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"You will regret the day you double-crossed me." (Work In Progress)

0 · 421 views · located in The Guardian Institute

a character in “The Guardian Institute”, as played by Vix



Full Name
“My name...? Astrid. There are no middle or last names where I come from.”

“My name is already pretty short, but people call me Sweets a lot. Or Mom. Princess is befitting as well.”

“Mother Nature. Its...fitting.”

“Delightfully twenty. Graduating this year.”

Birth Date
“There aren't really months or days like Monday or Tuesday where I come from. We count by seasons days. So, my Guardian and I have decided to celebrate my birthday on March 20th – That's the Spring Equinox. That is approximately when my true birth date is.”

“I didn't live in a town. I lived in Avalon. Its an entirely other dimension.”

“...Not that it is the business of the school's, but I am Pansexual. In my dimension, our females could reproduce asexually or with males. So...Not really a lot of gender discrimination there.”

“I'm a Faerie. Big surprise!”


“The teachers call it Faerie Physiology. Or something like that. Okay, where do I start...?”
✯Empathy (Unique)“I can see, read, and manipulate Auras. What are Auras you ask? Its a light that glows around people, the color basing upon their mood. Don't confuse my natural glow with an Aura, though. As mentioned, that's just a species thing. Drawbacks is that if I actually happen to be in an extreme mood, whether its happy or angry or depressed, it will roll off of me and affect everyone else so they feel what I feel. And if I don't pay attention, people in their extreme moods can affect mine.”
✯Dimension Creation and Transportation (Unique)“So, right now you're probably thinking this means that I can create entire worlds and travel to any dimensional plane that I want. Well, you're stupid and I'm sorry that you lack the brain cells to comprehend. So pay close attention. I can create a dimension that is something like Avalon, but on a smaller scale. Largest that I can make is probably the size of...Well, a small town. I control everything in that dimension and I can go to it whenever I want to and take whoever I want with me. This power isn't actually common among all Faeries. Just the Faeries of royal blood. Unfortunately, its an exhausting feat and not something that I do on a daily, weekly, monthly, or even yearly basis. I have done it once. And that was to create my "room" at Guardian Institute.”
Glowing (Species) - “Let's start with the fact that I glow. My glow tends to show my emotions. I've learned to control it most of the time so it stays a steady golden glow. I can't really help that – Its more of a species thing than it is a power. I can turn it off, but I have to really concentrate and not get too emotional when I'm among humans or it reappears.”
✯Flight (Species) - “I can fly. My wings manifest when I want them to, so that kind of makes blending in easy. I can reach 100mph when I'm flying and as you can imagine, create really strong wind gusts. And because my wings, despite their small size and flimsy appearance, are extremely strong, I do not have hollow bones, contrary to popular belief.”
✯Shrinking (Species)“You know how you read those children's books that descibe Faeries as about the size of an adult human's pinky finger? Yeah, well I can shrink down to that size. Great for stealth. Gathering intel and whatnot.”
✯Telepathy (Species)“Where I come from, nobody actually...talks. Unless we're singing. We communicate through sending messages via telepathy and reading the minds of others. Its safe to say that nobody really lies where I come from – Its futile. Drawbacks? I can't always control it and when I wake up, its like the world is screaming in my ears.”
✯Telekinesis (Species)“I cannot lift a truck with my mind. Stupid. But I can move it around a little, if that helps. I can lift, throw, and generally move around things up to three hundred pounds with my mind. Epicsauce, I know. When it comes to larger things or multiple things that go over three hundred pounds...Well. I can push them around a little bit. Knock them over or something. Honestly, even three hundred pounds is a bit of a strain for me. I usually just use my telekinesis to write notes when I don't feel like moving my hand around so much. Or rearranging my room.”
✯Ecopathy (Species)“This is the good stuff. Okay – Where I come from, there are four types of Faeries. Light Faeries, Shadow Faeries, Element Faeries, and Nature Faeries. Nature Fae, obviously, are masters of nature. Not elements. There's a difference. We control plants, animals, and weather. Hence, my Codename being Mother Nature. Communicating with animals, shifting into them, getting along better with them, controlling them, changing the weather, controlling and manipulating and generating plants. Its my thing. Extreme weather doesn't bother me. Drawback? I'm not Storm. This isn't X-Men. I am not immune to lightning or electricity shocks. So I tend to try and avoid those. I also tend to keep my moods at about fives. Because the weather tends to shift on mood. That's why I'm so chill.”
✯Faerie Conditions (Species)“I do not have superhuman strength. Or speed. Well, I have superhuman speed when I fly. But, I have beyond human reflexes, senses, agility, and endurance. I heal rapidly. Not like instantly, but a broken leg would heal in about two or three days rather than a month or two. Cuts heal instantly. Scrapes, bruises, sprains. That stuff. Other than that, I'm immortal. I stopped aging when I turned twenty and I cannot die from diseases, nor can I even catch a disease or illness. Humans are so...frail. It amuses me how they portray Faeries as weak and use our name to tease men.

