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The House

The House


In the middle of an un-named town in the United States, there is a large house. People from across the world and the universe, even across time, gather at this house to make friends and family.

532 readers have visited The House since GeneralKristaff created it.

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In the middle of Everytown, U.S.A., there is a house. The house is painted in bright colors and has a garden in front of it. Cheer and happiness practically ooze from the very boards of the house, and all boarders are welcome...even those from another world or time. Rielle is a pretty young woman who acts as the landlord for the house, and she welcomes anyone who needs a place to stay or someone to talk to.

Characters of every imaginable species and race are allowed in the roleplay, so be free to apply as whoever you want! All applications will be accepted to promote a feeling of openness.

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Rielle looked at the man and smiled, though she was a bit nervous. "Um, I'm terribly sorry sir, but the year is 2010. Not...1888." She looked down at Ali's notepad and patted his head. "This man seems to think that we have a masquerade party tonight. This is the Richter residence, but I had that party a very long time ago." She turned to Maria and nodded curtly. "It's very nice to meet you as well, Maria." She turned back to Jack again, her eyes narrowed a bit. "And you are...?"

((lovechanningforever, please don't control other's characters in your posts. That's god modding, and it's not allowed here. Please only control your character in your posts. God modding is considered rude, and this is your first warning.))

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Jack's gaze shifted back to Rielle as she spoke "Um, I'm terribly sorry sir, but the year is 2010. Not...1888." Upon hearing this, Jack's head pitched forward slightly, an incredulous smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "And you are...?" Rielle's eyes narrowed a little as she made her inquiry.
"Oh, how rude of me not to have introduced myself!" Jack exclaimed his smirk dissolving in embarrassment. "My name is Jack, Jack Turner." He proclaimed, extending his open hand. "A pleasure to make your aquaintance, miss...?"

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Rielle shook his hand, her grip firm. For such a small woman, she had amazing strength. "Rielle von Richter. I own this house and run it as a sort of shelter for those who need a place to stay. Especially those like yourself who are out of their time." She frowned slightly at his smirk, making a note to herself to keep an eye on him. "I assure you that my time frame is correct. I vividly remember throwing that party myself. It was a nice party, but it was over one hundred years ago."

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Jack concealed his surprise of Rielle's handshake, confident and strong with a certain subtlety of caring generosity. The handshake of a lioness. Once she spoke, however, he found himself unable keep his shock a secret. His eyes widened as he repeated "...over one hundred years ago?!" Jack looked around the room again. "What do you mean? I'm out of my time?!"

The brim of Jack's top hat slipped from between his fingers and quietly thudded on the floor. He didn't notice. He looked at Ali and back at Rielle. Paralyzed with uncertainty Jack spoke, doing his best not to sound as though he were making accusations. "Miss Richter, if this is a joke I am not amused."

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Rielle sighed and pushed hair back behind her ear. "I would never joke about something like this, Mr. Turner. This is indeed a grave matter. It seems that my latest experiment may have...uh..." She smiled nervously and shrugged a bit. "I may have accidentally brought you to this time myself." She rubbed her temples. "I knew opening that wormhole was a bad idea..."

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Ali watched as the conversation got even more confusing to him, something about Jack being out of time and Rielle opening a wormhole. He knew that a wornhole was something to do with space, he had to clear something in his head, tapping Rielle's shoulder again hoping he wasn't annoying her. He pointed to Jack then tapped his head to symbolise the word "think(s)" he then pointed to a picture of the house that had the date or 1888.

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Jack slowly knelt down and picked up his hat, dusting it off before hanging it, along with his umbrella, on the coat rack next to the door. "Wormhole?" Jack said quizzically. He shook his head quickly in an attempt to shrug off the daze he found himself in. "I-I'm sure you'd understand if I'm a little awestruck, Miss Richter. Would you mind if I sat down for a spell?"

