. It wouldn't be good for his image to show that he could get startled by something like this. He also wondered briefly why Robbie was clutching that book so much.

Meanwhile Princess, having been enjoying Cat's company and affections, had just suddenly grew tired of constantly barking, seeming to want to comply with Cat's comforting words than her master's usual fussing. She nestled her head against Cat's hand as she gave her reply, to which Ben realized yet another fact. Cat was here to report a criminal demon. Apparently a more shark looking one than a lizard looking one. He wondered if that's were hellhounds came from, before just as quickly knocking the thought away, deeming it ridiculous.

Just as Arisa was about to turn and leave to go change into some less tattered clothes, suddenly an older gentleman appeared in the reception, which to Ben seemed to have sprung out of nowhere. Seeming to be fearing police action, announcing the truth of him not being Arisa's uncle but her father, being forced to put her up for adoption, her mother's death and even the fact Arisa would become a level 5 demon later in life. It was a hell of a lot to take in, and even Ben who barely knew the names of most of these people was feeling sorry for it suddenly being thrown onto this poor girl, and a little overwhelmed himself, along with a pang of guilt, as if he shouldn't of been around to hear this. She was definitely taken aback and filled with shock as she sat down, announcing after that she needed a moment to herself, which was immensely understandable, though declaring it was to get changed.
"Poor girl." Ben muttered to no one in particular as Princess gave a quite whine, noticing how the atmosphere had suddenly went a bit more somber. He looked around at the others, as if asking for help on, well, the whole situation to be frank, before blurting out; "One hell of a time to load all of that heavy stuff on her. Well, at least that demon criminal guy still cuffed and asleep.", seeming to be struggling to find something to talk about as Princess decided to just lay on the floor, with Ben staring at the prisoner for a few moments.

Ben looked up in surprise as Arisa returned fairly quickly, now dressed in leather, seeming to be more interested at the task at hand than the sudden colossal confession that exploded on her, a very admirable attitude indeed. Before Ben could say anything, she announced that the demon she just arrested tried to recruit her for some group, who planned on attacking the bureau, quickly giving orders to act on it.
"Hey, no sweat boss lady, me and Princess here, we got it covered. Uh not the fixing though, I ain't much good at that, but security wise. Heck most folks tend to run at the sight of an angry hellhound, right Princess?", Ben reassured cockily, his recently referred canine companion giving a curt bark in response, before wondering over to sniff the prisoner.
When realization hit him, Ben hastily explained; "Oh yeah, we haven't met. I'm Benjamin Lupei, but most folks call me Ben. I'm kinda newly hired and uh, I heard your the boss around these parts pretty much. And Princess is my pet hellhound. Ummm is there any forms or something I have to fill in? I don't really know what i'm supposed do now i'm here. Whatever it is though, bet it wont take long with me on the job.", finishing his words with a wide grin.


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Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Arisa Tentonei
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#, as written by Aniihya
"Nice to meet you Benjamin. I am Arisa Tentonei, the person currently responsible for the demon bureau. if you need anything come to me. There are only two sheet of paper you need to fill out. They are mostly for tax registration and insurance. For jobs, please refer to the board on the back wall. Mostly wanted posters for pettier criminals hang on there. More serious problems are addressed during briefings. I will try to find out things about this mysterious group and then I will brief you guys on it tomorrow morning." Arisa explained.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes Character Portrait: Arisa Tentonei
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Robbie placed his hands down and slipped the book back into his pocket once Catherine gave her answer. He sighed, placing his hands into his pockets. Robbie stared at the damage door absentmindedly, barely taking in Arisa's words about wanting to go change. The demon Arisa had captured wasn't the one they wanted; but maybe he had information on him? At any rate, it was another criminal off the streets. He wouldn't be causing any more damage, unless it was a prison break or something.

Suddenly, an older man approached Arisa (where had he come from?) and started to talk. Robbie paid attention in case he was here to brief them about the case or yell at them for the damages or to just congratulate Arisa for doing good work, but soon wished he hadn't.

