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The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury

The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury


Every few years on Flat Earth, the raging Sun wreaks havoc on the small village of Sinopia by burning it to a crisp. Sick of the never-ending damage to their lives and property, a group of villagers set out on a quest in an attempt to destroy The Sun.

1,627 readers have visited The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury since cjeap created it.


This was the first assault in almost six years. The temperature shot up and the whole village was set ablaze. Buildings collapsed, entire crop fields burned to ash, and if the rampant flames weren't enough, there was a thick layer of black smoke plaguing the air. The attack itself only lasted about thirty seconds, but the fires often took days to settle.

The Sinopian elder sent the most able-bodied villagers to go fetch some water, but since the nearest river was five miles away it was a futile effort. There was nothing to do but sit back and watch their home burn completely to the ground.

While the village could be repaired, their peace of mind could not. There was always that fear of waking up in an inferno; that fear of knowing the sun, responsible for sustained life on Earth, was out to get them. At the end of the ordeal there were 39 human casualties, and as horrible as this may be, they were used to it.



1400 years ago, the world was a dark and lawless hell overran by powerful wizards who used their magic with reckless abandon. One wizard in particular, Warlock Sinos, was disappointed with the world he was living in. He grew tired of the bloodshed and chaos and felt ashamed that he was part of the problem.

The man decided to leave the fray and seek refuge at the edges of the world. He met his wife there, settled down and had a son. Maintaining a peaceful life, however, was far from possible. It was difficult trying to raise a son in such a tumultuous environment and Sinos did not want his son growing up in such a world.

In an ultimate test of power, Sinos drained the magic from millions of beings around Flat Earth and used it to create a magic star to hover above the planet to provide light and energy for those who were also seeking peace and harmony. The Sun was unstable on its own, so Sinos sacrificed himself to pilot his new creation for as long as possible.

Many enjoyed the change of pace and decided to adapt to this new, simple way of life. Others, especially the magic-drained and bloodthirsty, were enraged. The Angered, as they were now called, did whatever they could to disturb the peace and upset the new Sun God. Sinos decided that if they were not going to behave, they’d be better off somewhere else. He banished The Angered to the Underside of the planet where they were free to continue wreaking havoc amongst themselves.

Twenty years later, an old warrior named Quemus (one of the Angered) and his son, decided to lead a revolt against the Sun God. He felt Sinos had no right to change the world for his own reasons and banish over half the world population. He also thought Sinos was an arrogant fool for thinking he could be a god. Quemus was a man filled with eternal hatred and rage and wanted nothing other than to see the death of Sinos and the destruction of his silly star.

Quemus, Jr. was loyal to his father but felt Sinos had some good ideas. He also felt cheated by Sinos, he was one of the last necromancers and his power was partially drained. He decided to go along with his father’s endeavors. The two led a huge army back to the Upside to challenge Sinos the Sun God. This infuriated Sinos, and as a punishment created another β€œsuper ball”, The Moon, to hover above the Underside and be piloted by his sick wife whose human body was fading anyway. This only made The Angered more upset and escalated their attack. It was one versus thousands and the Angered were still outmatched by the Sun God’s waves of solar fire. The plan would have been a complete bust had Quemus, Jr. not been there to continuously resurrect fallen soldiers and his general father.

Sinos’ biggest mistake was deciding to fight honorably. Sinos was a wizard, not a close-combat fighter. Quemus realized this and when he got close enough, he challenged Sinos to a sword fight. Quemus managed to disarm him and then struck him with his own Solar Blade, a killing blow. The Sun began to fade. Quemus was, for the first time in years, happy. His son, however, felt somebody should take over for Sinos and volunteered to be the Sun God. An argument erupted between the two and In a fit of rage the son killed the father. A true crime of passion. Quemus, Jr. put on the armor and became the new Sun God. It wasn’t until a bit later he realized the error in killing his father. To make it up to him, he swore on his life to do anything in his power to make Sinos’ relatives suffer.

Quemus, Jr. is the current Sun God.



This role play takes place on Flat Earth.