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Rielle looked back and watched Ali do this. She looked confused and wrinkled her nose. "I'm sorry, dear, but I have no idea what you're talking about." She turned to Jack and smiled warmly. "This is Ali. He's new here just like you, and he's mute." Rielle turned back to Ali and thought about his pantomime again. Her face lit up and she nodded. "Yes...yes, he does think that he's in 1888. That's what you're saying, right, Ali?" She nodded to Jack, a sympathetic smile on her lips. "You may sit down, Mr. Turner. I understand that this may come as a shock, and I apologize."

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Ali nodded enthusiastically clapping his hands the way a child does when they are happy. He sat down in an arm chair rubbing his fingers againsts the soft cloth slowly allthough he was wearing gloves he could still feel the intricate pattern. He kept his notebook close to him on the floor. He watched Jack with huge curiosity like Ali he was different lost in his own way, in his own time rather.

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Rielle smiled at Ali before sitting down next to him and looking at Jack. He was a strange man, that was for sure. But she couldn't get a very good read of him like she could for Ali. At times he seemed gentlemanly and kind, but he seemed antagonistic as well. She sighed and tilted her head back against the couch, staring up at her ceiling. Her life had just gotten a lot more complicated, it seemed.

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Ali also looked up at the celling wondering what Rielle found so interesting, but there was so many interesting things around the room the celling was just a roof type thing, if Ali was honest he didn't really understand what a celling was. He looking as what seemed to be a mamouth's tusk on the table next to him, the tusk itself had been hollowed out and painted on, it looked chineese or japanesse perhaps he wasn't sure picking it up carefull he titled his head to the side curiously.

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Rielle sighed again and turned her head to look at Ali. She saw him pick up the tusk and her eyes widened. "Ah! Be careful with that!" She sat upright and dithered a bit, biting her thumbnail. "That's a magical artifact I picked up in the Orient a while ago. Don't...just be careful with it. If you do the wrong thing it could seriously hurt you." She bit her lip and scooted closer to Ali, ready to snatch the tusk away if something happened.

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Jack, his brain still muddled with confusion, gave a little nod at Ali as Rielle introduced him and mumbled "Hello lad." Having been given permission by Miss Richter, Jack silently walked over to the chair opposite the table of she and Ali.

The young man had taken up a fascination with some trinket on the table. As the hostess began to explain the piece to Ali, Jack drifted off inside his own thoughts. Question after question darted around inside his head. He thought it a good idea to start asking some of them, but before he could, a hint of paranoia crept into his mind. What reason would they have to trick him? Surely it can't be 2010. "Two-thousand-ten." Jack slowly whispered to himself.

Doing his best not to give in to his curiosity he kept to himself and snapped back to reality. There he sat and observed Ali's fiddling with the decorative tusk.

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Ali's eyes widend as Rielle explained about the tusk, that it would hurt him if he did the wrong thing to it. His touch suddenly became delicate and cautious placing the trinket in the exact same spot where he took it from. He scooted closer to Rielle to feeling safe whenever he was near her, picking up his notepad he scrawled something down quickly his hands trembling slightly, mostly in worry as to what would have happened to him.

I'm sorry, i didn't know it looked so pretty i was just carious, curious He checked the note over crossing out the incorrect spelling of the word 'Curious' It wasn't Ali's fault he was like this it was like he was still ten years old but in a 17 year old boys body everything was still new to him. It was like he had shut himself off from everyone for so long he never really grew up mentally. Showing Rielle the note he glanced at the tusk wondering how it would hurt him, perhaps it was some sort of defensive device he made a confused whimper that had a touch of uneasyness to it.

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"It's okay, Ali dear. I understand that you were curious." Rielle smiled at his correct spelling and noticed him glancing at the tusk. She sighed and picked it up gingerly, her fingers delicately turning it. "This is an ancient Chinese weapon. Of course, you couldn't use it since you don't have the training, but it makes me nervous when others touch it." Rielle carefully placed it down on her lap and turned to Jack, her expression shifting to one of worry. "This must be an awful lot to take at once, Mr. Turner. Would you like a cup of chamomile tea? I find that it often soothes me."