Arisa? A demon? Her uncle was actually her father? And she might turn into a level 5? That... Was a lot to take in, alright, and he wasn't even the one involved in it. Robbie stared worriedly, almost disbelievingly at the two. His heart filled with a mixture of sympathy, worry and confusion for Arisa, and he almost wished that her uncle (wait, dad) would grin and go "nope, just kidding, it's a prank! Haha."

But he didn't, and Arisa was sitting down, overwhelmed. It was real. The sooner they (Robbie, specifically) accepted that the better. His boss was a demon (which explained a lot about her, actually, especially her strength) and Arisa's uncle was her dad. Why he had told this in front of them instead of in private, Robbie didn't know, but that didn't really matter right now. After all, Arisa was still Arisa. She probably wouldn't head off to the dark side so easily.

As Arisa left the room to change, Robbie took a deep breath and let it out, calming himself. He cleared his mind from the doubts and what ifs, trying to focus on the situation at hand. It was a sensitive subject, and well, Robbie wasn't sure if Arisa wanted them to pry into it. It was probably for the best, Robbie decided, to leave it alone until she feels like sharing. For now, focus on the demon they had yet to capture, and ensure Catherine's safety.

When Ben spoke, Robbie agreed with him. "yeah," he said, nodding his head. "That's something, at least. I think we should keep it to ourselves too. It's Arisa's decision on whether or not she wants to share. The best we can do for now," he said quietly, "is be there for her, I guess."

When Arisa came out of the dressing room, Robbie subtly studied her as she talked to Ben. Much to his relief, she seemed alright. That was good. He paid attention to what she said, and nodded after she was done. "Well, I'll see you guys in the morning then." He said coolly. Robbie hesitated, then asked, trying not to seem too concern (he wasn't quite sure if he pulled it off, but he had an image to maintain) "Arisa, will you be ok?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes Character Portrait: Arisa Tentonei
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After having given Robbie a curt nod from his comment from earlier, agreeing it was probably for the best to keep what they just heard secret unless needed, Ben turned to his new employer with a smile and gave a mock salute at Arisa though contradictory replied politely and enthusiastically; "Pleasure to have met you Ms Tentonei! And thank you very much for the info. If it wouldn't be too much trouble i'd like to fill out the forms now if there are any about. Probably a good idea to get it out of the way as quick as possible. Can't wait to get started!"
Just as he finished his sentence, Princess decided to investigate the recently revealed demon, sniffing at her shoe having grown bored of the unconscious prisoner as Ben chuckled and asked; "Is there paper work for Princess to fill in too?"

As Robbie bid his farewell, Ben gave him a casual wave loudly exclaiming; "Well see you tomorrow then hand- buddy! Guess we'll be co workers by then huh?"
However, instead of leaving to his home, Robbie instead asked Arisa how she was going to be alright, trying his best to seem nonchalant about it. Also being concerned about how her world view must of suddenly had taken a severe beating right now from the announcement by her father, adding in; "Yeah, you sure your alright boss? I mean, I know it isn't my place to say but, this whole thing was just sprung on you, and i'd be freaking out about now, wouldn't I princess?"
He looked towards his faithful hellhound companion to see she was still busy sniffing at Arisa's shoes. Despite his pet not backing him up on this he continued.
"It's okay if you need a moment to sort this out, heck i'll do this paper work stuff tomorrow when we got time, I don't mind. Don't work yourself too hard pal!", he finished giving a cheesy grin and even cheesier thumbs up.

He stood their silently for a few moments awkwardly before asking; "Uuuuuhhhhh, so um do we all go home now? Or we still working? And Cat, do you need someone to walk you home or something? Seems these demon group guys are gonna make the streets pretty unfriendly. The offer extends to you two as well by the way."
Princess merely barked as she began hoping around Arisa, as if trying to tempt her into playing.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes Character Portrait: Arisa Tentonei
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#, as written by Aniihya
Arisa responded with: "I may seem okay with it but that is just the shock that hasn't worn off yet. Class 5s are very serious business. Knowing that I will someday be a class five is some of the worst news I could have heard. Are you aware of the history of class 5s?" Arisa went to the front of the room. "A brief orientation before the end of the day. In history of demons, demons had a caste system based on power with the weakest clans as farmers and servant and the strongest as rulers and monarchs. However the strongest within the caste system were class fours. There was one group that was voluntarily casteless. This group is what is known today as class fives. These casteless demons often resided away from other demons and humans and didn't see a reason to leave their clans and territories. When they did, they would only ravage the earth and murder. There was one demon who was casteless who ventured out into the world. He could kill entire armies with the slash of his blade, no matter if they were human or demon. He didn't see power, he sought to just kill. When he returned to his clan, he got into an argument with his family and was killed during the altercation. The worst part is class fives are said to eat humans and demons alike."