The Upside: The Sun shines 24/7 on this side of the earth. Flat Earth does not rotate and the Sun is always at a fixed position west of the world. The further east one travels, the less sunlight in the area; the furthest point seems like dusk. This side is the more civilized and tame of the two. [Click for map]

The Underside: The Moon shines 24/7 on this side of the earth. It is always night time here. It is a more hostile environment with unforgiving terrain. The further west one travels, the brighter it becomes. The area closest to the moon has the most light, and so it is only fitting that this area serves as an oasis in the world of darkness and danger. Much of this side is uncharted and home to the beastly and sinister. The Moon is not as powerful as the Sun and much of the Underside is in complete darkness. [Click for map]

*Note: although it resembles the real Moon, The Moon in this fantasy appears more like a less-powerful Sun. It gives off little light and even littler heat.
It is possible to travel between the two sides. There's the hard and borderline-suicidal way, traveling by a river that runs off the side of the earth. Then, there's the easier (yet still hard) alternative. The Great Rift is a huge tunnel in the ground that serves as a passageway between the two sides. Also, the maps do not show all villages.

Sinopia is a medium-sized village located on a desert plain.


For this role play to work we'll probably need at least three or four main characters (villagers) to embark on the quest. The more the merrier within reason. Other characters/villains will be created as needed and can be played by whoever. This and other stuff can be discussed at the OOC board.

(RP Icon picture was taken by NASA but is not affiliated with this roleplay)

Toggle Rules

  1. No God-modding.
  2. Non-human characters need not apply unless it is for a villain/non-main character that has been discussed in the OOC.
  3. Also, this is a fantasy setting with, aside from a few mechanical elements, almost no modern technology. Please design your character to match such a setting. No space ships, mechs, plasma rifles, Escalades, etc.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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Kiella resisted the urge to chuckle at Danjus's proclamation about getting himself some magic. Truthfully, she didn't know most of the theory behind it; her learning process had been an amalgamation of half-remembered fragments from her early life and Adja's basic lessons. The rest, she had sort of felt out on her own. Sometimes, she thought she was missing things, but then there was no way to know, and she didn't wish to dwell overly upon it.

Lucas's compliment, she took with a self-conscious smile. Magic had been a part of her for as long as she could remember; she did not think there was anything particularly impressive about it, and thus it was probably the lack of such people in Sinopia, nothing more or less than that. His speculation on the reactions of his sister, she did not address. Kiella over the last few days had become quite certain that Lucas possessed no knowledge of what had transpired amongst the Ciro, and Lucina had made no move to tell him. This wore on the healer a bit; there was no way to move past such a psychological wound if one kept it firmly contained like that. She would know.

Johnis's hand found her shoulder, then, and she started sharply, forcing the quick smile onto her face when she realized it was him. He spoke to her in low tones, and Kiella's eyes went wide for a moment before she shook her head emphatically. He frowned and spoke again, gesturing to the other two, and she sighed, following the line of his hand with her eyes, and bowed her head in acknowledgment.

"Johnis says we are fee to look through the caravan's supplies and take anything that we find useful. I've never met someone who makes finer arrows than a caravaner does, and there are other kinds of weapons and equipment besides. Teo has extra swords and shields, and there's bound to be a spare bow if you'd like one, Lucas. Would the two of you like to take a look?"

Without really waiting for an answer, Kiella stood, dusting herself off and retrieving her hooded cloak from where she'd left it earlier. Settling it about her shoulders, she led the way to one of the supply wagons in the back, opening the door and stepping up and inside it. There were indeed a number of weapons here; it was not uncommon for people in this line of work to run into bandits or Rufjik, after all, and every one of them knew how to use a weapon of some kind. She herself was hoping to find another long knife to replace the one she had left in Fridana, but whether they would have one on hand remained to be seen.


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Luce took solace in the tedious work that was sewing. With each delicate yet swift motion of her hand, the piece was coming together. Soft music was drifting through the air from the the caravaner's camp. Between the sewing and the music, she found herself in a trance, focusing only on that before her.

Tarik's sudden appearance startled her. At the sound of his voice, she lifted her eyes to his, ceasing her hands. The shock that he was actually speaking directly to her, caused her to to simply stare at up at him for a moment. Amused, she wondered if this is how the group felt when she spoke. His words began to sink in. Lucina started to speak a clever, evasive answer, but the words caught in her throat. Tarik was a stranger to her, why should she have an emotional discussion with him or why would he even trouble himself with her issues? Searching for answers in his blue eyes, she let out a heavy sigh and sank in defeat. She let her head rest back on the rock's surface behind her.

Still looking up to keep his stare, she spoke flatly with growing anger, "What happened in Fridana was no different than what happenes repeatedly in Sinopia. Only in Sinopia the victims are woman and children and fathers and mothers. He was nothing. Nothing but a fool who worshiped the cause of Sinopia's heartache and despair..." She trailed off, breaking their stare. She assumed when they left Fridana that Tarik had been aware of what she had done to their high priest, it just dawned on her that this might not be so. Either way, he was likely piecing it together now.