✯Fire - “Well, for starters, fire is a big weakness of mine. Animals don't like fire, plants don't like fire. I don't like fire. Fire and I don't get along really well when its uncontrolled. I use it only for cooking. And campfires. Oh – Also, I cannot heal from fire. My burns heal much slower than a human's, actually.”
✯Fatal Wounds - Fatal wounds are also a weakness. If I'm bleeding out too fast like from a bullet wound, that won't heal. My healing system pretty much says fuck it and shuts down.”
✯Aluminum - Then you have my aluminum allergy. The damn stuff makes me break out in hives and shuts down my powers. Don't know why, don't care, don't like it. I need to use gloves to handle it. It cannot ever touch my flesh.”
✯Over Emotional People - Then you have the whole overwhelming thoughts and emotions issue. I hate people who are over dramatic and people who think really loud when they peak in emotions. Did you know that when you think when you're excited, your body actually attempts telepathy. Seeing as a lot of people aren't actually capable of reading minds, you're pretty much screaming in your head. For me? I hear it all and its fucking annoying.”
✯FightingI'm strong. I mean, I do work out but my workouts are yoga, dancing, and extreme parkour. I don't box, do Muay Thai, or Karate or anything. I don't know why, but punching and kicking just seem so...ech. If I shift into a tiger, I'm literally an animal. I'm savage. But in my human form...Its just. I don't know. I don't like hitting people.”
✯Animal FormsI'm still working on this one here. I can turn into any animal on earth that you can imagine. What's the issue? I take on their predatory instincts and I have to battle to take control and assert my mindset over theirs. I could lose control and kill someone, so I cannot shift into any animal in a situation of panic. At least not yet.”

“Where do I start?”
✯The Arts“I'm a Faerie. Cliche, but I'm excellent when it comes to painting, drawing, acting, poetry, writing lyrics, singing, dancing, and playing instruments. Though, I can only play the piano, guitar, and violin. I'm inspired by many things that I see and feel. Not to mention my acting skills. I can move a crowd in a way that none other can! Sometimes I do cheat and use my Empathy a bit when there's that one person in the audience that refuses to cry even for the most tragic scene.”
✯Food“I'm a Foodie. I can cook just about anything and I love doing it. I may or may not eat more than the average person. Especially sweets. Words cannot express how much I love baking! I can identify most ingredients in a dish from a couple of bites. Not all – I'm slowly getting there, though. Considering how much and how fast I eat food, you don't want to challenge me to an eating contest.”
✯Languages“I am fluent in Faeli, English, Spanish, Old Latin, Portuguese, Italian, and Greek.”
✯Stealth and Espionage“Considering the fact that I read minds and can shrink down enough to fit in your hand, I'd say that I'm an excellent candidate for being a spy. I can get information that others cannot and I'm very good at infiltration.”
✯Acrobatics and Parkour“I've got amazing dexerity and the flexibility of a contortionist and I enjoy doing parkour. So sue me. Its great to use in battle while retreating or for use in getting into places unseen.”
✯Varma Kalai“Since I abhor punching and kicking, I have head the pleasure of being taught by my Guardian a form of Martial Arts called Varma Kalai. I'm not sure how it works on other species, but for humans, its very effective. I need only use two fingers or even one to hit pressure points to temporarily paralyze their nerves and disable their motor abilities.”