Arisa sighed: "However if you hear how demons are classified you will understand that there isnt one kind of class five but two. Class ones are comparable to humans in strength and arent anything special. Class twos are rather comparable to powerful humans. Class threes can level houses and cause some damage. Class fours can take on large concrete buildings and do serious damage. Class fives come in two forms. The first is colossal in size and frequently avoids confrontation, however when enraged they can destroy cities. The second is those the size of humans and most of them look similar to humans, however they almost always run amok and are harder to take down than the large ones as they are quick and small targets. Thankfully they have become very rare and are usually dealt with before something bad happens. Just if I ever become one and cant control myself, then get rid of me before it is too late." She laid her head against the wall sulking. As her hand touched her forehead, she felt two bumps. Almost about to panic, she thought: "It can't be. They must be boils from the fight earlier." Her biggest fear was that they were horns beginning to grow. She let out: "I hope I never become one and if so then at least keep my sanity." She let out a nervous laugh.

She looked down to see Princess wanting to play. "Oh hey. I am sorry. But I am not in the mood for playing. A lot is going through my head right now and we need to find out what the demon meant with others."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes Character Portrait: Arisa Tentonei
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As Arisa asked the motley bunch if the knew about class 5's, Benjamin shook his head in puzzlement, having not really been all that knowledgeable on demons classing in the slightest, and pondered on why his uncle never taught him about it. It kinda left him in the dark on the situation a little, but if the shock was the only thing keeping Arisa from freaking out right now, he could sort of see how dangerous a class 5 could be, especially from the story her father gave.
Following Arisa to the front of the room, with Princess running along in tow, still trying her best to grab Arisa's attention, Ben did his best to concentrate on his new boss' explanation, despite his pet hellhounds antics.
He remembered the whole hierarchy stuff with the farmers and monarchs when it came to demons, pretty sure if it popped up in college or with one of the many drawn out lectures from his uncle where even his father grew bored of. And his dad was a very patient man. He only grabbed small scraps of info last time. The casteless one's came as surprise however, his eyes widening in surprise of such demons being even too dangerous to be around other demons, slaughtering millions and eating the flesh of both human and demons. All he could muster was a simple; "Wow, that is pretty dangerous. Heck that's an understatement if I ever heard one, actually."
No wonder his uncle or his father haven't chatted about demon classing, it was basically saying who was deadlier than the others, and not exactly much of pleasant piece of trivia if your demon. Nobody likes being ranked a certain level on how much of a jerk you could be. Though as Arisa explained it, he realized it was more about strength than actual aggressiveness which was fairly more reasonable to rank them by, since demons had all sorts of diffrent levels to them, leaving him to wonder briefly on what rank his uncle was. He certainly wasn't the first or second variety of class 5, with them both certainly sounding deadly, with plenty of reason for Arisa to fear turning into one. He noticed her seem fretful over two lumps on her forehead, seeming quite panicked about them before adding she hoped never to turn into a class 5 and keep her sanity in tact, leaving him to frown as he struggled to think of something to say.