With a soft gesture of her head, she motioned for him to sit beside her atop the cool sand. The twin diverted her eyes to her hands that were ringing in her lap. "This mission... This quest to kill the sun. It may sound ridiculous to you. It may very well be impossible and it might very well lead to our deaths," referring more to her brother and Danjus and herself," But I have to try. I have to at least attempt to rectify this incredible wrong that has been done towards my people." Once the words began to flow, she found it easy to pour it all to this stranger. "Lucas lost his wife and children, we both lost our father and yet our story is a tear in the river amongst the others of the village. There has to be a way to stop it. Back in Fridana... It's just this anger builds in me. Seeing how those people praised the one thing I hate... I just couldn't bare it and I know what I done was wrong and I shouldn't judge a person for their beliefs but... It's like I couldn't control it. It felt like a greater force was moving me to do what needed to be done." She paused and ran her fingers through the roots of her hair, "I feel like it's up to me. I'm no great warrior by far, but I feel like something is pushing me to see this through."

Lucina turned her face toward him, meeting his eyes once again. Tarik had yet to speak, likely because she was speaking so quickly that she could barely get a breath in. Luce did not expect him to understand and did not want his pity, mostly she just wanted some kind of reassurance that she wasn't crazy, or at the very least that he did not think so. Though her eyes were glossy, her face shown determination and sincerity. " I don't know your motives behind allowing us to trail along with you thus far, or if you even have any. I do not know if you will decide to stay with us when the time comes to part ways but... Thank you."

Returning her eyes to her lap, she waiting for his response, if he was going to give any. She realized she had said a lot, much more than she wanted to, but yet just a fraction of what ran through her mind frequently.


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#, as written by Circus
Tarik had listened carefully to Lucina pour out her feelings of anger and sadness. They were feelings he was not a stranger to. She was obviously confused and upset , some memories of the past haunting her, especially of Sinopia.

Firstly, "Lucina, no life is meaningless. Understand that he was not 'nothing', just like the lives of your fellow Sinopians, your brother or yourself. Maybe that man needed to die, maybe he didn't. I've no place to say. However, you have to move past it, move past the deaths of your family, the deaths of the people you will kill in the future, and press forward toward your own goals and objectives, but not for revenge. That hate you feel will corrupt and destroy you and everything you hold dear to you."

He looked towards the Sun across the desert. "I've ended countless lives, Lucina. It is something I will never get used to. But it is all so I can free my people of their wretched, endless curse. That is why I go to the Underside, to liberate them. I will kill again, not from hate, but for my people." Tarik stood silent for a moment, recalling the faces of his people, their sadness. It motivated him and keeps him pushing forward.

"I hope you understand. Do not lose yourself, Lucina." The traveler turned heel and followed his tracks back to the caravan.

He surrounded himself with the group and addressed them. "I need to make a stop before we head to the Rift. I need to go home on Mt. Persimmon."


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#, as written by cjeap
β€œMuch appreciated.” Danjus noddedn He had no idea what to expect in the days to come, but it was best to take advantage of any supplies that were offered. He moseyed on over to the other caravaners to see what was offered. He picked out a small bundle of fruit and bread before heading over to Teo at Tarik’s suggestion.

β€œTarik mentioned swords,” He began, walking up to Teo. β€œI know you’ve got quite a few swords and I was wondering if you’ve got any spares.” Danjus was introduced to a large collection of swords, all of different sizes, shapes, and varieties in the back of one of the carts. β€œYou’ve got quite the collection here,” he remarked, clearly impressed. One particular sword in the back caught his attention. β€œYou’re not using this one, are you?” he asked, picking it up and unsheathing it. It looked old, beaten, and slightly bent. The pommel wasn’t the greatest and part of the guard was chipped. He reckoned it couldn’t be swallowed. The point was still sharp though, and the metal looked sturdy but no longer pristine. β€œIf you don’t mind, I would like this one.” It was a light one-hander, which was good since Danjus wasn’t sure if he wanted to get rid of his polearm just yet. He thanked Teo and reported back to his group.

β€œMt. Persimmon?” Danjus replied to Tarik’s request. β€œI don’t know where we are, but that seems kind of far.”


