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The Haunting of Whispering Oaks

The Haunting of Whispering Oaks


Whispering Oaks is magical. And not the good kind. Will you survive or die? ~All slots full~

2,912 readers have visited The Haunting of Whispering Oaks since Sullenkiller created it.


History of Whispering Oaks
After the 14th century a battle that was unmarked happened on this ground. Against Portugal and the Spaniards. It is located around the edge of New Mexico. The Manor was built in the late 1800's and was bough by a wealthy couple, Mr. and Mrs. Merkine but when they had a child things went horribly wrong. When the there child, Alexandre saw a man that touched his shoulder he immediatly told his parents who searched the entire residents to find noone. (23 miles long and 14 miles wide.) They thought he was playing a joke and sent him to his room. LAter that evening the child heard evil whispers telling him his parents were going to die if he didn't chop off his fings and feed it to them. He was scared and told his mom. She slapped him and punished for "making up such a awful the story." Later that day the parent s were both found slaughtered in there bed, the maid who heard what Alex had told his mom, she told the authprites and the child was later killed for killing his parents. There were many people saying that he was too young (8) to of done that but the court wouldn't hear. They cleaned up the manner and sold it to another couple who had a kid. The same thing happened only the child actually chopped off her fingers and fed it to the evil creatures. The parents saw and sent her away, claiming she was mental and needed mental help. The hauntings stopped after the child left. When the child died from loos of blood the parents died of heart break and the manor was sold to a man named, Landin Goveiere Kolliner in the early 21st century. He was unmarried and had no clue of the manors history just that there were hidden tunnels underground and that he needed to find them all. But when his neice comes to live with him after her parents got murdered weird things start to happen and it seems that only the children from the Maid, Gardener, Butler, Friends, Landen's, children seem to notice what is happening. Will they survive the terrible fate of this houses past or will they all perish like the other children's history?

Characters Available:
Billionaires Neice: Nomeda Donaldson (Sullenkiller)
Butler's Son: Leon Mclany (JosephEgnar)
Billionaire's Freinds Son: Taylor Brickmore (Sullenkiller)
Maid's Daughter: Missy Hope (CutieLol111)
Gardener's Daughter: Vanessa Klinton (yulia)

Toggle Rules

1. You can cuss.
2. You can have romance.
3. You can kill, but there must be some consequence if its a person.
4. You can't be a one man army.
5. No one sentence posts!
6. For advanced and new roleplayers!
7. For gory funn, Engoy!!

Browse All » 6 Settings to roleplay in

The Manor

The Manor by RolePlayGateway

The mansion has a scarlet red past.

The Living World

The Living World by RolePlayGateway

When you enter the manor, you will be greeted by gold.

The Indoor Pool

The Indoor Pool by RolePlayGateway

Swim, my children. We'll be visiting you tonight.

The Sitting Room

The Sitting Room by RolePlayGateway

We watch from the vents.

Dining Room

Dining Room by RolePlayGateway

Hehe... Check under the table cloth....

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors

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Nomeda elt like a tiny explosin erupted inside of her. Pleasure inhansed as she moaned uncontrolably. She felt Leon release inside of her as he tenderly kissed her, she breathed heavily when they were done. She gave his lips a sweet kiss then lay down beside him on the couch. Her bare skin touched his ashe cradled nto hsi chest.

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Leon kissed Nomeda's head as his heart beat slowed to normal "I could lie here with you like this forever, but I know we can't we have to start preparing for tonight" he said walking to the washroom and putting on fresh boxers and pants he opened the door and his heart sank as he saw a thick heavy fog had consumed their only way out

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Nomeda made her way to her rom. Putting on clean pants and a t-shirt she made her way back down stairs. Looking over his shoulder she saw a thick layer of fog covering the front entrance, it was hard to see past nything but a few feat infront of you. "That doesn't look good.." she mumbled.