✯Animals - “If it isn't already a given, I like animals. I have many pets that I keep around.
✯Nature - “I also love nature. Everything about it is beauty, even when she is most angry. My love for nature may be a bit biased considering my affinity, but what's it to you, really?
✯Food - “I love good food. Mmm – Especially Greek and anything Oriental. Cooking it and eating it! It just fills me with so much joy.
✯Music - “I prefer instrumental, house dance, techno, dubstep, and a few pop songs. Oh, and country music! Of course, I love singing! I have an amazing voice, so why not?
✯Writing“Whether I'm writing new lyrics, in my diary, or even a new poem. I love writing. Except I don't always do it by hand. I'm really good at it. A true Laureate! Or so says the Literature Professors.
✯Acting“Head of the school's Drama Club right here. I'm the best actress they have here and the best singer to boot. Its no mystery why I always get the lead in the performances. Be jealous.
✯Working out“My workout is yoga, parkour, dancing, and practicing my Varma Kalai. Its a great stress reliever and keeps me in shape and at the top of the class.

✯Fire - “I don't like fire. But that's an obvious thing, isn't it?”
✯Treated as a child - “I also hate being treated like a child because I appear so young.”
✯Assumed weak - “I fucking hate being assumed as weak. People greatly underestimate me and it is one of the gravest mistakes they can and ever will make in their lives.”
✯Babies - “I also don't like human babies. Why are humans born so stupid? Where I am from, newborns do not need to be taught speech. It is knowledge we are born with and instead of crying endlessly while people fret over the reason, they communicate via telepathy what they are feeling and needing. Human babies just cry and cry and cry. I hate it. And their thoughts are always gibberish and they can't remember anything for shit.”
✯Forgetful people - “Which brings me to my dislike for people that are forgetful. Especially when they tend to forget important information all the time. I don't mind people who forget things sometimes, but when its something about you that stands out, I don't like it.”
✯Fast Food - “And. I hate fast food. Yup. I live in America and I fucking hate McDonald's. I hate Burger King. I hate Wendy's. All of them. And I hate most of all people who think they can get by in life by being uselessly attractive and rich. Money and looks are not everything.”

“I can't really describe myself, so gave you a list and you can figure it out for yourself.”

“I hate to sound cliché, but I come from a magical land called Avalon. Our dimension was once on an entirely other plane from yours. I was born into a royal family, destined to be an Empress one day. All that good stuff. But...We made a sad mistake one day. Letting other people in. Usually, we kept to ourselves and did not often cross dimensions for any reason. But we let in some aliens. Not humans, but I knew not what they were called. They began to kill everyone, attempting to take over our world. We had been fools to be intrigued with being unable to read their thoughts! But, without the Faerie Royalty to keep the world they created stable, it began to unravel and collapse. My mother opened a doorway that lead to your dimension and shoved me through it.

I was alone and scared and only seven years old. I was found by a man that wasn't quite human. He knew my family from centuries ago and he could smell the bloodline within me. He asked me what happened....So I told him. And he then swore to forever protect me with his life. He took a Guardian Oath, binding us together forever. After that, we wandered for a while and he taught me everything that he knew. I picked up on as much of it as I could. Since I was seven, I was pretty easy to teach. I was actually thirteen when A.N.G.E.L. found us and invited us to their school. And...We've been here ever since. I apologize if my story is summarized....I don't like talking about my past.”

“I think I covered everything. Except maybe that whenever I walk barefoot, small wildflowers pop up with each lift of my foot. Yay for being a cliché!”

So begins...

Astrid's Story