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Jack's eyes stayed affixed to the tusk, Rielle's explanation drifted into obscurity after the word "weapon." The masked man pondered to himself the nature of this weapon. It looked to be ceremonial. Then he went on to ponder the meaning of the word itself. Was a weapon anything more than a tool? Certainly a dark and dangerous tool with a dark and dangerous purpose, but as Jack saw it, not everything is so black and white. After all, in a matter of self defense it could prove to be one's savior. Perhaps I tool only becomes a weapon when it's used as one. This internal tangent went on for what felt like a great span of time.

Jack's attention once again came crashing to reality when he heard his own name. "... Mr. Turner. Would you like a cup of chamomile tea? I find that it often soothes me." Rielle offered.
The look of empty contemplation upon his face swiftly transitioned to a polite smile.
"Yes please. That sounds lovely, Miss Richter."

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Ali smiled lightly at Rielle he watched as Jack seemed to have zoned out then come back into the room. He sniffed again as his nose started running slightly, standing up he walked overto the bathroom where he went before grabbing a handfull of toilet paper blowing his nose queitly. Stepping out of the room he paused at a picture on the wall infront of him, it was a tiger of some sort but the strange thing to Ali was that everytime he would move the tiger would move. Shaking his head and rubbing his eyes he looked at the picture again this time the tigers head was face to face with his eyes. Giving a little squeak Ali retreated back to Rielle and Jack his face slightly pale from shock.

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Rielle smiled warmly at Jack as a steaming mug of fragrant chamomile tea appeared in her hands and she gracefully offered it to him. "Please, there is no need to be so formal. Just call me Rielle, Mr. Turner. And you may take off your mask since this is not a masquerade." She chuckled softly and winked at him. "Or maybe it is. You can decide for yourself." With that strange remark she turned to Ali and chuckled again. "Oh dear, Ali, don't be scared by little old Rahjah. He's quite the good kitty. I got his painting from a friend in India and decided to give myself a companion in him. And don't worry about him sneaking up on you, either. I am the only one who can call him, and I usually only do so on cold winter nights when I need something warm and soft by my side." She smiled her warm smile again, trying to dismiss any panic her dear tiger could create.

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Jack accepted the tea and nodded gratefully to Rielle. He was bewildered as to how the tea had come to be there, seemingly pulled from thin air. However Jack stifled his curiosity yet again. Even if there were a way to explain such a happening, he felt that he lacked the ability to comprehend it.

Jack noted Rielle's request and chuckled in kind, but the remark she made after that gave him reason for pause. As she spoke to Ali, he evaluated the room once again. The warmth, the soft furniture, the lighting, it all seemed surreal. Perhaps it was a masquerade of sorts. Moving paintings, time travel, magic tusks, it certainly wasn't a place most would consider normal. Perhaps it was all parlor tricks, smoke and mirrors. He thought it best to discard the thought for now.

Jack took a sip of his tea and followed it with an approving "Mmm!" Making a deliberate effort to be less formal he addressed the generous housekeeper by her first name. "Thank you for the tea, Rielle. It's very good. Oh, and you may call me Jack." He smiled. Then, placing his thumb and middle finger at the corners of his mask, he removed it and sat it down on the table. Behind the mask Jack hid no scars, no disfigurations. In fact, he was rather handsome.

"So, Rielle..." Jack began "I hope you wouldn't think me rude to inquire about a lady's age, but you said you did host this party I was supposed to attend some hundred odd years ago?"

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((Aladdin reference FTW))

Ali smiled back watching with huge interest as Jack removed his mask from his face. He noticed his mostace first which made him reach up to his own face as if thinking about why he hadn't got a mustache. He looked at the mask again tilting his head to the side he scribbled something down this time handing it to Jack.

Why was you wearing a mask?

He was curious as to why Jack would want to hide his face and why people would want to attend parties where you didn't see peoples faces. Ali would feel dreadfully uncomfortable in that kind of situation, Ali liked to see who he was talking too, well writting too.