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"fairies create fog to isolate confuse and play with their pray" he said taking her hand and leading her up the stairs "we need to fortify the house.don't go anywhere near that fog without" he gave Nomeda her gun and slung a backpack over his shoulder a box of shotgun shells he had packed with silver and iron pellet fell to the ground but the only shotgun in the house was in labdins room he turned to Nomeda and looked in her eyes "stay here please" he said as he left his room and walked to landins opening the door he new what he'd find a body laying there torn to shreds. He couldn't let Nomeda know or let her see.

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Nomeda took in a deep breath and looked at the gun in her hands. She had ever really handed a gun efore and couldn't really see herself using it. She sat on his bed, putting the gun beside her she sat and felt restless for a moment. The faint tap on the window seemed to be getting louder and louder, she conciously checked the clock tha was hanging onhis wall. 1: 37 it read. Even thoughit looked aout to turn night fall.

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The door slammed shut behind Leon and he cursed he grabbed the shot gun and loaded it with a single shell before She materialized she stretched out her hand and arm she caught him by the throat cocking her head she said "silly boy she's ours and you you're mine I marked you remember? I told you I'd make you suffer" she thrust her hand into his abdomen and he felt insects go into his wound he lifted the shotgun and fired she exploded into fine white powder he loaded the shot gun again and kick in the door

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Nomeda's heart leapt inside of her chest when she heard a loud barrel of a gun blow off. Leon! She ran quickly to the door, flinging open the door she looked down the hall frantically. She saw door flung open and saw Leon with a gun in a posture that looked as though he would shoot anything that moved. Realizing she had grabbed the gun. She ran about half way down the hall, "Leon, what happened?" She said when she reached him.

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Leon looked at Nomeda then moved his hand from his stomach the wound was gone closing his eyes and swollowing he wrapped his arms around her and told her to never go in that room. kissing her he said "lets go we have work to do," he removed a chisel and a book from the satchel on his back and began carving runes into the stairs, doors, and floor, he set up bells made of iron and what looked like wind chimes that didnt chime at when the wind blew they were known as fairy charms the would tell when a fairy grew close as well as repel them. he embedded a golden ring into the wood of the door. he turned arounene d to find at what looked like a small child but when leon looked deeper into it.

"What do you want Cloan ny moyrn, child of pride?" leon said grabbing his axe.

the being smiled at him "please that wasnt nessicary call me adhene, and i want to help you." it paused looking at leon "why would a fallen angel offer to help? would it be wise to take its help? is this another trick? my tombs never really said how to fight one his kind. Leon Mclane ive been watching you for years now quietly observing in the name of the selly and the trooping fairy, we can offer several soldiers to fight with you, plus the one who have already been like your banshee and that green knight fellow." it had been a decade since he saw either one of them he didnt even know it the green knight would still fight for him.

leon looked at the adhene "i would be grateful for the assistance but what will this cost me in return? your help is never free"

"you have a relic, a gaunt that completly destroys the creatures it kills.. meaning we could wipe out the entire court of the unseelie, this of course is yours until we defeat those who dwell here."

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Nomeda silently watched Leon carve in ruins with swift and quick ahdns. She stayed quiet, not really knwoing what to say. She had always been a curious child but she knew better then to go in the room Leon told her not to go into. Even if he hadn't told her, she wouldn't of risked it. It gave her a bad feeling in her gut.

Nomeda jumped when she saw a child like figure. Leon quickly wipped around, and as they taled Nomeda became more and more confused. What was this creature? She thought to herself as it said something about a relic. "Wh-what is Adhene talking about?" Nomeda asked, a confused look went across her pale face.