Princess meanwhile, had not read the situation in the slightest, having still been trying to grab Arisa's attention, before being told by Arisa that she simply wasn't in the mood and had much more pressing matters to attend to, which as if almost on cue, she wandered over sheepishly to Ben's side, seeming nonchalant about the whole thing.
Having managed to bundle together some vague resemblance of comforting words, Ben decided to reply to his new boss; "Dont worry ma'am, i'm sure if things get out of control, we'll knock the sense back into you, though I doubt we'll need to with how level headed you are! I'm sure thing's will turn out just fine! Ain't that right Princess?", his last comment directed a this not-so-trusty pet who he turned to see gnawing on a chair leg, giving a weary sigh and telling Princess; "Noooooo, noooooo princess, what have I said about chewing on furniture? Silly doggy! Come one now.", as he did his best to tear Princess away from the chair.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes Character Portrait: Arisa Tentonei
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#, as written by Aniihya
"Well it is time to close up. I will see you tomorrow." Arisa said. Once everyone was out, Arisa locked the new door that was put in the hour before closing time. On her way home, a voice behind her said: "Impressive fighting ability. You should join us. Together we can conquer this realm and bring a new age of demons." Arisa turned around to see a man. He looked like a pretty boy human however his scent gave away what he really was.

"I don't think you would want me with you. I found out that my mother's bloodline killed demons and humans alike." Arisa replied. The demon chuckled: "Ah! A ruling clan. Even better!" "Um no. You shouldn't try to recruit the casteless." Arisa said. The demon gasped and backed off a bit: "I hope you don't eat me now." "I am not a barbarian but that scent, it is so good." Arisa's pupils turned a deep red. "It smells so good, that I can taste it."

Arisa suddenly got a sharp pain in her head and she fell to her knees. Two horns grew from her head. "Crap. Why now?" Arisa said. "If I lose control, then I am screwed." She got back up and started walking away from the demon. "I gotta go. I cannot chat any longer."

Once she got to her apartment, she went to the mirror. She was shocked when she saw two black horns that came out of the top of her head. "What should I do?" She began to panic. "I know, I will just call in sick tomorrow and brief them over the phone." Arisa got ready for bed, however she could barely sleep.

The next morning, Arisa didn't show up for work. She didn't want to show up with those "things" on her head. Arisa had someone unlock the door for her and intended to call about half an hour into the work day.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Robin "Robbie" Speedman Character Portrait: Benjamin 'Ben' Lupei Character Portrait: Catherine "Cat" Hayes Character Portrait: Arisa Tentonei
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As Arisa gave her quick statement and farewell, Ben had just managed to tear Princess' jaws from the chair, stumbling back clumsily for a few moments, stopping just as the words registered in his mind.
"Uh okay then, see you all tomorrow I guess. Sure has been an eventful first day huh Princess?", Ben spoke allowed, looking to his pet hellhound for validation, but she only gave a sheepish yawn, causing Ben to sigh to himself.
He gave Arisa a quick salute before adding on; "Don't worry boss lady, i'm officially on the case tomorrow so those demon cult guys don't stand a chance! Well after I fill out the paper work anyways." He gave a rather disgusted look as he said 'paperwork'.

He then turned his attention to Robin and Catherine, bidding them both goodnight.
"See ya you two, i'm gonna head on home, with my precious Princess of-course! You two take care now, best ya both walk home tonight by the way. Don't want any of those demons to gang up on ya. Till tomorrow, byeeeee! ", he babbled to the pair waving his hand in farewell as Princess squirmed under his arm stroppily, the two of them, human and hellhound, wandering out the newly replaced front door, mumbling to himself about how surprisingly quick they installed it. The staff must of been used to this kinda thing around here.

Ben set Princess down on the sidewalk, quickly slipping on her lead before she could wander off without him. "Right come on you, you adorable little treasure, were off home so you can have a big yummy steak!", he cooed at Princess who barked in reply, before trotting off in the direction of their home, pulling Ben along in tow.

(Next Day)
As morning passed, Ben and Princess wandered off towards the Demon Bureau, though at somewhat of a snails pace, due to having to run back home to lock the front door, before realizing his dad was at home today, and being heavily distracted on the travel back, as well as chasing after Princess who herself had become easily distracted. All in all, he was not very good at arriving early to his new job.
Ben gave a tired sigh as they eventually reached the doors to the Bureau, noting that the same sort of thing happened yesterday. He rubbed his face before pulling a stubborn Princess into the building and calling out; "Hey, anyone here?"