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Kiella emerged from the caravan, now a good deal more heavily armed than she had been before. A set of ten silvery throwing knives had found their way onto her belt, as had a pair of sharp and wickedly curved blades resembling the one she had lost in Fridana. These were both made of obsidian, and of unequal lengths. She was surprised the caravan still contained them; they were relics from an old act of hers. Designed to be weapons, they were nevertheless useful for a pyrotechnics display because obsidian was a volcanic glass or extraordinary density and hardness rather than a metal that would heat quickly and run the risk of burning her. Yet another blade was tucked into the sheath at her thigh, and her old utility knife had not left her. She was actually a tad uncomfortable being this armed, but her cloak hid everything well enough.

She found the others in enough time to hear Tarik mention Mt. Persimmon, and her eyes instinctively flicked in the direction she knew the mountain to be. Kiella had not visited the mountain itself, but she had passed by it enough times to know of its location. She was unsure what business Tarik would have there, but if it was indeed his homeland, she wasn't going to say no to a visit. It was not as though the group was on a timetable or anything; the Sun wasn't going anywhere on its own, after all, and truth be told, she was not all that eager to visit the Underside quite yet. Her reception there was always... strange, to say the least.

"Very well," she replied lightly, nodding. "If you think it important, I will not protest." She did not believe Tarik to be the sort of person who would stop home for sentimental reasons alone, or needlessly delay the group for his own benefit. In fact, he struck her as a very efficient, practical sort, and she was willing to trust him on this, whatever his reasons might be.


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Tarik’s and Luce’s stories sounded alike in ways. Both with cursed people who was in need of salvation from their persecutors. Both were and are willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that it stops so their people can live their lives without suffering. Perhaps Tarik would have a future after he reached his goals. Perhaps he would go home to a family or start one. Luce did not have these aspirations. Her soul goal was to end the Sun and his fury on Sinopia at all costs.

Luce found it easy to kill from hate. Her people were so caring and loving, hate didn’t live in their hearts. Take Danjus and Lucas for example. They carry on with smiles on their faces despite hurt and abuse from a angry God. This was a true Sinopian. Fear of loosing herself was nonexistent to Luce. Loss was her life. If one girl from Sinopia took all the built up hate that her people have been ignoring for so long and took it to rid them of the one thing that tore their lives apart, then so be it.

The female twin considered herself a fair trade in hopes that Sinopia can have a chance to thrive and become a great village. She doubted she would be there to enjoy it, but she was unsure that after such a feat, she would be capable of a normal life, whatever that was.

None of these thoughts were spoken, she simply watched Tarik walk back to the caravan. She would kill again as well, from hate. The hate that her people pushed from their hearts in order to attempt to live the best they could.

Once Tarik was out of sight, she just sighed and looked to the Sun. β€œSoon,” she whispered. β€œSoon.” Luce busied herself with finishing her clothing. It was duel layered pants and shirt with long sleeves. She figured this would be to necessary for the Underside. Plus she was sick of wearing dresses and being ladylike. If she was going to battle against the Sun, it seemed like being ladylike was out the window.


The male twin had been wondering around the caravan., speaking to members of the circus. He watched with fascination at their remarkable skills, unlike anything he had seen. Many shared stories of their travels and people they have encountered, both on the Upside and Underside. Some taught him songs that made him smile, some that heated his cheeks and made him laugh. He even got a closer look at Kiella’s tree, daring to touch it. Honestly he had never seen ice before.

Eventually he found himself at the weapons wagon with one half of his group. He wasn’t sure where either Tarik or Luce was and that raised suspicion. Danjus distracted him of this thought with his new sword and Kiella with her small arsenal. He raised his eyebrows to her and whistled then said with a smile, β€œI’d hate to cross you milady.”

Lucas did not take any weapons for himself, just a few more arrows, enough to fill both his and Luce’s quiver to capacity. He thanked Teo, mentally noting to give the circus members some of the gold from Luce’s earlier attire. The twins really did not have a need for it and it was unnecessary weight to burden them throughout their journey.

Shortly after, Tarik had returned and announced he intended to visit him homeland. Lucas did not have any problems with that. Anything to distract Danjus and Lucina from this crazy mission, he was in favor of wholeheartedly. Plus he was curious to see where Tarik was from and what his people were like. He nodded in agreement with Kiella, β€œOf course Tarik. We’d be more than happy to visit your homeland.” he said, taking it upon himself to speak for Luce.