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"the Adhene are... were a band of angels who were cast out because of their pride, but who were not technically evil so they were not sentenced to hell but the mortal plain... but they aren't good...there neutral really..." leon said
the adhene hopped from its chair and looked at Nomeda its white eyes searching her up and down it smiled at her "very ni..." before it could finish its sentence a knight cloaked in green lifted it by the throat "be gone arrogant child" he said as he snapped its neck and dropped its lifeless body as it hit the ground it burst into black flames. "Leon your judgement is clouded, i know you want to protect your damsel but listening to lies will bring her death, i gave you that gauntlet myself told you it was your ancestors" the knight said as he bowed to Nomeda.
"I know Sir Knight" Leon said kneeling. "i can not see as well as i once could"
"Stand battlemage Leon, we were equals you know this, and you are no longer fighting for yourself but the one you love, your status as a hero will be tried in fire before this over." he looked back at Nomeda " I am the Knight of Virtue, but you may know of me as the green knight"

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Nomeda made a frightened inhale when the green knight appeared and snapped the former angels neck. He bowed toward her and she slightly bowed her head, not really knowing what else to do. She stood there, grey eyes wide. Leon kneeled before the kngiht, and suddenly Nomeda thought she should also, but the knight told him to stand. Saying that they were equals. "I am the Knight of Virtue, but may know of me as the green knight." The green knight said, turning to her. "It-it's an honor to meet you." She said, bowing her head again slightly. She felt as though she should do something more, but couldnt really think of anything.

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the green night chuckled a little at nomeda then turned his attention to Leon "you have someone to fight for other then yourself that's enough to cloud even the most hardened mans thoughts, but i have a gift that may make it better" he said and produced a worn leather gauntlet "this is the last of your inheritance, as you right gave you knowledge of defensive spells, rituals, and barriers. your left gives you offensive capabilites as well as the heroes and warriors before you experience. your weapon augments it."
Leon kissed nomeda as the knight threw the gauntlet to him, looking in her eyes he smiled as he said "ill be right back" then slid on the gauntlet. a million images flashed through his head, numerous spells, and countless battles before he passed out the knight caught him and looked at nomeda dont worry m' lady he stands before the council of heroes.
Leon awoke to a seemingly infinite blackness in all direction but this wasnt the first time he had been here. "stand young warrior, our time is short, you stand in the fire that will shape you, you fight a war countless others, a war with too few victories and too many casualties. you will be a victory." a voice said "you now have all of our abilities and knowledge, there is nothing more we can offer you, but, a bit of advise young one trust your instincts do not over think things fore every minute you hesitate the more your enemy will take from you, but do not go in with out thinking... now go they amass to take you by surprise. theyll be on you in ten minutes"

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Nomeda watched in curiosity as the Green Knight announced different abilities that would unlock with the object Leon was about to possess. She was nervous and she didn't know why, a horrible feeling implanted itself in her. She felt warm lips press against hers and the feeling faded. Leon broke away saying, "I'll be right back." He smiled and she noticed he had a gauntlet in his hand. For a moment it looked as though Leon was somewhere completely different then there. He then passed out, she was about to try to catch him when the Green Knight already caught him before she was there. "Don't worry m'lady,Β Β he stands before the Council of Heroes." The Green Knight said towards her. She mouthed "the council of heroes" and repeated it in her head a few more times. She could swear she had heard of that before. She looked down at Leon's unconscious body for a moment, she got down to her own knees. Resting her hands on her knee's she noticed the house's unnerving silence. One could drop a penny and it would be able to echo through out the large manor. "The Council of Heroes, what is that place, exactly?" She asked, the nervous feeling crept its way back inside of her gut. She felt the marble's cold seep through to her shins. She looked up at the Green Knight, hoping he would answer her question.Β 

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The Green Knight stifled and fiddled with the sword β€œall that I can tell you, that he stands before his pantheon of heroes. He now meets with the great man of the past who carried the torch he now carries, I suspect that they are heroes motivated by love and compassion, though that is only speculation on my part.”
Leon stood in a dark room the only light seemed to radiate from robed figures, he looked down feeling unworthy. Something had changed since the last time he stood before these men, he was no longer grey as he was before he now shown as a great beacon of light.
β€œLift your head young hero” of voice said β€œyou are now at the precipice of thy current journey, your actions will dictate whether the darkness shall extinguish your light, or your scorching light shall devour the darkness of this place forever.”
β€œAs with the heroes before you we offer you our experience and knowledge.” another said β€œshould you choose to accept it overwhelming numbers alone cannot hinder you.”
β€œGreat heroes” Leon said β€œ I feel unworthy to hold such great knowledge knowing I have so little to contribute of my own, but I’m not fighting for myself for should I fail it is not only my light that shall be extinguished but that of the one I love. For her sake I shall accept.”

