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Demon Lord with his own agenda

0 · 88 views · located in The Western Sea

a character in “The Demon Gate”, as played by Derek Smith


Melinos as a high ranking demon can assume any form he chooses but in the grand demonic tradition assumes an attractive male form. Standing at six feet 3 inches he is slender but with a dense muscle build that helps him fill out his clothes nicely. With shoulder length white hair and bright green eyes he hides his demonic heritage from most. Combined with strong yet defined features and a ever present smile most would be fooled into thinking he nothing more then a nobleman down on his luck since the demon invasion. He reinforces this image with well made clothes that have nonetheless seen better days.

But when he needs to fight the semblance of humanity is discarded in favor of his true demonic form. A tall demon he bears amour plate skin with deep green eyes and dragon like wings with two horns curving inwards sprouting from his forehead. With a more built appearance no one would mistake him for a out of luck nobleman.


Unlike his demonic brethren Melinos shares little desire to conquer the this world and slay it's inhabitants. Instead his grudge is with the Gods who imprisoned his kind. All his anger, all his hatred, his very being is geared to destroying the Gods and the Song witches who kept his kind imprisoned. And because of this he is driven to such a degree even basic manners are cast aside. But he is nonetheless obedient to the Demon King for his conquest helps his goals.

But such demonic behavior ill suits his human form. Instead he adopts a somewhat depressed mood which fits with the demonic invasion story he tells everyone. But he keeps a little of his demonic anger intermixed with that depression to create an image of a man who wants nothing more then to stop the demons. It works surprisingly for most situations.


Deadly Duo: Twin Long swords they bear slender blades with glowing demonic runes written on the blade, 7 in total on each blade. The runes glow with a red orange light, the magic powering the runes fueled by the souls it has slain. Each rune serves as a limiter on his power. For maintaining full power is tiring for him and in order to converse his strength and stamina on the battlefield he limits his power. Like some Demonic weapons Deadly Duo are actually part of him, being physical manifestations of his fighting will they hold some of his power. Their hilts are plain metal with a glowing demonic ruby that serves as the reservoir for the souls they have slain. Almost entities in and of themselves they are impossible for anyone but Melinos to wield as they are forged of his will.

Crosswinds: With a simple spell Deadly Duo are disguised as weapons a normal human would use. In this case they become two curved sabers forged out of silvered bronze with a well crafted overall design. The black cord that is wrapped around the hilt is worn looking and the pommel stone is a simple metal counterweight.

Nobleman's outfit: A elegant coat trimmed in lace it is a deep crimson with matching pants. Underneath the coat is a black shirt with slight lace ruffling and crimson silk vest with gold buttons. Despite it's obvious craftsmanship and even more obvious cost it is a little ragged with the lace trim on the coat bearing a ghost of a stain and the shirt's collar is limp. He has several copies of this outfit in varying colors with subtle differences in both wear and tear.

Swordbelt: A black leather belt it holds his swords when the need to disguise them as human weapons arises.

Nobleman's Boots: Black shin high boots they are finely made but bear the dust of long travel. They also somewhat scuffed and are in need of polishing.

Small Pack: Although a Demon with no need to eat human food Melinos carries a small pack with things like food and water to help his human disguise. Alongside basic supplies a bedroll and simple tent find themselves in the pack. A simple spell gives the tent and bedroll the needed wear and tear to sell them as much used items.


There isn't much to say about Melinos the demon. He was a powerful Demonic Lord who served in the High Court of the Demon king since time out of memory. Most of the time he paid scant attention to the mortal realm for he felt it had little to offer him besides souls to use as he would. Only when ordered to he would strike his flags and march against the Beast Gods in a never ending war to decide the true ruler of this world. But he felt little hatred for the Beast Gods per say, he merely viewed them as worthy opponents. That all changed the day the Beast Gods created the Demon Gate and sealed them away. The worse insult you can do to a enemy is forget about them and that is what the Beast Gods seem to be doing to Demonkind. Now he took the war personally. Relentless attacks against the Gate for thousands of years always search for a weakness kept Demonkind busy. Melinos knew nothing lasted forever and what was a few thousands years to a race as old as time itself.

And one day, one glorious day they finally punched through the gate and vengeance was sweet. The servants of the Beast Gods, the Song Witches, died in their thousamds. Their blood flowed like a river and Melinos was happier then a kid in a candy shop. Deadly Duo had their fill of souls that day. But for Melinos it wasn't enough, sure killing the Song Witches was a good way to blow some steam off it wasn't true revenge. For that to happen the Beast Gods themselves must pay with their own divine blood. So ordering his troops to follow the main bulk of the demonic legions Melinos starts off on his own journey to find a way to strike directly at the Beast Gods.

Enter Lord Danshu first son of Lord Gignta. The son of a duke Lord Danshu was the only survivor of an attack on his home city. Crawling through an escape tunnel with countless wounds he left that city and took to wandering in order to survive. Broken yet with an air of anger all he wants is revenge against the Demons that took everything from him. A clever disguise he infiltrates various resistance groups showing enough power to convince them they may have a fighting chance against the demons. Following the trail of many rumors he learns much but not of the Beast Gods. Looking back Melinos begins to think slaughtering so many Song Witches may have been a bad idea for surely the servants must know where their masters are. He thought he had found a hold out group of Song Witches but his hopes are dashed when a advance group of the main army make the same discovery and what seems to be the last of the Song Witches are killed.

Hardly blaming his demon brethren for their actions Melinos nonetheless is fresh out of ideas. But he comforts himself with the fact the Beast Gods are not showing themselves even as their world is being destroyed." Perhaps the animals are simply afraid of how powerful we've become." Was his constant thought. And despite that he keeps searching in his human form determined to at least follow the last of the rumors down before throwing aside his human form.

So begins...

Melinos's Story