The twin looked to the others, β€œI say we get some rest and start fresh in a few hours.” With that, he sought out Johnis to thank him again for a fine super and entertainment. Afterwards, he finally found Luce, curdled up in ball not to far from the camp. He plopped down near her and soon was ready to nod off himself.


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#, as written by cjeap
With the sand all but brushed away, the team found themselves walking on dry, cracked, desert plain. And in the distance was a massive hole in the ground, stretching several miles wide in every direction, encircled by a manmade ring of raised concrete littered with watchtowers reaching into the sky. The ground around it was almost pitch black as if an explosion had been set off, ruining what little life could have existed beforehand. The hole could in no way have been formed naturally, and from looking in, it was clear that somebody or something had great interest in digging through the planet.


The rift is a patrolled space. Men, knights of the ruling kingdom, in full plate armor loiter about with lances, swords, and other instruments of the sort. Posted at the top window in every tower is a wizard dressed in traditional Upsidian battle robes. The towers have not aged well, they’ve begun to crack from the ground up. The infrastructure is failing, debris and bone are scattered about the site. Despite the seemingly poor upkeep, this checkpoint is the only line of defense keeping any hostile entities from entering the Upside.


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#, as written by cjeap
It would appear that the arduous trek across the endless desert had paid off, for in the distance Danjus spotted the unmistakable landmark, regardless of having never visited it before. β€œIs that?-” He stopped, squinted his eyes and stared directly ahead.

β€œIt is... it has to be,” he muttered. β€œWe’ve made it.”

He turned around and faced his team with a huge grin plastered on his now-bearded face. β€œWe’ve made it! We’re here!” He broke out in laughter. The physical exhaustion, the burning, almost numbing sensation in his feet and legs no longer mattered; The risk had been worth it. β€œLet us go,” he egged. Feeling a sudden burst of energy, he darted towards the site.

The distance to the rift was longer than he first thought, he arrived walking and was again out of energy. He stood before the ring’s steps, looking up and taking in the sight. The stairs, as big as they were, seemed like an afterthought, crudely put together from leftover concrete. He hesitated at first, fearing it’d all crumble any second, but the thought passed quickly enough. After all, several travelers, even Kiella had probably went this route before. The setup proved to be quite sturdy and his ascent was smooth. It was a short climb, two stories max.

At the top, he was greeted coldly by two guards. The armored folks milling about didn’t seem too thrilled about their job. About half appeared stern and focused while the others, further away from the rift were goofing off and idly chatting (or harassing the travellers). Despite the heavy guard presence, the ring, from what he could see, had a small town charm. The place had a few shacks and shelters scattered about with travellers of all kinds walking in and out, a small bazaar was set up and first aid stations were within easy access. While nowhere near as dense in population as Fridana, some life up at the ring was evident.


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Kiella had long since fallen back into the steady rhythm of road travel, as familiar as the path itself. Their goodbyes to the group of caravaners had been a number of days ago now, and in the intervening time, Tarik had left to take care of something. She knew not if he would be back, but she hoped so. His departure had left her the informal leader of the group, at least in terms of navigation, and she was not sure it was a position she was comfortable with.

Still, for the sake of the others, she would do her best. Though she had walked this road so many times in the past- too many to count- she was somehow suddenly afraid that she would lose her way. Perhaps this was due to the importance of what she was really doing this time. Perhaps it was a fear of failing people who were trusting her. Maybe it was a combination of the two. Either way, there was an almost-tangible weight on her shoulders now, and though she bore it with a smile, it unsettled her.

When they approached the rift itself, she let out a quiet sigh of relief, shooting a glance behind her at the others. "If there's anything you still need to procure, this is your last chance for a while," she pointed out. Granted, Johnis and her old compatriots had sent them off with as much food, water, and weaponry as they wished to carry, so they were in no danger of running out for now.

She put on a bright grin as they approached the guards that were actually on duty. "Good day, Rabastan, Malik," she greeted the pair in front of the Rift entrance, and the unfriendly-looking men both gave her nods of courteous acknowledgement. She had passed this way so many times that she was at the very least on a first-name basis with half the garrison, something she hoped would help smooth the process a little bit.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lucina of Sinopia
Character Portrait: Lucas of Sinopia
Character Portrait: The Sun
Character Portrait: Tarik Neferi
Character Portrait: Danjus
Character Portrait: Belladonna


Character Portrait: Belladonna

A girl whose very name is poison.