β€œThen it is yours, now we must hurry they prepare to assail you. Farewell young hero who shall speak again. ” they all said in unison as the light faded.
Leon awoke staring into the eyes of the only reason he still fought, as long as she was with him he would fight on, you would like nothing to touch her. He smiled up at her, reaching out and touching her softly he pulled her into a soft warm kiss. Pulling away he smiled and said β€œI told you that I’d be right back” and kissed her again.

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The Manor

The Manor by RolePlayGateway

The mansion has a scarlet red past.

The Living World

The Living World by RolePlayGateway

When you enter the manor, you will be greeted by gold.

The Indoor Pool

The Indoor Pool by RolePlayGateway

Swim, my children. We'll be visiting you tonight.

The Sitting Room

The Sitting Room by RolePlayGateway

We watch from the vents.

Dining Room

Dining Room by RolePlayGateway

Hehe... Check under the table cloth....

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Nomeda Donaldson
Character Portrait: Missy Hope
Character Portrait: Vanessa Klinton
Character Portrait: Leon McLany
Character Portrait: Taylor Brickmore


Character Portrait: Taylor Brickmore
Taylor Brickmore

Billionaire's friend's Son

Character Portrait: Leon McLany
Leon McLany

the son of the butler he beleives that everything in life should be earned with the sweat of ones brow. he can often be found taking care of the grounds or chopping wood

Character Portrait: Missy Hope
Missy Hope

Maid's Daughter

Character Portrait: Nomeda Donaldson
Nomeda Donaldson

Billionaire's Neice


Character Portrait: Nomeda Donaldson
Nomeda Donaldson

Billionaire's Neice

Character Portrait: Taylor Brickmore
Taylor Brickmore

Billionaire's friend's Son

Character Portrait: Missy Hope
Missy Hope

Maid's Daughter

Character Portrait: Leon McLany
Leon McLany

the son of the butler he beleives that everything in life should be earned with the sweat of ones brow. he can often be found taking care of the grounds or chopping wood

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Missy Hope
Missy Hope

Maid's Daughter

Character Portrait: Taylor Brickmore
Taylor Brickmore

Billionaire's friend's Son

Character Portrait: Nomeda Donaldson
Nomeda Donaldson

Billionaire's Neice

Character Portrait: Leon McLany
Leon McLany

the son of the butler he beleives that everything in life should be earned with the sweat of ones brow. he can often be found taking care of the grounds or chopping wood

View All » Places

The Manor

The Manor by RolePlayGateway

The mansion has a scarlet red past.

The Living World

The Living World by RolePlayGateway

When you enter the manor, you will be greeted by gold.

The Indoor Pool

The Indoor Pool by RolePlayGateway

Swim, my children. We'll be visiting you tonight.

The Sitting Room

The Sitting Room by RolePlayGateway

We watch from the vents.

Dining Room

Dining Room by RolePlayGateway

Hehe... Check under the table cloth....

The Indoor Pool

The Manor The Indoor Pool Owner: RolePlayGateway

Swim, my children. We'll be visiting you tonight.

Dining Room

The Manor Dining Room Owner: RolePlayGateway

Hehe... Check under the table cloth....

The Sitting Room

The Manor The Sitting Room Owner: RolePlayGateway

We watch from the vents.

The Living World

The Manor The Living World Owner: RolePlayGateway

When you enter the manor, you will be greeted by gold.

The Manor

The Manor Owner: RolePlayGateway

The mansion has a scarlet red past.

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Re: [OOC] The Haunting of Whispering Oaks

patentially waiting for permission to make the introductery post

Re: [OOC] The Haunting of Whispering Oaks

Would like to reserve the Butler's Son.

Re: [OOC] The Haunting of Whispering Oaks

Can i reserve the Gardener's Daughter?

[OOC] The Haunting of Whispering Oaks

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