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Rielle blushed ever so slightly and waved her hand a bit. "Oh, no, really. It's just some herbal tea...Jack." She smiled warmly, but his question about her age made her face fall a bit. "Well, I usually do not divulge my human age, since that became unimportant years ago. But my true age is 20, if you were wondering." She smiled again and ran her fingers across the tusk, making the paint glow faintly before dimming away as she pulled her fingers away. She looked between Jack and Ali and decided to stay silent and let them get acquainted with each other.

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Jack raised an eyebrow to Rielle's mention of her "human age" and the light radiating from the tusk at her fingertips inspired a subtle, inquisitive smirk. For every question Mr. Turner posed, he was presented with even more questions. When faced with something he didn't understand, Jack tended to study it fervently until he was confident that he did understand it. This made his current situation not only puzzling, but somewhat frustrating. For the time being he decided he should try a different approach, adapt, figure things out experimentally. There would be time for the important questions later.

Jack noticed that Ali had been observing him with some interest. The young man jotted something down and handed his notepad to Jack. He smiled to Ali as he reached out to receive the note. As their eyes met for only an instant, Jack felt somehow moved by the orphan's courage. Though the boy's physical appearance was inconsistent with his apparent psychological growth, Jack found it to be endearing. Ali was thirsty for knowledge, just as Jack was. However, Jack had long forgotten the innocence and purity that Ali exhibited.

Jack smiled quietly at the grammatical error and stroked his chin as he formulated his answer. "At a masquerade party everyone wears a mask. It's like a game. Everyone is trying to figure out who's who, and if your are meeting someone for the first time you get to know things about them before you know what they look like. Some people even use fake names and make up fake stories about who they are. There's a certain thrill to hiding who your really are, it's hard to describe..." Jack picked his mask up off the table and held it out to Ali. "Here," he offered "try it out for yourself."

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Ali listened carefully to Jack’s explanation of what a masquerade party was, so it was a game of pretending to be someone your not?, and then lying about your name, what you do for a living basically being a completely different person.

He tuned back in when Jack offered his mask to him; he reached out slowly but retracted his hand back as in uncertain about touching the mask. Blinking a few times to clear his head he took the mask lightly in his hands. He turned it gently looking at the detailed intricate pattern. After he was finished examining the mask he brought the mask closer to his face fixing it on he looked around the room. The mask itself was clearly made for Jack as it was large on Ali’s small face.

It felt peculiar on his face, the frame of the mask was light but you could feel it there. He looked around slowly his vision was cut off slightly his heart flutterd of uneaseness but settled soon after.

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Rielle watched the interaction between Jack and Ali with a small smile, refilling her mug with hot tea. She continued to stroke the tusk and looked down at the mask, slightly intrigued. Quite honestly, even though she had hosted masquerades, Rielle had never worn a mask. The very idea of it confused her, and she had never been one for hiding herself...she just didn't tell the entire truth about who or what she was. It was easier for her that way.

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As Ali studied the mask Jack took a sip of his tea. Setting the empty cup down he looked back to Ali to see him donning the mask. Jack allowed himself a hearty chuckle and turned to Rielle. "My My, Rielle! Who is this man of intrigue?" Jack asked playfully "Such an aura of confidence and mystery!" Jack handed the notebook back to its owner "You must be quite an interesting fellow. Tell me all about yourself, stranger."

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View All » Add Character » 5 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Jack Turner
Character Portrait: Ali Wilson
Character Portrait: Rielle


Character Portrait: Rielle

The mysterious landlady of the House. Appears to be only 19, but she possesses a wisdom and kindness beyond her years.

Character Portrait: Ali Wilson
Ali Wilson

A very sweet soul once you break through his protective shell to get him to speak but with him being a mute for most of his life will someone help him speak?

Character Portrait: Jack Turner
Jack Turner

Normaly calm and collected but when his patience is tried his personality becomes explosively violent. Has a hint of OCD and though he fancies himself a gentleman he can come of as snarky, sarcastic and condecending.


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Re: [OOC] The House

when will this start. im really impressed with the setting and story flow cant wait for it to start. :D
Btw how many rooms are there in the house?
do you have a floor plan so we can know how to get around the house?

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