Character Portrait: Danjus

A man with a love for his village

Character Portrait: Tarik Neferi
Tarik Neferi


Character Portrait: The Sun
The Sun

Quemus Jr. the second Sun God

Character Portrait: Lucas of Sinopia
Lucas of Sinopia

Twin brother of Lucina

Character Portrait: Lucina of Sinopia
Lucina of Sinopia

Twin sister of Lucas


Character Portrait: Lucina of Sinopia
Lucina of Sinopia

Twin sister of Lucas

Character Portrait: Danjus

A man with a love for his village

Character Portrait: Belladonna

A girl whose very name is poison.

Character Portrait: The Sun
The Sun

Quemus Jr. the second Sun God

Character Portrait: Tarik Neferi
Tarik Neferi


Character Portrait: Lucas of Sinopia
Lucas of Sinopia

Twin brother of Lucina

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Danjus

A man with a love for his village

Character Portrait: Lucas of Sinopia
Lucas of Sinopia

Twin brother of Lucina

Character Portrait: The Sun
The Sun

Quemus Jr. the second Sun God

Character Portrait: Lucina of Sinopia
Lucina of Sinopia

Twin sister of Lucas

Character Portrait: Tarik Neferi
Tarik Neferi


Character Portrait: Belladonna

A girl whose very name is poison.

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Most recent OOC posts in The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury

Re: [OOC] The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury [Open]

Ha, yes, the plot might be slightly too epic for two characters lol. Still, I can wait. (^_^)

Re: [OOC] The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury [Open]

Well It'd be best to wait and see if she's still in. I'm always down to play, but, with only two people...

Re: [OOC] The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury [Open]

Wish I knew. I PM'ed Gracie, but she has not said anything on the subject, so... GM's choice, I suppose. o.e

Re: [OOC] The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury [Open]

Alright, I've finally posted. Sorry about that.
So they've finally arrived at the Rift. I'm picturing the place as like... a Greyhound station if it were a very small town and full of guards, all around the ring.

Re: [OOC] The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury [Open]

That's all right; I quite understand what it feels like to be under that particular ton of bricks.

Re: [OOC] The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury [Open]

And it didn't... which kind of sucks. I'll still keep my eyes open for new people, though, and the topic is still up.
And I'm about to post a short intro/change of setting to the rift, and then I'll aim to post again in character tomorrow. I wrote it as if they see the rift in the distance but they are not yet up close.

Edit: School's delivering a beat down, might be a couple days before my next post.

Re: [OOC] The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury [Open]

Good point, I'll see if I can throw up a new Roleplayers Wanted topic. We could probably benefit from another player.

And it's up: help-wanted-destroying-the-sun-t55519.html
I'd like to start again by next Monday, so that's when I should have my post up. But I'm flexible, in case interest rises or something.

Re: [OOC] The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury [Open]

Just a thought ... Maybe you could open the RP back up in hopes of attracting a few other players into the mix. Possibly some people/creatures from the underside or the rift to throw into the mix. Especially since we are currently down a man.


Re: [OOC] The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury [Open]

That's my hope. I'll get on that soon.

Re: [OOC] The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury [Open]

Works for me; if you wanna throw up a post to that effect, we might be able to get this thingy kickstarted again!

Re: [OOC] The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury [Open]

I also came up with an idea on dealing with this. We could do a time skip to where we are already at the Rift. The group would have already traveled to Mt. Persimmon, and then Tarik would've stayed at the volcano and told them he would catch up later.

Re: [OOC] The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury [Open]

Also, if he doesn't show up within the next couple weeks, it may be best to keep going. He hasn't been on in almost a month, and I have no idea why. There's no rush to jump ahead right now, but eventually...

Re: [OOC] The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury [Open]

Yeah, I'm good to go also. I'll append the farewells to the first post I make in the next event.

Re: [OOC] The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury [Open]

My characters are at a stand still for the 'night'. They'll be ready when ever Tarik gives the word that it's time to go, after saying good bye to the Circus Folk, of course. :)

Re: [OOC] The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury [Open]

Hmm, haven't heard from Circus in a minute. Guess we're just waiting it out for the moment.

Re: [OOC] The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury [Open]

Yeah, we can get things rolling again. It looks like it's about to be Circus' event, I'll give him a chance to post and then we should probably start wrapping it up.

Re: [OOC] The Earthen Plane: Sun of Fury [Open]

Yay! Glad to hear it. Being sick is the pits. (>.<)